person:chuck grassley

  • When the Muzzle Comes Off | Rebecca Traister

    I write this not knowing if by the time it is published, Brett Kavanaugh will still be the Supreme Court nominee, or whether more people will have come forward with more stories of assault or degradation, or whether Chuck Grassley or Donald Trump will have doubled down on their inhumanity, or whether there will be more evidence put forth discrediting the women coming forward with stories about Brett Kavanaugh or other men currently engaged in his defense. Source: The Cut

  • سيناتور أمريكي يفتح النار على السعودية ويتهمها بمساعدة إسرائيل لاغتيال الحريري ونشر وتعزيز الإرهاب في الولايات المتحدة وأوروبا | رأي اليوم

    J’aimerais bien vérifier, mais je n’y arrive pas (c’est dans un entretien à Politico mais je n’ai rien trouvé). Dans cet article, il est dit que le sénateur de l’Ohio, Chuck Grassley, accuse nommément l’Arabie saoudite, et Israël en prime, d’avoir fomenté l’assassinat de Rafik Hariri, rien que cela !

    L’hypothèse avait été évoquée, mais uniquement par d’odieux sites complotistes. Le sénateur parle de « preuves »...

    • New evidence for condemning Saudi Arabia in favor of 9/11 bill (edit: hoax, voir ci-après)

      While top Obama administration officials are still trying to exert last-minute pressure on lawmakers to help sustain Obama’s veto of legislation that would allow families of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks to sue Saudi Arabia, yesterday on October 16, 2016, Chuck Grassley the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee and the senior United States Senator from Iowa, in an interview with POLITICO voiced Senate serious support for 9/11 bill. He stated that some newly obtained documents showed that the assassination of Rafic Hariri, the former Lebanon Prime Minister which was carried out by Israel and the help of Saudi Arabia.

      “In the Congress, some definite evidence proposed by a retired pentagon member proving Saudi Arabia’s direct role in other terrorist operations including Rafic Hariri’s assassination. I’ll firmly back the legislation” , Grassley said.

    • Je trouve ça très bizarre : il aurait balancé un truc aussi énorme comme ça, « en passant », dans une interview sur un autre sujet (le 11 Septembre). En accusant d’ailleurs Israël d’un attentat terroriste alors que le sujet initial est l’Arabie séoudite…

      Je m’attends à une rétractation (« le journaliste m’a mal compris »)…

      (D’ailleurs, en dehors de Rai al Youm et, apparemment, un site iranien, rigoureusement aucune mention nulle part.)

    • @souriyam sur Twitter me signale que l’auteur supposée de cet article a twitté qu’elle n’en était pas l’auteur : en fait, bien regarder l’URL, c’est un faux site ( au lieu de D’ailleurs le site vient de lâcher à l’instant, en dépassant les limites de son hébergement gratuit.

  • Irony : Congress May Declare Today ’National Whistleblower Day’ As Court Announces Manning Verdict

    In a few hours, the court hearing the #Bradley_Manning trial will be announcing the verdict. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of commentary on the eventual decision, but it’s worth noting this bit of ridiculousness. Senator Chuck Grassley is trying to get today declared National Whistleblower Day by Congress, in honor of the Constitutional Congress’ very first whitleblower protection law, enacted on July 30, 1778. As the article notes, Grassley has worked hard over the years to protect whistleblowers, but we recently wrote about his hypocrisy on the subject, passing a special law for a Swiss bank security guard who did more or less the same thing as Ed #Snowden, while bashing Snowden for not facing a trial in the US. Congress just really has a knack for doing the exact wrong thing, don’t they? If they want to actually support whistleblowers, they should support #whistleblowers, not name a pointless day after them on the very same day that a high profile whistleblower likely finds out that he’s going to spend much, if not all, of the rest of his life in jail.

    encore une fois @kassem merci, j’avais pas vu : #tmi