• Antoine Math : « En matière de droit des étrangers, les digues ont sauté » | Alternatives Economiques

    En pleine discussion sur le projet de #loi_immigration, le Sénat a non seulement supprimé l’aide médicale d’Etat (#AME) pour les #étrangers extra-européens mais adopté le 8 novembre deux amendements qui leur imposent cinq ans de « présence stable et régulière » en France pour percevoir l’allocation personnalisée au logement et les allocations familiales, mais aussi la prestation de compensation du handicap et le droit au logement opposable.

    L’économiste Antoine Math, chercheur à l’Institut de recherches économiques et sociales (Ires) et spécialiste des politiques sociales, revient sur ces décisions « qui viennent de très loin »...

    #droit_des_étrangers #droits_sociaux #APL #allocations_familiales#PCH #Dalo

    • Depuis des années, que ce soit dans les programmes des partis de droite et d’extrême droite ou dans certaines politiques publiques, notamment imposées à Mayotte et en Guyane, de telles mesures sont promues. Elles viennent de très loin, et dans le climat actuel d’#extrême-droitisation qui va bien au-delà des partis appartenant à ce spectre de l’échiquier politique, cela ne m’étonne pas qu’elles rencontrent un franc succès.
      Un détour par l’histoire n’est pas inutile. Pendant longtemps, il y avait une #condition_de_nationalité pour l’accès à certaines prestations sociales non contributives. Il fallait être Français ou Européen ou ressortissant d’un pays ayant signé telle ou telle convention avec la France. Les étrangers étaient ainsi exclus du minimum vieillesse, du minimum invalidité et de l’allocation aux adultes handicapés jusqu’en 1998.
      Pendant les années 1980, le Front national, aujourd’hui Rassemblement national, défendait ce qu’il appelait « la préférence nationale ». C’était sa mesure phare.


      Une autre condition est rapidement venue combler l’impossibilité de la condition de nationalité pour restreindre l’accès des étrangers à certaines prestations. C’est la condition d’#antériorité_de_titre_de_séjour autorisant à travailler.
      Attention ! Ce n’est pas la condition d’ancienneté de présence ou de résidence, dite aussi de résidence stable, qui existe par exemple en matière de protection maladie, assurance maladie ou d’Aide médicale d’Etat. Elle est beaucoup plus restrictive.
      C’est une arme de guerre massive contre les étrangers. Elle ne permet pas d’exclure tous les étrangers comme le ferait la condition de nationalité jugée contraire à la Constitution et aux normes internationales, mais elle s’en approche par ses effets, en excluant une proportion d’autant plus importante que l’antériorité exigée est longue.
      Mais même lorsqu’on remplit en pratique cette condition draconienne, faire valoir ses droits n’a rien d’évident. Pour deux raisons. D’abord, il faut pouvoir le prouver. Or lorsqu’on renouvelle son titre de séjour, on rend l’ancien. Il faut donc être très prudent, avoir fait des scans ou des photocopies de ces titres de séjour précédents sur cinq, dix ou quinze ans, et ne pas les avoir perdus.
      Ensuite, lors des renouvellements de titres, il arrive fréquemment qu’il y ait une rupture de la continuité, parfois de quelques jours seulement, souvent du fait des préfectures qui tardent à fixer un rendez-vous ou délivrer le bon document.
      Du strict point de vue du droit, cela remet les compteurs à zéro. Les administrations sociales ne font pas toujours preuve de bienveillance à cet égard. L’étranger se trouve alors irrémédiablement pénalisé.
      Avec ces amendements, on s’oriente vers l’exclusion de nombreuses personnes étrangères résidant régulièrement en France.

      merci @sombre

  • Weekly Report on Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (23 – 29 April 2020)
    23 – 29 April 2020 – Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

    Israeli occupation forces raids into the occupied Palestinian territory: a dangerous vulnerability in Palestinian preventive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus
    3 Palestinian civilians sustained wounds in IOF suppression of protests in Kufur Qaddoum in Qalqilya, West Bank
    12 shootings reported against agricultural lands and once at Palestinian fishing boats in eastern and western Gaza Strip
    In 57 IOF incursions into the West Bank, including occupied Jerusalem: 39 civilians arrested, including 5 children
    Residential tent destroyed in Jericho, and 24 demolition and cease-construction notices distributed in Salfit and Bethlehem
    Settlers attacks in the West Bank: trees cut in Nablus, lands razed in Salfit, and a settler-tent established in western Bethlehem;
    IOF established 27 temporary military checkpoints in the West Bank, roads closed and 2 civilians arrested at IOF checkpoints


  • Palestinian Center for Human Rights

    Bethlehem – an Israeli Checkpoint in the City.

    Israeli forces continue systematic crimes in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)

    (18 – 24 June 2015)

    3 Palestinian civilians were wounded during peaceful protests.

    A boy sustained serious wounds in Jerusalem and a child sustained wounds by settlers, east of al-Bireh.

    Israeli forces opened fire at border areas along the Gaza Strip.

    3 civilians, including a child, were wounded in the south of the Gaza Strip.

    Israeli navy forces continued to open fire at Palestinian fishing boats in the Gaza Strip sea, but no casualties were reported.

    Israeli warplanes targeted an area in the northern Gaza Strip.

    Israeli forces conducted 40 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

    2 Palestinian civilians were wounded by Israeli forces’ gunfire, east of Nablus.

    37 Palestinian civilians, including 11 children and 6 women, were arrested.

    20 of these civilians, including 11 children and 5 women, were arrested in occupied Jerusalem.

    Israel continued to impose a total closure on the oPt and has isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.

    Many checkpoints were established in the West Bank.

    12 Palestinian civilians, including a child, were arrested at checkpoints.

    Israeli forces banned the Deputy Head of Palestinian Journalists Syndicate from traveling via Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing.

    Israeli forces continued to support settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.

    Israeli forces removed grocery and fruit stalls on Bethlehem-Hebron road and confiscated their contents.

    Settlers cut off 70 fruitful olive trees, south of Nabuls, using chainsaws.

    #PCHR #Palestine #occupation

  • Palestinian Center for Human Rights

    Gaza – Palestinians check the damage caused by Israeli airstrikes against various areas in the Gaza Strip

    Israeli settlers kidnapped, tortured and killed a Palestinian Child from Shu’fat neighbourhood in Occupied Jerusalem and mutilated his body.

    In two new crimes of extra-judicial execution, 3 members of the armed groups were killed and another one was wounded.

    Israeli forces stormed Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

    A Palestinian civilian was killed in the north of the West Bank, and an old woman died due to a heart attack when Israeli forces raided her house, south of the West Bank.

    – 19 Palestinian civilians, including the Palestine TV Reporter in occupied Jerusalem, were wounded, and one of them was arrested.

    – Israeli forces conducted 90 incursions in the West Bank.

    – 3 houses were destroyed in Hebron on the ground of collective punishment.

    – 76 Palestinian civilians, including 8 children, were arrested.

    – The building of Hend al-Husseini Faculty was raided in occupied Jerusalem.

    – The equipment of al-Rayyan Dairy Factory was confiscated in Hebron.

    Israeli warplanes launched 24 airstrikes on civilian objects and paramilitary training sites in the Gaza Strip.
    – 9 Palestinian civilians, including 3women and 2 children, were wounded by shrapnel, and 3 civilians, including two children, were injured by the flying glass. Moreover, 3 civilians sustained bruises.

    – A chicken barn, greenhouses, a country house, two barracks for fodders and sheep were destroyed, and 3000 chicks died.

    Israeli forces continued to fire at the border areas in the Gaza Strips

    – 3 Palestinian civilians were wounded in the southern and central Gaza Strip. (...)


  • Une nouvelle preuve, s’il en est besoin, de l’impunité israélienne :

    « New Israeli Escalation against the Gaza Strip, 7 Palestinians, Including 3 Children, Killed and 52 Others, Including 6 Women and 12 Children, Wounded » (Palestinian Center for Human Rights, [PCHR], 11 novembre)

    Over the past 72 hours, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have escalated their aerial and ground attacks against the Gaza Strip. Five Palestinian civilians, including 3 children, have been killed, and 52 others, including 6 women and 12 children, have been wounded . Four of these deaths and 38 of the injuries resulted from an Israeli attack on a football playground in al-Shoja’iya neighborhood east of Gaza City. Additionally, 2 members of the Palestinian resistance were killed, and some civilian facilities were destroyed or damaged. (...)

    Moreover, the IOF have launched several attacks against Palestinian civilian property , as follows:

    At approximately 17:00 on Saturday, 10 November 2012, the IOF, positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, east of Khan Yunis, fired 2 artillery shells at the water tank of the Khuza’a Municipality, nearly 800 meters away from the border. Shrapnel from the shells hit 11 Palestinian civilians, including 5 women and 2 children, while they were inside their houses or in nearby streets.

    At the same time, the IOF, positioned at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, fired an artillery shell at the office of the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company in al-Sha’af neighborhood east of Gaza City. The office was heavily damaged, but no casualties were reported. (...)

    Overnight, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a brick factory belonging to the Hassanain family in al-Tuffah neighborhood east of Gaza City. The factory was totally destroyed. (...)

    Etc, etc. On le voit : que des cibles « stratégiques »...

    #Palestine #Gaza #Israël #PCHR

  • La société #PCH, qui gère plusieurs points d’échange (et qui avait beaucoup aidé celui d’#Haïti, avant et après le tremblement de terre), vient de sortir une excellente étude sur les accords de #peering (traduction française souhaitée) entre les opérateurs Internet.


    On y apprend notamment que, contrairement à ce qui avait toujours été dit, le peering multilatéral est très fréquent.

    #BGP #Internet