person:ban lifted

  • Twitter Ban Lifted for ’Anonymous 14’ Awaiting Trial | IndyRadio

    The 14 defendants accused of hacking PayPal last year have successfully defended their right to use online services while they await trial.

    SAN JOSE, March 16 (INDYRADIO) Magistrate Judge Paul Grewal found in favor of a first amendment challenge to the bail conditions of 14 defendants accused of hacking PayPal in revenge for the embargo on services to WikiLeaks. Vincent Kershaw and others had filed several motions challenging restrictions on their computer usage while they await trial.

    According to the order released by Grewal in # Case5:11-cr-00471-DLJ

    Kershaw argues that the IRC and Twitter restrictions violates his right to freedom of speech under the First Amendment. The crux of Kershaw’s argument is that the restriction unduly burdens his right to engage in political discourse by these means. Kershaw points out that the ban denies him tweets issued by President Obama and other national figures and prevents him from engaging in Twitter Town Halls.