person:david vine

  • « Les documents de la CIA parlent de population “afro-indienne négligeable” »

    USA : le cas colonial de Chagos
    Entretien avec l’anthropologue David Vine

    Par Sébastien Bonetti et S. Jean-Nöel Pierre

    « L’histoire de la base américaine de Diego Garcia et du cruel déplacement des habitants des Chagos a longtemps été cachée au grand public. Nous avons une dette envers David Vine d’avoir révélé au grand jour cette histoire », explique Howard Zinn, en quatrième de couverture du livre Island of Shame . L’archipel des Chagos est un ensemble de cinquante-cinq îles situé dans l’océan Indien. Il abrite l’une des plus grandes bases militaires des États-Unis hors de son territoire (c’est notamment de là que partent les avions et autres navires vers l’Irak et l’Afghanistan). Pour travailler sur la tragédie qu’ont vécue ses habitants, violemment déportés, pour faire place aux soldats, à l’île Maurice et aux Seychelles, David Vine a vécu un an et demi à l’île Maurice. De retour dans son pays, ce professeur en anthropologie à l’université de Washington DC a publié en 2008 sa thèse sous le titre d’ Island of Shame ( L’Île de la honte ).

  • Tomgram : David Vine, Baseworld Profiteering | TomDispatch,_baseworld_profiteering

    ...after an extensive examination of government spending data and contracts, I estimate that the Pentagon has dispersed around $385 billion to private companies for work done outside the U.S. since late 2001, mainly in that baseworld. That’s nearly double the entire State Department budget over the same period, and because Pentagon and government accounting practices are so poor, the true total may be significantly higher.


    ... an analysis of Pentagon spending reveals a troubling pattern: the majority of benefits have gone to a relatively small group of private contractors. In total, almost a third of the $385 billion has flowed into the coffers of just 10 top contractors, including scandal-prone companies like KBR, the former subsidiary of Halliburton, and oil giant BP.


    The use of contractors accelerated following the Cold War’s end, part of a larger trend toward the privatization of formerly public services.


    Contractors are hardly alone in raking in the dollars from the Pentagon’s baseworld. Pentagon officials, military personnel, members of Congress, and lobbyists, among others, have all benefited — financially, politically, and professionally — from the giant overseas presence. In particular, contractors have spread the love by making millions in campaign contributions to members of Congress. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, military contractors and their employees gave more than $27 million in election donations in 2012 alone, and have donated almost $200 million since 1990.

    Most of these have gone to members of the armed services and appropriations committees in the Senate and House of Representatives. These, of course, have primary authority over awarding military dollars. For the 2012 elections, for example, DynCorp International’s political action committee donated $10,000 to both the chair and ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee, and made additional donations to 33 other members of the House and Senate armed services committees and 16 members of the two appropriations committees.
