person:keren manor

  • Un Palestinien d’Israël tué lors d’une opération de démolitions |
    Par Maureen Clare Murphy, 18 janvier 2017| Cet article a été mise à jour jeudi 19 Janvier afin d’inclure les nouvelles conclusions de Forensic Architecture. | Traduction : Laurianne G. pour l’Agence Média Palestine | Source : Electronic Intifada

    Un citoyen palestinien d’Israël a été tué mercredi, quand la police tira sur son véhicule dans le village Umm al-Hiran, dans le Negev, au Sud du pays. Un sergent fut également tué et un autre agent blessé à l’aube lors d’une opération de démolitions de plusieurs maisons dans le village bédouin.

    La police israélienne a déclaré que Yaqoub Abu al-Qiyan, 50ans, a délibérément écrasé et tué le policier de 37 ans, Erez Levi.

    Le porte-parole de la police, Micky Rosenfeld a déclaré qu’un “véhicule conduit par un terroriste du Mouvement Islamique a tenté de heurter plusieurs agents et de perpétré une attaque.”

    Le Mouvement Islamique est une organisation politique palestinienne, dont la branche Nord est interdite par Israël. Le leader de branche Nord, Sheikh Raed Salah, a été relaché par Israël mardi, après neuf mois d’incarcération. Il était présent à Umm al-Hiran mercredi.

    La police a déclaré à la presse qu’ils recherchaient des liens entre Abu al-Qiyan et l’Etat Islamique.

    “Ils disent qu’en fouillant sa maison, ils ont trouvé des journaux israéliens parlant du groupe, alors que sa famille nie toute relation avec ce mouvement, disant qu’il est juste un prof de math dans le lycée local, dans la ville bédouine de Hura,” a rapporté le journal de Tel Aviv Haaretz.

    Rosenfeld a fait d’autres déclarations sur les liens avec l’Etat Islamique sur Twitter :

    The terrorist who murdered a policeman in the south was a teacher in a school where six teachers have been arrested for their ISIS ideology.

    — Micky Rosenfeld (@MickyRosenfeld) January 18, 2017

    (Traduction du tweet : « Le terroriste qui a tué un policier dans le Sud était un professeur dans un établissement où six enseignants ont été arrêtés pour leur idéologie proche de Daech. »)

    Des témoins interrogés par de nombreux organes de presse contestent la version des faits d’Israël, disant qu’Abu al-Qiyan était en train de quitter la scène et que c’est la police israélienne qui lui a fait perdre le contrôle de son véhicule, l’amenant à percuter les policiers.(...)

    #israël #démolitions #bédouins #colonisation_intérieure

    • Video emerges on killing in Umm al-Hiran, as family awaits return of slain Bedouin’s body
      Jan. 21, 2017 12:03 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 21, 2017 12:07 P.M.)

      (...) Abu al-Qian’s autopsy report was also released on Friday, detailing that the teacher had been killed by two bullets that were fired at his vehicle, the first of which struck him on his right knee, and the second in a main artery in the chest area, before he was left to bleed to death.

      Israeli Channel 10 reported that Abu al-Qian’s knee injury led to the acceleration of his vehicle after his leg pressed against the gas pedal, and added that he had lost large amounts of blood which would have made it impossible to save him.

      Nevertheless, they reported that he had been left to bleed for a half and hour as ambulances were prevented from providing him first aid.

      Witnesses told Ma’an that Israeli police pulled an injured Abu al-Qian from his vehicle at the time and shot him another time to confirm his death. However, this testimony contradicts the autopsy report that stated he had bled to death.

      Meanwhile, the family of Abu al-Qian have continued to refuse conditions set by Israeli police in order to receive the slain body of Abu al-Qian.(...)

    • PHOTOS: Thousands of Palestinians and Israelis protest home demolitions

      Over 5,000 Arabs and Jews gather in Wadi Ara, northern Israel, to protest against recent home demolitions in Palestinian communities.

      Photos by Keren Manor, text by Yael Marom

      A police truck sprays ’skunk’ water at protesters in Ar’ara, January 21, 2017. (Keren Manor/Activestills)

      Around two hours after the protest had begun, hundreds of protesters blocked the junction at the entrance to Ar’ara. Police threw shock grenades and fired “skunk” water at the demonstrators, injuring several. Some of the protesters responded by throwing stones.

    • Funeral begins for slain Bedouin teacher in Umm al-Hiran
      Jan. 24, 2017 1:15 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 24, 2017 9:47 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The funeral of Yaqoub Abu al-Qian , a Palestinian citizen of Israel and local math teacher from the unrecognized Bedouin community of Umm al-Hiran, began early on Tuesday afternoon, after the Israeli Supreme Court ordered that Israeli police return his body to his family a day earlier.

      Abu al-Qian was shot and killed by Israeli police last week under widely contested circumstances during the violent demolition raid in Umm al-Hiran that left more than a dozen Palestinian structures razed to the ground.

      While numerous eyewitnesses have insisted Abu al-Qian was posing no threat to anyone when Israeli police opened fire at his vehicle, causing him to lose control of the car and ram into officers, Israeli authorities have claimed the local math teacher was carrying out a deliberate terrorist attack in the incident that left one policeman killed.

  • Hundreds denounce deadly Umm al-Hiran raid in Israel, occupied Palestinian territory
    Jan. 19, 2017 11:36 A.M. (Updated: Jan. 19, 2017 12:16 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian citizens of Israel and their supporters took to the streets in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory on Wednesday to protest an evacuation raid in a Bedouin community in the Negev which turned deadly earlier in the day, with one Palestinian citizen of Israel and an Israeli police officer dying in disputed circumstances.

    Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Umm al-Hiran, where Bedouin resident Yaqoub Moussa Abu al-Qian, 47, was shot dead by Israeli police, who claimed that the math teacher was carrying out a vehicular attack which killed police officer Erez Levi, 34.

    However, a number of witnesses and Palestinian officials with Israeli citizenship have disputed Israeli security forces’ version of events, saying that police officers opened fire on Abu al-Qian despite him not representing a threat, causing him to lose control of his vehicle and fatally hit Levi.

    Knesset member Ayman Odeh, the head of the Joint List, which represents parties led by Palestinian citizens of Israel, was injured in the head and back during the raid, although witnesses and police disputed how he had been injured and by whom.

    The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel, a division of Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, declared three days of mourning in Palestinian-majority towns and villages in Israel following the deadly raid.

    The committee also called for Palestinian citizens of Israel to launch a general strike on Thursday, and for teachers to discuss the recent events in Umm al-Hiran with students.

    #israël #démolitions #bédouins #colonisation_intérieure

    • Family of slain Palestinian teacher demands investigation into his death
      Jan. 19, 2017 10:40 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 19, 2017 10:40 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The family of Yaqoub Moussa Abu al-Qian, a math teacher and Palestinian citizen of Israel who was shot dead by Israeli police on Wednesday, demanded on Thursday that Israeli police open an investigation into his death.

      NGO Adalah — The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, who is representing Abu al-Qian’s family, released a statement Thursday demanding an investigation be opened into the circumstances of the death of Abu al-Qian, who Adalah said was 50-years-old, though earlier reports claimed he was 47-years-old.

      Israeli police claimed that the math teacher was carrying out a vehicular attack which killed police officer Erez Levi, 34, though a number of witnesses and Palestinian officials with Israeli citizenship have disputed Israeli security forces’ version of events, saying that police officers opened fire on Abu al-Qian despite him not representing a threat, causing him to lose control of his vehicle and fatally hit Levi.

      Israeli Knesset member Taleb Abu Arar said that the police killed Abu al-Qian “in cold blood," Israeli news site Ynet quoted him as saying. "The police shot him for no reason. The claims that he tried to run over police are not true.”

    • PHOTOS: Israel demolishes homes in Umm el-Hiran amid violence

      Israeli authorities begin demolishing the Bedouin village of Umm el-Hiran in preparation for its replacement with a Jewish town, following violence which left a Bedouin man and an Israeli police officer dead, and a Palestinian MK wounded.
      By Activestills |Published January 19, 2017
      Photos by Keren Manor and Faiz Abu Rmeleh

      Umm el-Hiran before and after Israeli bulldozers carried out demolitions, January 18, 2017. (Keren Manor/Activestills)

    • Démolition de maisons palestiniennes : manifestations et appels à la grève générale

      Nouvelles protestations après la mort de l’instituteur palestinien tué par la police israélienne pendant des manifestations contre les démolitions de maisons à Umm al-Hiran

      MEE | 19 janvier 2017

      Des milliers de Palestiniens ont participé mercredi à une série de manifestations qui se sont propagées dans les villages palestiniens au milieu d’appels à la grève générale. Ces manifestations ont suivi la mort d’un instituteur, tué par les forces israéliennes lors de manifestations contre les démolitions de maisons dans le sud du pays.

      « Nous sommes descendus dans la rue pour protester et faire entendre la voix du peuple palestinien », explique Kholoud Abu Ahmed, un Palestinien d’Israël, d’Haïfa. « Nous n’accepterons pas d’être expulsés de nos maisons, marginalisés et tués [par les autorités israéliennes]. »

      Les officiels israéliens prétendent que Yacoub al-Qiyan a été tué alors qu’il menait sa voiture sur les officiers de police dans le village bédouin de Umm al-Hiran dans le désert du Néguev. Les habitants du village, toutefois, ont rapporté qu’al-Qiyan était simplement en train de conduire jusqu’à l’endroit où avaient lieu les démolitions pour parler aux autorités et tenter d’empêcher les destructions.

      Selon un officier, un agent de police israélien, Erez Lévi, a été soi-disant percuté et tué. Un député palestinien connu d’une liste commune, Ayman Odeh, a aussi été blessé à la tête par une balle en caoutchouc tirée par la police.(...)

  • ActiveStills

    Activestills collective was established in 2005 by a group of documentary photographers out of a strong conviction that photography is a vehicle for social and political change. We believe in the power of images to shape public attitudes and raise awareness on issues that are generally absent from public discourse. We view ourselves as part of the struggle against all forms of oppression, racism, and violations of the basic right to freedom.

    The collective – that members Israeli, Palestinian and international photographers - operates in Palestine/Israel and focuses on social and political documentation, publications, and exhibitions. We work on various topics including: the Palestinian popular struggle against the Israeli occupation, rights of women, LGTBQ, migrants and asylum-seekers, public housing, and other forms of economic oppression.

    Israeli public opinion is shaped first and foremost by the mainstream media that is becoming more racist and inciting. The impact of this process is evident in increased public support for violent military operations, racist legislation, and discriminatory policies. We wish to challenge this state of affairs by producing work that exposes inequality and conveys messages that contest oppression and brings the voices and images of those who are invisible and unheard into the public discourse.

    Our collective is based upon the belief that mutual work serves each photographer’s personal expression, and that joint projects create powerful shared statements. We believe that the photos we take belong to those whose struggles are documented, and thus we share our archive with different activist groups. Our photos are often exhibited by local communities at events, conferences, demonstrations, and court hearings. Our images are frequently published in alternative and leading media as well as by human rights, development, and advocacy agencies.

    In solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for their inalienable rights, Activestills calls for: The end of Israel’s ongoing illegal occupation and colonization of Palestinian and Syrian territory, and the removal of the Israeli separation wall; The end of institutionalized discrimination against non-Jewish citizens of Israel, and respect for the human rights of all, regardless of ethnicity; Recognition and implementation of the rights of Palestinian refugees according to UN Resolution 194, including the right of return; Prosecution of those responsible for war crimes.

    Members: Ahmad al-Bazz, Fiaz Abu-Rmeleh, Shiraz Grinbaum, Keren Manor, Anne Paq, Ryan Rodrick Beiler, Yotam Ronen, Tess Scheflan, Oren Ziv, Basel Yazouri. Contributers: Hamde Abu Rahma, Mareike Lauken, Tali Mayer, Omar Sameer, Shahaf Polakow.

    #photographie #reportage #collective #Israël #Palestine

  • A Month in Photos: This is what ‘living by the sword’ looks like | +972 Magazine

    Violence engulfed Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza this month. Clashes around Al-Aqsa Mosque turned into stabbing attacks against Israelis, and Israeli security forces killed over 70 Palestinians.

    Photos by: Ahmad Al-Bazz, Anne Paq, Ezz Zanoun, Faiz Abu-Rmeleh, Hosam Salem, Keren Manor, Muhannad Saleem, Omar Sameer, Oren Ziv, Yotam Ronen
    Photo editing: Anka Mirkin

    Israeli Border Police officers stop and check Palestinians going out of the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Issawiya, October 15, 2015. Israel set up checkpoints in the Palestinian neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and mobilized hundreds of soldiers as a collective punishment after recent attacks by Palestinians. (

  • Comment Israël oblige les Bédouins à vivre dans un cimetière | Agence Media Palestine

    Des femmes se rassemblent dans le cimetière d’al-Araqib en juin alors que la police israélienne fait une descente dans le village d’al-Araqib.

    (Keren Manor / Active Stills)

    Il n’y a pas de signalisation pour sortir de la Route 40 vers la route de terre qui mène au village d’al-Araqib.

    Situé dans la région du Naqab (Negev) d’Israël d’aujourd’hui, al-Araqib est plus vieux que l’État lui-même : son cimetière date de 1914. Et pourtant, ceci n’est pas considéré comme important par les autorités.

    Relire aussi le reportage de Marion Lecoquierre sur :

    Sumoud, le combat et la vie d’al-Araqib - Visionscarto

    Le vent, les oies, les chiens et les hélicoptères, qui se font entendre la nuit, se sont tus et ont laissé la place à un groupe de moineaux excités par l’approche de l’aube… La lueur du soleil se dessine à l’horizon à travers le halo de poussière qui surplombe ce bout de désert en forme de terrain vague, à première vue sans grandeur et sans majesté. La matinée commence à al-Araqib…

    #bédouins #israël #al_araqib #colonisation_intérieure