organization:north atlantic treaty organization

  • Imants LIEĢIS , Ambassadeur de Lettonie en France, Interview par Ileri

    [Lettonie - Francija : Informations, actualités, échanges, coopération, amitiés France- Latvija]

    Interview d’ Imants LIEĢIS , Ambassadeur de Lettonie en France, par ILERI
    « Paroles de Diplomates »

    Imants LIEĢIS, Ambassadeur de Lettonie en France, raconte son engagement dans la diplomatie. Traduction par Lettonie-Francija de l’interview réalisé en anglais début novembre 2017 à l’Ileri, école formant des spécialiste en relations internationales. Les conférences sont ouvertes aux étudiants de l’école et au grand public.

    Imants LIEĢIS, Ambassadeur de Lettonie en France :

    La diplomatie consiste aussi à maintenir la paix dans le monde pour empêcher les conflits d’éclater et s’engager dans le travail pour essayer de les arréter.

    Monsieur l’ Ambassadeur, d’où vient votre intérêt pour la diplomatie ?
    Mes parents étaient des réfugiés au Royaume-Uni pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, donc je suis un Letton né au Royaume-Uni et j’étais un membre actif de la communauté des lettons en exil.

    Quand la Lettonie a retrouvé son indépendance en 1991 cela a suscité mon intérêt en offrant mes services au nouveau ministère des Affaires étrangères de Lettonie.

    Quel projet a marqué votre carrière ?

    J’ai été nommé ambassadeur auprès de l’OTAN et des pays du Benelux en 1997, ensuite en 2000, le ministère des Affaires étrangères a décidé que je devais continuer mes fonctions en me concentrant uniquement sur l’OTAN parce que c’était la période entre 2000 et 2004, avant que la Lettonie soit invitée à se joindre.

    J’étais donc très privilégié d’être ambassadeur letton à l’OTAN en attendant que la Lettonie rejoigne (l’organisation internationale - ndlr ) et soit invitée à rallier l’alliance militaire la plus importante du monde.

    Comment la diplomatie lettonne a-t-elle évolué ?

    Ma carrière a essentiellement commencé peu de temps après le rétablissement d’un ministère des Affaires étrangères letton indépendant.
    Ce fut un processus incroyable, au cours de ces vingt-six, vingt-sept dernières années de développement du ministère des Affaires étrangères :
    – Définir quelles étaient les priorités pour revenir en Europe
    – Rejoindre l’Union européenne et l’OTAN
    – Et d’autres institutions

    Donc d’un assez petit ministère en Janvier 92, bien sûr, nous avons grandi avec des ambassades dans environ 45 pays et 46 organisations internationales.

    Avez-vous des conseils pour les étudiants intéressés par la diplomatie ?

    Je pense qu’il est important de reconnaître le rôle que chaque pays peut jouer dans le monde. Chaque pays peut être fier de quelque chose et c’est important. C’est important de garder cela à l’esprit !

    « Soyez-vous même, parce qu’en tant que diplomate, c’est important de ne pas perdre sa propre personnalité, et je pense que si vous voulez avancer, il n’y a aucune raison d’abandonner ses propres principes en restant soi-même, c’est mon conseil. »

    #Lettonie, #Ambassade, #Imants_Liegis, #otan, #nato, #diplomatie, #Union_européenne

  • Echoes of Cold War as NATO mulls new North Atlantic command

    NATO needs to establish a new regional base for protecting the North Atlantic against increased Russian naval strength, a senior alliance general said on Monday, as allies consider the next step in a military build-up reminiscent of the Cold War.

    General Petr Pavel, head of NATO’s military committee, will help put the case to allied defense ministers this week for a new planning and strategy base to be located in a chosen NATO ally and focused on keeping Atlantic shipping lanes safe from enemy submarines.

    It would be the first such expansion in two decades after NATO sharply cut back its commands in 2011.

    If we look at the growing capabilities of countries like Russia and China, with a global reach, it is quite obvious that maritime lines of communication have to be protected,” Pavel, a Czech army general, told Reuters in an interview.
    Strong in symbolism, the decision is unlikely to revive a much larger Cold War-era Atlantic Command that was disbanded in 2002, but it would broaden NATO’s new deterrent against Russia.

  • Tueries du Brabant : les procureurs généraux ont fait part de l’état précis de l’enquête à Koen Geens

    Le ministre de la Justice, Koen Geens (CD&V), a rencontré dimanche soir en urgence le collège complet des procureurs généraux dans le cadre du dossier des tueries du Brabant suite aux récents articles parus dans la presse. « Les procureurs généraux de Liège et de Mons ont fait part de l’état précis de l’enquête », annonce sa porte-parole via communiqué de presse. 

    Koen Geens « prépare un avant-projet de loi relatif aux repentis, qui sera introduit d’ici le début de l’année prochaine au Parlement », précise également le communiqué, rappelant que le délai de prescription pour de tels fait est passé de 30 à 40 ans.
    Il insiste par ailleurs « sur le secret de l’instruction qui doit être respecté. »

    Informations sur l’identité du « géant »
    Cette réunion intervient après les révélations sur l’identité présumée du « géant » de la bande des tueurs. L’individu, décédé en 2015, serait un ancien gendarme. Il s’agit d’une piste importante, selon les enquêteurs.

    En parallèle, le bourgmestre d’Alost a déclaré vouloir que le parquet de Termonde récupère le dossier de ces tueries. Pour l’instant, il est au main du parquet de Charleroi mais l’élu N-VA estime qu’il y a eu des ratés.

    Plus tôt ce dimanche, le groupe Ecolo-Groen à la Chambre avait réclamé la convocation d’une réunion spéciale de la commission de la justice afin de faire le point sur l’enquête sur les tueries du Brabant avec le ministre de la Justice, Koen Geens, et l’ensemble des responsables judiciaires concernés.

    « Nous sommes probablement face une découverte majeure dans ce dossier, 32 ans après les dernières attaques commises par les tueurs du Brabant », a affirmé le député fédéral Gilles Vanden Burre (Ecolo).

    #police #gendarmes #gladio #terrorisme #stay_behind #otan #nato #Belgique #tueries

  • Kommersant: Russia lists Norway’s Svalbard policy as potential risk of war | The Independent Barents Observer

    It is the newspaper Kommersant that refers to the report after speaking to several sources in the Russian Defense Ministry. The report summarizes Russia’s 2016 national security assessment in the field of maritime activities.

    The military part of the report describes existing foreign policy problems, like U.S. and their allies attempt to limit Russia’s geopolitical influence. Listing reasons for potential military conflicts with NATO, the report singles out a separate threat from Norway, because of the country’s plans for unilateral revision of international agreements.

    The report stresses that Norwegian authorities are seeking to establish «absolute national jurisdiction over the Spitsbergen [Svalbard] archipelago and the adjacent 200 nautical miles maritime boundary around,» Kommersant writes.

    #russie #norvège #svalbard #conflits

  • Iran, Turkey, and Russia Aren’t Natural Friends. It’s Up to the U.S. to Keep It That Way. | Foreign Policy

    One of the more curious and troubling developments in the course of the Syrian civil war has been Turkey’s rapprochement with Russia and cooperation with Iran.

    For centuries, Turkey and Russia were enemies, regardless of who ruled each country. To begin with, Russia considered itself (and still considers itself) the custodian of the true Eastern Orthodox Church after the fall of Byzantium to the Turks. The Ottomans regularly fought the czars, especially over Russian attempts to gain access to the Mediterranean Sea. Turkey remained neutral in World War II, which benefitted Nazi Germany as much if not more than Soviet Russia. And Turkey joined NATO, giving the alliance its longest border with the Soviet Union. There was never much love between the two countries.

    Turkish relations with Iran were nearly as antagonistic for some 150 years, but subsequently transformed into mutual caution and suspicion. After all, Shia Persia never came under the control of the Sunni Ottomans. That the three countries have begun to work closely together to contain the Syrian civil war is more a function of their perceived perception of American weakness than of any upsurge in mutual love.
    It is certainly possible that this three-way partnership will be short-lived. The national interests of the three are not congruent. Much will depend on the United States, however. Should Washington remain active in Syria, or increase its efforts there, Turkey will be far less likely to abandon the West for other partners. If, however, the United States washes its hands of Syria, the Turkish-Russian-Iranian connection may be the start of a beautiful friendship.

    Mouais, pas sûr si l’intervention de « Washington » consiste à soutenir les Kurdes…

  • Baltic Prudence or Paranoia, Redux: What Does Zapad-2017 Mean for the Baltic States? - Foreign Policy Research Institute

    Russia’s Zapad-2017 exercise will take place from September 14 to 20 and may become the largest Russian military exercise since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Baltic states have been expressing concern and suggesting that the exercise poses a potential threat to their national security and exacerbates the strategic imbalance already present in the region. Some are taking these Baltic warnings seriously as understandably prudent. Others depict the Balts as unjustifiably paranoid. These warnings hearken back to 2010 when France first agreed to sell a number of Mistral ships to Russia despite the early concerns and protestations of a number of NATO countries, among them the Baltic states. Were the Baltic states displaying prudence or paranoia in their attitudes toward the sale? Time proved their stance to be prudent rather than paranoiac. The Baltic states are now again expressing grave concerns relating to Russia and Zapad-2017. This time, NATO is listening.

    #pays_baltes #sécurité #russie

  • The Catch 22 of Hacktivism - Issue 51: Limits

    In the run-up to NATO’s 2011 intervention in Libya, a Dutch radio hacker named Huub (@fmcnl) tweeted to the United States military that one of their F-16 fighter jets was mistakenly broadcasting its identity in the clear due to a misconfigured Mode S transponder. When a second fighter plane made the same mistake later that day, Huub joked that Moammar Gadhafi’s radar installations must be down for the U.S. Air Force to be so cavalier with its security protocols: “Hmmm, second fighter showing his ID, a USAF F-15E from 494FS Lakenheath UK, I presume Gadhafis radar equipment has destroyed :o).” Huub was not working alone; he was part of a network of amateurs who were tracking and narrating the chess match in which NATO planes and Libyan units jockeyed for position before the commencement of (...)

  • ’Stolen’ Russian missile explodes after being sold for scrap - BBC News

    A “stolen” 10m-long (35ft) Soviet-era anti-aircraft missile has exploded at a recycling centre in eastern Russia, killing two and injuring one.

    Russian media were alerted to the explosion of the large-scale missile in the city of Chita after a YouTube user uploaded a car dashcam video showing the moment of the blast.
    The missile was an S-200 Angara, known as the SA-5 “Gammon” in Nato countries. They have been in service since the 1960s, but are nowadays superseded by the S-300 and S-400 surface-to-air models.

    It is unknown how the missile came to be at a recycling plant. Local news website says that the seven tonne missile “had been stolen” from a military base by persons unknown and taken to the facility in exchange for cash. It had likely exploded while recycling workers were trying to dismantle it.

    News website The Insider says that emergency response workers later found another intact rocket from the S-200 missile system.

  • NATO’s New Libya Still Burning | New Eastern Outlook

    Now, those same policy think tanks that promoted the Libyan intervention, lament over the catastrophe that has continued to unfold ever since.

    Foreign Affairs, published by one of the most prominent of these policy think tanks, the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFR), has published a series of articles by various authors, illustrating a sort of “buyers remorse” regarding the now devastated North African state. Part historical revision, part spin and part shifting of blame, articles like, “Europe’s Libya Problem: How to Stem the Flow of Migrants,” go into great detail about the problems now facing Libya and its neighbors.

  • Lithuanian Military Gathers Data on Russian-Chinese Naval Drills for NATO - Sputnik International

    arrivée du DDG-174 Hefei, type 052D à Baltiisk
    © Sputnik/ Igor Zarembo

    Lithuania has been closely following Russian-Chinese naval exercises Naval Interaction — 2017 in the Baltic Sea and has been informing NATO on its progress, Lithuanian Deputy Defense Minister Vytautas Umbrasas said Tuesday.

    The Russian-Chinese joint naval drills were first held in 2012. Joint drills Naval Interaction — 2017 are the first naval maneuvers in the Baltic sea in the history of cooperation between the two fleets. The active phase of the exercises is scheduled for July 25-27, during which the fleets of the two countries will practice joint anti-sabotage, air and anti-ship defense.

  • Indian Punchline - Reflections on foreign affairs
    By M K Bhadrakuma – July 23, 2017

    No sooner than the annual Malabar 2017 exercise (July 14-17) ended in Bay of Bengal, another naval exercise has begun with equally profound geopolitical implications for India – Joint Sea 2017, Russia’s week-long joint drills with China (July 21-26) in the Baltic Sea. Each highlights in its own way the realignments under way in the Asia-Pacific and Eurasia. India is a participant in one, more than a curious observer in the other.
    The four-day Malabar-2017 (US, India and Japan) had a distinct anti-China flavor. India downplayed that aspect, while Japan hyped it up and the US embellished the optic. The Japanese ambassador to India Kenji Hiramatsu penned a rare opinion piece, euphorically hailing Malabar-17 as the harbinger of an Asian security alliance.
    On the other hand, Joint Sea 2017 is being watched closely by Western powers and reportedly “raised alarm in Washington” (Telegraph). Interestingly, it comes in two parts. The Baltic exercise will be followed by a second Russia-China naval exercise in September in the Sea of Japan and the Sea of Okhotsk. Indeed, the Baltics is to Russia’s defence line vis-à-vis NATO what the Sea of Japan is to China’s vis-a-vis the US-Japanese alliance.

  • In Flashy New Film, NATO Celebrates Nazi Collaborators Who Murdered Jews in the Holocaust

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization has come under fire for portraying Baltic Nazi collaborators as anti-communist heroes in a flashy new film.

    “Forest Brothers: Fight for the Baltics,” a short film NATO published on YouTube and its social media accounts on July 11, depicts anti-Soviet partisans as freedom fighters. The documentary features dramatic battle scene recreations accompanied by Hollywood blockbuster music, in which a Nazi-linked group known as the Forest Brothers ambushes and kills Soviet officers.

  • Libya: From Intervention to #Proxy_War

    More than six years after Libya’s 2011 revolution against Muammar al-Qaddafi, the situation in the country is significantly more complex and dangerous. The failure of the 2011 NATO intervention to assist the country with a comprehensive stabilization process led to rapid deterioration on the ground and created an opportunity for external actors to pursue competing self-interests in the country. While in most cases the factional rivalries in Libya have real roots, they have been exacerbated by the interests of both regional and international actors, and the resulting proxy conflict in Libya has significantly weakened the UN-led negotiation process.
    #Libye #guerre #conflit #Guerre_par_procuration

  • La « drôle de paix » entre la #Russie et l’#OTAN

    Avec comme sous-titre apparemment illustratif :

    La #Turquie, membre de l’Alliance atlantique, devrait acheter des missiles S-400 à la Russie.

    En fait :

    la décision d’un pays qui possède la deuxième armée de l’Alliance va causer des difficultés additionnelles : la Turquie aurait finalement décidé d’acquérir, pour renforcer sa capacité de défense antiaérienne, des missiles S-400 de fabrication russe, selon l’agence Bloomberg jeudi. Ces matériels, qu’Ankara devrait acquérir pour l’équivalent de 2,19 milliards d’euros, sont toutefois incompatibles avec les équipements de l’OTAN.

    Décryptage :

    Turkey Chooses Russian Air Defense Over NATO Alternatives – News From

    It’s generally assumed that NATO member nations are going to import their weapons from NATO arms dealers, which pretty much always means the United States, with a few small deals for Britain and France. Turkey however, is going a different way on air defense, signing a deal to buy a $2.5 billion S-400 system from Russia.


  • Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal

    But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few of the truly explosive confirmations contained in the new emails: admissions of rebel war crimes, special ops trainers inside Libya from nearly the start of protests, Al Qaeda embedded in the U.S. backed opposition, Western nations jockeying for access to Libyan oil, the nefarious origins of the absurd Viagra mass rape claim, and concern over Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves threatening European currency.

    Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to protect civilians, an April 2011 email [archived here] sent to Hillary with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold” tells of less noble ambitions.

    The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.”

    Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency. In place of the noble sounding “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this “confidential” explanation of what was really driving the war [emphasis mine]:

    This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

    (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)

    Though this internal email aims to summarize the motivating factors driving France’s (and by implication NATO’s) intervention in Libya, it is interesting to note that saving civilian lives is conspicuously absent from the briefing.

    Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency.

    French intelligence “discovered” a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and this had to be subverted through military aggression.

    #Guerre #Politique_France


    Though the French-proposed U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 claimed the no-fly zone implemented over Libya was to protect civilians, an April 2011 email [archived here] sent to Hillary with the subject line “France’s client and Qaddafi’s gold” tells of less noble ambitions.

    The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.”

    Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency. In place of the noble sounding “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P) doctrine fed to the public, there is this “confidential” explanation of what was really driving the war [emphasis mine]:

    This gold was accumulated prior to the current rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan golden Dinar. This plan was designed to provide the Francophone African Countries with an alternative to the French franc (CFA).

    (Source Comment: According to knowledgeable individuals this quantity of gold and silver is valued at more than $7 billion. French intelligence officers discovered this plan shortly after the current rebellion began, and this was one of the factors that influenced President Nicolas Sarkozy’s decision to commit France to the attack on Libya.)

    Though this internal email aims to summarize the motivating factors driving France’s (and by implication NATO’s) intervention in Libya, it is interesting to note that saving civilian lives is conspicuously absent from the briefing.

    Instead, the great fear reported is that Libya might lead North Africa into a high degree of economic independence with a new pan-African currency.

    French intelligence “discovered” a Libyan initiative to freely compete with European currency through a local alternative, and this had to be subverted through military aggression.

    Il me semble avoir vu/mis il y a très longtemps sur Seenthis quelque chose qui parlait déjà de cela. Encore un grand chapitre de la (non)intervention de la diplomatie militaire française...


  • America Rules the Waves. But for How Long ? - Bloomberg

    China builds fake islands in the South China Sea. Russia fires missiles into Syria from the Mediterranean and Caspian Seas. North Korea launches ballistic missiles into the Sea of Japan. The U.S. orders three — three! — aircraft carrier strike groups to the Western Pacific in response. Houthi rebels shoot rockets at U.S. ships off Yemen. Pacific nations go on a submarine-buying binge. India and China start constructing their first homemade aircraft carriers. Pirates return to the waters off East Africa.

    You’d be forgiven for thinking that control of high seas is becoming more vital than any time since World War II. Which makes it the perfect moment for an authoritative new book on the role of sea power in shaping human civilization across the globe and across the ages.

    Into the breach steps James Stavridis, a retired four-star admiral and former supreme allied commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. His new book, “Sea Power: The History and Geopolitics of the World’s Oceans,” is a breezy yet comprehensive overview of the topic, as well as a sort of sailor’s log and meditation on the power of the Great Blue. I decided a talk with Stavridis, now dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, could help put the rising tensions on the world’s waterways into perspective. Here is an edited transcript of our interview.

    Intéressant entretien avec un survol (forcément rapide…) de #géopolitique (mânes de Mahan !)

    La réponse à la dernière question :

    Donald Trump’s decision to pull the U.S. out of the Paris agreement is a huge blow. Voluntary, international cooperation on emissions control is the way forward, and now that is in question. There are a lot of international organizations that work on fisheries, scientific monitoring, deal with pollution and the like, but they are mostly under the United Nations umbrella. And strengthening them under Trump will be tougher.

    In the U.S., we need better interagency cooperation: all cabinet-level and other organizations — Treasury, Justice Department, Coast Guard — working together to think through our regulatory regimes, share data, and reach a common understanding of how to go after lawbreakers. Oceans are the biggest crime scene in the world.

    But above all, we need better public-private cooperation. You cannot solve this globally without working with the companies that move 95 percent of the world’s good across the ocean highway. It would be like developing a cyber-defense strategy without talking to Microsoft or Google. People call the Amazon the “lungs of the earth,” but it’s really the oceans. And if we cannot count on sustainable oceans, our future is bleak.

  • “An interview with Wolfgang #Ischinger - Germany’s best-connected former diplomat on its future in the world” #Germany #Allemagne #France #Europe

    So although it is long, I am publishing the transcript of our conversation. Among Mr Ischinger’s most striking points were his arguments that:

    – Germany is increasingly open to military action
    – Brexit makes EU defence integration easier
    – Germany’s deployments in Afghanistan, Mali and Lithuania mark a real turning point
    – NATO’s 2%-of-GDP target for defence spending is not sufficient on its own
    – The 2% should be replaced with a 3% target encompassing defence, foreign policy and aid
    – Mr Trump’s statements make it harder for European leaders to contribute more to NATO
    – Germany should not contemplate its own nuclear weapon
    – Mr Macron’s election is an “enormous and unique” opportunity to relaunch the Franco-German partnership as a model for the whole EU
    – The Kohl-Mitterrand era of co-operation can be (partly) revived, starting with joint military procurement
    – Mr Macron understands Germany “perfectly”
    – Germany and France should consider a 2018 rewrite of the Elysée Treaty codifying the alliance between the two countries
    – Germany should consider backing EU majority voting on foreign and security affairs
    – Germany and France might eventually share nuclear weapons and an army, but only in the very long term
    – Notions of Germany as the new leader of the liberal world are “totally unhelpful”
    – Russia’s current belligerence towards the West may not last
    – Germany and the West must keep the door open to Mr Putin
    – Europe and Canada cannot reform their relationship with Russia without America
    – Mrs Merkel’s patience and Russian language skills give her unique advantages in talks with Mr Putin
    – Germany must “engage, engage, engage” with Mr Trump
    – Mr Trump has “good and experienced pros” in his team but “believes in unpredictability as a negotiating strategy”


    Just prior to the 2016 announcement of the Nobel Prize I wrote to eminent author and filmmaker, John Pilger, about the NATO and Gulf State propaganda construct, the White Helmets, demonstrated to be nothing more than Nusra Front civil defence in Syria. In yesterday’s interview with RT’s Going Underground, John Pilger outed the White Helmets as nothing more than a “complete propaganda construct in Syria”.

  • Allemagne : 12,5 millions de personnes sous le seuil de pauvreté, un record.

    Par Jean-michel Gradt – La pauvreté a progressé de 15 % en 2013 pour toucher 12,5 millions de personnes, un record, indique l’étude publiée par la fédération d’aide sociale Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband.

    #Allemagne #pauvreté #inégalités

    Je ne vois pas la date de publication (dans l’URL on voit 14 avril 2017), mais je mets sur seenthis pour archivage

    • Allemagne : pauvres en pays riche

      L’Allemagne est présentée comme un modèle à suivre et la campagne électorale d’Angela Merkel s’appuie surtout sur une réussite chiffrée. Mais, pour beaucoup d’Allemands, la réalité est tout autre. Un Allemand sur cinq est en situation de précarité. à Berlin, un enfant sur trois est considéré comme « pauvre ». Et 20% des actifs sont condamnés à des emplois mal payés.
      #documentaire #film #working_poor #travailleur_pauvre #retraite #retraités #mère_célibataire #sous-traitance #travail #exclusion #mort_sociale (c’est le mot utilisé par une mère de 3 enfants qui se retrouve à l’aide sociale) #exclusion #aide_sociale #flexibilisation_du_marché_du_travail #précarisation #précarité #exclusion #fracture_sociale #survie

    • Welcome to Poor Germany

      How the Merkel government is risking Germany’s future by underinvestment and other ill-applied policy approaches.

      “Poor Germany?“ Really? Is that not a crass overstatement? Isn’t Germany the powerhouse of Europe, boosting a huge export surplus, historical low unemployment and shrinking government debt? Yes, it is.

      But this view is superficial and overlooks what is happening behind the shiny facade of a booming economy. The country is wasting its future by consuming too much and not investing in the future. To blame are the various governments led by Angela Merkel.

      In their sum total, the individual causes of this under- and malinvestment, as detailed below, explain much of the sense of profound frustration that voters feel with Germany’s major political parties. They explain a widening sense of national malaise that extends far beyond the oft-cited issue of migration.
      The fetish of the “black zero”

      It all starts with the politics of the so-called “black zero” in government finances, which is nothing else than the commitment to a permanent budget surplus for the government at the national level.

      Achieving this goal was quite easy over the last years. Thanks to ECB policy and the unresolved crisis of the Eurozone, interest rates on German government bonds fell below zero. Due to this effect alone, the German finance minister has saved 300 billion euros in interest expenses since 2009.

      In addition, the economic boom fueled by the low interest environment and the relatively weak euro reduced costs for unemployment support and led to record high tax revenues in Germany.

      Still, the “black zero” is an illusion created by politicians, notably former finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble, to boost their own image. A closer look reveals that the “black zero” comes at a high cost and, if one applies proper accounting, is even not true.
      Crumbling infrastructure

      Fixated on the goal of the budget surplus, the German government continued its practice of taking a very high share of the incomes of the average German citizen (Germany has the highest fiscal burden of all OECD countries behind Belgium). It also cut expenditures in certain areas, notably infrastructure spending.

      As a result, the public infrastructure of Germany is deteriorating. About 50% of Germany’s highway bridges were built between 1965 and 1975. They are in urgent need of replacement. In addition, 17.5% of all motorways need to be urgently reconstructed, as well as 34% of country roads.

      This casts a dark shadow over the long-held idea that Germany has world-class infrastructure. To be sure, the deteriorating quality of German infrastructure is hindering private investment and undermines the country’s future economic growth potential.

      To make up for the underinvestment of the past years, an immediate investment of more than 120 billion Euro is required. Long term, Germany would need to invest at least on the level of the OECD average of 3.2% of GDP, implying additional spending of 33 billion per year, or 1,000 billion over a period of 30 years.

      This one dimension of severe underinvestment alone demonstrates that the “black zero” is pure political fantasy. Instead of addressing these issues, the current government has announced it will reduce investments in the coming years even further.
      Lacking digitalization

      But it is not just country roads and highways that are falling apart. German schools suffer from chronic underinvestment in buildings, never mind the stunning lack of digitalization and tens of thousands of missing teachers. This is in spite of this shortfall having long been visible, given the impending retirement wave of public-school teachers.

      Only 2% of all German households have fast internet via fiber, compared to the 22.3% average in the OECD. In Spain, not as rich as Germany, more than 50% of households have access to fast internet. This not only hinders economic development, but gives German companies a clear-cut incentive for investing outside of Germany.

      The German military, the Bundeswehr, is suffering from outdated and non-functioning equipment. Many of its fighter jets, tanks and ships are not ready for combat. The soldiers do not even have adequate clothing for winter time.

      One would think that this would be a matter of embarrassment for the country’s politicians, but they remain rather nonchalant about it. Perhaps they see it as a politically convenient way to avoid being asked to support the West’s joint international missions.

      Fixing this shortfall will require another 130 billion euros just to get the German military working again. In the long run, the country will need to fulfil the NATO target of spending 2% of GDP on defence. This would imply a budget increase of roughly 26 billion euros per year, or 750 billion over a 30-year period.

      But despite paying lip service to these needs, the junior partner in the government, the SPD, remains opposed to making the required funds available.

      At the same time, the governments of Angela Merkel increased the spending on social welfare to a new record of nearly 1,000 billion euros per year. This is remarkable given that Germany currently experiences record low unemployment and a booming economy.
      Pushing savings abroad

      The obsession of German politicians with the “black zero” not only has significant negative implications for the economic outlook due to lacking investments, but also in light of global trade tensions. The export surplus notably is not only the result of a weak euro and hyper-competitive German industries, as is argued so often (falsely), but significantly also the result of insufficient spending and investment within Germany.

      The corporate sector, private households and the government itself are all net savers, pushing savings abroad and contributing to the significant trade surplus of more than 8% of GDP. A significant trade surplus and excess savings go hand in hand.

      Contrary to folklore, this surplus is not even in Germany’s own interest. For one, Germany’s track record of investing its savings abroad is downright bad. During the financial crisis, German banks, insurance companies and pension funds lost in the range of 400 to 600 billion euros. Today, a significant part of our savings ends up as non-interest bearing receivables of the Bundesbank as part of the ECB system (the so-called Target 2 balance).

      Overall, it is not a good idea, to be a creditor in a world awash with more and more debt. But Germany continues to disregard this fundamental insight, to its own detriment.

      The German government is also blind to the fact that the trade surplus leads to increasing frustration in other countries, not just in the case of U.S. President Donald Trump, but also in France and Italy. The risk of protectionist measures especially targeted against the automotive industry, which German government politicians are otherwise overly keen on protecting, is high.
      There is an alternative

      It would be much smarter if the German government would use the excess savings of the private sector to fund the urgently needed investments in the country. This would:

      • Offer the private sector a safe and attractive opportunity to save within Germany

      • Improve German infrastructure in all dimensions

      • Reduce the country’s trade surplus and therefore reduce the risk of protectionist measures

      • Reduce the exposure of German savers to doubtful creditors abroad.

      Obviously, it would be in everybody’s interest if Germany were to change its policies.

      via @wizo

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