organization:world health organization

  • #OGM - Mensonges et vérités

    La #controverse entre pro-OGM (organismes génétiquement modifiés) et anti-OGM rend le débat passionnel et parfois incompréhensible. Ce tour d’horizon mondial démêle le vrai du faux, preuves scientifiques à l’appui.

    Depuis plus de vingt ans, les OGM (organismes génétiquement modifiés), en particulier les plantes, ne cessent de s’étendre sur la planète, dans le but d’améliorer les rendements de soja, maïs, coton, colza, riz, etc. Dix pays, sur les vingt-huit qui en cultivent, représentent, à eux seuls, 98 % de la superficie mondiale des cultures transgéniques – soit 11 % des terres cultivées –, essentiellement sur le continent américain, le sous-continent indien et en Chine. Aux États-Unis, où les premières plantations de soja transgénique ont été introduites en 1996, les OGM représentent environ 90 % des cultures de soja, de maïs et de coton. Selon leurs défenseurs, ils sont indispensables pour répondre aux besoins d’une population en forte croissance. C’est l’argument du géant du secteur, le semencier américain Monsanto, qui produit aussi le célèbre Roundup, un herbicide total dont la substance active, le glyphosate, épargne les plantes OGM.

    #film #documentaire #reportage #vidéo
    #BT #maïs_BT #rentabilité #TH #soja #Roundup #USA #Etats-Unis #monoculture #agriculture #élevage #Argentine #Monsanto #pommes_De_terre #risques #génie_génétique #toxine_BT #pesticides #industrie_agro-alimentaire #glyphosate #herbicide #super_mauvaises_herbes #darwinisme #soja_roundup_ready #atrazin #business #santé #cancer #Mexique #propriété_intellectuelle #brevets #Percy_Schmeiser #sécurité_alimentaire #Ghana #malformation_congénitale #justice #biodiversité

    #USAID (qui lie #aide_au_développement et utilisation de OGM dans le pays qui va recevoir l’aide)

    #Gates_Foundation (qui finance des tests de plantes OGM au Ghana)

    #biotechnologie_agricole #coton #Bukina_Faso #coton_BT #Sofitex #rendements #Geocoton #Roundup_Ready_Flex_Cotton #néo-colonialisme

    #MON810 #maïs_MON810 #riz_doré #riz #Philippines #golden_rice #Syngenta #technologie #dengue #oxitec #moustiques_transgéniques #AGM #animaux_génétiquement_modifiés

    • Une ONG présentée dans le film, au Ghana :

      Food Sovereignty Ghana is a grass-roots movement of Ghanaians, home and abroad, dedicated to the promotion of food sovereignty in Ghana. Our group believes in the collective control over our collective resources, rather than the control of our resources by multinational corporations and other foreign entities. This movement is a product of Special Brainstorming Session meeting on the 21st of March, 2013, at the Accra Freedom Centre. The meeting was in response to several calls by individuals who have been discussing, writing, or tweeting, about the increasing phenomenon of land grabs, the right to water and sanitation as a fundamental human right, water privatization issues, deforestation, climate change, carbon trading and Africa’s atmospheric space, and in particular, the urgent issue of the introduction of GM food technology into our agriculture, particularly, its implications on food sovereignty, sustainable development, biodiversity, and the integrity of our food and water resources, human and animal health, and our very existence as a politically independent people. These calls insisted that these issues need to be comprehensively addressed in a systematic and an organized manner.

      Foremost in these calls was the need for a comprehensive agricultural policy that respects the multi-functional roles played by agriculture in our daily lives, and resists the avaricious calculations behind the proposition that food is just another commodity or component for international agribusiness. The trade in futures or speculation involving food have pushed food prices beyond the reach of almost a billion of people in the world who go to bed, each day, hungry. Even though we have have doubled the amount of food to feed everybody in the world today, people still don’t have access to food. The primary cause of this is the neo-liberal agenda of the imperialists, such as the SAP, EPA, AGOA, TRIPS, AoA, AFSNA, AGRA, which have the focus on marginalising the small family farm agriculture that continues to feed over 80% of Africa and replacing them with governance structures, agreements and practices that depend on and promote unsustainable and inequitable international trade and give power to remote and unaccountable corporations.

      We came together in order to help turn a new leaf. We see a concerted effort, over the years, to distort our agriculture to such an extent that today, our very survival as a free and independent people crucially depend on how fast we are able to apply the breaks, and to rather urgently promote policies that focus on food for people, and value our local food providers, the arduous role of the resilient small family farm for thousands of years. We need to resist imperialist policies such as the Structural Adjustment Programmes of the World Bank and the IMF which rolled away 30 years of gains towards food sovereignty in the 1970s and 80s. Those African countries that graduated from the SAP were subsequently slammed with HIPIC. In all these years, the imperialist countries fortified their agricultural production with heavy government subsidies, as Africa saw the imposition of stringent conditionality removing all government subsidies on our own agriculture. The effect has been a destruction of our local food production capacity and a dependence on corporations for our daily food needs. This has had a devastating effect on Africa’s agriculture, and our ability to feed ourselves.

      We believe that a proper analysis of the food crisis is a matter that cannot be left with trade negotiators, investment experts, or agricultural engineers. It is essentially a matter of political economy. As Jean Ziegler succinctly puts it, “Every child who dies of hunger in today’s world has been murdered.” Our Food Under Our Control! is determined to make sure that such a crime becomes impossible in Ghana. Our number one mission is to switch the language from food security to food sovereignty as the goal, to repeat the words food sovereignty at every opportunity and say we don’t want food security, that can still be dependence, we want food sovereignty, we need food sovereignty. This is not the same as “food security”. A country can have food security through food imports. Dependence on food imports is precarious and prone to multiple risks — from price risks, to supply risks, to conditionality risks (policy conditions that come with food imports). Food sovereignty, on the other hand, implies ensuring domestic production and supply of food. It means that the nationals of the country (or at the very least nationals within the region) must primarily be responsible for ensuring that the nation and the region are first and foremost dependent on their own efforts and resources to grow their basic foods.

      Aims and objectives:

      1. To help promote the people’s right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and to generally ensure the priority of domestic food crops produced by small farms over export crops.

      2. To help create mass awareness about the political, economic, health and environmental impacts of genetically modified food technology and defend the right of the people to define their own food and agricultural systems.

      3. To help ensure small farms are sustained by state provision and facilitation of necessary infrastructure: Security of land tenure, Water, Financial credit, Energy, Fertilizers, Transport, Storage, Extension service, Marketing, Technology and Equipment for production, harvesting, storage and transport, and Insurance against crop failures due to climate changes, or other unforeseen circumstances.

      4. To help resist the theft, destruction, and loss of the Commons, our natural and indigenous resources, by means of laws, commercial contracts and intellectual property rights regimes, and to generally serve as the watch-dog over all aspects of agricultural sustainability in Ghana.

      5. To help protect and preserve public access to and ownership of the Commons: Water, Land, Air, Seeds, Energy, Plants, Animals, and work closely with like-minded local, national, and international organisations in the realization of the foregoing objectives.

    • Un chercheur, #Damián_Verzeñassi de l’#université_de_Rosario, mentionné il y a une année dans un article de Mediapart :

      Argentine : soja transgénique voisine avec maladies

      Avia Terai, ville de 10 000 habitants, est exposée aux pulvérisations incessantes sur ses champs de soja et de coton de glyphosate, le composant de base de l’herbicide de Monsanto. Un pesticide que l’Organisation mondiale pour la santé a étiqueté cancérogène en 2015. Ici, des enfants naissent avec des malformations, des troubles neurologiques sévères et le taux de cancer est trois fois plus élevé que la moyenne nationale, selon l’étude du docteur argentin Damián Verzeñassi de l’université de Rosario. De son côté, Monsanto nie catégoriquement l’authenticité de ces études et considère que la #toxicité de son produit phare Roundup n’a pas encore été prouvée.

      Le chercheur a fait une étude dans laquelle il montrait un lien entre le glyphosate et le développement de cancer :
      “Hay una incidencia del glifosato en los nuevos casos de cáncer”

      Desde 2010 se hicieron relevamientos en 32 localidades de la región pampeana y se relevaron más de 110 mil personas. Según Verzeñassi, si se encontró en estas localidades, donde se aplicó el modelo productivo con transgénicos a base de agrotóxicos, un pico muy importante de casos de cáncer, hipotiroidismo y abortos espontáneos.

    • #Red_de_Médicos_de_Pueblos_Fumigados (Argentine)

      La Red Universitaria de Ambiente y Salud (REDUAS) es una coordinación entre profesionales universitarios, académicos, científicos, miembros de equipos de salud humana en sus distintos niveles y demás estudiosos, preocupados por los efectos deletéreos de la salud humana que genera el ambiente degradado a consecuencias de la actividad productiva humana, especialmente cuando esta se da a gran escala y sustentada en una visión extractivista.

      La REDUAS surge como una de las decisiones tomadas en el 1º Encuentro de Médicos de Pueblos Fumigados, realizado en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba y organizado por el Modulo de Determinantes Sociales de la Salud de la Cátedra de Pediatría y por la Cátedra de Medicina I de dicha Facultad; concretado el 26 y 27 de agosto de 2010

      La REDUAS se construye para unir, coordinar y potenciar el trabajo de investigación científica, asistencia sanitaria, análisis epidemiológico y divulgación ,difusión y defensa del derecho a la salud colectiva, que realizan equipos que desarrollan este tipo de actividades en 10 provincias distintas de la Republica Argentina y que se encuentran activados por el problema del daño a la salud que ocasiona la fumigación o aspersión, sistemática de más de 300 millones de litros de plaguicidas sobre casi 12 millones de personas que conviven con los sembradíos de cultivos agroindustriales.

      Para avanzar en ese sentido se propone aportar al debate público por la necesidad de construir prácticas productivas que permitan una supervivencia feliz de la especie humana en la superficie terrestre y de la responsabilidad publica, privada, colectiva e individual en el resguardo de esas condiciones ecológicas.

      Considerando al derecho a la salud, como uno de los valores sociales que debemos tratar de privilegiar en el análisis de las decisiones políticas y económicas que se toman en nuestra sociedad, creemos necesario ampliar la difusión del conocimiento de los datos científicos que se dispone, y que muchas veces se invisibilizan; aportar a la generación de nuevos datos e informaciones experimentales y observacionales – poblacionales; y potenciar la voz de los equipos de salud, investigadores y pobladores en general afectados en sus derechos por agresiones ambiéntales generadas por practicas productivas ecológicamente agresivas.

    • #Madres_de_Ituzaingo_Anexo-Cordoba

      Madres de #Ituzaingó: 15 años de pelea por el ambiente

      En marzo de 2002 salieron a la calle por primera vez para reclamar atención sanitaria ante la cantidad de enfermos en el barrio.Lograron mejorar la zona y alejar las fumigaciones, nuevas normas ambientales y un juicio inédito. Dicen que la lucha continúa. Un juicio histórico

    • Transgenic DNA introgressed into traditional maize landraces in #Oaxaca, Mexico

      Concerns have been raised about the potential effects of transgenic introductions on the genetic diversity of crop landraces and wild relatives in areas of crop origin and diversification, as this diversity is considered essential for global food security. Direct effects on non-target species1,2, and the possibility of unintentionally transferring traits of ecological relevance onto landraces and wild relatives have also been sources of concern3,4. The degree of genetic connectivity between industrial crops and their progenitors in landraces and wild relatives is a principal determinant of the evolutionary history of crops and agroecosystems throughout the world5,6. Recent introductions of transgenic DNA constructs into agricultural fields provide unique markers to measure such connectivity. For these reasons, the detection of transgenic DNA in crop landraces is of critical importance. Here we report the presence of introgressed transgenic DNA constructs in native maize landraces grown in remote mountains in Oaxaca, Mexico, part of the Mesoamerican centre of origin and diversification of this crop7,8,9.

    • #Gilles-Éric_Séralini

      Gilles-Éric Séralini, né le 23 août 1960 à Bône en Algérie1, est un biologiste français, professeur de biologie moléculaire à l’université de Caen2. Il est cofondateur, administrateur et membre du conseil scientifique du CRIIGEN3, parrain de l’association Générations Cobayes4 et lanceur d’alerte5. Il est aussi membre du conseil scientifique de The Organic Center6, une association dépendant de l’Organic Trade Association (en)7, « le principal porte-parole du business bio aux États-Unis »8, et parrain de la Fondation d’entreprise Ekibio9.

      Il s’est fait notamment connaître du grand public pour ses études sur les OGM et les pesticides, et en particulier en septembre 2012 pour une étude toxicologique portée par le CRIIGEN mettant en doute l’innocuité du maïs génétiquement modifié NK 603 et du Roundup sur la santé de rats10,11. Cette étude, ainsi que les méthodes utilisées pour la médiatiser, ont été l’objet d’importantes controverses, les auteurs étant accusés d’instrumentaliser de la science, ou même suspectés de fraude scientifique12,13. En réalité, les agences de santé européennes et américaines réagissent sur le tard, indiquant les lacunes et faiblesses méthodologiques rédhibitoires de la publication (notamment un groupe de contrôle comportant un nombre d’individus ridiculement bas). Certains dénoncent aussi un manque de déontologie pour s’assurer d’un « coup de communication ». La revue Food and Chemical Toxicology retire l’étude en novembre 2013.

      Dans le documentaire on parle notamment d’un article qu’il a publié dans la revue « Food and chemical toxicology », que j’ai cherché sur internet... et... suprise suprise... je l’ai trouvé, mais le site de Elsevier dit... « RETRACTED »
      Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize

      Il est par contre dispo sur sci-hub !

      voici la conclusion :

      In conclusion, it was previously known that glyphosate con- sumption in water above authorized limits may provoke hepatic and kidney failures ( EPA ). The results of the study presented here clearly demonstrate that lower levels of complete agricultural gly- phosate herbicide formulations, at concentrations well below offi- cially set safety limits, induce severe hormone-dependent mammary, hepatic and kidney disturbances. Similarly, disruption of biosynthetic pathways that may result from overexpression of the EPSPS transgene in the GM NK603 maize can give rise to com- parable pathologies that may be linked to abnormal or unbalanced phenolic acids metabolites, or related compounds. Other muta- genic and metabolic effects of the edible GMO cannot be excluded. This will be the subject of future studies, including transgene and glyphosate presence in rat tissues. Reproductive and multigenera- tional studies will also provide novel insights into these problems. This study represents the first detailed documentation of long- term deleterious effects arising from the consumption of a GM R- tolerant maize and of R, the most used herbicide worldwide. Altogether, the significant biochemical disturbances and physi- ological failures documented in this work confirm the pathological effects of these GMO and R treatments in both sexes, with different amplitudes. We propose that agricultural edible GMOs and formu- lated pesticides must be evaluated very carefully by long term studies to measure their potential toxic effects.

    • #RiskOGM

      RiskOGM constitue depuis 2010 l’action de recherche du ministère en charge de l’Écologie, du Développement durable et de l’Énergie pour soutenir la structuration d’une communauté scientifique et le développement de connaissances, de méthodes et de pratiques scientifiques utiles à la définition et à la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques sur les OGM.

      Le programme s’appuie sur un Conseil Scientifique et sur un Comité d’Orientation qui réunit des parties prenantes.

      Les axes de recherche prioritaires identifiés portent sur les plans de surveillance générale des OGM, la coexistence des cultures, la gouvernance, les aspects économiques, éthiques et sociaux ou encore la démarche globale d’analyse de la sécurité des aliments contenant des produits transgéniques,

      3 projets en cours ont été soutenus après un 1er appel à proposition fin 2010. Fin 2013, suite à un deuxième appel, le projet (#PGM / #GMO90plus) a été sélectionné et soutenu à hauteur de 2,5 M€. Il vise à une meilleure connaissance des effets potentiels sur la santé de la consommation sur une longue durée de produits issus des plantes génétiquement modifiées.

      Un projet dont fait partie #Bernard_Salles, rattaché à l’INRA, interviewé dans le documentaire.
      Lui, semble clean, contrairement au personnage que je vais un peu après, Pablo Steinberg

    • Projet #G-Twyst :

      G-TwYST is the acronym for Genetically modified plants Two Year Safety Testing. The project duration is from 21 April 2014 – 20 April 2018.

      The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has developed guidance for the risk assessment of food and feed containing, consisting or produced from genetically modified (GM) plants as well as guidance on conducting repeated-dose 90-day oral toxicity study in rodents on whole food/feed. Nonetheless, the long-term safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) food/feed is a long-standing controversial topic in the European Union. At the present time there are no standardized protocols to study the potential short-, medium- and/or long-term toxicity of GM plants and derived products. Against this backdrop the main objective of the G-TwYST project is to provide guidance on long-term animal feeding studies for GMO risk assessment while at the same time responding to uncertainties raised through the outcomes and reports from recent (long-term) rodent feeding studies with whole GM food/feed.

      In order to achieve this, G-TwYST:

      Performs rat feeding studies for up to two years with GM maize NK603. This includes 90 day studies for subchronic toxicity, 1 year studies for chronic toxicity as well as 2 year studies for carcinogenicity. The studies will be based on OECD Test Guidelines and executed according to EFSA considerations
      Reviews recent and ongoing research relevant to the scope of G-TwYST
      Engages with related research projects such as GRACE and GMO90plus
      Develops criteria to evaluate the scientific quality of long-term feeding studies
      Develops recommendations on the added value of long-term feeding trials in the context of the GMO risk assessment process.
      As a complementary activity - investigates into the broader societal issues linked to the controversy on animal studies in GMO risk assessment.
      Allows for stakeholder engagement in all key steps of the project in an inclusive and responsive manner.
      Provides for utmost transparency of what is done and by whom it is done.

      G-TwYST is a Collaborative Project of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities. The proposal for G-TwYST was established in reponse to a call for proposals on a two-year carcinogenicity rat feeding study with maize NK603 that was launched by he European Commission in June 2013 (KBBE.2013.3.5-03).

      Attention : ce projet semble être sous forte influence des lobbys de l’OGM...

      Fait partie de ce projet #Pablo_Steinberg, interviewé dans le documentaire.

      Pablo Steinberg est d’origine argentine, il est également le toxicologue du projet « #GRACE : GMO Risk Assessment and communication evidence », financé par l’UE :

      GRACE was a project funded under the EU Framework 7 programme and undertaken by a consortium of EU research institutes from June 2012 - November 2015. The project had two key objectives:

      I) To provide systematic reviews of the evidence on the health, environmental and socio-economic impacts of GM plants – considering both risks and possible benefits. The results are accessible to the public via an open access database and other channels.

      II) GRACE also reconsidered the design, execution and interpretation of results from various types of animal feeding trials and alternative in vitro methods for assessing the safety of GM food and feed.

      The Biosafety Group was involved in the construction of the central portal and database (CADIMA; Central Access Database for Impact Assessment of Crop Genetic Improvement Technologies) that managed the information gathered in the pursuit of the two objectives and in the dissemination of information.

      La conférence finale de présentation du projet GRACE a été organisée à Potsdam... un 9 novembre... date-anniversaire de la chute du mur...
      Voici ce que #Joachim_Schiemann, coordinateur du projet, dit à cette occasion (je transcris les mots prononcés par Schiemann dans le reportage) :

      « Nous aussi, avec nos activités, nous essayons d’abattre certains murs et de faire bouger certaines positions qui sont bloquées. Je trouve que c’est très symbolique d’avoir organisé cette conférence à Potsdam, à proximité de Berlin et des vestiges du mur »

    • Prof. Potrykus on #Golden_Rice

      #Ingo_Potrykus, Professor emeritus at the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, is one of the world’s most renowned personalities in the fields of agricultural, environmental, and industrial biotechnology, and invented Golden Rice with Peter Beyer. In contrast to usual rice, this one has an increased nutritional value by providing provitamin A. According to WHO, 127 millions of pre-school children worldwide suffer from vitamine A deficiency, causing some 500,000 cases of irreversible blindness every year. This deficiency is responsible for 600,000 deaths among children under the age of 5.
      Ce riz, enrichi de #bêtacarotène pour pallier aux carences de #provitamine_A, a valu, à Monsieur #Potrykus, la couverture du Time, une première pour un botaniste :

    • Golden Illusion. The broken promise of GE ’Golden’ rice

      GE ’Golden’ rice is a genetically engineered (GE, also called genetically modified, GM) rice variety developed by the biotech industry to produce pro-vitamin A (beta-carotene). Proponents portray GE ’Golden’ rice as a technical, quick-fix solution to Vitamin A deficiency (VAD), a health problem in many developing countries. However, not only is GE ’Golden’ rice an ineffective tool to combat VAD it is also environmentally irresponsible, poses risks to human health, and compromises food security.

    • #MASIPAG (#Philippines)

      MASIPAG a constaté que les paysans qui pratiquent la production agricole biologique gagnent en moyenne environ 100 euros par an de plus que les autres paysans, parce qu’ils ne dépensent pas d’argent dans des fertilisants et pesticides chimiques. Dans le contexte local, cela représente une économie importante. En plus, l’agriculture biologique contribue à un milieu plus sain et à une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Malgré cela, le gouvernement philippin poursuit une politique ambiguë. En 2010, il a adopté une loi sur la promotion de l’agriculture biologique, mais en même temps il continue à promouvoir les cultures génétiquement modifiées et hybrides nécessitant le recours aux intrants chimiques. La loi actuelle insiste également sur une certification couteuse des produits bio par les tiers, ce qui empêche les #petits_paysans de certifier leurs produits.
      #paysannerie #agriculture_biologique

    • #AquAdvantage

      Le saumon AquAdvantage (#AquAdvantage_salmon® pour les anglophones, parfois résumé en « #AA_Salmon » ou « #AAS ») est le nom commercial d’un saumon transgénique et triploïde1.

      Il s’agit d’un saumon atlantique modifié, créé par l’entreprise AquaBounty Technologies (en)2 qui est devenu en mai 2016 le premier poisson génétiquement modifié par transgenèse commercialisé pour des fins alimentaires. Il a obtenu à cette date une autorisation de commercialisation (après son évaluation3) au Canada. En juillet 2017, l’entreprise a annoncé avoir vendu 4,5 tonnes de saumon AquAdvantage à des clients Canadiens qui ont à ce jour gardés leur anonymat4. L’entreprise prévoit de demander des autorisations pour des truites5, des tilapias 5 et de l’omble arctique génétiquement modifiés6.

      Selon les dossiers produits par AquaBounty à la FDA, deux gènes de saumons Chinook et deux séquences provenant d’une autre espèce (loquette d’Amérique) ont été introduits7, (information reprise par un article du New-York Times8 et un article scientifique évoquent aussi un gène provenant d’un autre poisson (loquette d’Amérique9). En 2010, AquaBounty, produirait déjà au Canada sur l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard les œufs de poissons destinés à des élevages en bassins enclavés à terre au Panama10 pour des poissons à exporter (alors que l’étiquetage n’est toujours pas obligatoire aux États-Unis)10.

      Ce poisson est controversé. Des préoccupations scientifiques et environnementalistes portent sur les risques d’impacts environnementaux à moyen et long terme, plus que sur le risque alimentaire. La FDA a considéré que la modification était équivalente à l’utilisation d’un médicament vétérinaire (hormone de croissance et modification transgénique)11 et a donc utilisé son processus (dit « NADA12 ») d’évaluation vétérinaire. Dans ce cadre, la FDA a conclu que ce poisson ne présentait a priori pas de risques pour la santé, et pouvait être cultivé de manière sûre. Mais en 2013, l’opportunité d’élever un tel poisson reste très contestée13 notamment depuis au moins 1986 concernant les risques qu’il pourrait poser à l’égard de l’environnement14, l’autorisation de mise sur le marché pourrait être à nouveau repoussée15.
      #saumon #saumon_transgénique #AquaBounty_Technologies

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  • ’Israeli fire at Gaza border protests causing wounds not seen since 2014 war’

    Some 1,700 wounded within month ■ Doctors say wounds ’devastating,’ most will result in disabilities ■ WHO: Lack of medical equipment endangering wounded

    Amira Hass Apr 22, 2018

    The live-fire wounds suffered by more than 1,700 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip over the past month have been unusually severe, Palestinian and foreign doctors say.
    To really understand Israel and the Palestinians - subscribe to Haaretz
    Since the series of demonstrations known as the March of Return began on March 30, Israeli soldiers have killed 37 Palestinians and wounded about 5,000, of whom 36 percent were wounded by live bullets.

    Doctors at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital said they haven’t seen such severe wounds since Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza in 2014. The aid group Medecins Sans Frontieres said its medical teams have given postoperative care to people “with devastating injuries of an unusual severity, which are extremely complex to treat. The injuries sustained by patients will leave most with serious, long-term physical disabilities.”
    Since April 1, MSF has given postoperative care to 500 people with bullet wounds, mostly in the lower extremities. Most were young men, but some were women or children.
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    “MSF medical teams note the injuries include an extreme level of destruction to bones and soft tissue, and large exit wounds that can be the size of a fist,” the group said in a report on April 19.
    It quoted Marie-Elisabeth Ingres, MSF’s head of mission in Palestine, as saying, “Half of the more than 500 patients we have admitted in our clinics have injuries where the bullet has literally destroyed tissue after having pulverized the bone. These patients will need to have very complex surgical operations and most of them will have disabilities for life.”
    The report concluded: “Apart from regular nursing care, patients will often need additional surgery, and undergo a very long process of physiotherapy and rehabilitation. A lot of patients will keep functional deficiencies for the rest of their life. Some patients may yet need amputation if not provided with sufficient care in Gaza and if they don’t manage to get the necessary authorization to be treated outside of the strip.”

    The London-based group Medical Aid for Palestinians echoed MSF’s findings. It quoted a Shifa surgeon as saying, “The bullets used are causing injuries local medics say they have not seen since 2014. The entrance wound is small. The exit wound is devastating, causing gross comminution of bone and destruction of soft tissue.”
    The group’s April 20 report also said that Gaza surgeons had performed 17 amputations – 13 legs and four arms. In addition, a boy shot by Israeli soldiers on April 17 had his left leg amputated in Ramallah. His parents said he was playing soccer near the Israel-Gaza border fence east of the Al-Bureij refugee camp.
    Both aid groups repeatedly used the same word to describe the bullet wounds – “destruction.”
    To cope with the flood of patients, both official and private medical institutions in Gaza have beefed up their presence near the demonstrations that are taking place along the Gaza-Israel border.
    The Palestinian Health Ministry set up five field clinics near the protests in order to stabilize patients before they reach the hospital. Each clinic has three beds plus several mattresses, and is staffed by up to 10 doctors and 15 nurses, plus volunteers.
    In addition, the Palestinian Red Crescent has set up five emergency treatment stations. MSF has brought in surgical teams that work alongside Gazan teams at the Shifa and Al-Aqsa hospitals.
    Yet the World Health Organization says the lack of medication and nonreusable medical supplies like bandages is undermining the ability to give patients proper care. The Palestinian Health Ministry urgently needs stocks of 75 essential drugs and 190 types of nonreusable medical supplies.
    The WHO also criticized Israel for harming medical personnel, saying 48 medical staffers have been wounded by Israeli fire while trying to evacuate the wounded. At least three were hit live bullets. In addition, 13 ambulances were hit by live bullets or tear gas grenades.
    Between March 30 and Thursday, 1,539 Gazans were wounded by live bullets and around 500 by sponge-tipped bullets, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry. Of the victims, 62.3 percent were hit in the lower body, 16 percent in the upper body, 8.2 percent in the head or neck, 4.8 percent in the stomach and four percent in the chest. In addition, 4.7 percent had multiple injuries.
    On Friday, the ministry said 729 Palestinians were wounded by Israeli bullets or riot-control equipment, of whom 305 required hospital treatment. Of the latter, 156 were hit by live bullets.
    Fifteen of the 305 hospitalized patients were women, it added, while 45 were children. Altogether, 500 minors have been wounded by Israeli fire since March 30.

  • Indonesia: Medical Groups Silent on Abusive ‘Virginity Tests’

    (New York) – Indonesian medical associations should publicly denounce so-called virginity tests obligatory for female applicants to the Indonesian National Armed Forces and National Police, Human Rights Watch said in letters sent on February 20, 2018. Virginity testing is a form of gender-based violence and has been widely discredited, including by the World Health Organization (WHO).
    #virginité #femmes #test_de_virginité #Indonésie

  • #Sugarland

    Le sucre est partout ! Toute notre #industrie_agroalimentaire en est dépendante. Comment cet aliment a pu s’infiltrer, souvent à notre insu, au cœur de notre culture et de nos régimes ? #Damon_Gameau se lance dans une expérience unique : tester les effets d’une alimentation haute en sucre sur un corps en bonne santé, en consommant uniquement de la #nourriture considérée comme saine et équilibrée. A travers ce voyage ludique et informatif, Damon souligne des questions problématiques sur l’industrie du sucre et s’attaque à son omniprésence sur les étagères de nos #supermarchés !
    #film #documentaire #sucre #industrie_agro-alimentaire #fructose #cholestérol #alimentation #dépendance #humeur

    Intéressant les quelques jours que Damon Gameau passe auprès d’une communauté #aborigènes (#peuples_autochtones) qui ne vivent pratiquement que de sucres contenus dans les produits vendus dans le seul supermarché...

    Damon parcourt l’Australie pour constater les ravages des sucres cachés. Le voilà en territoire aborigène, dans un village qui depuis toujours a proscrit l’alcool et qui, quarante ans auparavant, se nourrissait encore des produits de la terre. Voici quelques années, les habitants, décimés par les maladies liées au sucre, obésité, pathologies cardio-vasculaires, diabète, ont décidé de faire la guerre aux sucres cachés. Le retour de bâton fut immédiat : le gouvernement leur a coupé les subventions. Plus de diététiciens, plus d’information, les gamins recommencent à manger n’importe quoi. On ne compte plus les patients sous dialyse. Dans le petit cimetière du village, cinq tombes récentes abritent la dépouille d’habitants de moins de quarante ans.

    Deux choses que j’ai apprises dans ce documentaire :

    Que pas toutes les calories se valent... Damon Gameau a ingurgité la même quantité avant et durant son expérimentation, mais avant il était en bonne santé, après les 2 mois de test... plus trop...

    Le réalisateur attire notre attention sur un autre point tout aussi inquiétant. Il a changé de régime, pas la quantité de calories qu’il absorbe : 2 300 calories par jour. Mais il a remplacé les bonnes graisses – un poulet rôti avec la peau, des avocats, des fruits à coque, même des œufs au bacon – par du mauvais sucre. Là encore, il blâme la désinformation globale qui voudrait que l’obésité découle de trop de calories et pas assez d’exercice. Son expérience démontre, sans appel, que toutes les calories ne sont pas égales entre elles.

    2. Que l’industrie du sucre a gagné la bataille sur celle de la graisse en 1955, après la crise cardiaque du président Eisenhower (

    ). Deux médecins ont bataillé pour décréter la cause de la crise cardiaque du président : graisse ou sucre... La graisse a gagné (ou perdu), alors que le sucre en est sorti blanchi...
    –-> ce qui me permet de faire un lien direct avec cet autre film documentaire, passé sur Arte :
    #Cholestérol le grand bluff


    • Determined to give back to the APY communities and support them in their mission to take control of their own nutrition and improve their health status, Damon founded The Mai Wiru (good food) Sugar Challenge Foundation in 2014.It is time to empower people to improve their nutrition and we can do this by raising the much needed money to support community driven programs.

      The Mai Wiru Sugar Challenge Foundation recognises that the relationship of nutrition to health is a complex issue, especially in remote Aboriginal communities. By combining modern and local Traditional Knowledge of food preparation, the Foundation aims to reduce sugar intake by encouraging delicious healthy alternatives and supporting an innovative program of health promotion. Addressing behavioural change takes time and sustained support.The Mai Wiru Regional Stores Policy was developed in 2000-2001 and showed the dramatic changes over time in where people on the APY Lands are sourcing their foods, what was available and its cost to community members. As a result, the Mai Wiru project commenced work with the community owned stores and improve food security (the availability and affordability of healthy food and essential items every day in the local store).

      Having healthy food available does not mean people choose to eat that food all the time, or even most of the time. This is where the Foundation comes in. Our programs are developed and designed in an inclusive and sharing way – taking the best everyone has to offer to ensure the best outcomes for community members.

    • Et aux #Etats-Unis, Damon Gameau découvre les ravages de la #boisson #Mountain_Dew sur la santé, notamment des enfants :

      Le Mountain Dew, stylisé #Mtn_Dew, est un #soda au goût d’agrumes et caféiné commercialisé par le groupe PepsiCo.

      Il a été inventé dans la ville de Marion, en Virginie, et a été pour la première fois commercialisé dans la ville de Knoxville, dans le #Tennessee en 1948. Le Mountain Dew (rosée des montagnes) a par la suite été commercialisé à l’échelle des États-Unis à partir de 1964 et était en 2010 la quatrième boisson gazeuse la plus vendue aux États-Unis1. Il est commercialisé en France depuis 20142. Il est généralement emballé dans une bouteille verte, et sa couleur une fois sorti de son conteneur est d’un jaune-vert assez clair, et semi opaque.
      #pepsi #pepsi_cola

    • Pure, White and Deadly

      Pure, White and Deadly is a 1972 book by #John_Yudkin, a British nutritionist and former Chair of Nutrition at Queen Elizabeth College, London.[1] Published in New York, it was the first publication by a scientist to anticipate the adverse health effects, especially in relation to obesity and heart disease, of the public’s increased sugar consumption. At the time of publication, Yudkin sat on the advisory panel of the British Department of Health’s Committee on the Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA).[2] He stated his intention in writing the book in the last paragraph of the first chapter: “I hope that when you have read this book I shall have convinced you that sugar is really dangerous.”[3]

      The book and author suffered a barrage of criticism at the time, particularly from the sugar industry, processed-food manufacturers, and Ancel Keys, an American physiologist who argued in favour of restricting dietary fat, not sugar, and who sought to ridicule Yudkin’s work.[2] In later years, Yudkin’s observations came to be accepted.[a][2][4][5][6] A 2002 cover story about sugar by Gary Taubes in The New York Times Magazine, “What if It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?”, attracted attention,[7] and the following year a World Health Organization report recommended that added sugars provide no more than 6–10% of total dietary intake.[8] In 2009 a lecture on the health effects of sugar by Robert Lustig, an American pediatric endocrinologist, went viral.[9] The subsequent interest led to the rediscovery of Yudkin’s book and the rehabilitation of his reputation.[2][10]

      Two further editions of the book were published, the second after Yudkin’s death in 1995. An expanded version appeared in 1986, revised by Yudkin himself, to include much additional research evidence. In 2012 the book was re-published by Penguin Books with a new introduction by Robert Lustig to reflect the changed nutritional context that the book had helped to create.,_White_and_Deadly

    • Sugar politics

      #Cristin_Kearns is a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California San Francisco with a joint appointment at the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies in the School of Medicine, and the Department of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences at the School of Dentistry. Additionally, she is an Acting Instructor at the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Her degrees include a B.A. in Neuroscience from Trinity College, a D.D.S. from The University of North Carolina School of Dentistry, and an M.B.A. in Health Administration from the University of Colorado, Denver.

    • Sucre, le doux mensonge

      Comment, depuis les années 1970, l’industrie agroalimentaire a oeuvré pour augmenter les doses de sucre dans nos assiettes, avec à la clé un problème majeur de santé publique : obésité, diabète et maladies cardiaques se répandent à travers le monde, notamment chez les enfants. Cette enquête dévoile les mensonges de l’industrie sucrière et les recours possibles pour enrayer l’épidémie.

      C’est en épluchant les archives internes de la Great Western Sugar Company, l’un des fleurons de l’industrie sucrière américaine, que la dentiste Cristin Kearns a fait une découverte de taille, exposée fin 2012 dans le magazine américain Mother Jones : dans les années 1970, l’industrie mondiale du sucre a mis au point une stratégie délibérée de conquête, visant à inclure toujours plus de saccharose dans l’alimentation quotidienne mondiale et à en dissimuler sciemment les risques sanitaires. Quarante ans durant, l’Association américaine du sucre et ses homologues d’autres continents ont réussi à faire prospérer un empire lourd de plusieurs milliards et à transformer les habitudes alimentaires à l’échelle planétaire. Conséquence de la nouvelle addiction qu’ils ont su généraliser, l’obésité, le diabète et les maladies cardiaques se répandent à travers le monde, notamment chez les enfants.

      Sucre et tabac, même combat ?
      Le lobby du sucre est désormais au banc des accusés. Sa ligne de défense, jusqu’ici, ne bouge pas d’un iota : il exige de ses détracteurs toujours davantage de preuves de la nocivité du sucre. Ces manœuvres rappellent celles de l’industrie du tabac pour retarder coûte que coûte l’application des décisions politiques. Alors que l’industrie, la recherche et les pouvoirs publics se mènent une lutte de plus en plus dure, la bombe à retardement sanitaire approche de l’explosion… Cette enquête dévoile les mensonges de l’industrie sucrière et les recours possibles pour enrayer l’épidémie.

  • Covers by Ramones | WhoSampled

    Ceux qui considèrent The Ramones comme group punk n’ont pas raison. C’était un groupe qui interpretait pas mal de chansons classiques de l’ère du rock’n’roll à l’époque du punk.

    Ramone’s I Don’t Wanna Grow Up
    I Don’t Wanna Grow Up (1995) is a cover I Don’t Wanna Grow Up by Tom Waits (1992)

    Ramones’s Somebody to Love
    Somebody to Love (1993) is a cover of Somebody to Love by Jefferson Airplane (1967)

    Ramones’s Have You Ever Seen the Rain?
    Have You Ever Seen the Rain? (1993) is a cover of Have You Ever Seen the Rain by Creedence Clearwater Revival (1970)

    Ramones’s Chinese Rocks
    Chinese Rocks (1980) is a cover of Chinese Rocks by The Heartbreakers (1977)

    Ramones’s Street Fighting Man
    Street Fighting Man (1985) is a cover of Street Fighting Man by The Rolling Stones (1968)

    Ramones’s Out of Time
    Out of Time (1993) is a cover of Out of Time by The Rolling Stones (1966)

    Ramones’s Take It as It Comes
    Take It as It Comes (1992) is a cover of Take It as It Comes by The Doors (1967)

    Ramones’s Surfin’ Bird
    Surfin’ Bird (1977) is a cover of Surfin’ Bird by The Trashmen (1964)

    Ramones’s Surfin’ Safari
    Surfin’ Safari (1993) is a cover of Surfin’ Safari by The Beach Boys (1962)

    Ramones’s Baby, I Love You
    Baby, I Love You (1980) is a cover of Baby, I Love You by The Ronettes (1964)

    Ramones’s Substitute
    Substitute (1993) is a cover of Substitute by The Who (1966)

    Ramones’s Needles and Pins
    Needles and Pins (1978) is a cover of Needles and Pins by Jackie DeShannon (1963)

    Ramones’s Let’s Dance
    Let’s Dance (1976) is a cover of Let’s Dance by Chris Montez (1962)

    Ramones’s Spider-Man
    Spider-Man (1995) is a cover of Spider-Man (Theme) by Robert “Bob” Harris (1967)

    Ramones’s Time Has Come Today
    Time Has Come Today (1983) is a cover of Time Has Come Today by The Chambers Brothers (1967)

    Ramones’s My Back Pages
    My Back Pages (1993) is a cover of My Back Pages by Bob Dylan (1964)

    Ramones’s Can’t Seem to Make You Mine
    Can’t Seem to Make You Mine (1993) is a cover of Can’t Seem to Make You Mine by The Seeds (1966)

    Ramones’s California Sun
    California Sun (1977) is a cover of California Sun by The Rivieras (1964)

    Ramones’s When I Was Young
    When I Was Young (1993) is a cover of When I Was Young by Eric Burdon and The Animals (1968)

    Ramones’s Anyway You Want It
    Anyway You Want It (1997) by Ramones feat. Eddie Vedder
    is a cover of Any Way You Want It by The Dave Clark Five (1965)

    Ramones’s I Can’t Control Myself
    I Can’t Control Myself (1993) is a cover of I Can’t Control Myself by The Troggs (1966)

    Ramones’s R.A.M.O.N.E.S.
    R.A.M.O.N.E.S. (1995) is a cover of R.A.M.O.N.E.S. by Motörhead (1991)

    Ramones’s The Shape of Things to Come
    The Shape of Things to Come (1993) is a cover of Shape of Things to Come by Max Frost & the Troopers (1968)

    Ramones’s Do You Wanna Dance?
    Do You Wanna Dance? (1977) is a cover of Do You Want to Dance by Bobby Freeman (1958)

    Ramones’s Palisades Park
    Palisades Park (1989) is a cover of Palisades Park by Freddy Cannon (1962)

    Ramones’s The Crusher
    The Crusher (1995) is a cover of The Crusher by Dee Dee King (1989)

    Ramones’s Surf City
    Surf City (1993) is a cover of Surf City by Jan and Dean (1963)

    Ramones’s Indian Giver
    Indian Giver (1987) is a cover of Indian Giver by 1910 Fruitgum Company (1969)

    The Simpsons feat. Ramones’s Happy Birthday, Mr. Burns
    Happy Birthday, Mr. Burns (1999) by The Simpsons feat. Ramones is a cover of Happy Birthday to You by Preston Ware Orem and R.R. Forman (1935)

    Ramones’s 7 and 7 Is
    7 and 7 Is (1993) is a cover of 7 and 7 Is by Love (1966)

    Ramones’s Journey to the Center of the Mind
    Journey to the Center of the Mind (1993) is a cover of Journey to the Center of the Mind by The Amboy Dukes (1968)


  • Durkheim’s types of suicide and social capital: a cross-national comparison of 53 countries.

    Emile Durkheim conceptualised four types of suicide depending on the level of regulation and integration of society. Many studies have been conducted using his types of suicide as a model. Recently, social capital has produced a wide range of studies examining the benefits that the concept has to social and economic outcomes in a community. Durkheim’s conceptualisation of egoistic, altruistic, and anomic suicide may be viewed as different forms of social capital. The current analysis examines Durkheim’s different types of suicide using a social capital model. The findings demonstrate that suicide increases in countries where the individual is too integrated into society (altruistic suicide) and decreases in countries where the individual does not feel part of society (egoistic suicide). The findings illustrate that social capital can increase or decrease suicide depending on the amount of social capital present in the country.

    • C’est quand même assez ahurissant qu’il n’y ait pas un mot sur la fiabilité et la comparabilité des données pour les 53 pays étudiés !

      La question se pose en général pour la fiabilité des #causes_de_décès mais avec encore plus d’acuité pour le #suicide.

      cf. p.ex. Eurostat

      Les causes de décès - Statistics Explained

      • dans la partie spécifique (c’est moi qui graisse) :

      Bien que le suicide ne soit pas une cause de décès majeure et que les données de certains États membres de l’Union puissent être faussées par une sous-déclaration, il est souvent considéré comme un indicateur important de problèmes, auxquels la société doit s’intéresser.

      • dans les remarques générales sur les sources

      La validité et la fiabilité des statistiques sur les causes de décès dépendent, dans une certaine mesure, de la qualité des données fournies par les médecins qui établissent les certificats. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent être à l’origine d’imprécisions, parmi lesquels :
      • les erreurs éventuelles lors de la délivrance du certificat de décès,
      • les problèmes liés au diagnostic médical,
      • la désignation de la cause principale du décès,
      • l’encodage de la cause du décès.

    • On ne peut que renvoyer à ce constat (de 2002) :

      The registration of causes of death : Problems of comparability | SpringerLink

      Cause-of death statistics are usually available in tables which present for some items of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) annual numbers of deaths by age and sex. Most of the research on mortality by cause is based on these tables which are published by the National Statistical or Medical Institutes as well as by WHO. Very few studies take into account the previous steps of elaboration of cause-of-death statistics to evaluate the quality of the data production from the death of an individual to the addition of one more death in the specific cell of a table.

      Les deux premières pages du chapitre (de 20 pages) sont consultables sur ce site

      Meslé F. (2002) The registration of causes of death : Problems of comparability. In : Wunsch G., Mouchart M., Duchêne J. (eds) The Life Table. European Studies of Population, vol 11. Springer, Dordrecht

  • New Map Shows the Dark Side of Artificial Light at Night - Scientific American

    Beyond the obvious downsides of light pollution—such as grumbling astronomers or sea turtle hatchlings and migrating birds drawn off course by bright lights—most of its related effects are surprisingly hard to quantify. Researchers still lack deep understanding of the complex relationships between many nocturnal predators and prey, let alone how varying levels of artificial light changes them. For humans the effects are similarly muddled. Based on multiple epidemiological studies, the World Health Organization in 2007 and the American Medical Association in 2012 each issued statements warning that extended exposure to light at night increases the risk of certain cancers, probably via alterations to circadian rhythms and associated hormone levels. Even so, most of these studies did not distinguish between exposure to outdoor sources, like streetlights, and indoor ones, like television and smartphone screens.
    #éclairage #pollution_lumineuse #santé

  • Nothing Protects Black Women From Dying in Pregnancy and… — ProPublica

    A black woman is 22% more likely to die from heart disease than a white woman, 71% more likely to perish from cervical cancer, but 300% more likely to die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related causes.

    • Travail impressionnant ! Cette histoire m’a bouleversée.
      C’est en comparant avec ce genre d’analyse systémique qu’on ne peut que regretter l’absence de statistiques mêlant race classe et genre en France. Interdire de dresser 1 éventuel constat sur ce genre de conséquences du racisme est un gros problème.

    • The disproportionate toll on African Americans is the main reason the U.S. maternal mortality rate is so much higher than that of other affluent countries. Black expectant and new mothers in the U.S. die at about the same rate as women in countries such as Mexico and Uzbekistan, the World Health Organization estimates.

      What’s more, even relatively well-off black women like Shalon Irving die or nearly die at higher rates than whites. Again, New York City offers a startling example: A 2016 analysis of five years of data found that black college-educated mothers who gave birth in local hospitals were more likely to suffer severe complications of pregnancy or childbirth than white women who never graduated from high school.

      The fact that someone with Shalon’s social and economic advantages is at higher risk highlights how profound the inequities really are, said Raegan McDonald-Mosley, the chief medical officer for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, who met her in graduate school at Johns Hopkins University and was one of her closest friends. “It tells you that you can’t educate your way out of this problem. You can’t health-care-access your way out of this problem. There’s something inherently wrong with the system that’s not valuing the lives of black women equally to white women.

      For much of American history, these types of disparities were largely blamed on blacks’ supposed innate susceptibility to illness — their “mass of imperfections,” as one doctor wrote in 1903 — and their own behavior. But now many social scientists and medical researchers agree, the problem isn’t race but racism.

  • Returning migrants to The Gambia: the political, social and economic costs

    Gambians were among the top nationalities leaving West Africa for Italy in 2016. In total 11,929 Gambians arrived last year. But because they have a new democratically-elected government, European countries are now looking to increase the returns of Gambian migrants. A Working Party on Integration, Migration and Expulsion has already met at the European Council to discuss a draft agreement on returns between the EU and the Gambia.

    By September 2017, 1,119 Gambians had been returned. When a focus group of 15 were questioned in a recent study, they said that they returned because of the gravity of their situation in detention centres in Libya, and to a degree, by the hope that things would be different in the new Gambia.

    Avec ce commentaire de Emmanuel Blanchard (reçu via la mailing-list migreurop):

    Article intéressant notamment par les informations et statistiques qu’il donne sur l’enregistrement et le rapatriement, par l’#OIM, des Gambiens détenus en #Libye.
    Expulsions depuis l’Italie semble aussi de plus en plus nombreuses (l’auteure ne donne pas de chiffres) et augmenteront encore, selon toute vraisemblance, dans les prochains mois.

    #asile #migrations #réfugiés #renvois #expulsions #réfugiés_gambiens #statistiques #chiffres #Italie

  • #Glyphosate Found in All 5 Major Orange Juice Brands

    Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt stated, "The discovery of glyphosate residue in orange juice is unacceptable, especially since a branch of the World Health Organization designated glyphosate a probable carcinogen, two years ago, back in the spring of 2015. The #EPA has had ample time to revoke the license of this chemical and restrict its use in our food and beverage crops.


  • First global pledge to end #cholera by 2030 - BBC News

    Health officials from around the world are meeting in France to commit to preventing 90% of cholera deaths by 2030.

    The disease, which is spread through contaminated water, kills about 100,000 people every year.

    It is the first time governments, the World Health Organization, aid agencies and donors have made such a pledge.

    It comes as Yemen continues to fight one of the worst cholera outbreaks on record.

    Cholera has been spreading in the war-torn country due to deteriorating hygiene and sanitation conditions and disruptions to the water supply.


  • Il y a un besoin urgent de nouveaux #antibiotiques dans le monde -

    « La résistance aux antimicrobiens est une urgence sanitaire mondiale qui met sérieusement en péril les progrès de la médecine moderne », souligne le Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Directeur général de l’OMS dans le rapport de l’organisation. Il estime « urgent de multiplier les investissements dans la recherche et le développement pour les infections résistantes aux antibiotiques, y compris la tuberculose ». L’agence de santé des Nations unies a recensé 51 nouveaux produits antibactériens en développement clinique pour traiter les agents pathogènes prioritaires résistants aux antibiotiques, de même que pour la tuberculose et l’infection diarrhéique parfois mortelle due au Clostridium difficile. Mais, parmi tous ces candidats médicaments, « huit seulement » sont des « traitements innovants » susceptibles de valoriser l’actuel arsenal de traitements antibiotiques, déplore l’OMS dans un communiqué.

    L’OMS, qui tire régulièrement la sonnette d’alarme sur l’augmentation de la résistance aux antibiotiques, a publié en février 2017 la liste de douze familles de « superbactéries » contre lesquelles elle juge urgent de développer de nouveaux traitements, en plus de la #tuberculose résistante déjà prioritaire. Le rapport pointe un « grave manque d’options de traitement » pour la tuberculose résistante, qui tue quelque 250.000 personnes par an, ainsi que pour des bactéries, largement résistantes aux médicaments, dont des Acinetobacter et des entérobactéries (telles que Klebsiella et E. coli). Ces dernières peuvent causer des infections graves et souvent mortelles et représentent une menace particulièrement sérieuse, notamment dans les hôpitaux. Il existe également « très peu » de formes orales d’antibiotiques en développement, pourtant « essentielles pour traiter les infections en dehors des hôpitaux ou dans des contextes à ressources limitées ». « La recherche sur la tuberculose est sous-financée », relève pour sa part le Dr Mario Raviglione, directeur du programme global OMS de lutte contre la tuberculose, alors que plus de 800 millions de dollars par an seraient nécessaires pour trouver de nouveaux médicaments.

    ÉPIDÉMIOLOGIE. La prévention et un usage approprié des antibiotiques (pour l’humain et l’animal) font également partie des moyens de lutte contre cette menace, rappelle l’OMS. Les bactéries résistantes aux antibiotiques pourraient tuer jusqu’à 10 millions de personnes par an d’ici 2050, soit autant que le cancer, selon un groupe d’experts internationaux formé en 2014 au Royaume-Uni, et auteur de plusieurs rapports sur le sujet.

  • Yemen’s cholera outbreak surpasses 600,000 - World Socialist Web Site

    Et on en parle pratiquement pas.

    Yemen’s cholera outbreak surpasses 600,000
    By Bill Van Auken
    7 September 2017

    The humanitarian crisis unfolding in Yemen—the worst in the world—is an “entirely man-made catastrophe,” the product of a the two-and-a-half-year-old Saudi-led and US-backed war of aggression, the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights stated in a report issued on Tuesday.

    The war, which has increasingly assumed near-genocidal proportions, has killed at least 14,000 civilians, maimed many thousands more, displaced 2 million and left at least 7.3 million on the brink of famine.

    Meanwhile, the country is confronting the worst cholera epidemic on record, with the World Health Organization and Yemen’s health ministry reporting 612,703 people infected and 2,048 of them dying from the disease since April. While the spread of the epidemic has slowed over the past two months, there are still 3,000 new cases reported daily.

    #yémen #choléra #santé

  • How the House of Saud Inflicted 500,000 Cholera Cases — As Policy | The Tyee

    a 31-year-old Saudi prince is waging biological warfare against his neighbours, and we aren’t even complaining. The WHO is in no position to name and shame the House of Saud, whose wealth gives the Saudis political clout with UN members that need its oil; WHO can only thank the Saudis for tossing some spare change at a problem they themselves created.

    It’s extremely difficult to conduct foreign policy on strictly moral terms. This is especially true when one is already compromised, as Canada is in this case thanks to our providing armoured personnel carriers to the Saudis. For the sake of some Ontario votes, Trudeau’s Liberals have tolerated not only the suppression of Saudi citizens with those armoured vehicles, but the starvation and sickening of hundreds of thousands of Yemeni children and adults.

    #arabie_saoudite #yémen #guerre #choléra #canada #OMS (complices)

  • WHO | WHO validates elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis in #Cuba

    30 JUNE 2015 ¦ GENEVA ¦ WASHINGTON - Cuba today became the first country in the world to receive validation from WHO that it has eliminated mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis.

    “Eliminating transmission of a virus is one of the greatest public health achievements possible,” said Dr Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General. “This is a major victory in our long fight against HIV and sexually transmitted infections, and an important step towards having an AIDS-free generation” she added.

    Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS: “This is a celebration for Cuba and a celebration for children and families everywhere. It shows that ending the AIDS epidemic is possible and we expect Cuba to be the first of many countries coming forward to seek validation that they have ended their epidemics among children.”

    #VIH #SIDA #enfant #santé #bonne_nouvelle

    Viva Cuba !

  • Red Cross chief visits besieged city on Yemen’s front lines | Lexington Herald Leader

    The chief of the international Red Cross made a rare visit to the front lines in #Yemen Monday, taking a dirt road to reach the besieged western city of Taiz, devastated by more than two years of fighting.

    The visit by Peter Maurer, the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross, is meant to provide the ICRC with a firsthand look at Yemen’s raging #cholera epidemic and humanitarian crisis amid the civil war. Maurer already visited the southern port city of Aden and will be ending his trip in Sanaa.

    The executive directors of UNICEF and WHO are also in Yemen to urge for much-needed humanitarian aid. The $2.1 billion humanitarian appeal for Yemen is only 33 percent funded, and the response to the cholera epidemic requires an additional $250 million, of which just $47 million has been received, according to the United Nations.

    Maurer posted a video showing him driving on unpaved roads to Taiz and tweeted: “The city is encircled and main roads are cut off.

    I find this needless suffering absolutely infuriating. The world is sleep-walking into yet more tragedy,” Maurer said on Sunday.


  • Cholera Is Slaughtering Yemen and We’re Letting It Happen, by Laurie Garrett |

    This is the worst #cholera epidemic in modern history, and it has already spread well beyond the borders of Yemen, though neighboring nations decline to officially report “cholera,” preferring the ambiguous phrase, “acute watery diarrhea.” Even the new director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, plays the name game (…)

    Confronting this catastrophe commands honesty: Cholera is now rampant not only in Yemen, but South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and in refugee camps across the Middle East. Last month, the disease broke out in a luxury hotel in Nairobi, sickening attendees to a health conference. By that time, UNICEF head Anthony Lake said, the #Yemen disaster was growing by 5,000 new cases per day—a pace it has since well exceeded. The true toll may well reach half a million before July ends, and the agony is evident everywhere one looks.

    The horrible irony is that cholera is spreading primarily because Saudi Arabia and its Gulf state allies have been bombing Yemen’s infrastructure to smithereens for months, rendering every water supply contaminated. The reluctance of Ethiopia and other cholera-afflicted nations to truthfully state their health plights is due to the same countries’—Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies—policies of boycotting all trade and food from nations that admit to having the disease. And historically the greatest scourge of the annual Hajj is—you guessed it—cholera.

    et il faut que ce soit publié dans Fortune (!!)

  • Should You Feed Your Kid Probiotics? - Issue 50: Emergence

    Read our interview with article coauthor, Jack Gilbert, director of the Microbiome Institute.Probiotics have been around for centuries. They form part of our ancestral and contemporary diets and have long been associated with positive health benefits. The World Health Organization defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” They are found in many foods, including yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and other fermented products. They are also found in breast milk. On the other hand, most commercially available probiotics make torrents of health claims that simply have not been supported by research. A pill with “40 billion live organisms” is not going to help your child lose weight or “boost” their immune system. It (...)

  • Trump’s New CDC Chief Championed Partnership with Coca-Cola to Solve Childhood Obesity

    The new chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which monitors significant public health concerns, including the impact of sugary beverages on obesity and heart disease, will be led by Brenda Fitzgerald, a Georgia physician whose signature childhood obesity project was underwritten by Coca-Cola.

    Coca-Cola was so fond of Fitzgerald’s approach to obesity issues that an opinion column authored by Fitzgerald is featured prominently on Coca-Cola’s website.

    Public health officials around the country have made obesity a top issue of concern. The United States has the distinction of having the highest rate of childhood obesity in the world, according to a recent report from the New England Journal of Medicine. And multiple reports have found that regular consumption of sugary beverages is a leading driver of obesity, which is linked to heart disease, diabetes, kidney diseases, cancers and hypertension.

    More exercise, of course, is a good thing, but the Georgia SHAPE program notably eschewed another well-known step toward healthier living: curbing sugary beverage consumption

    The CDC in particular has also been targeted by Coca-Cola, which has long disclosed attempts to lobby the agency to influence public health policy.

    Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know revealed that executives from Coca-Cola and the International Life Sciences Institute — an organization founded with support from Coca-Cola — had pressured the agency to partner with the soda giant and allow it to weigh in on debates over sugary soft drinks. In one particular email chain with a CDC official, a former Coca-Cola executive discussed strategies for influencing the World Health Organization’s call for greater regulation of soft drinks. The former Coca-Cola executive called the WHO’s efforts a “threat to our business,” and invited the CDC official out for dinner to further discuss ways to sway decisions at the international body. Clyde Tuggle, the former Coca-Cola executive, was included in the email chain.

    #alimentation #conflits_intérêt #boissons_sucrées #obésité

  • Europeans Are Drinking Themselves to Death - Bloomberg

    Nearly one in every four deaths from gastrointestinal diseases can be attributed to alcohol intake, according to a World Health Organization report from 2014.

    “There are carcinogenic effects from alcohol that primarily affect the gastrointestinal tract,” said Richard Gardner, chief executive of the British Society of Gastroenterology. “Fundamentally, there’s no such thing as no-risk drinking.”

    #alcool #santé #cancer

  • Yemen In Crisis: How To Stop The World’s Worst Cholera Outbreak : Goats and Soda : NPR

    Yemen is struggling to control a cholera outbreak that the U.N. is calling “the worst ... in the world.”

    As of June 26, the World Health Organization estimates that there have been nearly 219,000 cases and 1,400 deaths since the start of the outbreak in late April. The outbreak is adding to a humanitarian crisis brought on by a civil war that’s lasted more than two years.

    WHO has approved use of a vaccine in Yemen, but it works best if given before an outbreak starts. The organization is considering whether provinces neighboring those with rampant cholera would make good targets for a vaccine campaign. Some areas may not be safe or accessible for vaccine workers because of fighting.

    #yémen #santé #choléra

  • U.N. blames warring sides for Yemen’s ’man-made’ cholera ’catastrophe’ | Reuters

    U.N. humanitarian chief Stephen O’Brien described the cholera outbreak in Yemen, which is fast approaching 300,000 cases, as a “man-made catastrophe” caused by the warring sides in the country’s civil war and their international backers.

    The number of suspected cases of the disease, which is caused by ingesting bacteria from water or food contaminated with faeces, reached 179,548 by 20 June, with 1,205 deaths, according to the World Health Organization.

    “This is because of conflict, it’s man-made, it’s very severe, the numbers are absolutely staggering, it’s getting worse, and the cholera element in addition to the lack of food, the lack of medical supplies, primarily one has to put that at the door of all the parties to the conflict,” O’Brien said.

    #guerre #yémen #choléra

    (et si tout le monde est coupable personne ne l’est)