person:laura rozen

  • Russia ’furious’ with Assad over gas attack

    WASHINGTON — Privately, Russian officials are furious with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for a suspected April 4 chemical weapons attack in Idlib province that killed over 80 people, Russia analysts said. They see it as threatening to sabotage the potential for US-Russia rapprochement ahead of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s first visit to Moscow this week.

    Syria’s alleged chemical weapons attack in Idlib province has threatened to sabotage potential US-Russia rapprochement, and Russia is privately furious with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
    Author Laura Rozen Posted April 10, 2017

    But Russia is also confused by what it perceives as contradictory statements from various top Trump Cabinet officials on whether US policy is shifting to demand Assad’s ouster, to what degree does the United States think Russia is culpable for Assad’s behavior, and more broadly, who from the administration speaks for Donald Trump, they said.

    “Assad committed suicide here,” Michael Kofman, a Russia military expert with the Kennan Institute, told Al-Monitor in an interview April 10. Russia “will never forgive him for this.”

    The suspected April 4 nerve gas attack on rebel-held Khan Sheikhoun that killed over 80 people, many of them children, “is a complete disaster” for Russia, Kofman said. “It destroyed the legacy of the 2013 deal [to remove Syria’s chemical weapons] that both countries [the United States and Russia] certified. So it made liars of both of us.”

    He noted, “It provided all the ammunition to sabotage rapprochement between the United States and Russia. Look at the atmospherics. It caused public embarrassment. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin has to swallow US cruise missile strikes. Notice he has not defended Assad. It looks bad for Russia.”

    Kofman added, “It demonstrates … in terms of Putin being a power broker … that the Russian role is very aspirational. It prevented him from doing this.”

    “The Russians weren’t happy about what happened,” Nikolas Gvosdev, a Russia expert and professor at the US Naval War College, told Al-Monitor, referring to the April 4 chemical weapons attack. “They don’t like unpredictability … when things happen that throw what they are planning off course.”

    “The Russians don’t like to be surprised,” Gvosdev added. “They don’t like … [to be made to] look like they can’t enforce agreements or don’t have as much influence over Assad as they were suggesting.”

    Trump discussed Syria during a phone call with British Prime Minister Theresa May on April 10, and according to the British readout, the two leaders said they saw an opportunity to press Russia to break its alliance with Assad.❞
    #Russie #Syrie #armeschimiques

    • @biggrizzly Oui ce qui est tendancieux, car ils appartiennent l’Institut Kennan de Mr Kennan qui a organisé le containment de l’Urss depuis le début de la guerre froide. Il vaux mieux passer par d’autres sources pour avoir l’avis réel des russes et mieux pour lire entre les lignes de cette affaire qui ressemble à un « casus belli » comme en 2013 ! Pour ceux que ça interesse les mensonges d’Eliot Higgins et Daniel Kaszta sur le présumé « smocking gun » contre Assad lors d’un tir de « gaz sarin » dont on sait que ce sont les djihadistes les vrais responsables :
      Tant qu’on est dans les mensonges pour appuyer une nouvelle guerre, repensons a Collin Powel et sa fiole d’Anthrax dont on sait maintenant que les CIA et FBI étaient derrière l’intox :
      Et dès 1982 les Usa dont la DIA avait le projet d’attaque la Syrie laique des Assad en se servant des Frères Musulmans comme chair à canon pour créer une guerre religieuse et ethnique :
      Exactement ce qui se passe à l’heure actuelle ...

    • Sur France inter à 19h réquisitoire assez convaincant contre la Russie ; puis on passe à la situation du Yémen, où « la violence de la guerre » et « la famine » menacent des centaines de milliers de personnes. Là par contre je n’ai pas entendu les mots « Arabie saoudite » ou « États-Unis ». C’est juste « la guerre » qui est mise en cause.

  • Kerry: Critics of Obama administration’s Syria policy ’completely screwed up’

    Laura Rozen reports, “The US proposal for deeper US-Russian coordination against Jabhat al-Nusra is controversial within the US administration, with some Pentagon, intelligence and State Department officials expressing doubt the Russians could be trusted to restrain the Syrian regime or not to use the intelligence to target US-backed rebels, given their track record of doing so in the past months.”

    In a joint press conference with Lavrov, Kerry described critics of his initiative as “completely screwed up.” He reminded the “dissent” crowd that Jabhat al-Nusra, just like the Islamic State (IS), is designated as a terrorist organization under numerous UN Security Council resolutions. He said that “Nusra is plotting against countries in the world” and that “what happened in Nice last night could just as well have come from Nusra.” Kerry refused to characterize Jabhat al-Nusra as “opposition” and expressed confidence in the “non-terrorist organization opposition, the legitimate opposition, the opposition we have supported.”

    Kerry noted that, in addition to the Syrian government, Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies have also violated the cessation of hostilities, as this column has reported — a fact often missing in press accounts. The secretary said opposition forces pairing up with Jabhat al-Nusra because of a shared commitment to fight President Bashar al-Assad’s forces “will not excuse it in our eyes. We saw what happened when people said the same thing about [IS] for a period of time — oh, don’t worry, they’re just a force against Assad, and down the road we can take them on. Well, they became more than just a force. And so I think that it is important for the United States, Russia, the entire coalition of ISSG [International Syria Support Group] to stand up against terrorism, and that is what we intend to continue to do.” Kerry made clear that the United States maintains that Syria can’t have peace while Assad is there,” and that Washington and Moscow disagree on this point.

  • Syrie, déplorable veillée d’armes, par @alaingresh - Les blogs du Diplo

    Le premier ministre français Jean-Marc Ayrault a déclaré qu’il n’y avait pas d’autre solution que politique en #Syrie. Mais alors pourquoi cet aventurisme français, alors même que les #Etats-Unis s’engagent avec beaucoup de réticences et que, selon certaines sources, ils tentent d’utiliser cette crise pour négocier avec la Russie et l’Iran (lire Laura Rozen, « Beyond US strikes, signs of intensifying UN diplomacy on Syria », 27 août 2013) ?

    La #France, en boycottant l’Iran et en méprisant la Russie, a abandonné toute #diplomatie audacieuse. Elle se prive d’un rôle effectif dans la région. En faisant parler les bombes, elle entamerait encore plus son crédit, déjà bien écorné par l’abandon, au fil des ans, des positions qui avaient fait son prestige dans les années 1960 et 1970.

    #Conflits #Politique #Relations_internationales #Armement_chimique_et_biologique

  • Néoconservateurs ❤ Kadhafi

    Puisque, de manière assez désespérée, on essaie de nous faire croire que les néoconservateurs se réjouissent de la démocratisation du monde arabe, et même que, peut-être, ils verraient enfin la victoire d’une idée qu’ils ont essayé de promouvoir avec Georges W. Bush, le papier de Laura Rozen est parfaitement réjouissant.

    Among Libya’s lobbyists - Laura Rozen -

    Prominent neoconservative #Richard_Perle, the former Reagan-era Defense Department official and George W. Bush-era chairman of the Defense Policy Board, traveled to Libya twice in 2006 to meet with Qadhafi, and afterward briefed Vice President #Dick_Cheney on his visits, according to documents released by a Libyan opposition group in 2009.


    A 2007 Monitor memo named among the prominent figures it had recruited to travel to Libya and meet with Qadhafi “as part of the Project to Enhance the Profile of Libya and Muammar Qadhafi” Perle, historian #Francis_Fukuyama, Princeton Middle East scholar #Bernard_Lewis, famous Nixon interviewer #David_Frost, and MIT media lab founder #Nicholas_Negroponte, the brother of former deputy secretary of state and director of national intelligence #John_Negroponte.

  • Infos tweetées par Laura Rozen, concernant l’assassinat de #Dubaï.

    – Le câble diplomatique (#cablegate) révélant que les Émirats arabes unis avaient officiellement demandé des renseignements aux États-Unis, signale que les cartes de crédits concernées ont été émises par MetaBank dans l’Iowa :

    – Le patron la branche de MetaBank dans l’Iowa nommé en avril 2007 :'s+Meta...-a0

    – 19 janvier 2010, meurtre de #Mahmoud_Al-Mabhouh.

    – 8 février 2010, Scoll Galit signe avec MetaBank un accord de « non-solicitation » :

    • – La version du 22 décembre 2010 de la page Reuters concernant Meta Financial Group, dans le cache de Google, présentait Scott Galit comme « Executive Vice President - Meta Payments Systems » et donnait sa bio :

      Mr. Scott H. Galit is Executive Vice President of Meta Payments Systems, a division of Meta Financial Group Inc. since April 23, 2007. Additionally, Mr. Galit serves on the the Bank Executive Committee. Mr. Galit previously served as Senior Vice President of Global Prepaid Products at MasterCard ® Worldwide. Prior to joining MasterCard ®, Mr. Galit was Senior Vice President and General Manager of First Data Prepaid Solutions. Mr. Galit was a founding board member of the Network Branded Prepaid Card Association (“NBPCA”) and currently serves on the NBPCA Advisory Board.

      – La page actuellement en ligne ne contient plus aucune mention de Scott Galit.