person:benjamin netanyahu

  • HCR | Les propositions d’Israël pour la réinstallation préoccupent le HCR

    Le HCR, l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés, est sérieusement préoccupé par les propositions d’Israël annoncées le 16 novembre 2017 par Aryeh Deri, le Ministre de l’Intérieur et Gilad Erdan le Ministre de la Sécurité publique. Ces propositions prévoient de contraindre des demandeurs d’asile et des réfugiés d’Érythrée et du Soudan à accepter une […]

    • Revealed: Theresa May knew of Priti Patel secret meeting but she was told to hide it | The London Economic

      The Jewish Chronicle just revealed that Number 10 WAS aware of Priti Patel’s extra meeting with an Israeli minister – but she was told to keep them quiet.

      As Priti Patel aborts an official visit to Uganda to return to the UK in a growing crisis over secret meetings with Israeli ministers and plans to divert foreign aid to Israeli Defence Force administered projects, this latest revelation raises serious questions about Theresa May’s actions.

    • Priti Patel, ministre embarrassante pour Teresa May | Euronews

      Les ennuis continuent pour Teresa May qui pourrait perdre un nouveau membre de son gouvernement. Priti Pattel, la secrétaire d’Etat britannique au Développement international pourrait démissionner. En cause : des rencontres secrètes avec des dirigeants israéliens. Objectif recherché selon elle : financer l’assistance humanitaire apportée à des blessés syriens dans le Golan. Dans son mea culpa, elle aurait omis de dire que cette aide impliquerait de financer l’armée israélienne, dont Londres ne reconnaît pas l’occupation partielle par Israël. Si la Première ministre l’a simplement réprimandée, la presse britannique, elle réclame sa tête.


    • What the Priti Patel scandal tells us about the dark operations of UK’s powerful Israel lobby

      Another window on Israel’s meddling opened briefly last week. The BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg, took to Twitter to relay a damning comment from an unnamed “senior” member of Ms Patel’s party. In a clear reference to Israel, the source observed: “The entire apparatus has turned a blind eye to a corrupt relationship that allows a country to buy access”.

      A short time later, presumably under pressure, Ms Kuenssberg deleted the tweet. The BBC has not reported the comment elsewhere and the senior Conservative has not dared go public. Such, it seems, is the intimidating and corrupting influence of the lobby.


      Rarely identified or held to account, the lobby has entrenched its power.

      That is under threat, however. Social media and Palestinians with camera phones have exposed a global audience to systematic abuses by the Israeli army the western media largely ignored. For the first time, Israel supporters sound evasive and dissembling.

      Meanwhile, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s strident efforts in the US Congress through 2014 and 2015 to prevent a nuclear accord with Iran dragged the lobby even farther out of the shadows.

      The Israel lobby’s dirty tricks in the UK were exposed earlier this year too. An Al Jazeera TV documentary showed Conservative party officials colluding with the Israeli embassy to “take down” Alan Duncan, a foreign office minister who supports the Palestinian cause.

      It is noteworthy that Ms Patel’s downfall came about because of social media. Israeli officials like police minister Gilad Erdan were so unused to scrutiny or accountability themselves that they happily tweeted photos with Ms Patel. Mr Erdan is a key player in the lobby, running a “smear unit” to target overseas critics of Israel.


      There is growing hysteria about foreign interference in US and European politics. Is it not time for western states to show as much concern about the malign influence of Israel’s lobbyists as they do about Russian hackers?

  • Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, annonce sa démission

    Le premier ministre libanais, Saad Hariri, a annoncé sa démission, samedi 4 novembre, à la surprise générale. Il a accusé le Hezbollah chiite et son allié iranien de « mainmise » sur le Liban et a affirmé avoir peur d’être assassiné.

    « J’annonce ma démission du poste de premier ministre », a ainsi déclaré M. Hariri, qui se trouve actuellement en Arabie saoudite, dans un discours retransmis par la chaîne satellitaire Al-Arabiya. Selon les informations du Monde, un des conseillers de M. Hariri lui avait déjà suggéré de démissionner il y a quelques semaines, mais l’idée avait alors été écartée.

    « L’Iran a une mainmise sur le destin des pays de la région (…). Le Hezbollah est le bras de l’Iran non seulement au Liban mais également dans les autres pays arabes », a dénoncé le premier ministre démissionnaire. Et « ces dernières décennies, le Hezbollah a imposé une situation de fait accompli par la force de ses armes », a-t-il ajouté.

    Bien entendu, le Monde-avec-AFP (ainsi que l’ensemble des médias francophones) qualifie la démission de Hariri de « totalement inattendue »… Si ces gens faisaient un tout petit peu leurs devoirs, ils sauraient que le renversement du gouvernement et la mise en accusation du Hezbollah ont été très clairement annoncés lundi par les Séoudiens :
    que Hariri s’était déjà rendu en Arabie séoudite ce même lundi, et y et retourné hier :

    Le chef du gouvernement libanais se rend à Riyad pour une visite de travail. Lors de son dernier déplacement, il avait été reçu par le prince héritier saoudien, Mohammad Ben Salmane. M. Hariri avait affirmé être totalement en phase avec Riyad pour ce qui a trait à la stabilité du Liban.

    • L’aspect évidemment ridicule de l’événement, c’est que Saad se rend deux fois en Arabie séoudite en quelques jours, applique ce qui a été annoncé par un ministre séoudien en début de semaine, rencontre le nouveau Séoud-en-chef ben Salmane et dans la foulée annonce sa démission depuis l’Arabie séoudite, tout ça paraît-il pour dénoncer la « mainmise » de l’Iran sur le Liban.

    • Malgré cet aspect ridicule, on peut être particulièrement inquiet. Que l’Arabie séoudite décide de porter (à nouveau) son affrontement régional sur la scène libanaise ne présage d’absolument rien de bon pour le pays (tu as vu l’état des pays où l’Arabie a prétendu « contrer » l’influence iranienne ?).

      Commentaire des Iraniens : "La démission de Hariri a été arrangée par Trump et Muhammad ben Salmane, en fionction d’une décision manifeste des Saoudiens de s’en prendre au Hezbollah."
      طهران : استقالة الحريري جاءت بترتيب من ترامب ومحمد بن سلمان وبقرار سعودي واضح لمواجهة “حزب الله”

    • November 2, 2017
      Targeting Lebanon Again
      Edito d’ABA. Cela date du 2 novembre mais, comme c’est en anglais, je suppose que cela a dû être publié un peu avant.

      We do not know what instructions Hariri was given when he met Saudi strongman Crown Prince Muhammad bin-Salman. But it would not come as a surprise to learn that he was told either to withdraw from the government or sack its Hezbollah ministers in order to create another government crisis in Lebanon. Hariri would have no option but to comply. That would mean the collapse of the hard-won political accommodation that enabled him to return to office and Gen. Michel Aoun to be elected president.

    • Angry Arab: Hariri resignation in Beirut

      It is funny: people of the Saudi and Israeli lobbies on social media are jubilant about Saad Hariri’s resignation (from Riyadh, no less and through Saudi regime media) and treating the matter as if it was a purely Lebanese matter. The resignation was days in the making. Saudi minister (for Gulf affairs but he also seems to be in charge of Lebanese affairs as well) has been threatening the Lebanese people and government for many days and warning of an impending action. In fact, he threatened hours before Hariri resignation that Saudi Arabia will “cut off” the hands of Iran—which was the same expression used by Hariri in the speech which was prepared for him. Hariri was sitting with Hizbullah ministers and defending the political arrangement in which all parties were represented against critics in his quarters. He also met with a senior Iranian delegation HOURS before his resignation (above) (the delegated was headed by Ali Akbar Welayeti, who said after the meeting that it was “constructive”). Just after the meeting, Hariri was summoned to Riyadh and he took a selfti with Minister Sabhan (the latter posted it on Twitter (above) and said it was after a long meeting), and then the speech of resignation was aired on Saudi media. Its text was counter to all the speeches that Hariri has been giving for many months. The best part is that Saudi regime media announced that there was an assassination attempt on Hariri’s life just before he departed for Saudi Arabia. The pro-Saudi branch of the Lebanese security services promptly told Lebanese media that they never heard of any of that and that they were not sources for this fable.

    • Au sujet de la prétendue tentative d’assassinat contre Hariri, le démenti des FSI (généralement pro-séoudienne et proches du camp Hariri) :

      La direction générale des FSI a démenti, ce samedi dans un communiqué, les informations qui circulent dans les médias, réseaux sociaux et sites électroniques, selon lesquelles son service de renseignements aurait déjoué une tentative d’assassinat contre le Premier ministre démissionnaire Saad Hariri.

      « La direction des FSI précise que ces informations sont erronées, qu’elle n’a fourni aucun détail et qu’elle ne dispose d’aucune donnée à cet égard », précise le communiqué.

    • Saad Hariri Quits as Lebanon Prime Minister, Blaming Iran - The New York Times

      On en est là, il faut lire un article du NYT pour se rendre compte combien les articles des MSM français et les reportages de France 24 sur le sujet sont lamentables.

      The surprise announcement — which shocked even his own staff — was an ominous sign of the escalating regional rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran, analysts said, indicating the growing dominance of Iran and Hezbollah as well as the Saudis’ increasingly assertive response.

      Lebanese and regional analysts, whether supporters or opponents of Hezbollah, said it appeared that Mr. Hariri had been pressured to resign by his patrons, the Saudis , as they and the United States ratchet up efforts to counter Iranian influence. The resignation came after weeks of sharp American and Saudi condemnations of Iran, including from President Trump, and new American sanctions against Hezbollah.

      By pushing out Mr. Hariri, analysts said, Saudi Arabia could deny Hezbollah a credible Sunni governing partner — an attempt to isolate it and deny it the fig leaf of a national unity government.

      “They concluded that Hariri was serving as more of a cover for Iranian and Hezbollah influence than as a counterweight to them,” said Rob Malley, a former special Middle East adviser to President Barack Obama and the vice president of the International Crisis Group.

      Yet the resignation also shows how few options Iran’s opponents have. Without Mr. Hariri in power, the United States and Saudi Arabia lose their main partner in the Lebanese government.

      Across the political spectrum, analysts and officials said the resignation ushered in new dangers. If the next government is more pro-Hezbollah, they said, that could lead to devastating sanctions. It could even increase the chances of a new war with Israel, which would see added justification for its argument that there is little distinction between Hezbollah and the Lebanese state.

      Mr. Hariri even raised the specter of internal violence. [si jamais des attentats contre le camp du 14 mars reprennent on aura été averti] He compared the atmosphere in Lebanon now to the days before the 2005 assassination of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, saying he believed his own life was in danger. “I sensed what’s being woven in secret to target my life,” he said.

      Mr. Hariri’s father was killed when his motorcade was bombed on Beirut’s seafront. Several Hezbollah members are being tried in absentia in a special United Nations-backed tribunal in The Hague, although the militant group has denied involvement in the assassination.


      Mr. Hariri headed a 30-member national unity cabinet that was crafted to protect the country from any spillover from the multisided war in neighboring Syria, where Iran backed the government and Saudi Arabia backed the insurgents.

      That mission has largely been successful , even though Hezbollah has sided with the Syrian government, Lebanese Sunni militants have joined insurgents there, and well over one million refugees flooded this small Mediterranean country.

      In Lebanon’s political system, power is divided between a prime minister, who must be Sunni; a president, who must be Maronite Christian; and a speaker of Parliament, who must be Shiite.

      The exercise of real power in the country is a more complicated affair of alliances, rivalries and division of spoils between the leaders of sectarian groups, including former warlords from Lebanon’s civil war.

      Hezbollah, which rose to prominence fighting the Israeli occupation of south Lebanon, is the strongest because of its powerful militia, which can act independently of the state and in recent years has served as an expeditionary force across Syria.

      In recent years Lebanon’s rival blocs have essentially agreed to confine their fight to Syria. But tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran have only increased.

      In addition to Hezbollah’s decisive role in helping President Bashar al-Assad of Syria hold on to power, Iran has supported several militias in Iraq that have managed to defeat Islamic State forces in that country and remain a fighting force.

      Iranian leaders say their interference is needed to stop terrorism, and to create a security zone for their country. The country’s influence started to rise after the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq in 2011, leaving behind an incomplete army and a pro-Iranian government.

      Iran’s filling of the vacuum created by the departure of the United States military has been an extremely worrying development for Saudi Arabia and some other Arab states, who have seen their efforts to fight proxy wars with Iran largely fail.

      And now that the Syrian war seems to be entering a new phase, with Mr. Assad still ruling a devastated country, there are fears that tensions that had been pushed to the back burner — inside Lebanon, between Hezbollah and Israel, and elsewhere — could re-emerge.

      The United States has stepped up sanctions on Hezbollah in recent weeks after President Trump criticized Iran and the landmark nuclear deal it reached under Mr. Obama.

      “It signals a new phase of escalation,” said Ali Rizk, a pro-Hezbollah Lebanese analyst, adding that the imminent defeat of Islamic State by the United States would put new pressure on what it sees as Shiite extremists. “Lebanon is in for a hard time,” Mr. Rizk said.

      The resignation brought sharp words from Israel and Iran. Bahram Ghasemi, a spokesman for Iran’s foreign ministry, said Mr. Hariri’s speech was driven by a Saudi, American and Israeli effort aimed at “creating tension in Lebanon and the region.”

      And in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the resignation “a wake-up call for the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression.”

      The pressure now is on the Lebanese president, Mr. Aoun, who will hold consultations with Parliament about appointing a caretaker government, said Imad Salamey, an analyst at the American University of Beirut.

      “If he indeed is going to bring in a pro-Hezbollah government, then he has to face the consequences,” such as new sanctions, Mr. Salamey said. “It will be a massive U.S. and Saudi response. The economy will collapse for sure.”

      In his speech, Mr. Hariri said he wanted to unite Lebanon and free it from outside influence. He pronounced himself “full of optimism and hope that Lebanon will be stronger, free, independent, with no authority over it except that of its own great people.”

      But in the streets of Tariq al-Jdeedeh, a mostly Sunni neighborhood of Beirut that is part of Mr. Hariri’s political base, anger and confusion contrasted with the posters of Mr. Hariri that festooned the buildings.

      “Hariri didn’t do this for Lebanon, he did this for Saudi against Iran,” said Nabil Idriss, who was tending his son’s fabric shop. “Now with this move, the picture is more transparent than ever. Saad Hariri was never in control.”

      #Liban #Hezbollah #Israel #Etats-Unis #Arabie_saoudite

  • Grande-Bretagne : devant Netanyahu, May brocarde les colonies israéliennes, « obstacle » à la paix
    Par AFP — 2 novembre 2017 à 11:28 (mis à jour le 3 novembre 2017 à 07:12)

    La Première ministre britannique Theresa May a dénoncé jeudi l’établissement de colonies israéliennes dans les territoires palestiniens, « obstacles » selon elle à la paix au Proche-Orient, en recevant son homologue israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à l’occasion du centenaire de la déclaration Balfour.

    Lors d’un dîner donné en hommage au document, par lequel Londres apportait son soutien à « l’établissement en Palestine d’un foyer national pour le peuple juif », Mme May a dit être attachée à une solution à deux Etats.

    « Il faudra que chaque partie fasse des compromis pour qu’existe une chance réaliste d’atteindre ce but, et cela comprend la fin de la construction de nouvelles colonies et la fin des bravades palestiniennes », a-t-elle déclaré.

    Plus tôt dans la journée, Mme May a reçu Benjamin Netanyahu au 10, Downing Street, pour des entretiens, avant lesquels elle a dit vouloir parler « de ce que nous considérons comme des obstacles et des difficultés dans ce processus, notamment les colonies illégales ».

    Son homologue israélien a, lui aussi, souligné son attachement au processus de paix. « Israël est engagé pour la paix, je suis engagé pour la paix », a-t-il déclaré. Mais il a appelé les Palestiniens à « accepter, cent ans après la déclaration Balfour, l’État juif ».

    « Quand ils le feront, la route vers la paix sera infiniment plus courte », a-t-il estimé. « La paix deviendra alors possible ».

    • Royaume-Uni : Theresa May assume la déclaration Balfour de 1917
      Par RFI Publié le 03-11-2017

      La Première ministre britannique a reçu, jeudi 2 novembre 2017 à Londres, son homologue israélien Benyamin Netanyahu, à l’occasion du centenaire de la déclaration Balfour, qui a ouvert la voie à la création de l’Etat d’Israël. Le ministre britannique des Affaires étrangères de l’époque, Arthur Balfour, écrivait que « le gouvernement britannique considère favorablement l’établissement en Palestine d’un foyer national pour le peuple juif », le début d’une « catastrophe » aux yeux des Palestiniens. Depuis plusieurs jours, des voix s’élèvent pour demander au Royaume-Uni de s’excuser, mais Theresa May s’en est bien gardée.

      Avec notre correspondante à Londres, Marion L’Hour

      #Balfour #Royaume-Uni

  • France / Syrie / Lafarge : Arrestation de Firas Tlass aux Émirats Arabes Unis

    L’arrestation de Firas Tlass apparaît rétrospectivement comme un dommage collatéral de la guerre médiatique que se livrent 3 pétromonarchies contre le Qatar, en ce que la révélation de son lieu d’arrestation, les Émirats Arabes Unis, viserait à contrario à désigner Abou Dhabi comme un complice du financement du terrorisme international et à dédouaner en conséquence le Qatar de cette accusation.


    Officiellement son interpellation a été présentée comme étant liée à des problèmes concernant son passeport syrien à des questions financières : Lafarge Syrie, dont Firas Tlass était membre de son conseil d’administration, lui versait près de 100.000 dollars par mois en vue d’assurer la protection du site et de ses employés, dont l’homme d’affaires syrien en reversait le quart, soit 20.000 dollars, au groupement terroriste Daech.

    Détail savoureux, c’est le même Firas Tlass qui servait à expliquer (oui, encore en janvier dernier) que c’était Bachar Assad qui « sponsorise des jihadistes » : Quand Bachar al-Assad "favorisait l’idée du jihad en Syrie" pour faire revenir l’Occident vers lui

    Dans ce reportage, le réalisateur donne la parole à Firas Tlass, ex-proche du dictateur syrien, et aujourd’hui en exil. Ce dernier rappelle une chose utile : c’est Bachar al-Assad qui a favorisé l’émergence des jihadistes en Syrie pour ensuite, s’ériger en rempart contre le péril islamiste qui tétanise les occidentaux. Mieux, il explique comment le dictateur syrien sponsorise des jihadistes depuis 2003.

    (M’enfin avec la Syrie, ça fait bien longtemps qu’on a passé toutes les bornes du n’importe quoi…)

  • Bombardement israélien sur un tunnel près de Gaza : Le bilan s’alourdit à 7 morts
    AA/Al-Quds /Moamen Ghorab | 30.10.2017

    Le ministère de la Santé dans la Bande de Gaza a annoncé, lundi, que 7 palestiniens ont été tués et 11 autres blessés à la suite du bombardement israélien ayant ciblé un tunnel près de la frontière.

    Le porte-parole du ministère, Dr. Ashraf al-Qodra, a déclaré, brièvement à Anadolu, que « les équipes de secours ont récupéré les corps de six jeunes palestiniens du tunnel qui se trouve à l’est de contre l’est de (la ville) de Deir Balah ».

    Les Martyrs identifiés sont : Ahmed Khalil abu Ormana (25 ans) et Omar Nassar al-Falit (27 ans), Misbah Shobeir (30 ans), Mohamed Marwan al-Agha (22 ans), Arafat abu Morshid, Hasan abu Hassanin et Jihad Abdullah al-Samiri.

    Al-Qassam a annoncé que Misbah Fayeq Shobeir fait partie de ses membres.

    Il a indiqué dans un communiqué : « Le Chef Misbah Fayeq Shobeir de Khan Younès est tombé en Martyr à la suite de l’opération effectuée par les Moujahids d’al-Qassam au profit de leurs frères de brigades d’al-Quds (l’aile armée Jihad islamique palestinien (JIP), qui étaient détenus dans le tunnel ciblé à l’est de Khan Younes ».

    Malgré l’annonce antérieure des Brigades d’al-Qassam, les Brigades d’al-Quds n’ont rien annoncé concernant le tunnel détruit par l’armée israélienne, et par rapport au lien avec les morts et les blessés.

    Le porte-parole du JIP, Daoud Chihab, a déclaré à Anadolu « la vérification de l’appartenance des martyrs et des blessés au mouvement est en cours ».

    30 octobre 2017, 23h21

    • Publish Date: 2017/10/30
      At least seven Palestinians killed in Israeli strike at tunnel in Gaza

      GAZA, October 30, 2017 (WAFA) – Initial count of casualties from an Israeli strike at a tunnel in Khan Younis, south of the Gaza Strip, on Monday showed that at least seven Palestinians were killed and 14 injured, many in critical condition, according to the Ministry of Health.

      It said the number could rise significantly due to the large number of people still missing in the tunnel that was turned into rubble.

      Reports said Israel fired five missiles at the tunnel that was being dug east of Khan Younis and which Israel claims was leading to its territory,

      Medical reports in Gaza said most of those killed died after Israel fired missiles at the tunnel as rescuers were attempting to dig out those trapped inside. Some apparently died from inhaling poisonous gas reportedly fired by the Israeli air force at the tunnel.

      The attack came as Hamas, which controls Gaza since 2007, was getting ready to turn over power of the coastal enclave to the Palestinian government under Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah.


    • 7 Palestinians killed, 12 wounded in Israeli bombing of Gaza tunnel
      Oct. 31, 2017 7:34 A.M. (Updated : Oct. 31, 2017 7:34 A.M.)

      GAZA (Ma’an) — At least seven Palestinians were killed, and 12 others were wounded after Israeli forces blew up an underground tunnel between the southern Gaza Strip and Israel on Monday, according to Palestinian and Israeli sources.

      The Palestinian Ministry of Health officially declared the death of seven Palestinians, all fighters in the armed wings of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements in Gaza.

      The killed fighters were identified as Hussam Abdullah al-Sumairi, 32, Muhammad Marwan Al-Agha, 22, Ahmad Khalil Abu Armaneh, 25, Omar Nassar al-Falit, 27, Hassan Aaba Hassanein, Mesbah Fayek Shbeir, and Arafat Abu Morshed.

      The Palestinian Civil Defense forces told Ma’an that rescue teams had saved a number of fighters who were trapped in the tunnel after the explosion, while the ministry of health said at the time that the number of wounded was around 12.

      Following the explosion, Israeli media reported that the Israeli army staged a “controlled detonation” in the area around the Gaza Strip, saying the activity was pre-planned.

      Despite killing seven and wounding more than a dozen others, the Israeli army spokesperson reportedly said that the army had “no intention of escalating matters," and that the tunnel had yet to become operational when forces blew it up, according to Ynet news.

      Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that the tunnel “was a blatant violation of (Israeli) sovereignty and all acceptable rules between societies, countries and organizations that respect themselves.” He added that the recently built tunnel “proves that despite the Palestinian reconciliation, the Gaza Strip remains a kingdom of terrorism. As far as we’re concerned, the responsibility (for the tunnel) is without a doubt that of Hamas, which rules Gaza.”

      Meanwhile, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Hamas movement, released a statement following the attack, saying that “the blood of the martyrs would not be wasted, and that the Israeli occupation bears responsibility for the consequences of this aggressive escalation.”

      traduction en français de l’article ci-dessus
      Gaza : Israël veut déclencher un nouveau massacre
      31 octobre 2017 – Ma’an News – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

    • Gaza : trois Palestiniens tués dans le bombardement israélien d’un tunnel
      Publié le : Lundi 30 Octobre 2017 - 16:44
      Mise à jour : Lundi 30 Octobre 2017 - 22:00
      [ une mise à jour dans l’article, mais pas pour le titre ]

      Sept Palestiniens ont été tués et 12 blessés lundi dans la destruction à l’explosif par Israël d’un tunnel reliant la bande de Gaza à son territoire, a indiqué un porte-parole du ministère de la Santé du Hamas, qui contrôle l’enclave.

    • Sept Palestiniens tués dans l’explosion d’un tunnel à la lisière de Gaza
      Par Cyrille Louis Publié le 30/10/2017 à 22:39

      Au total, l’explosion provoquée par Israël a fait neuf morts. Trois Palestiniens restent portés disparus

      06:50 - 31 oct. 2017

    • Gaza : des combattants de la résistance palestinienne tués dans la destruction d’un tunnel par Israël
      Par Maureen Clare Murphy rédactrice à The Electronic Intifada | 30 octobre 2017 – The Electronic Intifada – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

      (...) Martyrs de la résistance

      Arafat Abu Murshid , le commandant du Jihad islamique tué lors de la frappe de lundi, est le frère de Muhammad Abu Murshid, également commandant du groupe, qui a été assassiné par Israël en 2007.

      Une photo d’Abu Murshid a circulé sur les médias sociaux après sa mort lundi.

      Hasan Abu Hassanein , un commandant adjoint du Jihad islamique, avait survécu à plusieurs tentatives d’assassinat israéliennes avant sa mort lundi, et il aurait tiré la première roquette sur Tel Aviv durant les combats de l’été 2014.

      Une photo d’Abu Hassanein a circulé sur les médias sociaux après sa mort lundi.

      Le combattant du Jihad islamique, Ahmad Abu Aramana , âgé de 25 ans, aurait été tué deux heures avant que son épouse ne mette au monde son enfant dans le même hôpital où le corps d’Aramana a été déposé lundi. Le garçon nouveau-né a été nommé du même nom que son père.

      Misbah Shubeir, un commando naval dans la branche armée du Hamas, les Brigades al-Qassam, qui est décédé lundi, devait se marier le mois prochain.

      Un second commando naval des Brigades al-Qassam, Muhammad Marwan al-Agha , a également été tué.

      Ainsi que Omar Nassar al-Faleet , qui était un combattant dans la branche armée du Jihad islamique.

      Husam Jihad al-Samiri , un combattant du Jihad islamique, est également mort.

      Israël a-t-il gazé les combattants de la résistance ?

      Le ministère de la Santé à Gaza a déclaré que ceux qui avaient été tués et blessés dans l’explosion du tunnel avaient inhalé du gaz toxique et il appelé les autorités concernées à révéler les armes utilisées dans l’explosion.

      Benjamin Netanyahu, Premier ministre israélien, a déclaré qu’une « technologie révolutionnaire » avait contribué à la découverte du tunnel.

      Israël a construit un mur souterrain le long de sa frontière avec Gaza, au coût de 1,1 milliard de dollars. Les États-Unis ont financé les projets d’Israël pour développer des technologies de détection des tunnels, utilisant Gaza comme laboratoire, dans l’espoir que ces technologies puissent être exploitées plus tard le long de la frontière américano-mexicaine.

      D’autres parties de Gaza sont menacées

      Entre-temps, Israël a menacé des habitants de Beit Lahiya, une ville du nord de Gaza, affirmant avoir découvert deux tunnels et des infrastructures connexes sous une mosquée et un immeuble d’appartements.

      L’armée a fait un post sur Facebook en disant que la vie des civils vivant dans et autour de la zone étaient en danger à cause d’une frappe israélienne potentielle.

      Eyal Zamir, un commandant militaire de l’armée d’occupation, a averti que l’immeuble pouvait être considéré comme une cible légitime.

      Selon les groupes de défense des droits palestiniens Adalah et Al-Mezan, « Vingt et une personnes vivent dans le bâtiment, dont quatre femmes et douze enfants ».

      Les groupes de défense des droits humains ont déclaré : « Les affirmations israéliennes sur les tunnels ne justifient pas les menaces d’attaquer des civils et de détruire leurs maisons. »

      Adalah et Al-Mezan ont déclaré que certains des résidents du bâtiment menacé ont fui mais que d’autres sont restés parce qu’ils n’ont pas les moyens de se procurer un autre logement.

      Les groupes de défense ont déclaré que les menaces israéliennes contre les familles et leurs foyers, comme les attaques contre les civils en général « constituent des violations flagrantes du droit international ».

      Par ailleurs, l’UNRWA, l’agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés de Palestine, a rapporté samedi avoir découvert un tunnel sous l’une de ses écoles de Gaza le 15 octobre.

      L’agence a fermé le tunnel et les activités scolaires ont repris 10 jours plus tard, a déclaré l’UNRWA.

      « La présence d’un tunnel sous une installation de l’UNRWA, qui jouit de l’inviolabilité en vertu du droit international, est inacceptable », a déclaré l’agence.

      « Cela met en danger les enfants et le personnel des agences. »

    • Bodies of 5 Palestinian fighters found in Gaza tunnel, bringing death toll to 12
      Nov. 3, 2017 2:37 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 3, 2017 2:37 P.M.)

      GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — The al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, released a statement on Friday declaring that five missing fighters belonging to the group in Gaza were dead.

      The five fighters had gone missing inside tunnels between southern Gaza and Israeli territory, after Israeli forces conducted explosions on the tunnels.

      After the first explosion, which buried the five Islamic Jihad fighters, several other fighters from the Islamic Jihad and Hamas movements entered the tunnels on a rescue mission. A second explosion then killed seven of the rescue fighters, and injured at least twelve more.

      In the statement on Friday, the Islamic Jihad movement said they had recovered the bodies, and identified the five slain fighters who had been missing since the first explosion as Badr Kamal Musbeh, Ahmad Hasan al-Sabakhi, Shadi Sami al-Hemri, Muhammad Kheir al-Din al-Buheisi and Alaa Sami Abu Ghrab.

  • Retour de l’électricité dans un village palestinien, trois mois après la confiscation par Israël de son système électrique
    23 octobre | Amira Hass pour Haaretz |Traduction J.Ch. pour l’AURDIP

    Chaque famille du village de Jubbet Adh-Dhib a droit à seulement trois kilowattheures par jour alors qu’une association israélo-palestinienne réinstalle un système à énergie solaire hybride que lui avait pris Israël.

    L’électricité a été restituée dans les modestes maisons de pierre et de ciment du village palestinien de Jubbet Adh-Dhib, au sud-est de Bethléem. En juin dernier, l’Administration Civile avait confisqué l’installation électrique qui y fonctionnait depuis huit mois.

    Comme cela a été dit à Haaretz le jour de la confiscation par un porte-parole du Coordinateur de l’Activité Gouvernementale dans les Territoires (COGAT), la raison en était que les panneaux solaires avaient été installés sans les permis exigés. Fin septembre, les panneaux confisqués ont été rendus. Et, comme l’a écrit le chef de l’Administration Civile, le Brigadier général Ahvat Ben Hur, aux avocats qui ont présenté en août une requête contre cette confiscation, la raison est : « Etant donné les circonstances de cette affaire – tout d’abord, la période passée entre leur installation et leur confiscation - j’ai décidé de restituer immédiatement les objets saisis. » Cette décision rendait la pétition inutile.
    Dans les circonstances de cette affaire, il y a aussi le fait que le gouvernement néerlandais a financé le système électrique qui a été construit par Comet-ME ; il ne s’est pas contenté d’une protestation diplomatique contre cette confiscation. Le parlement néerlandais s’est réuni deux fois à ce sujet, comme l’a rapporté Haaretz. Au cours de ces séances, les députés ont été informés qu’à la fin juin, le premier ministre hollandais sortant, Mark Rutte, avait exprimé sa consternation au premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu à propos de ces confiscations. Répondant aux questions des députés néerlandais à ce sujet, des ministres néerlandais ont raconté que Netanyahu avait promis par écrit de rendre les panneaux. ( Le Bureau du premier ministre n’a pas répondu à une question de Haaretz à ce sujet.)

  • Dear Europe, take note: If you want to, Israel can be pressured - Palestinians -

    A recent case involving Dutch solar panels shows how friendly states can make Israel back down when it violates international humanitarian law

    Amira Hass Oct 23, 2017
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    The High Court justices once more found an escape hatch; once again, they would not have to discuss the basic, outrageous fact that Israel is not connecting thousands of Palestinians (on both sides of the Green Line) to the national electricity and water infrastructure. This time the way out was found in the village of Jubbet ad-Dhib at the foot of Herodion, southeast of Bethlehem. It needed a hybrid (solar plus diesel) electrical system that was installed by the Comet-ME Israeli-Palestinian aid organization, because Israel had not met its international obligation to connect it to the electrical grid.
    All those who accuse the High Court of being leftist can relax. It has missed hundreds of opportunities to rule that withholding water and electricity is illegal according to international law, illegal according to Israeli law, and unacceptable according to Jewish law. Hundreds of times – to count by the number of petitions that have been submitted – the court had the opportunity to instruct the state to connect the Palestinian communities to the water and electrical infrastructure, but it avoided doing so, often citing technicalities. Back when current Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked was still a toddler, the court was already repeatedly missing opportunities to salvage the reputation of Jewish morality from downing in the sludge of nationalism and the lust to expel.
    The escape hatch in Jubbet ad-Dhib was shown to the justices by Brigadier General Ahvat Ben Hur, but it was none other than Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who created that opening. The Dutch government, which had funded the hybrid electrical system, was furious over the confiscation of the solar panels, and Netanyahu promised the Dutch in writing that the panels Israel had confiscated from the village in late June would be returned. And then what does Ben Hur, the direct commander of the confiscators from the Civil Administration do? He informs the state prosecutor, which informed the High Court, that he’d decided to return the panels.
    Ben Hur did not do so to honor the state’s obligation to a protected population. Rather, he cited a technicality. The panels were confiscated eight months after they had been installed and operate, he explained. Thus, the petition written by attorneys Michal Sfard and Michal Pasovsky was rendered redundant. That’s a shame. It would have been interesting to see what contortions the justices would have got into in response to the arguments (also accepted by the Dutch government) that denying access to electricity and destroying electricity systems are offenses that violate international humanitarian law.
    Ben Hur’s statement enabled the state prosecutor and the justices to also avoid addressing the fact that the Civil Administration had made improper use of a military order. The seizure orders that were given to the Jubbet ad-Dhib residents on the day of the confiscation cited Article 60 of the order regarding security provisions. This article makes seizure contingent upon a criminal offense having been committed using the equipment slated for seizure. The confiscation order did not specify what offense was supposedly committed with the solar panels. The lawyers’ inquiries to the Civil Administration about this went unanswered. Presumably, then (also based the COGAT spokesperson’s response to journalists), the suspected offense is related to planning and building laws. But this is an administrative offense that does not come under the military order regarding security provisions. The procedures for dealing with it are different – cease work orders and demolition orders, hearings, arguments against the orders, appeals, negotiations, a petition to the High Court.
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  • Des députés israéliens quittent un sommet parlementaire après une diatribe contre Israël
    The Times of Israël | Stuart Winer et Raphael Ahren 19 octobre 2017

    Une délégation de députés israéliens a quitté mercredi un rassemblement international de parlementaires après avoir été confronté à des remarques acerbes, des chahuts et des résolutions critiquant Jérusalem lors de sa réunion annuelle.

    La députée du Likud, Sharen Haskel, le député Yesh Atid, Haim Jelin, les députés de l’Union sioniste Yossi Yonah et Nachman Shai et la secrétaire de la Knesset, Yardena Meller-Horowitz, se sont plaints de mauvais traitements lorsqu’ils ont essayé d’intervenir pendant l’assemblée de l’Union interparlementaire à Saint-Pétersbourg.

    Bien que les élus aient affirmé être partis pour protester car l’instance avait voté une série de résolutions qui comprenaient des appels lancés à Israël afin de libérer deux Palestiniens condamnés pour avoir participé à des attentats terroristes meurtriers, leur départ a eu lieu peu de temps après qu’ils ont été pris à partie par un député.

    Une vidéo diffusée sur les réseaux sociaux révèle que le président de l’Assemblée nationale koweïtienne, Marzouq Al-Ghanim, a crié aux députés israéliens qu’ils étaient des « tueurs d’enfants » et de « sortir de la salle » après que l’un d’entre eux se soit adressé aux députés présents au sommet. Sur la vidéo, on peut voir la délégation en train de quitter la pièce.


    Pour Israël, la menace de l’Iran augure d’une nouvelle ère avec les Arabes
    L’Etat hébreu est potentiellement un allié de taille pour les pays arabes notamment en raison de ses relations étroites avec les Etats-Unis
    AFP 20 octobre 2017,

    La communauté d’intérêts, que le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu invoque pour laisser entrevoir une aube diplomatique nouvelle, a été illustrée récemment quand Israël et l’Arabie saoudite se sont retrouvés ensemble parmi les rares à féliciter le président américain Donald Trump après son discours sur l’Iran.

    Israël considère ce pays comme un de ses principaux ennemis, tandis que Ryad voit en Téhéran son rival régional.

    « Il se trouve que, sur ce point, Israël et les principaux pays arabes voient les choses du même oeil », a dit M. Netanyahu cette semaine, et « quand Israël et les principaux pays arabes voient les choses du même oeil, soyez attentifs, c’est que quelque chose d’important est en train de se produire ».

    Il y quelques semaines, M. Netanyahu avait assuré que les relations avec le monde arabe n’avaient « jamais été aussi bonnes ».

  • Selon le site israélien NEWS 1, une visite de Netanyahu serait programmée en Arabie saoudite à l’occasion des prochaines élections israéliennes.

    تقرير إسرائيليّ : نتنياهو سيزور السعودية لعقد لقاء قمّةٍ مع الملك سلمان بعدما تمّ التمهيد مؤخرًا لتطبيع العلاقات بينهما والرياض تلتزم الصمت | رأي اليوم

    Si c’est vrai, on n’a pas fini d’en entendre parler...

    #normalisation #israël #arabie_saoudite

  • By backing ’Greater Jerusalem’ bill, is PM leaning toward annexing settlements? | The Times of Israel

    Is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu planning on annexing parts of the West Bank?

    After a statement he made Tuesday during a visit to the settlement city of Ma’ale Adumim, east of Jerusalem, the Palestinians and some Western media outlets are convinced he is. His office, however, was hesitant to discuss the matter.

    #jérusalem #grand_jérusalem #israël #palestine

  • Netanyahu throws support behind bill that would annex 19 illegal settlements
    Oct. 4, 2017 4:40 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 4, 2017 4:40 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged his support for the so-called Greater Jerusalem bill, which is tantamount to the annexation of 19 illegal settlements in the Jerusalem area, including Maaleh Adumim, where between 125,000 and 150,000 Israeli settlers live.

    Maale Adumim is the third largest settlement in population size, encompassing a large swath of land deep inside the occupied West Bank’s Jerusalem district. Many Israelis consider it an Israeli suburban city of Jerusalem, despite it being located on occupied Palestinian territory in contravention of international law.

    “Maaleh Adumim will always be part of Israel and in addition I support the Greater Jerusalem bill,” The Jerusalem Post quoted Netanyahu as saying during a visit to the illegal settlement Tuesday. “I am also weighing placing Maaleh Adumim within the boundaries of Greater Jerusalem within the context of the Greater Jerusalem bill,” he said.

    The legislation was authored by Likud minister Yisrael Katz who is reportedly expected to bring the bill to the Ministerial Committee for Legislation in the upcoming Knesset session. It would place 19 settlements, including those of the Gush Etzion settlement bloc and Givat Zeev within Israel’s municipal boundaries for Jerusalem.


  • Ynetnews Opinion - Demand to cancel #Iran deal is an Israeli spin,7340,L-5017556,00.html

    In the current state of affairs, there’s absolutely no chance the nuclear agreement with Iran would be cancelled, and there’s no chance the United States would walk away from the agreement. There’s a simple reason for that: None of the countries and international organizations that signed the agreement have an interest in violating it.

    Allegedly, there’s a contradiction between the defense establishment’s stance and the prime minister and defense minister’s unequivocal demand that the US withdraw from the nuclear agreement signed by former US President Barack Obama. Trump promised to do just that during his election campaign, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is allegedly demanding he stand by his word.
    Is there a difference of opinion here between the Israeli defense establishment and the political echelon? Not necessarily. From conversations with state officials, it’s quite possible Israel is stepping up its demand that Trump withdraw from the nuclear agreement as a leverage for pressuring him to accept Israel’s other, more important, demands in the Iranian context, which have to do with Iranian deployment of forces and presence in Syria. Israel is trying to pressure the American administration to boost its intelligence supervision of Iran and devise a military and diplomatic plan together with Israel for the day the nuclear agreement expires.

    #Etats-Unis #Israel #Syrie #nucléaire

  • Ynetnews News - PM refutes fmr. dep. IDF chief’s PKK comments,7340,L-5015867,00.html

    Mere hours after former deputy IDF chief of staff Yair Golan said he does not consider the Kurdish resistance movement PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) a “terrorist organization”, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stepped in to refute his claim in an attempt to head off a diplomatic crisis.

    #Israel objects to the #PKK and considers it a terrorist organization, unlike Turkey, which support a different terrorist organization: Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

  • In first, Israel will penalize Amnesty International for anti-settlements campaign - Israel News -

    Israel plans to punish Amnesty International for its recent campaign, which encourages people to lobby companies and governments to boycott settlement products, by denying tax benefits to Israelis who donate to the human rights organization.
    It is the first time the government will apply the so-called anti-boycott law, which penalizes organizations and individuals calling for a boycott of Israel or the settlements. The controversial law was passed in 2011.
    Free daily newspaper Israel Hayom, which is widely seen as a mouthpiece of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reported in its main story Tuesday that Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon has resolved to take action against Amnesty International for its summer campaign “Israel’s Occupation: 50 Years of Dispossession," marking the 50th anniversary of the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The campaign urges people to call on foreign companies and governments to end their trade ties with the settlements.
    Haaretz has confirmed that representatives of the organization will be summoned to a hearing at the Finance Ministry. At press time, a spokesman for Kahlon did not respond to a request by Haaretz for comment.
    The campaign’s website states: “We want governments to stop enabling the economy that keeps these illegal settlements growing and fuels the suffering of Palestinians: and you can help.

    #Israel #Amnesty #settlements #colonies

  • Le sommet Israël-Afrique repoussé face au boycott | Agence Media Palestine
    Par Ali Abunimah, le 11 septembre 2017, Traduction : J. Ch. pour l’Agence Média Palestine , Source : The Electronic Intifada

    Le président du Togo Fauré Gnassingbé, photographié avec Sara et Benjamin Netanyanahu, devait accueillir un sommet Israël-Afrique le mois prochain. Celui-ci a été repoussé dans le cadre d’un boycott grandissant (via Facebook)

    Il semble qu’un sommet Israël-Afrique de haute notoriété prévu pour le mois prochain se soit effondré devant l’opposition croissante des gouvernements africains.

    The Jerusalem Post racontait lundi que le sommet, qui devait se tenir dans la capitale togolaise Lomé, « a été annulé à la suite de menaces de boycott de la part d’un bon nombre de pays, et de pressions contre l’événement venues des Palestiniens et des pays arabes ».

    Le ministère israélien des Affaires étrangères a annoncé que le sommet avait été « remis » mais, comme le faisait remarquer le journal, aucune date alternative n’a été annoncée.

    De plus, i24 News d’Israël a évoqué comme une inquiétude l’instabilité politique au Togo, où les forces de sécurité ont essayé de violemment réprimer les manifestations contre 50 ans de pouvoir de la famille du président autocrate de l’État ouest-africain Fauré Gnassingbé.

    Ce sommet devait être le couronnement de l’offensive de charme du Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu en Afrique.


    • Avant que le sommet ne soit annulé, cet entretien édifiant avec l’ambassadrice d’Israël en France, Aliza Bin-Noun :

      « Il existe aujourd’hui un momentum dans les relations entre Israël et l’Afrique »
      Cyril Bensimon, Le Monde, le 1er septembre 2017

      Quelles ont été les retombées de la visite il y a un an du premier ministre dans quatre pays africains ?

      Depuis 2016, de nombreux dirigeants africains ont visité Israël. Des leaders africains comme le président Kagamé du Rwanda ou le président Kenyatta du Kenya ont eu des déclarations très favorables à Israël. Beaucoup d’autres se sont exprimés de manière très positive par rapport à Israël. Cela n’était pas le cas avant. Nous avions des amis africains mais ceux-ci subissaient des pressions qui pouvaient venir de l’extérieur du continent. Cette visite a permis un rapprochement significatif. Quatre pays ont renouvelé ou ouvert des relations avec Israël : la Guinée, la Zambie, le Soudan du Sud, le Rwanda, et la Tanzanie est en train de le faire. Nous avons également de plus en plus d’ambassadeurs africains, de politiques qui visitent Israël. Il existe aujourd’hui un momentum dans les relations entre Israël et l’Afrique et la visite du premier ministre y a contribué de manière significative.

      Ce rapprochement suscite cependant des tensions. Le Maroc a annulé sa participation au dernier sommet de la Cédéao au Liberia, en raison de la présence d’officiels israéliens…

      Bien sûr, il y a de fortes résistances. Par exemple, Israël essaie de retrouver son statut d’observateur à l’Union africaine, mais il y a des pays africains qui sont influencés par des pays arabes ou par d’autres nations qui ne sont pas favorables à Israël. L’Algérie, par exemple, joue un rôle négatif. L’Afrique du Sud, même si nous avons des relations diplomatiques, poursuit une politique très critique à l’égard d’Israël. L’Iran, qui joue un rôle en Afrique, promeut elle aussi une politique anti-israélienne sur le continent.


      Ne craignez-vous pas que les manifestations contre les immigrés africains, puis celles des juifs d’origine éthiopienne dénonçant un racisme anti-Noirs puissent ternir votre image en Afrique ?

      Tout d’abord, les manifestations n’ont pas été nombreuses récemment. Nous contrôlons la situation et nous avons tenté d’améliorer la situation des immigrés africains en Israël. Bien sûr, nous ne pouvons pas dire que nous avons résolu tous les problèmes, mais c’est une question qui préoccupe le gouvernement.

      Enfin, il ne faut pas oublier qu’il y a des millions de chrétiens sur le continent africain et que pour eux Israël joue un rôle religieux important. Cela va au-delà des relations classiques qui donnent à Israël une image très particulière sur le continent du fait du lien entre le judaïsme et la chrétienté.

      Compile #Israfrique :

  • La femme de Benjamin Netanyahu soupçonnée d’abus de biens publics RTS - afp/reuters/jc -8 Septembre 2017

    Le procureur général d’Israël envisage des poursuites judiciaires contre la femme du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu pour abus de biens publics. Sara Netanyahu est soupçonnée d’avoir utilisé des fonds publics.

    Le procureur laisse encore la possibilité à Sara Netanyahu et à ses avocats de contester auprès de lui son renvoi devant les juges lors d’un débat contradictoire, a indiqué le ministère de la Justice dans un communiqué

    Sara Netanyahu est soupçonnée d’avoir passé commande de centaines de repas et de plats raffinés pour 359’000 shekels (96’200 francs) et de les avoir mis sur les frais de la résidence du Premier ministre. Ils étaient cependant destinés à une consommation personnelle, a précisé le ministère.

    Deux autres enquêtes concernent Benjamin Netanyahu
    Benjamin Netanyahu a de son côté publié un message sur sa page Facebook affirmant que les soupçons contre sa femme étaient « absurdes et qu’ils se révèleraient infondés ».

    Il n’est lui-même pas concerné par cette affaire. Mais un éventuel renvoi de son épouse devant les juges ajouterait aux ennuis auxquels il est confronté. Deux enquêtes distinctes le visent en effet directement.

    #Netanyahu #Israel #Corruption

  • Trump and Putin are the real targets of Israel’s alleged strike in Syria -

    Exceptional strike, attributed to Israel, signals Netanyahu can disrupt a ceasefire in Syria if Israel’s security interests are ignored ■ Incident comes amid anti-Hezbollah war game

    Amos Harel Sep 08, 2017
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    The weapons manufacturing plant that occurred early Thursday morning in western Syria is a site clearly identified with the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. The exceptional attack, which foreign media are attributing to the Israel Air Force, appears to be a message to the world powers that maintain a prominent aerial presence in the area. Over the past two years, Russia has invested huge efforts in saving and rehabilitating the Syrian president.
    The bombing is not routine, either in its target or its timing. In an interview with Haaretz last month, outgoing air force chief Amir Eshel said that over the past five years, the air force had launched attacks on the northern military theater and on other fronts.
    But most of these forays were designed to quell efforts to strengthen Hezbollah and other terrorist and guerrilla groups. This time, according to Syrian reports, the target was a government one – a missile production facility run by the Assad regime – rather than another Hezbollah weapons convoy destined for Lebanon. 
    >> Analysis: Israel Just Shot Itself in the Foot
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    Over the past year, senior Israelis have highlighted their concerns following the wide steps taken by the Iranians to try and enlarge and upgrade the supply of precision missiles in Hezbollah’s possession. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot and Military Intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi have all made reference to this in public appearances. 
    For several years now, Hezbollah has maintained a huge weapons arsenal, containing between 100,000 and 130,000 missiles and rockets (according to various estimates). If the proportion of precision missiles is increased and their precision improved, that could enable the organization to inflict more devastating damage to the Israeli home front in a war.
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    In accordance with its declared policy, Israel is acting to prevent Hezbollah improving the quality of its weapons. The chaos the Syrian civil war has caused, during which serious damage has been inflicted on the capabilities of Assad’s army, has seemingly made this easier for Israel. Syria has for years been a no-man’s-land that no one has controlled. That changed with the arrival of the Russians two years ago. 
    According to foreign media, the deployment of Russian squadrons in northwest Syria since September 2015 hasn’t entirely halted the Israeli attacks. But the strategic reality has become more complicated. The prime Russian interest is the survival of the Assad regime. For Moscow, it is important to show that the regime is stable and that Russia is the party dictating what takes place in Syria. The attack on the facility – the Syrian Scientific Researchers Center – undermines that image, and could concern the Russians.
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    The timing of the action attributed to Israel is sensitive. At the end of July, in a Russia-led effort, the Assad regime reached a partial cease-fire with Syrian rebel groups. Although the fighting has continued in various regions, its intensity has declined in many places. The United States, whose interest in Syria has been on the decline, acceded to the Russian initiative. 
    Washington and Moscow also failed to heed Israeli protests that the agreement to reduce friction in southern Syria failed to require Iran and allied militias to steer clear of the Golan Heights.
    Consequently, the attack attributed to Israel – the first to be reported since the agreement was reached – may be interpreted as an Israeli signal of sorts to the world powers: You still need to take our security interests into account; we’re capable of disrupting the process of a future settlement in Syria if you insist on leaving us out of the picture. 
    Since the attacks attributed to Israel began in January 2012, the Assad regime has shown restraint in the vast majority of cases, other than in one incident in March this year when missiles were fired at Israeli planes after an attack near the town of Palmyra in eastern Syria. One missile was intercepted by an Arrow missile over Israel.
    At first, the Syrian regime totally ignored most of the attacks. At later stages, it would accuse Israel and sometimes even threaten a response, but it didn’t follow through. The reason is clear: The damage sustained by the regime from the responses was marginal compared to the harm to civilians in the civil war, and the last thing President Bashar Assad wanted was to drag Israel into the war and tip the balance in the rebels’ favor.
    Israel will have to see how recent developments are received in Moscow, Washington and Tehran. The response won’t necessarily come immediately.

    Syrian President Bashar Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow, October 2015.AP
    Russia is not hostile to Israel but, above all, it looks after itself and Assad. The Russians will also take the consequences on countries in other areas into account, as well as its tangled relations with the United States – which has been acting as a present-absent party in the Middle East for a long time now.
    This comes against the backdrop, beginning Tuesday this week, of a large Israeli military exercise based on a war scenario with Hezbollah. In fact, Israel is taking pains to declare that the exercise was planned nearly a year in advance and that it has no warlike intentions. But the fact that the exercise was carried out has raised the anxiety threshold among Hezbollah’s leaders.
    Al-Manar, the Hezbollah television station, declared Wednesday that Hezbollah isn’t worried about a war. That’s very inaccurate. To a great extent, Hezbollah, like Israel, is worried about a war and would prefer to avoid one – but in the Middle East things sometimes happen when you don’t exactly intend them.
    The early morning attack came exactly 10 years and a day after the bombing of the North Korean nuclear facility in eastern Syria, which U.S. President George W. Bush and others attributed to Israel. Last time (and then too, by the way, an attack came during a major exercise by the air force) a war was averted. That’s the hope this time too.

  • Panique : Netanyahou, l’Iran et le Hezbollah

    Panique : Netanyahou, l’Iran et le Hezbollah

    A la lumière de la confirmation avec les effets psychologiques et politiques à mesure de la victoire syrienne de Deir ez-Zour, le long commentaire ci-dessous d’Alastair Crooke sur la “panique Netanyahou” prend une singulière importance. Les Syriens d’Assad ont, avec l’aide des Iraniens et surtout du Hezbollah, et le soutien aérien massif de la Russie, emporté une victoire stratégique qui marque évidemment un tournant dans le conflit syrien, et sans doute un tournant décisif. Le concours du Hezbollah dans cette bataille, comme dans la majeure partie du conflit, constitue un élément majeur de ce conflit, et l’une des préoccupations fondamentales de Netanyahou.

    Crooke analyse dans toute son ampleur la très difficile situation du Premier ministre israélien qui (...)

    • Une attaque aérienne israélienne la nuit dernière, contre une position syrienne proche de la frontière libanaise avec des missiles air-sol tirés d’avions israéliens ayant pénétré prudemment l’espace aérien libanais (et pas syrien), signale cette extrême nervosité israélienne, mais sans convaincre de l’efficacité de la chose. Les Israéliens ne sont pas en position de force. Selon plusieurs sources, les Russes tiennent complètement l’espace aérien de la région, notamment avec l’arrivée de cinq avions d’alerte et de contrôle de l’espace aérien à très grandes capacités Beriev A-50 désormais basés en Syrie. D’autre part, DEBKAFiles signale que le Hezbollah devrait être conduit à changer complètement ses tactiques et sa stratégie suite aux victoires remportées en Syrie, ce qui rend complètement caduc le scénario utilisé par les forces armées israéliennes dans des manœuvres en cours pour ttester ses capacités de l’emporter sur le Hezbollah : « In the remaining seven days of the exercise, the IDF still has a chance to update its scenario », écrit ironiquement DEBKAFiles.

    • L’article d’Alaistair Crooke pointé par dedefensa

      The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic – Consortiumnews

      The increasingly “not to be” constituency of the Middle East has a simpler word for Netanyahu’s “#ethnic_nationalism.” They call it simply #Western_colonialism. Round one of Chas Freeman’s making the Middle East “be with Israel” consisted of the shock-and-awe assault on Iraq. Iraq is now allied with Iran, and the Hashad militia (PMU) are becoming a widely mobilized fighting force. The second stage was 2006. Today, Hizbullah is a regional force, and not a just Lebanese one.

      The third strike was at Syria. Today, Syria is allied with Russia, Iran, Hizbullah and Iraq. What will comprise the next round in the “to be, or not to be” war?

    • @simplicissimus : Pour aller dans ton sens, le timing israélien est intéressant, juste après le désencerclement de Deir-Ezzor, commepour dire on est là. Et il vient appuyer, si l’on peut dire, le rapport de l’ONU accusant - same player shoots again - la Syrie d’attaque chimique.

    • “Just to be clear: if 2006 marked a key point of inflection, Syria’s “standing its ground” represents a historic turning of much greater magnitude. It should be understood that Saudi Arabia’s (and Britain’s and America’s) tool of fired-up, radical Sunnism has been routed. And with it, the Gulf States, but particularly Saudi Arabia are damaged. The latter has relied on the force of Wahabbism since the first foundation of the kingdom: but Wahabbism in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq has been roundly defeated and discredited (even for most Sunni Muslims). It may well be defeated in Yemen too. This defeat will change the face of Sunni Islam.
      Already, we see the Gulf Cooperation Council, which originally was founded in 1981 by six Gulf tribal leaders for the sole purpose of preserving their hereditary tribal rule in the Peninsula, now warring with each other, in what is likely to be a protracted and bitter internal fight. The “Arab system,” the prolongation of the old Ottoman structures by the complaisant post-World War I victors, Britain and France, seems to be out of its 2013 “remission” (bolstered by the coup in Egypt), and to have resumed its long-term decline.”

    • If Israel did strike Syrian arms facility, it may have shot itself in the foot

      While Thursday’s alleged attack may have seen Israel widen its definition of what it deems a threat, it may give Iran an excuse to increase its military presence and lead Russia to declare Syrian airspace a no-fly zone

      By Zvi Bar’el | Sep. 7, 2017 | 10:20 PM

      The Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center is the code name for part of the Syrian unconventional weapons industry. The center, better known by its French acronym CERS, is commanded by a Syrian general. It is also responsible for Syria’s chemical weapons manufacturing plants, which are reportedly located in three separate sites: Two near Damascus and the third close to the city of Masyaf, northwest Syria, only about 70 kilometers (43 miles) from the Khmeimim Russian Air Force base near Latakia.

      According to official Syrian reports, Israeli planes attacked CERS from within Lebanese territory early Thursday morning. The reports do not provide details of the damage to the facility and what it made. But an official statement said the attack was meant to raise the morale of Islamic State fighters after they suffered serious casualties in the fighting around Deir ez-Zor. According to President Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria, Israel not only founded ISIS, it also aided in its recent operations.

      It is not completely clear whether this facility, where they manufacture long-range missiles and artillery shells, also continues to assemble chemical weapons shells. But if Israel knows about such production at the plant, then there is no doubt the United States and Russia know about it too.

      We can assume Israel informed Washington before the attack and received the necessary nod of approval. As far as Russia is concerned, meanwhile, it seems Israel decided to attack from within Lebanese territory to avoid the need to coordinate its operation with the Russians – as is required from the understandings between the two air forces whenever Israel sends fighter jets into Syrian territory – and to prevent the information from leaking out.

      This was not the first alleged Israeli aerial attack in Syrian territory, of course. But the timing is quite interesting. It comes after Russia threatened to veto any UN Security Council resolution that describes Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and a short time after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi – a meeting Netanyahu returned from without any Russian commitment to bring about an Iranian pullback from Syrian lands.

      As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said, Russia has made a commitment that Israel’s security interests will not be harmed as a result of the establishment of de-escalation zones in Syria.

      But the Russian interpretation of the meaning of harming Israel’s security interests is not necessarily the same as Israel’s definition. Given that the presence of Hezbollah forces in Syria is seen as a threat to Israel, how much more so is the presence of pro-Iranian forces deployed near Israel’s eastern border on the Golan Heights, as well as in the area near Daraa in southern Syria?

      At the same time, Russia – which itself does not define Hezbollah as a terrorist organization – would find it difficult to force the group’s forces out of Lebanon. That’s mainly because of Iran’s position that sees Hezbollah as an essential foundation for preserving its influence in Lebanon and as an important tactical force in the Syrian war. Unlike in Lebanon, where Iran needs Hezbollah to force the hand of the Lebanese government when necessary, Iran’s influence on the Assad regime is direct and in no need of intermediaries.

      Russia, which has acted to limit Iran’s freedom of operation in Syria, recognizes that it must coordinate its actions with Iran if it wishes to fulfill its aspirations to stabilize Assad’s rule.

      The Aleppo lesson

      Russia has already learned its lessons from Aleppo, when it thought it could implement the cease-fire agreement that was reached at the end of last year without coordinating with Iran – and then realized that the Shi’ite militias and Hezbollah were preventing rebel soldiers from boarding the buses that were meant to take them out of the city, on Iran’s orders.

      The Iranian explanation was that because Tehran was not a partner to the agreement, it was not obligated by it. Russia has avoided Syrian negotiations since then, whether local or international, without Iranian participation.

      The attack on the weapons facility, especially one suspected of producing chemical weapons, is seemingly an act that should not cause an aggressive Russian response. Four years ago, Russia convinced then-President Barack Obama at the last minute not to attack Syria for its use of chemical weapons in Aleppo, and in return co-signed a tripartite agreement in which Syria agreed to destroy or send to Russia its entire chemical weapons inventory. Now, Russia may attempt to prove that the facility did not produce such weapons, but it is doubtful it will strain itself too much in doing so.

      By the way, that 2013 agreement included chlorine gas too, which the Syrian army still continues to use.

      Russia also understands that Israel’s alleged attack on the suspected chemical weapons plant, similar to the U.S. cruise missile strikes on Syria after the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhun in April, is considered to be a legitimate action by the international community.

      Even Russia made it clear back in 2013 that it would not object to an attack on chemical weapons stores if the UN decided on such a step, and if it is proved Syria did use such weapons.

      The new element in the latest attack – if Israel did indeed carry out such an attack – is that Israel now defines what it sees as a threat in a much broader sense.

      The question is whether Russia will accept this definition as part of Israel’s strategic worldview – which sees Syria as a threatening enemy state. Russian agreement to expanding that definition could grant Israel approval for other attacks – such as against Syrian Air Force bases, or even against Syrian ground forces, with the argument that they are considered a threat.

      And so, if until now there was a red line between the Russian and Israeli air forces, this time the attack could lead at the very least to Russia imposing stricter “aerial discipline” on Israel. If this happens, Russia could declare that any foreign planes entering Syrian airspace would be considered a legitimate target for the Russian Air Force, except for coalition planes fighting against the Islamic State.

      Saving the United States

      From Washington’s perspective, Israel has pulled its chestnuts out of the fire. Following numerous reports on the renewed use of chlorine gas by the Syrian army, the Americans would have been forced to act. And this could have caused its relations with Russia to deteriorate even further.

      But the “service” Israel has provided to Washington just sinks it even deeper into the Syrian arena. This time, not only as an interested observer knocking on the doors of the superpowers in order to promote its own security interests, but as an active partner whose military presence adds yet another component to the array of forces (which already includes Russia, Iran, Turkey and Syria).

      But the Israeli element could threaten to spoil Russia’s plans. For example, Iran, Turkey and Russia are about to establish a security zone in the Idlib province, where most of the militia forces of the Al-Shams Front (formerly Nusra Front), which is affiliated with Al-Qaida, are concentrated. This is a region where Iran and Turkey have opposing interests, even though both are interested in a cease-fire.

      Turkey wants to use this region as a strategic base for military operations against the Syrian Kurdish regions that border Turkey. Iran sees Idlib province as a strategic outpost to serve as a base for its control of Syria. All three countries are planning a combined attack against the rebel centers, if Russia is unable to enforce a cease-fire according to the model that was built in the southern provinces.

      It would seem Israel has no real interest in the Idlib province, except for the concern about Iran’s expansion and settling in there. But the takeover of Idlib – like the military campaign in Deir ez-Zor in southeastern Syria, where ISIS continues to rack up losses – is preparing the diplomatic channels for a permanent agreement.

      Russia is striving to demonstrate control of Idlib and Deir ez-Zor by the end of next week, when the representatives of the various parties in the Syrian civil war are set to meet in the Kazakh capital of Astana. The Russians want to present such a takeover as proof of a total victory by the Syrian regime, a victory that would destroy the opposition groups’ tools for applying pressure.

      Syrian-Russian control of these two provinces would strengthen the diplomatic working assumption that Assad will continue to be Syrian president, especially since opponents of his regime in Europe, the United States and Turkey – and even Saudi Arabia – have nearly completely withdrawn their demands to remove him as a precondition to any negotiations.

      Such a result would obligate Israel to be a partner, even if only indirectly, in the process of establishing a new Syrian government; in the debate over the status of Iran and Hezbollah in Syria; and the guarantees that Russia, and not the United States, can provide in response to the possible threats resulting from such an agreement.

      Double-edged sword

      Israel may very well conclude that the greater its military involvement in Syria, whether through sporadic attacks or by tightening its military ties to rebel groups, it more it will strengthen its position when the time comes to formulate a political settlement.

      But such a view can be a double-edged sword. It will grant Iran a wonderful excuse to increase its military presence in Syria; Russia may reduce or even eliminate its aerial coordination with Israel and declare Syrian airspace a no-fly zone; and Hezbollah could turn the Golan Heights into a legitimate front against Israel as part of its balance of deterrence with it.

      There is a big difference between the ability to attack specific targets and a permanent situation of two hostile fronts, one facing Syria and the second Lebanon – especially when Israel’s most important backer, the United States, is sunk deep inside itself and does not want to intervene at all.

  • Israel-Jordan relations remain frozen as Jordan refuses re-entry of Israeli ambassador

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Jordanian government is reportedly refusing to allow the return of the Israeli ambassador to the country, more than a month after an Israeli embassy security guard shot and killed two Jordanian citizens, Israeli news website Ynet reported on Thursday.

    Additionally, Ynet reported that relations between Israel and Jordan have remained frozen and no visas are being issued, meaning that “thousands of Jordanians and Palestinians living in Jordan who cannot enter Israel through the Allenby crossing” and “163 passports of Jordanian citizens waiting to receive a visa to Israel have been held in a safe of the Israeli embassy in Jordan.”

    Staff members of the Israeli embassy to Jordan, including the security guard who Ynet identified as Ziv Moyan — who killed Jordanian citizens Muhammad Zakariya al-Jawawdeh, 17, and Bashar Hamarneh in what Jordanian media and officials said was a professional dispute — had returned to Israel in late July, just days after high tensions following the shooting incident.

    According to Jordanian media, the Jordanian government had decided not to allow the Israeli ambassador to Jordan and the embassy staff to return to Amman until “gaining complete assurances” guaranteeing that Moyan would be prosecuted.

    Ynet reported that Jordan’s refusal to accept ambassador Einat Shlain’s return to Amman was due Shlain’s participation with Moyal and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a celebratory reception upon their return to Tel Aviv.

    At the time, Jordanian news sites reported that Jordan’s King Abdullah had criticized Netanyahu’s welcoming home of the guard as “a political showoff,” saying it was "provocative and destabilizes security and encourages extremism in the region.”

    #Jordanie #Ziv

  • Israel-Palestine. Trump is wasting his envoys’ time - Haaretz Editorial

    Another round of pointless visits to Israel and the PA and empty words that we’ve heard endless times before will not resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Haaretz Editorial Aug 28, 2017
    read more:

    The visit to the Middle East of a delegation from Washington, led by U.S. President Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, was met by complete apathy in Israel, from both the political establishment and from the public and the media. So, too, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s meeting with Kushner. After the meeting on Thursday, the two men thanked each other for the “effort” and reiterated the mutual American and Israeli “commitment” to “peace.”
    This indifference to the visit by both right and left is understandable. After all, “efforts,” “commitment” and “peace” are nice words, but they aren’t enough to convince anyone that there’s something substantial on the negotiating table.
    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is also frustrated by America’s behavior. “I’ve met with [Donald] Trump’s envoys around 20 times since the beginning of his term as U.S. president,” said Abbas. “Every time they repeatedly stressed to me how much they believe and are committed to a two-state solution and a halt to construction in the settlements. I have pleaded with them to say the same thing to Netanyahu, but they refrained. They said they would consider it but then they didn’t get back to me.”
    Abbas’ frustration is also understandable. Another round of pointless visits and empty words that we’ve heard endless times before will not resolve the conflict. It may be fine for those who want to merely manage the conflict and are satisfied with just preserving the security cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, but it’s not enough for anyone seeking a peace agreement or who dreams of two states for two peoples.
    Anyone who follows Netanyahu’s declarations can discern that even he has stopped believing in Trump’s commitment to a political agreement. Otherwise he wouldn’t have allowed himself to express his hawkish views on the Palestinian issue as he did at a rally two weeks ago, at which he declared his opposition to a Palestinian state and to any withdrawal from the West Bank.
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    If Trump is indeed interested in advancing “the ultimate deal” or a “peace deal” in the Middle East, as he claimed immediately upon being elected, he must back this declaration of intent with real demands from both sides and with a public presentation of an outline agreement, including a map.
    Meanwhile, the U.S. administration hasn’t even expressed public support for a settlement freeze. Trump has been president for less than a year, but the conflict is old, as is the peace “process.” The time for processes is over. It’s time to act. If Trump isn’t capable of doing so, he shouldn’t waste his envoys’ time.

  • Israel’s Netanyahu uses fake ’2,000-year-old’ coin to justify settlements in West Bank -
    Published 8 hours ago

    A 2,000-year-old coin promoted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as proof of the Jewish people’s connection to the Israeli-controlled West Bank has been found to be a souvenir reproduction.

    “This exciting discovery is additional evidence of the deep connection between the people of Israel and its land - to Jerusalem, to our temple, and to the communities in Judea and Samaria,” Netanyahu said of the coin on Facebook Sunday, using the biblical Hebrew term for the West Bank.

    Ancient discoveries are not uncommon in Israel and the West Bank. Earlier this month, Israeli authorities uncovered a 2,000-year-old workshop for stone vessels in northern Israel. But this “discovery,” first reported by Israeli media, turned out to be one of thousands of cheap souvenir coins minted by the Israel Museum.

    “There is no chance that it is authentic; it is not an ancient coin. Even to call it a coin is to exaggerate what it is,” Haim Gitler, chief curator of archaeology and numismatics at the Israel Museum, told the Times of Israel.

    The coin was found by an 8-year-old girl near the Israeli settlement of Neveh Tzuf in the West Bank in May. The supposed discovery garnered attention in Israeli media last week

    Polish Prime Minister Visits Jerusalem
    In This Photo: Donald Tusk, Benjamin Netanyahu
    In this handout image provided by the Israeli Government Press Office, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) shows Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (2L) around his offices on February 24, 2011in Jerusalem, Israel. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk is the head of a delegation of ministers arriving for a series of inter-governmental meetings with the Israeli Prime Minister and his government, with the goal of further strengthening ties between the two countries.
    (Feb. 23, 2011 - Source: Handout/Getty Images Europe)


    Fake history: Netanyahu boasts about ’ancient coin’ from Jerusalem - turns out to be souvenir
    Netanyahu uploaded (then deleted) to Facebook a photo of the object, describing how its discovery attested to long-time Jewish ties to the Holy Land
    By Nir Hasson | Aug. 28, 2017 | 4:35 PM

    Among those captivated by the recent story of the little Israeli girl who stumbled on a 2,000-year-old half-shekel coin – only to learn some days later that what she had found was a roughly 15-year-old souvenir – was Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Various news outlets reported last week that Hallel Halevy, 8, had discovered a rare coin from the days of the Jews’ Great Revolt against the Romans, from 67 to 70 C.E., when walking to get her little sister from kindergarten in the West Bank settlement of Halamish, north of Ramallah.

    Not only wasn’t the find a rare coin, it wasn’t a coin at all, at least according to the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Officials noted that it’s a replica, dating back anywhere between 15 to 20 years, created as part of its educational program for kids. They also noted that the object had an imprint on only one face, not two, as coins do. The coins were given to children as a souvenir.

    Meanwhile, however, Netanyahu had joined the trend, uploading a photo of the item on his Facebook page and writing how the coin, ostensibly a half-shekel dating to the era of the Second Temple, had been found in the province of Benjamin, in the West Bank. The moving discovery, the premier wrote in his post, further attests to the deep ties between the people of Israel and their land – including ties to Jerusalem, the Temple and Judea and Samaria.

    Netanyahu’s Facebook editor, Yonatan Orich, says the post has been removed until the issue can be clarified

  • In blow to Iran, Egypt becomes surprise new player in Syria - Syria -

    A new and surprising player has recently entered the Syrian arena and has already contributed to establishing local cease-fires: Egypt received Saudi and Russian “permission” to conduct negotiations between the rebel militias and the regime, both in Ghouta al-Sharqiya (east of Damascus) and the northern neighborhoods in the city of Homs. In both cases, it managed to get a cease-fire deal signed – in the former on July 22, in the latter in early August.
    Both areas are part of the de-escalation zones on which Russia, Turkey and Iran agreed in May, in consultation with the United States. But this is the first time Egypt has played an active role in diplomatic negotiations between the warring parties that produced positive results.
    From Israel’s standpoint, Egypt’s involvement is important. Any country engaged in blocking Iran’s influence in Syria serves Israel’s interests. But that’s especially true when said country is Egypt, which is Israel’s partner in the war on terror in Sinai and an ally (together with Saudi Arabia and Jordan) with whom it sees eye to eye about both the Iranian threat and the danger of Syria disintegrating into cantons.
    Israel is also involved in discussions about the de-escalation zone in southern Syria that runs along Syria’s borders with both Israel and Jordan. Over the weekend, an Israeli delegation headed by Mossad chief Yossi Cohen began talks on the issue with senior U.S. officials in Washington, and a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
    During these discussions, Israel will presumably push the superpowers to encourage Egypt’s involvement in Syria, thereby ensuring another Arab partner (alongside Jordan) that will be sympathetic to its interests.

    #Egypte #Syrie

  • After Steve Bannon’s dismissal, pro-Israel hardliners lose an ally in the White House - U.S. News -

    "ZOA’s own experience and analysis of Breitbart articles confirms Mr. Bannon’s and Breitbart’s friendship and fair-mindedness towards Israel and the Jewish people,” the organization said in a statement. "To accuse Mr. Bannon and Breitbart of anti-Semitism is Orwellian. In fact, Breitbart bravely fights against anti-Semitism.” The organization added that it “welcomes” Bannon’s appointment and wishes him success.

    Bannon also received strong backing from Caroline Glick, a Jerusalem Post columnist whom Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to persuade to join the Likud’s list for the Knesset in Israel’s 2015 election. Glick wrote on her Facebook account that “Steve Bannon is not anti-Semitic. Period. He is anti-leftist.” She added that “despite the ravings of the ADL, which is now a leftist outfit staffed by Jews rather than a Jewish organization staffed by leftists, ’Jewish’ and ’leftist’ are not synonymous.”

    The Republican Jewish Coalition also released a statement, attributed to board member Bernie Marcus, offering support for Bannon. “I have known Bannon for many years,” Marcus wrote. “The person that is being demonized in the media is not the person I know. He is a passionate Zionist and supporter of Israel.” Marcus mentioned that during his tenure as the editor-in-chief of Breitbart, Bannon opened an office for the website in Jerusalem, because “he felt so strongly about this and wanted to ensure that the true pro-Israel story would get out.”

    #sionistes #sionisme #Israel #Israël #antisémitisme

  • Israel’s Silence on Charlottesville « LobeLog

    But there is silence coming from another corner, one that is far more surprising. That deafening silence is coming from the Israeli government, and most notably from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Netanyahu has a long history of condemning anti-Semitism, both real and imagined. He has played a huge role in creating the narrative that virtually all support for Palestinian rights and criticism of Israel’s human rights record is rooted in anti-Semitism. Until recently, he rarely missed an opportunity to raise the specter of anti-Semitism.

    Now, when confronted with Nazis chanting anti-Semitic slogans and marching through the streets of the United States while the President responded with dog whistles that clearly pleased his white supremacist supporters, Netanyahu says nothing.

    #israel #antisémitisme #Israël