
  • Aleksey Stakhanov’s biography, Whose Hero ?

    Aleksey Stakhanov was born on the 3rd of January 1906, in Lugovaya near Orel in a poor peasant family. In 1914 – 1926, he survived by taking occasional jobs as a farmhand or a herdboy. He visited a basic rural school for only three winters and could be classified as a “semiliterate”. Having little possibility to break away from his poverty, in 1927 he went to work to Kadievka city in Donbass to the mine called “Central - Irmino”, whilst dreaming of earning enough money to buy a horse.

    He started working there as a horse cab driver, then from 1933 he became a jackhammer operator. On the night of 30th August, 1935 Stakhanov mined 102 t of coal by his pick hammer in a single shift, having out performed the existing standards by over 14 times and earning 200 rubles instead of 25 – 30 rubles.

    This being true or not, following Stakhanov’s production record the ‘Stakhanov movement ‘ was initiated in the different branches of Soviet industry. Stakhanov was rewarded with the Order of Lenin; and in 1936, by decision of the Politbureau of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks, Stakhanov was accepted as a member to the Communist Party without any probationary period.

    Once appointed as an instructor, in the trust “Sergougol” he attended the numerous meetings, conferences, congresses, being member of honorary presidia. In 1936 he became a student at the Industrial Academy in Moscow, and was selected as a deputy into the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the first convocation. In 1937 he authored a book named “Story of my life”.

    In 1941 he was appointed as the chief of the Karaganda mine. In 1942 he became the chief of the sector of the socialist competition in the people’s commissariat of the coal industry in Moscow. In 1957 he returned to the Donetsk region, worked as a deputy manager of the coal trust, and then as the assistant to the chief engineer of the mine administration.

    In 1970 he was rewarded with the second Order of Lenin, and honored with the title of the Hero of the Socialist Labour. In 1977 after his death the Kadievka city was renamed into the Stakhanov city....

    #ussr #mine #AlekseyStakhanov

    • Au début de la guerre civile, l’été dernier, j’avais commencé à accumuler des pages Web sur Kadievka/Stakhanov (histoire, photos,…) Puis, avant que j’en extraie de quoi faire un billet, les 223 pages ouvertes en 35 fenêtres ont fini de planter une 17ème fois mon navigateur…