organization:palestine liberation organization

  • Israeli Ex-minister Proposes Walling 200,000 Arabs Out of Jerusalem

    ’This is not a ‘separation’ plan, it’s an annexation plan. It would effectively separate people from their families, property, hospitals, schools, jobs and holy places,’ says PLO Secretary General Saeb Erekat.
    #annexion #séparation #murs #barrières_frontalières #Israël #Palestine

    cc @reka @clemencel
    via @ElisabethVallet

  • PA leaders meet with Israel, threaten to end security coordination
    March 3, 2016 12:21 P.M. (Updated: March 3, 2016 12:27 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A delegation from the Palestinian Authority (PA) officially warned Israeli authorities several days ago that the Palestinian government would end its security coordination with Israel if the state did not “commit to past agreements,” a member of the PLO executive committee told Ma’an.

    Wassel Abu Youssef said the head of PA Intelligence Majed Faraj, as well as the Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh and head of PA preventive security Ziyad Hab al-Reeh, met with an Israeli security delegation to deliver the warning.

    The PA delegation informed their Israeli counterparts that the PLO Central Council came to an official decision to work towards ending security coordination with Israel if the “current situation” were to continue, Abu Youssef said.

    Abu Youssef stressed that Palestinian leadership does not fear the consequences of ending security coordination, as Israel is already “carrying out an open war against Palestinians.”

    He added that the decision to end security coordination has the support of other Arab countries.

    Abu Youssef said PA leaderships expects to be contacted by Israeli authorities trying to challenge the Palestinian government and to pressure the PA to reconsider its stance.

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made the same announcement during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Oct. 30.

    While many understood the president’s speech to be groundbreaking, no clear changes have been made in regards to security cooperation between the PA and Israel in occupied Palestinian territory.


  • 3 Palestinians shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills Israeli officer
    Feb. 3, 2016 2:55 P.M. (Updated: Feb. 4, 2016 10:50 A.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Three Palestinians were shot dead Wednesday after they killed an Israeli police officer and wounded another in an armed attack near Damascus Gate in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, Israeli police said.

    Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld told Ma’an that “three attackers were shot dead at the scene” by Israeli Border Police after carrying out an attack with knives and an automatic weapon.

    The three Palestinian youths had attracted the attention of Israeli Border Police officers as they approached Damascus Gate, police spokesperson Luba al-Samri said.

    She said they were stopped by the officers, and as one showed their identification card, another pulled out a gun and opened fire. Two female Border Police officers were wounded and evacuated for medical treatment.

    One of them, 19-year-old Hadar Cohen, was shot in her head and later pronounced dead at Hadassah Hospital.

    A spokesperson for the hospital said that the other police officer, 18 years old, was in moderate condition, having received stab wounds across her body.

    Explosive devices were later found near the site, which was cordoned off following the attack, Rosenfeld said, adding that Israeli forces carried out a controlled explosion of the devices.

    Rosenfeld said following initial investigations that the three Palestinians were armed with three automatic weapons.

    Photo of weapon used at the scene. Photo provided by Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld

    Witnesses told Ma’an that Israeli forces fired stun grenades and pepper spray near the Salah al-Deen Street and Al-Sultan Suliman streets near Damascus Gate to prevent Palestinians from approaching the area.

    Witnesses added the forces also stopped a group of people and inspected them in a “humiliating” way.

    The three Palestinians killed were identified as Ahmad Rajeh Ismail Zakarneh, Muhammad Ahmad Hilmi Kamil, and Najeh Ibrahim Abu al-Rub from the village of Qabatiya near the occupied West Bank city of Jenin.


    • Chaos erupts in hometown of 3 Palestinian attackers as Israeli forces raid village
      Feb. 4, 2016 10:37 A.M. (Updated: Feb. 4, 2016 12:18 P.M.)

      JENIN (Ma’an) — Israeli forces stormed the northern occupied West Bank district of Jenin’s Qabatiya village, the home of three Palestinian youth who were shot dead Wednesday after killing one 19-year-old Israeli police officer and seriously injuring another, a PLO spokesman told Ma’an.

      Ali Zakarneh said during the raid, Israeli forces shot and injured four youth with live bullets, one of whom is in critical condition after being shot in the head.

      The spokesperson added that Israeli forces also ran over a 15-year-old boy, identified as Mujahed Zakarneh, with a military jeep. The 15-year-old is also in critical condition.

      The five youth were all evacuated to a nearby hospital for treatment, Zakarneh said.

      Israeli forces also raided the family homes of the three youth who committed the attack and notified the families that their homes would be demolished, requesting they evacuate their belongings in preparation for the demolitions.

    • Palestinian youths slain in deadly attack on Israeli police
      Maureen Clare Murphy | 4 February 2016

      Nine youths from Qabatiya village have been killed since the beginning of October.

      One of them was a good friend of the three killed on Wednesday, a relative of one of the youths told The New York Times.

      Ahmad Awad Abu al-Rab, 17, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers at Jalameh checkpoint near Jenin during what Israel says was an attempted stabbing attack on 2 November last year. Another boy the same age, Mahmoud Kamil, was wounded and arrested during the incident.

      The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights called the shooting of the boys a crime of excessive force.

      The teens apparently never made contact with the soldiers before they were shot with live fire.

      The Quds news outlet published a photo of Muhammad Kamil participating in a demonstration calling on Israel to return the body Ahmad Awad Abu al-Rab:

  • Locals : Palestinian teen shot dead in clashes in Silwan
    Nov. 29, 2015 10:04 P.M. (Updated : Nov. 29, 2015 10:25 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces on Sunday evening shot dead a Palestinian teenage boy during clashes in the neighborhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem, a local monitoring group said.

    Majdi al-Abbasi, who works with the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, said that 17-year-old Ayman Samih al-Abbasi was shot dead in the Ras al-Amoud area of Silwan.

    The boy had previously spent 18 months in Israeli jails and a further 10 months under house arrest, Abbasi said.

    Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld said that he was aware of an “incident” in the area.

    He said that Israeli police were carrying out patrols in Silwan when Palestinians threw “ten petrol bombs” at them.

    He was unable to confirm that any Palestinians had been subsequently wounded, but said police officers were still in the area.

    A resident of Ras al-Amoud said the area was calm and he was not aware of clashes having broken out there.

    Earlier on Sunday, an Israeli court ordered the demolition of two apartments in Silwan neighborhood, which has seen an influx of Israeli settlers in recent years in a bid to “Judaise” the population of East Jerusalem.

    In August, the PLO slammed what it termed Israel’s “systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians” in Silwan.

    Un Palestinien tué par la police israélienne dans des heurts à Jérusalem
    AFP / 29 novembre 2015 21h20

    Jérusalem - Un Palestinien de 17 ans a été tué dimanche soir par la police israélienne lors de heurts à Jérusalem-Est, partie de la ville occupée et annexée par Israël, a annoncé le ministère palestinien de la Santé.

    Ayman Abbassi, 17 ans, mort dans le quartier de Rass al-Amoud, sur le mont des Oliviers, est le 101e Palestinien tué dans la dernière vague de violences entre Israéliens et Palestiniens qui a débuté le 1er octobre.

    Depuis cette date, les heurts opposant forces israéliennes et jeunes lanceurs de pierres palestiniens en Cisjordanie occupée et dans la bande de Gaza et des attaques, majoritairement à l’arme blanche menées par des Palestiniens isolés, ont également fait 17 morts côté israélien, ainsi qu’un Américain et un Erythréen.

    La police israélienne a affirmé dans un communiqué avoir tiré sur un Palestinien qui brandissait un cocktail Molotov à Rass al-Amoud sans toutefois préciser s’il avait été touché.

    Plusieurs Palestiniens avaient été tués par les forces israéliennes lors de heurts dans la Ville sainte au début de la vague de violences mais Ayman Abbassi est le premier à être tué au cours d’affrontements à Jérusalem depuis plusieurs semaines.

    A l’annonce de sa mort, des heurts ont éclaté dans le quartier de Silwan, également dans la partie orientale de Jérusalem, ont rapporté des témoins.


  • Kerry exprime une « condamnation totale » des attentats palestiniens
    ats / 24.11.2015 10h55
    Le secrétaire d’Etat américain John Kerry a exprimé mardi une « condamnation totale » des attentats palestiniens devant le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à Jérusalem. Il doit rencontrer le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas dans l’après-midi à Ramallah.

    « Personne ne devrait avoir à vivre au quotidien avec la violence, les attentats dans la rue, commis à l’aide de couteaux, de ciseaux ou de voitures. (...) Ces actes de terrorisme méritent les condamnations dont ils font l’objet et j’exprime ici une condamnation totale de tout acte de terrorisme qui coûte la vie à des innocents », a déclaré M. Kerry devant la presse.

    Il a dit arriver dans une période « très troublée ». Jérusalem, Israël et les Territoires palestiniens sont en proie à des violences qui ont fait plus de 110 morts depuis le 1er octobre, y compris un Américain. Elles ont réveillé le spectre d’une nouvelle intifada.

    « Je suis ici aujourd’hui pour discuter avec le Premier ministre des moyens de travailler ensemble, tous ensemble dans la communauté internationale, pour repousser le terrorisme, pour repousser une violence insensée et trouver les moyens de restaurer le calme », a-t-il ajouté.

    Le chef de la diplomatie américaine devait rencontrer dans l’après-midi le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas à Ramallah, en Cisjordanie occupée.

    Son arrivée dans la matinée à Jérusalem a coïncidé avec une nouvelle attaque à la voiture-bélier en Cisjordanie. Elle a été menée par un Palestinien qui a blessé trois Israéliens avant d’être « neutralisé ».

    • Abbas meets with Kerry in Ramallah during Mideast visit
      Nov. 24, 2015 10:00 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 24, 2015 10:29 P.M.)

      RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — President Mahmoud Abbas met with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Ramallah on Tuesday hours after the American official met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a visit to the region.

      Presidential spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeineh said the meeting lasted for over two hours, with the Palestinian leadership reiterating key demands made during recent meetings in Amman and New York.

      Abbas also stressed the release of a fourth group of Palestinian prisoners detained before the Oslo Accords, with both Kerry and Abbas agreeing to ongoing communication.

      Kerry said following the meeting that the US was “committed to two states with two people, living side by side in peace and security.”

      “I know that the situation for Palestinians in the West Bank, in Jerusalem, in Gaza is, at this moment, very dire, that there are extraordinary concerns, obviously, about the violence,” he added.

      PLO Secretary-General Saeb Erekat and head of Palestinian Intelligence chief Majed Faraj both attended the talks.

  • Étiquetage des produits des colonies : Israël fustige l’UE | Moyen-Orient

    Israël a averti mardi l’UE que sa décision d’étiqueter les produits des colonies dans les Territoires occupés depuis 1967, imminente selon les responsables israéliens, aurait des « implications politiques ».

    « Demain (mercredi) probablement les directives seront publiées. Franchement, c’est très décevant, c’est inacceptable et cela ne sera pas pris à la légère en Israël. Cela aura des implications », a déclaré à des journalistes le chef de la mission israélienne auprès de l’Union européenne à Bruxelles, David Walzer.

    « Il s’agit d’une affaire politique, d’une mesure politique, et elle aura donc des implications politiques », a insisté M. Walzer, sans vouloir entrer dans les détails.

    La Commission européenne est censée délivrer depuis plusieurs mois des directives aux 28 États membres de l’UE prévoyant l’étiquetage des produits en provenance des implantations israéliennes de Cisjordanie, de Jérusalem-Est et du plateau du Golan, toutes illégales au regard du droit international.

    La Commission, qui considère qu’il s’agit d’une mesure « technique » visant à informer les consommateurs européens et non d’une décision de politique étrangère, se refuse à en dévoiler la date.

    Selon des responsables et les médias israéliens, l’annonce aura lieu mercredi à Bruxelles.

    Les produits visés représentent « 2% à 3% » des exportations israéliennes vers l’UE, a précisé l’ambassadeur israélien, évaluant leur valeur à 200 millions de dollars chaque année.

    Mais plus que son impact commercial, le gouvernement de droite de Benyamin Nétanyahou craint que la mesure européenne n’« encourage » le mouvement international BDS (Boycott, Désinvestissement, Sanctions) à l’encontre d’Israël, qui monte en puissance.


    • L’UE veut étiqueter les produits fabriqués dans les colonies israéliennes
      Par Cyrille Louis Publié le 11/11/2015

      (...) De l’avis général, l’application des nouvelles lignes directrices ne devraient pourtant avoir qu’un impact modeste sur l’économie israélienne. On estime à 200 millions de dollars par an le volume des exportations en provenance des Territoires occupés vers l’Europe - soit environ 2% des exports totaux. « Cette politique ne fera qu’égratigner notre économie, mais elle risque de mettre au chômage les nombreux Palestiniens employés par des sociétés israéliennes dans les Territoires », prévient Freddy Eytan.

      Martin Konecny, responsable de l’ONG European Middle East Program, défend pour sa part l’adoption de ces « lignes directrices ». « Il s’agit d’un pas modeste et tardif dans la bonne direction, estime-t-il. L’UE et ses Etats membres doivent maintenant prendre d’autres mesures pour faire la différence entre Israël et ses colonies. C’est le meilleur moyen de préserver la faisabilité de la solution à deux Etats. » Interrogé sur les réactions épidermique exprimées par certains responsables de l’Etat hébreu, il invite à ne pas dramatiser. « Israël est exaspéré par l’étiquetage des produits issus des colonies, dit-il, mais ce n’est rien en comparaison de l’embargo total imposé aux articles fabriqués en Crimée après son annexion par la Russie. »

    • L’Europe dit oui à l’étiquetage des produits des colonies israéliennes
      Par | 11/11/2015

      Les produits des colonies israéliennes dans les Territoires palestiniens, aujourd’hui étiquetés comme fabriqués en Israël, devront désormais préciser leur origine, a décidé Bruxelles. Israël a condamné la décision et convoqué le représentant de l’UE.

      La décision a déjà suscité la colère d’Israël. La Commission européenne a demandé mercredi 11 novembre à ses 28 Etats membres de mettre en oeuvre l’étiquetage des produits originaires des colonies israéliennes dans les Territoires palestiniens, révèle un communiqué. La mesure, controversée et reportée à plusieurs reprises, a été approuvée lors d’une réunion du collège des commissaires européens à Bruxelles.(...)

    • EU approves labeling of Israeli settlement products
      Nov. 11, 2015 4:12 P.M.

      “(...)Since the Golan Heights and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are not part of the Israeli territory according to international law, the indication ’product from Israel’ is considered to be incorrect and misleading in the sense of the referenced legislation,” the EU said.

      Products made in Israeli settlements in the West Bank or Golan Heights must include the term “Israeli settlement,” the notice added, and could either be labeled “product from the Golan Heights (Israeli settlement)” or “product from the West Bank (Israeli settlement).”

      Palestinian products could be labeled “product from the West Bank (Palestinian product),” "product from Gaza," or “product from Palestine.”

      The labeling will be mandatory for fresh fruit and vegetables, wine, honey, olive oil, eggs, poultry, organic products and cosmetics, and voluntary for industrial products and pre-packaged foodstuffs.

      However, the EU added that the regulations were not aimed at a boycott of Israeli exports from the settlements, which it said it does not support in “any form.”

      It said instead that "the indication of origin will give consumers the possibility to make an informed choice.

      The PLO Secretary-General, Saeb Erekat, welcomed the move, calling it a “significant move toward a total boycott of Israeli settlements, which are built illegally on occupied Palestinian lands.”

      “The EU has once again moved from the level of statements to taking concrete policy decisions. We believe that more actions are necessary to hold Israel accountable for the crimes it continues to commit against the land and people of Palestine.”(...)"

  • Selon Benjamin Netanyahu, « Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les Juifs » -

    "Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les Juifs à cette époque, il voulait expulser les Juifs. Et Haj Amin al-Husseini est allé voir Hitler et lui a dit : « Si vous les expulsez, il vont tous venir ici (en Palestine) ». « Alors que devrais-je faire d’eux ? », a demandé Hitler. « Brûlez-les », lui a-t-il répondu."

    via @JulienSalingue

    • PM Netanyahu’s Speech at the 37th Zionist Congress
      20/10/2015 Photo by Amos Ben Gershom, GPO

      And this attack and other attacks on the Jewish community in 1920, 1921, 1929, were instigated by a call of the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini, who was later sought for war crimes in the Nuremberg trials because he had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, “If you expel them, they’ll all come here.” "So what should I do with them?" he asked. He said, “Burn them.” And he was sought in, during the Nuremberg trials for prosecution. He escaped it and later died of cancer, after the war, died of cancer in Cairo. But this is what Haj Amin al-Husseini said. He said, “:The Jews seek to destroy the Temple Mount.” My grandfather in 1920 seeks to destroy…? Sorry, the al-Aqsa Mosque.
      So this lie is about a hundred years old. It fomented many, many attacks. The Temple Mount stands. The al-Aqsa Mosque stands. But the lie stands too, persists.

      et sa conclusion :

      But I think the larger battle that we fight is the battle for the truth and I urge every one of you to be a soldier in that battle. We’ve withstood, in the last century, the many assaults on our people. We came back to our homeland. We built our state. We’ve overcome tremendous forces. Israel is a modern, democratic, progressive and powerful state. We’ve withstood the attacks of terror, Palestinian terror, over the decades and we’ll overcome this one too. But I believe that the biggest battle we have to fight is the battle for the facts. The facts win over the fiction if they’re repeated clearly, responsibly, firmly. This is what I ask all of you to do for the sake of the Jewish state and for the sake of the Jewish people.

    • Nétanyahou fait du grand mufti de Jérusalem l’inspirateur de la solution finale
      Le Monde | 21.10.2015 à 11h37 • Mis à jour le 21.10.2015 à 11h58 | Par Piotr Smolar (Jérusalem, correspondant)

      (...)Ce dialogue imaginaire qui aurait eu lieu le 28 novembre 1941 lors de la rencontre, tout à fait réelle, entre Hitler et le mufti, a déclenché un incendie sur les réseaux sociaux. Il a obligé les responsables politiques à intervenir dans le débat, tandis que les historiens étaient invités à se prononcer sur la validité de cette thèse. Le chef des travaillistes, Isaac Herzog, a réagi mercredi sur sa page Facebook en évoquant « une dangereuse distorsion historique ». « Je demande à Nétanyahou de la corriger immédiatement car elle minimise la Shoah, le nazisme et… le rôle d’Hitler dans le désastre terrible de notre peuple. »

      Mais la réaction la plus tranchante fut celle de la chef du parti de gauche Meretz, Zehava Galon. « Peut-être que les 33 771 juifs assassinés à Babi Yar en septembre 1941 – deux mois avant la rencontre entre le mufti et Hitler – devraient être exhumés et mis au courant que les nazis ne voulaient pas les détruire. » Quant à Saeeb Erekat, le secrétaire général de l’Organisation pour la libération de la Palestine (OLP), il a affirmé que « Nétanyahou déteste tant les Palestiniens qu’il est prêt à absoudre Hitler pour le meurtre de 6 millions de juifs ». M. Erekat a aussi souligné la participation de milliers de Palestiniens dans les rangs des Alliés.(...)

    • N’oublions pas aussi que Vichy a sauvé des juifs :

      Comme Zemmour, Le Pen estime que Vichy a sauvé des juifs
      La Dépêche, le 20 octobre 2014 (tiens c’était il y a tout juste un an)

      C’est une nouvelle forme de Point Godwin, on devrait l’appeler le Point Zemmour...

      Bientôt c’est Faurisson qui écrira les discours de Netanyahou...

    • Netanyahou tient des propos négationnistes : « Hitler ne voulait pas exterminer les juifs »
      Le Premier ministre israélien a accusé mardi le Grand Mufti de Jérusalem, autorité religieuse musulmane, d’avoir poussé Hitler à « brûler » les Juifs.
      J.Cl. | 21 Oct. 2015, 11h41 | MAJ : 21 Oct. 2015, 12h18

      Le grand Mufti voulait empêcher la création d’un « foyer juif » en Palestine

      (...) Fin 1941, après avoir fui en Italie, le grand Mufti de Jérusalem s’était bel et bien réfugié en Allemagne pour demander à Hitler de reconnaître l’indépendance de la Palestine vis-à-vis de la puissance coloniale britannique. Des historiens ont démontré qu’Haj Amin al-Husseini voulait obtenir le droit pour les autorités arabes palestiniennes d’empêcher la création d’un « foyer juif » en Palestine.

      La rencontre avec le Führer a lieu le 28 novembre 1941. Aucun historien ne rapporte le dialogue imaginé par Netanyahou hier. Il semble qu’Hitler ait été très impressionné par la personnalité et le sens tactique de son interlocuteur dont il dira : « Cheveux blonds et yeux bleus, le visage émacié, il semble qu’il ait plus d’un ancêtre aryen. Il n’est pas impossible que le meilleur sang romain soit à l’origine de sa lignée ». Al-Husseini obtiendra même le titre « d’aryen d’honneur ».

    • Erekat: Netanyahu speech blames Palestinians for Holocaust
      Oct. 21, 2015 1:20 P.M.

      (...) The reference to the Mufti was made while attempting to deny that Israel has plans to change the status quo at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, referred to by Jews as the Temple Mount.

      Erekat said the comments by the Israeli PM deepen the divide “during a time when a just and lasting peace is needed most” and attempt to turn a political issue into a religious one.

      “Just a day after the Israeli occupying forces gunned down five Palestinians, raising up the number of Palestinians killed since October 1st to 50, Mr. Netanyahu blamed the Palestinians for the Holocaust and completely absolved Adolf Hitler’s heinous and reprehensible genocide of the Jewish people,” the PLO official said.

      “On behalf of the thousands of Palestinians that fought alongside the Allied Troops in defense of international justice, the State of Palestine denounces these morally indefensible and inflammatory statements.”

      Erekat added that it is a “sad day in history” when the leader of Israel hates his neighbor so much that he would absolve the most notorious war criminal in history, Adolf Hitler, of the murder of six million Jews.

    • Shoah : selon Netanyahou, le mufti de Jérusalem a inspiré Hitler

      (...) Du reste, au lendemain de son discours devant le congrès sioniste, le Premier ministre israélien a fait machine arrière. Avant de s’envoler pour Berlin, il a déclaré à la presse qu’il n’avait pas voulu diminuer le rôle d’Hitler dans la solution finale : « C’est lui le responsable. C’est lui qui a pris la décision. Mais il est absurde d’ignorer le rôle du mufti Al Husseini qui était un criminel de guerre et a encouragé Hitler à exterminer les juifs d’Europe. » Netanyahou a également expliqué qu’il entendait faire la démonstration qu’un antisémitisme arabe existait « sans l’occupation et sans les colonies. »

  • Why is Benjamin Netanyahu trying to whitewash Hitler? | The Electronic Intifada

    Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly asserted that Adolf Hitler had no intention of exterminating Europe’s Jews until a Palestinian persuaded him to do it.

    The Israeli prime minister’s attempt to whitewash Hitler and lay the blame for the Holocaust at the door of Palestinians signals a major escalation of his incitement against and demonization of the people living under his country’s military and settler-colonial rule.

    It also involves a good deal of Holocaust denial.

    In a speech to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Netanyahu asserted that Haj Amin al-Husseini convinced Hitler to carry out the killings of 6 million Jews.

    Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the highest clerical authority dealing with religious issues pertaining to the Muslim community and holy sites during the 1920s and ‘30s, when Palestine was under British rule.

    He was appointed to the role by Herbert Samuel, the avowed Zionist who was the first British High Commissioner of Palestine.

    In the video above, Netanyahu claims that al-Husseini “had a central role in fomenting the final solution. He flew to Berlin. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they’ll all come here.’ ‘So what should I do with them?’ he asked. ‘Burn them!’”

    • En même temps, le point de vue Mufti Al-Hussein=Hitler, Palestiniens=Nazis est développé depuis longtemps. Au procès Eichman par exemple, il y a toute une littérature qui grossit le trait à dessein. Comment faire d’un supporter, instrumentalisé, du régime nazi un chef et un décideur...

      The Mufti was in many ways a disreputable character, but post-war claims that he played any significant part in the Holocaust have never been sustained. This did not prevent the editors of the four-volume Encyclopedia of the Holocaust from giving him a starring role. The article on the Mufti is more than twice as long as the articles on Goebbels and Göring, longer than the articles on Himmler and Heydrich combined, longer than the article on Eichmann—of all the biographical articles, it is exceeded in length, but only slightly, by the entry for Hitler.’[289][290]

      Un exemple

      The Mufti had signed a pact with Hitler in 1941 to assure mutual cooperation in the mass murder of the Jews, receiving Hitler’s promise to help the Mufti create a “Juden Rein” Palestine.

      The Mufti would also live to inspire his young relative and protégé, Yassir Arafat, to forge the PLO and its covenant , also dedicated to exterminating the state of Israel.

      voir aussi les références (floues ?) au lien de parenté entre le grand mufti et Yasser Arafat

    • Inusable grand mufti de Jérusalem

      Régulièrement, des ouvrages « découvrent » les sympathies nazies du leader palestinien Amin Al-Husseini ; régulièrement, les dirigeants israéliens en tirent parti pour dénoncer l’antisémitisme congénital des Arabes. Car c’est bien l’objectif de ces pseudo-recherches historiques que de justifier l’occupation des Territoires et l’oppression des Palestiniens.

      Der Spiegel pas le site sésinfo.
      Contrairement à une croyance répandue, le mouvement politico-religieux islamiste n’est pas né pendant les années 60 mais pendant les années 30.

      Le succès de ce mouvement n’a pas été inspiré par l’échec de Nassérisme, mais par la montée du Nazisme.

      Jusqu’à 1951, toutes les campagnes visant à mobiliser le peuple n’étaient pas dirigées contre des puissances coloniales, mais contre les Juifs.

      C’est l’organisation des « Frères musulmans », fondée en 1928 [par le grand-père de Tariq Ramadan NDLR], qui a établi l’Islamisme comme un mouvement de masse. La signification de cette organisation pour l’Islamisme est comparable à celle du Parti bolchevique pour le communisme au 20ème siècle : jusqu’à présent, il est l’élément de référence en termes d’idéologie et représente le noyau dur de l’organisation, qui a inspiré de manière décisive toutes les tendances d’islamistes suivantes, y compris Al-Qaida, et qui les inspire encore à ce jour.

    • Le point sous paywall :
      Nazisme et islamisme : les liaisons dangereuses - Le Point

      Dans l’avant-propos au livre de Matthias Küntzel, qui a reçu l’Independent Publisher Book Award, Boualem Sansal espère que cet ouvrage suscitera un large débat autour des liaisons très dangereuses entre nazisme et islamisme. On peut l’espérer, en effet. Car le chercheur allemand nous livre une généalogie inédite sur la haine du juif, « colonne vertébrale » depuis ses débuts de l’islamisme moderne, qui connaît un essor foudroyant à partir des années 30.

      Pour appuyer sa démonstration, Küntzel examine le parcours de deux figures majeures mal connues du public français. La première est le prédi...

      Jihad et haine des Juifs : ce point commun entre l’essor du nazisme et de l’islamisme
      A ceux qui pensent que l’islamisme se nourrit de la tragédie du peuple palestinien, ce livre montre que cette assertion est contredite par l’histoire de l’islamisme radical, dont la rhétorique violemment antijuive a précédé la création de l’Etat hébreu. Extrait de « Jihad et haine des Juifs - Le lien troublant entre islamisme et nazisme a la racine du terrorisme international », de Matthias Küntzel, publié aux éditions du Toucan

  • Beyond Abbas and #Oslo - The New Yorker

    Last month, Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, announced before the United Nations General Assembly that the twenty-year effort to establish a Palestinian state through the Oslo process had failed. This declaration was long overdue. The Oslo Accords, which were signed by #Israel and the #Palestine Liberation Organization and brokered by the United States, have been a disaster for Palestinians and a boon to those who wish to maintain Israel’s nearly half-century-old #occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza. Their bitter fruits can be seen in the current upsurge in #violence against Palestinians and settlers in the occupied territories.

    #Etats-Unis #Israël


    When a frightening spate of terror attacks targeted Israelis in early October, the violence seemed to arrive right on cue: amid rising tensions over the Temple Mount, after the Israeli army’s killing of a young female student at a checkpoint and on the heels of dueling speeches by leaders of Israel and the Palestinian Authority at the United Nations General Assembly.

    The speech by P.A. President Mahmoud Abbas in particular dropped a “bombshell,” as he himself described it in the days before the address. In it, Abbas all but renounced the Oslo Accords, the seminal 1993 peace agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    #israël #palestine #intifada

  • Otherwise Occupied Make East Jerusalem the Capital of Palestine
    Twenty steps that will reverse the situation – and be far less painful than the alternative
    Amira Hass Oct 12, 2015 9:26 AM

    Israel is like the miser who gradually reduced the fodder he fed his horse. It has perfected the policy of divide, crumble and conquer that it implemented against the Palestinians and did even better when it cut off the capital – East Jerusalem – from its people. Like that miser, Israel thought this would work and earn it a place in the Guinness Book of colonial successes.
    But the horse died and Jerusalem’s Palestinians are rebelling. The miser is shocked. How did the horse die just as it was getting used to not eating? Many Israelis are reeling. Where did this violence come from?
    Official spokesmen have succeeded in confusing public opinion. “The Palestinians in East Jerusalem don’t want to live under the Palestinian Authority, a sign that our rule is good for them,” they said. “They want the National Insurance payments and health insurance,” those in the know boasted to journalists. Those in the know, of course, never add that Israel bears direct criminal responsibility for the impoverishment of the Palestinians in the annexed city and for turning them into welfare cases.
    “The Palestinians in Jerusalem want citizenship because Israel is terrific,” they said, as they released numbers of those applying, but avoided one simple fact: Jerusalem Palestinians seek citizenship to assure they won’t be expelled from their country and hometown.
    The miser thought that Jerusalem, out of sight and blocked to visitors, would be forgotten by the rest of the Palestinians. The miser is wrong. If Israeli Jews want to stop the disaster brewing in Jerusalem and elsewhere, they must demand that the Israeli government:
    Immediately launch an investigation into last week’s killing of Fadi Alun of Isawiyah, who was shot to death by an unidentified policeman when he was lying wounded on the ground.
    Stop the armed police raids of neighborhoods like Isawiyah and Jabal Mukkaber, and stop beating residents and spraying their homes with foul-smelling water.
    Cancel all the entrance restrictions for Palestinians to Jerusalem’s Old City and the Al-Aqsa compound.
    Order the police to stop giving traffic tickets to Palestinians for reasons they would never use to issue them to Jews.
    Cancel the ban on the Morabiton and Morabitat (Islamic Movement guards on the Temple Mount) and cancel the prohibition on Palestinians, including MKs, to shout and curse.
    Release Palestinian demonstrators arrested over the past year (who are not suspected of using deadly weapons, or murder or attempted murder).
    Cancel the policy of house demolitions as a collective punishment and immediately compensate those who have been its victims.
    Immediately initiate amendments to the entry residency laws that would make it clear that Jerusalemites can never have their residency revoked, even if they live outside the city.
    Immediately restore residency status to the some 14,000 Jerusalemites (and their descendants) who have had it revoked since 1967.
    Cancel all the demolition orders issued against Palestinian homes that were built in the city without permits.
    Restore to East Jerusalem all the lands expropriated from it or allocate comparable tracts of land to replace those allocated to settlements (i.e. “Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem”).
    Begin to plan Israeli-financed public housing projects for Palestinians under the guidance of Palestinian planners, sociologist and social activists.
    Expropriate “Sharon House” in the Old City’s Muslim Quarter and turn it into the headquarters for the planners of the above-mentioned housing program.
    Immediately begin repairing infrastructures and buildings in East Jerusalem, and improving municipal services there.
    Order the removal within a year of nationalist, zealous settlers and their institutions from the Old City and other East Jerusalem neighborhoods, because of the risk they pose to public safety and to law and order in the entire area.
    Open Orient House so it can serve as the city’s PLO headquarters.
    Apologize for 50 years of expulsions, discrimination, humiliation and impoverishment.
    Declare that all these steps are a prelude to demolishing the wall that separates the West Bank from East Jerusalem.
    Declare that the settlement enterprise is a national disaster that threatens the wellbeing of the land and its two peoples. Announce a five-year plan for bringing the West Bank settlers back home, or turning them into law-abiding citizens with no excessive rights in the Palestinian state, subject to that state’s consent and the criminal records of the settlers in question. This would include the settlers in Jerusalem’s Old City and in Hebron. Similarly, declare that all the communities where settlers live will be open at no cost to any Palestinian who chooses to live there, as part of a plan of compensation and reparations.
    Declare that all these steps are in preparation for turning East Jerusalem into the capital of the Palestinian state, following accelerated negotiations on a tight timetable of withdrawals.
    Delusional? Actually, all this would be far less painful than the destruction of this land and the two peoples who live in it

  • Insight - From exile, a divisive figure rattles Palestinian politics | Reuters

    Once abroad, he did not sit quietly. As well as cultivating his political ties in the Gulf, Dahlan extended his business interests in London and the Balkans. In 2013 he was granted Serbian citizenship, and he holds a Montenegrin passport too.

    He has also been reaching out to Hamas, whose political leadership is based in Qatar. In the last Palestinian elections held in 2006, Hamas came out on top. Dahlan appears to see the Islamists as a lynchpin to the future.

    “Remember that the Palestinian people voted down Fatah and elected Hamas, and in the next elections we’ll defer to the Palestinians’ judgment,” he told Reuters.

    “Part of my initiative is to have a unified leadership for the PLO, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad,” he said, referring to another Gaza-based Islamist group at odds with Fatah.

  • And when Abbas goes?, by Nadia Hijab and Alaa Tartir

    The Palestinian National Council (PNC) is expected to meet this month in its first session since 2009 to accept the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas as chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), along with more than half the Executive Committee’s 18 members. The PNC does of course have the option of rejecting some or all of the resignations, and in any case Abbas still wears several hats: he remains head of state, President of the Palestinian Authority, commander-in-chief, and head of the Fatah political party. Moreover, all those who resign are free to stand again. [#st] via Le Monde diplomatique

  • Palestinian leadership faces foggy future - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    Succession discussions were the main feature of an article written by analyst Hani Masri, who heads the Masarat think tank in Ramallah. In his column in As-Safir on July 7 — republished in numerous Palestinian publications — Masri makes a strong argument that Fatah, and even the PLO, can no longer speak as representatives of the majority of Palestinians. And without a named vice president, Masri notes that the situation can either be calmly resolved through existing legal organizations or possibly burst into chaos that can envelop the entire Palestinian community. In conclusion, Masri calls for an internal Palestinian discussion to agree on some basic mechanisms that can avoid further chaos in Palestine.

    That the presidential succession has returned as a strong issue is a sign of uncertainty about the future among Palestinians. Without a clear executable agreement that includes parliamentary and presidential elections with Hamas and some kind of understanding within the ruling Fatah movement, the writing on the wall is very worrisome. The recent success of nonviolent activities by Palestinians abroad, such as the boycott, divestment and sanctions activities, might lead some to argue that the time is right to give up on the limited powers of presidency under occupation and return to the days where the real power is in the hands of the PLO leadership outside the occupied territories.

    Read more:

  • 15 Great Books: How Civil War (Re)-shaped the Lebanese Novel | Arabic Literature (in English)

    Today marks 40 years since the start of the Lebanese civil war, which officially began on April 13, 1975, when Christian militiamen machinegunned a bus of mostly Palestinian passengers, killing twenty-seven, after fighting between the PLO and Christian militiamen earlier that morning:

    The civil war — although it officially ended in 1990 — continues to preoccupy novelists, with great new books set during war-time coming out every year. The Jordanian magazine 7iber and ArabLit look back at how civil war shaped the Lebanese novel, and recommend 15 great books set just before, during, and after the war.

    • Pas un seul Rachid El-Daïf, même s’il en mentionné dans le corps de l’article, c’est un poil rude ! Et surtout (même si j’aime beaucoup Histoire de Zahra [!]), j’aurais mentionné aussi Toute une histoire, toujours de Hanan El-Cheikh. Bon, mais c’est une liste, par définition fermée !

    • En fait, @gonzo, ça pourrait te faire un sujet d’article qui nous intéresserait nouzôtres : la même de liste corrigée selon tes goûts, mais surtout avec les bouquins disponibles en traduction française.

  • PLO rejects military offensive in Yarmouk refugee camp

    The Palestine Liberation Organisation said on Thursday that it refuses to be involved in any military offensive in the Palestinian Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, calling to resort to other means to protect the Palestinian people.

    “We refuse to be drawn into any armed campaign, whatever its nature or cover, and we call for resorting to other means to spare the blood of our people and prevent more destruction and displacement for our people of the camp” the PLO’s Executive Committee stressed in its statement from Ramallah.

    The PLO said that it will cooperate with all stakeholders, especially UNRWA and all parties that have an interest in preserving the camp from more devastation and horrors to stop all forms of aggression and armed actions.

    The statement said the PLO is keen to maintain equal relations with all parties.

    PLO executive committee member, Ahmed Majdalani said earlier in Damascus that his organisation will cooperate with the Syrian regime’s army in its offensive to regain control over the camp.

    “They [radical Islamists] have tried to use the camp as a launching pad to expand their scope of clashes and their terror activities inside and outside the camp”, Majdalani said.

    ISIS militants seized the Yarmouk refugee camp nearly a week ago after clashes with local militia.

  • La résolution proposée par la France inclut la reconnaissance d’Israël en tant qu’Etat juif

    France set to propose new Palestinian state resolution at UN - Israel News, Ynetnews,7340,L-4645117,00.html

    The draft would define the pre-1967 borders as a reference point for talks but allow room for exchanges of territory, designate Jerusalem as the capital of both Israel and a Palestinian state and call for a fair solution for Palestinian refugees.
    The French proposal also includes a requirement for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state,” the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas informed the Executive Committee of the PLO. That recognition is an Israeli demand that Abbas has rejected in the past.

  • PressTV-Hamas-linked men in Yarmouk to hit ISIL

    Palestinian fighters affiliated with the Gaza-based Hamas Islamic resistance movement have engaged in the battle to force the ISIL Takfiri terrorists from the besieged Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria, a report says.

    The development was announced Sunday by an official in the support network for the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, Ayman Abu Hashem, who added that the fighters belonged to the Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdes group and got engaged in the fighting despite a decision by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)-affiliated factions to remain “neutral” in the battle over the war-ravaged refugee camp, Ma’an News Agency reported.

    According to Abu Hashem, the group was once among the largest armed factions in the Yarmouk camp before becoming weakened in recent weeks.

    The report further cited Farouk al-Rifai, a spokesman for the Palestinian civil society network in Syria, as saying that the Hamas-linked fighters were joining a group of civilians in the refugee camp in defending the territory.

  • PLO official to hold talks with Syria on Yarmuk relief - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    Ahmed Majdalani, an official with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), told AFP that he would discuss with Syrian officials “ways to offer help to our people in the Yarmuk camp”.

    In a statement, the PLO called for “all sides to immediately agree to protect the camp from efforts to turn it into a battlefield”.

    It also called for civilians to have access to relief corridors and to humanitarian and medical assistance.

    Majdalani accused IS militants of “seeking to control the whole camp” and to use it “as a springboard for attacks on the Syrian capital Damascus because of its strategic location”.

    Since the jihadist advance began, regime forces have pounded the camp with shells and barrel bombs, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based monitoring group.

    “We don’t need to turn our people into human shields and pay the price for a fight that they have no role in,” Majdalani told AFP.

    Dozens of Hamas and Islamic Jihad supporters meanwhile protested in Gaza on Monday to demand an end to the violence in Yarmuk.

    Read more:

  • PLO forms committee to halt security coordination with Israel

    Member of the PLO Executive Committee, Ahmed Al-Majdalani, told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed news site: “The political committee was commissioned with developing a detailed plan to arrange for suspending security coordination with the Israeli occupation in cooperation with security agency chiefs.”

    “The same committee, in collaboration with several ministers and experts, will discuss the economic file, specifically the abolition of the Paris Convention,” Al-Majdalani noted.

  • #PLO Decides to Halt Security Coordination with #Israel

    An Israeli soldier walks down stairs in front of a graffiti scrawled by Zionist settlers on the wall of a Palestinian home on March 5, 2015 in al-Mughayir, east of Ramallah in the northern #west_bank. The graffiti in Hebrew is a sentence from the Book of Esther in which Jews ruled over their enemies. AFP/Abbas Momani

    Palestinian leaders in the West Bank said on Thursday they would halt the security coordination with Israel, which was credited by some as helping keep order in the territory and preventing anti-Israel attacks, while others said it served Israeli interests by aiding and abetting oppression of Palestinians. read (...)

    #Palestine #Palestinian_Authority #Palestinian_Central_Council

  • Si cette suspension entrait en vigueur, ce serait énorme. Mais le scepticisme est de rigueur...

    « Palestinian leaders vote to suspend security coordination with Israel »

    By Amira Hass | Mar. 6, 2015

    Despite the PLO Central Council’s vote, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as head of PLO Executive Committee, is not expected to implement this decision anytime soon.

    The PLO’s Central Council decided on Thursday night to suspend security coordination with Israel. However, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, as head of the PLO’s Executive Committee, is not expected to implement this decision anytime soon.

    After two days of deliberations, the council opted to halt the security coordination because of what it termed “Israel’s systematic and ongoing noncompliance with its obligations under signed agreements, including its daily military raids throughout the State of Palestine.”

    Instead of implementing the decision immediately, however, Abbas is expected to try to use the threat of its implementation to push the United States and the European Union to pressure Israel to halt construction in the settlements and release Palestinian prisoners as conditions for restarting diplomatic negotiations. In his speech to the council on Wednesday, Abbas said explicitly that he would be willing to resume negotiations if those two conditions were fulfilled.

    The council’s decision to suspend security coordination indicates that its members are seeking to keep the PLO, and themselves, relevant among the Palestinian public by taking aggressive positions in response to what they view as Israel’s peace rejectionism.

    The council also decided on Thursday to “boycott all Israeli products and not only those coming from Israeli settlements,” because “Israel must pay the price for its refusal to assume its responsibilities under international law.” But PA economists know the boycott doesn’t really hurt Israel’s economy; its significance is primarily symbolic.

    The council is a substitute for the much larger Palestine National Council, a pan-Palestinian body that hasn’t met in years because of both its size and geopolitical circumstances. The PA’s Legislative Council has also been paralyzed for years, and as a result, the Central Council has been meeting more frequently in recent years. But even though various views are voiced in the council, the real decisions remain in Abbas’ hands.

    Though some of the council’s decisions, like the boycott and suspending security coordination, were theoretically actionable, it’s not clear how they will actually be implemented. And other decisions were purely declarative, like the one stating that “Israel, the occupying power in Palestine, must assume all its responsibilities in accordance with its obligations underinternational law.”

    Another resolution stressed the need to “strengthen” reconciliation between the rival Fatah and Hamas parties in order to speed reconstruction of the Gaza Strip following last summer’s war between Hamas and Israel, while still another called for holding both presidential and parliamentary elections “as soon as possible.”

    Finally, the council resolved that “The Palestinian National Authority was the outcome of the national struggle of the Palestinian people to move from occupation to independence. Its institutions should be maintained and must not be dissolved.” This resolution was a response to those Palestinians who see the PA as a form of treason and demand its dissolution.

    In his speech on Wednesday, Abbas mocked those who define the Oslo Accords as treasonous, noting that the PA, its various institutions and even the Hamas government in Gaza all stem from those accords.

    Amira Hass tweets at @hass_haaretz

    #Palestine #Cisjordanie #Israël #OLP #Autorité_palestinienne #coopération_sécuritaire #territoires_occupés

  • PLO to File #ICC Case Against #Israel in April

    A Palestinian boy lies on a mattress admist the rubble of buildings that were destroyed during the 50-day Israeli assault, in #Gaza City’s al-Shejaiya neighborhood on February 26, 2015. AFP/Mohammed Abed A Palestinian boy lies on a mattress admist the rubble of buildings that were destroyed during the 50-day Israeli assault, in Gaza City’s al-Shejaiya neighborhood on February 26, 2015. AFP/Mohammed Abed

    The #palestinians are to lodge their first complaint against Israel for war crimes at the International Criminal Court on April 1, a senior official told AFP on Monday. “One of the first important steps will be filing a complaint against Israel at the ICC on April 1 over the (2014) Gaza war and settlement activity,” said (...)

    #jerusalem #Palestine #rights #west_bank

  • Demonstrators throw shoes, eggs at Canadian FM in Ramallah | Maan News Agency
    18/01/2015 12:02

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Protestors threw shoes and eggs at Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird outside the Palestinian Foreign Ministry on Sunday, amid a growing war of words between him and top PLO official Saeb Erekat.

    Dozens of Palestinians attacked the foreign minister’s vehicle as it exited the foreign ministry, located in al-Bireh near Ramallah, after he finished a meeting with his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki.

    The protest was organized by the youth department of the Fatah movement to express opposition to the pro-Israeli political positions expressed by successive Canadian governments in recent years.

    The most recent action taken by the Canadian government that has outraged the Palestinian public was a vote against a bid at the United Nations Security Council seeking to end the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories by 2017.


    Le ministre Baird évitera les « lieux sensibles » lors de sa visite en Israël et en Cisjordanie
    Ajouté par Jacques N. Godbout le 16 janvier 2015

    Le partenariat stratégique Canada-Israël

    Cette visite, qui survient un an après le séjour historique du premier ministre Harper en Israël, représente une occasion de réaffirmer l’engagement mutuel qu’ont pris le Canada et Israël à l’égard de leur Partenariat stratégique, souligne par ailleurs le communiqué des Affaires étrangères canadiennes qui annonce ce voyage.

    « Le Canada accorde une grande valeur aux liens étroits qu’il entretient avec Israël et il se réjouit à l’idée de renforcer davantage ce partenariat au regard de la sécurité, de la diplomatie et du commerce, a déclaré le ministre Baird. L’amitié entre nos deux pays prend appui sur des valeurs communes, et nous nourrissons de grandes ambitions quant à ce que nous pourrons accomplir ensemble. »

    En Israël, le ministre Baird rencontrera des personnalités du monde politique, notamment le président Reuven Rivlin, le premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahou, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Avigdor Lieberman, ainsi que l’ancienne ministre des Affaires étrangères Tzipi Livni.

    Au cours de son passage en Cisjordanie, le ministre Baird rencontrera aussi le ministre des Affaires étrangères de l’Autorité palestinienne Riad Malki ainsi que d’autres Palestiniens de premier plan, dont l’ancien premier ministre Salam Fayyad et des dirigeants d’entreprises.

    • La politique du gouvernement auquel appartient John Baird n’est pas raciste ? Elle ne soutient pas la maltraitance et l’assassinat de masse de civils, hommes femmes et enfants ? Et de journalistes ...

      Ils sont où les « charlie » là ?