person:ahmed qurei

  • The real Oslo criminals

    We should adopt the conceit of the right: the Oslo criminals. The pejorative should be attached, of course, to Benjamin Netanyahu and the savage incitement that he and the settlers perpetrate; but the heroes of the peace, Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres, are also worthy of the title. Their missed opportunity, rooted chiefly in their cowardice, is unforgivable.

    A new documentary shows this quite well. “The Oslo Diaries,” directed by Mor Loushy and Daniel Sivan, which was screened at the Jerusalem Film Festival, is a moving and important film that many Israelis will see.

    When it was over, a woman sitting in front of me got up and tried in vain to hold back her tears. It was the chairwoman of Meretz, MK Tamar Zandberg. It was touching to see a politician crying over a missed opportunity, but a similar discomfort, to heavy to bear, filled the entire hall. The film proves how, despite all the wariness toward the Oslo Accords, they still represented an opportunity — and this is what Rabin and Peres missed. This missed opportunity was not only fateful, it was also irreparable.

    “The Oslo Diaries” reflects the spirit of the times. Netanyahu, still with his unkempt hair, looks like a crazy man at the right-wing rallies, his eyes spinning round, different from his relatively level-headed image of today, and the fascist and violent atmosphere of the street as never seen before in Israel. But the film deals with the peacemakers, and the picture that arises from them too is worrying. They are the explanation for the failure, most of which can be placed on their shoulders.

    Faltering from the beginning: Yair Hirschfeld preaches morality with characteristic haughtiness and threatens Ahmed Qureia for daring to mention the Nazi occupation of Norway and to compare it to the Israeli occupation, which has lasted 10 times longer and exacted many more victims. A few of the other members of the Israeli delegation are tainted by the same arrogance toward the Palestinians — particularly legal adviser Joel Singer, who is exposed in the film as an especially repulsive and arrogant individual.

    Standing out from them is the innocent and benevolent figure of Ron Pundak, and above all of them shines Yossi Beilin, one of a rare breed of diplomats who can set his ego aside, always behind the scenes and focused on the goal rather than on getting credit. Beilin has never received his due honor: Oslo is Beilin, Beilin is Oslo. The missed opportunity belongs to those above him, Rabin and Peres. They are the heroes of Oslo, and its criminals.

    They began the negotiations with the intention of manipulating the Palestinians as far as possible. There is not a moment of equality or fairness in the negotiations. When agreement is reached on an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank in the second stage, they insisted on only 2 percent. Only they had “misgivings” about sitting with the PLO. They, who never shed a drop of blood, found it so difficult to speak with the bloodthirsty terrorists from Tunis. They, who did not exile hundreds of thousands in 1948 and did not establish the occupation enterprise in 1967, suffered so much from speaking with terrorists.

    The theatrical feeling of disgust they showed, and Rabin in particular, from shaking hands with Yasser Arafat demonstrated their true attitude toward the Palestinians. Rabin of the expulsion of Ramle and the massacre in Lod, Rabin of “break their bones,” recoiled so much from defiling his pure hands with Arafat’s bloody hands. And he took the trouble to show it, too. This is not how you make peace. If anyone should have recoiled it was Arafat, who was forced to shake the hand of someone who occupied and disinherited him. Arafat wanted to start a new chapter more than Rabin did.

    But the main guilt is in the missed opportunity. There were at least two, one for Rabin and one for Peres. Rabin, who gave Beilin the impression that he was about to remove the Jewish community of Hebron after the Baruch Goldstein massacre, became frightened and did not keep his word, and in doing so determined the future of the relations, possibly forever.

    At the end of the 40 days of mourning, the suicide bombing attacks began. It is not difficult to imagine what would have happened had Rabin removed the obstacle of the settlement in Hebron. Peres, who in the movie is seen giving one of his peace speeches, one of the most courageous and hair-raising ever heard here, rejected as prime minister the draft of the permanent agreement reached by Beilin and Mahmoud Abbas, out of fear of the coming elections. This was the second moment of missed opportunity. Everyone knows what happened next, and it makes one despair.

  • Erekat urges Palestinian factions to sign request for ICC membership -
    Palestinian Islamist groups might sign on too, even if this means cases at the ICC against them, not just against Israel.
    By Amira Hass | Aug. 5, 2014

    Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erekat is urging the PLO and the various Palestinian factions to sign a document supporting a State of Palestine as a member of the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

    The signatories are members of the PLO Executive Committee, the Fatah Central Committee — including former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia — and other heads of PLO organizations such as the Popular Front and the Democratic Front. Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki has also signed, sources in Ramallah say. Malki will visit the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands on Tuesday.

    According to the source, Erekat said that if Hamas and Islamic Jihad did not sign, he would demand that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas order the signing of the Rome Statute of 2002, the treaty that established the International Criminal Court.

    Abbas is known to staunchly oppose joining the ICC, both out of concern that steps would be taken against Palestinians and because of the strong opposition of the United States and European countries.

    Since the United Nations accepted Palestine as a nonmember state in 2012, Palestinian human rights organizations and political groups such as Mustafa Barghouti’s Palestinian National Initiative have urged membership in the ICC. They say this will help end what they consider Israel’s impunity.

    The many civilian deaths and destruction in Gaza have bolstered the Fatah grouping that has long supported joining the criminal court. But representatives of a number of European countries have expressed concerns about the latest move, a Palestinian diplomatic source said.

    According to that person, the effort clashes with a conference of donor nations to rebuild Gaza due on September 1. The source said the signers of the document saw no contradiction between the two efforts.

  • Israël/ Palestine: un Etat ? Deux Etats ?

    La chaîne israélienne Channel 2 aborde une question qui n’est pas neuve : la solution des deux Etats, réactivée par le processus d’Oslo il y a une vingtaine d’années, est-elle encore applicable ? L’Etat unique, binational, où cohabiteraient Israéliens et Palestiniens, juifs et musulmans, n’est-elle pas la solution qui finira par s’imposer par lassitude, par manque d’imagination, de confiance ou de courage, à cause de la colonisation des territoires palestiniens qui rend impossible la viabilité d’un futur Etat palestinien, etc ? Ce qui ressort des entretiens préparés par Channel 2 est l’incrédulité générale des personnes interrogées. En Israël à droite comme à gauche, on n’est sûr que d’une chose : il n’y aura pas deux Etats indépendants. Ce processus est voué à l’échec. « Il se peut que le train ait déjà quitté la gare », comme l’indique l’ancien ministre de gauche Yossi Sarid.

    Ces entretiens sont programmés au moment où les Etats unis tentent de relancer des négociations qui justement doivent conduire à créer « deux Etats, Israël et Palestine, vivant côte à côte et en sécurité ».

    Thursday, June 6, 2013
    By Dahlia Scheindlin
    |Published June 3, 2013

    Israel’s mainstream Channel 2 starts to question the two-state solution

    What does it mean when the Israeli mainstream elite questions the two-state solution, which up until now has enjoyed practically unquestioned stature in Israeli society? An analysis.
    Israel’s Channel 2 aired a lengthy item (starting around 30 minutes in) on Friday evening, asking a shocking question: Is the two-state solution still viable? This question is already a cliché among various shades of the Left. It started some years ago when desperate two-state activists hoped the Israeli public could be frightened by the encroaching concept of one state, to get a move-on with two-state negotiations. When that didn’t happen, a more heated debate took root, about whether to abandon the attachment to the two-state concept altogether in light of changing reality on the ground, and consider other models — usually some form of confederation. Neither of those angles has managed to generate urgency among either the complacent Israeli public (complacent at least when it comes to the conflict), or within the general public discourse.
    Then along comes Danny Kushmaro, the much-loved anchor of high-rated Friday night prime time news, on Channel 2 — the highest rated television station. The fact that the question was targeted in such a precise manner, and asked with little hint of political bias to the left or the right by an absolutely mainstream presenter represents a surprising level of attention devoted to a topic that so many prefer to avoid. It might be too much to consider this a breakthrough – but it does mean that the question is no longer a marginal argument within an isolated Left, talking to itself.
    Kushmaro consulted with figures on both the Left and the Right, including Yossi Sarid, Meron Benvenisti and Zeev Elkin (Likud Beitenu, deputy foreign minister). It is particularly poignant to see Sarid, former Meretz granddad, former education minister and highly associated with the two-state camp, say how skeptical he is becoming about whether it is realistic anymore. “It could be,” he says, with obvious discomfort, “that the train has already left.”
    Kushmaro then ventured to the other side. Veteran Palestinian pollster Khalil Shikaki explained that even though Palestinians still pay lip service to the two-state concept, they are increasingly convinced it will never happen. That’s because, “no one wants it, but it is the reality. We, Israelis and Palestinians live in a one-state reality.”

    The item explains that Palestinians are airing ideas like this more and more, “even those who were once two-state figureheads.” These include Abu Ala (Ahmed Qurei), the former Palestinian prime minister who was associated with the Oslo process. The latter is shown talking about the failure of the two-state solution and saying, “there will be no alternative but one state. No alternative.”
    “The world is closing in on us,” says a Palestinian man in a bright pink polo shirt on the street. “If we have the same rights, the same life and equality, so why not?” It is not clear whether he means the same rights he has today, or the same Israelis enjoy – I believe he probably meant the latter. Another man says that given the predicted failure of any future negotiations, “we’ll ask [to be ruled by] Israel. It’s easier for us. If Israel will rule, it will be easier for us in this situation.”

    Maybe Palestinians have tasted democracy enough to become convinced that what the PA is offering them, never mind Hamas, is unsalvageable as a foundation for democratic government. Israeli racism? It’s better than Israeli occupation, and they probably feel can live with it as long as there are democratic foundations to demand better. Maybe for them, Israeli rule cannot possibly make their status quo worse, but at least it offers the possibility of something many of them simply lack: citizenship. Somewhere.
    Tzipi Livni is presented as the lone two-state warrior fighting against a wall (so to speak) of cynical politicians in her government. She states that she is convinced Netanyahu wants negotiations to end the conflict. I’m not.

    Zeev Elkin meanwhile was cagey, musing that no one can predict the future. Meron Benvenisti – a left winger – is convinced that two states will never happen.

    Perhaps the most surprising moment involves the closing lines. Kushmaro who, remember, is a mainstay of mainstream Israel, ends thus: Maybe it really is time to think of alternate approaches, if there are any. Maybe we really are heading towards a bi-national state. [Although] maybe after some apocalyptic event, Gog and Magog, it will happen, there will be two states here. But today, with continued construction in the territories, with the current Israeli leadership and most of the Palestinian leadership – to their dismay or maybe to their joy – the two-state story seems more complicated, not realistic and is becoming almost impossible [sounds of drilling and images of construction in the background] – with every passing day.
    Correction appended: the original version referred to Abu Ala (Ahmed Qurei) as a former President of the PA – he was prime minister.

    • La solution des deux Etats est toujours le choix de la communauté internationale (l’autodétermination des peuples). A supposer que l’Etat unique soit la bonne solution, il faudrait du temps et du courage aux Israéliens, aux Palestiniens et à la communauté internationale pour réviser tout ce qui a été fait depuis presque 25 ans.

    • Israël empêche l’économie palestinienne de progresser

      Israël empêche l’économie palestinienne de progresser, a affirmé jeudi le Bureau international du travail (BIT). Les territoires palestiniens sont grevés par une croissance stagnante, un chômage en hausse et la dépendance alimentaire.

      Le nombre de chômeurs palestiniens a augmenté de 15% entre 2011 et 2012, avec un taux de chômage qui atteint aujourd’hui 23%. La situation est grave à Gaza où le chômage a grimpé à 31% et avoisine 50% parmi les femmes, selon un rapport du BIT de 56 pages publié à Genève à l’occasion de la conférence internationale du travail.

      Chez les jeunes Palestiniens, 18% ne sont ni au travail ni en formation, et c’est le cas de 31% des jeunes femmes. La crise résulte de plusieurs facteurs, selon le BIT : incapacité des donateurs à tenir leurs engagements, décision d’Israël, au moins temporaire, de suspendre le versement des recettes fiscales, rythme d’expansion des colonies « qui risquent de sonner le glas du processus de paix », multiples restrictions aux échanges.

      « La poursuite de l’occupation et l’expansion des colonies empêche l’économie palestinienne, surtout son secteur privé, de progresser », a affirmé le directeur général du BIT Guy Ryder.

      Lever les restrictions

      Il a demandé à l’Etat hébreu d’agir « pas seulement pour assouplir l’application des restrictions imposées aux particuliers et aux entreprises, mais pour les lever complètement ».

  • Cutting off a vital connection - The #Palestine_Papers - Al Jazeera English

    Senior Palestinian Authority officials expressed frustration that Palestinians in the Gaza Strip were able to evade the tight Israeli siege of the territory by breaching the border wall and through tunnels to Egypt. One, Ahmed Qureia, even suggested to then Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni in 2008 that Israel reoccupy the Gaza-Egypt border area to keep Gaza sealed and to help “defeat” Hamas.