
  • The future of water infrastructure goes beyond dams and reservoirs — Quartz

    #eau #eau_potable #épuration #eaux_usées #désalinisation #eau_saumâtre

    Treating brackish water is expensive, but it’s getting cheaper as the technology matures. In his work at the University of New Mexico, Hightower, the civil engineering professor, has been collecting data on desalination costs for decades. His research shows that in the US, starting in 2005, treating brackish groundwater from nearby sources has been less expensive on average than piping in fresh water from a remote source—especially if that source is 75 miles or more away, a common solution for arid places as their local supply of freshwater dwindles.

    Texas is on it: the 2017 state water plan set a goal to turn 111,000 acre-feet of brackish groundwater a year into drinking water by 2070.


    Water engineers politely call it “direct potable reuse.” Others call it “toilet-to-tap.” The United Nations calls it a massive untouched resource that could nudge society into a “circular economy,” where economic development is “balanced with the protection of natural resources…and where a cleaner and more sustainable economy has a positive effect on the water quality.”

    In Singapore, an island nation lacking any freshwater resource big enough to sate its growing population (pdf), they’re a bit more direct: “Basically, you drink the water, you go to the toilet, you pee, and we collect it back and clean it,” George Madhavan, ‪a director at Singapore’s public utility, told USA Today in 2015.

    Since 2003, Singapore has been treating sewage to drinking-water standards. For now, most of that water is used for industrial purposes, but the volumes are impressive. About 40% of the nation’s total water needs are met by toilet-to-tap, significantly reducing the pressure on the rest of its freshwater sources—rainwater, desalinated seawater, and imports. In the last few years, the country started handing out bottles of the reclaimed water at events, to get its citizens used to the idea of drinking it directly. Singapore plans to squeeze a full 55% of its water supply from sewage by 2060. By then, they hope, drinking it will be the norm.

    In Namibia, the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa, the capital city Windhoek has been doing “toilet-to-tap” for so long that several generations of residents don’t bat an eye at drinking the stuff. The city has been turning raw sewage into drinking water for 50 years. Windhoek has never had a single illness attributed to the reclaimed wastewater.

    “Public confidence is that very, very fragile link that keeps the system going,” Pierre van Rensburg, Windhoek’s strategic executive for urban and transport planning, told the American Water Works Association, an international nonprofit, in 2017. “I think if there is ever one incident that could be linked back to the [direct potable reuse] plant, the public would lose all confidence.”

    “It tastes like bottled water, as long as you can psychologically get past the point that it’s recycled urine.”

    The science behind this isn’t new. In fact, a high-tech version of direct potable reuse has been used by American astronauts since humans first left Earth. In space, humans have no choice but to drink their own distilled urine. On the US side of the International Space Station, a high-tech water system collects astronauts’ urine, sweat, shower water, and even the condensate they breathe into the air, and then distills it all to drinking-water standards.

    “It tastes like bottled water, as long as you can psychologically get past the point that it’s recycled urine and condensate,” Layne Carter, who manages the ISS’s water system out of the Marshall Flight Center in Alabama, told Bloomberg Businessweek (paywall) in 2015. The Russian astronauts, however, decline to include their urine in their water-purification system. So the US astronauts go over to the Russian side of the ISS and pick up their urine, bring it back over to the American side, and purify it. Water is precious, after all.

    Back on Earth, the technology is more rudimentary. Whereas in space, urine is spun in a centrifuge-like system until water vapor emerges, is recondensed, then heated, oxidized, and laced with iodine, the process on Earth involves a combination of extracting waste through membrane filters and exposure to UV light to kill bacteria. (And in Namibia, they use waste-eating bacteria before zapping the microorganisms with UV.) To keep up with the ever-expanding number of chemicals and pharmaceuticals that show up in water, these water-reuse will have to keep evolving. Still, it’s proven technology, and cost-effective at scale.

    Outside of a few examples, however, communities have been slow to adopt them as viable solutions to water scarcity, likely because of cultural stigma around drinking filtered sewage water. That’s slowly changing as rising temperatures, dwindling freshwater, and more frequent, more extreme droughts have cities looking around for options.

  • BBC - Capital - The cost of changing a country’s name

    “African countries, on getting independence, reverted to their ancient names before they were colonised,” His Royal Highness, King Mswati III told those gathered there. At that moment he was still king of Swaziland – but Swaziland was to be no more. “So, from now on the country will be officially known as the Kingdom of eSwatini.”

    #swaziland #noms #terminologie #toponymie

  • Anonymous snipers and a lethal verdict

    We may never know the name of the soldier who killed Razan al-Najjar. But we do know the names of those who gave the order enabling him to kill her

    Amira Hass Jun 05, 2018

    We know her name: Razan al-Najjar. But what’s his? What’s the name of the soldier who killed her, with direct fire to the chest last Friday? We don’t know, and we probably won’t ever know.
    In contrast to the Palestinians suspected of killing Israelis, the Israeli who killed Najjar is protected from exposure to the cameras and an in-depth breakdown of his family history, including his relatives’ participation in routine attacks on Palestinians as part of their military service or their political affiliation.
    Demanding Israeli microphones will not be pushed into his face with probing questions: Didn’t you see she was wearing a paramedic’s white robe when you aimed at her chest?
    Didn’t you see her hair covered with a head scarf? Do your rules of engagement require you to shoot at paramedics, men and women as well, and at a distance of about 100 meters (some 330 feet) from the border fence? Did you shoot at her legs (why?) and miss because you’re useless? Are you sorry? Do you sleep well at night? Did you tell your girlfriend it was you who killed a young woman the same age as her? Was Najjar your first?
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    The anonymity of our soldiers picking off and killing Palestinians is an inseparable part of the culture of Israeli impunity. We are above it all. Immune from everything. Allowing an anonymous soldier to kill a young paramedic with a bullet that hit her in the chest, exiting from her back, and continuing on with our lives.
    >> ’We die anyway, so let it be in front of the cameras’: Conversations with Gazans
    There are lots of pictures of Najjar on the internet: She stood out as one of the few women among the first aid teams operating at the “March of Return” protest sites since March 30.
    After two years’ training, she volunteered for the Palestinian Medical Relief Society. She happily gave interviews, including to The New York Times’ correspondent in Gaza, speaking about the ability of women to act under difficult conditions no less so than men – and even better than them. She knew how dangerous her job was. A paramedic was killed by Israel Defense Forces fire on May 14, dozens of others were injured and suffocated as they ran to rescue the wounded.
    Najjar, 21 at the time of her death, was from the village of Khuza’a, east of Khan Yunis. In interviews, she was not asked about the wars and Israeli military attacks during her childhood and later. It is hard to find their scars in her pleasant face seen on screen. In every interview, she is seen wrapped in a head scarf of a different color – and each time it is wrapped around her head stylishly, meticulously, showing an investment of time and thought. The color reveals a love for life, despite all she had gone through.
    We do not know the name of the soldier, but we do know who is in the chain of command that ordered and enabled him to kill a 21-year-old paramedic: Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot. Military Advocate General Brig. Gen. Sharon Afek and Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, both of whom approved the wording of the rules of engagement, as the High Court justices were told before they denied petitions against the shooting at protesters along the border fence.
    Despite all the testimony about civilian fatalities and horrifying injuries, the justices chose to believe what they were told in the name of the military by Avi Milikovsky, a lawyer from the State Prosecutor’s Office: The use of potentially lethal force is taken only as a last resort, in a proportionate manner and to the minimal extent required.
    Please explain how this tallies with the death of Najjar, who was treating a man injured directly by a tear-gas canister. An eyewitness told The New York Times that while the injured man was being taken to an ambulance, her colleagues were treating her because she was suffering the effects of the tear gas. Then shots were heard and Najjar fell.
    High Court Justices Esther Hayut, Hanan Melcer and Neal Hendel presented the army with an exemption from investigation and an exemption from criticism on a silver platter. In doing so, they joined the chain of command that ordered our anonymous soldier to fire at the chest of the paramedic and kill her.

  • Anonymous #Snipers and a Lethal Verdict

    We do not know the name of the soldier, but we do know who is in the chain of command that ordered and enabled him to kill a 21-year-old paramedic: Southern Command chief Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir. IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot. Military Advocate General Brig. Gen. Sharon Afek and Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit, both of whom approved the wording of the rules of engagement, as the High Court justices were told before they denied petitions against the shooting at protesters along the border fence.

    Despite all the testimony about civilian fatalities and horrifying injuries, the justices chose to believe what they were told in the name of the military by Avi Milikovsky, a lawyer from the State Prosecutor’s Office: The use of potentially lethal force is taken only as a last resort, in a proportionate manner and to the minimal extent required.

    Please explain how this tallies with the death of Najjar, who was treating a man injured directly by a tear-gas canister. An eyewitness told The New York Times that while the injured man was being taken to an ambulance, her colleagues were treating her because she was suffering the effects of the tear gas. Then shots were heard and Najjar fell.

    High Court Justices Esther Hayut, Hanan Melcer and Neal Hendel presented the army with an exemption from investigation and an exemption from criticism on a silver platter. In doing so, they joined the chain of command that ordered our anonymous soldier to fire at the chest of the paramedic and kill her.

    #Israel #crimes#villa_dans_la_jungle#assassins #meurtres #impunité#nos_valeurs

    • Par rapport au « coup du père François » que ces femmes apaches ont fait subir à ce mécanicien :

      Faire le coup du père François
      Prendre en traître
      Utiliser une manoeuvre déloyale

      À l’origine, au cours de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, le véritable coup du père François ne pouvait se pratiquer que si l’on était deux et il avait pour but de détrousser le péquin moyen qui avait l’audace et l’imprudence de se promener la nuit dans des rues mal éclairées.
      Il se pratiquait de la manière suivante : le premier des agresseurs engageait la conversation avec le promeneur (avec une banalité du genre de celles qu’on entend aujourd’hui : « t’as pas cent balles », « z’avez du feu », « z’avez l’heure ») ; le complice, muni d’une courroie formant un noeud coulant, s’approchait puis étranglait par derrière la victime tout en lui maintenant le dos sur son propre dos, comme un sac de pommes de terre, de manière à ce que ses pieds ne touchent pas le sol et qu’elle n’ait pour seule préoccupation, si elle était encore consciente, que de tenter de se débarrasser de ce qui l’étranglait, sans chercher à se défendre du premier aigrefin qui profitait lâchement de la situation pour lui fouiller et lui vider les poches.
      Une fois le forfait accompli et la victime généralement mal en point, mais pas obligatoirement morte, les deux compères récupéraient leur courroie et disparaissaient.

      C’est de cette forme d’agression que, par extension, l’expression s’est utilisée pour ceux qui font des mauvais coups en traître ou qui utilisent des manoeuvres déloyales

      Cela dit, vous pouvez légitimement vous demander qui était ce fameux père François. Eh bien malheureusement, on le sait d’autant moins qu’on a utilisé l’expression avec d’autres prénoms comme Anatole ou Martin, par exemple.
      Selon certains, comme Lorédan Larchey, cela viendrait du prénom du premier ayant utilisé cette méthode avec une courroie à boucle (la technique existant bien avant). Mais Claude Duneton oppose à cette hypothèse le fait que vers les années 1860, période où l’appellation apparaît, il n’existait pas de détrousseur notoire prénommé François.

      Alors, sans certitude, on pourra se rabattre sur la proposition de Gaston Esnault qui évoque le très célèbre (à l’époque) lutteur Arpin qui était surnommé « le terrible Savoyard » mais aussi « le père François ». Or, la lutte fait partie de ces sports de combat où les étranglements sont autorisés, ce qui pourrait expliquer le nom donné à ce coup en traître autrefois appelé « le charriage à la mécanique ».


    • Je vais me servir de cette image pour ma prochaine rubrique dans HEY !
      Du coup je m’installe ici pour réunir ma documentation sur les #bandes_de_filles et les #femmes_violentes et la #violence_des_femmes

      J’avais lu je sais plus ou que les bandes de filles vu comme un nouveau phénomène est un marronier aussi vieux que la presse.

      Ici la page wiki sur l’histoire de la press française

      Sur les blousons noirs

      Les bandes importantes comportent parfois un tiers de filles. On y trouve souvent des filles garçons qui rêvent d’être des garçons et se conduisent comme tels. Elles revendiquent leur égalité dans les comportements antisociaux et le manifestent notamment par des attitudes de bravades vis à vis de la police lorsque celle-ci intervient. Le journal le Progrès de Lyon raconte le comportement de deux filles membres d’une bande du quartier de Perrache après leur arrestation :
      "On reste confondu lorsque l’on sait que ce sont les deux filles qui tinrent tête avec le plus d’aplomb au commissaire et firent preuve d’une inconcevable impolitesse. L’une se contenta de dire : « Je me fous de la police, je me fous de la famille » L’autre, encore plus effronté, n’alla-t-elle pas jusqu’à déclarer : « Parlez moins fort. Vous me faites mal aux oreilles… »

      Si quelques séries B américaines de la fin des années cinquante ont fait des gangs de filles l’un de leurs thèmes favoris. L’existence de quelques bandes féminines en France a été confirmée par certains enquêteurs. Lorsque le journal La Montagne évoque une agression commise par une bande de jeunes filles à Caen, on emploie symboliquement le terme de « jupons noirs » : « Les jupons noirs de Caen rouent de coup un Nord-Africain » (8 On note surtout une délinquance féminine opérée en petit groupe dans les grands magasins. Une fille achète un produit pour occuper la vendeuse, une autre fait le guet, tandis que la troisième vole des vêtements ou des aliments. Comme dans l’histoire du film de Marcel Carné « Terrain Vague » on signale des gangs de garçons dirigés par une fille. Exemple, le gang des As une bande délinquante de la région bordelaise qui avait à sa tête Berthe une gamine de 16 ans.

      Philippe Parrot, Monique Gueneau « Le gang des As » in « Les gangs d’adolescents »,PUF,1959


      Sur l’interdiction de réunion des femmes à la révolution

      Lorsque le 18 novembre 1793 Claire Lacombe pénétra au Conseil Général de la Commune de Paris à la tête d’une cohorte de femmes en bonnet rouge, le Procureur Général Chaumette leur en interdit l’accès par un discours misogyne. Société des femmes républicaines révolutionnaires Par la suite, la Convention décréta l’interdiction de tous les clubs et sociétés de femmes. Celles ci n’auront bientôt même plus le droit d’assister aux réunions politiques. La Révolution n’a donc nullement ouvert aux femmes le chemin de le citoyenneté.

      sur Claire Lacombe

      Le gang des empoisonneuses hongroises
      13 femmes, une centaines d’homicides
      Par rapport à ces hongroises, c’est rare maisc’est un #andricide ou #androcide

      #femmes_criminelles #violences #femmes

    • Sur les Apaches et Apaches en jupon

      Ainsi, on raconte les histoires d’apaches les plus rocambolesques et les plus inquiétantes tel ce duel au sac de sable entre deux charmantes apaches en jupes légères…

      Ah, les femmes apaches  ! Encore plus terrifiantes que les hommes, n’est-ce pas  ? Notre pouvoir de terreur est si fort… Souvenez-vous dans l’Insurgé (1871) de Jules Vallès, du pauvre Jacques Vingtras s’écriant  : «  Des femmes partout. – Grand signe  ! Quand les femmes s’en mêlent, quand la ménagère pousse son homme, quand elle arrache le drapeau noir qui flotte sur la marmite pour le planter entre deux pavés, c’est que le soleil se lèvera sur une ville en révolte  ».

      «  Des femmes partout  » et même dans les rangs des apaches de Paris, où elles ont su se faire une place au sein des gangs. Bien que minoritaires, elles se battent, crachent, vocifèrent et parviennent à être traitées en égales avec les hommes. Certes, elles sont «  utiles  » en matière de prostitution car bon nombre d’apaches vivent de proxénétisme, mais elles sont aussi aimées, désirées, adulées par ces bourlingueurs qui, contrairement aux apparences, sont aussi de grands romantiques dont la peau est souvent tatouée de noms de femmes. Et c’est d’ailleurs une histoire d’amour apache que je vais à présent vous conter  : celle d’une gamine qu’on avait surnommée Casque d’Or.

      Casque d’Or, la «  Reine des Apaches de Belleville  ».
      Dans Détective almanach 1930

      S’il est une apache qui a marqué le Tout-Paris en ce début de XXe siècle, c’est bien Amélie Élie (1879-1933), plus connue sous le nom de Casque d’Or. Cette petite môme parisienne à l’épaisse chevelure rousse et dorée n’a que treize ans lorsqu’elle quitte père et mère pour aller vivre avec son homme, de deux ans son aîné. Oui, c’est tôt me direz-vous, mais à cette époque rien ne choque, et puis ça fait une bouche de moins à nourrir  ! Comme les jeunes filles de son âge réduites à la pauvreté et à l’errance, elle se lance alors dans la prostitution pour tenter de gagner quelques sous. Bien entendu, cette vie de «  gagneuse  » lui fera vivre des aventures rocambolesques et violentes mais à dix-neuf ans elle rencontre Joseph Pleigneur, que tout le monde appelle Manda. Âgé de vingt-deux ans, il est le chef de la bande apache des Orteaux et c’est le coup de foudre. Ils se mettent en couple, il la recolle sur «  le ruban  » (le trottoir), elle l’accepte  ; le bonheur aurait pu être complet, mais rapidement la jeune femme ne supporte plus d’être trompée par Manda qui, de plus, la délaisse. Son sang d’apache ne fait qu’un tour et la jolie rousse décide de préparer sa vengeance. Aussi va-t-elle se consoler dans les bras de François Dominique — ou Leca, c’est plus chic — chef de la bande adverse des Popincs (Popincourt). Casque d’Or sait pertinemment que Manda ne souffrira pas longtemps cet affront mais ce qu’elle veut c’est qu’on l’aime, qu’on lui prouve, et qu’on se batte pour ses beaux yeux  ! Son plan machiavélique va fonctionner à merveille  ; bientôt elle va déclencher une guerre sanguinaire entre deux gangs en plein cœur de Paris.

      wiki de Amélie Elie

    • Je ne sais pas non plus ou j’avais lu qu’à chaque époque son groupe de femmes réprouvé. Aujourd’hui il semble que ca soit les femmes racisées. Soit des femmes noires en bande qui volent et agressent comme dans le film « Bande de filles » et les femmes « jihadistes » comme j’ai vu quelques titres là dessu récemment
      Mais j’ai pas lu du coup c’est peut etre pas des bandes de femmes djihadistes...

    • Sur le « nouveau phénomène »

      Bandes de filles, enquête sur une nouvelle délinquance

      Actualité Société (je elève que c’est dans « sociét »é et pas les violences faites aux femmes qui sont toujours dans « faits divers ») Par Maria Poblete, publié le 06/04/2017 à 12:00

      Lemonde en 2010 - société (!)
      La délinquance des filles explose-t-elle ?

      Marie-claire en 2012
      Gangs de filles : elles débarquent à Paris pour la baston,gangs-de-filles-banlieues-paris-bandes,20161,660728.asp


      La croix - 2005
      La délinquance des filles est mal connue


      Le point - 1998
      Enquête sur la violence des filles

      Les témoignages, unanimes, soulignent la sauvagerie, la férocité, la froideur de ces semeuses de terreur. Une forme inédite de barbarie pratiquée par d’implacables #Lolita. Forment-elles l’avant-garde d’une cohorte de filles délinquantes, nouvelles légions de la violence urbaine ? Ou ne représentent-elles qu’elles-mêmes, leurs névroses et leurs dérives ?

      La violence urbaine, version filles, est encore un non-sujet. « On a tant à faire avec les garçons, explique Louis Dubouchet, chargé d’évaluation des politiques sociales auprès des ministères et des collectivités locales. Sociologues, médiateurs, éducateurs de rue, animateurs de centres sociaux, tous s’intéressent d’abord aux garçons. Mais tous ou presque s’accordent aussi à penser que la violence des filles est un phénomène émergent. Ainsi la préfecture de police de Marseille a-t-elle effectué un calcul simple. Durant les huit premiers mois de 1998, sur 13 382 mises en cause sur la voie publique, 366 concernent des mineures. Celles-ci représentent donc 2,43 % des cas recensés, contre 1,78 % durant la même période de 1997.

      Car les filles, du moins celles-là, soulignent des éducateurs, ne « montent pas en grade » dans la délinquance. Elles ne passent pas au stade de l’organisation de tous les trafics qui font vivre la cité. « A ce niveau-là, il y a bien sûr des femmes, mais plus âgées : les mères ou les "tantes" qui se chargent, par exemple, du recel », explique une source policière. Alors, pour échapper au machisme, les filles se constituent en groupes autonomes. « On est loin des Mod’s ou des Rock’s, précise Serge Lesourd. Car il n’y a aucun rituel, aucune codification, pas toujours un chef. »Tout juste quelques détails significatifs. « Une bande entièrement féminine arrêtée il y a deux ou trois ans en Seine-Saint-Denis s’était baptisée "Les filles sans peur" », raconte Bénédicte Madelin, de Profession banlieue, basée à Saint-Denis. Tout un programme.

      Les groupes féminins, quand ils sévissent, s’attaquent principalement à des filles ou à des femmes. Avec comme idée, souvent, de s’en prendre à un modèle impossible à atteindre, de « casser de la Française, de la bourgeoise ».

      Raté de l’intégration ? Sûrement. Mais ne faut-il pas chercher les sources du malaise bien plus en amont ? Questionnés sur les raisons pour lesquelles la violence des filles demeure marginale, la plupart de nos interlocuteurs ont répondu : « Parce qu’elles ne sont pas dans la rue. » Où sont-elles, alors ? Enfermées chez elles par des pères et des frères répressifs, ou occupées à surveiller leurs cadets. Tellement recluses que les services de police, quand ils veulent établir la durée de leur séjour en France, manquent de ces indices élémentaires que sont une inscription scolaire, une affiliation à un club de sport ou à la moindre activité de quartier.

      Le figaro en 2012
      Délinquance : une bande de filles arrêtées

      Les bandes de jeunes
      9. Des filles dans les bandes aux bandes de filles
      par Stéphanie Rubi

      Ce texte tente d’aborder la question des comportements déviants ou délictueux des adolescentes et pré-adolescentes des quartiers populaires. D’une part, je présente les éléments sur lesquels une minorité d’adolescentes s’appuient dans leur construction identitaire déviante. Dans un second temps, j’aborde plusieurs points stéréotypés communément associés aux adolescentes violentes ou agressives....
      Plan de l’article

      La recherche, les terrains, les méthodes
      La loi des plus fortes - Des représentations stéréotypiques des filles agressives et violentes très prégnantes


      Cette place des filles est ensuite interrogée par Stéphanie Rubi. Parler de la délinquance des filles n’est pas simple, puisqu’elle oblige à interroger les stéréotypes construits autour des « filles violentes ». L’auteur étudie les stratégies développées par les filles à la recherche d’une reconnaissance, d’un pouvoir avéré et d’une construction identitaire. Les bandes de filles pourraient bien être l’expression d’une forme d’émancipation en puisant dans le modèle dominant qu’elles rejettent pourtant.

    • La Lionne et la Bande de la Goutte d’Or

      En 1897, quelques années avant Casque d’Or et ses Apaches, une autre figure fit les délices des chroniqueurs. Marie Lyon (ou Lion ?), dite « La Grande Marie » ou « La Lionne », est une prostituée dont s’est amourachée la Bande de la Goutte d’Or. Un certain Louis Lochain, dit « Petit Louis », en est le chef ; avec ses camarades Auguste Fauconnier, dit « Le Félé », Auguste le Bastard, dit « Barre-de-Fer », Léon Millet, dit « Dos-d’Azur », Léopold Schmitt, dit « Monte-En-L’Air », et quelques autres, ils écument les débits de boisson et les marchands de comestibles et font main basse sur les alcools et les victuailles. Leur larcin, quand il n’est pas directement consommé, est revendu à bas prix dans un local s’affichant abusivement comme une « Succursale des Magasins généraux de Paris », au 114 rue de Belleville.

      Rue de Belleville
      Rue de Belleville vers 1900 (le n° 114 est le 2e immeuble en partant de la droite)

      C’est La Lionne qui règne sur cette adresse et qui prépare les agapes pour ses voyous d’amants. Car les membres de la Bande de la Goutte d’Or sont tous les amants dévoués de La Lionne et s’accommodent très bien de cette situation. Tout semble aller au mieux pour cette joueuse troupe, jusqu’au 28 avril 1897, jour ou une descente de police vient mettre fin aux frasques de La Lionne et la Bande de la Goutte d’Or.

      La Lionne
      « Une bande joyeuse » La Matin, 30 avril 1897

      La nouvelle paraît dans les quotidiens parisiens. C’est ainsi qu’Aristide Bruant, célèbre voisin montmartrois de la Goutte d’Or, découvre l’histoire de Marie Lyon et ses amants dans l’Écho de Paris. L’histoire ne peut pas laisser Bruant insensible, il va s’en inspirer pour écrire une chanson, La Lionne, et faire entrer Petit-Louis, Dos-d’Azur, Monte-en-l’Air, Le Félé et Barre-de-Fer dans la postérité.

      La Lionne, d’Aristide Bruant

      Rouge garce... A la Goutte‐d’Or
      Elle reflétait la lumière
      Du chaud soleil de Thermidor
      Qui flamboyait dans sa crinière.
      Ses yeux, comme deux diamants,
      Irradiaient en vives flammes
      Et foutaient le feu dans les âmes...
      La Lionne avait cinq amants.

      Le Fêlé, la Barre de Fer,
      Petit‐Louis le grand chef de bande,
      Et Dos‐d’Azur... et Monte‐en‐l’Air
      Se partageaient, comme prébende,
      Les soupirs, les rugissements,
      Les râles de la garce rouge
      Et cohabitaient dans son bouge...
      La Lionne avait cinq amants.

      Et tous les cinq étaient heureux.
      Mais, un matin, ceux de la rousse,
      Arrêtèrent ses amoureux
      Dans les bras de la garce rousse.
      Ce sont petits désagréments
      Assez fréquents dans leurs commerce...
      Or ils en étaient de la tierce !
      La Lionne et ses cinq amants.

      La lionne est sur cette video mais je sais pas ou

    • Criminologie - Du côté des filles et des femmes, leur délinquance,
      leur criminalité
      Renée Collette-Carrière et Louise Langelier-Biron
      Les femmes et la justice pénale
      Volume 16, numéro 2, 1983

      Recherche sur la criminalité et la délinquance
      une distinction selon le sexe
      Brigitte Doyon
      Martin Bussières
      Rapport final
      Présenté au Conseil permanent de la jeunesse.
      29 avril 1999


      Des adolescentes délinquantes
      par Stéphanie Rubi

      Stéphanie Rubi remet en question la sur-médiatisation de la délinquance des adolescentes. En mettant en exergue l’interprétation subjective qui minimise l’implication des filles dans les actes de violence, l’auteure des « crapuleuses » analyse la « sexualisation » des délits. Phénomène qui les réduit à un comportement d’imitation des garçons et finalement occulte l’importance des mécanismes de socialisation juvénile.

    • encore plus cool qu’un gang de filles... un gang de filles japonais

      Tish Weinstock
      oct. 26 2016, 3:00pm

      Sukeban veut dire « délinquante ». Un nom qui était donné aux gangs de filles rebelles des années 1970 et 1980, qui ne s’arrêtaient devant rien pour bousculer les codes traditionnels de la féminité japonaise.

      01 Aug GIRL GANGS: Sukeban
      Posted at 10:00h in everything else, fashion, movies, personal style by RubyStar

      The Japanese slang word ‘sukeban’ (スケバン) means ‘boss girl’, but everybody use it to talk about Japanese girl gangs from the late 1960s made up of girls who weren’t allowed into boy’s gangs (called bancho).

      Sukeban bands are easily recognizable. They generally wear school uniforms with distinct features and modifications. Longer skirts (sometimes ankle-long ones) than the common ones, as well as cut shirts and messages embroidered or written on their clothes. They usually wear chains, which are used as weapons; mittens and dyed or de-bleached hair. Japanese surgical masks are also associated to sukeban gangs, but this is more recent.


      Sukeban girls usually wear the popular sukajan (that bomber-style jackets made with shiny fabrics and with embroidered details that are so fashionable now), created towards the end of the II World War during the American occupation of Japan. As a souvenir for their families and friends, they chose these jackets embroidered with Japanese details such as cherry trees, tigers and geishas, sometimes made with the fabric of American parachutes. In the 1960s, American trends were widespread in Japan and the Japanese youth started wearing these jackets as a symbol of rebellion. They were associated to gangs and criminal groups such as the yanki, boys that flirted with the yakuza and who were inspired by the American style.

      In the 70s and 80s, these bands became very popular thanks to manga, especially the shojo (manga for young girls) Sukeban Deka, a series that also had a television version (both anime and live-action) and a series of films. The first sukeban-themed film series were Terrifying Girls’ High School by pinky violence film director Norifumi Suzuki.

      sukeban deka 1 sukeban deka 2

      sukeban deka 3 sukeban deka 4

      Some of the weapons common in these bands are baseball bats (sometimes with nails or spikes), iron or wood rods and chains. In Sukeban Deka, the leading characters also use yo-yos and marbles. They are attributed with minor offenses such as theft and robbery.

      Among sukeban famous figures in the West are Gogo Yubari (Kill Bill) and Saitama Crimson Scorpions from renowned anime author Shin Chan. In addition, last Maria Ke Fisherman’s F/W collection takes inspiration from the Sukeban Deka saga.


    • Gang de filles au mexique - les Cholas

      01 Sep GIRL GANGS: Cholas
      Posted at 14:53h in everything else, personal style by RubyStar

      Text by Luna, from Monterrey .

      In Mexico, the word “chola” make us think of thin eyebrows and outlined lips, and about thinking it twice before picking on any of them.

      The term today is derogatory in our country, as there’s a difference between what popular culture says about them and the reality of cholas in Mexico. Films and music videos feature chicano cholas, Mexicans brought up in the States with a mixture of both cultures, which explains the difference between the two. Here I will talk about the latter.

      11350750_1932272850331409_1867665179_n b8e74a13e76bf6638c05f82968fec2db

      The term is old. It appeared in the sixties and seventies in South California to name chicano gangs wearing checked flannel shirts on a white tee shirt, khaki trousers and gangster-style sunglasses. These gangs gave them what society denied them –a sense of belonging and identity. In the gangs there were men, and also women since the 30s.

      There are films about them, like Mi Vida Loca, which centres on two chola girlfriends and how their lives are influenced by their lifestyle, and which highlights some of the things that identify them: tattoos, drawings style, the clothes and the codes they use. Personally, what I like the most is the loyalty between the two friends (though I think the film forgot about that :p) and being together above everything else, not getting involved with the boyfriend or ex-boyfriend of any of the cholas, being honest with each other, etc.

      They make the best out of what clothes and makeup is available to them. The first members of these gangs were exploited working class, so they didn’t have access to expensive clothes. Girls used to wear sleeveless tee shirts and wide Dickies trousers, which were cheap and easy to get. Today it is common for cholas to wear Dickies. As for makeup, eyebrows are thin and black eyeliner is the norm. Their hairstyle is very well taken care of, with bangs and hair sticking to their cheeks with the help of sprays. They usually wear large earrings and chain necklaces, sometimes with religious figures of saints and virgins.

      They have an imposing look and the loyalty between them is very strong, that’s why you should think it twice before annoy a homegirl.

    • Les Apaches en Jupons

      Nos sociétés ont tendance à invisibiliser la violence des femmes (des fois qu’elle seraient tentées d’en user pour se défendre !). Toutefois, il existe des exceptions, notamment quand cette violence devient trop flagrante. Parmi ces tapageuses exceptions, les « Femmes Apaches » ont parfaitement su s’illustrer. Du coté de la Goutte d’Or, le boulevard de la Chapelle est certes un territoire Apache, mais il est aussi un territoire des femmes Apaches. Prises dans la violence qui règne le long du boulevard, les filles « en cheveux » savent réagir, se défendre et manier le couteau si le besoin s’en fait sentir. Et si dans la presse elles commencent d’abord à apparaître au coté des Apaches, on voit bientôt poindre des exactions commises par des bandes « d’Apaches en jupons ».

      Les Apaches en jupons
      Le Matin, 5 octobre 1910

      L’oeil de la Police, un des nombreux journaux à sensation de l’époque, nous livre en une deux de ces histoires de bandes de gigolettes sévissant dans le quartier.

      La première nous raconte l’histoire de Jules Bazet, un garçon épicier demeurant rue des Gardes et qui s’est fait « entôlé par deux belles filles ». Bazet se promène un soir sur boulevard Barbès avec la ferme intention de ne pas rentrer seul chez lui. Dans sa quête de compagnie, il croise le chemin de deux belles, « bien habillées » et au pas chaloupé, qu’il s’empresse d’aborder. Il les invite dans un café tout proche. Après un charmante conversation, et mis en confiance, il emmène nos deux Apaches en jupons à son domicile. Bien mal lui en pris, à peine arrivés dans son modeste garni de la rue des Gardes, les deux invitées se ruent sur lui, le frappent, le jettent à terre et le ligotent « comme un saucisson ». La chambre est minutieusement fouillée et les deux filles se s’enfuient avec sept louis d’or et une montre en or, toute la fortune du saucissonné Bazet. On ne retrouvera pas la traces des deux drôlesses.

      Boulevard Barbès
      « Entôlé par deux belles filles » L’Oeil de la police, 1908 N°30

      Toujours dans L’Oeil de la Police, on apprend les aventures d’un autre homme, Louis Hurel, qui fut aussi une proie des Apaches en jupons. L’histoire se déroule le 18 février 1908 sur le boulevard de la Chapelle, un peu en dehors de la Goutte d’Or vers la rue Philippe de Girard.

      Apaches en Jupons
      « Apaches en Jupons » L’Oeil de la police, 1908 N°6

      Vers minuit, Louis Hurel, mécanicien de Lagny, vient de rendre visite à un de ses cousins qui habite rue Ordener et s’en retourne prendre son train à la gare de l’Est. Chemin faisant, il croise la route de Louise Dufort, dite « La Crevette », de Léontine Chaumet, dite « Titine », de Julie Castel, dite « La Boiteuse », de Juliette Ramey et de Victorine Hirsch. Les cinq filles l’entourent prestement et lui font le coup du Père François (voir une illustration de cette méthode ci-dessous). les Apaches en jupons le dépouille du peu d’argent qu’il possède, de ses vêtements ainsi que de ses chaussures « toute neuves », laissant le pauvre Hurel à moitié nu. Alertés par les cri de ce dernier, deux agents prennent en chasse les bougresses qui s’enfuient dans la rue Philippe de Girard et s’engouffrent dans un immeuble au n°38 de cette rue. Elles se réfugient sur le toit d’un petit hangar en fond de cour. Les agents sur place, bientôt aidés de renforts, mettent plus d’une une heure à venir à bout des Apaches en jupons qui tiennent vaillamment le siège depuis le toit de zinc. On finit par arrêter la bande et Louis Hurel a pu retrouver, entre autre, ses chaussures « toutes neuves ».

    • Gang Girls au cinéma

      One of Roger Corman’s first films, Swamp Women, was a 1955 crime story revolving around a gang of female convicts. There has hardly ever been a lack of female gangs in films — in particular, teenage girl gang movies became increasingly popular starting in the 50s, which led to numerous movies on the subject that span different generations. If there is a genre in which teenage girls have never been lacking representation, it’s gang movies.

      Yet, that representation has varied and changed throughout the decades, ranging from high school delinquents to outlaw bikers. While most teen movies revolve around coming-of-age stories, gang movies reveal the extreme side to adolescence — the misfit, criminal, and violent side. Gang movies are rather simple, either focusing on episodes of gang debauchery, or revolving around rivalry and jealousy. Usually the viewpoint is that of the ring leader, or the “new girl,” who is initiated into the gang but is still an outsider. Yet, among the plethora of girl gang movies, every decade has produced stories involving specific issues and specific types of teenage girls.

      The 50s and the Rebellious Years

      An abundance of films and B-movies related to gangs and juvenile delinquency was released in the 1950s. The films produced at that time reveal a growing anxiety about teen rebellion. While Reefer Madness was a propaganda film about the dangers of marijuana, movies such as The Violent Years and Girl Gang were propaganda films about the threat and danger of rebellious teenage girls, and the dramatic consequences of being part of a female posse. The girls were portrayed as violent criminals, on par with their male counterparts — driven by teen angst and restlessness. Gang movies in the ‘50s were heavily moralistic: films such as The Violent Years and High School Hellcats blamed juvenile delinquency on parental neglect and dysfunctional families, while teenage gang members usually suffered a tragic fate. The Violent Years (written by Ed Wood) was particularly exaggerated in its tragic ending: Paula, leader of the gang, becomes pregnant, is jailed for murder, and finally dies in childbirth — yet, still has the insolence to look at the screen and ask, “So what?”

      The 60s and Biker Gangs

      Girl gang movies of the ‘50s were particularly judgmental, until the 1960s rolled in with the biker film craze. Three all-female motorcycle gang movies were released in the same year: The Mini-Skirt Mob, She-Devils on Wheels, and The Hellcats in 1968. Compared to ‘50s gang movies, female biker movies of the ‘60s indulged in the gang fantasy rather than pressing moral lessons on the viewer. There are no schools or parents in biker movies—the gang is the family. The girls in biker gangs are a tight-knit posse, led by an Alpha female who bosses and uses men to her liking; the idea of assertive and domineering girls has carried on from the ‘50s, but without judgment. Despite the popularity of the biker genre, the depiction of adolescence in biker films was essentially unrealistic, and indulged in a fantasy rather than a truthful portrayal of teenage girls.

      70s and Switchblades

      In the 1970s, gangs ditched their motorcycles and stocked up on switchblade knives, moving back into an urban setting instead of the open road. Probably one of the most iconic gang movies, Switchblade Sisters, is about the Dagger Debs, an all-female city gang led by Lace. The story revolves around the arrival of new girl Maggie, who joins the Dagger Debs and slowly begins to take over leadership. For a gang movie, Switchblade Sisters has a complex storyline, filled with power struggles between characters — Lace becomes increasingly jealous of Maggie, Patch is a sly manipulator, and Maggie goes from a quiet girl to a cold-hearted leader. Although the world of Switchblade Sisters is also unrealistic, the political turmoil of the ‘60s and ‘70s is strongly evident in the darker tone of the story and the characters’ actions. At one point, we are introduced to a Black Panther-inspired gang, which we also see in another popular gang movie, The Warriors.

      Although The Warriors focuses mainly on male gangs, there is one female gang in the movie known as the Lizzies. They are also armed with switchblades and knives, and they lure gang members by seducing them. Again, female gang members retain the exaggerated image of the Alpha female that they have been given since the ‘50s.

      Teenage Royalty

      From the 1980s on, “gangs” become high school “cliques” led by the popular girls. We first see high school girl cliques in the Pink Ladies from Grease, which was a throwback to ‘50s teen gang movies. In 1988, Heathers presents us with yet another elite girl clique (the Heathers) who are the most popular and envied girls in school. Although Heathers is a humorous take on teen movies, Veronica (Winona Ryder) is the closest depiction to an “actual” teenage girl since the biker and switchblade girls: she vents her hate for the Heathers on her diary, and has a teen romance with the typical bad boy. Jawbreaker and Mean Girls are both told through the point of view of the new girl. They begins as a socially awkward outsiders but slowly (like Maggie from Switchblade Sisters) take over the spotlight of the original queen bee.

      While previous gang movies were driven by gang rivalry and dominance for territory, the modern high school girl gangs are at war for social status. Teen angst is present, but rather than expressing it through vandalism and crime, it’s expressed through different means — they ditch the switchblades, and their weapons are gossip, manipulation, and backstabbing.

      Notorious Teens

      After a long period of “teenage royalty” girl gangs, in the 2010s, two movies tackled girl gangs in a different light: Spring Breakers and The Bling Ring. The stories still revolve around beautiful and privileged girls, but instead of fighting for high school popularity, they gravitate toward a criminal lifestyle. The girls in Spring Breakers commit armed robbery, while the members of the Bling Ring steal expensive goods from celebrities’ homes. Modern girl gang movies are not indulgent fantasies or exaggerated portrayals of high school life — the new girl gangs embody a sentiment among many teenage girls: the desire for material things, and most of all, notoriety. The girls in Spring Breakers feel entitled to wealth, while The Bling Ring girls follow their desperate obsession for celebrity status.

      Emanuela Betti is a part-time writer, occasional astrologer, neurotic pessimist by day and ball-breaking feminist by night. She miraculously graduated with a BA in English and Creative Writing, and writes about music and movies on her blog.

    • Muslim gang girls - pas sur que ca soit vraiment un gang, ca ressemble plus à des activistes.

      Mais en Indes il y a le Gulabi Gang, un gang de femmes féministes qui combattent les violeurs à coup de baton

      Inception of the Gulabi Gang

      Sampat Pal Devi is an Indian social activist from Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh, North India is the founder of the Gulabi Gang, an Uttar Pradesh-based social organization, works for women welfare and empowerment. Sampat Pal Devi was married to a resident of the Banda district of UP at the young age of twelve. Four years later, at age sixteen, she took her first stance against domestic violence. A nearby neighbor was regularly abusing his wife, so Pal Devi encouraged residential women to embarrass the man until he ultimately made a public apology for his actions. She was influenced by social activist Jai Prakash Shivharey to start the Gulabi Gang in support of women’s rights. Pal inspired other women in her village and other villages to join the effort. The women look out for other women in neighboring towns, similar to a western neighborhood watch program. Together Pal and her women have carried out several raids, beaten up several men and public officials, and attained one-hundred percent success.

      Why The Gang?

      For women in India, violent crime is common and low-caste women are especially vulnerable. Ninety per cent of the country’s rape victims are Dalit women, formerly known as untouchables, the lowest of India’s lowest caste. The situation is particularly dire in Uttar Pradesh, a state with the most cases of sexual violence against women in the country. And the police aren’t much help. An Indian high court judge recently described the Uttar Pradesh police force as the largest criminal organization in the country. But the Gulabi Gang is offering a way out. It is making change simply by providing positive and powerful female role models in a country where few exist.

      Lasting social change?

      But it’s difficult to know how sustainable that change is. And that’s the problem. Pal represents both the strengths and weaknesses of the gang. She’s an effective and charismatic leader who inspires tremendous loyalty, but there’s also no one else like her. There’s also the question of whether Pal’s brand of vigilante justice can really lay the foundation for lasting social change. Abhilasha Kumari, the director of Apne Aap, a woman’s rights NGO in Delhi, doesn’t think it can.

      Pal agrees. She says that for women in India, the first battle begins at home. A woman must fight the oppression and abuse she faces from her family before she can become an effective member of the gang. After all, real change is not going to come from the end of a stick.

    • En cherchant des Gang de Hells Angels féminin j’ai découvert les „Femmes Fatales“

      Femme Fatales WMC is a law abiding, independent WMC founded by two determined women that had a vision in May 2011. Our Sisterhood strives to encourage women to be unique and let each of their individual personalities shine.

      Our Sisterhood is based on a love of riding, giving back to the community and empowering each other; this is what drives us! We work

      with many different non-profit organizations. Our main focus is to help support both Women and Children in our local Countries, Cities,

      and Communities. Our commitment to each other and to the club is strong, forthright, unyielding and can survive the trials

      and tribulations of life.

      Currently there are Femme Fatales WMC Chapters throughout the United States as well as Overseas. With the help and dedication of our sisters we are maintaining steady growth while still focusing on quality, not quantity. All of our sisters ride their own bikes, we are a true Women’s Motorcycle Club. We are looking for strong, independent and highly motivated ladies to potentially become future

      Femme Fatales WMC Sisters.

  • Map of the several nations of Indians to the Northwest of South Carolina - Library of Congress

    Identifié et signalé pour moi sur FB par une de mes grandes anciennes copines du Monde, Martin Silber

    Map of the several nations of Indians to the Northwest of South Carolina].

    Other Title
    Catawba deerskin map

    Contributor Names
    Nicholson, Francis, 1655-1728.

    Created / Published
    [S.l. : s.n., 1929]

    Subject Headings

    – Southern States—Maps—Early works to 1800—Facsimiles
    – Indians of North America—Southern States—Maps—Early works to 1800—Facsimiles
    – United States—Southern States

    This map describing the scituation [sic] of the several nations of Indians to the NW of South Carolina was coppyed [sic] from a draught drawn & painted on a deer skin by an Indian Cacique and presented to Francis Nicholson Esqr. Governor of South Carolina by whom it is most humbly dedicated to his Royal Highness George, Prince of Wales.


    The Mysteries of a Rare, 18th-Century Native American Map - Atlas Obscura

    Sometime in the early 1720s, a Native American man went to Charleston and gave Francis Nicholson, then colonial governor of South Carolina, a map inked on deerskin. It depicted geographic and social relationships among the Native American nations in the surrounding area. Squares represent European settlements, with Charleston at one end and Virginia at the other, and circles in between represent Native American communities, connected by double lines that resemble paths.

    #états-unis #peuples_premiers #peuples_autochtones #cartographie #visualisation

  • Anarchism Triumphant

    The spread of the Linux operating system kernel has directed attention at the free software movement. This paper shows why free software, far from being a marginal participant in the commercial software market, is the vital first step in the withering away of the intellectual property system.

    I. Software as Property: The Theoretical Paradox
    II. Software as Property: The Practical Problem
    III. Anarchism as a Mode of Production
    IV. Their Lordships Die in the Dark?

    Our Media Lords are now at handigrips with fate, however much they may feel that the Force is with them. The rules about bitstreams are now of dubious utility for maintaining power by co-opting human creativity. Seen clearly in the light of fact, these Emperors have even fewer clothes than the models they use to grab our eyeballs. Unless supported by user-disabling technology, a culture of pervasive surveillance that permits every reader of every “property” to be logged and charged, and a smokescreen of droid-breath assuring each and every young person that human creativity would vanish without the benevolent aristocracy of BillG the Creator, Lord Murdoch of Everywhere, the Spielmeister and the Lord High Mouse, their reign is nearly done. But what’s at stake is the control of the scarcest resource of all: our attention. Conscripting that makes all the money in the world in the digital economy, and the current lords of the earth will fight for it. Leagued against them are only the anarchists: nobodies, hippies, hobbyists, lovers, and artists. The resulting unequal contest is the great political and legal issue of our time. Aristocracy looks hard to beat, but that’s how it looked in 1788 and 1913 too. It is, as Chou En-Lai said about the meaning of the French Revolution, too soon to tell.
    This paper was prepared for delivery at the Buchmann International Conference on Law, Technology and Information, at Tel Aviv University, May 1999; my thanks to the organizers for their kind invitation. I owe much as always to Pamela Karlan for her insight and encouragement. I especially wish to thank the programmers throughout the world who made free software possible.

    About the Author

    Eben Moglen is Professor of Law & Legal History, Columbia Law School.
    E-mail: Mail:

    source différente pour le même texte :

    #capitalisme #software #droit #propriété_intellectuelle #histoire #politique

  • Student community outraged after Egyptian Student Union dissolved | Mada Masr

    In response to the ministry’s decision, a group of student movements released a statement condemning the nullification of election results, asking for support from the larger student community. The student movements also demanded the resignation of Higher Education Minister Ashraf al-Shehy.

    Une tactique adpoptée avec le succès que l’on sait en Algérie il y a quelques décennies : quand une élection ne vous plaît pas, vous l’annulez ! Ici, les élections (politiquement significatives) des responsables étudiants dans les Universités, élections remportées par des candidats « indépendants » proche du 25 janvier.

    #egypt #élections #université

    • La tradition des « relève la tête » est bien ancrée dans la chanson engagée locale. Sur internet, on trouve des « lève la tête » pour toutes les nationalités et les contextes possibles. La référence, plus d’un demi-siècle plus tard, reste nasser : « Lève la tête, mon frère, fini le temps de l’esclavage ! » Singuliers commentaires sur cette vidéo qui mêlent joyeusement arabisme et références religieuses...

  • #USA : Les geysers de Yellowstone sont rentrés en éruption ! Des vidéos viennent de sortir !

    Par Susan Duclos Dans cette vidéo de Higher Truth Channel, qui est privée, nous voyons ce qu’il se passe en ce moment même au Norris Basin Yellowstone Geysers. Voila l’information et le genre de clichés que l’USGS a tenté de supprimer, de ce fait uniquement les personnes travaillant ou vivant sur place y ont accès. Usa : l’éruption du supervolcan de yellowstone pourrait débuter sans signe extérieur Usa retirent 50 missiles de leur arsenal nucléaire = ceux de la région du parc yellowstone Usa : video = le parc de yellowstone fui par les animaux : une éruption est-elle à craindre ? Usa - yellowstone : après les bisons en fuite, un quart des élans manquent à l’appel ! Séismes,… Comme cela l’est (...)

  • Bahrain News Agency | SCW hails Cabinet’s resolution on amending 1963 Bahraini Citizenship Law

    Manama, Jan 12 (BNA) – Supreme Council for Women (SCW) has praised the resolution of the Cabinet led by His Royal Highness, Prime Minister, Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, to approve the draft law on the amendment of a number of provisions of the 1963 Bahraini citizenship Law on granting Bahraini citizenship to the children of the Bahraini women married to foreigners under certain terms and conditions.

  • As a service to the community, The Leslie Brodie Report publishes below an objection recently submitted to the court in the matter of BENJAMIN FOGEL vs. FARMERS GROUP, INC. CASE NO BC300142

    Dear Judge Highberger:

    This will serve to inform this Court about ethical violations and fraud on this Court stemming from collusion between the law offices of Girardi & Keese and Skadden Arps, to equitably object in the interest of justice to the proposed settlement in this matter, to seek a decree from this Court that all sums allocated as attorneys’ fees be shifted to the general fund allocated to compensate the class, and to seek any other relief this Court deems proper (collectively “Objection”).

    The Objection is based on the fact that while the matter of Fogel vs. Farmers Group was pending before this Court, the law offices of Skadden Arps and Girardi & Keese entered into a wholly separate agreement by which Skadden Arps agreed to represent Girardi & Keese in the matter of In Re Girardi (Case No.08-80090), which was pending before the Ninth Circuit. Neither the Ninth Circuit nor this Court (or for that matter, the class of plaintiffs which Girardi allegedly represents) were ever informed of the concurrent representation. In fact, as will be shown, Skadden Arps, and its clients Girardi & Keese and Thomas Girardi, both actively and by omission took action to conceal the matter.


    In August 2003, plaintiff-Fogel filed a class action lawsuit against Farmers Group, Inc. in Los Angeles County Superior Court, case number BC300142. Walter Lack (of Engstrom, Lipscomb & Lack) and Thomas Girardi and Graham LippSmith (of Girardi & Keese) represent plaintiff-Fogel and the class. Skadden Arps and partner Raoul Kennedy represent the defendants, collectively referred to as Farmers Group, Inc.

    Separately, on August 25, 2005, the Ninth Circuit issued an order to show cause why Girardi & Keese, Engstrom Lipscomb & Lack, Thomas Girardi, and Walter Lack should not be suspended, disbarred, or otherwise sanctioned as a result of the massive fraud which took place in litigation pursued by them against Dole Food Company. This gave rise to the new matter involving the potential disbarment and sanction of counsel, referred to as In re Girardi, Ninth Circuit case number 08-80090.

    Very shortly thereafter, and despite their respective roles as counsel for plaintiffs and defendants in Fogel v. Farmers, Girardi & Keese and Skadden Arps entered into a wholly separate agreement by which Skadden Arps and partner Thomas Nolan would represent Girardi & Keese and Thomas Girardi before the Ninth Circuit in the matter of In Re Girardi.

    Subsequently, on July 13, 2010, the Ninth Circuit issued a decision heavily sanctioning both Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi (and their respective firms) almost $500,000. The Ninth Circuit reprimanded Mr. Girardi and suspended Mr. Lack for practicing before the court for a period of 6 months. The court adjudicated that the grave misconduct by Walter Lack and Thomas Girardi included “the persistent use of known falsehoods,” and that the “false representations” were made “knowingly, intentionally, and recklessly” during years of litigation.

    On July 14, 2010, the day after the Ninth Circuit issued the published decision, Skadden Arps and Thomas Nolan (on their behalf as well as on behalf of its clients, Girardi & Keese and Thomas Girardi) moved to redact their names from the decision. The court rejected the request, noting that redaction was not merited.

    Skadden Arps and its clients were in a rush to remove their names from the Ninth Circuit’s published decision in hopes of further hiding from the public and members of the Fogel v. Farmers class the existence of its relationship with Girardi & Keese.

    As discussed above, Thomas Girardi hired Skadden Arps to represent him in the matter of In Re Girardi after Girardi undertook representation of the plaintiffs in Fogel v. Farmers. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Girardi had a choice, and could have selected a different lawyer and a different law firm to represent him other than Skadden Arps and Thomas Nolan. He did not do so. Instead, by his actions, Girardi chose to breach the duties of loyalty, zealousness, and candor he owed to his clients, as well as the duty of candor he owes this Court.

    Alternatively, assuming a claim be made that Girardi & Keese and Thomas Girardi were entitled to select counsel of their choosing in the matter of In Re Girardi, they were still under a duty to inform this Court as well as the class of plaintiff of the concurrent representation. They did not. Instead, by omission, they defrauded both this Court and the plaintiff-class. The omission was intentional because counsel did not want to run the risk of disqualification.

    By the same token, Skadden Arps (like defendant Farmers) had a duty to inform this Court of the concurrent representation. Skadden Arps, wishing to collect fees from its clients Thomas Girardi and Girardi & Keese, as well as fees from its client Farmers Group, Inc., chose to remain silent. One can safely also entertain the thought that Skadden Arps (and, by extension, Farmers) took advantage of the matter to coerce Girardi & Keese to acquiesce to a less than desirable settlement in the Fogel matter than otherwise would have been reached.

    The ethical responsibilities of both Skadden Arps and Girardi & Keese were governed by Rule 3-310 of the California Rules of Professional Conduct. By any measure, both firms failed to live up to these responsibilities. Rule 3-310(C)(1) requires an attorney to obtain informed written consent before accepting representation of more than one client in a matter in which the interests of the clients potentially conflict. No showing can be made that Girardi & Keese and Skadden Arps ever obtained the WRITTEN consent of their respective clients. By denying their clients the opportunity to consent/object, both firms violated their ethical obligations.

    While the Skadden firm may argue that Skadden partner Thomas Nolan had absolutely no involvement in the Fogel matter, this Court should reject such a proposition.

    As this Court is aware, defending Farmers Group, Inc. is Skadden Arps’s Raoul Kennedy, who is subordinate Thomas Nolan, co-chair of Skadden’s West Coast Litigation practice. In addition, Nolan and Kennedy are close friends and throughout this entire period also, jointly, defended MGA in its litigation against Mattel. Note that in the Mattel vs. MGA case, both Kennedy and Nolan were counsel of record. Incidentally, it was Thomas Girardi who referred MGA and Issac Larian to Skadden Arps after a dispute erupted between MGA and its former counsel (O’Melveny), leading Issac Larian to knock on Girardi’s door.

    As such, any argument that Kennedy and Nolan maintained an ethical wall should and would fail. In any event, California law does not fully recognize the concept of ethical walls. In fact, California law presumes imputed knowledge to all members of a firm. Any determination of the existence of an ethical wall requires an individual determination on case-by-case basis. Here, this Court was never informed of the simultaneous and adverse representations, and was not allow to properly exercise its judgment.

    Simply stated, these lawyers clearly placed their desire for fees above their loyalty to their clients, and deceived the Court in the process.

    At this late stage of the game, and after years of litigation by which this Court and the class of plaintiffs were deceived by their less-than-forthcoming counsel, this Court should be extremely skeptical of any claim that Raoul Kennedy and Thomas Nolan maintained an ethical wall. Any wall constructed was a privacy wall for the purpose of hiding the truth from this Court and the class of plaintiffs. Note that two of the lawyers involved were already found by the Ninth Circuit to make use of “the persistent use of known falsehoods,” and that the “false representations” were made “knowingly, intentionally, and recklessly” during years of litigation.

    Both Skadden Arps and Girardi & Keese (and their respective lawyers) engaged in the above-described misconduct for financial gain. Specifically, Skadden Arps wished to receive the fees from Girardi in the matter of In Re Girardi. Conversely, Girardi & Keese and Thomas Girardi were hoping to obtain a quick cash settlement from Farmers Group, Inc., to the detriment of their clients. In addition, Skadden sought to obtain benefits for its long-time client, Farmers Insurance Group, at the expense of the class of plaintiffs, while causing injury to these plaintiffs, the Court, and the fair administration of justice


    Both federal and California courts have held that, when the ethical violation in question is a conflict of interest between the attorney and the client, the appropriate fee for the attorney in question is zero. Despite the admittedly harsh consequences, courts routinely and liberaly employ this remedy. See generally Fair v. Bakhtiari (2011) 195 Cal.App.4th 1135. As such, and due to the serious nature of the violations described above, it is respctfully requested that no attorney fees be awarded to counsel in this case. Instead, any amount which was origianly designated for that purpuse should be shifted to the pool of money designed to companastate the class.


    This Court should be aware that the undersigned is not a member of the plaintff-class in this matter, and never owned any policy issued by Farmers or any of its subsidieries.

    In January of 2011, undersigned filed an ethics complaint against Howard Rice’s Jerome Falk, who acted as a special prosecutor on behalf of the State Bar of California, for his decision to “exonarate” Thomas Girardi and Walter Lack for the grave misconduct the two committed before front of the Ninth Circuit. The basis of the complaint was that Jerome Falk should have declared a conflict due to his ongoing relationship with Skadden Arps’s Thomas Nolan. Not surprsingly, Jerome Falk was also part of the legal team that represented MGA in the litigation between MGA and Mattel.

    While researching this matter, the undersigned learned that Skadden had moved the Ninth Circuit to remove its name from the decison in the matter of In Re Girardi.

    In March 2011, the undersigned advanced a wholly separate ethics complaint concering the conflicts of interest in the case of Fogel vs. Farmers Group, Inc. based on the facts described above. Named in the complaint were Thomas Girardi, Graham LippSmith, Rauol Kennedy, and Thomas Nolan. Because Mr. Girardi has numerous contacts and close acquaintances within the State Bar (i.e. Executive Director Joe Dunn, who Girardi assisted in launching an online newspaper, for example), and because of other factors and externalities, there appears to be a very small likelihood that the State Bar will take any action in response to this complaint.

    As such, it is up to this Court to ensure that 12.5 million consumers recieve fair and honest dispensation of justice. The undersigned also asks the Court to recognize that, without the actions taken by the undersigned, the Court would have remained ignorant of the above-described facts. As such, it will also be up to this Court to determine the manner in which to treat this objection (which was styled as an “equitable objection” given potential issues with standing) and the related informal request to intervene in the interest of justice.

    Thank you for your consideration. Please do not hesitate to contact me if the Court needs any further information or clarification of the above-described facts.

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