organization:military court

  • You bet it’s apartheid

    With Ahed Tamimi’s sentence to jail, the truth has come out about Israel

    They might not have intended it – this is too big for them, and perhaps even too big for their arrogance, but they are the initiators of the regime, or at least its harbingers. They studied law and went to work (“to serve”) in the military courts. They were promoted and became military judges. That’s what they call the clerk-officers who work for the moral army as judges of the occupied in the occupied territories. They work in a military unit with a biblical name: the “Judea Military Court,” and they decide people’s fate. No doubt they’re certain they’re working in a legal system, like they were taught at university. There are, after all, prosecutors and defense attorneys in it. There’s even a translator.
    Most of the work attracts no attention. In Israel, who cares what happens in the prefabs at the Ofer military base? They have sent thousands of people to an aggregate tens of thousands of years of imprisonment, and almost never exonerated anyone; at their workplace, there’s no such thing. They have also approved hundreds of detentions without hearings, even though there is no such thing in a country of law. Day after day, it’s just another day at the office.
    And then Ahed Tamimi came to them. Almost 2 million people around the world signed a petition calling for her release. And the forces of Israeli military justice just kept at it, clerks devoted to the system. Now they must be thanked. This time they exposed to the world the naked truth: They are working for an apartheid system. They are its harbingers. They are its formulators. They are its contractors, small cogs in a big machine, but reflective of reality.
    The three officers who judged the teenage girl in various military courts, Col. Netanel Benishu, president of the Military Court of Appeals (there’s no shortage of titles here), who approved the hearing in the dark behind closed doors; Lt. Col. Menahem Lieberman, president of the Judea Military Court, who approved the plea bargain by which Tamimi and her mother would serve eight months in prison for nothing, or for her heroism, and Lt. Col. Haim Balilty, who approved her remaining in custody throughout the trial. One day they’ll be appointed to the Supreme Court. A colonel, and two lieutenant colonels who told the world: There’s apartheid here.
    Only by chance were the three all religious, a kind of innocent coincidence. We don’t know who among them is a settler, but that of course means nothing either. They went to work in a military court of the occupation to protect human rights in the territories, in the name of the Lord of Hosts.After their rulings on Tamimi, there are no fair-minded people left in the world, not even in brainwashed Israel, who can seriously claim that an apartheid regime does not exist in the territories. The BDS movement should congratulate the officers who lifted all doubt from those who still had any doubts. The legal system that has one law for Jews and another for Palestinians, without apology, without whitewashing, should be appreciated for its honesty. A legal system that sentenced a soldier who shot a wounded man to only one more month than its sentence for a teenage girl who slapped a soldier – this is a system that openly admits it considers slapping the occupier equal to the murder of a person under occupation. Only one month separates the two.

  • New charges added against Tripoli militia members

    The commissioner at the Military Court, Judge Saqr Saqr added 10 new charges Tuesday against suspects involved in the clashes that rocked the northern Lebanese of Tripoli recently. The men were accused of forming armed groups that instigated terror acts and shootings within the city. A source from the Internal Security Forces told Al-Akhbar that four of the accused ten are currently in custody. Moreover, on Monday, military Judge Fadi Sawan called for death penalties against 32 people who were involved in the Tripoli events. read more

    #ISF #Top_News #Tripoli_militants

    • Moreover, on Monday, military Judge Fadi Sawan called for death penalties against 32 people who were involved in the Tripoli events.

      So far, almost 100 suspects from both rival Jabal Mohsen and Bab el Tebbane neighborhoods have been prosecuted by Saqr Saqr, on charges of organizing armed groups and and recruiting civilians to join threatening the state.

  • #Tunisia: Military court absolves most Ben Ali officials

    Tunisian military police hold back family members of those killed during the 2011 Tunisian Revolution, at a trial of former senior members of ousted president #Zine_al-Abidine_Ben_Ali's regime, at a military court in #Tunis, on April 12, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Fethi Belaid) Tunisian military police hold back family members of those killed during the 2011 Tunisian Revolution, at a trial of former senior members of ousted president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali’s regime, at a military court in Tunis, on April 12, 2014. (Photo: AFP-Fethi Belaid)

    Trials for the killings of demonstrators during the Tunisian revolution have officially ended with the Tunisian military court announcing its verdicts. The most significant of which are the life (...)

    #Mideast_&_North_Africa #al-Nahda #Articles #Moncef_Marzouki

  • Israeli security forces accused of targeting Palestinian children to gather intelligence

    Australian barrister Gerard Horton has interviewed hundreds of Palestinian children through his organisation Military Court Watch and says he has been told of torture and interrogation ordeals.

    “[In one incident] someone put food on his genitals and the dog was then made to eat the food off that part of his trousers,” Mr Horton said.

    "[One] particular interrogator specialises in threatening children with rape, and he makes very specific allegations.

    “He will name someone who apparently is waiting outside the interrogation room who will, if the child doesn’t confess, will come in and rape that child.”

    #Enfants #Palestine #Israel #honte

  • C’est déjà un scandale monstrueux : l’« émir » des brigades Abdullah Azzam, Majed al-Majed, vient de mourir alors qu’il était détenu dans un hôpital militaire.

    The “emir” of the al-Qaida-affiliated Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Majed al-Majed, died on Saturday after the deterioration of his health, reported the National News Agency.

    State Commissioner to the Military Court Judge Saqr Saqr later confirmed the death to LBCI television.

    The army later confirmed the death.

    D’un côté certains excités vont encore crier à l’injustice de traitement qui ne toucherait que les sunnites lorsqu’ils sont arrêtés par l’armée, pendant que le reste du Liban est déjà en train de se demander à qui profite la mort d’un individu aussi encombrant.

    Il se trouve justement que l’éditorial d’Ibrahim al-Amine ce matin dans le Akhbar prévenait que « laisser mourir » Majed al-Majed constitueraient un crime aussi important que les attentats qu’il avait commis : حذار قتل ماجد الماجد !

    …أو يريدونه ميتاً!

    لكن بعد تسرب الخبر، ظل الغموض يسيطر على اداء الجيش. تصريحات وتسريبات ومعلومات متضاربة، تعود كلها إلى خلاصة واحدة: من الذي يقلق من جراء هذه الخطوة؟ وقد وصل الأمر بعناصر جهاز أمني آخر غير الجيش الى التعبير عن حالة القلق بالقول: جيد انه في قبضة الجيش، فلو كان مع غيره، ولا سيما مع فرع المعلومات، وأصابه سوء، لما كان أحد في العالم سيصدق انه في وضع صحي صعب يقود الى موته!

    اليوم، يقف كثيرون في الدولة أمام استحقاق كبير. شائعات كثيرة وتسريبات غير صحيحة تنتشر حول صحة الماجد. من القول انه دخل في غيبوبة شبه كاملة منذ ما قبل توقيفه (وهذا غير صحيح)، الى القول انه واجه تردياً متسارعاً خلال الأيام التي تلت توقيفه، وانه في وضع لا يتيح الاستماع إليه أو استجوابه، وان هناك مؤشرات تقود الى احتمال دخوله في «كوما»، أو أنه يعيش ساعاته الأخيرة.

    لكن، ثمة أسئلة ولفت انتباه، من الضروري رفعها الآن، في وجه المسؤولين عامة، لكن في وجه الجيش أساساً، وفي وجه قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي، ومدير الاستخبارات العميد ادمون فاضل، وآخرين في الدولة:

    إن حياة الماجد، والوصول الى كنز أسراره، يساويان الكثير الكثير. وان أي محاولة، من قبل جهات خارجية، تأتي على شكل توصيات أو تمنيات أو إشارات للتخلص منه، ستكون الإشارة الأكثر سلبية، وستنعكس على الجيش، وعلى سمعة قيادته، وعلى الوضع الأمني في لبنان. وان مجرد الاستماع الى «السعوديين الجدد» في لبنان، سيرسم علامة استفهام كبيرة حول أمور تتجاوز المصالح الذاتية والآنية. ان ترك الماجد يموت، أو عدم القيام بما يلزم لابقائه على قيد الحياة، سيكون الجريمة الأكبر، التي تساوي جرائم الإرهاب التي قام بها الماجد ورفاقه. وثمة جمهور في لبنان، ولا سيما جمهور المقاومة الموجود اليوم على مهداف هذا التنظيم، سيكون في حال إهمال الماجد، أمام استحقاق الموت المفتوح...

    لا شيء يمنع رفع الصوت عالياً والقول: أنقِذوا حياة الماجد، واعملوا على توفير كل مستلزمات بقائه حياً... وحذار، حذار من تركه يموت، مرضاً أو قتلاً!

    • De l’usage des guillemets sur le site de la BBC :
      en titre :

      Militant chief Majid al-Majid ’dies in Lebanon’

      en intertitre :


      Il est « “décédé” » alors qu’il était « “interrogé” ». (Note 1 : oui, mes fameux double-guillemets.) (Note 2 : oui, je sais qu’en général, ce n’est pas l’auteur de l’article qui rédige les titres et les intertitres.)

    • Ah ah, ce serait dommage de passer à côté : les Israéliens de Debka ont déjà une théorie du complot toute prête.

      Sources in Beirut suspect Hizballah’s involvement in ak-Majid’s death after the Lebanese army refused to hand him over, or else that he chose to kill himself for fear the army would not withstand the pressure.

      Si tu retrouves ça dans un média 14 Mars ou, surtout, sur une télé séoudienne, tu sauras d’où ça vient.

    • Le Akhbar vient de publier la version en anglais de l’éditorial d’Ibrahim Al-Amine: Don’t Let Majed al-Majed Be Killed

      Letting Majed die, or not doing enough to keep him alive, will be the biggest crime, equal to the terrorist crimes of Majed and his comrades. A segment of people in Lebanon, especially those who are pro-Resistance and who are being targeted by al-Qaeda, will be face to face with an open killing season in the event Majed is neglected.

      Nothing should thus prevent us from raising our voice to say: Save Majed’s life, and do everything possible to keep him alive. Beware, beware of letting him die or letting him be killed!

    • Majid Al-Majid, dead in Lebanese custody

      It was certain that Al-Majid had to be killed—read the indications about that in today’s Al-Akhbar. Saudi government usually whisks such suspects out of Lebanon within hours. But in the political context of Lebanon today, it could not and many politicians spoke loudly against such a measure because Al-Majid had a lot of information about bombings in Lebanon, including the bombing of the Iranian embassy in Lebanon. It is not clear how he died and whether he was killed, but I suspect Saudi cash did the job at a high level in Beirut.