person:idris elba

  • Vu Le Grand Jeu, #film d’Aaron Sorkin

    J’ai trouvé ça juste mauvais.

    – Jessica Chastain, faudrait voir à lui donner autre chose que le rôle de la beauté fatale ultra-froide et arriviste, mais avec des sentiments sous la surface, qui à la fin fait le choix rédempteur de vivre en accord avec ses sentiments. Parce que bon, Miss Sloane, ça date d’il y a même pas deux mois (et elle était mieux habillée dans l’autre).

    – Je crois que tout le monde est d’accord : Aaron Sorkin ne sait pas filmer. C’est plat, c’est chiant, quand ça cause il filme des gens qui causent. Champ/contre-champ, emballé c’est pesé. (Et ça cause tout le temps.)

    – Mais surtout : je crois que je ne supporte pas Aaron Sorkin et ses scripts. Ça se veut malin et intelligent (et rempli de bons sentiments ricains, genre si tout le monde il faisait les choses bien, le système il serait trop chouette – The Newsroom, j’ai tenu 2 épisodes), mais surtout ça veut en permanence montrer que c’est intelligent. Et au final, ce ne sont pas les personnages qu’on veut montrer comme intelligents, c’est Aaron Sorkin lui-même.

    Le prototype, c’est la « psychanalyse en 3 minutes » à la fin entre Jessica Chastain et son père Kevin Costner. Il dit un truc, et elle fait mine de le reprendre : « Tu ne comprends pas l’ironie ? », et lui rétorque : « Non, toi tu ne comprends pas l’ironie » (« cassé », Brice), et hop on est censés se dire, à sa réplique à elle « oh, elle est maline », puis à sa réponse à lui : « oh, lui aussi il est trop intelligent », et surtout, comme si c’était écrit au néon au milieu de l’écran : « Aaron Sorkin est un scénariste encore plus intelligent et habile que ses personnages ». Genre Paul Auster. Sauf que là, ça marche pas. Les habilités de Paul Auster, j’arrive à être ému. Mais Aaron Sorkin me fait juste chier.

    Après, on a aussi Idris Elba qui baisse la tête avant le jugement en soufflant : « Wait for it ! » (oh, quel bon avocat, et expérimenté avec ça : lui aussi il a vu le gros plan pas subtile sur la tête déconfite du procureur…) ; le père qui insiste « I will tell you but you have to ask », et nous on n’a évidemment aucune idée de quoi il cause mais on devrait savoir si on était aussi intelligents que Sorkin ; et le père psychotruc qui retrouve sa fille à la patinoire pile-poil en pleine crise de nerf, parce qu’il est venu à New York pour la retrouver, alors la patinoire c’est pas moins hasardeux qu’un autre endroit (moi j’aurais tenté l’Apple Store de Grand Central Terminal, mais c’est juste moi). Et les flashbacks illustratifs/explicatifs sur des scènes que tu as déjà vues, mais maintenant tu comprends pourquoi elle disait ça (ahhh, en fait Aaron Sorkin lui il savait que ça allait resservir…).

    Et ça dure 2h20 ces conneries. Nan, vraiment.

  • The problem with #Hollywood Mandelas

    More important than the inaccuracies (and makeup malfunctions) is what “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” (which stars #Idris_Elba) erases. Among its elisions are the Cold War, communism (the South African Communist Party recently confirmed that Mandela was indeed a member, which had been something of an open secret for years), U.S. support for apartheid and the apartheid state’s sponsorship of so-called black-on-black violence in the 1980s and early 1990s. (In the #FILM, it seems that Winnie Mandela, painted as an irrational, Lady Macbeth–like character, was the cause of the violence, which in fact resulted from clashes between forces aligned with the African National Congress and state-funded proxy organizations like the nominally Zulu nationalist (...)

    #MEDIA #Al_Jazeera_America #Invictus #Nelson_Mandela

  • The Daily Dot - The Mako Mori Test: ’Pacific Rim’ inspires a Bechdel Test alternative

    The Bechdel Test has long been the barometer of women-friendly films, but Pacific Rim fans say it doesn’t give the movie’s female lead enough credit.
    n fandom, where most of the cultural commentators are women,Pacific Rim is beloved, as is its female star, Japanese actress Rinko Kikuchi. Kikuchi’s character, Mako Mori, seems to be almost universally uncriticized on Tumblr, where she stars in fanart, gifsets, headcanons, fanfiction, and routine gusts of praise from female fans who love that her character is neither sexually objectified nor given a narrative arc that revolves around a man.

    In the film, Mako struggles to asserts her independence despite the protectiveness of her stern father figure, Stacker Pentecost (Idris Elba). She is strong, smart, and perhaps most remarkably, her goal of fulfilling her dream of being a Jaeger pilot is a major part of Pacific Rim’s storyline.

    On Thursday, Tumblr user spider-xan wrote about what Mako means to her as an Asian woman, in the context of the film’s failure to pass Bechdel:

    “It’s really easy to throw away a film because of that test (which is flawed and used incorrectly in a lot of ways) if you’re a white woman and can easily find other films with white women who look like you and represent you… But as an East Asian woman, someone like Mako — a well-written Japanese woman who is informed by her culture without being solely defined by it, without being a racial stereotype, and gets to carry the film and have character development — almost NEVER comes along in mainstream Western media. And honestly — someone like her will probably not appear again for a very long time.”

    In response to this post, and in the process of running down numerous arguments for why the Bechdel Test can’t and shouldn’t be the only measurement by which feminist films are judged, Tumblr user chaila has proposed the Mako Mori Test, “to live alongside the Bechdel Test”:

    “The Mako Mori test is passed if the movie has: a) at least one female character; b) who gets her own narrative arc; c) that is not about supporting a man’s story. I think this is about as indicative of “feminism” (that is, minimally indicative, a pretty low bar) as the Bechdel test. It is a pretty basic test for the representation of women, as is the Bechdel test. It does not make a movie automatically feminist.”

    #féminisme #représentation #mako_mori #pacific_rim

  • ‘Thor’ Trailer Released: This Is What the Fuss Was All About? | Death and Taxes

    A new trailer for “#Thor” has surfaced—the movie that prompted the Council of Conservative Citizens to boycott #Marvel for casting brilliant actor Idris Elba, best known for playing Stringer Bell on “The Wire,” in the role of a Norse god, because Norse gods are supposed to be white.

    In case you don’t remember, the drama erupted in December with the CofCC insisting they weren’t being racist—they were just real sticklers for accuracy. And casting Elba in the role of Norse god Heimdel in a movie adaptation of a comic book offended their sense of verisimilitude—to the point that they launched and sponsored the website over Elba’s casting. All while insisting there was nothing racist about the boycott. Meanwhile the website for the Concerned Citizens Council (the grandfather organization to the Council of Conservative Citizens) says of it’s own group, “It was intended to spread a pro-segregationist message throughout the southern states with the hope that white people would be outraged that their children had to share classrooms with African-Americans.”

