person:anthony lake

  • Cholera Is Slaughtering Yemen and We’re Letting It Happen, by Laurie Garrett |

    This is the worst #cholera epidemic in modern history, and it has already spread well beyond the borders of Yemen, though neighboring nations decline to officially report “cholera,” preferring the ambiguous phrase, “acute watery diarrhea.” Even the new director general of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, plays the name game (…)

    Confronting this catastrophe commands honesty: Cholera is now rampant not only in Yemen, but South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and in refugee camps across the Middle East. Last month, the disease broke out in a luxury hotel in Nairobi, sickening attendees to a health conference. By that time, UNICEF head Anthony Lake said, the #Yemen disaster was growing by 5,000 new cases per day—a pace it has since well exceeded. The true toll may well reach half a million before July ends, and the agony is evident everywhere one looks.

    The horrible irony is that cholera is spreading primarily because Saudi Arabia and its Gulf state allies have been bombing Yemen’s infrastructure to smithereens for months, rendering every water supply contaminated. The reluctance of Ethiopia and other cholera-afflicted nations to truthfully state their health plights is due to the same countries’—Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies—policies of boycotting all trade and food from nations that admit to having the disease. And historically the greatest scourge of the annual Hajj is—you guessed it—cholera.

    et il faut que ce soit publié dans Fortune (!!)

  • UNICEF - Media centre - Unspeakable violence against children in South Sudan – UNICEF chief

    Pendant ce temps là :

    Statement by UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake on brutal violence against children in South Sudan

    NEW YORK, 17 June 2015 – “The violence against children in South Sudan has reached a new level of brutality.

    “The details of the worsening violence against children are unspeakable, but we must speak of them.

    “As many as 129 children from Unity State were killed during only three weeks in May. Survivors report that boys have been castrated and left to bleed to death... Girls as young as 8 have been gang raped and murdered... Children have been tied together before their attackers slit their throats... Others have been thrown into burning buildings.

    “Children are also being aggressively recruited into armed groups of both sides on an alarming scale – an estimated 13,000 children forced to participate in a conflict not of their making. Imagine the psychological and physical effects on these children – not only of the violence inflicted on them but also the violence they are forced to inflict on others.

    “In the name of humanity and common decency this violence against the innocent must stop.”

    #soudan_du_sud #atrocités #massacre #enfance #enfants

  • L’année 2014 a été dévastatrice pour les #enfants, selon l’#UNICEF

    8 décembre 2014 – « Cela a été une année dévastatrice pour des millions d’enfants », a déclaré Anthony Lake, Directeur exécutif de l’UNICEF. « Des enfants ont été tués alors qu’ils étudiaient dans une salle de classe ou qu’ils dormaient dans leur lit ; ils ont perdu leurs parents, ils ont été enlevés, torturés, recrutés de force, violés et même vendus comme esclaves. Jamais dans l’histoire récente autant d’enfants n’ont été soumis à une telle brutalité ».

    Environ 15 millions d’enfants sont victimes de conflits en #République_centrafricaine, en #Iraq, au #Soudan_du_Sud, dans l’Etat de #Palestine, en #Syrie et en #Ukraine. On estime que 230 millions d’enfants au total dans le monde vivent actuellement dans des pays et des zones touchés par des #conflits armés.


  • Centre d’actualités de l’ONU - L’ONU s’alarme de l’ampleur prise par la crise humanitaire en République centrafricaine

    16 décembre 2013 – Plusieurs agences des Nations Unies ont exprimé lundi leur préoccupation devant la situation en République centrafricaine (RCA), où des millions de civils sont menacés par l’insécurité alimentaire et la violence qui se poursuit sans relâche.

    « Pendant trop longtemps, les vies des enfants de République centrafricaine n’ont pas compté ni été prises en compte dans le cadre de cette crise négligée », a affirmé le Directeur général du Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF), Anthony Lake, qui a qualifié les meurtres et sévices infligés qui leurs sont infligés d’« affront à l’humanité ».


  • Syrie.
    Appel pour la Syrie qui sonne comme une défaite de la communauté internationale (The New York Times)

    Op-Ed Contributors

    A U.N. Appeal to Save Syria

    Published: April 15, 2013

    Enough. Enough.
    After more than two years of conflict and more than 70,000 deaths, including thousands of children. ... After more than five million people have been forced to leave their homes, including over a million refugees living in severely stressed neighboring countries ... After so many families torn apart and communities razed, schools and hospitals wrecked and water systems ruined ... After all this, there still seems to be an insufficient sense of urgency among the governments and parties that could put a stop to the cruelty and carnage in Syria.

    We, leaders of U.N. agencies charged with dealing with the human costs of this tragedy, appeal to political leaders involved to meet their responsibility to the people of Syria and to the future of the region.

    We ask that they use their collective influence to insist on a political solution to this horrendous crisis before hundreds of thousands more people lose their homes and lives and futures — in a region already at the tipping point.

    Our agencies and humanitarian partners have been doing all we can. With the support of many governments and people, we have helped shelter more than a million refugees. We have helped provide access to food and other basic necessities for millions displaced by the conflict, to water and sanitation to over 5.5 million affected people in Syria and in neighboring countries, and to basic health services for millions of Syrians, including vaccinations to over 1.5 million children against measles and polio.

    But it has not nearly been enough. The needs are growing while our capacity to do more is diminishing, due to security and other practical limitations within Syria as well as funding constraints. We are precariously close, perhaps within weeks, to suspending some humanitarian support.

    Our appeal today is not for more resources, needed as they are. We are appealing for something more important than funds. To all involved in this brutal conflict and to all governments that can influence them:

    In the name of all those who have so suffered, and the many more whose futures hang in the balance: Enough! Summon and use your influence, now, to save the Syrian people and save the region from disaster.

    Valerie Amos is U.N. under secretary general for Humanitarian Affairs. Ertharin Cousin is executive director of the U.N. World Food Program. António Guterres is U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. ANTHONY LAKE is executive director of the U.N. Children’s Fund. Margaret Chan is director general of the World Health Organization.