person:alan lake

  • Lancaster Unity : Norwegian police formally investigating EDL financier for possible terrorism links

    Reuters news agency are reporting that English Defence League financier & strategist Alan Lake is now being formally investigated by the Norwegian police in order to verify if he was an ideological influence on the mass-murdering Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik.

    The Guardian have formally investigated and independently confirmed Alan Lake’s authorship of a “Final Solution” blueprint targeting the entire British Muslim population along with anyone perceived to be sympathetic towards them, including death threats against British Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy PM Nick Clegg and the Archbishop of Canterbury. You can see a screenshot of Lake’s horrifying “Final Solution” here and here.

    #EDL #Breivik

  • Lancaster Unity: EDL racists and fascists ditch shadowy strategist Alan Lake

    Lake is reportedly a wealthy businessman in the IT industry. He has extensive links with far-right and fascist organisations across Europe. He is a vicious anti-Muslim racist who is behind the strategy of welding together football hooligan firms – who now make up the EDL’s hard core – into a unified fighting force of racist thugs. Lake told the Daily Telegraph: ‘This is a dirty, nasty, difficult struggle and you have to work with what is available.’

    He claimed that “in 20 or 30 years the UK will start to fragment into Islamic enclaves”, adding:

    ’It’s time we decide… who we will force in the Islamic enclaves (and who we will execute if they sneak out.) By forcing these liberal twits into those enclaves, we will be sending them to their death at worst, and at best they and their families will be subjected to all the depredations, persecution and abuse that non-Muslims worldwide currently ‘enjoy’ in countries like Pakistan…It will be great to see them executed or tortured to death.’

    #UK #EDL