organization:the left

  • #AIPAC to host first settler leader at U.S. policy conference | The Jerusalem post

    In what settlers hold is a historic first and a sign of the settlement movement’s growing acceptance among US Jewry, AIPAC has invited a representative of the YESHA Council to speak at its annual foreign policy forum in Washington DC later this month.

    The bi-partisan American Israel Public Affairs Committee is flying YESHA Council foreign envoy and Efrat Council head Oded Revivi to Washington to participate in a side panel at the conference called “Catch 67: The Left, The Right, and the Legacy of the 6-Day War.”

    #colons #voleurs #sionisme #etats-unis #etat_voyou

  • A word without a world: between Earth and elsewhere

    [paywall - Mais visible en mode navigation privée"]

    24 January, 2019 By Honor Gavin

    Ursula K Le Guin’s Paradises Lost is the story of a starship, the journey spanning many generations. Honor Gavin retells its story

    Ursula essy may

    Ursula K Le Guin was an American novelist whose stories and poems depict alternative realities and fictional worlds. She sadly passed away at the beginning of this year. Notes refer to quotes from Le Guin’s Paradises Lost in the anthology The Birthday of the World and Other Stories. Illustration by Essy May

    Somewhere between the planet Earth and somewhere else, there once was a world. Or some said it was a world. Some said it was something else, not a world but the needlessness of orientation or having a care or ever remembering where it was that you once were. Not a world but the needlessness of getting on in any old world. Not a world, therefore, said some. But still, a world, said others. A world for us! The discussions went on and on and so did the somewhere between planet Earth and somewhere else. The somewhere was pleasant to live inside but not necessarily pleasant enough. For the time being, which some said was the entire time, or no, the entirety of time, there was nowhere to go other than somewhere that may or may not have been the world, so nobody there could perfectly understand what the words gone and away† meant, but some still loved to press their nose to the stars.‡ Others preferred tending to the surface of the somewhere, the side that wasn’t inside. It made them feel good, and gave them purpose. These people were mostly those who felt that where they were, was a world, and that the world, like themselves, had a destination.§ Everything was heading somewhere.*

    ‘They had everything they needed, they had nothing they could keep’, p288

    †‘Lovers do not run away (where is away?)’, p305

    ‡‘Light-specks on a screen. We can’t reach them, we can’t get to them. Not us. Not in our lifetime’, p301

    §‘Of course, they would “land” on some other dirtball, but that wasn’t going to happen till she was very old, nearly dead […]’, p250

    *‘WHERE ARE WE GOING?’, p285

    The first to notice that there were more words in the world than things to which the words referred was not, funnily enough, the Librarian.†† It was everybody, because when anybody there said a word such as hill, or a word such as wind, there was nothing in the world that resembled the word, which was another reason why some felt there wasn’t a world, or that the world had somehow waned. Gone away, maybe. Words such as hill and wind came to seem fussy and butterfingered, but people still said them anyway because, when spoken among other words, their exorbitance was less. What was away about them ebbed. The Librarian nevertheless kept the aways of these words in a set of dictionaries that anybody could check at any time, but nobody did, because the Librarian could never figure out where, in the Library, the dictionaries of words such as hill and wind should themselves be kept. The Librarian could never decide whether the dictionaries of words resembling nothing in the world belonged in the aisle of FICTION or in the aisle of REALITY, so the dictionaries’ location changed constantly, and the Librarian was always going back and forth, and over time the dictionaries grew heavy.‡‡

    ††‘Honeymooning, it was called, a word that didn’t have many reverberations in this world without honey or bees to make it, without months or a Moon to make them. But a nice custom’, p311

    ‡‡‘By the Third and Fourth Generations the general content of Earth transmissions had become so arcane that only devotees followed them closely; most people paid no attention to them at all’, p302

    Even the dictionaries have begun to sigh, the Librarian said to a friend, and the friend had to ask what the word sigh meant. When you speak without saying anything, the Librarian said.§§ When you say nothing, you mean, replied the friend. No, said the Librarian tersely, I mean just what I said.

    Left hand copy

    Illustration from the first edition of Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness, published in 1969 and depicting the ambisexual people of a faraway planet

    The first to say that everything was going nowhere and nothing meant anything was meanwhile Terry. Terry! Such a great name for an Angel. An Angel was what Terry became when Terry’s mother, the last of those who once upon another time had lived on the planet Earth, died. At her funeral, Terry gave an interesting speech about remembrance. Terry’s main point had to do with reciprocity. Is there really any such thing? Terry wondered. If nobody here remembers there, does anybody there remember here even if they do.* Does a word need to refer to anything still to be a word? Does a word need to remember where it has been and where it will go and where it will have gone? Well, Terry did not say this exactly, but what he said nevertheless sang in the hearts of many of those onboard the somewhere between the planet Earth and somewhere else, because what Terry was basically saying was that everybody onboard was like, or not like, but actually the same as, a word without a world. A word without anywhere to go other than where the word already was.††† Had somebody said to Terry that he had his clouds, Terry would have agreed. Now you’re talking, Terry would have said. Now you understand.

    §§‘… and never see the Moon’, p268

    *‘Now that no living person in the world remembered the planet of origin, was there any reason to think anyone there remembered them?’ pp296-7

    †††‘Nothing in the world soars,’ p251

    We’re not going anywhere, said Terry the Angel, in other words. We’re simply gone, but not from anybody, and not from anywhere. We’re not gone on any terms. All we are is gone. Oh!‡‡‡

    Now, Terry’s way of thinking was persuasive to many, but not to all. It soon grew words of its own, and some found those grown words to be at once secretive and loud.§§§ It was too much, to be nothing but a word. It was too much, never to be on your way. Others were OK with what Terry and the Angels said but just preferred to return and return to the Library, where as well as the undiscoverable dictionaries and theaways they contained, which some said you could sometimes sense, like a tickle from the nonexistent wind, there were books with screens with pictures of things with names, pictures of things from the planet Earth that did not know your name in turn, words for things that did not know to name you.


    The 1980 edition of The Word for World is Forest, first published in 1972

    A child once asked such a picture its name, but the picture did not reciprocate, and the child burst into tears. When the child got a little older she fell in love with a girl who was an Angel, but did not herself become one.** Even though the Library had hurt her, she still preferred its words to those of the Angels. She preferred to live with the aways of words, to keep on losing the world over and over.†††† She became good friends with the Librarian, whom she once had to ask what the word sigh meant.‡‡‡‡

    ‡‡‡‘The great crowd sighed, a sound like wind in a forest, but they did not know that; they never heard the sound of wind in a forest; they had never heard any sigh, any voice but their own and the voices of machines’, p332

    §§§‘But many people discussed the ideas and images Kim Terry had put into their minds, feeling that he had given them something they had craved without knowing it, or felt without being able to say it’, p295

    **‘Reciprocity is a rare thing’, p250

    ††††‘The hole in the wall of the world had not been made by something from outside, a bit of dust or rock; when she saw it she knew, as one knows in a dream, that it had been there ever since the ship was made’, pp336-7

    ‡‡‡‡‘“Ahh”, sighed the forest leaves’, p333

    There were indeed many who fell in love with the concept of gone, but who did not become fully fledged Angels, followers of Terry. Perhaps those people were more onto what the Angels were getting at than the Angels. Perhaps the point was not to become.§§§§

    The dispossessedursula k. le guin crop

    A 1976 edition of The Dispossessed, set in the same fictional universe as The Left Hand of Darkness

    When eventually the destination came sooner than expected, not everybody went for a look.*** The Angels kept their heads firmly in the clouds. The Librarian, who was not an Angel, likewise remained onboard the somewhere that was now somewhere else and therefore either less the world it had never been or more a world than it ever was. Something like that. Arriving at the destination, which turned out to be a planet much like Earth, a planet that uncannily resembled Earth, confused everything. Or made sense of it. Why don’t you want to see the world?, the friend of the Librarian asked, when she heard the Librarian was staying aboard the somewhere world, forever suspended between FICTION and REALITY, forever destined to tread the Library’s sighing aisles. You’re not an Angel. No, said the Librarian, but I know enough of the world already. ††††† Even though I can’t say for certain whether I’ve ever been to the world, or anywhere other than the world, I know enough of the world already.‡‡‡‡‡ And I am done with going round in circles.§§§§§

    §§§§‘This world hated you’, p353

    ***‘The great goal of our voyage, the destination for which the ship and its crew were intended from the very beginning of our voyage, is closer than we dreamed’, p337

    †††††‘I want to live my life in peace, doing no harm and receiving no harm. And judging by the films and the books, I think this may be the best place, in all the universe, to live such a life’, p346

    ‡‡‡‡‡‘Librarians are the masters of useful trivia’, p314


    #littérature #science-fiction #architecture

  • Il n’y a pas beaucoup d’articles en anglais sur les #Gilets_Jaunes, et celui ci tombe dans certains pièges, mais il est plutôt meilleur que la moyenne :

    Popular Uprising in Paris and Left’s Fear of Populism
    Ranabir Samaddar, Alternatives international, le 14 décembre 2018

    Ca, par exemple, c’est trop précis pour être vrai :

    The Yellow Vests call for : (a) No one be left homeless ; (b) end of the austerity policy ; cancellation of interest on illegitimate debt ; end of taxing the poor to pay back the debt ; recovery of the 85 billion Euros of fiscal fraud ; (c) creation of a true integration policy, with French language, history and civics courses for immigrants ; (d) minimum salary €1500 per month ; (e) giving privilege to city and village centres by stopping building of huge shopping malls and arcades ; (f) more progressive income tax rates ; and finally (g) more taxes on big companies like Mac Donald’s, Google, Amazon and Carrefour, and low taxes on little artisans.

    Mais ça c’est pas mal :

    The rebels donning yellow breakdown-safety vests required to keep in their cars by the government have spurned political parties. They got organized on social media, and began acting locally. The movement spread in this way on successive Saturdays. Saturdays, because on working days women raising kids with their precarious jobs cannot strike. Thus, women receptionists, hostesses, nurses, teachers have come out in unusually large numbers. It is not the banal strike that the Left engages in, but something more. The Left in France as elsewhere has surrendered before the neo-liberal, pro-business counter-reforms. The union leaders are eager to keep their place at the table. They only go through the motions of carrying out strikes. Workers were fatigued.

    #Yellow_Vests #France

  • Le premier rai de soleil
    Sur la maison d’en face
    Comme sur la montagne

    Dans un mois, jour pour jour
    Tu seras dans les Cévennes
    Et tu y repenseras, accroche-toi !

    Quel type de militaire vous êtes
    En répondant à ce quizz

    Avec un taux de 51,29 % au premier tour,
    L’abstention atteint un nouveau record
    Aux élections législatives.

    Ce dont tu faisais une montagne
    Tout le week end, lundi matin,
    Tu le réalises en un tour de main

    Jeremy Corbyn Is Leading
    The Left Out of the Wilderness
    And Toward Power

    Législatives 2017 :
    Pour la presse française,
    Le président a " plié le match "

    De Phil !

    File, fille de Phil !
    Je houspille
    Ma fille

    L’éditorial du Figaro :
    « Macron a tout dynamité » ;
    L’alerte de l’abstention

    La prochaine fois,
    Jérôme a intérêt à nous jouer
    My Funny Valentine à la trompette

    Avant de jeter le spam
    Tu tentes de le recycler
    En poème, pour ne pas gâcher

    Deux jolies femmes passent
    Nez levés dans l’ open space
    On en est là

    Et les défis
    De l’hégémonie

    Dix pages
    Tous les midis

    Dix pages relus tous les midis
    Au Bistro Du Marché
    Où tu ne l’attends plus, enfin

    De ton bureau tu as vue
    Sur toute la ville, elle est là,
    Quelque part, tu dois t’en moquer

    Elle pourrait
    Tout aussi bien
    Être en tournée, fort loin

    Une efficacité incroyable
    Les anneaux minceur

    Ça ne vient pas
    Tu vas aux toilettes, où ça vient bien
    Tu retournes à ta place, où ça ne vient toujours pas

    Parfois on te demande
    Comment fais-tu pour faire autant ?
    Toi, tu te désespères de faire si peu

    Lire, boire du café, écrire
    Au lieu de cela
    Open space , café, mourir d’ennui

    Accès de fulgurance et de vérité
    D’un député de droite non réélu :
    Son électorat est à vomir, qu’il dit

    Le vomi
    Du vomi

    Sur le réseau informatique
    D’une Très Grande Entreprise
    Transitent tes petits poèmes

    Repas de restes ce soir
    Avec les restes de l’orgie d’hier
    Du coup c’est une nouvelle orgie

    Fahrenheit 451
    De François Truffaut

    Au ciné-club
    Je pourrais supporter
    N’importe quel navet

    De nombreux jeunes gens
    Dans la salle, leur rire
    Devant certains effets spéciaux d’époque

    Dans ce film des années 60
    Les enfants sont habillés
    Comme je l’ai été

    Paradoxalement, dans Fahrenheit 451
    C’est au chef des pompiers que revient
    De dire la nécessité des écrivains

    Fahrenheit 451
    Film dans lequel tous les passages importants
    Sont bien soulignés en rouge

    Tu amuses ton monde
    451° Fahrenheit, -32 X 5 : 9
    = 233° Celsius, simple non ?

    Comme souvent
    Avec Nicolas, la discussion
    Se prolonge sur le trottoir

    Des enfants auxquels
    Il faut expliquer
    Comment tourner les pages d’un livre

    Macron a tout dynamité
    My Funny valentine à la trompette
    Fahrenheit 451 , journée pompière


  • L’inexorable violence...

    L’inexorable violence...

    Pour complèter et documenter le texte F&C de ce jour, nous publions le texte du 27 juin 2017 dans The Federalist, du pasteur Peter M. Burfeind, Pasteur de l’Université de Toledo et théologien très célèbre notamment avec son livre de 2015, dont le titre (Gnostic America : A Reading of Contemporary American Culture & Religion according to Christianity’s Oldest Heresy). Le titre complet de ce texte est “Why You Can Expect Increased Violence When The Left Is Out Of Power”.

    Comme on le verra, et comme nous le signalons dans le F&C référencé, il s’agit d’une interprétation de la situation de crise aux USA, d’une psychologie touchée par un néo-Gnosticisme, impliquant la probabilité sinon l’inélectubalité d’une extrême violence déjà perceptible (...)

  • Antipodes Map - Tunnel to the other side of the world
    Un site tout simple pour localiser l’antipode de n’importe quel point sur Terre.

    This map helps you find the antipodes (the other side of the world) of any place on Earth.

    The Left Map presents the place for which you want to find the antipodal point. The Right Map shows the antipodal point for the selected location on the left map.
    Drag the left map, by clicking and holding as you move it, and when you will find the desired location, just click on it, and our “man” will dig a tunnel from selected location, right through the center of the Earth, up to the other side of the world which will be represented on Right Map.

    Both maps can be moved and zoomed in and out. Bellow each map you can view the selected location address and geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude).

    #cartographie #pédagogie

  • Être progressiste & antiSystème dans le chaos...

    Être progressiste & antiSystème dans le chaos...

    Comment être progressiste et antiSystème à la fois ? C’est une des grandes questions, difficiles et passionnantes à la fois, de notre époque. La gauche US qui se dit “dissidente” et presque antiSystème, qui juge avoir trouvé sa référence conjoncturelle avec Bernie Sanders, avait réuni The Left Forum ce week-end à New York. Ce fut un beau charivari dimanche, avec l’intervention, en clôture, du philosophe néo-marxisto-postmoderne, le Slovène Zizek. Nous avons donné récemment une interview de lui faite par RT où il était très largement question de la crise migratoire (dont il fut question également dimanche à New York) ; Zizek montrait un point de vue assez peu conforme à celui que développent les autorités-Système et les élites-Système en Europe :

    « D’autre (...)

  • Who receives more foreign funds: The Left or the Occupation? | +972 Magazine

    The road between the Nablus-area villages of Bazaariya and Deir Sharaf was once narrow and in a state of disrepair. Not anymore. Also the road that historically connected Ramallah and Nablus was pretty dilapidated, until several sections of it were widened and repaved. Today they are wide, modern roads like those leading to and within Israeli settlements. These roads are not just anecdotes — dozens of roads have been upgraded, repaved and widened throughout the West Bank.

    #palestine #colonisation #occupation

  • Greece debt crisis: Athens accepts harsh austerity as bailout deal nears | Business | The Guardian | Thursday 9 July 2015 19.39 BST

    The Greek government capitulated on Thursday to demands from its creditors for severe austerity measures in return for a modest debt write-off, raising hopes that a rescue deal could be signed at an emergency meeting of EU leaders on Sunday.

    Athens is understood to have put forward a package of reforms and public spending cuts worth €13bn (£9.3bn) to secure a third bailout from creditors that could raise $50bn and allow it to stay inside the currency union.

    A cabinet meeting signed off the reform package after ministers agreed that the dire state of the economy and the debilitating closure of the country’s banks meant it had no option but to agree to almost all the creditors terms.

    Parliament is expected to endorse the package after a frantic few days of negotiation that followed a landmark referendum last Sunday in which Greek voters backed the radical leftist Syriza government’s call for debt relief.

    Syriza, which is in coalition with the rightwing populist Independent party, is expected to meet huge opposition from within its own ranks and from trade unions and youth groups that viewed the referendum as a vote against any austerity.(...)

    • Oui, je ne sais pas si d’autres journaux suivent d’aussi prêt.

      Helena Smith

      So what happens now? Over to Athens.....

      Our correspondent Helena Smith has confirmed that the proposed reforms have indeed been sent to the country’s creditors - and three hours AHEAD of the midnight deadline central European time.

      Government insiders are saying the proposals were sent at 1O PM Greek time (9 PM central European time) to all three creditors and the president of the Euro Group of euro area finance ministers Jeroen Dijsselbloem.

      The Dutch finance minister must sign off on the reforms before they are submitted for further discussion to EU leaders.

      The proposed package - a biting mix of tax hikes and swingeing cutbacks - was tabled in parliament as an emergency bill on Thursday. It will, say officials, be put to vote on Friday evening in order to invest the Greek prime minister, his deputy Yannis Dragasakis and finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos with the appropriate authority to negotiate on it in Brussels.

      Until a cast-iron agreement is reached, the vote will not be binding - rather is is aimed exclusively at furnishing the central protagonists in Greece’s negotiating team with the authority to debate with creditors around the proposed reforms.

      Once negotiations are completed it will become law.

      After several drama-filled days, replete with apocalyptic scenarios, a ray of hope was seen tonight. The vast majority in Tsipras’ radical left Syriza party accept that chaos lies the other way.

      But the devil will be in the detail. Panagiotis Lafazanis, who heads Syriza’s militant wing, the Left Platform, has already expressed his wholehearted opposition to the proposed plan saying it fails to give any hope of a breakthrough to the Greek economic crisis. The Left Platform represents about a third of the party.

      Zoe Konstantopoulou, the president of the parliament and a member of Syriza’s hard left herself, has publicly announced that no new memorandum outlining further austerity will be passed by the 300 seat House.

      Although, Konstantopoulou has just spent 3.5 hours with Tsipras.... and has left his office refusing to make any comment!

  • germany-bundestag-new-measures-to-assist-Egyptian-police.pdf

    Minor Interpellation
    submitted by Member Andrej Hunko et al.and the parliamentary group of The Left Party
    New measures on the part of the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Police to assist Egyptian police authorities
    Bundestag printed paper

    #Egypte #Allemagne #police #coopération

  • RLS - Mapping of the Arab Left

    The Arab Left acquired the features that distinguish it from the Left in northern and western industrial countries, from the social, economic and political conditions under which it grew. Political developments in our region and in the world, over more than a century, created the distinctive features of the Arab Left.

    The Left arose in the political and economic framework of colonial dependency in Arab countries, most of which were colonies or semi-colonies. All were controlled by British and French imperialism, with some exceptions such as Italy in Libya. It was imperative for direct and indirect colonial dependency to impose certain issues. The socio-economic structure which was dependent on the global capitalist economy gave rise to the two dimensions of the national issue: liberalization from economic dependency and the creation of a modern capitalist society, a path blocked by the iron colonial cage; and political independence through the expulsion of military occupation and the removal of the colonial administration.

    It was in this context that dependent Arab capitalist regimes emerged. Under their leadership, nationalist and independent movements and parties appeared as well as national/pan-Arab movements and parties of small petty-bourgeois classes as well as other classes that seemed to have contradictory interests not only with regards to imperialism but also to dependent national capitalism. Moreover, in the context of the issue of national independence military coups took place, which seemed anti-feudalism and anti-dependent capitalism. When the time of independence came, in the wake of the second world war in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s, these movements, parties and coups gradually became ruling capitalist classes, such as capitalist states, private capitalism or a partnership between the two. The Arab countries were doomed to remain within the framework of economic dependency by virtue of their economic structures despite the slogans of independence, because of the direct colonial obstacle, and the mentality of the dependency school, in which these new capitalist regimes, formed from the ruins of previous colonial capitalist regimes, were cultured. Independence and even socialist slogans were raised and misled the people.

  • The Left Case for Scottish Independence

    That brings me back to the ace argument deployed by Labour figures against a Yes vote – that it would be a crime against the solidarity that’s historically existed between Scottish, English and Welsh workers. Forget Labour’s sudden rediscovery of the concept of solidarity. It still has its moral appeal. But it’s based on the memory of when we stood together and won and in truth that dates back to the 1970s. If you are under 50, tragically, it has little direct relevance.Today we live in a Europe where austerity is the norm, and when solidarity is required, surely that has to extend beyond the English Channel. Unions can organise beyond national borders too, as Unite and others do in the Irish Republic and as most US-based unions do in Canada.

    Real solidarity is not based on keeping the Union Jack flying over Edinburgh and Glasgow, it’s based on struggle. For over three decades we’ve been waiting for the working class to go on the offensive. Let’s hope it will. But in the meantime, to nick a bit from the conclusion to my A People’s History of Scotland, if your prison wing had the chance to break out would you refuse in solidarity with the rest? Or would you take that chance and hope to smuggle back a file inside a birthday cake? If working people look over the border they will see now that students don’t pay university fees and that pensioners get a better deal. If they saw better welfare provision, public services and much else, it might just encourage them to demand the same and to fight for it. It says a lot about how far back in the field we are, after three decades plus of an ongoing neo-liberal offensive, that some mild social democratic measures now seem so radical, but here we are. The car crash of the Scottish Socialist Party in 2006, after securing six MSPs, has done real damage, but there is a sense that if we can fight together for a radical Yes vote it can open up new possibilities on the left. That won’t be easy but, as shown by the success of the two big Radical Independence Conferences, the appetite is there. As ever, that process is moving along a different channel to that in England.

    #Ecosse #indépendance #Royaume-Uni

  • Should #The_Left celebrate #Nelson_Mandela?

    Over the past few days some have queried the near universal sadness and admiration with which the left is responding to Mandela’s death. His government was to the right of its voters, they point out, and co-existed with rather than challenging neoliberalism. They are right, but miss the point.

    #Boipatong #South_Africa