person:benjamin netanyahu

  • Manifestations en Israël contre les mesures d’austérité à venir

    Plusieurs milliers d’Israéliens ont défilé, samedi 12 mai au soir à Tel-Aviv et dans d’autres villes, pour protester contre le budget d’austérité qui va être présenté lundi par le ministre des finances au gouvernement libéral-conservateur de Benjamin Netanyahu. Ces défilés, dans un climat d’inquiétude socio-économique, faisaient écho à la vague de contestation sociale sans précédent qui avait secoué Israël pendant l’été 2011.

    Les manifestants avaient, comme tête de turc, le nouveau ministre des finances, Yaïr Lapid, populiste sorti grand vainqueur des récentes élections législatives en se présentant comme le champion des classes moyennes et de l’égalité sociale. Pour limiter le déficit budgétaire à 4,65 % du PIB cette année et à 3 % pour 2014, M. Lapid a proposé une hausse de 1,5 % des impôts directs pour les particuliers – limitée à 1 % pour les entreprises –, ainsi qu’une augmentation de la TVA (+ 1 %) et une réduction des allocations familiales.

  • Processus de paix israélo-palestinien-Ralentissement des appels d’offre pour la colonisation des territoires palestiniens ?

    Article 1
    Netanyahu promised Kerry to ’rein in’ settlement construction until mid-June

    According to senior Israeli officials, Netanyahu pledged to restrain planning and construction in West Bank, East Jerusalem, in light of U.S. efforts to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations.
    By Barak Ravid | 07.05.13

    Article 2
    Saëb Ereqat: PLO not notified of settlement freeze
    7 May 2013

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israel has not notified the PLO of any changes to its settlement activity, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Tuesday, as Israeli media reported a new moratorium on settler homes in the West Bank.

    “We have not been notified of any changes to Israel’s colonial plans, including ongoing construction in dozens of Israeli settlements in the Occupied State of Palestine, including in and around our occupied capital East Jerusalem,” Erekat said in a statement.
    Israel’s army radio reported Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered a freeze on publishing tenders for new West Bank settler homes to avoid hampering US efforts to renew peace talks.

    “What we need are actions and not words," Erekat said in response to the report. “We monitor Israeli activities on the ground on a daily basis.” (…) Netanyahu’s decision to freeze the tenders was linked to efforts led by US Secretary of State John Kerry to relaunch peace talks with the Palestinians, according to the report.

    Hagit Ofran of the Israeli group Peace Now, which opposes settlements, confirmed that the watchdog had seen no evidence of any new tenders published since the start of 2013. (…) “This is not a settlement freeze because construction in the settlements is continuing, but you could say it is a show of restraint by Benjamin Netanyahu who does not want to be accused by the Americans of being responsible for the failure of their efforts to restart negotiations with the Palestinians.”

  • Erekat: PLO not notified of settlement freeze | Maan News Agency

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israel has not notified the PLO of any changes to its settlement activity, Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said Tuesday, as Israeli media reported a new moratorium on settler homes in the West Bank.

    “We have not been notified of any changes to Israel’s colonial plans, including ongoing construction in dozens of Israeli settlements in the Occupied State of Palestine, including in and around our occupied capital East Jerusalem,” Erekat said in a statement.

    Israel’s army radio reported Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered a freeze on publishing tenders for new West Bank settler homes to avoid hampering US efforts to renew peace talks.

    “What we need are actions and not words," Erekat said in response to the report. “We monitor Israeli activities on the ground on a daily basis.”

    Neither Netanyahu’s office nor the housing ministry would comment on the army radio report, which said the premier had gone back on a pre-election pledge to push ahead with thousands of new settler homes if re-elected.

    The radio said the tenders were related to construction in the major settlement blocs which are home to most of the 360,000 Israelis living in the West Bank.

    Netanyahu’s decision to freeze the tenders was linked to efforts led by US Secretary of State John Kerry to relaunch peace talks with the Palestinians, according to the report.

    Hagit Ofran of the Israeli group Peace Now, which opposes settlements, confirmed that the watchdog had seen no evidence of any new tenders published since the start of 2013.

    “There have been no new tenders published for settlement construction in the West Bank since the start of the year, and tenders are normally issued every three months,” she told AFP.

    “This is not a settlement freeze because construction in the settlements is continuing, but you could say it is a show of restraint by Benjamin Netanyahu who does not want to be accused by the Americans of being responsible for the failure of their efforts to restart negotiations with the Palestinians.”

  • Source: Netanyahu worried Kerry drifting toward Arab League stance on two-state solution - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Inquiétudes isaraéliennes...

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his aides fear that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will accept the Arab League definition of the borders for a Palestinian state and the principle of territorial exchanges.

    Netanyahu and his advisers believe the Arab League declaration could undermine Israel’s position in negotiations with the Palestinians, according to an Israeli source familiar with talks held in the past two days.

    #israël #frontières #ligue-arabe #palestine

  • Haaretz.Com,

    L’échéance s’approchant, Netanyahu révise sa « ligne rouge »

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Monday that Iran had not crossed the “red line” he set for its nuclear program at the United Nations in September.

    During the UN General Assembly , Netanyahu drew a red line across a cartoon bomb to illustrate the point at which he said Iran will have amassed enough uranium at 20 percent fissile purity to fuel one nuclear bomb if enriched further. He said then that Iran could reach that threshold by mid-2013.


    ....but it is approaching it systematically," [Netanyahu] said....."

  • Netanyahu’s helicopter forced to land as Israeli forces shoot down drone

    Israel has shot down a drone as it approached the country’s northern coast, the military said. Suspicion immediately fell on Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group.

    The incident on Thursday is likely to raise already heightened tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, a bitter enemy that battled Israel to a stalemate during a month-long war in 2006.

    The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who was in northern Israel at the time of the incident, said he viewed the infiltration attempt with “utmost gravity”.

    “We will continue to do everything necessary in order to protect the security of the citizens of Israel,” he said.


  • Syrie. Suite de l’affaire des armes chimiques.
    Netanyahu cannot confirm report of Syrian chemical arms use: Kerry: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could not confirm comments by the Israeli military’s top intelligence analyst that Syrian government forces had used chemical weapons, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday. “I talked to Prime Minister Netanyahu this morning. I think it is fair for me to say that he was not in a position to confirm that in the conversation that I had,” Kerry told a news conference at NATO headquarters in Brussels. “I don’t know yet what the facts are.” (Reuters)

  • Le Canada renouvelle son alliance « spéciale » avec Israël

    Le ministre canadien des Affaires étrangères John Baird a renouvelé mardi l’alliance « étroite et spéciale » de son pays avec Israël à l’issue d’une longue visite dans la région.

    « A la suite d’une rencontre chaleureuse et constructive entre le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu et le ministre canadien des Affaires étrangères John Baird, les deux hommes ont réaffirmé les liens d’amitié étroits et spéciaux qui caractérisent les relations bilatérales », selon un communiqué conjoint.

    « Aujourd’hui, le Peuple Juif est maître de son propre destin, comme les autres nations, dans son propre Etat Juif et souverain », a ajouté ce communiqué publié après un entretien entre MM. Baird et Netanyahu à Jérusalem.


    Le Canada est l’un des soutiens les plus solides d’Israël, en particulier dans la crise nucléaire iranienne, et a été l’un des rares grands pays à s’opposer à la démarche des Palestiniens pour obtenir le statut d’Etat observateur à l’ONU, une initiative couronnée de succès en novembre 2012.

    Le chef de la diplomatie canadienne a d’ailleurs pris acte du « désaccord » avec les Palestiniens lors de son bref séjour samedi à Ramallah (Cisjordanie), au cours duquel il a été reçu par le président Mahmoud Abbas, le Premier ministre Salam Fayyad et son homologue Ryad al-Malki.

    « Nous restons d’avis que les négociations sans conditions préalables constituent la voie idéale pour garantir une paix durable », a répété M. Baird.

    Le Canada s’est engagé à verser 300 millions de dollars sur cinq ans en faveur de l’aide au développement et de la sécurité en Cisjordanie.

    Comment ils feront les alliés "étroits et spéciaux" d’Israël pour sécuriser la Cisjordanie ravagée par l’armée de leur ami spécial et étroit ?

  • Les mesures draconiennes d’Israël contre la mobilité palestinienne ont commencé bien longtemps avant les attentats suicides
    Mercredi, 03 Avril 2013 - Amira Hass - Publié sur Haaretz, le 1/4/2013. Traduction pour ce site : JM Flémal

    Les signes étaient là dès le départ – les signes que ce processus de paix dont on parlait depuis si longtemps était un processus de soumission ; les signes qu’Israël avait l’intention d’imposer au camp d’en face un accord dont les termes étaient loin du minimum exigé par les Palestiniens, et loin de ce que de nombreux pays dans le monde envisageaient en tant que solution à deux États.

    Mais il était malaisé de faire pénétrer ces signes dans la conscience du public (aussi bien dans les médias israéliens que dans les médias internationaux) au-delà de cette curiosité très forte de voir les manifestations extérieures d’une chose dont on croit qu’elle existe réellement : des Gazaouis se baignant dans la mer, une réunion entre le chef du service de sécurité israélien Shin Bet et le chef du service de sécurité palestinien ; Shimon Peres en visite à Gaza ; les patrouilles sécuritaires mixtes ; et nos soldats ne patrouillant plus au cœur des villes palestiniennes.

    Vue depuis la perspective supposée étroite de la bande de Gaza, toutefois, la réalité de l’enfermement était, ressemblait et était perçue comme tout le contraire d’un processus de paix.

    La chronologie est importante, ici − je l’ai répété d’innombrables fois et je répéterai encore davantage – parce que les lecteurs locaux aiment à penser que les interdictions générales imposées à la mobilité palestinienne étaient une réponse aux attentats suicides commis depuis 1994. Ce n’est pas le cas.

    Ça a commencé en janvier 1991, à la veille de la guerre du Golfe. Le général en chef commandant les Forces de défense israéliennes du Centre et du Sud avait alors révoqué une ordonnance plus ancienne, datant des années 1970, concernant « un permis général de sortie pour se rendre en Israël » − en d’autres termes, un permis autorisant les résidents palestiniens des territoires occupés à entrer en Israël et à se déplacer librement à l’intérieure de ses frontières et entre la bande de Gaza et la Cisjordanie.

    • Amira Hass écrit plus loin :

      L’enfermement à l’intérieur de la bande de Gaza permit de faire d’une pierre plusieurs coups, durant le processus de soumission :

      1. La séparation et l’instauration d’une distance entre les hauts responsables et les gens ordinaires en octroyant de « généreux » permis de circuler à une classe choisie de Palestiniens ;

      2. Liberté de mouvement pour les hauts responsables de l’AP qui sont venus de l’étranger et n’ont jamais réfléchi à la réalité qui existait auparavant, celle où les permis n’étaient pas nécessaire, et pour certains prisonniers qui avaient été relâches et s’étaient installés eux-mêmes aux niveaux supérieurs de la direction de l’AP ;

      3. Donner satisfaction à l’AP et au sentiment de pseudo-contrôle du dirigeant de l’OLP à l’époque, Yasser Arafat – pour fermer les carrefours et exiger la présentation de permis, il fallait une coordination entre l’Administration civile et son homologue palestinienne (le ministère des Affaires civiles) ;

      4. Donner à l’AP une possibilité de développer les monopoles commerciaux de ses membres et de ses amis – grâce tout simplement à la nécessité d’une coordination des sorties entre l’AP et Israël ;

      ça marche toujours :

      Abbas renonce à toute démarche unilatérale pour complaire à Washington

      RAMALLAH (Territoires palestiniens) - Le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas va s’abstenir temporairement de toute démarche unilatérale à l’ONU, notamment de saisir la justice internationale, pour donner une chance aux efforts de paix américains, selon un responsable palestinien.

      Abbas et la direction palestinienne ont décidé de donner une chance aux efforts de (le secrétaire d’Etat américain John) Kerry, a déclaré jeudi à l’AFP ce responsable sous couvert de l’anonymat.

      Pendant deux mois, le président Abbas et l’OLP suspendront toute demande d’adhésion à des organisations internationales, y compris à des instances judiciaires susceptibles de poursuivre Israël, comme le statut d’Etat observateur obtenu en novembre à l’ONU en donnerait le droit, a-t-il affirmé.

      Les Palestiniens pourraient ainsi présenter leur candidature à la CPI et à la CIJ (Cour pénale internationale et Cour internationale de justice).

      Ce délai devrait permettre à M. Kerry de mettre en place un cadre pour tenter de relancer les négociations israélo-palestiniennes bloquées depuis septembre 2010, d’après des sources proches de l’équipe des négociateurs palestiniens.

      Selon ces sources, les Etats-Unis vont proposer aux deux parties un plan d’action dans les deux prochains mois.

      Le secrétaire d’Etat américain est attendu dimanche dans la région pour s’entretenir avec le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu et le président palestinien.

  • Un papier pas inintéressant sur le rôle que pourraient jouer aujourd’hui les partis religieux, devenus « une minorité » dans le paysage politique israélien. La nouvelle politique gouvernementale du « partage du fardeau » aura sans doute des conséquences socio-économiques graves sur ces communautés dorénavant exclues du pouvoir.
    Si les représentants de ces communautés veulent préserver leur mode de vie, soutient l’auteur, ils doivent promouvoir la « démocratie multiculturelle » en Israël, notamment les droits de la minorité nationale palestinienne, et lutter contre l’hégémonie laïque ethnocentrique.

    The Haredim’s new ’natural partners’ - Opinion - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Given Shas’ long-standing verbal abuse of Arabs, a vision of Haredim linking up with left-wing elements and Palestinian citizens to change Israel from an ethnocentric state to a pluralistic one seems at first glance a utopian ideal. But for Haredi society it’s the call of the hour.
    By Dmitry Shumsky

    Despite the sharp ideological differences between Orthodox Judaism and modern Zionist nationalism, for many years the ultra-Orthodox parties have been the so-called natural partners in the government of the Jewish nation-state.

    During Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s first and second terms, ever since he whispered into their ears that those on the left had “forgotten what it is to be Jews,” it seems as if the Haredim have become the supporting pillar of Israel’s domestic, foreign and security policies. Indeed, the slander and unbridled incitement from the mouth of Shas’ Eli Yishai, “the Jewish soul” of Netanyahu’s previous government, against homosexuals, Palestinians and dark-skinned migrants accurately reflected the racist tendencies of the last Netanyahu government, albeit in an extreme fashion.

    But the Haredi desire to cooperate with Netanyahu’s destructive nation-state, which exists to exclude minorities or anyone somewhat different, turned out to be a double-edged sword.

    “Whoever spits at Fatima today will spit at Mazal tomorrow,” wrote Uri Avnery in his magazine Haolam Hazeh, addressing the 1959 riots by Jews of North African origin living in Haifa’s Wadi Salib neighborhood. When Shas spiritual leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef compared the Arabs to snakes, he helped strengthen the mechanism for delegitimizing the stranger, which is now being operated against the Haredim. When Yishai called on the Israel Defense Forces to destroy Gaza, he reinforced the distorted logic of the quest to equalize the occupation burden, thus lending his hand to the national signature on a draft notice to yeshiva students for the next Operation Pillar of Defense.

    Given all this, it’s time for some new Haredi politics. If Haredi leaders are interested in preserving the yeshiva world and the right of their students to continue to maintain their particular way of life, they must join those who promote multicultural democracy in Israel, particularly the rights of the Palestinian national minority, in the civil struggle against the secular, ethnocentric hegemony that waves the secular national flag in the faces of the Haredim on the one hand, and the religious nationalist flag in the faces of the Arabs on the other.

    A vision of the Haredim linking up with left-wing elements and Palestinian citizens in an effort to change Israel from an ethnocentric state to a pluralistic one seems at first glance to be an unrealistic, utopian ideal. But the truth is that for Haredi society it’s the call of the hour and it is indeed urgent and realistic.

    Unless Haredi society comes to understand that as a cultural minority they have no chance of surviving other than through a joint battle for a system that will allow for the existence of different groups in Israeli society, it won’t be long before the yeshivas and kollels are turned into army camps. The “state of the brothers” of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid doesn’t need the Torah other than as a real estate deed that confirms the rights of the Jews to the land and promises that in the future no one will make far-reaching concessions to the Palestinians, God forbid − as Brother Lapid said about former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

    If Haredi party leaders are smart enough to carefully read the civil political map and position themselves at the side of other “different” Israelis, they will not only be promoting their own sectorial interests, but for the first time in the history of the state will also be helping strengthen the entire country’s shaky civilian infrastructure.

    Because multiplicity and differences are the basic characteristics of the Israeli experience, the only way to formulate a common civic consciousness is through a struggle to make Israel inclusive and open to multiplicity and differences − a state of all its distinctive groups.

  • Assad’s Israeli friend

    Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Along with the smiles and backslapping last week in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and U.S. President Barack Obama also revealed their disagreements over Syria. At their joint press conference the president had harsh words for Bashar Assad, saying the Syrian president “must go.” Netanyahu settled for mentioning the carnage in the neighboring state without naming those responsible or saying anything about political change in Damascus.

    For the past three years Netanyahu was Assad’s silent ally. With the Syrian regime becoming destabilized, its borders breached and the struggle for its future rupturing the region, Israel had the back of the tyrant from Damascus. It made no deterrent military moves, did not openly support the Syrian opposition and did not even use the horrors in Syria for obligatory propaganda like “Arabs murder Arabs and the hypocritical world does not care, and we are criticized for much less.” Netanyahu made do with general statements about the “breakup” of Syria and warnings against chemical weapons and missiles falling into the hands of terrorists.

    Alliances between states do not require meetings between leaders, exchanges of ambassadors and declarations of support and affection. Mutual interests that the parties understand and act upon are sufficient.

  • Obama a-t-il réussi son opération de charme en Israël ? Un consensus semble se dégager sur une attaque contre l’Iran si les tractations diplomatiques échouent. Bluff ou réalité ? Cet article semble indiquer que c’est du sérieux mais on a du mal à y croire, et surtout à penser qu’une attaque contre des sites nucléaires iraniens pourrait être efficace et ne serait pas sans risques graves pour Israël.

    Israel’s defense, political establishments understand Obama’s not bluffing on Iran - Obama visits Israel Israel News | Haaretz

    He has warmed hearts here and gained trust, making up for a sour first impression left during his previous term as president. But despite all the gains, Obama still has to convince Netanyahu on a timetable for attacking Iran, as well as on issues of the West Bank and settlements.

    Both the defense and the political establishments in Israel believe U.S. President Barack Obama when he promises he will prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, even by use of force. Obama is now perceived here as a tough leader who doesn’t get queasy when it comes to taking tough measures. In spite of mounting criticism hurled at him with regard to human rights infringements, he is relentless in using unmanned drones to eliminate enemies of the U.S.

    Leaders such as these, who prefer issuing operational orders over considering the Geneva Convention, are beloved by those who shape Israel’s defense policies. Clearly, they would love to take part in the White House’s forum on operations and strike missions, and would gladly welcome the president to similar forums at Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv.

    In the U.S. military preparations are now underway for a possible strike against Iran, and this has proved to people here that Obama is reliable. In Israel, the details of the plans against Iran are known. Senior officials say that Obama shares their assessment that a nuclear Iran will lead to an overturn in the balance of power in the region, one that cannot be tolerated. Such a development would pose real threats to vital American interests. Obama, therefore, is preparing a military option while all the while striving for diplomatic negotiations with the Iranians.

    But the U.S. and Israel don’t agree on everything. The primary sticking point is on the timetable, based on the discrepancies in the two nations’ military capabilities, as well as their vulnerability. The window of opportunity in which Israel can do significant damage to Iran is closing – if it isn’t shut already. The Americans have vastly superior means and can operate for longer periods. Obama, therefore, is in no hurry and wants to fully exploit diplomatic channels first.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand, is concerned that Israel will stall so long that the opportunity will be missed, and at that point circumstances could change and Obama might no longer be able or willing to deliver on his promises. This is the core of their disagreement, which was evident in Obama’s public appearances while in Israel. Israel’s safety margins are considerably narrower, and it takes a lot of hugs and soothing remarks to keep the country quiet while Obama handles things.

    Obama’s visit to Israel erased the bad impression he left here during his first term. His supportive speeches are similar to those made in the past by the greatest friends of Israel in Washington: Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

    Obama has impressive rhetorical skills and is able to charm audiences, as he amply demonstrated on his visit. At the official state dinner at President Shimon Peres’ residence, Obama was relaxed, full of humor, easily speaking without the teleprompter used in his official speeches. This was not the sour-faced president, sticking to prepared talking points, who met Netanyahu in the Oval Office on earlier occasions.

    One can assume that the public warmth Obama exhibited toward “my friend Bibi” was also evident behind closed doors. Both of these men understand politics and know that the election campaigns are behind them, requiring them to work together from now on. Getting closer on a personal basis makes the relationship easier, as does the increased understanding over Iran.

    But this doesn’t resolve their fundamental dispute over the West Bank, the occupation or the settlements. Netanyahu, according to close associates, is angry with the settlers who rejected him and supported his rival Naftali Bennett. It is doubtful whether this will make him embrace Obama’s call for peace, liberty and justice for the Palestinians. This is why the president appealed directly to the Israeli public, calling on it to bring about political change from below.

  • Jordanian king: Ties with Netanyahu very strong, may be too late for two-state solution - Diplomacy & Defense - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Jordanian King Abdullah II has said that his relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has improved and that the latter has contributed to the stability of the Hashemite government, in an interview with The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg published Tuesday.

    Abdullah would not give details to Goldberg about the nature of his relationship with Netanyahu, whom he has met with repeatedly recently, saying only that it was “very strong. Our discussions have really improved.”

    The Jordanian king stressed in his interview with Goldberg that his country’s peace treaty with Israel was a “red line” that must not be crossed by any successive government in Amman: “I don’t want a government to come in and say, ’We repudiate the peace treaty with Israel.’"

    The king’s remarks to Goldberg come after years of tension with Netanyahu. The two met only twice in the first three years of Netanyahu’s recent tenure. Over the last three months, however, Netanyahu has met Abdullah in Amman at least twice to discuss the crisis in Syria and the stalled peace process with the Palestinians.

    Neither of those recent meetings were publicized in Israel, and emerged in Arab media only days after they occurred.

    Goldberg reported in December that Israel had asked Jordan at least twice for a green light to attack chemical weapons facilities in Syria. Netanyahu sent representatives of the Mossad intelligence agency to Amman twice already, to coordinate the matter with the Jordanians and receive their “permission” for the operation, Goldberg wrote.

  • Un nouveau ministre du logement israélien qui roule pour les colons.
    Uri Ariel, whose minister of housing ? - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    Uri Ariel, the Habayit Hayehudi Knesset member slated to become the housing minister, is a personality well known among West Bank settlers. In the last Knesset he belonged to several lobbies promoting settlements in the West Bank and his party was strongly supported by settlers by way of thanks.

    People in the political establishment now worry that he will focus his attention on his natural constituency, and less on the housing crisis facing the rest of the country.

    “Ariel is a bulldozer in terms of action and building, but mainly for the national-religious population,” says a former associate of his in Habayit Hayehudi’s previous incarnation as the National Religious Party. “He understands how things work, he’s knows the right people and has the ability to get a lot done. But his most significant history is over the Green Line so the assumption is that’s where he will invest most of his energy.”

    • Israel going for one million Jews in the West Bank

      The election campaign season comes to its real conclusion this week with the formation of the government and an unadulterated victory for the right. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recovered from the blow he took at the ballot box and managed to extract the maximum out of the coalition negotiations he conducted with Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid and Habayit Hayehudi head Naftali Bennett. The old fox schooled the political greenhorns.

      Netanyahu began the negotiations after a month of futile idling that was meant to weaken his partners’ negotiating positions: the highly publicized tiff with Bennett, the crocodile tears over separating from his Haredi former coalition partners, the offer of the Finance Ministry to Labor Party leader Shelly Yacimovich and the promise of renewed talks with the Palestinians to Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni. When all the political spin had settled, the dice came out in Netanyahu’s favor: Foreign and defense policy will remain in the hands of Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu, Lapid has been kicked over to the Finance Ministry and Habayit Hayehudi will be a junior coalition partner.

  • Slander Israel’s critics as anti-Semites, shut down debate on Israel’s atrocities


    The British Jewish “defense” organizations are coming off a double victory in the cause of shutting down deservedly harsh criticism of Israeli tyranny over the Palestinians.

    In late January this year they got an apology from the Sunday Times of London for a cartoon by Gerald Scarfe showing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paving a wall with the blood and bodies of Palestinians. They also got the Liberal Democrat Party to censure its MP, David Ward, for a statement he wrote in a memorial book for the Holocaust and on his website.

    It went: “Having visited Auschwitz twice – once with my family and once with local schools – I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza.”

  • Voilà ce que je craignais
    The settlers will rise in power in Israel’s new government - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

    U.S. Ambassador Dan Shapiro probably sat down Wednesday to write a long cable to the White House ahead of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to report on the new government in Israel. Aside from noting the obvious fact that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is even weaker and has become the political hostage of all of his coalition partners, Shapiro probably emphasized the dramatic rise in the power of the settlers in Netanyahu’s third government.

  • Obama préfère, malgré tout, le dôme de Fer au dôme du Rocher.

    Obama to visit Church of Nativity, Iron Dome to be moved to airport for photo-op

    According to the itinerary that was presented on Monday morning, Obama will land in Israel at around noon on Wednesday, March 20 and be welcomed in an official ceremony at Ben-Gurion Airport. Immediately afterward, Obama will be shown an Iron Dome battery. Due to lack of time, the battery will be set up at Ben-Gurion Airport,...


    • The advance American delegation responsible for organizing U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel this month arrived in the country on Sunday evening. The delegation of about 50 people, which includes diplomats, security and logistics personnel and White House representatives, met on Monday with high-ranking officials of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Foreign Ministry to finish preparing the schedule.

      The members of the delegation are expected to see the prime minister’s official residence on Balfour Street in Jerusalem, and to see the arrangements for the joint press conference with Obama and Netanyahu. They also visited the president’s official residence, where an official dinner will be held, and the International Conventions Center in Jerusalem, where Obama will give a speech for the Israeli public. On Tuesday, the advance delegation will visit Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, where Obama will be staying, as well as Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial and Museum and Israel’s national cemetery at Mount Herzl, which he is also expected to visit.

      On Wednesday, the American delegation will visit Ramallah and Bethlehem.
      Obama is expected during his trip to pay a visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem on Friday, March 22, members of his delegation told Israeli government ministry representatives on Monday.

      According to a high-ranking Israeli official, that stop was added to his itinerary only in the past few days. The UN recognized the Church of the Nativity as a Palestinian World Heritage Site several months after Palestine became a full-fledged member of the organization.

      According to the itinerary that was presented on Monday morning, Obama will land in Israel at around noon on Wednesday, March 20 and be welcomed in an official ceremony at Ben-Gurion Airport. Immediately afterward, Obama will be shown an Iron Dome battery. Due to lack of time, the battery will be set up at Ben-Gurion Airport, and at the conclusion of his welcome ceremony, Obama will be joined by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres to be shown the battery.

      Later in the day, Obama will go to the president’s official residence in Jerusalem for a meeting with Peres. Afterward, he will meet with Netanyahu at the prime minister’s official residence and hold a press conference with him. Then, the two leaders will have dinner with their advisory teams.

      On Thursday morning, Obama will visit the Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum and will be shown the Dead Sea Scrolls. Officials of the Prime Minister’s Bureau would also like Obama to see an exhibit of Israeli technological developments, but it is not yet clear whether the exhibition will be mounted in time for the president’s arrival.

      After visiting the Israel Museum, Obama will go to Ramallah, where he will meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other high-ranking PA officials. At 5:00 PM, he will return to Jerusalem and give the major speech of his visit at the International Conventions Center.

      After the speech, at 6:00 PM, Obama will attend a reception organized by Secretary of State John Kerry at the American Consulate in Jerusalem, which is responsible for relations with the Palestinian Authority. Afterward, Obama will go to the president’s residence for an official dinner with the country’s highest officials.

      On Friday, Obama will visit Mount Herzl and Yad Vashem. He will lay wreaths at the tombs of Theodor Herzl and former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and in the Hall of Remembrance at Yad Vashem. Afterward, he will meet in the King David Hotel with the head of the opposition – most likely Labor Party Chairwoman Shelly Yacimovich. Obama will then visit Bethlehem.

      On Friday afternoon, Obama will leave Israel after an official farewell ceremony at Ben-Gurion Airport.

  • National Iranian American Council (NIAC) : Senators Push Promise to Support Israeli Strikes on Iran

    carte blanche à Israël pour une guerre contre l’Iran ?

    Washington, DC - New legislation introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ) calls for the U.S. to provide military, economic, and diplomatic support for Israel should its government decide to launch military strikes on Iran. The measure would effectively signal that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu can decide not just whether to enter Israel into war with Iran, but whether the United States enters such a war. It comes as tentative diplomatic progress was reported from negotiations involving the U.S. and Iran.

    The unprecedented measure is being unveiled as part of the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference this weekend in Washington, DC, that will bring thousands of the group’s supporters to push the measure on Capitol Hill. The group will also support a new sanctions bill in the House that could authorize the U.S. to sanction companies, including in Europe and Asia, for any commercial dealings with Iran. That measure has raised concerns about further exacerbating medicine shortages impacting the people of Iran.

    • Another Try at Nuclear Talks-

      Un éditorial du New York Times qui est conscient du sabotage pur et simple que constitue toute sanction à ce stade.

      In Almaty, Kazakhstan, the major powers dropped their demand that Iran shut down its underground uranium-enrichment plant at Fordo, and insisted instead that Iran suspend enrichment work there and agree to unspecified conditions that would make it hard to quickly resume production. They also said that Iran could continue to produce and keep a small amount of its most dangerous product — uranium enriched to 20 percent, which can be turned quickly into bomb-grade material — for use in a research reactor that produces medical isotopes.

      If Tehran agreed to these steps, the major powers said they would suspend some sanctions against Iran, including trade in gold and petrochemicals, and would not impose new sanctions through the United Nations Security Council and the European Union. The main oil and financial sanctions that have caused Iran’s oil revenues and currency value to plummet would not be loosened.

      Hours after the talks ended, a bipartisan group of members of Congress announced plans for new legislation to tighten the existing American penalties. While sanctions are an important element of American strategy, piling more on at this moment could harm, rather than advance, the chances for a negotiated deal with Iran.

    • terrifiant.

      Les USA sont prêts à la guerre (comme l’allemagne il y a 70 ans) pour cacher et tenter de faire oublier (à quel prix !!!) leurs problèmes économiques et d’échec de leur politique colonialiste

    • IPS :

      “It is usually overlooked, but each time the United States imposes a new coercive restriction on Iran, Iran responds by upping the ante on its nuclear programme,” Gary Sick, a Columbia University professor who served on the National Security Council staff under Presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan, told IPS.

      “A new round of sanctions at this moment, when serious talks seem to be getting underway for the first time in eight months, risks sabotaging the limited progress that has been made,” he said.


      “The issue is not just nuclear weapons or the lack thereof. Deep and long-lasting regional competitions for influence are at the heart of the matter…And in the last three administrations, we have been unwilling to put on the table a negotiating position that has a chance to succeed, by recognising that the security interests of the U.S., Israel, and Iran must all be considered,” [Robert E.] Hunter [who served on the National Security Council staff throughout the Carter administration] told IPS.

      “No country can negotiate seriously when it is under military threat, facing sanctions that only help to strengthen the regime domestically, and with no serious proposals on the ‘plus’ side,” he said.

    • Encore une prise de position raisonnable du NYtimes.

      Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel told the annual Aipac conference this week that there must be a “credible military threat” against Iran. Vice President Joseph Biden Jr. also assured the group that Mr. Obama would use force if needed.

      The best way to avert military conflict is by negotiating a credible, verifiable agreement. It is a very long shot. But Congress needs to give the talks time to play out and not make diplomatic efforts even harder.

  • Il y a plus de 20 ans, Benjamin Netanyahu annonçait déjà que l’Iran serait capable de fabriquer des armes nucléaires dans un délai de 3 à 5 ans. Bon sang, ces fadaises sont inusables !

    1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon – and that the threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the US.”

  • Israël dément des contacts entre Ben Zygier et les services australiens

    JERUSALEM - Israël a démenti mardi tout contact entre Ben Zygier et les services secrets australiens, en identifiant pour la première fois cet Australo-Israélien qui aurait travaillé pour le Mossad et s’est pendu dans une prison israélienne en 2010.

    Zygier n’avait aucun contact avec les services et les agences de sécurité australiens, a indiqué dans un communiqué le bureau du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu qui supervise le Mossad, l’agence israélienne de renseignement extérieur.

    Le bureau a fait état d’une excellente coopération (...) et d’une transparence totale entre Israël et toutes ses organisations d’un côté, et l’Australie et ses agences de sécurité de l’autre.
    Mardi, un tribunal israélien a indiqué que le prisonnier s’était pendu en décembre 2010 dans sa cellule de la prison Ayalon près de Ramleh, où il était détenu au secret.

    Le défunt a été trouvé pendu dans la douche de sa cellule de détention, avec un drap autour du cou attaché à la fenêtre de la salle de bain, selon les minutes d’une audience du tribunal de Rishon-LeTzion, près de Tel-Aviv, qui devait statuer sur la levée partielle du black-out imposé sur l’affaire.

    Il s’agit d’un acte volontaire du défunt qui a causé sa mort par suicide, a précisé le document.
    Les premières informations faisaient état d’une surveillance de sa cellule 24 heures sur 24. Mais le quotidien israélien Maariv, citant les services pénitentiaires, affirme que les gardiens ne regardaient les images de sa cellule que toutes les 20 à 25 minutes car il n’était pas classé comme un détenu à tendances suicidaires et que les sanitaires n’étaient pas filmés.

  • Israeli officials ask news media to kill ’embarrassing’ story,0,4628782.story

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Tuesday called an emergency meeting of the nation’s top news media editors and owners to ask them to refrain from publishing a story it said would be “very embarrassing to a certain government agency,’’ according to a report in Haaretz newspaper.


    Early Tuesday, Haaretz published a story about the case on its website with a link to the ABC report, but it was taken down later in the day. In the afternoon, the paper reported about the prime minister’s request, without mentioning the details of the case.

    Israeli news outlets are required to submit their work to military censors, and according to one report Tuesday, news organizations were cautioned against running the story.

  • La paix entre Israël et les Palestiniens est "possible", assure John Kerry | Dernières Infos | L’Orient-Le Jour

    « Je crois qu’il existe des possibilités », a déclaré le nouveau ministre américain des Affaires étrangères, lors d’un point de presse aux côtés de son homologue jordanien Nasser Judeh.

    Après sa prise de fonctions le 1er février, M. Kerry avait réservé ses premiers appels au Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu, au président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas et au président israélien Shimon Peres.

    « Il s’agissait de les écouter pour savoir s’ils pensaient ou non que nous pourrions faire quelque chose » pour le processus de paix israélo-palestinien gelé depuis septembre 2010 et qui est censé déboucher sur une solution à deux Etats, a expliqué M. Kerry.

    « Nous commençons par écouter pour avoir un premier aperçu des possibilités et pour commencer ensuite à faire des choix (...) Nous voulons explorer toutes les possibilités », a encore dit le chef de la diplomatie américaine, répétant, en guise d’avertissement, que « la fenêtre du possible était en train de se refermer ».


    John Kerry et le Mossad

    Le journaliste indépendant US Wayne Madsen cite des documents de la CIA sur l’activité de l’agence durant la guerre froide pour notamment s’interroger sur les capacités du Mossad israélien à exercer une influence sur le nouveau secrétaire d’État John Kerry. Il s’agit de documents donnant des précisions sur la collaboration entre la CIA et le Mossad, particulièrement en Europe occidentale et dans les colonies des pays d’Europe occidentale, dans des activités proches de celles des groupes de l’organisation Gladio ; le Mossad apportait une contribution importante, notamment à partir de ses correspondants dans les communauté juives, dans divers pays européens. Pour le cas de Kerry, il s’agit d’informations obtenues durant les événements de la “révolution des œillets” au Portugal en 1974, qui amena la chute de Salazar et, pendant un temps, des jeunes officiers réformistes et révolutionnaires de gauche au pouvoir. Les moyens de pression dont disposerait le Mossad concernent particulièrement la femme de Kerry et sa famille, propriétaires de la puissante compagnie H.J. Heinz.

    Madsen ne précise pas comment il a obtenu ces documents, s’il s’agit d’une déclassification normale, etc. D’une façon générale, Madsen, en tant que journaliste indépendant, a un crédit certain et a montré qu’il dispose de sources intéressantes. Les précisions concernant John Kerry et sa famille, et le Mossad, sont notamment contenus dans un texte d’Intrepid Report du 5 février 2013.

  • INTOX OU PAS ? Info largement relayée côté arabe, mais aucune source israélienne pour le moment. Cet article date du 28 janvier.

    Tzipi Livni : Qatar Funded Netanyahu Campaign

    The Zionist former Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni admitted last week that the Arab Emirate of Qatar has funded the electoral campaign of Zionist Premier Benjamin Netanyahu and that of the ‘Yisrael Beiteinu’ party.

    During an interview with the Zionist television Channel-1, Livni said that her rival Netanyahu has received from Qatar $3 million and the ‘Yisrael Beiteinu’ party $1.5 million for their campaigns.

    However, Netanyahu promised the Qatari emir in exchange that he will meet Hamas after the elections and that the right-wing coalition will promote the creation of a Jordanian-Palestinian governed federation, she added, noting that Hamas and the Zionist officials had already secret meetings in Doha.

    Livni also stated that she is a close friend of Mrs. Mozah, wife of Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, the Emir of Qatar.

  • Que faut-il en penser ? Le Qatar, pourvoyeur de fonds du Likoud ?

    Le Qatar démasqué ! | La Voix de la Syrie

    Selon l’ancienne chef de la diplomatie israélienne, l’Émirat a financé les campagnes du Likoud, du Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu, d’Israël Beïtenou du ministre des Affaires étrangères, Avigdor Liebermann.

    Qui sème la « révolution », récolte le chaos. L’Émirat du Qatar, véritable parrain des pseudos « printemps arabes », vient d’être piégé par ses propres manigances. Ce minuscule État, qui aurait pu s’appeler « Al Jazeera » – cette chaîne de télévision qui continue d’attiser le feu de la discorde dans les pays arabes – ne recule devant rien. Il est même prêt à s’allier avec le diable et à sacrifier les causes nobles pour s’arroger le leadership du Monde arabe.

    Après le scandale de l’« achat » de la Coupe du Monde 2022, révélé il y a moins d’une semaine par le magazine France Football, c’est au tour de l’ancienne ministre israélienne des Affaires étrangères, Tzipi Livni, de jeter un autre pavé dans la mare, en soulevant littéralement le « Kamis » de l’émir du Qatar. S’exprimant sur une chaîne de télévision israélienne, juste après les législatives emportées par le Likoud de Benyamin Netanyahu, l’« amie » de Cheikha Moza, a affirmé sur un plateau de télévision, en Israël, que le Qatar avait financé, lors des dernières élections législatives, les campagnes du Likoud du Premier ministre, Benjamin Netanyahu, celle d’Israël Beïtenou, et celle du ministre des Affaires étrangères, Avigdor Liebermann.

    #Qatar #Financement élections israéliennes #Israël