Un autre son de sifflet:
How America Lost Its Secrets: Snowden, the Man and the Theft
(Edward Jay Epstein)
“I spent three years investigating Snowden’s story for my book. [...] Aside from [Oliver] Stone - who paid [Snowden’s] lawyer $1 million, supposedly for the rights to his novel - I am the only [?ah bon?] American Journalist to interview him face to face. What I learned, bit by bit, from my many months of investigation, was that the key parts of Snowden’s story, although endlessly repeated in the media as fact, do not check out.”
“So unlike those ACLU lawyers who merely echo Snowden’s version of events, Obama must know that his story is as fictional as Stone’s movie.”
[...] “Snowden stole much more that files regarding illegal activities or domestic surveillance by the NSA.”
[...] “In this culture of distrust, any fact that contradicts the one-source narrative of the innocent whistleblower can be pre-emptively dismissed because Snowden, ensconced in Moscow at an unknown location, remains the ultimate truth-teller. After three years of investigating this case, I must refute this depiction of Snowden and any version of these events that paints him the hero.”