
  • Appel financier pour le film « Qui a tué Ali Ziri ? »

    Le 11 juin 2009, Areski Kerfali, 61 ans et Ali Ziri, 69 ans sont interpellés par la police nationale d’Argenteuil, lors d’un contrôle routier. Ali Ziri quitte le commissariat dans le coma et décède à l’hôpital deux jours plus tard. L’explication donnée par la police et le procureur est : « décès suite à une malformation cardiaque ». Deux semaines après les faits, le juge d’instruction classe l’affaire sans suite. Un collectif d’habitants d’Argenteuil, Vérité et justice pour Ali Ziri se mobilise pour exiger une contre-expertise. L’autopsie révèle alors 27 hématomes et la mort par asphyxie suite à l’utilisation d’une technique d’immobilisation interdite depuis 2003.

    Durant cinq années, le cinéaste Luc Decaster a filmé le combat de tous ceux qui refusent le procès bâclé, après cette mort que certains considèrent comme un lynchage.

    Aujourd’hui, pour que le film arrive sur les écrans, il lui faut passer par trois étapes onéreuses mais indispensables : le mixage, l’étalonnage, et la distribution. Pour cela, il nous faut réunir la somme de 15000€. Nous aurions préféré obtenir un financement des institutions du cinéma et ne pas avoir à vous solliciter. Mais face à ces refus, nous avons besoin de vous pour que ce film, comme cette histoire, ne soit pas étouffé !

    #violences_d'état #police


      Projection débat « Qui a tué Ali Ziri ? »

      7 octobre, 20h - sortie nationale au cinéma St Michel à Paris.
      Le film sera suivi d’une rencontre en présence de l’équipe du film et du collectif Vérité et Justice pour Ali Ziri, de Monseigneur Gaillot, de Jessica Lefèvre, compagne d’Amadou Koumé, tué le 6 mars 2015 par la police à Paris.
      9 octobre en soirée - cinéma St Michel à Paris.
      rencontre avec Stéphane Maugendre, avocat de l’affaire Ali Ziri et président du Gisti (Groupe d’Information et de soutien des Immigrés).
      13 octobre en soirée - cinéma St Michel à Paris.
      rencontre avec Julie Heslouin d’Amnesty International ex chargée de campagne sur les violences policières en France.
      10 octobre, 20h30 - à Argenteuil au cinéma le Figuier Blanc, en partenariat avec l’Association pour la défense du cinéma indépendant des films d’auteurs et des salles arts et essai, de l’ATMF, Association des Travailleurs Maghrébins de France et le Collectif "Vérité et Justice pour Ali Ziri"

  • Susie Day, « Outing Torture Queen Bikowsky »

    Dear Alfreda Frances Bikowsky,

    So many people want to be famous. Not you. You were content to let Jessica Chastain portray a more competent version of your waterboarding and bin Laden-stalking self in the film Zero Dark Thirty. You never asked for credit. But now, thanks to the Senate Select Intelligence Committee’s Report on CIA Torture, we know you’ve made more history than the average, anonymous schlub. Jane Mayer of The New Yorker calls you “The Unidentified Queen of Torture.” She says you:

    dropped the ball when the C.I.A. was given information that might very well have prevented the 9/11 attacks; . . . gleefully participated in torture sessions afterward; . . . And then . . . falsely told congressional overseers that the torture worked.

    Of course, Jane Mayer doesn’t name you. Neither does Matthew Cole in his NBC News report, which was the basis for Mayer’s article. You are the “Unidentified Queen” because the CIA told the media not to reveal you. According to Mayer, you were the reason the Senate Intelligence Committee was not even allowed to use pseudonyms to identify you or any of the major players in its torture report, making it “almost impossible to . . . hold anyone in the American government accountable.”

    We only know you are Alfreda Bikowsky because of journalist Glenn Greenwald, who has problems with authority. Glenn defied the CIA to identify you in an article for The Intercept, an investigative news website that purposely operates outside the parameters of mainstream media. Thanks a lot, Glenn Greenwald.

    I said that sarcastically, Ms. Bikowsky. Or, if I may: I said that sarcastically, Your Majesty. Glenn should not have “outed” you. After all, Glenn’s gay; he should know better.

    Being a queer of the more sensitive variety, myself, I feel that people should not be forced out of the closet before they’re ready. There can be hard feelings. Like, I can only guess how you feel now. But if it’s even a little like being shackled and hung from the ceiling in freezing rooms, or forcibly hydrated and fed rectally, or stripped naked and deprived of sleep for a week, or put in stress positions for hours, you have my deep sympathy.

    It’s not easy to be exposed as a war criminal. Now that you’re out, though, you may take a page or two from the Gay Rights movement. Here are some hard-won pointers to help you face an ignorant and uncomprehending world.

    Say It Loud: War Criminal and Proud

    According to NBC News, your name was redacted at least three dozen times from the declassified Senate Committee’s report on torture. This self-redacting tendency indicates that you are an extremely modest person, Your Majesty. Yet, like so many women, you may be sacrificing your self-esteem just to avoid “making a scene.”

    Coming out allows you to proclaim your worth to society. Did you stop to think that maybe God made you this way? Much like God gave gay men, brain-wise, a small hypothalamus gland, He may have given you an abnormally tiny empathy-inducing anterior insular cortex. But whether your condition is biological or chosen, it’s time to step up and say, “Yes, America, I AM a war criminal. So what if all that torture did not yield useful information in finding bin Laden or anybody else — it was FUN!”

    Back to the woman thing. Very few satanic creatures of note are women. Are you going to let Henry Kissinger and Beelzebub take all the credit? Isn’t it time Dick Cheney made coffee for YOU, for a change?

    Out of the Black Sites and Into the Street

    Contrary to myth, war criminals make good citizens. Like gay people, they boost property values and contribute to art and high culture. In fact, thanks to America’s more discerning war criminals, many prestigious U.S. museums are simply teeming with artifacts and masterpieces acquired from backward, terrorist-friendly countries that never fully appreciated them.

    It’s often hard for prejudiced “normal” people to accept that war criminals are human. Part of being human is, of course, making mistakes. So stand up for your war criminal humanity, Your Majesty, by proudly defending your royal fuckups. Anybody in your CIA position could have goofed in snatching Khalid el-Masri, an innocent German citizen, off the street and torturing him for months in Afghanistan’s Salt Pit prison. Why, even most non-war-criminals mistake people with Muslim names for terrorists. It’s what unites us!

    And be PROUD you testified to Congress that waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (about 183 times, but who’s counting?) led to the apprehension of a particular terrorist — despite the fact that this suspect was already in CIA custody.

    You will encounter prejudice. Some people will assume you “got that way” by being waterboarded as a child or exposed to a war criminal teacher at an early age. Although this may well be true, it’s none of their business. When confronted with such war-criminal-o-phobe behavior, it is best to respond thusly: “I appreciate your concern, but I feel comfortable with who I am.” Then arrest this person and have them slammed repeatedly against a wall.

    Accept Your Greatness

    Bottom line, O Queen? If we anonymous schlubs can’t hold you accountable for anything you’ve done, the least you can do is become a celebrity.

    See, you know all about us — our metadata is vacuumed up every second by your friends in the NSA — but we know nothing about you. Do you own a PC or a Mac? What’s your most embarrassing moment? Favorite brand of toothpaste?
    Please tell us, Your Majesty: Who ARE you? If we knew that, we might know something more about who we are.

    The Unidentified Queen of Torture
    By Jane Mayer

    Had the Senate Intelligence Committee been permitted to use pseudonyms for the central characters in its report, as all previous congressional studies of intelligence failures, including the widely heralded Church Committee report in 1975, have done, it might not have taken a painstaking, and still somewhat cryptic, investigation after the fact in order for the American public to hold this senior official accountable. Many people who have worked with her over the years expressed shock to NBC that she has been entrusted with so much power. A former intelligence officer who worked directly with her is quoted by NBC, on background, as saying that she bears so much responsibility for so many intelligence failures that “she should be put on trial and put in jail for what she has done.”

    Instead, however, she has been promoted to the rank of a general in the military, most recently working as the head of the C.I.A.’s global-jihad unit. In that perch, she oversees the targeting of terror suspects around the world. (She was also, in part, the model for the lead character in “Zero Dark Thirty.”)

    Je ne suis pas de l’avis de Jane Mayer. J’ai l’impression que la divine Alfreda Frances Bikowsky ressemble plutôt à ça :

    #terrorisme #usa

  • Join Nautilus Live—Get the Truth About Sun Exposure - Facts So Romantic

    Join us at noon on Monday, June 9, when editor in chief Michael Segal will host a live video chat with award-winning journalist and NYU professor, Jessica Seigel about her latest Nautilus piece, “America Is Getting the Science of Sun Exposure Wrong.” There are two ways to participate. You can send us your questions before the event via Twitter (@NautilusMag, #SunblockTalk), Facebook, email (, or through Google (+Nautilus Magazine). Or you can send us your questions live during the event, through Twitter or Google Hangouts. Either way, you should join us Monday at noon and watch the video live, by following this link.Read (...)

  • Picture books aren’t just fun - Eurekarlert


    Picture books aren’t just fun - Eurekarlert -

    1 hour ago

    from Bookmarklet



    “Children do learn a lot when parents read books with them and many parents read to their children several times each week,” said co-editor Professor Jessica Horst of the University of Sussex. “So, conducting studies using picture books and storybooks has important implications for understanding how children really learn in their daily lives.” - Raffa

  • La pression pesant sur les corps féminins illustrée par des photos de l’artiste australienne Jessica Ledwich

    La pression que la société et les canons de beauté exercent sur les corps féminins est illustrée dans une série de photos crues. Ça fait peur et un peu mal. Malgré - See more at : Malgré les dizaines de campagnes de sensibilisation qui tentent chaque année de dénoncer la pression des médias, et de la société en général, sur les corps des femmes, les diktats actuels de beauté restent assez rigides. The Fanciful, Monstrous Feminine (Le fantasque et monstrueux corps féminin) est un projet photographique de l’artiste australienne (...)


  • Kenyan girls get cervical cancer vaccine but women’s wait for treatment goes on | Jessica Hatcher

    “Cervical cancer vaccine now available for girls in primary school free of charge!” reads the turquoise poster outside the office of Christina Mavindu, senior nursing officer at the Kitui district hospital. Mavindu is two-thirds of the way through implementing Kenya’s first public cervical cancer vaccination campaign in Kitui county. The third and final jabs will be administered in the next few weeks.

    The campaign has been challenging. The number of children wanting the vaccine has exceeded the doses available and, at a cost of more than $50 (£30) per vaccine, many people have been unable to pay for it privately. “It should be for everybody,” says Mavindu. Gavi (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) supported the trial to enable Kenya to demonstrate that it has the necessary infrastructure and capacity to vaccinate nine- to 13-year-olds on a national scale.

    Vaccination is needed urgently; cervical cancer is a growing cause of morbidity among women in Africa, and a rising concern. The disease is nearly six times more prevalent in Kenya than in western Europe, according to WHO data. It is also the cancer that kills most women in Kenya, whose neighbour Rwanda became the first low-income African country to achieve nationwide access to the vaccine.

    #Kenya #santé #femmes #filles #vaccin #cancer #cancer_du_col_de_l'utérus #pauvreté

  • Grèce : clap de fin pour les dernières voix de la défunte télé publique - actualités voila

    Les grilles sont bouclées, gardées par les forces anti-émeutes : Jessica Alepi n’ira plus « mettre en ondes » les émissions présentées par ses collègues, comme elle le faisait quotidiennement depuis le début de l’occupation du bâtiment.

    « En près de cinq mois, j’ai dû manquer deux ou trois journées. Nous faisions notre travail normalement, comme avant la fermeture », dit-elle.

    Les journalistes, techniciens, mais aussi hôtesses d’accueil, maquilleuses, cuisiniers et cuisinières de la cantine se relayaient pour assurer une présence quotidienne dans l’imposant bâtiment aux allures de vaisseau pirate couvert de banderoles, dans la banlieue nord d’Athènes.

    Leur force : avoir à disposition toutes les installations, les studios, le matériel de l’ancienne ERT et pouvoir ainsi diffuser plusieurs heures d’informations et d’émissions quotidiennes visibles sur leur site après le retrait du soutien de l’Union européenne de radio-télévision (UER) qui avait relayé leurs programmes jusqu’en septembre.

    C’est d’ailleurs pour récupérer ce précieux équipement que le gouvernement grec brûlait de voir les locaux se vider.

    La Grèce prendra la 1er janvier 2014 la présidence de l’Union européenne pour six mois et s’inquiétait d’offrir l’image d’un audiovisuel bancal fabriqué depuis juillet par les journalistes de la télévision nationale provisoire, DT, dans des locaux sous-équipés.

    #Grèce #Union_Européenne #Télévision

  • The painful lesson of the Cherice Moralez rape trial

    The following is a list of words used to describe a very specific demographic. See if you can guess it:

    “She was as much in control of the situation [as the 49-year-old man.]”

    “[She was] like the spider.”

    “Predatory in all her actions and she is sexually experienced.”

    “Predatory and she was egging you on.”

    “She dressed older than her age … She would hang out with teenage boys at a playground.”

    These quotes seem to be describing quite the voracious temptress – Jessica Rabbit, perhaps? Samantha from Sex and the City? Actually, they all come from judges, lawyers and reporters, used over the past two years to describe girls – children – aged between 11 and 14 who were raped.

    #viol #justice

  • Agriculteurs, pour vivre heureux, devenez paysans et pensez bio.

    Les gens d’à côté : Jessica et Julien, paysans bio, « dépendants des horaires du soleil » - Chroniques du Yéti

    Ceux-là aiment d’abord ce qu’ils font, voilà tout. Julien n’envisage aucune autre voie de sortie possible. Et Jessica vous regarde comme si vous descendiez de la lune quand vous lui posez la question :

    « Je n’ai en fait jamais pensé faire autre chose, ni faire autrement. Travailler la terre, même durement, j’aime juste ça. »

  • Analysis : Bangladesh still works for retailers, despite disasters | Reuters

    Un excellent article de Nivedita Bhattacharjee et Jessica Wohl pour « Reuters India » sur les conditions de travail et l’exploitation des salariés du tiers-monde par l’industrie textile et la complicité des institutions transnationales et des consommateurs.


    About 18 months before the previous big tragedy in Bangladesh - a fire in November in a textile factory that killed 112 people - shareholders at Wal-Mart Stores Inc (WMT.N) had the opportunity to weigh in on the safety question. By a nearly 50-to-1 margin, they rejected a proposal to require suppliers to report annually on safety issues at their factories.

    In arguing against the proposal, Wal-Mart’s management made its reasoning clear: Having suppliers compile such reports “could ultimately lead to higher costs for Walmart and higher prices for our customers. This would not be in the best interests of Walmart’s shareholders and customers and would place Walmart at a competitive disadvantage,” the company said in proxy materials.

    Soon after the fire, Wal-Mart and Sears Holdings Corp (SHLD.O) admitted their goods were being made at the Tazreen Fashions workshop even though they had denied that factory authorization as a supplier.


    Bangladesh is hardly the only source of inexpensive clothes and cheap labor that has sparked concern about labor conditions. From Vietnam, to the American protectorate of Saipan, to the massive workshops in China, Western companies have found themselves entangled with places where worker health and safety conditions are often questioned.

    Disasters such as the April 24 collapse of an eight-story factory building in Bangladesh have not changed the calculation for apparel makers and retailers. Cheaper products appeal to shoppers. And the taint, if any, appears to be manageable.

    The courthouse, marketplace and stock market seem to be telling them they are right.

    Shoppers such as Mohini Raichura are making decisions that justify the retailers’ strategies. Raichura, a 30-year-old London charity worker, was shopping Friday at Primark, a discount retailer owned by Associated British Foods (ABF.L), even though she knew that some of its products were made at the factory that collapsed earlier in the week.

    “I go there because it’s cheap. That’s awful. It really makes me a bad person,” Raichura said. “But you know, I work for a charity, I’m on a limited income, and I pay rent in London -that’s how I justify it.”

    Consumers continue to purchase products from brands like Wal-Mart’s Faded Glory, found in the Tazreen rubble, and Loblaw’s Joe Fresh, found in the ruins of the factory building this week.

    ... That disaster, in which locked doors prevented workers from fleeing to safety, did not appear to have any measurable impact on sales at Wal-Mart and Sears after both acknowledged their products were made there.

    The world’s court systems have not provided a disincentive, either. For example, in 2005, a lawsuit was filed in California state court on behalf of factory workers in Bangladesh, China, Indonesia and other countries accusing Wal-Mart of failing to address substandard working conditions in suppliers’ factories.

    But the case was ultimately dismissed, and according to a search of available filings on the Thomson Reuters legal database Westlaw, there have been no U.S. lawsuits filed against Wal-Mart or Sears on similar matters since the Tazreen fire.


  • Etats-Unis : dis-moi ton passé bancaire, je te dirai si on sort ensemble | Une Vigie Rue69

    L’alchimie était là, mais le premier rendez-vous de Jessica LaShawn a tourné court, la faute à un passé bancaire trop chargé. Dans l’article « Perfect 10 ? Never Mind That. Ask Her for Her Credit Score » (« Elle est canon ? Peu importe. Demandez-lui sa cote de solvabilité »), le New York Times explore le nouveau critère de séduction en vogue : la cote de crédit.(...)
    Manisha Thakor, le fondateur et directeur général de MoneyZen Wealth Management, une firme de conseils financiers, explique :

    « La cote de solvabilité est l’équivalent du dépistage de maladies sexuellement transmissibles. C’est une manière rapide de se rendre compte du passé financier de quelqu’un de la même manière qu’un test vous donne certaines informations sur le passé sexuel de quelqu’un. »

    Batifoler avec un soupirant mal coté (660 et en dessous, les bons élèves se situant au dessus de 750), ce n’est pas sans risques, rappelle le New York Times :

    « Une faible notation pourrait détruire vos rêves d’acheter une une maison, et aboutir sur un taux d’intérêt salé, jusqu’à 29%, pour vos cartes de crédits, le financement d’une voiture et d’autres prêts sans garantie. »

  • 50 000 personnes privées de télé en dans le Vaucluse et les Alpes du Sud.

    Bon... Il faut maintenant réapprendre à vivre....

    De nombreux habitants du Pays d’Aix expriment un grand désarroi face à cet incident qui dure. Notamment des personnes âgées à la clinique gériatrique Korian Les Oliviers au Puy. La directrice adjointe, Jessica Casanova, constate depuis samedi une grande déprime chez les malades : "Déjà que les journées sont longues, là, ils sont vraiment en attente. La télé, ça fait une compagnie ! On a tout de même mis à disposition des radios pour pallier ce manque."Jacqueline Rustan, venue se faire soigner ici avoue passer des soirées interminables : "On dîne à 18h. A 18h45, on rentre dans nos chambres. Ça fait long jusqu’au lendemain matin sans télé surtout quand on dort peu.

  • The Elliott Building, 1530 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814. The building is owned by Mark Friedman of Fulcrum Properly Group. Currently, the Elliott Building is occupied on separate floors by the offices of Howard Dickstein of Dickstein & Zerbi, Fulcrum Property’s Mark Friedman, Arlen Opper, Doug Elmets, Paula Lorenzo of Cache Creek Casino, and The California Tribal Business Alliance (CTBA). Dickstein, Friedman, and Opper were all named defendants in the matter of Rumsey Band of Wintun Indians / Cache Creek Casino v. Howard Dickstein. The penthouse unit is the official residence of California’s first couple — Governor Edmund Gerald “Jerry” Brown, Jr. and his wife.

    The abuse and financial atrocities by attorney Howard Dickstein (on behalf of himself, as well as others) against his clients — Native Americans who are members of various Indian tribes operating casinos in the State of California — is well documented.

    Hit hard were the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation which operates the Cache Creek Casino in Yolo County, the Pala Band of Mission Indians which operates the Pala Casino Resort & Spa in San Diego County, and the United Auburn Indian Community which operates the Thunder Valley Casino in Placer County.

    One such incident resulted in the emotionally distressing injustice inflicted on the bona fide founder of Thunder Valley Casino, the ex-chair of the tribe, Jessica Tavares.

    Jessica is a proud visionary who was the force behind the economic and cultural revival of the tribe — as well as the revival of surrounding communities. Sadly, Jessica was ultimately betrayed by a fellow member of the tribe and placed on the proverbial iceberg because she chose honor, integrity, and dignity for herself and for the tribe over the greed and divisiveness promoted by Howard Dickstein in his quest to obtained millions for himself and by extension for his wife, Jeannine English.

    Since 2006, Jeannine English has served as a “public member” of the State Bar of California Board of Governors, an otherwise governmental entity primarily responsible to disciplining errant lawyers. Despite allegations that Dickstein has committed countless acts of grave misconduct and ethical breaches, Dickstein has never been disciplined by the State Bar of California. English’s appointment as a public member was courtesy of her California Democratic Party confederates who control California’s legislative branch.

    Unfortunately, the two U.S. Senators from California refuse to become involved in these issues despite the fact that tribal matters fall primarily within federal oversight. Dickstein, in his role as counsel for the tribes, has overseen the tribes’ contributions of millions of dollars to the coffers of the Democratic Party.

    Fortunately, Republican Arizona Senator John McCain recently stepped in and called for an investigation of Howard Dickstein. Similarly, a few months prior to Senator McCain’s announcement, a Yolo County-based rabbi asked the State Bar of California Board of Governors to investigate English and Dickstein.

    The J Street Gang of Greed

    In approximately 2004, as part of an effort to revitalize its downtown area, the city of Sacramento poured three million dollars into subsidies for the renovation of the “Elliott Building” located at 1530 J Street in Sacramento. The project was initiated by Mark Friedman of Sacramento-based Fulcrum Property Group and a few of his business partners.

    Friedman, a man of despicable character, may be a stranger to readers, but he is no stranger to The Leslie Brodie Report given that he was one of the named defendants in the case of Rumsey vs. Dickstein, which deals primarily with allegations of years of fraud and deceit by Dickstein against his client, the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation.

    One example of such a scheme allegedly perpetrated by Dickstein and Friedman against the tribe deals with a parcel of land situated in West-Sacramento known as “The Triangle,” an otherwise prime location facing the Sacramento River.

    The tribe was urged by defendants Dickstein and its financial advisor Arlen Opper to enter into yet another business relationship with Friedman, through which a parcel of land in “The Triangle” was purchased. The tribe would own 50% and Friedman and his extended would own 50% of the property.

    At one point, Mark Friedman asked the tribe for a favor (or as he put it, an “accommodation”), by which the tribe would sell and Friedman would purchase the tribe’s 50% share in “The Triangle.”

    Friedman’s excuse for seeking the “accommodation” was very simple — he wanted to reduce the amount of money he would owe the Internal Revenue Service. Friedman had just sold a different piece of real estate, and needed to quickly invest the money in real estate (or as he referred to it, to “park” the money ) in a separate property for a period of several years as is allowed by IRS rules; at the period, the tribe would be allowed to buy the property back for the same price for which it was sold to Friedman per a “buy back option.”

    Dickstein and Opper recommended that the tribe “accommodate” Friedman, and Friedman consequently purchased the property from the tribe.

    Per their written agreement, the tribe was given the option to buy back the property within one year. However, the tribe did not buy back the property within one as a result of a failure by Arlen Opper and Howard Dickstein — the attorney for the tribe who was in possession of the written agreement — to inform the tribe when the time period expired so that the tribe could buy back the property. Notably, the property had increased in value “exponentially” during this period.

    Later, after the “buy back option” had expired, the tribe realized that it had missed the deadline to buy back its 50% share of the property, and sought to do so at that time. However, Mark Friedman refused to sell it back, claiming that the tribe had missed its deadline.

  • Quand la technologie devient l’architecte de notre intimité

    Combien de fois par jour vérifiez-vous votre e-mail ? Dès votre réveil ? Avant de vous coucher ? Une douzaine de fois entre les deux ? Si vous êtes comme beaucoup d’entre-nous, le clignotant rouge de votre BlackBerry est la première chose que vous voyez chaque matin – vous avez un message ! – et la dernière lumière à disparaître quand vous vous endormez” ( Jessica Bennett)
