• No peace deal if Israeli settlements continue: PA official

    Protesters hold a banner denouncing the settlements expansion during a demonstration to protest against US Secretary of State’s visit on November 6, 2013 in Bethlehem. (Photo: AFP - Hazem Bader)

    Failure to reach a peace deal with #Israel would be better than inking an agreement which allows it to continue its settlement building, a top Palestinian negotiator said on Monday. "In the absence of political will from the Israeli side to take the negotiations seriously, (...)

    #Kerry #Palestine #peace_talks #Top_News

  • #syria #Opposition to woo #rebels to #peace_talks

    President of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) Ahmad Jarba (C) and members attend a meeting of the National Coalition on November 9, 2013, in Istanbul. (Photo: AFP - Bulent Kilic)

    Syria’s opposition is edging towards agreeing to international peace talks in Geneva but wants approval from fighters inside the country first to give the process more legitimacy, sources at talks in Istanbul said late on Saturday. The leadership of the Syrian National Coalition is (...)

    #Geneva_II #Top_News

  • #Pollution en #Chine : une #enfant de 8 ans a un #cancer du #poumon

    Des #médecins #chinois ont diagnostiqué un cancer du poumon chez une fillette de 8 ans, en attribuant la cause à la pollution atmosphérique, devenue un véritable fléau pour la santé publique en Chine.

    La plus jeune personne atteinte d’un cancer pulmonaire en Chine... Sans commentaire...et je ne vous parle pas de la qualité de l’air à Xian...


    Revue de Presse Hebdomadaire sur la Chine du 04/11/2013

    • Les chinois sont-ils en train de vivre le début de leur #pearl_harbor_écologique, pour reprendre l’expression de Guillaume Duval citant lui-même Lester Brown ?
      La pollution de cet air opaque est spectaculaire, la maladie d’une enfant est émotionnellement traumatisante, mais cela peut-il suffir à mobiliser durablement tout un pays pour lutter contre la fatalité ? Une épidémie de 100 000 cancers est-elle aussi mobilisatrice que la détresse de 10 000 personnes dans des buildings en feu ?


      En attendant Pearl Harbour
      Parviendrons-nous à surmonter ces obstacles - humains - à temps ? Ce n’est pas sûr. Mais pour conclure sur une note un peu optimiste, reprenons l’analogie qu’utilise Lester Brown, l’un des pionniers de l’écologie aux Etats-Unis. Pour lui, la période actuelle rappelle les discussions longues et difficiles qu’avaient eues les Américains avant d’entrer dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Et cela pour des raisons parfaitement compréhensibles, quand on mesure le sacrifice consenti par la suite… Et puis il y eut Pearl Harbour. Tout en restant une démocratie, le pays s’est alors entièrement mobilisé pour l’effort de guerre : pas une seule automobile individuelle n’a été construite pendant quatre ans. La période actuelle n’est donc peut-être que la longue - et frustrante - période de maturation inévitable pour dégager les bases d’un consensus acceptable afin de répartir l’effort nécessaire tant au sein des sociétés qu’à l’échelle mondiale. Si c’est le cas, il reste juste à espérer que le Pearl Harbour écologique qui nous décidera (enfin) à agir ne sera pas trop dramatique…

    • Bien vu, c’est certain. Maintenant il semblerait que le gvt soit prêt à engager une dynamique de lutte contre la pollution mais cela ressemble plus à de la façade au regard des dégats plus qu’importants dans le domaine. Cela reviendrait à changer profondément la planification économique et le moteur de la croissance « immédiate » et la culture chinoise est peu enclin au manque d’"harmonie" prompte à accompagner de telles restructurations... Cela ressemblera à un pauvre pansement sur une grosse jambe de bois, dommage

  • Syrian rebels say #peace_talks «treasonous»

    Members of jihadist group Al-Nusra Front take part in a parade calling for the establishment of an Islamic state in #syria, at the Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood of Aleppo, on October 25, 2013. (Photo: AFP - Karam al-Masri)

    Powerful armed groups in Syria said attending peace talks or negotiating with #Damascus would be an act of betrayal. The joint declaration by the 19 Islamist groups fighting to topple President Bashar al-#Assad cast further doubt on whether the (...)

    #Brahimi #Geneva_II #Top_News

  • #PEAV Tournoi de boxe populaire à Paname

    On s’inspire de la traditions italienne, espagnole et allemande qui a développée
    une pratique autonome de la boxe et organise depuis plus de 10 ans des
    tournois antifas au sein de lieux auto-organisés.

    Nous pensons que le sport en général, et les sports de combats en particulier, sont
    des moyens beaucoup plus que des loisirs détachés de toute réalité sociale et

    Ce sont des moyens d’auto-défense individuels et collectifs, des moyens
    d’expression, là où parfois le langage pourrait être un obstacle, des moyens de
    se rencontrer et par extension de s’organiser, des moyens de réagir face aux
    attaques sexistes, racistes ou homophobes.

    À la différence du sport tel qu’il se pratique actuellement dans les clubs et en
    compétition, nous n’identifions pas l’adversaire comme l’ennemi. Notre
    démarche n’est pas de développer une performance individuelle qui aurait pour
    but de dominer l’autre. Notre ennemi est avant tout nous-même, comme on dit,
    et vivant dans un monde capitaliste, il est aussi tout ce qui symbolise et
    personnifie notre remise au pas en tant qu’individu isolé, passif et normé.

  • Sécurité sociale : l’autre bataille des taxes, Actualités


    La refonte des prélèvements sociaux sur les PEA divise
    Le projet de loi prévoit une refonte des taxes qui pèsent sur les produits de placement. Les prélèvements sociaux s’appliquant à la majorité des produits s’élèvent à 15,5 %, mais les taux peuvent être inférieurs selon la date de réalisation des gains. L’exécutif veut harmoniser la règle, ce qui doit dégager 600 millions d’euros en 2014, issus pour l’essentiel des plans d’épargne en actions (PEA). « En modifiant le régime fiscal des contrats déjà signés, vous créez une véritable rupture de la confiance accordée par les Français au système », dénonce Véronique Louwagie (UMP).
    Même au sein du Parti socialiste, cette mesure ne fait pas l’unanimité. La députée Valérie Rabault, rapporteure (PS) pour avis du projet de loi au nom de la commission des Finances, « regrette que cette mesure soit appliquée uniformément à tous les types de produits alors même que certains d’entre eux constituent la base d’une épargne pour les ménages les moins aisés ». Pour Laurent Grandguillaume (PS), le fait que cette mesure « entre en vigueur de manière rétroactive à la date du 28 septembre 2013 peut poser problème à des entrepreneurs, alors qu’ils ne font par exemple que vendre des actions de leur PEA pour réinvestir dans une autre société ».

    "Le détournement de la taxe sur les retraites alimente les critiques
    Depuis le 1er avril dernier, la moitié des retraités s’acquittent d’un prélèvement de 0,3 % sur leurs pensions. Destinée à améliorer la prise en charge des personnes âgées dépendantes, cette contribution, qui rapportera 645 millions d’euros en 2014, finance en réalité le Fonds de solidarité vieillesse, qui prend en charge le minimum vieillesse et les cotisations retraite des chômeurs. Un « détournement de fonds », dénoncent les acteurs du secteur et certains députés, de droite comme de gauche.
    Pour éteindre la polémique, Jean-Marc Ayrault a dévoilé la semaine dernière un calendrier pour la réforme de la dépendance . La taxe servira bien à augmenter les aides aux personnes âgées, mais pas avant 2015. Les députés socialistes se sont félicités de cette annonce, mais ils maintiennent la pression sur le gouvernement. En commission, ils ont adopté un amendement qui dirige dès 2014 une partie du rendement de la taxe – 130 millions d’euros –- vers les aides aux personnes âgées dépendantes...."


  • #PEAV Anne Clerval : « À Paris, le discours sur la mixité sociale a remplacé la lutte des classes » | Humanite

    Le terme «  bobo  », inventé par un journaliste réactionnaire aux États-Unis, n’a aucun fondement scientifique. Aucun chercheur en activité ne l’utilise. Je préfère utiliser les termes de gentrifieurs et de gentrification, qui ont été forgés en partie par un courant de géographie radicale anglophone. Cette notion désigne un embourgeoisement spécifique des quartiers populaires par remplacement de population et transformation matérielle de la ville.

    #Paris #Gentrification #Belleville

  • #Friends_of_Syria” to push for #peace_talks at London summit

    An injured child reacts as he is treated in the Bustan al-Qasr neighborhood of #syria northern city of Aleppo on October 19, 2013, following an alleged shelling by government forces. (Photo: AFP - Karam al-Masri)

    Western countries and their favored Arab allies will meet with Syria’s opposition on Tuesday to try to convince them to come to Geneva for peace talks with President Bashar al-Assad’s government. The conference in London will bring together representatives (...)

    #Geneva_II #Top_News

  • La démarche du photographe : Le processus créatif, de l’intuition à l’image finale – par #david_duchemin

    Voilà un #livre dont je dois vous parler depuis de nombreux mois : La démarche du photographe – Le processus créatif, de l’intuition à l’image finale – par David duChemin. L’autre jour, en me mentionnant David duChemin, Jean-Charles l’a nommé « ton maître à penser ». Ça m’a fait rire… tellement vrai… Sans doute vous souvenez-vous de […]

    #Livres_et_ebooks_photo #craft_and_vision #livre_photo #Pearson

  • Les moutons de François-Xavier Lalanne se sont échappés...

    Et soudain, à l’angle de de la 24e rue et de la 10e avenue dans le quartier Chealsy à New-York, une oeuvre d’art...

    Un coin de rue, une vielle station service, des moutons et du gazon. Voilà l’installation complètement surréaliste de l’artiste français François-Xavier Lalanne. Il en avait réalisé d’autres avec ses célèbres moutons, mais celle-ci est de loin la plus grande. Voilà, la nature aura pris le pas sur le symbole du monde industrialisé.






    #art #new-york #chelsea (évidemment) #lalanne #installation_artistique

  • USA : Les Coloradiens sont appelés a rester hors de contact des eaux en crue à la suite de craintes de pollution chimique massive causé par les puits de gaz de schiste inondés
    Je ne sais pas ce que vaut cette information.

    Alors que toute l’attention se tourne désormais vers les réparations des inondations du Colorado dans les 17 comtés touchés , les habitants des zones sinistrées ont été avertis de rester hors de contact des eaux en crue car elles peuvent malheureusement contenir des produits chimiques nocifs et de nombreuses eaux usées , ont indiqué des autorités sanitaires .

    Les principales préoccupations des autorités sanitaires est la possibilité qu’une pollution nuisible massive ait été déclenchée par les eaux de crue , en particulier dans les centre de forage de gaz de schiste .

  • Incroyable, mais ce midi, ou bien hier midi, mais quelle importance, j’ai écouté un collègue parler d’Angus Maddison (http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angus_Maddison).

    Ce type (Angus, pas mon collègue) a calculé (je ne sais pas s’il s’est amusé à faire ce calcul) la croissance économique à l’échelle mondiale depuis l’an 0.

    Je cite mon collègue :

    Voici un article qui en parle, avec des graphiques qui paraissent stupéfiants de prime abord :
    – il n’y avait pas du tout de #croissance par habitant avant 1800 (dans le monde entier)...
    – avant 1800, la zone géographique au plus fort PIB était de très loin l’Asie.
    – le #PIB par habitant en Chine n’a presque pas augmenté avant 1960


    Je dis incroyable, parce qu’on parle rarement d’#économie ou d’#histoire au déjeuner entre collègues...

  • #Haile_Selassie, Speech to #UN October 6 1963 - YouTube

    H.I.M. Haile Selassie address to the #Unted_Nations Oct 6, 1963

    Mr. President, Distinguished Delegates:
    Twenty-seven years ago, as Emperor of #Ethiopia, I mounted the rostrum in Geneva, Switzerland, to address the League of Nations and to appeal for relief from the destruction which had been unleashed against my defenseless nation, by the Fascist invader.I spoke then both to and for the conscience of the world. My words went unheeded, but history testifies to the accuracy of the warning that I gave in 1936.

    Today, I stand before the world organization which has succeeded to the mantle discarded by its discredited predecessor. In this body is enshrined the principle of collective security which I unsuccessfully invoked at Geneva. Here, in this Assembly, reposes the best - perhaps the last - hope for the peaceful survival of mankind.

    In 1936, I declared that it was not the Covenant of the League that was at stake, but #international_morality. Undertakings, I said then, are of little worth if the will to keep them is lacking. The Charter of the United Nations expresses the noblest aspirations of man: abjuration of force in the settlement of disputes between states; the assurance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion; the safeguarding of international peace and security.

    But these, too, as were the phrases of the Covenant, are only words; their value depends wholly on our will to observe and honor them and give them content and meaning. The preservation of peace and the guaranteeing of man’s basic freedoms and rights require courage and eternal vigilance: courage to speak and act - and if necessary, to suffer and die - for truth and justice; eternal vigilance, that the least transgression of international morality shall not go undetected and unremedied. These lessons must be learned anew by each succeeding generation, and that generation is fortunate indeed which learns from other than its own bitter experience. This Organization and each of its members bear a crushing and awesome responsibility: to absorb the wisdom of history and to apply it to the problems of the present, in order that future generations may be born, and live, and die, in peace.

    The record of the United Nations during the few short years of its life affords mankind a solid basis for encouragement and hope for the future. The United Nations has dared to act, when the League dared not in Palestine, in Korea, in Suez, in the Congo. There is not one among us today who does not conjecture upon the reaction of this body when motives and actions are called into question. The opinion of this Organization today acts as a powerful influence upon the decisions of its members. The spotlight of world opinion, focused by the United Nations upon the transgressions of the renegades of human society, has thus far proved an effective safeguard against unchecked aggression and unrestricted violation of human rights.

    The United Nations continues to sense as the forum where nations whose interests clash may lay their cases before world opinion. It still provides the essential escape valve without which the slow build-up of pressures would have long since resulted in catastrophic explosion. Its actions and decisions have speeded the achievement of freedom by many peoples on the continents of Africa and Asia. Its efforts have contributed to the advancement of the standard of living of peoples in all corners of the world.

    For this, all men must give thanks. As I stand here today, how faint, how remote are the memories of 1936.How different in 1963 are the attitudes of men. We then existed in an atmosphere of suffocating pessimism. Today, cautious yet buoyant optimism is the prevailing spirit. But each one of us here knows that what has been accomplished is not enough.

    The United Nations judgments have been and continue to be subject to frustration, as individual member-states have ignored its pronouncements and disregarded its recommendations. The Organization’s sinews have been weakened, as member-states have shirked their obligations to it. The authority of the Organization has been mocked, as individual member-states have proceeded, in violation of its commands, to pursue their own aims and ends. The troubles which continue to plague us virtually all arise among member states of the Organization, but the Organization remains impotent to enforce acceptable solutions. As the maker and enforcer of the international law, what the United Nations has achieved still falls regrettably short of our goal of an international community of nations.

    This does not mean that the United Nations has failed. I have lived too long to cherish many illusions about the essential highmindedness of men when brought into stark confrontation with the issue of control over their security, and their property interests. Not even now, when so much is at hazard would many nations willingly entrust their destinies to other hands.

    Yet, this is the ultimatum presented to us: secure the conditions whereby men will entrust their security to a larger entity, or risk annihilation; persuade men that their salvation rests in the subordination of national and local interests to the interests of humanity, or endanger man’s future. These are the objectives, yesterday unobtainable, today essential, which we must labor to achieve.

    Until this is accomplished, mankind’s future remains hazardous and permanent peace a matter for speculation. There is no single magic formula, no one simple step, no words, whether written into the Organization’s Charter or into a treaty between states, which can automatically guarantee to us what we seek. Peace is a day-to-day problem, the product of a multitude of events and judgments. #Peace is not an “is”, it is a “becoming.” We cannot escape the dreadful possibility of catastrophe by miscalculation. But we can reach the right decisions on the myriad subordinate problems which each new day poses, and we can thereby make our contribution and perhaps the most that can be reasonably expected of us in 1963 to the preservation of peace. It is here that the United Nations has served us - not perfectly, but well. And in enhancing the possibilities that the Organization may serve us better, we serve and bring closer our most cherished goals.

    I would mention briefly today two particular issues which are of deep concern to all men: disarmament and the establishment of true equality among men. Disarmament has become the urgent imperative of our time. I do not say this because I equate the absence of arms to peace, or because I believe that bringing an end to the nuclear arms race automatically guarantees the peace, or because the elimination of nuclear warheads from the arsenals of the world will bring in its wake that change in attitude requisite to the peaceful settlement of disputes between nations. Disarmament is vital today, quite simply, because of the immense destructive capacity of which men dispose.

    Ethiopia supports the atmospheric nuclear test ban treaty as a step towards this goal, even though only a partial step. Nations can still perfect weapons of mass destruction by underground testing. There is no guarantee against the sudden, unannounced resumption of testing in the atmosphere.

    The real significance of the treaty is that it admits of a tacit stalemate between the nations which negotiated it, a stalemate which recognizes the blunt, unavoidable fact that none would emerge from the total destruction which would be the lot of all in a nuclear war, a stalemate which affords us and the United Nations a breathing space in which to act.

    Here is our opportunity and our challenge. If the nuclear powers are prepared to declare a truce, let us seize the moment to strengthen the institutions and procedures which will serve as the means for the pacific settlement of disputes among men. Conflicts between nations will continue to arise. The real issue is whether they are to be resolved by force, or by resort to peaceful methods and procedures, administered by impartial institutions. This very Organization itself is the greatest such institution, and it is in a more powerful United Nations that we seek, and it is here that we shall find, the assurance of a peaceful future.

    Were a real and effective disarmament achieved and the funds now spent in the arms race devoted to the amelioration of man’s state; were we to concentrate only on the peaceful uses of nuclear knowledge, how vastly and in how short a time might we change the conditions of mankind. This should be our goal.

    When we talk of the #equality of #man, we find, also, a challenge and an opportunity; a challenge to breathe new life into the ideals enshrined in the Charter, an opportunity to bring men closer to freedom and true equality. and thus, closer to a #love of #peace.

    The goal of the equality of man which we seek is the antithesis of the exploitation of one people by another with which the pages of history and in particular those written of the African and Asian continents, speak at such length. Exploitation, thus viewed, has many faces. But whatever guise it assumes, this evil is to be shunned where it does not exist and crushed where it does. It is the sacred duty of this Organization to ensure that the dream of equality is finally realized for all men to whom it is still denied, to guarantee that exploitation is not reincarnated in other forms in places whence it has already been banished.

    As a free Africa has emerged during the past decade, a fresh attack has been launched against exploitation, wherever it still exists. And in that interaction so common to history, this in turn, has stimulated and encouraged the remaining dependent peoples to renewed efforts to throw off the yoke which has oppressed them and its claim as their birthright the twin ideals of liberty and equality. This very struggle is a struggle to establish peace, and until victory is assured, that brotherhood and understanding which nourish and give life to peace can be but partial and incomplete.

    In the United States of America, the administration of President Kennedy is leading a vigorous attack to eradicate the remaining vestige of racial discrimination from this country. We know that this conflict will be won and that right will triumph. In this time of trial, these efforts should be encouraged and assisted, and we should lend our sympathy and support to the American Government today.

    Last May, in Addis Ababa, I convened a meeting of Heads of African States and Governments. In three days, the thirty-two nations represented at that Conference demonstrated to the world that when the will and the determination exist, nations and peoples of diverse backgrounds can and will work together. in unity, to the achievement of common goals and the assurance of that equality and brotherhood which we desire.

    On the question of racial discrimination, the Addis Ababa Conference taught, to those who will learn, this further lesson: That until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned: That until there are no longer first-class and second class citizens of any nation; That until the color of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the color of his eyes; That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race; That until that day, the dream of lasting peace and world citizenship and the rule of international morality will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued but never attained; And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes that hold our brothers in Angola, in Mozambique and in South Africa in subhuman bondage have been toppled and destroyed; Until bigotry and prejudice and malicious and inhuman self-interest have been replaced by understanding and tolerance and good-will; Until all #Africans stand and speak as free beings, equal in the eyes of all men, as they are in the eyes of Heaven; Until that day, the African continent will not know peace. We Africans will fight, if necessary, and we know that we shall win, as we are confident in the victory of good over evil.

    The United Nations has done much, both directly and indirectly to speed the disappearance of discrimination and oppression from the earth. Without the opportunity to focus world opinion on Africa and Asia which this Organization provides, the goal, for many, might still lie ahead, and the struggle would have taken far longer. For this, we are truly grateful.

    But more can be done. The basis of racial discrimination and colonialism has been economic, and it is with economic weapons that these evils have been and can be overcome. In pursuance of resolutions adopted at the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, African States have undertaken certain measures in the economic field which, if adopted by all member states of the United Nations, would soon reduce intransigence to reason. I ask, today, for adherence to these measures by every nation represented here which is truly devoted to the principles enunciated in the Charter.

    I do not believe that Portugal and South Africa are prepared to commit economic or physical suicide if honorable and reasonable alternatives exist. I believe that such alternatives can be found. But I also know that unless peaceful solutions are devised, counsels of moderation and temperance will avail for naught; and another blow will have been dealt to this Organization which will hamper and weaken still further its usefulness in the struggle to ensure the victory of peace and liberty over the forces of strife and oppression. Here, then, is the opportunity presented to us. We must act while we can, while the occasion exists to exert those legitimate pressures available to us, lest time run out and resort be had to less happy means.

    Does this Organization today possess the authority and the will to act? And if it does not, are we prepared to clothe it with the power to create and enforce the rule of law? Or is the Charter a mere collection of words, without content and substance, because the essential spirit is lacking? The time in which to ponder these questions is all too short. The pages of history are full of instances in which the unwanted and the shunned nonetheless occurred because men waited to act until too late. We can brook no such delay.

    If we are to survive, this Organization must survive. To survive, it must be strengthened. Its executive must be vested with great authority. The means for the enforcement of its decisions must be fortified, and, if they do not exist, they must be devised. Procedures must be established to protect the small and the weak when threatened by the strong and the mighty. All nations which fulfill the conditions of membership must be admitted and allowed to sit in this assemblage.

    Equality of representation must be assured in each of its organs. The possibilities which exist in the United Nations to provide the medium whereby the hungry may be fed, the naked clothed, the ignorant instructed, must be seized on and exploited for the flower of peace is not sustained by poverty and want. To achieve this requires courage and confidence. The courage, I believe, we possess. The confidence must be created, and to create confidence we must act courageously.

    The great nations of the world would do well to remember that in the modern age even their own fates are not wholly in their hands. Peace demands the united efforts of us all. Who can foresee what spark might ignite the fuse? It is not only the small and the weak who must scrupulously observe their obligations to the United Nations and to each other. Unless the smaller nations are accorded their proper voice in the settlement of the world’s problems, unless the equality which Africa and Asia have struggled to attain is reflected in expanded membership in the institutions which make up the United Nations, confidence will come just that much harder. Unless the rights of the least of men are as assiduously protected as those of the greatest, the seeds of confidence will fall on barren soil.

    The stake of each one of us is identical - life or death. We all wish to live. We all seek a world in which men are freed of the burdens of ignorance, poverty, hunger and disease. And we shall all be hard-pressed to escape the deadly rain of nuclear fall-out should catastrophe overtake us.

    When I spoke at Geneva in 1936, there was no precedent for a head of state addressing the League of Nations. I am neither the first, nor will I be the last head of state to address the United Nations, but only I have addressed both the League and this Organization in this capacity. The problems which confront us today are, equally, unprecedented. They have no counterparts in human experience. Men search the pages of history for solutions, for precedents, but there are none. This, then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? We must look, first, to Almighty God, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our faith in Him, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls. We must become something we have never been and for which our education and experience and environment have ill-prepared us. We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit, larger in outlook. We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations but to our fellow men within the human community.

    #The_Lion_of_Judah #jah #Rastafari #War



    #Bob_Marley #musique #audio

  • What does #Tony_Blair want from #Malawi ?

    Until recently, Tony Blair had never visited Malawi. Last summer there was a lot of international press coverage on the discovery of oil under Lake Malawi. Since then he’s developed an interest in Malawi’s “governance” and has visited twice in nine months. He arrives in Malawi today, having successfully shoehorned a couple of staffers from [...]

    #Business #OPINION #Africa_Governance_Initiative #Arrest_Tony_Blair #Choka #Desmond_Tutu #George_Monbiot #Joyce_Banda #Peace_envoy

  • Farmed fish overtakes farmed beef for first time - New Scientist

    Cows have been overtaken by fish. For the first time in modern history, the world has been producing more farmed fish than farmed beef. But instead of being a boon for the environment, many fish farms are damaging it because of the types of fish they breed.

    A report by the Earth Policy Institute in Washington DC has found that farmed fish production is rising rapidly, reaching a record 66 million tonnes in 2012. Cattle farm output, by contrast, has levelled off, with just 63 million tonnes of beef produced in the same year.

    alors c’est le #peak_meat !? #alimentation #agriculture

  • Depuis quelques mois, les Etats unis entendent relancer le processus de paix. D’une conférence organisée à Tel Aviv le 27 mai sur l’Initiative de Paix arabe, Shlomi Eldar (Al-Monitor) a tiré les conclusions suivantes :
    – La plus grande victoire de la droite israélienne n’est pas la colonisation mais le fait qu’elle a réussi à rendre les Israéliens apathiques et léthargiques et qu’elle a toujours repoussé les efforts internationaux de paix. Elle a délégitimé tout effort de paix.
    – Si l’une des raisons est que la guerre en Syrie et le nucléaire iranien ont fait passer au second plan la question de Palestine, la véritable explication est qu’aucune force politique israélienne n’avait, et n’a toujours pas, réagi à l’offre de paix arabe qui date de 2002 et qui est régulièrement renouvelée par la Ligue arabe depuis cette époque. Cette offre n’est pourtant pas éternelle.
    – Israël est incapable de concevoir une initiative arabe.
    – Les Israéliens ne se rendent pas compte qu’il est dans leur intérêt d’accepter l’Initiative de paix arabe. Ils ne peuvent compter sur leur classe politique pour changer d’avis.
    – En fait, les dirigeants israéliens repousseront toute initiative de paix pour faire admettre que le statut quo est préférable à un plan de paix.

    By: Shlomi Eldar for Al-Monitor Israel Pulse Posted on May 31
    Shlomi Eldar is a contributing writer for Al-Monitor’s Israel Pulse. For the past two decades, he has covered the Palestinian Authority and especially the Gaza Strip for Israel’s Channels 1 and 10 and has reported on the emergence of Hamas. In 2007, he was awarded the Sokolov Prize, Israel’s most important media award, for this work


    The greatest achievement of the Israeli right is not the settlement enterprise. The greatest achievement of the Israeli right is its success in making most of the Israeli public lethargic and apathetic.
    Earlier this week (May 27), there was a conference in Tel Aviv dedicated exclusively to the Arab Peace Initiative. The conference was organized by the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue of the Netanya Academic College, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and Yisrael Yozemet (Israeli Peace Initiative), which is a group founded to promote the Arab Peace Initiative. The conference had a large turnout that included academics, economists and people who were once senior figures in the Israeli political system.
    The only Knesset members who attended were Erel Margalit and Meirav Michaeli, both from the Labor Party. The organizers invited Knesset members from the right as well, but the invitations were turned down. These days, the Israeli political system looks dimly at the Arab world in general and the Palestinians in particular. There is almost no one who wants to begin any sort of dialogue whatsoever or to make any effort to resolve the conflict (…)

    #Arab_peace_initiative, #settlement, #peace, #lethargy, #apathy, #peace_proposal, #Arab_league, #Syria, #Iran

  • L’aide alimentaire européenne toujours sur la sellette

    Ludovic Clerima

    Rien n’est gagné. La Commission emploi et affaires sociales du parlement européen vient de voter un nouveau fonds européen d’aide aux plus démunis (#FEAD) de l’ordre de 3,5 milliards d’euros. Reste à convaincre les chefs d’Etat de l’importance de ce soutien. Éclairage avec #Karima_Delli, (...)

    #Institutions #INFO #Europe #France #aides_européennes #associations #PEAD

  • L’aide européenne alimentaire toujours sur la sellette

    Ludovic Clerima

    Rien n’est gagné. La Commission emploi, affaires sociales et inclusion vient de voter un nouveau fonds européen d’aide aux plus démunis (#FEAD) de l’ordre de 3,5 milliards d’euros. Reste à convaincre les chefs d’États de l’importance de ce soutien. Éclairage avec #Karima_Delli, eurodéputée (...)

    #Institutions #INFO #Europe #France #aides_européennes #associations #PEAD

  • UK fuel sales plummet as motorists embrace efficiency - 05 Apr 2013 - News from BusinessGreen

    la crise aussi…

    “Greater take-up of diesel cars and smaller petrol vehicles has contributed to this overall decline in UK fuel sales over the long term,” said AA president Edmund King in a statement. “However, soaring pump prices have taken a huge toll on petrol sales more recently – during the 10p-a-litre price surges last March and October, pump sales of petrol fell by up to five per cent.”

    #pétrole #énergie #consommation #peak_oil

  • Energy policy: Has ‘ #peak_oil ’ gone the way of the Flat Earth Society? — 03/22/2013 — www.eenews.net

    The theory was straightforward and seemed to hold with common sense: One day soon, the Earth would hit its halfway point of global oil production — its “peak” — and thereafter, it would see a steady decline. Those behind the concept called it “peak oil.”

    (...) There’s one big problem: Those behind the theory appear to have been dead wrong, at least in terms of when the peak would hit, having not anticipated the rapid shift in technology that led to exploding oil and natural gas production in new plays and areas long since dismissed as dried up.

    #énergie #pétrole