person:bezalel smotrich

  • Apartheid under the cover of a Jewish state -


    The smell of shampoo wafted through the bathroom. Steam covered the mirror and blurred the image of the person standing in front of it. The guy who had just gotten out of the shower hadn’t even dried himself off before reaching for his phone. Before getting into the shower he had angrily debated right-winger Bezalel Smotrich about whether Israel should draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the army.

    “Bezalel, damn it, look at the facts,” he had tweeted before getting into the shower. It’s no coincidence they wrote in the newspaper that Yair Lapid, the No. 2 in Benny Gantz’s Kahol Lavan, is the only person in the party with a killer instinct.

    >> Read more: The next big bang of Israeli politics | Analysis ■ Democracy for every Israeli and Palestinian. It’s not hard | Opinion

    The shower didn’t take his mind off the argument. “And another thing, Smotrich. Israel has to be a state of all its citizens.”

    Boom. Smotrich quickly replied: “Thank you, Yair, for finally putting it out there.” And Abba Eban’s protégé, new Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz, hastened to join in: “A seriously outrageous anti-Semitic remark … the slogan of the enemy.” Help.

    Now the candidate for prime minister had to dry himself off and do some damage control. “Somebody really misunderstood what he was reading,” Lapid tweeted. “I’ve been totally against a state of all its citizens all my life. Israel is a Jewish and democratic state, and that’s how it will remain. What I wrote referred to LGBT rights.”

    What he followed up with was characteristic Lapid: “The following are two facts about a state of all its citizens: 1. I’m against it. 2. I’m not going to tweet from the shower anymore before drying off.” So now the reader understands the message correctly: Israel has to be, yet doesn’t have to be, a state of all its citizens.

    Drying off or not, this is something that actually took place on Twitter the other day, and it might have been funny. But it’s not. Once the steam lifted the picture was clear: racism in all its ugliness. Lapid meant Jewish members of the LGBT community, to whom the state also belongs. But it’s not a state of all its citizens. That’s what happens when you live a lie: You get confused in the shower.

    If Israel is a democracy, it’s a state of all its citizens. There is no democracy that isn’t a state of all its citizens. From America to Germany, all are states of all their citizens. If they weren’t, to whom would they belong? Only to their privileged citizens. There’s no such thing as a democracy that belongs only to the privileged of one nationality.

    The state belongs to everyone. A regime that segregates and discriminates is called apartheid. There is no other name. The fact that Azmi Bishara, who fled Israel amid suspicions he supplied information to Hezbollah, was the first to draw attention to this obvious truth doesn’t detract from it one iota. A state of all its citizens isn’t “the slogan of the enemy,” as the new foreign minister put it. It’s the heart and soul of democracy.

    But the center-left feels exactly the same as the right and doesn’t recognize this simple truth. From their standpoint Israel is a democracy for its Jews and a guesthouse for its Arabs. Let’s thank Lapid’s towel for returning things to their proper place. One moment he was in favor of a state of all its citizens and the next he was against. He has been against it all his life, like almost all Israeli democrats.

    How can a democrat be against a state of all its citizens? Only in Israel. In no other democracy is there room for such a question. The state belongs to everyone. Equally.

    The right’s annexation plan will soon raise questions about the citizenship of millions of Palestinians. But in present-day Israel, right, left and center are talking apartheid – under the cover of the slogan a Jewish state. That’s the real slogan of the enemy, the enemy of democracy. This combination doesn’t work. It’s an oxymoron. Either Israel is a state of all its citizens and it’s a democracy, or it’s a Jewish state and it’s apartheid.

    It’s good that the steam from Lapid’s shower lifted quickly and he could return to the truth he shares with Smotrich. Zionism’s eternal truth. It’s an undemocratic truth. Smotrich at least admits to it, Lapid tries to hide behind a towel.

  • Netanyahu’s Coalition May Help Stave Off Indictment - The New York Times

    Netanyahu protégé de la justice pour prix de son élection. Ca ne traîne pas !

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, who emerged from this week’s election poised to win a fourth consecutive term, may benefit from an effort by his right-wing coalition to protect him from prosecution on possible corruption charges.

    At least one right-wing party expected to join his new governing coalition has been open about its goal of passing a law granting immunity to Israeli Parliament members, including prime ministers.

    Mr. Netanyahu, who worked on Wednesday to consolidate support for a new coalition, is on track to become Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, but also the first to be charged with a crime while in office.

    “If Netanyahu gains the public’s trust in the coming elections,” Bezalel Smotrich, leader of the Union of Right Wing Parties, wrote on Twitter last month, “it will be imperative to enact a law that will prevent him standing trial.”

    Mr. Smotrich said parliamentary immunity was necessary to honor the people’s democratic choice and ensure smooth government. By Wednesday, his party was projected to win five seats in the 120-seat Knesset, or parliament.

    An aide said on Wednesday that Mr. Smotrich was demanding the post of justice minister and another leader of his party wanted to be minister of education.


      « Il aurai fallu tirer sur Ahed Tamimi » , a déclaré samedi Bezalel Smotrich, un député israélien, au sujet de la jeune Palestinienne devenue une icône de la lutte contre l’occupation israélienne. (...)
      « Il aurait fallu lui tirer dessus, ne fut-ce que dans le genou. Au moins, elle aurait été assignée à résidence pour le reste de sa vie », a écrit le député Smotrich sur son compte Twitter, rapporte aujourd’hui le quotidien israélien Haaretz. (...)
      La déclaration de Bezalel Smotrich a provoqué la colère de sa collègue au Parlement israélien, Michal Rozin, qui a évoqué un incident survenu samedi dernier, au cours duquel des colons israéliens ont jeté des pierres sur un convoi de l’armée israélienne. « Vous devriez avoir honte ! Aurait-il fallu également tirer sur les jeunes » colons israéliens « de Samarie qui ont jeté des pierres sur les soldats de l’armée ? a-t-elle interrogé. Mais non, j’oubliais, la loi est différente pour les ennemis ». Et Mme Rozin d’ajouter : « Je n’accepte ni vos excuses ni vos explications, vous êtes un malfrat et vous incitez à la violence ».

  • In Israel, growing fascism and a racism akin to early Nazism
    Zeev Sternhell Jan 19, 2018 2:00 AM

    I frequently ask myself how a historian in 50 or 100 years will interpret our period. When, he will ask, did people in Israel start to realize that the state that was established in the War of Independence, on the ruins of European Jewry and at the cost of the blood of combatants some of whom were Holocaust survivors, had devolved into a true monstrosity for its non-Jewish inhabitants. When did some Israelis understand that their cruelty and ability to bully others, Palestinians or Africans, began eroding the moral legitimacy of their existence as a sovereign entity?

    The answer, that historian might say, was embedded in the actions of Knesset members such as Miki Zohar and Bezalel Smotrich and the bills proposed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. The nation-state law, which looks like it was formulated by the worst of Europe’s ultra-nationalists, was only the beginning. Since the left did not protest against it in its Rothschild Boulevard demonstrations, it served as a first nail in the coffin of the old Israel, the one whose Declaration of Independence will remain as a museum showpiece. This archaeological relic will teach people what Israel could have become if its society hadn’t disintegrated from the moral devastation brought on by the occupation and apartheid in the territories.

    The left is no longer capable of overcoming the toxic ultra-nationalism that has evolved here, the kind whose European strain almost wiped out a majority of the Jewish people. The interviews Haaretz’s Ravit Hecht held with Smotrich and Zohar (December 3, 2016 and October 28, 2017) should be widely disseminated on all media outlets in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. In both of them we see not just a growing Israeli fascism but racism akin to Nazism in its early stages.

    Like every ideology, the Nazi race theory developed over the years. At first it only deprived Jews of their civil and human rights. It’s possible that without World War II the “Jewish problem” would have ended only with the “voluntary” expulsion of Jews from Reich lands. After all, most of Austria and Germany’s Jews made it out in time. It’s possible that this is the future facing Palestinians.

    Indeed, Smotrich and Zohar don’t wish to physically harm Palestinians, on condition that they don’t rise against their Jewish masters. They only wish to deprive them of their basic human rights, such as self-rule in their own state and freedom from oppression, or equal rights in case the territories are officially annexed to Israel. For these two representatives of the Knesset majority, the Palestinians are doomed to remain under occupation forever. It’s likely that the Likud’s Central Committee also thinks this way. The reasoning is simple: The Arabs aren’t Jews, so they cannot demand ownership over any part of the land that was promised to the Jewish people.

    According to the concepts of Smotrich, Zohar and Shaked, a Jew from Brooklyn who has never set foot in this country is the legitimate owner of this land, while a Palestinian whose family has lived here for generations is a stranger, living here only by the grace of the Jews. “A Palestinian,” Zohar tells Hecht, “has no right to national self-determination since he doesn’t own the land in this country. Out of decency I want him here as a resident, since he was born here and lives here – I won’t tell him to leave. I’m sorry to say this but they have one major disadvantage – they weren’t born as Jews.”

    From this one may assume that even if they all converted, grew side-curls and studied Torah, it would not help. This is the situation with regard to Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers and their children, who are Israeli for all intents and purposes. This is how it was with the Nazis. Later comes apartheid, which could apply under certain circumstances to Arabs who are citizens of Israel. Most Israelis don’t seem worried.

  • Une importante tribune de l’histoirien Zeev Sternehll
    In Israel, growing fascism and a racism akin to early Nazism

    They don’t wish to physically harm Palestinians. They only wish to deprive them of their basic human rights, such as self-rule in their own state and freedom from oppression

    Zeev Sternhell 19.01.2018

    I frequently ask myself how a historian in 50 or 100 years will interpret our period. When, he will ask, did people in Israel start to realize that the state that was established in the War of Independence, on the ruins of European Jewry and at the cost of the blood of combatants some of whom were Holocaust survivors, had devolved into a true monstrosity for its non-Jewish inhabitants. When did some Israelis understand that their cruelty and ability to bully others, Palestinians or Africans, began eroding the moral legitimacy of their existence as a sovereign entity?
    The answer, that historian might say, was embedded in the actions of Knesset members such as Miki Zohar and Bezalel Smotrich and the bills proposed by Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. The nation-state law, which looks like it was formulated by the worst of Europe’s ultra-nationalists, was only the beginning. Since the left did not protest against it in its Rothschild Boulevard demonstrations, it served as a first nail in the coffin of the old Israel, the one whose Declaration of Independence will remain as a museum showpiece. This archaeological relic will teach people what Israel could have become if its society hadn’t disintegrated from the moral devastation brought on by the occupation and apartheid in the territories.
    The left is no longer capable of overcoming the toxic ultra-nationalism that has evolved here, the kind whose European strain almost wiped out a majority of the Jewish people. The interviews Haaretz’s Ravit Hecht held with Smotrich and Zohar (December 3, 2016 and October 28, 2017) should be widely disseminated on all media outlets in Israel and throughout the Jewish world. In both of them we see not just a growing Israeli fascism but racism akin to Nazism in its early stages.
    Like every ideology, the Nazi race theory developed over the years. At first it only deprived Jews of their civil and human rights. It’s possible that without World War II the “Jewish problem” would have ended only with the “voluntary” expulsion of Jews from Reich lands. After all, most of Austria and Germany’s Jews made it out in time. It’s possible that this is the future facing Palestinians.
    Indeed, Smotrich and Zohar don’t wish to physically harm Palestinians, on condition that they don’t rise against their Jewish masters. They only wish to deprive them of their basic human rights, such as self-rule in their own state and freedom from oppression, or equal rights in case the territories are officially annexed to Israel. For these two representatives of the Knesset majority, the Palestinians are doomed to remain under occupation forever. It’s likely that the Likud’s Central Committee also thinks this way. The reasoning is simple: The Arabs aren’t Jews, so they cannot demand ownership over any part of the land that was promised to the Jewish people.
    According to the concepts of Smotrich, Zohar and Shaked, a Jew from Brooklyn who has never set foot in this country is the legitimate owner of this land, while a Palestinian whose family has lived here for generations is a stranger, living here only by the grace of the Jews. “A Palestinian,” Zohar tells Hecht, “has no right to national self-determination since he doesn’t own the land in this country. Out of decency I want him here as a resident, since he was born here and lives here – I won’t tell him to leave. I’m sorry to say this but they have one major disadvantage – they weren’t born as Jews.”

    From this one may assume that even if they all converted, grew side-curls and studied Torah, it would not help. This is the situation with regard to Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers and their children, who are Israeli for all intents and purposes. This is how it was with the Nazis. Later comes apartheid, which could apply under certain circumstances to Arabs who are citizens of Israel. Most Israelis don’t seem worried.

    Zeev Sternhell
    Haaretz Contributor

  • Israel set to approve plans for 2,100 new settlement housing units in West Bank - Israel News -

    Settlers had hoped for approval of thousands more homes, but Prime Minister’s Office reduced the number; around 600 outside of settlement blocs
    Yotam Berger and Barak Ravid Jun 03, 2017 9:02 PM

    Some 2,100 new housing units all over the West Bank will be on the agenda of the planning and building committee of the Israel Defense Forces’ Civil Administration next week. Most of the units – around 1,500 – are to be constructed inside the settlement blocs.

    The top planning council for the West Bank announced the agenda for the meeting on Friday morning. This is the first significant meeting of the council since U.S. President Donald Trump took office in January.

    While some of the plans to be examined relate to final approval before construction, the vast majority still have some way to go before reaching that stage.

    Many of the projects are not actually new, but their progress has been delayed for bureaucratic reasons, a source told Haaretz. Some of the housing units already exist and their approval by the planning council will just authorize their status retroactively, he added.

    Despite the seemingly large number of homes under consideration, the settler leadership was disappointed because it had hoped for thousands more units to be discussed by the planning council.

    On Friday, several settlement leaders released statements accusing Netanyahu of freezing construction.

    Yossi Dagan, the head of the Samaria Regional Council, said in a statement to the press that “Netanyahu is trying to create a voluntary construction freeze. After eight years of Obama, a new freeze won’t pass.”

    Knesset Member Bezalel Smotrich said on Twitter that the agenda is “very disappointing,” and added: “I don’t think we will be able to live with it.”

    The Yesha council, an umbrella organization for all local authorities in the territories, said that while it welcomes the renewed planning and construction, dozens of plans are missing from the agenda.

    The prime minister’s bureau reacted angrily to the statements.

    “Contrary to the claims, there is no construction freeze,” it said. "In recent months, thousands of housing units have been approved across Judea and Samaria, and a new town has been approved for the first time in decades.

    “Repeating the lie doesn’t make it true. The policy set by the cabinet is very clear: planning will be advanced next to the settlements’ built-up area, and plans are to be approved every three months. No one takes care of the settlements more than Prime Minister Netanyahu, while also maintaining the national and international interests of the State of Israel in an informed manner.”

    Settlers’ dashed hopes

    The planning council will meet to issue permits to advance a number of different projects in various settlements. Some of the plans are outside the large settlement blocs and will be for construction in Susya, in the South Hebron Hills; Beit El, north of Jerusalem; and Revava in the northern West Bank. However, a large amount of the construction expected to be approved is in Ma’aleh Adumim, east of Jerusalem, and Ariel.

    The publication of the agenda of the Civil Administration’s top planning council came after a meeting Thursday evening in the Prime Minister’s Office.

    The settlers have been waiting for the meeting for weeks, and the regional councils in the West Bank and the Yesha Council of Settlements in Judea and Samaria had been hoping the meeting would lead to the legalization of unauthorized outposts and the approval of thousands of new homes.

    The settler leadership had hoped understandings with the Trump administration would enable the advancement of numerous projects that were frozen during the Obama administration.

    Settler leaders have said recently they expected five-digit numbers of new housing units to be approved all over the West Bank, both inside and outside the settlement blocs.

    At Thursday’s meeting in the PMO, it was decided to limit the number of units to be discussed by the planning council, two people involved in the process told Haaretz.

    Now the settlers are hoping for approval of at least 5,000 new housing units, and not the tens of thousands they had hoped for.

    Thousands of units were taken off the agenda at the meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said one of those involved.

    The retroactive legalization of the unauthorized outpost of Kerem Re’im in the Mateh Binyamin Regional Council will be on the agenda, and its expansion may even be discussed.


  • Israël : la loi anti-BDS adoptée en première lecture | i24news - Voir plus loin
    Par i24news | Publié : 15/11/2016

    La législation qui prévoit l’interdiction d’entrée sur le territoire israélien des personnes soutenant le boycott contre l’État hébreu, a été adoptée lundi dans la soirée en première lecture, a rapporté mardi le Jerusalem Post.

    La proposition, soutenue par le député Bezalel Smotrich du parti sioniste religieux « Foyer Juif », devrait autoriser l’interdiction d’entrée sur le territoire à tout individu qui appelle au boycott d’Israël ou qui représente une organisation qui soutient de telles actions, sauf autorisation exceptionnelle délivrée par le ministère de l’Intérieur.

    « Ce projet de loi vise à empêcher l’entrée à ceux qui cherchent le conflit », a affirmé Smotrich.

    « Le BDS (Boycott Désinvestissement et Sanctions) est contre Israël, pas seulement la Judée et la Samarie », a-t-il ajouté.


  • Un concours israélien bizarre : le concours de beauté des survivantes de l’Holocauste
    par Amira HASS | 2 novembre 2016 – Haaretz – Traduction : GD du CSPRN

    Le concours de beauté pour les survivantes de l’Holocauste est l’un de ces rares moments où je regrette que ma mère, et en fait aussi mon père, ne soient plus en vie (en général, je me sens soulagée qu’ils soient décédés depuis des années, à cause de l’analphabétisme du député Bezalel Smotrich, du camp-prison de Gaza, du contrôle israélien de la zone C et de la destruction des systèmes d’approvisionnement en eau en Cisjordanie… Et nous n’avons même pas mentionné l’armée de l’air, le bataillon Netzah Yehuda ni la brigade Kfir).

    Au lieu d’essayer de formuler mon propre sentiment de malaise devant ce spectacle, il aurait été plus simple de leur demander ce qu’ils pensaient des participantes, qui ont clairement apprécié l’événement, et de les entendre dire que le plaisir n’est pas le critère principal pour juger quoi que ce soit. Au lieu de tonner toute seule sur les racines profondes de l’instrumentalisation de la femme dans notre société, il aurait été bien de les citer. (Elle : peut-être une citation de Simone de Beauvoir et une phrase didactique sur les défis du féminisme. Lui : Quelle plaisanterie kitsch.)

    Mais c’est la vie. Mes parents ont manqué l’occasion d’aborder le lien entre le commerce des corps des femmes ; et tirer un profit de l’Holocauste, alors tout ce que nous pouvons faire est de fouiller l’histoire de ce concours bizarre (bizarre, non pas à cause de l’âge des participantes, mais du besoin d’imiter les sélections basées sur la beauté de jeunes femmes qui sont coutumières dans le monde misogyne, ostensiblement esthétique, et en raison de l’ignorance flagrante de la critique sociale de ces cirques d’humiliation).

    Google nous dit que le concours fut la grande idée de Shimon Sabag, qui a fondé et dirigé un organisme de bienfaisance qui vient en aide aux survivants de l’Holocauste. Cet organisme de bienfaisance leur a ouvert un foyer, avec l’aide de l’Ambassade chrétienne internationale de Jérusalem. Le fait que Sara Netanyahu a présidé le concours cette semaine confère un cachet royal à cette entreprise privée de charité.(...)

    traduction en français de l’article cité :

  • Cisjordanie : 2026 structures construites sur des « terres palestiniennes privées » | Publié 04 Mai 2015

    L’ONU se plaint de l’arrestation d’un Palestinien de 9 ans et fustige le « mauvais traitement » des mineurs

    Quelques 2 026 structures en Cisjordanie ont été construites sur des terres palestiniennes privées, selon une étude menée par l’organisation de droite Regavim et soumise aux membres de la Knesset dimanche.

    Le parlement israélien doit délibérer sur une législation visant à exproprier les terres des propriétaires palestiniens en échange de réparations, or Regavim affirme que sa mission est de « préserver les terres nationales. »

    Le député du Foyer Juif, Bezalel Smotrich cherche à contrer un ordre de la Cour suprême qui prévoit d’évacuer l’avant-poste d’Amona, et de démolir neuf maisons dans l’implantation d’Ofra. Selon Smotrich, ces démolitions pourraient engendrer un effondrement du gouvernement de coalition.

    Selon le rapport de Regavim, cité par la chaîne israélienne Arutz Sheva, les 2026 structures situées sur des terres palestiniennes privées comprennent 1232 maisons permanentes et 794 mobil-homes. Environ 1.500 familles vivent dans ces structures.

    De son côté, l’Autorité palestinienne a porté plainte auprès du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, après qu’un garçon de 9 ans, de Jérusalem-Est a été arrêté par la police la semaine dernière. Le mineur, issu du quartier de Wadi Joz a été détenu pendant huit heures après avoir jeté des pierres sur un bus. Son grand-frère de 12 ans a également été arrêté lors de l’incident.

    L’ambassadeur palestinien à l’ONU, Riyad Mansour, a envoyé une lettre au président du Conseil de sécurité vendredi dernier, se plaignant du « traitement par Israël d’enfants palestiniens de Cisjordanie et de Jérusalem-Est ». Mansour a affirmé que l’enfant a été interrogé pendant des heures sans ses parents en soient informés, et sans recevoir de la nourriture ou de l’eau.

    « L’arrestation arbitraire d’un enfant de moins de 12 est illégale et Israël a violé la norme internationale », a écrit Mansour.

    Selon la loi, les enfants de moins de 12 ans - l’âge de la responsabilité pénale - ne peuvent pas être arrêtés ou détenus.

    Même en relisant plusieurs fois, difficile de comprendre qui va être exproprier, « une législation visant à exproprier les terres des propriétaires palestiniens en échange de réparations » ça doit être des colons .

  • 2,026 settlement homes built on private Palestinian land, right-wing study finds - Israel - Israel News | Haaretz

    Some 2,026 structures in the West Bank were built on privately owned Palestinian land, according to a study conducted by the right-wing organization Regavim and submitted to Knesset members ahead of deliberations on legislation aimed at expropriating land from Palestinian owners.

    Regavim claims that its mission is to “preserve national lands.” Until the recent election, it was run by Bezalel Smotrich, who has since joined Knesset on the Habayit Hayehudi roster. One of Smotrich’s primary goals in the Knesset will be passing legislation to expropriate land from Palestinian owners in exchange for reparations.

    Smotrich will seek to pass such legislation before December 2015, the date on which the Supreme Court has ordered the government to evacuate the Amona outpost, and demolish nine houses in the settlement Ofra. Smotrich has even stated that demolishing the Amona outpost could likely cause a governing coalition to collapse. When similar legislation was passed in 2012, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thwarted it out of fear that it would lead to prosecution in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

    Regavim supports the proposed legislation, claiming that demolishing a house or two would not solve the problem, which it says is much larger. The organization conducted a study, examining aerial photographs of private Palestinian land, which it then submitted to Habayit Hayehudi chairman Naftali Bennett and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud). According to the report, the 2,026 structures located on private Palestinian land include 1,232 permanent homes and 794 mobile homes. Roughly 1,500 families live in these structures. The study was first reported by Arutz Sheva.

    The settlements mentioned in the report include Ofra with 530 houses, Beit El with 289, Eli with 166, Mechmesh with 133, Elon Moreh with 128, Psagot with 98, Kochav Ya’akov with 83, Kedumim with 71, Kokhav Hashahar with 65, Neve Tzuf with 52, Otniel with 47, Shavei Shomron with 45, Mitzpeh Yeriho with 45, Yitzhar with 43, Maon with 34, Tapuah with 27, Adam with 25, Beit Hagai with 25, Susya with 23, Neve Daniel with 19, Tekoa with 17, Har Bracha with 15, Nokdim with 15, Pnei Haver with 13, Ma’ale Amos with five houses, and Kedar with seven.