How can we reliably spread evidence-based practices at the speed and scale modern health challenges demand?
At a symposium of the #American_Society_for_Tropical_Medicine_and_Hygiene (ASTMH) Annual Meeting, I explored how #peer_learning could help us tackle five critical challenges that limit effectiveness in #Global_health. For epidemiologists working on #implementation_science, peer learning provides a new path for solving one of #global_health’s most persistent challenges: how to reliably spread evidence-based practices at the speed and scale modern health challenges demand. The evidence suggests we should view peer learning not just as a training approach, but as a mechanism for viral spread of effective practices through health systems. How do we get to #attribution? Of course, an epidemiologist will want to know if and how improved health outcomes can be attributed to peer learning (...)
#ASTMH #cascade_training #The_Geneva_Learning_Foundation #TropMed24