organization:north atlantic treaty organization

  • Poland Considers Asking for Access to NATO Nuclear Weapons - The New York Times

    A Polish official says that the Defense Ministry is considering asking for access to nuclear weapons through a NATO program under which the United States places them on the territory of certain allied states.

    Tomasz Szatkowski, the deputy defense minister, said that the ministry is currently discussing whether to ask to take part in NATO’s so-called nuclear sharing program to improve the country’s defenses.

    The idea comes as Poland is worried about a resurgent Russia to its east.

    Polish media say Szatkowski’s comments Saturday to the private broadcaster Polsat mark the first time a Polish official has said the country wants to become part of the program.

    The 28-member NATO has three nuclear powers, the U.S., France and Britain, but only the U.S. has provided weapons to allies for nuclear sharing. Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey have hosted nuclear weapons as part of the program.

    (intégralité de la dépêche AP)

    pour ajouter à l’optimisme ambiant…

  • How Russia is smashing the Turkish game in Syria — RT Op-Edge
    Pepe Escobar
    Edited time: 3 Dec, 2015

    So why did Washington take virtually forever to not really acknowledge ISIS/ISIL/Daesh is selling stolen Syrian oil that will eventually find its way to Turkey?
    Islamic State

    Because the priority all along was to allow the CIA – in the shadows – to run a “rat line” weaponizing a gaggle of invisible “moderate rebels”.

    As much as Daesh – at least up to now – Barzani mob in Iraqi Kurdistan was never under Washington’s watch. The oil operation the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) runs to Turkey is virtually illegal; stolen state-owned oil as far as Baghdad is concerned.

    Daesh stolen oil can’t flow through Damascus-controlled territory. Can’t flow though Shiite-dominated Iraq. Can’t go east to Iran. It’s Turkey or nothing. Turkey is the easternmost arm of NATO. The US and NATO “support” Turkey. So a case can be made that the US and NATO ultimately support Daesh.

    What’s certain is that illegal Daesh oil and illegal KRG oil fit the same pattern; energy interests by the usual suspects playing a very long game. (...)

  • Bundesregierung sieht den Syrien-Einsatz völkerrechtlich gedeckt

    La dernière prise de position du gouvernement allemand montre que le pays est en train d’achever le processus de transformation d’une nation obligée à mener une existence paisible dans une force importante et agressive d’une coalition impérialiste.

    Klar ist nun, dass die Bundesregierung 1200 Soldaten für den Syrien-Einsatz plant und mit Ausgaben in Höhe von 134 Millionen Euro für nächstes Jahr rechnet. Völkerrechtlich will man sich auf die bisherigen Syrien-Resolutionen und auf Frankreichs Berufung auf die Beistandsklausel Art.42 Abs. 7 des EU-Vertrags stützen, wie die tagesschau aus der Kabinettsvorlage berichtet. Der Einsatz finde so nach Überzeugung der Bundesregierung im Rahmen eines „Systems kollektiver Sicherheit“ statt, wie es das Grundgesetz verlangt.

    Les belligérants ont pris l’habitude de se référer à la constitution Grundgesetz (GG) chère aux citoyens (personne n’a vraiment lu et compris ce texte) qui le voient toujours comme garantie du caractère juste et social du pays. On y trouve effectivement un paragraphe qui interdit l’utilisation illégale des armées allemandes.

    Artikel 87a
    (2) Außer zur Verteidigung dürfen die Streitkräfte nur eingesetzt werden, soweit dieses Grundgesetz es ausdrücklich zuläßt.

    Dans une partie de la constitution qui ne parle des forces armées que dans un contexte de structures de l’état il est question du « droit » de l’Allemagne de se joindre à des coalitions se sécurité mutuelle et de renoncer à sa souveraineté dans ce contexte. C’est drôle parce qu’on se rappelle que c’était bel et bien une obligation imposée par les vainqueurs de la dernière grande guerre. On se rappelle aussi des tentatives manquées de se débarasser des armes nucléaires étatsuniennes stationnées sur le sol allemand. Elles sont toujours présentes, le gouvernement actuel vient même d’investir des sommes importantes pour améliorer le comfort des bombes atomiques.

    II. Der Bund und die Länder (Art. 20 - 37)
    Artikel 24
    (2) Der Bund kann sich zur Wahrung des Friedens einem System gegenseitiger kollektiver Sicherheit einordnen; er wird hierbei in die Beschränkungen seiner Hoheitsrechte einwilligen, die eine friedliche und dauerhafte Ordnung in Europa und zwischen den Völkern der Welt herbeiführen und sichern.

    Depuis toujours on a vendu au grand public une intreprétation humaniste et sensée de la Bundeswehr . Les « citoyens en uniforme » n’iraient se battre que sur demande de la « communauté des nations du monde » dans un esprit de innere Führung qui ferait que chaque soldat aurait pleine conscience du contexte et des conséquences de ses actes. Cette phraséologie vient de changer.!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP3I5EyrpHK9kqLUtDS9lNTMvFQgL7G0OCcxL6UYyC1

    Grundverständnis des Soldaten
    Nach Artikel 24 Abs. 2 GG kann sich Deutschland in ein System gegenseitiger kollektiver Sicherheit einordnen, um so eine friedliche und dauerhafte Ordnung in Europa und zwischen den Völkern der Welt herbeizuführen und zu sichern. Die Soldaten der Bundeswehr zeichnen sich durch die Bereitschaft aus, für Recht und Freiheit auf der Basis des Grundgesetzes in letzter Konsequenz mit dem eigenen Leben einzustehen. Die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme an Auslandseinsätzen ist dabei Grundvoraussetzung für die Einstellung als freiwillig zusätzlichen Wehrdienst Leistender und als Zeitsoldat.

    Les interventions militaires à l’étranger ne sont plus considérées comme exceptionnelles, alors les soldats d’aujourd’hui n’ont plus le droit de les refuser en disant qu’ils sont là pour défendre leur pays non pas pour défendre des intérêts abstraits à l’étranger.

    Auslandseinsätze der Bundeswehr finden gegenwärtig als bewaffnete Einsätze im Rahmen eines Systems gegenseitiger kollektiver Sicherheit (UNO, NATO, EU/WEU) statt - darunter auch zur Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus auf der Grundlage des Art. 51 der Satzung der Vereinten Nationen und der Feststellung des Bündnisfalles gemäß Art. 5 des Nordatlantikvertrages, oder als unbewaffnete Humanitäre Hilfeleistungen bzw. unbewaffnete Beobachtermissionen im Rahmen der UNO.

    Il est inquiétant de constater que le paragraphe 24 du Grundgesetz est systématiquement utilisée pour justifer la participation à des actes de guerre sur demande d’un membre de l’OTAN sous prétexte que le contenu du traité l’exige.

    Auf der Grundlage des Urteils des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 12. Juli 1994 sind Einsätze bewaffneter deutscher Streitkräfte verfassungsrechtlich zulässig, wenn sie gemäß Art. 24 Abs. 2 GG im Rahmen und nach den Regeln eines Systems gegenseitiger kollektiver Sicherheit stattfinden und außerdem die Bundesregierung in jedem konkreten Fall die - grundsätzlich vorherige - Zustimmung des Deutschen Bundestages eingeholt hat. Dies ist bei den aktuellen Auslandseinsätzen der Bundeswehr geschehen.

    Sous prétexte d’aide à un pays de l’OTAN nous assistons à un soutien de la politique meurtriére du gouvernement turc qui risque d’avoir des conséquences graves pour la population de l’Allemagne et, dans le pire des cas, d’entraîner le pays dans une guerre sans limites qui se passera sur notre sol.

    Depuis la participation de l’Allemagne dans des guerres illégales avec l’accord du parti vert Die Grünen il ne reste plus que le parti de gauche modéré Die Linke pour refuser la guerre. On apprend en même temps par le presse bourgeoise que le politicien le plus populaire du pay serait le Docteur Schäuble dont la politique est une forme de guerre économique contre les peuples d’Europe et du monde.

    A peine neuf pour cent des voix s’élèvent au parlement contre les guerres prévues. Je crains qu’avec un gouvernement prêt à tout pour "accepter sa responsabilité internationale"vous n’avez pas grand chose de positif à attendre de Berlin. Bonne journée quand même.

    #Allemagne #Europe #guerre

  • Déterré par Angry Arab, ce magnifique article du NY Times d’août 2011 : et si la belle réussite de l’opération libyenne était un modèle pour d’autres opérations ?

    U.S. Tactics in Libya May Be Model for Use of Force

    for United States interests. But the arrival of victorious rebels on the shores of Tripoli last week gave President Obama’s senior advisers a chance to claim a key victory for an Obama doctrine for the Middle East that had been roundly criticized in recent months as leading from behind.

    Administration officials say that even though the NATO intervention in Libya, emphasizing airstrikes to protect civilians, cannot be applied uniformly in other hotspots like Syria, the conflict may, in some important ways, become a model for how the United States wields force in other countries where its interests are threatened.

  • The real reason for Turkey’s shoot-down of the Russian jet | Middle East Eye

    The data supports Putin’s assertion that the shoot-down was prepared in advance due to Russian bombing of Turkey-linked rebels in Syria

    The United States and its NATO allies offered a ritual of NATO unity after Turkish officials presented their case that the shoot-down of a Russian jet occurred after two planes had penetrated Turkish airspace.

    The Turkish representive reportedly played a recording of a series warning the Turkish F16 pilots had issued to the Russian jets without a Russian response, and US and other NATO member states endorsed Turkey’s right to defend its airspace.

  • Guns-to-Caviar Index : Crisis of Disaster Capitalism

    tracks the sales of fighter jets (guns) and executive jets (caviar). For seventeen years, it consistently found that when fighter jets were selling briskly, sales of luxury executive jets went down and vice versa; when executive jets sales were on the rise, fighter jet sales dipped. Of course, a handful of war profiteers always managed to get rich from selling guns, but they were economically insignificant. it was a truism of the contemporary market that you couldn’t have booming growth in the midst of violence and instability.

    But that truism is no longer true. Since 2003, the year of the Iraq invasion, the index found that spending has been going up on both fighter jets and executive jets rapidly and simultaneously, which means that the world is becoming less peaceful while accumulating significantly more profit.

    Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

    #guns-to-Caviar #strategie_du_choc #Shock_doctrine

  • Pro-Russian Parties Seek To Derail Montenegro’s NATO Bid

    Pro-Russian parties in Montenegro are stoking unrest in Montenegro in an apparent bid to sabotage Podgorica’s hopes of receiving an invitation from NATO next week to join the alliance.

    For weeks, pro-Russian protesters led by the right-wing New Serbian Democracy (NOVA) party, have taken to the streets of Podgorica to demand the resignation of Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic and either snap elections or an interim government.

    Djukanovic, who refuses to step down, has accused Russia and Serbia of instigating the turmoil in the run-up to the meeting of NATO’s foreign ministers in Brussels on December 1-2.

    He has suggested the goal is to make Montenegro look unstable, discouraging NATO from taking it in. The alliance itself has not committed to issuing an invitation but has offered Podgorica strong encouragement in its quest to become a member while linking progress to reforms.

  • Why did it take Turkey just 17 seconds to shoot down Russian jet?

    In 2012, the Syrians shot down a Turkish jet which had entered its airspace, and Erdogan’s furious response at the time was that “a short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack”.

    (At the time, Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen called it “another example of the Syrian authorities’ disregard for international norms”. There hasn’t been a similar critique of Ankara.)

    #pour_mémoire #amnésie

    • In Syria itself, the Russians are likely to put greater emphasis on attacking those groups under Ankara’s patronage. A strike on a Turkish aid convoy may be the first manifestation of this.

      Meanwhile, the Turks will presumably arm and encourage those groups most able to give the Russians a bloody nose.

      In this way, what wasn’t really a proxy war before is likely to become one.

  • Russian warplane shot down at Syria-Turkey border — RT News

    25 November 2015
    09:17 GMT
    Putin says Turkey’s leaders are intentionally supporting Turkey’s Islamization.

    The problem is not in the tragedy we faced yesterday, the problem is much deeper. We observe - and not only we, the whole world sees it – that the current Turkish authorities are conducting domestic policy to support the Islamization of the country,” he said.
    08:51 GMT
    Erdogan says the Turkish Air Force didn’t know the plane was Russian when it attacked.
    01:41 GMT
    Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has also urged all parties to “show restraint” after Turkey shot down a Russian bomber.

    We are concerned about the incident where a Russian aircraft was shot down in the Syrian-Turkish border area, and we ask relevant parties to exercise restraint,” she said in a statement.

    01:36 GMT
    President Barack Obama and his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan have held a telephone conversation in which the US leader expressed “US and NATO support for Turkey’s right to defend its sovereignty,” the White House said in a statement.

    The leaders agreed on the importance of de-escalating the situation and pursuing arrangements to ensure that such incidents do not happen again,” the brief statement said.

    01:02 GMT
    The United States believes that the Russian jet shot down by Turkey on Tuesday was hit inside Syrian airspace after a brief incursion into Turkish airspace, a US official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity. The official said that assessment was based on detection of the heat signature of the jet.

    Erdoğan : #ha_ha_ha
    (ça fait une semaine que je vois passer des appels à taper sur les Russes par les panturcs qui parlent du génocide du Mont Turkmène (juste dans ce coin, quoi))

    La ministre australienne ne se mouille pas : Syrian-Turkish border area ce qui décrit assez précisément la localisation…

    Et l’officieux états-unien pas trop non plus : brief incursion.

    Question : quelles sont vraiment les règles d’engagement de l’aviation turque ? Je doute qu’en 17 secondes, le pilote ait pu obtenir une quelconque autorisation d’ouverture du feu. Dans ce cas, l’affaire ressemble de très très près à une embuscade. Étant donnée la configuration des lieux (la pointe s’avançant vers le sud, en plein milieu de la zone des combats), il suffisait d’attendre. Ç’aurait été mieux si l’avion s’était écrasé du mauvais côté de la frontière, mais là, il aurait carrément fallu le descendre au-dessus de la Syrie…

    Et côté embuscade, ne pas négliger l’armée, elle-même repère de panturcs, qui n’a pas forcément besoin de la caution d’Erdoğan pour faire sa tambouille…

  • Kuwait arrest raises specter of Ukraine black market as source of arms for ISIS

    The arrest in Kuwait of a Lebanese man with ties to the Islamic State has raised the specter that Ukraine’s notorious illicit arms market may be a source of weapons for the the militant group.

    One senior Ukrainian official with access to intelligence agency reports told Mashable on Friday that it is “plausible” the man, arrested by Kuwaiti authorities on Thursday, had obtained FN-6 surface-to-air missile systems he admitted to getting from a broker in Ukraine. Calling news of the arrest “interesting,” the official stopped short of giving a definitive answer to a question about whether Kiev had direct information about the arms sale in question.

    Pour les purs et durs, ça ne peut venir, évidemment, que des zones tenues par les séparatistes…

    FN-6 shoulder-fired missile systems, manufactured by China, have never been sold to Ukraine, nor has the government given permission for their transit through its territory, the Ukrainian defense ministry said in a statement on Friday. And there have been no documented reports of the the FN-6 shoulder-fired missile systems appearing in Ukraine since the war began in April 2014.

    But that doesn’t mean the weapons couldn’t have been transported into the country another way, the senior official admitted, adding that Kiev has monitored the illicit trafficking of weapons to and from separatist-controlled territories since the start of the war, and that it "really struggles" to stem the “heavy” flow.
    But on both sides of the battle lines, weapons have a way of disappearing in Ukraine, where corruption remains rampant, an Ukrainian security official told Mashable in June.

    Weapons can disappear all the time,” possibly falling into the hands of extremist groups, said the official. “We have seen the black arms market flourish since the start of the war in Donbass,” the official said, using the colloquial term for eastern Ukraine.

    (photo illustrant un article de mars 2013, lorsque la FSA avait abattu un hélicoptère d’origine russe avec ce type de missile)

    • échantillon de démentis,…

      Claim of Ukrainian weapons sale to ISIS prompts denials, alarm


      Ukraine has not manufactured or carried out purchases of the FN-6 anti-aircraft missile systems mentioned in the statement, and also has not provided the transport for their shipment,” a statement on [Ukraine’s Defense Ministry’s] website said.

      « impossibilités » diverses

      Andriy Lysenko, a Ukrainian military spokesperson, said there would be “nothing surprising” about such Chinese-made systems winding up in the occupied territory of Donetsk, noting that separatists could easily transport weapons across the uncontrolled border with Russia.

      But it would be “practically impossible” to move such weapons across territories under control of the government, he said.

      Apart from the war-torn east, however, the city of Odesa also has a reputation for a smuggling hub.

      Nikolai Holmov, a writer and consultant based in Odesa, said corruption could have made it possible to have weapons smuggled out of the ports in Odesa, “but that does not mean it’s necessarily probable.

      et l’incontournable, c’est les Russes !

      Volodymyr Fesenko of the Penta political research center warned that the news about the weapons sold to ISIS could play into Russia’s hands.

      The likelihood that this news is nothing more than another Russian information attack on Ukraine is rather high. They already did this several times in 2002-2003, when the news that Ukraine sold ‘Kolchuga’ radar systems to Iraq appeared in the media. That was when (Leonid) Kuchma decided he needed closer ties with NATO,” Fesenko said.

      There is a chance that someone in Ukraine could have sold weapons to ISIS, he said, but Russia will exaggerate the news.

      Russia is fighting against terrorism together with the West. And now it can show the West, “Look at this little nasty Ukraine! You protect them, and you confront us because of them! And they sell weapons to ISIS!” said Fesenko.

  • Turkey could cut off Islamic State’s supply lines. So why doesn’t it? | David Graeber

    Not only has Erdoğan done almost everything he can to cripple the forces actually fighting Isis; there is considerable evidence that his government has been at least tacitly aiding Isis itself.

    It might seem outrageous to suggest that a Nato member like Turkey would in any way support an organisation that murders western civilians in cold blood. That would be like a Nato member supporting al-Qaida. But in fact there is reason to believe that Erdoğan’s government does support the Syrian branch of al-Qaida (Jabhat al-Nusra) too, along with any number of other rebel groups that share its conservative Islamist ideology. The Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University has compiled a long list of evidence of Turkish support for Isis in Syria.

    • Le gros problème de l’article, en dehors de l’excellente question du titre, c’est d’envisager qu’au sol les forces kurdes (YPG) pourraient reconquérir de larges parties du territoire syrien hors des zones de peuplement kurde.
      Et ce quand bien même on additionnerait ces forces à celles pour l’instant maigres de la « syrian arab coalition » au sein des « syrian democratic forces » :

    • traduction pour les non anglophones

      La Turquie pourrait couper l’approvisionnement de l’Etat Islamique. Donc pourquoi ne le fait-elle pas ?
      Dans le sillage des attentats meurtriers à Paris, nous pouvons nous attendre à ce que les chefs d’État occidentaux fassent ce qu’ils font toujours fait dans de telles circonstances : déclarer une guerre totale et implacable à ceux qui l’ont amenée. Ils ne le croient pas vraiment. Ils ont eu main les moyens de déraciner et détruire l’Etat islamique depuis plus d’un an maintenant. Ils ont tout simplement refusé d’en faire usage. En fait, comme le monde a observé les dirigeants faire des déclarations d’intentions implacables lors du sommet du G20 à Antalaya, ces mêmes dirigeants fraient avec avec le président de la Turquie, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, un homme dont le soutien tacite politique, économique, et même militaire a contribué à la capacité d’Isis de perpétrer les atrocités à Paris, sans parler d’un flot ininterrompu d’atrocités à l’intérieur du Moyen-Orient.

      Comment Isis pourrait être éliminé ? Dans la région, tout le monde sait. Tout ce que ça prendrait vraiment serait de libérer les forces largement kurdes des guérillas du YPG (Unités de Protection Populaire) en Syrie, et du PKK (le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan) en Irak et en Turquie. Celles-ci sont, actuellement, les principales forces combattant efficacement Isis sur le terrain. Ils se sont révélés extraordinairement efficaces militairement et s’opposent à tous les aspects de l’idéologie réactionnaire de Isis.

      Mais au lieu de ça, le territoire contrôlé par l’YPG en Syrie se trouve placé sous un embargo total par la Turquie, et les forces du PKK sont sous bombardement continuel par l’armée de l’air turque. Non seulement Erdoğan a fait presque tout ce qu’il peut pour paralyser les forces qui combattent Isis ; il ya des preuves considérables que son gouvernement a au moins tacitement aidé Isis elle-même.

      Il peut sembler scandaleux de suggérer qu’un membre de l’OTAN comme la Turquie soutient de quelque façon que ce soit une organisation qui assassine des civils occidentaux de sang-froid. Ce serait comme si un membre de l’OTAN soutenait al-Qaida. Mais en fait, il ya des raisons de croire que le gouvernement d’Erdogan supporte la branche syrienne d’Al-Qaida (Jabhat al-Nusra) aussi, avec un certain nombre d’autres groupes rebelles qui partagent son idéologie islamiste conservatrice. L’Institut pour l’étude des droits de l’homme à l’Université de Columbia a compilé une longue liste d’éléments de preuve de l’appui de la Turquie pour Isis en Syrie.

      Et puis il ya des positions réelles, affirmées d’Erdogan. En Août, le YPG, leurs victoires fraîchement acquises à Kobani et Guiré Spi, étaient sur le point de saisir Jarablus, la dernière ville détenue par Isis à la frontière turque, que l’organisation terroriste avait utilisé pour ravitailler sa capitale Raqqa avec des armes, des matériaux , et des recrues - les lignes de ravitaillement d’Isis passent directement à travers la Turquie.

      Les commentateurs ont prédit que avec la perte de Jarablus, Raqqa suivrait bientôt. Erdogan a réagi en déclarant que Jarablus était une "ligne rouge" : si les Kurdes l’attaquent, ses forces interviendront militairement - contre l’YPG. Jarablus reste donc aux mains des terroristes à ce jour, de facto, sous protection militaire turque.

      Comment a Erdoğan s’en tire-t-il ? Principalement en prétendant ceux qui luttent Isis sont des "terroristes » eux-mêmes. Il est vrai que le PKK a mené une guérilla parfois laide avec la Turquie dans les années 1990, qui ont abouti à ce qu’il soit placé sur la liste du terrorisme international. Sur les 10 dernières années, cependant, il a complètement changé la stratégie, renonçant au séparatisme et adoptant une politique stricte de ne jamais porter tort aux civils. Le PKK a permis de sauver des milliers de civils Yazidi menacées de génocide par Isis en 2014, et son organisation sœur, la YPG, a également permis protection des communautés chrétiennes en Syrie. Leur stratégie est axée sur la poursuite des pourparlers de paix avec le gouvernement, tout en encourageant l’autonomie locale démocratique dans les zones kurdes sous l’égide de l’HDP, à l’origine un parti politique nationaliste, qui a su se réinventer comme la voix d’une gauche démocratique pan-turque.

      Ils se sont révélés extraordinairement efficaces militairement et avec l’importance qu’ils donnent à la démocratie participative et aux droits des femmes, s’opposent à tous les aspects de l’idéologie réactionnaire d’Isis. En Juin, le succès HDP dans les urnes a empêché Erdoğan d’obtenir sa majorité parlementaire. La réponse d’Erdoğan fut ingénieux. Il a appelé à de nouvelles élections, a déclaré qu’il "allait à la guerre" contre Isis, mené pour la forme une attaque symbolique contre eux avant de balancer à pleine force son armée contre les forces du PKK en Turquie et en Irak, tout en dénonçant le HDP comme "soutiens aux terroriste" pour leur lien avec le PKK.

      Il s’est ensuivi une série d’attentats terroristes de plus en plus sanglants à l’intérieur de la Turquie - dans les villes de Diyarbakir, Suruc, et, enfin, Ankara - attaques attribuées à Isis, mais qui, pour une raison mystérieuse, ne semblaient cibler que les activistes civils sympathisants de l’HDP. Les victimes ont signalé à plusieurs reprises que la police empêchait les ambulances d’évacuer les blessés, ou a même ouvert le feu sur les survivants avec des gaz lacrymogènes.

      En conséquence, le HDP a même renoncé à tenir des rassemblements politiques dans les semaines menant à de nouvelles élections en Novembre par peur d’assassinats en masse, et suffisamment d’électeurs HDP ne sont pas allés voter, de sorte que le parti d’Erdogan a obtenu une majorité au parlement.

      La relation exacte entre le gouvernement d’Erdogan et Isis peut être sujette à débat ; mais sur certaines choses nous pouvons être relativement sûrs. Si la Turquie avait placé les territoires contrôlés par Isis sous le même genre de blocus absolu que celui dont font l’objet les régions de la Syrie aux mains des Kurdes, sans parler de montré le même genre de "négligence bénigne" envers le PKK et l’YPG que celle envers à Isis, ce sanglant "califat" serait depuis longtemps effondré - et les attentats de Paris ne seraient sans doute jamais arrivés. Et si la Turquie devait faire cela-même aujourd’hui, l’effondrement d’Isis serait probablement une affaire de mois. Pourtant, y a-t-il un seul dirigeant occidental qui ait appelé Erdoğan à faire cela ?

      La prochaine fois que vous entendez un de ces politiciens qui déclarent la nécessité de réprimer les libertés civiles ou des droits des immigrants en raison de la nécessité d’une "guerre" totale contre le terrorisme, ayez tout cela à l’esprit. Leur détermination est exactement aussi "absolue" qu’elle est politiquement commode. La Turquie, après tout, est un "allié stratégique". Ainsi, après leur déclaration, ils vont sûrement aller partager un thé amical avec le même homme qui permet à Isis de continuer d’exister.

  • Russian TV stations broadcast secret nuclear torpedo plans | World news | The Guardian

    The Kremlin has admitted that Russian television accidentally showed secret plans for a nuclear torpedo system on air.

    Two Kremlin-controlled channels, NTV and Channel One, showed a military official looking at a confidential document containing drawings and details of a weapons system called Status-6, designed by Rubin, a nuclear submarine construction company based in St Petersburg.


    • Bug or #controlled_leak ?

      Pour ceux qui auraient du mal à lire, RT a déchiffré les petits caractères…

      ‘Assured unacceptable damage’ : Russian TV accidentally leaks secret ‘nuclear torpedo’ design — RT News

      The presentation slide titled “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6” showed some drawings of a new nuclear submarine weapons system. It is apparently designed to bypass NATO radars and any existing missile defense systems, while also causing heavy damage to “important economic facilities” along the enemy’s coastal regions.

      The footnote to the slide stated that Status-6 is intended to cause “assured unacceptable damage” to an adversary force. Its detonation “in the area of the enemy coast” would result in “extensive zones of radioactive contamination” that would ensure that the region would not be used for “military, economic, business or other activity” for a “long time.

      According to the blurred information provided in the slide, the system represents a massive torpedo, designated as “self-propelled underwater vehicle,” with a range of up to 10 thousand kilometers and capable of operating at a depth of up to 1,000 meters.

      It remains unclear if such a system is indeed being developed or the slide was presented as just one of the options the Russian military could hypothetically offer. However, according to the leaked paper, the weapons system could be developed by the Rubin design bureau for marine engineering, and may potentially be delivered using nuclear-powered “Project 09852” and “Project 09851” submarines.

  • En marge de l’exercice de l’OTAN Trident Juncture qui mobilise 36000 soldats en Italie, Espagne et Portugal, cette déclaration.

    NATO exercises send clear message to potential foes : Stoltenberg - Yahoo Maktoob News

    [Jens Stoltenberg] told reporters that NATO foreign ministers would discuss security on its southern borders at a December meeting, adding that the alliance planned to deploy surveillance drones to Sicily from next year to boost its situational awareness.

    I would like to underline that NATO has done a lot to meet security challenges to the south,” he said, stressing the creation of the VJTF and the alliance’s improved overall readiness.

  • Syria: US Boots on Ground risks Conflict with Turkey, not Russia

    The conflict these US actions generate is with Turkey, a NATO ally of the US which lies just north of Syria. Turkey is deeply afraid of the Syrian Kurds’ YPG militia, which Ankara sees as a branch of the radical PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) guerrilla group with which the Turkish government has been fighting since the 1970s, considering it a separatist terrorist group.

    The Syrian Kurds’ YPG has been so effective against ISIL that US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter is clearly in love with them and wants to support them with a couple of special ops platoons and better air support.

    But on Friday, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that Turkey had bombed the Kurdish YPG fighters twice. He said that they had tried to move west of Kobane in a quest to unite the three Kurdish enclaves of northern Syria along the Turkish border, which, Davutoglu said, would not be allowed.

    It is possible that the public announcement that US troops would embed with the YPG was in part intended to warn Turkey against further bombing of latter.


    The US troops will be substantially east of Kobane, but in any case the only external power involved in Syria that might inadvertently bomb US troops is Turkey, not Russia.

  • Hillary #Clinton : pour la #Libye nous avons bel et bien couillonné le monde,

    (Via « Moon of Alabama »)

    At the eleven-hour United States House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing yesterday, Sec. Hillary Clinton said something in passing that has received no attention by the committee members or the media. When asked by Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) about a video clip that read, “We came, we saw, he died [meaning former Libyan President Muammar al-Gaddafi]. Is that the Clinton doctrine?” Clinton replied, “No, that was an expression of relief that the military mission undertaken by NATO and our other partners had achieved its end.”

    What is now totally forgotten is that regime change WAS NOT the intended military mission of the Libya intervention in March 2011. As President Barack Obama stated ( in a speech to the nation on March 28, 2011, “The task that I assigned our forces [is] to protect the Libyan people from immediate danger, and to establish a no-fly zone,” adding explicitly, “Broadening our military mission to include regime change would be a mistake.”

    If the Select Committee on Benghazi had been interested in conducting an actual oversight hearing of the Obama administration’s policy toward Libya, a committee member could have pressed Clinton to explain why U.S. objectives shifted so markedly from protecting civilians to killing Qaddafi. Or, if regime change was the intended policy objective from the very beginning, why didn’t President Obama say so to the American public? Unfortunately, such a line of questioning was not pursued yesterday, nor will it be in other committee hearings. A journalist should ask Clinton about this discrepancy, since she would be making similar speeches to the nation about America’s war aims.

    Mais l’important est que les #MSM s’en fichent,

    #Etats-Unis. Hillary Clinton sort triomphante de son audition sur Benghazi

  • In 1983 ‘war scare,’ Soviet leadership feared nuclear surprise attack by U.S. - The Washington Post

    A nuclear weapons command exercise by NATO in November 1983 prompted fear in the leadership of the Soviet Union that the maneuvers were a cover for a nuclear surprise attack by the United States, triggering a series of unparalleled Soviet military re­sponses, according to a top-secret U.S. intelligence review that has just been declassified.

    “In 1983, we may have inadvertently placed our relations with the Soviet Union on a hair trigger,” the review concluded.

    #ex-urss #urss #sovietisme #états-unis #guerre_nucléaire #apocalypse

  • Russia’s Syria strategy poses challenge to Nato in Mediterranean

    The most serious challenge Russia has laid down for Nato has influenced the exercise. Moscow’s strategy hinges on carving out protective “bubbles”, says one senior Nato official.

    “We look at this as [part of] their whole doctrine. In Kaliningrad, in occupied Crimea — which they are turning into a fortress — and now in Syria, we see similar concentrations of forces designed to stop Nato’s freedom of action and navigation.”

    Russia’s Mediterranean fleet, for example, bristles with its most powerful anti-aircraft missiles — s300 systems — which have been fitted to all but its smallest ships. For Nato it creates what military tacticians refer to as an anti-access area-denial problem — a no fly-zone — but one directed against the west.

    For the first time, Nato is thus having to practice without assuming it will have total control of the skies.

    “It’s something entirely new,” says Gen Mercier. “We have now a situation where we are exercising in a scenario where Nato does not necessarily have the balance of military power.”

    #Russie #OTAN #méditerranée

  • As Russia Bombs ISIS, US Bombs Syrian Civilian Power Stations

    As Russian forces drop bombs and missiles on top of ISIS fighters all across Syria, lobbing cruise missiles from the Caspian, regular sortie missions, and combat helicopter attacks against ISIS and other “relatively moderate” cannibals and terrorists, the United States launched a bombing mission of its own against two power plants in Aleppo.

    The power plants were located in al-Rudwaniya east of Aleppo and resulted in power outages affecting the Syrian people, adding to the American tradition of bombing civilian infrastructure instead of ISIS and other terrorist targets in Syria. The power outages only further contribute to the misery surrounding the people of Aleppo who have been bombarded by barbarians funded by the United States and NATO, intent of raping and beheading their way through the city and declaring their caliphate of pre-civilization on civilized people

  • Despite History of Abuse, Afghan Officials See Militias as Key to Taliban Fight — News from

    #Milices criminelles d’#Afghanistan (alias braves) financées par des #criminels des #Etats-Unis (alias nobles) pour combattre les criminels Talibans.

    European NATO nations are expressing concern about the planned expansion too, saying they don’t want to “invest in anything that even remotely resembles the ALP.” It’s unclear, then, who will be paying for this expansion, though the US is probably the most obvious choice, as they’ve endorsed the program repeatedly and seemed least concerned about the reports of abuses.

  • Le bloc BAO et Daesh : un coup j’te vois, un coup j’te vois pas

    Le bloc BAO et Daesh : un coup j’te vois, un coup j’te vois pas

    ... Il est vrai que, durant cette année au cours de laquelle le bloc BAO, flamboyants USA en tête, ont mené leur grande campagne contre Daesh, les résultats, – d’une maigreur de grande famine, – ont été extraordinaires d’insignifiance. On nous expliqua parfois que les groupes terroristes étaient très difficiles à identifier, sinon même à localiser, et tout le monde regretta grandement cette incroyable habileté de l’État Islamique à se balader dans le désert comme si c’était les Champs Elysées à l’heure de pointe ou le Sahara à l’heure des vents du simoun levant des tempêtes de sable aveuglant même les puissants radars et satellites.

    Là-dessus, tout change. Le décompte que font l’OTAN, les USA & consorts des objectifs attaqués par les Russes (...)

    • » Since September 2014, the US and some 60 other allied nations, including NATO members, as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have been bombing Syria and Iraq with the stated purpose of wiping out the IS terror network. So far, more than 9,000 air strikes have been carried out by the US-led coalition, but until Russia opened up its air campaign more than a week ago, the IS and other jihadis had been steadily growing in strength and territory – despite all that US-led air power supposedly raining down on them.

      » By contrast, Russia’s air strikes in Syria appear to have achieved more in one week than Washington’s coalition has in more than one year...

  • The Doctors Without Borders bombing is a symptom of foreign occupation | Medea Benjamin | Comment is free | The Guardian

    But more is needed. The US government must be pressured to provide for the long-term healthcare needs of the wounded survivors and must compensate the families of the deceased. A new hospital must be built to replace the facility that was the only free trauma care hospital in northern Afghanistan, treating 22,000 and performing more than 5,900 surgical procedures in 2014.

    The bombing should also be a moment to reflect on the 14 years of US intervention. This intervention has cost the lives of 2,350 US servicemen, plus the lives of thousands of Afghans and servicemen from our Nato partners. It has cost US taxpayers over a trillion dollars, money that could have made an enormous difference funding vital domestic needs.

    And what do we have to show for it? Despite 14 years of US involvement at an estimated cost of $33,000 for every man, women and child in Afghanistan (or $14m per hour since 9/11, according to one study), Afghanistan remains mired in poverty, corruption and political strife. Despite the massive amount of effort spent on women’s empowerment, #Afghanistan remains a deeply misogynist culture where only 17% of women can read and write. Despite the massive effort to train and equip the Afghan army, Afghan soldiers have not been able rout the Taliban.

    #msf #aide_américaine

  • Media Are Blamed as US Bombing of Afghan Hospital Is Covered Up — FAIR

    The New York Times completely rewrote and changed the title of its report on the bombing seven times. Early on October 3, the Times published an article headlined “Airstrike Hits Hospital in Afghanistan, Killing at Least 9.” Minutes later, it changed the headline to “Airstrike Hits Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan.” Two hours after, it became “Afghan Hospital Hit by Airstrike, Pentagon Says.” Then “US Investigates After Bombs Hit Afghan Hospital,” before finalizing as “US Is Blamed After Bombs Hit Afghan Hospital.”

    The over 20 versions of the article published in the Times‘ website can be seen at the website NewsDiffs, which monitors edits to pieces published in large new outlets. Because the Times changed the web URL for the article when changing the headlines, there are three separate entries on NewsDiffs.

    Not one of the five New York Times headlines indicated that the US was responsible for the bombing. The final title, “US Is Blamed After Bombs Hit Afghan Hospital,” which was published in print, fails to acknowledge that it was the US who dropped those bombs, which explains why it is blamed.

    The New York Times‘ other story (10/4/15), “Doctors Without Borders Says It Is Leaving Kunduz After Strike on Hospital,” was also substantially edited and rewritten numerous times. It’s likewise full of weasel words and quotes from the US government.
    The Washington Post (10/4/15) also changed headlines and URLs for its reporting, making it difficult to track. It did choose a title acknowledging the US role in the attack, but attributed it to MSF, writing, “Doctors Without Borders Says US Airstrike Hit Hospital in Afghanistan; at Least 19 Dead.”

    #MSM #manipulation #malhonnêteté #Etats-Unis

  • Beri Atwan: What did you expect Russia to do after Turkey crossed “redlines”

    A good section to ponder from Abdel Beri Atwan in his London-based Ra’y al-Yawm on September 26:

    “…There are reports that the flow of modern Russian weapons, soldiers, and equipment into Syria so heavily came as a result of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s crossing of the red lines when he supported the entry of “Jaysh al-Fatah” into Idlib and Jisr ash Shughur, and their advance towards Latakia, thus posing a threat to the Russian forces and interests. Erdogan’s retreat, as noted three days ago when he abandoned his call for the departure of President Al-Asad, came as an expression of his willingness to correct that mistake. We can go farther to say that Russia – through an understanding reached with the US – has worked out all the details of the new scenario for military intervention in Syria. President #Erdogan has realized that moving against this current is fraught with dangers that threaten him personally, his party, and Turkey itself. Therefore, he decided to completely or partly abandon both the Syrian opposition and his Arab allies (Saudi Arabia and Qatar), just as he had earlier abandoned Libyan leader Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi and joined the NATO’s intervention in Libya….”

    #Turquie #Russie #Syrie

  • Foreign Policy - Situation Report - Suwalki Gap

    Remember the #Fulda_Gap! Fulda was a legendary spot in West Germany where during the Cold War, U.S. forces stood ready to stop the Soviets as they pounded their way into Europe. And now amid tensions with Russia it looks like the gap is back, at least in spirit, though it has moved a little bit to the east according to Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of the 30,000 U.S. soldiers in Europe. Hodges told FP’s Paul McLeary about the “#Suwalki_Gap,” a narrow strip of Polish territory that sits in the seam between the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad to the northwest and Moscow-friendly nation of Belarus to the southeast, which has become the latest potential flashpoint between an increasingly aggressive Moscow and NATO.

    Kaliningrad has long bristled with thousands of Russian troops and advanced weapons, while Belarus recently agreed to house a large Russian air base, making the Suwalki area a small vulnerable land bridge increasingly squeezed by Russian hardware. Hodges acknowledges, “that’s an important piece of geography right there.

    Ah, la #trouée_de_Fulda et les hordes blindées du Pacte de Varsovie, la bataille aéromobile, toussa, toussa…
    Et donc maintenant, le déferlement se fera par la #trouée_de_Suwałki