person:jody mcintyre

  • From Brixton to #Tottenham, inequality lies at the heart of the riots — New Internationalist

    On Thursday evening, Mark Duggan was shot dead in by police officers in Tottenham. The IPCC immediately announced they would investigate; unusual for an organisation known for its inefficiency. The media were told that a non-police issue firearm had been recovered from the scene, and that one of the police officers had been injured. Later reports revealed a bullet found lodged in a police radio.

    I received a torrent of abuse online for expressing support for the #riots. I expect Martin Luther King got the same abuse when he said “A riot is the language of the unheard” as did Bob Marley for singing “That’s why we gonna be burning and looting tonight…” .
    I’m sorry, but my solidarity does not lie with corporations making millions and their fully-insured smashed windows, it lies with human beings who lose their lives and their


    • je poste pas le lien car je ne veut pas faire de pub mais un abruti de bloger néo con incite ses lecteurs à dénoncer @jodymcintyre à la police pour incitation à l’émeute :

      Jody McIntyre shot to fame (or notoriety) during the student riots. He garnered a lot of publicity by alleging that the police assaulted him and pushed him out of his wheelchair after he had deliberately placed himself at the front line of the riots in Westminster. Far from being just a run-of-the-mill student, though, it swiftly turned out that he was a hard core hard-left activist who was closely enough involved with the violent disorder that he was apparently part of the group who ended up on the roof of Millbank along with the fire extinguisher-thrower.


      I’ve reported McIntyre to the Metropolitan Police for the offence of incitement to riot – you can do so too by phoning 101 to be connected to the Met’s control room, whether you report McIntyre or another instance of incitement.

      La police britannique a depuis un moment les réseaux sociaux et le web à l’œil et certain en abuse.

  • The BBC continue to normalise a hateful narrative | Jody McIntyre | Independent Editor’s choice Blogs

    “The central question still remains,” Jeremy Paxman began on BBC Newsnight last night, “was this the action of a solitary, deranged individual, or do his actions reflect a wider unease both in Norway and perhaps beyond, about immigration and asylum seekers, which people like Breivik can exploit?” The third, and most obvious answer is left ignored; that Breivik was a white supremacist emboldened by the right-wing, Islamophobic rhetoric of European governments. When Muslim extremists commit atrocities, their entire ideology, beliefs and even religion are examined, analysed and condemned, but in the case of Breivik, his are real problems in society that one man took too far. Indeed, if this had been carried out by a Muslim attacker, or any person with brown skin, we would currently be witnessing a media frenzy of racist and xenophobic propaganda. Because Breivik is a white, Christian, European man, only the individual, and not those elements of his identity, is blamed.

    #Oslo #EDL #UK