
  • Israël dépose une plainte officielle contre une parodie hollandaise de sa chanson à l’Eurovision
    Middle East Eye | 23 mai 2018 La comédienne hollandaise Sanne Wallis de Vries parodiant la chanson qui a permis à Israël de remporter l’Eurovision cette année (capture d’écran)

    Israël a déposé une plainte formelle contre une parodie hollandaise de la chanson « Toy », interprétée par l’Israélienne Netta Barzilai, qui a remporté le concours de l’Eurovision samedi 12 mai.

    La parodie, qui critique le traitement israélien des Palestiniens, a été réalisée par Sanne Wallis de Vries, comédienne et humoriste néerlandaise, et diffusée sur la chaîne publique BNNVARA TV.

    De Vries a mis en scène sa parodie en diffusant en arrière-plan des images des manifestations qui se sont déroulées dans la bande de Gaza le 14 mai dernier, jour où les États-Unis ont ouvert leur ambassade à Jérusalem-Ouest. Des photos du mur de séparation, de soldats israéliens tirant sur la foule et des manifestations de la « Marche du retour » accompagnaient également les paroles.

    « Regardez-moi, a chanté l’humoriste, je suis un pays si mignon, les dirigeants du monde me mangent tous dans la main, je fais disparaître tous les feux avec un baiser. Nous organisons une fête, vous voulez venir ?

    « Dans la mosquée al-Aqsa, qui sera bientôt vide, de Haïfa à la mer Morte, il y a de la nourriture et des boissons casher, alors venez danser avec moi. »

    Sanne Wallis de Vries profite également de sa parodie pour critiquer la décision américaine de transférer son ambassade en Israël de Tel Aviv à Jérusalem, une entreprise qu’elle dénonce comme lucrative.

    Sa performance n’a toutefois pas fait l’unanimité.

    Certains twittos néerlandais ont accusé la chanson d’être « anti-israélienne » et « antisémite ». (...)

  • « 

    the PLO’s Prisoners’ Committee and the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club said that 353 Palestinian children had been arrested by Israel since the start of 2018.

    In the statement, the two groups said: “In addition to being brutally arrested in the dead of night, they are sometimes intentionally shot with live ammunition during the arrest, insulted, tortured and put under heavy pressure to give false confessions.”

    Read: Ahed Tamimi’s lawyer accuses interrogators of sexual harassment

    “They are also sentenced in absentia, pressured to pay high amounts of money as fines and sentenced to long periods.”

    The statement said that these are only some of the Israeli “crimes” carried out against Palestinian children.

    Between January 2017 and February 2018 Israeli authorities put 102 Palestinian children, most of them from Jerusalem, under house arrest, citing an increase of 15.5 per cent compared to the same period in 2016.

    Since 2000 and the start of Al-Aqsa Intifada Israel has arrested at least 7,000 Palestinian children, many of whom while underage and turned 18 in prison.

    The number of Palestinian children inside Israeli jails reached record numbers post 2009. In October 2015 there were more than 400 children inside prisons, including 116 between 12 and 15 years old.


  • Israeli army warns: Danger of violence escalating into war is growing -

    With eye on recent events, military intel warn of potential war ■ Abbas may have backed himself into a corner ■ Gaza threat looms over Israelis

    Amos Harel 13.01.2018
    read more:

    The odds of a neighboring country, or one of the terrorist organizations operating inside of it, launching a war against Israel this year are almost nonexistent, according to the Israeli army’s intelligence assessment for 2018.
    Sounding remarkably similar to the 2017 assessment provided to the defense minister, the military noted there is not much left of the Arab armies, and Israel’s neighbors are mostly preoccupied with themselves, while internal problems are distracting Hezbollah and Hamas.
    Is there any difference from 2017? Well, the danger of deterioration – perhaps even to the point of war – has grown significantly, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot stated. The intelligence branch and the chief of staff, who is beginning his fourth and final year at the helm of the army, are concerned about two possible scenarios. 
    The first would be the result of a reaction by one of Israel’s enemies to an Israeli show of force. The second would stem from a flare-up on the Palestinian front. When the terrorism genie gets out of the Palestinian bottle, it takes many months or even years to put it back.
    The first scenario, which the army terms “the campaign between the wars,” might happen when Israel tries to prevent rivals from obtaining advance weaponry they might want to use during a future war, according to Eisenkot.

    Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, center, being briefed by Col. Gilad Amit, commander of the Samaria Brigade, following the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach, January 18, 2018.IDF Spokesperson’s Unit
    Most of these operations occur under the radar, far from Israel’s borders. Usually, such operations draw little media attention and Israel invariably dodges the question of responsibility. The previous Israel Air Force commander, Gen. Amir Eshel, told Haaretz last August there were nearly 100 such attacks under his five-year command, mostly on Syrian and Hezbollah arms convoys on the northern front.

    However, the more Israel carries out such attacks, and the more it does so on increasingly sophisticated systems (according to foreign media reports), the higher the chances of a confrontation with other countries and organizations, increasing the danger of a significant retaliation.
    A similar thing is happening on the Gaza border. Work on the defense barrier against cross-border attack tunnels is advancing, while Israel is simultaneously developing and implementing more sophisticated methods to locate these tunnels.
    At least three tunnels were seemingly located and destroyed near the Gaza border in recent months. However, this success could exact a price if Hamas or Islamic Jihad decide to try and use the remaining attack tunnels before they are completely destroyed or redundant.

    Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, accompanied by Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot during a visit to a military exercise in the Golan Heights in 2017.Ministry of Defense
    It is usually accepted practice to call out intelligence officials over mistaken forecasts. But we received a small example of all these trends on various fronts over the past two weeks. The cabinet convened for a long meeting about the northern front last Sunday. Arab media reported early Tuesday morning about an Israeli attack on Syrian army weapons depots near Damascus. A base in the same area, which Iran had reportedly built for one of the Shi’ite militia groups, was bombed from the air in early December. In most of the recent attacks, the Syrians fired at the reportedly Israeli aircraft. The Syrians also claimed recently that the attacks have become more sophisticated, made in multiple waves and even included surface-to-surface missiles.
    A few days beforehand, there was a report about an Israeli aerial attack – apparently on a cross-border attack tunnel – next to the Gaza border. Meanwhile, in the West Bank, the demonstrations to protest U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital were dying down, out of a seeming lack of public interest. Then, on Tuesday evening, Rabbi Raziel Shevach, from the illegal outpost of Havat Gilad, was killed in a drive-by shooting attack near Nablus. The army responded by surrounding villages and erecting roadblocks around Nablus, for the first time in two years. The IDF moves were acts of collective punishment the chief of staff would normally rather avoid, but they were approved on a limited basis due to the murder of an Israeli.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that the Shin Bet security service is close to solving the murder, but at the time of writing it was still unclear who did it. Hamas and Islamic Jihad released statements praising the deed, while, in a rare move, Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades – which has been virtually inactive for a decade – took responsibility for the attack.
    Its statement, which was posted on several Facebook pages, attributed the attack to the “Raed Karmi cell,” marking the anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades leader’s death. Israel assassinated Karmi – the military leader in Tul Karm responsible for the killing of many Israeli civilians and soldiers during the second intifada – on January 14, 2002.

    U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at a more amicable time, May 3, 2017Carlos Barria, Reuters
    Woe to Abbas
    The Palestinian Authority, whose leadership has avoided condemning the murder of an Israeli citizen, is making an effort nonetheless to capture terrorists in designated areas in Nablus under its jurisdiction. The Israeli moves in the area added to the humiliation of the PA, which looks like it has navigated itself into a dead end. 
    President Mahmoud Abbas is in trouble. The Trump declaration on Jerusalem provided him with a temporary escape. Last November the Palestinians received worrisome information that the Trump administration’s brewing peace plan was leaning in Israel’s favor. Trump’s so-called deal of the century would likely include leaving settlements in the West Bank in place, and declaring Abu Dis the Palestinian Jerusalem, capital of a prospective state.
    These planks are unacceptable to Abbas. However, the Trump declaration allowed the PA leader to accuse the Americans of giving up any pretense to being an honest broker. He found refuge in the embrace of attendees at the Islamic Conference in Turkey, and in halting all discussion of renewing negotiations.
    Abbas soon discovered that rejecting a reopening of talks with Israel didn’t stop the drumbeat of bad news coming his way. UNRWA was facing a severe financial crisis well before the Trump administration threatened to freeze the U.S. share of funding for the UN agency in charge of Palestinian refugee assistance. The crisis, incidentally, also worries Jordan, which hosts at least 3 million Palestinian refugees and descendants. The flow of funds from the donor nations to the territories is dissipating, at a time that the reconciliation process between the PA and Hamas has ground to a halt, with Abbas saying he doesn’t see any benefit that can come of it.
    Meanwhile, Fatah members from activists in the field to the aging leadership are despairing of the chance of realizing the two-state solution. Israel protests the statements of senior Fatah officials about the right to wage armed struggle. It recently arrested a retired Palestinian general on the charge that he had organized protests in East Jerusalem. Fatah plans a council meeting next week, in which participants are expected to adopt a militant line.
    Abbas, who turns 83 in March, is increasingly feeling his years. His health has deteriorated and so has his patience and fitness to work, although it seems his love for travel has not faded. Claims of widespread corruption, some of which allegedly involve his family, are increasing. Other forces in the West Bank are aware of his weakened physical and political condition. Hamas is vigorously encouraging attacks against Israel, probably in expectation of humiliating the PA. Last week the Shin Bet asserted that for the first time, an Iranian agent was operating a Palestinian terror cell in Hebron.
    Meanwhile, a multiparty effort is being made to halt the violence and prevent a sliding into a military confrontation. Under the shadow of rockets by Salafi groups in Gaza, Israel and the PA announced the transfer of additional funds from the PA to pay for increasing the electricity supply from Israel to the Strip. There has not been a single rocket fired this week, but the situation remains fragile. The army increased security around communities close to the border and has stepped up exercises that simulate terrorists using tunnels to infiltrate under the border to kidnap and kill Israelis. The chief of staff watched the elite Shaldag unit going into action in such a scenario this week.

    Palestinian Islamic Jihad militants take part in the funeral of their comrade in the central Gaza Strip October 31, 2017. SUHAIB SALEM/REUTERS
    The army has to stay alert because Islamic Jihad has yet to avenge the killing of its people together with Hamas operatives in a tunnel explosion on the border last October. In November, Jihad militants fired over 20 mortar shells in a four-minute span at an army outpost near Sderot (no one was injured).
    Shells were fired a month after that, probably by Islamic Jihad, at Kibbutz Kfar Aza during a memorial ceremony for Oron Shaul, who was killed in the 2014 Operation Protective Edge and whose body is being held in Gaza. Army officials expect more attempts.
    The large number of gliders the Palestinians have launched near the border recently likely attests to intelligence gathering ahead of attacks. Israeli officials are also kept awake by recent reports from Syria of a mysterious glider attack against a Russian air force base in the country’s north. Organizations in Gaza are in arm’s reach of this technology.

    An opposition fighter fires a gun from a village near al-Tamanah during ongoing battles with government forces in Syria’s Idlib province on January 11, 2018.OMAR HAJ KADOUR/AFP
    Syria war still isn’t over 
    The civil war in Syria, which enters its eighth year in March, has not completely died out. The Assad regime, which has restored its rule over most of the country’s population, is still clashing with rebels in the Idlib enclave in northern Syria and is preparing for an eventual attack to chase the rebels out of the border area with Israel, along the Golan. The two attacks on the Russian base in Khmeimim (artillery shelling, which damaged a number of planes and helicopters, preceded the glider attack) indicate that some of the groups are determined to keep fighting Assad and his allies.
    The war in Syria started with a protest by residents of Daraa, a town in the south, against a backdrop of economic difficulties for farmers whose incomes were suffering from desertification. The regime’s brutal methods of oppression led to the spread of protest, and things quickly descended into civil war, in which several countries have meddled until today. The war often has consequences on nature. There has been a rise in the number of rabies cases in Israel in recent months, mainly in the north. One of the possible explanations involves the migration of rabies-infested jackals from Jordan and Syria. During the war Syria has suffered a total collapse of civilian authority, and certainly of veterinary services. When there are no regular vaccinations, neighboring countries suffer as well.
    The Middle Eastern country suffering the second bloodiest civil war, Yemen, gets only a tenth as much attention as Syria. The war in Yemen has raged for three years. Some 3 million residents out of a total of 28 million have fled the country as refugees. Over half of those remaining suffer from food insecurity. The UN recently estimated that about a million residents have contracted cholera from contaminated water or food.
    Such outbreaks can erupt easily, even closer to home. The European Union is expected to hold an emergency session in Brussels about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Israeli defense establishment has confirmed the frequent reports by humanitarian organizations of the continued collapse of civilian infrastructure, mainly water and sanitation, in Gaza. Wastewater from Gaza, flowing straight into the sea, is reaching the beaches of Ashkelon and Ashdod. I recently asked a senior Israeli official if he doesn’t fear an outbreak of an epidemic like cholera in Gaza.
    “Every morning, I am surprised anew that it still hasn’t happened,” he replied.

    Amos Harel

  • A l’encontre » Jérusalem : Al-Aqsa unifie le combat des musulmans
    Par Amira Hass
    (Article publié dans le quotidien Haaretz, en date du 23 juillet 20017 ; traduit par Yves Jardin ; édition par A l’Encontre)

    Un jeune homme non religieux de la région de Ramallah a exprimé son étonnement sur la façon dont (la question de) Jérusalem était en train d’unifier l’ensemble du peuple palestinien, et a comparé Omar al-Abed, l’auteur de l’attaque à Halamish [Omar al-Abed, âgé de 19 ans, a tué les trois membres de la famille de Yossef Salomon 70 ans – soit Chaya Salomon, 46 ans, et le fils, Elad Salomon, 36 ans – dans la colonie d’Halamish, Cisjordanie occupée] vendredi soir [21 juillet], à Saladin [XIIe siècle, premier sultan d’Egypte et Syrie, premier dirigeant – « d’origine » kurde – de la dynastie ayyoubide qui a régné un siècle ; Saladin a gagné une bataille décisive à Hattîn, en 1187, près du lac dit de Tibériade, au nord-est de la Palestine, contre le Croisés, ce qui a permis la reconquête de Jérusalem presque un siècle après sa conquête par les Croisés en 1099].

    Une comparaison idiote, tous en conviendraient. Néanmoins, le besoin de mentionner Saladin résume le ras-le-bol ressenti par les Palestiniens quant à ceux qu’ils considèrent comme les nouveaux Croisés.

    Ce jeune homme ne peut pas aller à Jérusalem-Est ni dans la Vieille Ville, qui est à moins de 30 kilomètres (environ 18 milles) de chez lui, parce que, même en temps ordinaire Israël n’accorde pas d’autorisations d’entrée « comme ça » à des gens de son âge. Et peut-être fait-il partie de ceux qui estiment qu’il est humiliant d’avoir à demander une autorisation d’entrée dans une ville palestinienne. La dernière fois qu’il est allé (à Jérusalem) c’était quand il avait 13 ans – il y a presque 13 ans.

    Et donc ce jeune Palestinien n’a pas entendu vendredi à Jérusalem quelques-uns des prédicateurs parler de leur nostalgie de Saladin. Parce que les Palestiniens s’en sont tenus à leur interdit d’entrer à Al-Aqsa en passant par les détecteurs de métaux israéliens, des soi-disant (« self-styled ») prédicateurs se sont adressés à des groupes de fidèles qui s’étaient rassemblés dans les rues de Jérusalem-Est et de la Vieille Ville, encerclés par des membres de la Police des Frontières les visant avec des fusils de précision à longue portée.

    traduction en français de l’article original signalé ici :

  • Week-end rouge à Jérusalem : ce n’est que lorsque le sang coule qu’Israël cède | Middle East Eye
    – Gideon Levy | 24 juillet 2017

    Six morts et plus de 300 blessés en une seule journée. Voilà le bilan sanglant de ce week-end suite au refus obstiné du gouvernement israélien d’enlever les détecteurs de métaux à l’entrée du Haram al-Sharif, dans Jérusalem-Est occupée.

    Trois Palestiniens ont été tués lors de manifestations de rue et trois colons juifs ont été poignardés à mort dans la colonie de Halamish près de Ramallah, leur assaillant revendiquant d’avance que sa motivation pour le meurtre de colons était la situation à la mosquée al-Aqsa à Jérusalem-Est.

    Certains pensaient qu’Israël cherchait l’escalade, mais Israël est simplement Israël : presque tout se produit en raison de la politique interne

    « Ils profanent al-Aqsa et nous dormons. N’avez-vous pas honte ? Ils ont fermé la mosquée d’al-Aqsa et vous n’avez pas pris les armes. Il est honteux que nous restions sans réagir… Pourquoi ne déclarez-vous pas une guerre sainte ? », a déclaré Omar al-Abed (20 ans), originaire du village de Kubra – également la ville natale du leader palestinien emprisonné Marwan Barghouti – avant de partir tuer des colons samedi soir avec un couteau qu’il avait acheté avant.

    Pour la première fois depuis des centaines d’années, cette mosquée, troisième lieu saint de l’islam, était vide la semaine dernière. La décision du gouvernement israélien de placer des détecteurs de métaux à l’entrée d’al-Aqsa, en réponse à l’attaque perpétrée quelques jours auparavant par trois citoyens palestiniens d’Israël qui ont abattu deux agents de police aux frontières druzes israéliens, a provoqué une vague de protestation chez les Palestiniens et dans tout le monde musulman d’ailleurs. Les Palestiniens sont résolus à ne pas pénétrer sur le site sacré tant que les détecteurs de métaux d’Israël restent en place.


  • Jordan demands Israel turn over embassy guard over deadly shooting incident
    July 24, 2017 5:37 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 5:43 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Jordanian government has reportedly issued a judicial order banning the Israeli security guard who was involved in a deadly shooting at the Israeli embassy in Jordan on Saturday night from leaving Jordan.

    Government sources told Ma’an that Jordan was demanding that Israeli authorities hand over the guard, who shot and killed two Jordanian carpenters in unclear circumstances, to Jordanian authorities for interrogation and legal procedures.

    Sources stressed that Jordan will “escalate diplomatic steps” if the guard was not turned in to Jordanian authorities.

    Israel has been refusing to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Convention, while all security personnel and diplomatic employees were confined to the embassy compound, according to reports.

    On Sunday, Haaretz reported that Israel had decided to immediately evacuate all Amman embassy staff, fearing that the incident would lead to riots and attempts to attack the embassy.

    On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Twitter that he had spoken twice with Israeli Ambassador to Jordan Eynat Schlein overnight Sunday, and with the security guard.

    “I gained the impression that she (Schlein) is managing matters there very well. I assured the security guard that we will bring him back to Israel,” Netanyahu said, adding that “I told them that we are holding ongoing contacts with security and government officials in Amman on all levels, to bring the incident to a close as soon as possible.”

    #Amman #Ambassade_israélienne
    #Jordanie #Ziv

    • Reports: Israeli, US officials travel to Jordan to discuss Al-Aqsa, embassy security guard
      July 24, 2017 10:15 P.M. (Updated: July 24, 2017 10:15 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli media reported on Monday evening that during a “dialogue” between Israeli and Jordanian authorities, Jordan “did not condition the release of an Israeli embassy security guard back to Israel on the removal of the metal detectors at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound.”

      Israel’s Channel 10 reported that the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the dialogue went “well,” and that United States envoy Jason Greenblatt would be heading to Amman from Jerusalem, where he arrived earlier Monday, “to convince the King to end the crisis of the embassy guard.”

      Earlier Monday, Jordanian government sources told Ma’an that the Jordanian government issued a judicial order banning the Israeli security guard who was involved in a deadly shooting at the Israeli embassy in Jordan on Saturday night that left two Jordanians dead, from leaving Jordan.

      Government sources said that Jordan was demanding that Israeli authorities hand over the guard, who shot and killed two Jordanian carpenters in unclear circumstances, to Jordanian authorities for interrogation and legal procedures.

      Sources stressed that Jordan will “escalate diplomatic steps” if the guard was not turned in to Jordanian authorities.

      Israel has been refusing to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Convention, while all security personnel and diplomatic employees were confined to the embassy compound, according to reports.

      Prior to Channel 10’s report, Israeli media had reported that Netanyahu would be calling the Jordanian King to discuss the issue of the embassy security guard, as well as the ongoing crisis surrounding the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where tensions have continued to rise since Israel installed metal detectors and security cameras inside the compound following a deadly shoot out at the holy site on July 14.

      Israeli media had reported that chief of the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal intelligence agency, Nadav Argaman was sent to Jordan, and that Israel would be removing all metal detectors and replacing them with thermal cameras, a report that could not be verified by Ma’an (...)


    • Israel rules to replace contested Al-Aqsa metal detectors with ’smart’ surveillance
      July 25, 2017 11:03 A.M. (Updated: July 25, 2017 11:03 A.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Israeli security cabinet decided during a meeting late on Monday night to remove metal detectors, which had recently been installed at the entrances of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, only to replace them with more advanced surveillance technology in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

      Israeli authorities installed metal detectors, turnstiles, and additional security cameras in the compound following a deadly shooting attack at Al-Aqsa on July 14 — sparking protests from Palestinians, who said the move was the latest example of Israeli authorities using Israeli-Palestinian violence as a means of furthering control over important sites in the occupied Palestinian territory and normalizing repressive measures against Palestinians.

      In a statement, the security cabinet said it had “accepted the recommendation of all of the security bodies to incorporate security measures based on advanced technologies ("smart checks") and other measures instead of metal detectors in order to ensure the security of visitors and worshipers in the Old City and on the Temple Mount” — using the Israeli term for the Al-Aqsa compound.

      Religious leaders in Jerusalem were scheduled to hold a meeting Tuesday to discuss the new Israeli plan, as Islamic endowment (Waqf) official Sheikh Raed Daana told Ma’an that both religious leaders and the Palestinians wouldn’t accept any changes to the status quo.

      “We won’t accept cameras or (metal) posts,” Daana said on Monday evening.

      The plan will reportedly take up to six months to implement, and cost an estimated 100 million shekels ($28 million).
      According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, at least 1,090 Palestinians had been injured since July 14 during demonstrations which were violently repressed by Israeli forces across the occupied Palestinian territory. According to Ma’an documentation, 11 Palestinians and five Israelis have been killed since July 14.

    • Israeli embassy staff, including guard who killed 2, leave Jordan amid investigation
      July 25, 2017 3:46 P.M. (Updated: July 25, 2017 7:54 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Staff members of the Israeli embassy to Jordan, including a security guard who killed two Jordanians, returned to Israel on Monday night after a day of tensions between the two countries over the deadly shootout.

      A Jordanian investigation into the shooting, in which Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17 , and Bashar Hamarneh were killed, revealed that the deadly incident started off as a professional dispute, official Jordanian news agency Petra reported on Monday.

      According to Jordanian police, al-Jawawdeh had accompanied a relative delivering furniture to the security guard’s apartment in the Israeli compound in Amman, when an argument over alleged delays turned physical.

      Witnesses said that al-Jawawdeh attacked the Israeli security guard — whom Israeli media have referred to as Ziv — with a screwdriver, after which the Israeli shot at him and Hamarneh, the apartment building owner.

      Petra reported that the case had been referred to a prosecutor for further legal steps, as Jordan and Israel have sparred over whether the security guard should be handed over to Jordanian custody.

      Israel, meanwhile, has refused to allow Jordanian authorities to question the injured Israeli security guard, citing his immunity under the Vienna Conventions — a body of international law which Israel has been accused of regularly violating.

      Nadav Argaman, the director of Israel’s intelligence service, the Shin Bet, traveled to Jordan in an attempt to resolve the situation, whereas Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a phone call with Jordan’s King Abdullah over the case.

      The Israeli security guard thanked Netanyahu for helping him leave Jordan without facing interrogation or criminal charges.

      "I know an entire country stands behind us. You told me yesterday I’d return home, and you calmed me down, and then it happened. I thank you wholeheartedly,” Israeli news outlet Ynet quoted him as saying.

      Despite reports that Israeli authorities would remove metal detectors at the entrance of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in exchange for securing the return of the security guard, Netanyahu denied that such an agreement had taken place.


    • Tuesday, July 25, 2017

      From the funeral of Muhammad Jawawdeh, 16, who was shot by an Israeli embassy terrorist in Amman

      It says “death to Israel”.
      Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 8:38 AM

      Tuesday, July 25, 2017
      Netanyahu warmly welcomes the terrorist who shot a 16-year old Jordanian

      When will they stop teaching and practicing hate? Who will change their curricula?
      Posted by As’ad AbuKhalil at 11:17 AM

    • Investigation into Israeli embassy shooting completed

      Amman, July 24 (Petra) — The Public Security Department (PSD), said Monday evening that the investigation launched into a shooting incident inside the Israeli embassy compound in Amman on Sunday was completed.

      A statement released by the PSD said the investigation was completed after collecting information from the crime scene and listening to a number of eyewitnesses, who were present at the scene.

      A PSD special investigation team has found that there was a prior agreement between people working in carpentry to supply bedroom furniture for an apartment rented by an Israeli embassy employee, the statement indicated, adding that two people came to furnish the bedroom of the Israeli employee’s apartment inside the compound.

      During the process, a dispute has erupted between one of the carpenters, who was the furniture shop owner’s son, and the Israeli diplomat. The two had a verbal argument as the Israeli diplomat claimed that there was a delay in completing the agreed upon work on time.

      The altercation escalated to physical confrontation where the carpenter attacked and injured the Israeli diplomat who in turn shot the carpenter and the apartment’s owner, who and the building’s doorman were present at the scene, the statement added, citing the testimony given by the other person who came with the carpenter.

      The team also listened to the doorman’s testimony, who corroborated the story as mentioned in the investigation.

      Then case has been referred to the competent prosecutor for further legal action.

      //Petra// AF

      25/7/2017 - 12:00:24 AM

  • Temple Mount crisis: Jerusalem unifies the Muslims through struggle - Palestinians
    Although most Palestinians are not allowed to visit Al-Aqsa, this holy site is doing what the siege of Gaza and the expansion of the settlements could not: bringing them together

    By Amira Hass | Jul. 23, 2017 | 12:55 PM |

    A secular young man from the Ramallah area expressed his astonishment at how Jerusalem was unifying the entire Palestinian people,, and compared the perpetrator of Friday night’s attack in Halamish, Omar al-Abed, to Saladin. A silly comparison, all would agree. Still, the need to bring up Saladin encapsulates all the fatigue among Palestinians about those they perceive as the new Crusaders.

    That young man can’t go to East Jerusalem and the Old City, which is less than 30 kilometers (about 18 miles) from his home, because even in ordinary times Israel doesn’t give entry permits “just like that” for people his age. And perhaps he is among those who consider it humiliating to have to request an entry permit to a Palestinian city. The last time he visited was when he was 13 – some 13 years ago.

    And so this young Palestinian did not hear a few of the preachers in Jerusalem on Friday talk about their longing for Saladin. Because the Palestinians stuck to their prohibition on entering Al-Aqsa through the Israeli metal detectors, self-styled preachers spoke to groups of worshippers who had gathered in the streets of East Jerusalem and the Old City, surrounded by Border Police personnel aiming their long rifles at them.

    One of those preachers said that if not for the positions and actions of various regimes in the world in the past and present, the Jews would not have overcome the Palestinians. Then he paused and added, “If not for the Palestinian Authority, the collaborator, the Jews would not have the upper hand.” He also wondered: “Is it possible that in all the Muslim armies in the world today, not one can produce a Saladin?” And then he promised that the day would come when armies from Jakarta, Istanbul and Cairo will arrive to liberate Palestine, Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa.

    Another preacher made similar statements to a tourist from Turkey before the sermon. The content and style recalled the Islamist-Salafist party Hizb El Tahrir: There is no preaching for an armed struggle against the Israeli occupier, but strong faith in a day when the Muslim world mobilizes and brings down the “Jewish Crusaders.”

    When the prayer was over, only a few joined the call warning Jews that “the army of Mohammed would return” – but no one protested the characterization of the PA as a “collaborator.” Anyway, its activities are forbidden in Jerusalem. Israel pushed out the PLO (to which the PA is theoretically subservient) from every unifying, cultural, social or economic role it had until the year 2000. A vacuum like that can only be filled with religious entities and spokesmen who will give meaning to a life full of suffering. The consistent position of the PLO and the PA that this is not a religious conflict and that Israel should not be allowed to turn it into one doesn’t sound particularly convincing in Jerusalem.

    Since most Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank can’t go to Jerusalem, the city – and particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque – are for them abstract sites, a “concept” or a picture on the wall; not a reality to be experienced. But this abstract place, Al-Aqsa, is doing what the siege of Gaza and its 2 million prisoners, the expansion of the settlements and the confiscation of water tanks and solar panels from communities in Area C, are not doing: It is unifying them. The anti-colonial discourse, which is essentially national, political and secular, is channeled to Facebook posts, to scholarly articles that do not reach the general public and to hollow slogans mouthed by leaders, the shelf-life of whose leadership and mandate has long since expired.

    In other words, the national discourse and the veteran national leadership are no longer considered relevant today. While Al-Aqsa, in contrast, manages to create mass popular opposition to the foreign Israeli ruler – and that sparks the imagination and inspiration of masses of others who cannot go to Jerusalem. Not only nonreligious people came to places of worship in Jerusalem on Friday to be with their people. A number of Palestinian Christians also joined the groups of Muslim worshippers and prayed in their way, facing Al-Aqsa and Mecca.

    Of course, this is first and foremost the strength of religious belief. The deeper the faith, the greater the insult to its sacred elements. The fact that Al-Aqsa is a pan-Islamic site is an empowering element. But not only that: Jerusalem has the highest concentration of Palestinians who rub elbows with the foreign Israeli ruler, with everything this entails in terms of the trampling on their rights and humiliating them. They don’t need “symbolic sites” of the occupation, like military checkpoints, to recall the occupation or express their rage. And the Al-Aqsa plaza, for its part, is where the largest number of Jerusalemites can gather together in one place to feel like a collective. And when this right to congregate is taken away from them, they protest as one – which also reminds the rest of the Palestinians that the entire public is one, suffering the same foreign rule.

    But that same unified public can no longer express its oneness in mass actions. It is closed and cut off in ostensibly sovereign enclaves, and split into social classes with ever-widening social, economic and emotional gaps. Its road to the symbolic sites of the occupation, which surround every enclave, is blocked by the Palestinian security forces as well as by adaptation to life in the enclave.

    This is the political and factual foundation for the continued presence of lone-wolf attackers, without reference to the outcome of their actions: First of all, the intolerable continuation of the occupation; then the inspiration of Al-Aqsa as a place that unifies, religiously and socially; the disappointing, weakened and weak leadership; and a willingness to die that is a mixture of faith in Paradise and despair at life.

    en français :

    • Esplanade des Mosquées : M. Abbas suspend la coordination sécuritaire avec Israël
      Par RFI Publié le 23-07-2017

      Israël joue avec le feu en imposant de nouvelles mesures de sécurité à l’entrée de l’Esplanade des Mosquées. L’accusation est lancée ce dimanche au Caire par le secrétaire général de la Ligue arabe pour qui Jérusalem est une ligne rouge à ne pas franchir. De nouvelles manifestations ont eu lieu samedi et deux nouvelles victimes sont à déplorer : deux Palestiniens ont été tués. Mahmoud Abbas avait annoncé dès vendredi le gel de tous les contacts avec Israël : première traduction concrète ce dimanche avec l’annulation d’une réunion de coopération sécuritaire israélo-palestinienne.

      avec notre correspondante à Ramallah, Marina Vlahovic

  • L’appel d’Al-Aqsa
    Abdel Bari Atwan - 14 juillet 2017 – Raï al-Yaoum – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

    (...) Les autorités israéliennes d’occupation s’imaginaient que le peuple palestinien avait renoncé face à l’occupation parce que l’AP avait capitulé et que le Hamas négociait un accord avec Dahlan dans une tentative désespérée de réduire le blocus de la bande de Gaza et permettre à ses deux millions d’habitants de survivre. L’occupant a cru que les Palestiniens avaient cédé à la « modération » et abandonné toute autre pensée de résistance parce que le soutien arabe et islamique s’est effondré en raison des guerres en Syrie, en Irak et au Yémen, et parce que certains régimes arabes voient maintenant Israël comme un ami et allié qui peut être appelé pour les défendre contre l’ogre iranien.

    Le peuple palestinien ne cédera pas à l’occupation israélienne ni se soumettra ni à son injustice ni à son racisme. Il exercera son droit à la réistance par tous les moyens disponibles. Le fait que les attaquants venaient d’Umm al-Fahem – occupé en 1948 et qui se porte économiquement mieux qu’en Cisjordanie – est une indication claire à cet égard. Cela atteste de l’unité du peuple palestinien et de son engagement envers ses droits légitimes : la libération, l’indépendance, la justice et l’égalité, où qu’il soit, dans sa patrie ou en exil.

    Les autorités israéliennes ont fait le choix de la guerre et ont été aveuglées par l’arrogance de leur pouvoir à imposer l’injustice, les agressions et l’oppression contre un peuple qui tendait une branche d’olivier et dont les dirigeants ont abandonné 80% de la Palestine historique dans l’espoir de parvenir à la paix et à la coexistence.(...)

  • Is the West Bank witnessing a resurgence of Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades? | Al Akhbar English

    Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ cells expanded into Gaza, but its growth in the Strip was stunted with the assassination of its founder there, Jihad Amarin, after which al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades scattered into small combat groups. Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ role in Gaza gradually disappeared as Mahmoud Abbas’ faction took over the Palestinian Authority, and today, its presence there is limited to groups supported by Hamas (Ayman Jaoudeh’s groups), by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (al-Mujahidin and Abu Sharia), and by Hezbollah (Imad Mughniyeh).

  • Is the #west_bank witnessing a resurgence of #Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades?

    A Palestinian protester holding his national flag stands amid smoke after tear gas was fired by Israeli security forces during clashes in the West Bank village of Bilin, on July 28, 2014, following a demonstration in support of Palestinians from the #Gaza Strip. (Photo: AFP-Abbas Momani) A Palestinian protester holding his national flag stands amid smoke after tear gas was fired by Israeli security forces during clashes in the West Bank village of Bilin, on July 28, 2014, following a demonstration in support of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. (Photo: AFP-Abbas Momani)

    While Fatah may have made an about-face with its attitudes regarding the war on Gaza, it will not be able to easily reactivate its armed wing, al-Aqsa (...)

    #Palestine #al-Aqsa_Martyrs_brigade #Articles #Hamas #Hebron #Israel #Palestinian_Authority

  • Right-wing Israelis enters #jerusalem's #al-Aqsa under army protection

    A group of right-wing Israelis entered the al-Aqsa mosque compound on Wednesday under armed guard, Ma’an news agency reported. Witnesses told Ma’an that the group of extremists was led by Yehuda Glick, who chairs the Temple Mount Heritage Fund. Palestinian worshipers threw fireworks in the direction of the group in opposition to the visit. Shortly afterward, Israeli police officers escorted the group out of the compound. Earlier, Israeli officers had deployed heavily in the al-Aqsa courtyards and locals said they harassed a group of worshipers, including visitors from Turkey. read more

    #Israel #Palestine #Top_News


    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — A group of settlers accompanied by Israeli forces entered the Al-Aqsa mosque compound on Wednesday for the second consecutive day, with Muslim worshipers prevented from praying at the holy site, locals said.

    Israeli police officers erected several checkpoints at entrances to the Al-Aqsa compound and prevented all Palestinian women, and men under 50, from entering, witnesses said.

    Elderly men were only allowed in after they had given their identity cards to Israeli officers.

    Israeli forces evacuated all young worshipers who managed to enter the mosque for dawn prayers, allowing only employees of the endowment ministry, who work at the mosque, to remain.

    Over 100 settlers then entered the Al-Aqsa compound at 7 a.m., entering through the Moroccan gate accompanied by Israeli forces.

    A day earlier, a group of around 40 settlers toured the compound escorted by police officers to commemorate the eve of Jerusalem Day, a controversial national holiday in Israel celebrating the “unification” of the city, or occupation of East Jerusalem.

    Israeli politicians, such as Likud’s Moshe Feiglin, have in the past called for Jewish prayers at the compound, and control and access to the holy site is a particularly sensitive religious and political issue.

    Earlier this year, PLO official Saeb Erekat slammed an attempt by Feiglin to enter the compound, calling it a “violation of the sanctity of the place as well as a direct provocation against Palestine, the Arab- and Muslim world.”

    The Al-Aqsa compound, containing the mosque and the Dome of the Rock, is the third holiest site in Islam and abuts the site where Jews believe the ancient Second Temple stood.

  • Gaza : deux Palestiniens tués, un blessé dans un raid aérien d’Israël

    Gaza : deux Palestiniens tués, un blessé dans un raid aérien d’Israël

    RAFAH (Territoires palestiniens) - Deux Palestiniens ont été tués et un autre blessé mercredi soir dans un raid de l’aviation israélienne contre la bande de Gaza, ont constaté un photographe de l’AFP et les services d’urgence palestiniens.

    Le raid a visé une voiture qui circulait à Rafah, dans le sud de l’enclave palestinienne, ont précisé ces sources.

    Selon les services d’urgences palestiniens, les deux victimes sont les martyrs Ashraf Saleh , 25 ans, et Anees Abu Elenein , 26 ans.

    Gaza Youth Breaks Out (GYBO) :

    GAZA 10:50 pm .. 19-9-2012 : 3 Palestinians killed after israeli drone target a civilian car in Rafah city south Gaza strip >> photo of the targeted car

    • Gaza : deux cadres du Hamas tués lors d’une frappe israélienne

      Dans un communiqué, le ministère de l’intérieur du Hamas a annoncé la mort de deux « martyrs tombés en faisant leur devoir », le lieutenant Achraf Saleh et son adjoint Anis Abou el-Anine, des membres, selon lui, de la commission du ministère chargée des questions frontalières avec l’Egypte.

      « Les martyrs effectuaient leur mission civile quotidienne de routine consistant à surveiller et sécuriser la frontière sud de la bande de Gaza avec l’Egypte », a précisé le communiqué. Le troisième homme, blessé, a été identifié par le Hamas comme le lieutenant Nidal Nasrallah.

      Les services d’urgence locaux ont confirmé que le raid aérien israélien avait visé une voiture appartenant au ministère de l’intérieur du Hamas. De son côté, l’armée israélienne a affirmé que son aviation avait « ciblé deux agents terroristes – Anis Abou Mahmoud el-Anine et Achraf Mahmoud Saleh – affiliés aux Défenseurs d’Al-Aqsa », un groupe terroriste parrainé par le Hamas dans la bande de Gaza.
      Selon un communiqué, Anis Abou Mahmoud el-Anine, originaire de Rafah, était « dans les phases ultimes de préparation d’une attaque terroriste contre des civils israéliens ».