person:luba al-samri

  • Shooting attack at illegal settlement leaves Palestinian, 3 Israeli officers dead
    Sept. 26, 2017 11:32 A.M. (Updated: Sept. 26, 2017 12:37 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian on Tuesday morning after the 37-year-old carried out a shooting attack at the entrance of the illegal Israeli settlement of Har Hadar in the occupied West Bank, killing two security guards and a border police officer.

    According to Israeli police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld, the attack was carried out by a Palestinian from the village of Beit Surik in the West Bank’s Jerusalem district, later identified as Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal.

    Luba al-Samri, the Arabic spokesperson for the Israeli police, added that Jamal had arrived at the settlement along with a group of Palestinian workers. When Palestinians began entering the Israeli checkpoint at the entrance of the settlement, Israeli police forces asked him to stop after becoming suspicious of the Palestinian, who then exposed a gun and shot at the officers.

    After an exchange of fire, Jamal was shot dead, while three of the officers were killed. Another Israeli, the security coordinator of the settlement, was also seriously injured at the time. Rosenfeld confirmed that the slain Palestinian was a holder of an Israeli work permit.

    Al-Samri noted that the Israeli officer killed was 20-year-old Soloman Gabariya. Israeli police closed off the area near the settlement following the attack. Israeli daily Harretz identified the two security guards as as Yussef Utman, a resident of Abu Gosh village near Jerusalem, and Or Arish, 25, from Har Adar.

    According to Ma’an documentation, Jamal became the 56th Palestinian to have been killed by Israelis since the beginning of the year during attacks, alleged attacks, in clashes, or during deadly detention raids.

    Since the beginning of 2017, 16 Israelis have been killed by Palestinians, almost all of whom were uniformed Israeli officers or Israelis living on Israeli settlements in violation of international law.(...)


    • Un Palestinien tue trois Israéliens près d’une colonie de Cisjordanie
      AFP / 26 septembre 2017 11h23

      Un Palestinien armé d’un pistolet a tué mardi trois Israéliens à l’entrée d’une colonie de Cisjordanie occupée avant d’être abattu, dernière en date d’une multitude d’attaques du même genre depuis deux ans.

      L’attaque a immédiatement suscité chez les Israéliens la crainte d’un nouvel accès de violence coïncidant avec les grandes fêtes juives.

      Peu après 7H00, alors que des employés palestiniens se soumettaient aux contrôles israéliens pour entrer dans la colonie de Har Adar, à une quinzaine de kilomètres à l’ouest de Jérusalem, et commencer leur journée de travail, le comportement d’un homme a suscité les soupçons des gardes qui lui ont ordonné de s’arrêter, a rapporté la police israélienne.

      L’homme a sorti un pistolet et ouvert le feu, tuant Solomon Gavria, un sergent de police âgé de 20 ans, et deux agents de sécurité privés, avant d’être abattu. Un quatrième israélien a été transporté à l’hôpital dans un état grave.

      Steve Leibowitz, un résident de Har Adar âgé de 65 ans, a raconté à l’AFP avoir entendu les tirs et avoir d’abord cru à un mariage.

      Har Adar est une colonie aisée et jusqu’alors paisible d’environ 4.000 habitants, située en Cisjordanie, territoire palestinien occupé par l’armée israélienne depuis cinquante ans. Elle jouxte le territoire israélien et est située en-deçà de la barrière de sécurité qu’Israël a construite pour se protéger des attaques palestiniennes et qui empiète largement sur le sol de Cisjordanie.

      « C’est un endroit calme », dit Steve Leibowitz, « on a l’impression d’être en Israël même. Je n’ai pas fermé ma porte à clé depuis des années. Maintenant, je vais le faire ».
      – Violences domestiques -

      L’assaillant a été identifié par les autorités israéliennes comme Nimer al-Jamal , un habitant de Beit Surik, un des villages qui font face à Har Adar. Comme après chaque attaque, les forces israéliennes ont effectué une descente dans son village et chez lui.

      C’était un homme de 37 ans, sans antécédent au regard de la sécurité israélienne mais souffrant de « lourds problèmes personnels » et auteur de violences domestiques, selon la sécurité intérieure israélienne (Shin Beth). Sa femme l’aurait quitté et laissé seul avec leurs quatre enfants.

      Il disposait d’un permis de travail israélien, comme des dizaines de milliers de Palestiniens qui vont chaque jour travailler en Israël ou dans les colonies, attirés par des salaires plus élevés. (...)

    • Palestine occupée : 3 agents des troupes d’occupation abattus par un Palestinien
      mardi 26 septembre 2017 / 1h:41
      26 septembre 2017 – Ma’an news – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

      Ma’an News – Ce mardi, les forces israéliennes d’occupation ont tué un Palestinien de 37 ans qui avait mené une attaque à main armée à l’entrée de la colonie juive de Har Hadar en Cisjordanie occupée, abattant deux gardes de sécurité et un agent de la police des frontières.

      Selon l’occupant, l’attaque a été menée par un Palestinien du village de Beit Surik dans le district de Jérusalem en Cisjordanie, plus tard identifié comme étant Nimr Mahmoud Ahmed Jamal.

      La police israélienne a ajouté que Jamal était arrivé à la colonie avec un groupe de travailleurs palestiniens. Lorsque les Palestiniens ont commencé à entrer dans le poste de contrôle israélien à l’entrée de la colonie, les forces de police israéliennes lui ont demandé de s’arrêter, et à ce moment il a sorti une arme à feu et a tiré sur les policiers et les gardes.

      Après un échange de coups de feu, Jamal a été tué. Trois des agents des troupes d’occupation ont été tués et un autre Israélien – le responsable de la sécurité de la colonie – a été gravement blessé. La police israélienne a confirmé que le Palestinien tué était titulaire d’un permis de travail israélien.

      L’officier israélien tué se nomme Soloman Gabariya, âgé de 20 ans. La police israélienne a bouclé la zone près de la colonie suite à l’attaque. Le quotidien israélien Harretz a identifié les deux gardes de sécurité comme étant Yussef Utman, un habitant du village d’Abu Gosh près de Jérusalem, et Or Arish, âgé de 25 ans, de Har Adar.

      Selon les informations recueillies par Ma’an, Jamal est le 56e Palestinien à avoir été tué par des Israéliens depuis le début de l’année lors d’attaques réelles ou présumées, d’affrontements ou de raids mortels.

      Depuis le début de l’année 2017, 16 Israéliens ont été tués par des Palestiniens, presque tous des officiers israéliens en uniforme ou des Israéliens vivant dans des colonies israéliennes, en complète violation du droit international.

  • 8-year-old Palestinian girl dies after being struck by Israeli settler car in Nablus
    Aug. 26, 2017 1:45 P.M. (Updated: Aug. 26, 2017 5:39 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An 8-year-old Palestinian girl was killed on Saturday after being struck by an Israeli vehicle in the Nablus district of the nerthern occupied West Bank, according to Israeli sources.

    According to Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri, the child was hit around noon on Route 90 in the Jordan Valley area of the West Bank, while Palestinian medical sources said that the girl was run over by an Israeli settler’s vehicle near the Furush Beit Dajan village in the Nablus district.

    A crew from Israel’s Magen David Adom national emergency service arrived at the scene and evacuated the girl to the hospital, according to al-Samri. However, the girl was pronounced dead on arrival.

    Palestinian medical sources later identified the child as Asil Tariq Abu Oun from the village of Jaba in the northern West Bank Jenin district.

    It remained unknown whether the driver had fled or remained at the scene.


    • Aseel Abu Oun, 8 ans, assassinée par un colon israélien…
      par Linah Alsaafin - 27 août 2017 – Al-Jazeera – Traduction : Chronique de Palestine

      Les parents doutent que la police israélienne enquête sérieusement sur le meurtre de la fillette de huit ans, dont la maison familiale était sur le point d’être confisquée.

      Une fillette palestinienne âgée de huit ans et qui a été écrasée par la voiture d’un colon israélien en Cisjordanie occupée, a été enterrée dimanche.

      Aseel Abu Oun a été tuée un jour plus tôt par un colon en voiture, près du village de Foroush Beit Dajan, dans le district de Naplouse.

      Elle a été renversée par la voiture alors qu’elle quittait un supermarché vers midi avec une amie.

      Le quotidien israélien Haaretz a signalé que la police a arrêté le conducteur du véhicule pour un interrogatoire. Toujours selon Haaretz, la police a déclaré avoir ouvert une enquête mais sans préciser si le colon avait été relâché ou non.

      Mais es membres de la famille d’Aseel ont déclaré que l’annonce d’une enquête policière était simplement une tentative du gouvernement israélien de détourner la colère des habitants.

      « Nous sommes habitués aux manigances la police israélienne lors des agressions ou attaques de colons contre des Palestiniens », a déclaré à Al Jazeera Jawdat Abu Oun, un parent d’Aseel.

      « Nous avons demandé que ce soit un organisme indépendant qui supervise l’enquête, mais nous ne pensons pas que cela aboutisse », a-t-il dit, ajoutant qu’il croyait que le colon avait déjà été libéré.

      Tareq Abu Oun, le père de la fillette, a été témoin du moment où Aseel a été renversée et avec l’aide d’autres personnes présentes, il a réussi à empêcher la voiture de s’enfuir.

      « Le colon était armé et nous avons confisqué son arme jusqu’à ce que la police israélienne soit arrivée », a déclaré Jawdat.

      Alors que les colons sont autorisés à porter des armes en Cisjordanie occupée, les Palestiniens n’ont pas le droit d’être armés. (...)

  • Palestinians clash with Israeli forces in Jaffa after local shot dead by police
    July 29, 2017 9:32 P.M. (Updated: July 29, 2017 9:35 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian citizens of Israel took to the streets in the Palestinian-majority city of Jaffa in Israel to protest against police brutality and racial profiling, after a man was shot dead in a police chase early Saturday morning, according to Israeli media reports.

    Another man was reportedly moderately wounded by gunfire during the police chase. According to Israeli police, the two fled the scene of a criminally-motivated shooting on Yefet Street in Jaffa on motorcycles and were shot while being pursued.

    Arab48 news reported that clashes broke out Saturday afternoon between outraged local protesters and Israeli police.

    Demonstrators denounced Israeli police for using excessive force with impunity, and vowed not to remain silent to prevent unjustified police killings from becoming normalized.

    A family member of the slain man, who was identified by Arab48 as 22-year-old Mahdi al-Saadi from Jaffa, told the news site that al-Saadi was killed “in cold blood” and posed no threat to police when he was shot dead. “They could have shot him in the foot and arrested him,” they said.

    Masked protesters reportedly closed the main road in Jaffa with burning tires and garbage containers and smashed a police car windshield, according to Israeli news site Ynet.

    Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri wrote in a statement that a group of young men threw stones at police officers, and that two suspected stone throwers were detained.

    She said that as of Saturday evening, police continued to deploy heavily on Yefet street and the surrounding area to “maintain security and to respond to any possible scenario.”

    #Palestine_assassinée #Jaffa

    • Israeli police assault journalists, detain 8 Palestinians at funeral in Jaffa
      July 30, 2017 10:50 A.M. (Updated: July 30, 2017 10:50 A.M.)

      JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police assaulted Israeli journalists and detained eight Palestinian citizens of Israel, six of them minors, as hundreds participated in a funeral march Saturday night in Jaffa city in southern Israel for 22-year-old Mahdi al-Saadi who was shot dead by police early Saturday morning.

      Mourners in the Palestinian-majority town condemned what they said was an unjustified killing. According to Israeli police, the man was suspected of taking part in a criminally-motivated shooting and was shot dead, alongside another who was shot and injured, in a police chase as the two allegedly fled on motorcycles.

      However, locals argued that al-Saadi posed no threat to Israeli police when he was fatally shot and that he could have been detained without using lethal force.

  • Three Palestinians killed in Al-Aqsa clashes on Friday
    July 21, 2017 3:00 P.M. (Updated: July 21, 2017 6:34 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian teenager was killed during clashes in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras al-Amoud on Friday, medical sources told Ma’an, as witnesses said that the youth was shot by an Israeli settler.

    The youth was identified as 17-year-old Muhammad Mahmoud Sharaf from the neighborhood of Silwan.

    Witnesses said Sharaf was shot in the neck by an Israeli settler, and later succumbed to his wounds.

    Social media pages shared footage of what they claimed to be Sharaf’s funeral, stating that Sharaf was immediately buried out of fear that Israeli authorities might confiscate his body.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri however said in a statement that Israeli police wasn’t aware of any deaths at Damascus Gate — in an apparent confusion due to Damascus Gate being known in Arabic as Bab al-Amoud.
    Very shortly after his death, mourners carried out Sharaf’s funeral, out of fear that Israeli authorities might confiscate his body, as participants chanted slogans about the teenager and Al-Aqsa.


    • Two Palestinians shot, killed in East Jerusalem clashes
      July 21, 2017 3:00 P.M. (Updated: July 21, 2017 5:10 P.M.)

      Another Palestinian succumbs to wounds in Jerusalem hospital

      Meanwhile, another Palestinian, identified by medical sources as Muhammad Abu Ghanam , succumbed to his wounds in al-Makassed hospital after being shot by Israeli police forces during clashes in al-Tur.

      Witnesses said that Israeli forces raided the hospital on Friday afternoon looking to detain Palestinians who were injured during the clashes.

      A Ma’an reporter on the scene said that a funeral was also promptly held for Abu Ghanam, as Palestinians were filmed hauling his body over a wall surrounding the al-Makassed hospital to avoid Israeli forces confiscating it.


    • Three Palestinians killed in Al-Aqsa clashes on Friday
      July 21, 2017 3:00 P.M. (Updated: July 21, 2017 5:29 P.M.)

      Palestinian shot, killed in Abu Dis demonstration

      Later on Friday afternoon, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said a Palestinian succumbed to his wounds in a hospital in Ramallah after having been shot in the chest by Israeli forces during a demonstration in the village of Abu Dis in the Jerusalem district of the West Bank.

      The slain Palestinian was identified by local sources as 17-year-old Muhammad Mahmoud Khalaf .


  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian, pursued for allegedly committing drive-by shootings
    July 16, 2017 10:05 A.M. (Updated: July 16, 2017 12:38 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a 34-year-old Palestinian man during a predawn raid in the village of Nabi Saleh west of Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank on Sunday, when another Palestinian, described as a “youth” by Israeli police, was injured and detained.

    Israeli police claimed in a statement that the slain Palestinian, identified as Amr Ahmad Khalil from Nabi Saleh, was responsible for two shooting incidents that took place in the area the previous day.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri claimed that the Khalil opened fire at an Israeli-plated vehicle north of Ramallah near the illegal Israeli Ateret settlement Saturday afternoon, which resulted in the light injury of the driver, who was Palestinian.

    She said the alleged assailant was also responsible for another shooting later in the day at an Israeli military site in Nabi Saleh that caused no casualties.


    Undercover Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Near Ramallah

    (...) The Palestinian was later identified as Amer Ahmad Khalil Tirawi , 34; he was a married father of one child, from Kafr Ein village, northwest of Ramallah. (...)

    • Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (13– 19 July 2017)

      (...)Sunday, 16 July 2017
      At approximately 05:00, Israeli forces accompanied with more than 30 military jeeps and a group of Israeli undercover agents “Musta’ribin”dressed like Palestinian civilians and supported by a drone moved into Kafer ‘Ein village, northwest of Ramallah. The soldiers surrounded 3 poultry farms belonging to Mohammed Lutfi Hasan al-Terawi, Ashraf al-Remawi and an expatriate civilian, who owns an uninhabited house comprised of 2 rooms. All of these farms are located in ‘Ein al-Jadidah area in the eastern outskirts of the abovementioned village. When the Israeli forces moved into, sound of heavy shooting was heard in the area. At approximately 06:00, information was leaked to the residents that there is a dead body in the farms. After the Israeli forces withdrew at approximately 06:30, a number of the residents rushed to the abovementioned area and saw a pool of blood in the uninhabited house and blood signs on the main street, but they did not find any corpse. They later knew that the Israeli forces killed ‘Ammar Ahmed Hasan Lutfi al-Terawi (34) and arrested his cousin Lutfi Mohammed Hasan al-Terawi (28), who was in his father’s farm. They kept the dead body under custody.

      Following this crime, the Israeli forces declared that “Yamam” Unit, which is one of “Musta’ribin” units, and another Israeli unit from the “Shabak”, shot al-Terawi dead. They also claimed that al-Terawi pointed his weapon at the soldiers when they went to arrest him, so they opened fire at him. However, PCHR was not able to reach a local eyewitness to confirm or refute the Israeli claims, particularly because the Israeli forces arrested the only eyewitness on this crime. PCHR will continue to investigate in the circumstances of this crime.

      It should be mentioned that the “Yamam” Unit is an Israeli counter-terrorism unit, one of four special units of the Israeli Border Police, and is specialized, among other tasks, in carrying out attacks against Members of Palestinian armed groups. According to PCHR’s documentation of many attacks carried out by “Musta‘ribin” Unit against activists during al-Aqsa Intifada, members of this Unit used to kill Palestinians, claiming they are wanted, instead of arresting them.

  • 3 Palestinian citizens of Israel, 2 police officers killed in Jerusalem shooting
    July 14, 2017 9:19 A.M. (Updated: July 14, 2017 12:58 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Three Palestinian citizens of Israel and two police officers — also Palestinian citizens of Israel — were killed during an armed confrontation in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem early on Friday morning.

    According to Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, three Palestinians carried out a shooting attack at the Lions’ Gate entrance to the Old City at around 7:00 a.m. on Friday, critically injuring two Israeli police officers, who were taken to hospitals for treatment, and lightly injuring another.

    Israeli forces then heavily opened fire towards the Palestinians as they headed inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, injuring the three, who were left on the ground bleeding while medics were reportedly prevented from approaching them, witnesses told Ma’an.

    Witnesses told Ma’an that the Palestinians entered Lions’ Gate on a motorcycle and shot at the police officers at point-blank range, before heading inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound through the Gate of Remission — known in Arabic as Bab al-Huttah — where Israeli forces shot them at close range.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri later identified the shooters as Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad Jabarin , 29; Muhammad Hamid Abd al-Latif Jabarin , 19; and Muhammad Ahmad Mufdal Jabarin , 19 — all Palestinian citizens of Israel from the Palestinian-majority town of Umm al-Fahm. Al-Samri added that none of the three men had previously had a “security” record.

    Rosenfeld reported early on Friday afternoon that the two critically injured officers had succumbed to their wounds while in the hospital, identifying them as Hail Stawi, 30, and Kamil Shakib Shinan, 22 — two Druze citizens of Israel from the villages of Maghar and Horfish respectively.(...)


  • Palestinians subjected to ’collective punishment’ in Jerusalem following attack
    June 18, 2017 11:18 A.M. (Updated: June 18, 2017 11:24 A.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police continued to enforce a strict crackdown on occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday following a deadly attack in front of the Old City on Friday night, with Palestinians saying they have been subjected to “collective punishment” through road closures, arbitrary searches, and mass detentions.

    The security measures are expected to remain in force until the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan near the end of June, according to Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri.

    Over the course of Saturday, 350 Palestinians with West Bank IDs were rounded up, detained, and sent back the occupied West Bank on buses, al-Samri said.

    • » Undercover Israeli Officers Invade Al-Aqsa Mosque, Smash Its Doors And Attack Worshipers– IMEMC News

      Undercover Israeli officers invaded, on Sunday morning, the Al-Qibli Mosque, of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound, and smashed its doors, before invading it, and clashed with many local youngsters.

      The undercover officers invaded the mosque while Israeli soldiers and officers occupied its rooftop, while many Palestinians were detained and interrogated in the mosque compound, as the soldiers investigated their ID cards.

      The attack led to scuffles and clashes between the invading Israeli forces and dozens of worshipers, while the soldiers also abducted an international pilgrim in the mosque.

  • 3 Palestinians dead, 1 injured as Israeli officer killed in Jerusalem stabbing
    June 16, 2017 8:06 P.M. (Updated: June 17, 2017 11:40 A.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police reported on Friday evening that an attack took place outside the Damascus Gate entrance to the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem, saying that one Israeli police officer was critically injured and later succumbed to her wounds, while the three attackers — who police spokesperson Micky Rosenfeld referred to as “Arab terrorists” — were shot dead.

    Israeli news daily Haaretz reported all three Palestinians were shot dead by Israeli police at the scene. Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said that the Israeli police officer, a 23-year old woman named Hadas Malka, succumbed to her wounds after being stabbed by one of the attackers, while a number of others were injured in the attack.

    According to Rosenfeld, the attackers used knives and an automatic weapon. Israeli news outlet Ynet reported that the three Palestinians had carried out simultaneous stabbing and shooting attacks in two different areas near Damascus Gate.

    Al-Samri said two of the Palestinians, aged 18 and 19, were from the Ramallah-area villages of Deir Abu Mashal and Shuqba in the central occupied West Bank, and the third was a 30-year-old resident of the southern West Bank city of Hebron. However, reports later emerged that the three Palestinian attackers were all from the village of Deir Abu Mashal in Ramallah, while the Palestinian from Hebron was a bystander who was injured during the incident and taken to a hospital for treatment.

    Rosenfeld reported that following the attack, police units implemented heightened security measures in the area — which had already seen an increased police presence earlier in the day for the third Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, as thousands of Palestinians from across Israel and the occupied West Bank travelled to Jerusalem to perform prayers at Al-Aqsa mosque.

    • Israel rescinds permits, puts Ramallah-area village on lockdown following deadly attack
      June 17, 2017 11:36 A.M. (Updated: June 17, 2017 11:40 A.M.)

      (...) Israeli forces put Ramallah-area village under lockdown and prepare for punitive demolitions

      Shortly after the attack on Friday night, Israeli forces surrounded Deir Abu Mashal village, northwest of Ramallah city, where the three Palestinian attackers originated, according to Palestinian sources.

      The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the slain attackers as Adel Hasan Ahmad Ankoush ,18, Baraa Ibrahim Salih Taha , 18, and Osama Ahmad Dahdouh , 19.

      Locals told Ma’an that Israeli forces set up military checkpoints in the village and prevented residents from leaving or entering the area.

      The mayor of Deir Abu Mashal Imad Zahran told Ma’an on Saturday that Israeli forces raided the homes of the three Palestinian youths and took measurements, while Israeli soldiers informed the families that their homes would be demolished soon — an Israeli policy used against family members of Palestinian attacks, which rights groups have deemed a form of “collective punishment.”

      Israeli news daily Haaretz reported that Israel would also revoke Israeli permits for the extended families of the Palestinian attackers.

      Zahran confirmed that “fierce clashes” broke out in the village during the raid, adding that two Palestinians were shot with live ammunition in the legs and another Palestinian was struck with a live bullet. Dozens of Palestinians, he added, suffered from tear gas inhalation during the clashes.
      Palestinians injured and detained following the attack

      As reports continue emerge regarding the deadly attack, Palestinians told Ma’an that a number of bystanders were injured and detained by Israeli forces following the attack.

      Several Palestinians were injured by shrapnel from bullets shot by Israeli forces, who witnesses said shot “haphazardly” in every direction during the attack. Among the injured was a young man from Jerusalem who was shot in the spine and kidney, according to witnesses.

      The Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service told Ma’an that its teams had treated one person who was injured by shrapnel in the foot and three others who suffered from tear gas inhalation after Israeli forces fired tear gas into the crowds.

      Meanwhile, witnesses told Ma’an that Israeli forces and police officers had detained at least six young men following the incident and “assaulted” Palestinian bystanders.

      Israeli forces had detained three Palestinian bystanders near Herod’s Gate in the Old City after allegedly assaulting them, according to witnesses. Israeli forces also fired stun grenades to disperse bystanders and passersby who were exiting through the gate after finishing prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque.

      Three other Palestinian bystanders were detained in Musrara neighborhood and on Nablus street in East Jerusalem where Israeli forces had also fired stun grenades at Palestinians in the area.

      Meanwhile, all shop owners in Musrara and Sultan Solomon streets near the site of the attack were forced to close their shops following the incident.

      According to witnesses, Israeli forces also stormed the al-Maqasid hospital at the Mount of Olives reportedly in search of a young Palestinian man who was shot in the Damascus Gate area. Witnesses added that Israeli forces were deployed outside the hospital and were inspecting vehicles.


  • Palestinian citizen of Israel killed by Israeli police in Kafr Qasim clashes
    June 6, 2017 10:42 A.M. (Updated : June 6, 2017 12:42 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian citizen of Israel was shot dead by Israeli police during clashes in the Palestinian-majority town of Kafr Qasim in central Israel on Monday night.

    Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said in a statement on Tuesday morning that clashes erupted shortly before midnight when police detained a local man who was “wanted for questioning.”

    Local youth threw stones at the police officers during the detention, and a “suspect” was also detained.

    According to local news outlet Arab48, police officers fired tear gas, stun grenades and rubber-coated steel bullets at the crowd, which it said had gathered to denounce police failure to properly handle the high level of crime in Kafr Qasim.

    Clashes continued into the night outside of the local police station, Rosenfeld said, adding that “as a result of a life-threatening situation,” a private security guard fired towards the protesters. Official Palestinian news agency Wafa reported that at least two Palestinian citizens of Israel were injured during by gunshots.

    One of the men — whom Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri identified as 21-year-old Muhammad Taha — was evacuated in critical condition to the Beilinson hospital in Petah Tikva, where doctors later declared him dead.

    Rosenfeld also reported that Kafr Qasim protesters set fire to three police vehicles, while Israeli news outlet the Jerusalem Post reported that a police officer was “slightly wounded.”

    Taha’s funeral is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, while the High Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel called for a general strike in all Palestinian-majority municipalities in Israel that same day.

    Israeli Police Kills A Palestinian In Kafr Qassem
    June 6, 2017 10:27 AM

    Israeli police officers shot and killed, on Monday evening, a young Palestinian man in Kafr Qassem, east of Tel Aviv, after the police invaded the town, and resorted to excessive use of force against the residents, amidst accusations that the police are not providing security to the Arab citizens of the country facing increasing levels of organized crime, and violence.

    The Arabs48 news website has reported that the slain Palestinian, Mohammad Taha , 27, was shot by the police with three live rounds in the head, from a close range, without posing any threat to them, and died from his wounds at the Beilinson Israeli medical center.

    After shooting the young man, the police imposed curfew and abducted dozens of residents, before moving them to detention and interrogation centers.


  • Israeli forces shoot, kill Jordanian man in Jerusalem’s Old City after alleged attack

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a 57-year-old Jordanian man near the Chain Gate in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem on Saturday after he allegedly stabbed and moderately injured an Israeli police officer, according to Israeli police.

    An initial statement in Arabic from Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri said that Israeli forces had “neutralized” a Palestinian attacker and “immediately pronounced him dead on the spot.”

    The Israeli police officer was reported to have sustained “medium wounds” from the attack and was transferred to the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem for treatment, according to al-Samri.

    According to al-Samri, a Palestinian noticed a police officer walking in his direction, prompting him to “approach the officer quickly,” pull out a knife, and stab the officer. The police officer, she said, pulled out his handgun after being wounded and shot the Palestinian to death.

    Police forces found two knives on the slain Palestinian’s body, according to al-Samri.

    Al-Samri later released a statement identifying the slain man as 57-year-old Jordanian citizen who had he arrived in the country a week ago on a tourist visa.

    (Updated : May 13, 2017 8:18 P.M.)

    Israel police identified the slain man as a 57-year-old Jordanian citizen who had arrived in the country a week ago on a tourist visa. Jerusalem-based news site the al-Quds Network said that the man, Muhammad Abdullah Salim al-Kisaji, was of Palestinian origin and from the occupied West Bank city of Jericho.
    An eyewitness and local shop owner corroborated to Ma’an that he saw the assailant, who was wearing a black coat stab the Israeli policeman multiple times in the neck and face with a knife on the crowded street.

    “The injured officer fired heavily at the stabber and after he fell to the ground, a security guard escorting a group of settlers fired a bullet at the attacker’s head," the Palestinian witnesses, who asked to remain anonymous, said.

    Backup police officers arrived and one of them "hit the attacker with a plastic table while he was lying motionless on the ground,” according to the same witness.


    • Jordan condemns fatal shooting of knife assailant as ’heinous crime’
      May 14, 2017 12:42 P.M. (Updated: May 14, 2017 9:28 P.M.)

      JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — The Jordanian government said Saturday that it held the Israeli government responsible for the death of Muhammad al-Skaji, a Jordanian national, reportedly of Palestinian origin, who was shot and killed earlier in the day in occupied in East Jerusalem’s Old City, after he attacked an Israeli policeman with a knife.

      Spokesperson for the Jordanian government and Jordanian Minister of Media Affairs Muhammad al-Mumni condemned in a statement the “heinous crime” committed against al-Skaji and demanded that Israel provide all details surrounding the incident.

      He added that Jordan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry was following up on the details of the incident in coordination with the Jordanian embassy in Tel Aviv.

      The remarks angered the office of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for failing to mention that al-Skaji was killed for attacking and moderately injuring the Israeli officer.

      “It was outrageous to hear the spokesperson of the Jordanian government express support for the terror attack perpetrated today in Jerusalem by a Jordanian,” the statement said, adding that “it’s time that Jordan stops this double game. Just as Israel condemns terror attacks in Jordan, Jordan must condemn terror attacks in Israel.”

  • Israeli forces shoot, kill woman in East Jerusalem after alleged stabbing attempt
    May 7, 2017 7:17 P.M. (Updated: May 7, 2017 8:55 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police forces shot and killed a teenaged Palestinian girl in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem early on Sunday evening after she allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack, Israeli police said.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said that the teenager was shot after she approached Israeli police officers stationed at the Damascus Gate entrance to the Old City while holding a knife.

    Al-Samri later confirmed that she had been killed, identifying her as a 16-year-old Palestinian from the Ramallah district of the occupied West Bank.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the girl as Fatima Afif Abd al-Rahman Hjeiji , 16, from the Ramallah-area village of Qarawat Bani Zeid.

    Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said in a statement that no police officers had been injured in the alleged attack, adding that Israeli police had cordoned off the area and were investigating the incident.

    According to Ma’an documentation, Hjeiji is the 20th Palestinian to have been killed by Israelis since the beginning of the year, seven of whom were minors. Seven Israelis have been killed by Palestinians during the same time period.

    Though Israeli forces often claimed that Palestinians were allegedly attempting to carry out stabbing attacks when they were shot and killed, Palestinians and rights groups have disputed Israel’s version of events in a number of cases.


    • Israeli Soldiers Execute Palestinian Girl in Occupied Jerusalem
      May 8, 2017

      (...) According to PCHR’s investigations and testimonies by eyewitnesses to PCHR’s fieldworker in occupied Jerusalem, at approximately 19:00 on the abovementioned day, Fatmah ‘Afif ‘Abdel Rahman Hjeiji (16), from Qarawet Bani Zaid village, northwest of Ramallah, was walking 10 meters away from a police checkpoint, which is permanently established at the southern entrance to the Damascus Gate. One of the soldiers suddenly screamed out, “knife”. Immediately, the Israeli soldiers stationed there opened fire at the girl. As a result, 30 live bullets hit her body; some of them penetrated her chest and waist from the right side. Therefore, Fatmah was killed on the spot. Eyewitnesses emphasized that after the girl fell on the ground, the Israeli soldiers continued shooting at her and not only attempting to wound or arrest her.

      Following this, the Israeli police deployed in the area closed the scene and prevented anyone from approaching the girl, whose body had been on the ground for an hour. The police officers attacked and pushed dozens of civilians away. They chased Mahmoud Abu Sbeih (9) until he fell from height in the Damascus Gate area and was then taken to the hospital to receive medical treatment. (...)

    • B’Tselem denounces Israel for unjustified killing of Palestinian teen in Jerusalem
      May 10, 2017 6:15 P.M. (Updated: May 10, 2017 11:06 P.M.)

      B’Tselem noted that Israel’s Jerusalem District Police Commander Major General Yoram Halevy defended the shooting as lawful and appropriate. Israeli police spokespersons at the time said the officers had acted “determinedly and professionally” when they killed the teenager.

      “The District Commander’s statement completely ignores the facts of the case: Hjeiji’s youth, the fact that she stood motionless, the short distance between her and the officers, the metal barrier separating her from the officers, and the obvious conclusion — that the officers shot and killed her when she posed no threat to them,” B’Tselem wrote.

      “This statement, like similar sentiments expressed by other senior ranking officials and a mood of general hostility ever since October 2015, encourages security personnel to shoot to kill even in cases such as this, where lethal measures are unwarranted,” the human rights organization argued.

      “This is no isolated incident,” B’Tselem affirmed, echoing numerous the numerous cases in which Israeli forces have been condemned for carrying out a “shoot-to-kill” policy of Palestinians who could have easily been disarmed and detained without being shot to death by Israeli forces.

      An Israeli settler was shot and killed earlier this month at a military checkpoint, who Israeli police initially mistook for a Palestinian. About a month ago, almost at the very spot where Hjeiji was killed, and under similar circumstances, Israeli forces shot and killed 49-year-old Siham Nimr, who allegedly brandished a pair of scissors at them from the other side of the police barricade.

      “The continued policy of fatally shooting Palestinians who do not pose a mortal danger illustrates the manifest discrepancy between the recognized and accepted principle that prohibits such use of gunfire, and a reality in which shoot-to-kill incidents are a frequent occurrence and are encouraged by senior officials and wide public support,” B’Tselem concluded in their report.

  • 2 Palestinian children killed after Israeli ordnance explodes in Negev
    April 25, 2017 10:49 P.M. (Updated: April 26, 2017 10:17 A.M.)

    NEGEV (Ma’an) — Two Palestinian children were killed on Tuesday evening when an Israeli ordnance exploded in the Abu Qeidar area of the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Zarnouq in the Negev of southern Israel.

    Locals told Ma’an that the device was left over from the Israeli army. The children were identified as 8-year-old Omar Ismail Abu Qweidar , and his 10-year-old cousin Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Qeidar .

    The children were declared dead at the scene of the explosion.

    Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri confirmed the incident in a written statement, revealing that Omar was in fact just 6-and-a-half years old, and said that the two boys were playing with the ordnance when it exploded.

  • Palestinian teen ’executed’ by Israeli police after stabbing, lightly injuring 3 Israelis
    April 1, 2017 3:37 P.M. (Updated: April 1, 2017 9:44 P.M.)

    17-year-old Ahmad Zahir Fathi Ghazal

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian teenager in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City on Saturday, after he carried out a stab attack that left three Israelis lightly injured, with witnesses asserting Israeli police could have easily detained the boy without killing him.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a written statement that a 17-year-old Palestinian armed with a knife stabbed and lightly injured two “Jewish young men” — aged 18 and 23, at around 3:30 p.m.

    Israeli forces chased after the teen, who ran inside a building that had its door left open, al-Samri said. As Israeli police struggled to detain him, one policeman was lightly injured, according to al-Samri.

    More Israeli police officers arrived to the scene and opened heavy fire on the boy, killing him.

    The slain Palestinian was identified by the Palestinian Ministry of Health as 17-year-old Ahmad Zahir Fathi Ghazal from Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank.

    An eyewitness told Ma’an that he saw the the boy stab “two settlers” on al-Wad street in the Old City and escape into the nearby building, before Israeli forces ambushed Ghazal in a small apartment, which had no alternate exit.

    “Then we heard sounds of intensive shooting coming from the building," he said."They could have detained him — he was surrounded by a large number of soldiers. But they executed him."

    According to the witness’ testimony, a female border police officer was seen exiting the building with a minor foot injury.
    In a recording shared on social media by local watchdog the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, another eyewitness and shop owner on al-Wad street also said that Israeli police “could have detained him (Ghazal), but they didn’t want to.”

    “They ambushed him in the staircase. They could have detained him without any problem, but they wanted to kill him instead. We heard four soldiers riddling him with bullets. It was like a battlefield.”

    A video was shared on social media purporting to show the moment after the two Israelis were stabbed, with one of their shirts visibly stained with blood.

    The two, in traditional Haredi dress, can be seen walking away from the scene after a group of Israeli border police rush inside an open doorway, after which at least a dozen gunshots can be heard from inside.(...)


    • Un Palestinien poignarde trois Israéliens avant d’être abattu (police)
      AFP / 01 avril 2017 16h07
      Jérusalem - Un Palestinien de Cisjordanie occupée a blessé samedi à coups de couteau trois Israéliens dans la vieille ville de Jérusalem avant d’être abattu par des garde-frontières, a annoncé la police.

      Ce Palestinien a agressé deux passants juifs avant de s’enfuir. Des garde-frontières l’ont ensuite pourchassé et abattu après qu’il a blessé l’un d’entre eux, selon la version de la police. C’est la deuxième attaque de ce type depuis mercredi près de la porte de Damas, dans la vieille ville.

      Deux des Israéliens ont été légèrement blessés et le troisième a été plus gravement atteint. Ils ont été évacués vers un hôpital, a ajouté la police.

      Des affrontements ont ensuite éclaté entre des Palestiniens qui ont jeté des pierres vers les policiers qui ont utilisé des grenades assourdissantes, a constaté un photographe de l’AFP.

    • Funeral held for Palestinian teen killed by Israeli forces following stab attack
      April 22, 2017 3:24 P.M. (Updated: April 23, 2017 11:08 A.M.)

      NABLUS (Ma’an) — A funeral was held in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus on Saturday for 17-year-old Ahmad Ghazal, who was killed by Israeli forces after carrying out a stabbing attack earlier this month, which lightly injured three Israelis.

      Israeli authorities had returned Ghazal’s body to his family on Friday evening.

      Mourners marched from Rafidia hospital to the Martyrs’ Square in the center of Nablus city while carrying Ghazal’s body. His body was then carried to the city’s western cemetery where he was laid to rest.

  • Palestinian woman shot, killed after alleged attempted stabbing in East Jerusalem
    March 29, 2017 4:20 P.M. (Updated: March 29, 2017 7:51 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian woman in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem on Wednesday afternoon after she allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack, Israeli police said.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri initially said in a statement that the woman attempted to stab police officers at the Old City’s Damascus Gate, only to be “neutralized” by the Israeli forces — a term commonly used by Israeli officials to indicate that an alleged attacker has either been wounded or killed.

    Moments later, the spokeswoman confirmed that the Palestinian woman had been killed. Al-Samri added that no Israeli officers had been injured in the altercation.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the slain Palestinian woman as 49-year-old Siham Ratib Nimr , from East Jerusalem. Al-Samri specified that Nimr was from the northern East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras Khamis, which is cut off from the rest of the city by Israel’s illegal separation wall.

    Witness told Ma’an that the Nimr was walking with her daughter in the entrance to Damascus Gate, and that an altercation occurred once they came close to Israeli police officers.

    The witnesses said that an Israeli border police officer shot Nimr at point-blank range in the chest and lower extremities, and that Israeli police forcibly prevented an Israeli paramedic from approaching the woman, “leaving her to bleed to death.”

    The eyewitnesses added that Israeli forces then completely sealed off the area, preventing Palestinians from using the entrance to the Old City.

    Israeli forces reportedly also assaulted young Palestinian men who were in the area.


    • Jérusalem : une Palestinienne auteur d’une tentative d’attaque aux ciseaux tuée (police)
      AFP / 29 mars 2017 17h48

      Le corps d’une assaillante palestinienne est évacué, le 29 mars 2017 devant la porte de Damas, à l’entrée de la vieille ville de Jérusalem-Est / © AFP / MENAHEM KAHANA
      Jérusalem - Une Palestinienne, qui avait tenté d’attaquer mercredi des policiers israéliens avec une paire de ciseaux, a été tuée par balles à une entrée de la vieille ville de Jérusalem-Est, selon une nouvelle version de la police.

      Dans un premier temps, une porte-parole de la police avait affirmé que cette Palestinienne avait brandi un couteau.

      Selon la police, cette femme, qui sortait de la vieille ville de Jérusalem par la porte de Damas, s’est approchée de policiers et a sorti une paire de ciseaux. Les policiers ont alors ouvert le feu dans sa direction, a ajouté la porte-parole.

      Aucun policier n’a été blessé, selon elle.

      Selon le ministère palestinien de la Santé, la Palestinienne tuée s’appelait Siham Nimr . Agée de 49 ans, elle était résidente du camp de réfugiés de Shouafat à Jérusalem-Est, occupée et annexée.

      Des médias palestiniens ont précisé qu’elle était la mère de Mustafa Nimr, un Palestinien de 27 ans tué par la police israélienne en septembre dernier à Shouafat.

      Dans un premier temps, la police l’avait présenté comme l’auteur d’une agression avant de reconnaître qu’il s’agissait d’une erreur.

    • Weekly Report On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (23 – 29 March 2017)
      March 30, 2017

      (...) In a new crime of wilful killings, on 29 March 2017, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian civilian identified as Siham Rateb Nemer (49) after opening fire at her when she was entering the Damascus Gate (Bab al-‘Amoud) in occupied Jerusalem. Israeli forces claimed as usual that the abovementioned woman attempted to stab an Israeli soldier. However, PCHR’s investigations refuted those claims. It should be mentioned that Siham is the mother of Mustafa Nemer, who was shot dead by Israeli soldiers on 05 September 2016 when he was driving a car along with his relative on ‘Anata Street in Sho’afat refugee camp, northeast of occupied Jerusalem. As a result, he was killed and his relative was wounded.(...)

    • B’Tselem: Killing of Palestinian woman in Jerusalem ’unjustified’
      April 4, 2017 6:43 P.M. (Updated: April 4, 2017 6:53 P.M.)

      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem released a report on Tuesday, condemning Israeli forces for the “unjustified” killing of a Palestinian woman in Jerusalem last week.

      Israeli police said at the time that 49-year-old Siham Nimr attempted to stab police officers with a pair of scissors at the Damascus Gate entrance to occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City, only to be “neutralized” by the Israeli border police — a term commonly used by Israeli officials to indicate that an alleged attacker has either been wounded or killed. No Israeli officers were injured in the altercation.

      It was later revealed that the slain woman was the mother of 27-year-old Mustafa Nimr, who was killed by Israeli forces in September during a night raid in occupied East Jerusalem’s Shufat refugee camp.

      According to B’Tselem, after Siham approached a metal police barrier near Damascus Gate, brandishing a pair of scissors, border police officers standing on the other side of the barrier shot and killed her. Included in their report was a picture from a security camera in the area, released by Israeli police, purporting to show Siham holding up the scissors while standing behind the police barrier.(...)

    • Palestinian woman killed by Israeli forces in March is laid to rest in Anata
      April 27, 2017 2:02 P.M. (Updated: April 27, 2017 2:36 P.M.)

      JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Dozens of Palestinians took part on Wednesday night in the funeral of Siham Ratib Nimr, a Palestinian woman who was killed by Israeli forces last month after attempting to carry out a stabbing attack in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

      Nimr, a 49-year-old resident of the northern East Jerusalem neighborhood of Ras Khamis, was killed by Israeli police on March 29 after she attempted to stab police officers with a pair of scissors at the Old City’s Damascus Gate. No Israelis were injured in the case.

      Nimr was the mother of Mustafa Nimr, a 27-year-old Palestinian who was killed by Israeli forces “by mistake” in September during a night raid in the Jerusalem-area Shufaat refugee camp.

      Palestinian Red Crescent staff said that they received Nimr’s body at a military base near the village of Anata in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank, before taking her remains to Shufaat refugee camp, her hometown.

  • Witnesses: Israeli police ’execute’ Palestinian in Jerusalem over alleged attack
    March 13, 2017 10:02 A.M. (Updated: March 13, 2017 2:57 P.M.)

    25-year-old Ibrahim Mahmoud Matar , from Jabal al-Mukabbir

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli police shot and killed a 25-year-old Palestinian near the Lion’s Gate entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem’s Old City early Monday morning after he allegedly stabbed two Israeli police officers, who were lightly and moderately injured.

    The slain man was identified as Ibrahim Mahmoud Matar , a resident of the East Jerusalem neighborhood Jabal al-Mukabbir, located south of the Old City.

    The shooting happened ahead of the Muslim fajr (dawn) prayers, as worshipers were headed to the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

    Witnesses told Ma’an they saw a dispute inside an Israeli police post located near Lion’s Gate between an Israeli policeman and a Palestinian "who was carrying a stick.”

    Israeli police then forced the young man outside of the enclosure and “executed” him at point blank range with with four bullets, leading to his immediate death, witnesses said.

    Referring to the dispute that lead up to the shooting, eyewitnesses told Ma’an that Israeli police were “controlling the situation” and could have easily detained Matar without using lethal force.

    However, a statement released by Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri alleged that Matar entered the police post with a knife and stabbed two Israeli police officers before a third police officer shot and killed him immediately.

    According to al-Samri, Matar had arrived to the area in his car, which he parked near Lion’s Gate. Israeli border police stopped him as he tried to walk through Lion’s Gate and led him into the police room to search him, when he “attacked” two Israeli border police officers that were inside.

    A third officer was able to leave the room, and then shot and killed Matar, the police statement said.

    Al-Samri said the first officer sustained moderate injuries, while the second was lightly injured.They were both taken to a hospital for medical treatment.

    Following the killing, Israeli forces were heavily deployed in and around Lion’s Gate and prevented many Palestinians from reaching Al-Aqsa Mosque to pray, with witnesses saying the lockdown lasted from 4:30 until 6 a.m.

    Later Monday morning, Israeli forces raided Matar’s home in Jabal al-Mukabbir and detained his brother, parents, and his uncle, according to locals and Israeli police.(...)


  • Palestinian activist ’executed’ by Israeli forces after 2-hour shoot-out
    March 6, 2017 10:51 A.M. (Updated: March 6, 2017 5:20 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot dead a Palestinian activist early Monday morning, culminating a two-hour-long gun battle in the Ramallah area of the central occupied West Bank, after Israeli forces had been pursuing the man since he was released from Palestinian prison last September.

    The raid sparked clashes, which left two Palestinians shot and injured by Israeli forces. No Israelis were injured in the incident.

    Israeli police identified the slain man as Basel al-Araj , who was wanted for “planning terror attacks against Israelis.”

    Al-Araj was detained without charges or explanation by Palestinian security forces in April last year along with Haitham Siyaj and Muhammad Harb. The controversial case made headlines when the three men joined three other detainees in a hunger strike in Palestinian prison, amid reports of torture and mistreatment.

    After being released in September, Palestinian activists had feared that Israeli forces would immediately detain the six men, as the Palestinian Authority (PA) has been widely criticized for its security coordination with Israel through what critics have called a “revolving door policy" of funneling Palestinians from PA jails into Israeli prisons.

    Muhammad Harb and Haitham Siyaj, along with two of the other hunger striking detainees Muhammad al-Salamin and Seif al-Idrissi, were eventually detained by Israeli forces and ordered to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial, while a video was released by Israeli media showing Israeli forces beating Siyaj in custody.

    However, Israeli forces were unable to immediately apprehend al-Araj, and the months-long manhunt continued until the Monday morning raid, when forces from the Israeli army, Israeli border police, Israeli intelligence, and Israel’s counter-terrorism unit surrounded a house in the outskirts of the refugee camp of Qaddura, where al-Araj was allegedly staying.

    Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri said that “once Israeli forces arrived at the place, the Palestinian terrorist opened fire at Israeli forces, causing an exchange of fire between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorist, leading to his death.”

    Al-Samri noted that no Israeli soldiers were injured in the shootout.

    Eyewitnesses told Ma’an that gunfire was exchanged between Israeli forces and a Palestinian man for around two hours until he ran out of ammunition, after which Israeli forces raided the house and “executed” him by shooting him at close range with several bullets.

    Israeli forces also fired an Energa anti-tank rifle grenade into the building, causing the destruction of parts of the house, witnesses said.

    Witnesses said they saw Israeli forces dragging a man’s body by his feet outside of the house.

    Meanwhile the Palestinian Ministry of Health has reportedly confirmed al-Araj’s death, according to online media reports, while his body was taken by Israeli forces to an unknown destination.(...)


    • Basil al-Araj assassinated by Israeli occupation forces after PA imprisonment and months in hiding
      March 6, 2017

      In a pre-dawn raid attacking a home in el-Bireh, Basil al-Araj , 31, Palestinian youth activist and writer pursued by Israel for nearly a year, was assassinated by invading Israeli occupation forces this morning.

      Al-Araj, from the village of Walaja near Bethlehem, fought back and resisted the invading forces for two hours before the attacking occupation soldiers broke into the home where he was staying and executed him at close range. They then seized his body and took it to an unknown location.

      The attack on the home included rocket fire as well as al-Araj’s extrajudicial execution in a hail of bullets. Al-Araj’s family home in al-Walaja had been repeatedly raided by occupation forces for months.

      Al-Araj, a writer and activist involved in a wide array of Palestinian grassroots struggles for liberation, was among the Palestinian youth dedicated to reviving the Palestinian national liberation movement. One of six Palestinian youth released from Palestinian Authority prisons after nearly six months of detention when they launched a hunger strike, Al-Araj and other youth had been seized in April in what was touted as a victory for security coordination between the PA and Israel. While they were imprisoned by the PA, they were subject to torture and ill-treatment by PA security forces.

      After their hunger strike and widespread attention to their case, including protests after reports of their torture, secured their release, four of the youth – Mohammed al-Salameen, Seif al-Idrissi, Haitham Siyaj, and Mohammed Harb – have been seized by Israeli occupation forces. All four have been ordered to administrative detention, imprisonment without charge or trial.(...)

    • In final letter, slain Palestinian activist Basel al-Araj ponders looming death
      March 6, 2017 8:05 P.M. (Updated: March 6, 2017 8:08 P.M.)

      RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — In a final letter written before he was killed by Israeli forces in a two-hour shootout, Palestinian activist and writer Basel al-Araj revealed his thoughts over his seemingly ineluctable end.

      Al-Araj, a 31-year-old activist and resident of the village of al-Walaja in the southern occupied West Bank district of Bethlehem, had been on the run from Israeli authorities since September, when he was released from Palestinian prison after being detained without charges or explanation for five months, during which he joined a hunger strike amid reports of torture and mistreatment.

      Israeli police had accused al-Araj of being the “head of a terrorist cell that planned attacks against Israelis and security forces.”

      After a months-long manhunt, Israeli forces surrounded a house in the outskirts of the Qaddura refugee camp, where al-Araj was staying, early on Monday, prompting an exchange of fire between al-Araj and the armed forces, in which the Palestinian was killed after running out of ammunition.

      “Greetings of Arab nationalism, homeland, and liberation,” the letter, shared on social media by al-Araj’s family, read. “If you are reading this, it means I have died and my soul has ascended to its creator. I pray to God that I will meet him with a guiltless heart, willingly, and never reluctantly, and free of any whit of hypocrisy.”

      Al-Araj went on to ponder the initial difficulty of writing a last testament, like many other Palestinians who were killed by Israeli forces.

      “How hard it is to write your own will. For years I have been contemplating testaments written by martyrs, and those wills have always bewildered me. They were short, quick, without much eloquence. They did not quench our thirst to find answers about martyrdom,” he wrote.

      “Now I am walking to my fated death satisfied that I found my answers. How stupid I am! Is there anything which is more eloquent and clearer than a martyr’s deed? I should have written this several months ago, but what kept me was that this question is for you, living people, and why should I answer on your behalf? Look for the answers yourself, and for us the inhabitants of the graves, all we seek is God’s mercy.”


    • Palestine occupée : Le FPLP dénonce l’assassinat du jeune Palestinien combattant et dirigeant Basil al-Araj
      Par FPLP | 6 mars 2017 | Traduction : André Comte

      Le Front Populaire pour la Libération de la Palestine se joint aux masses de notre peuple résistant qui pleurent l’un des plus éminents jeunes palestiniens en lutte, Basil al-Araj, qui a été assassiné aujourd’hui par le lâche occupant sioniste.

      Le martyr a mené une bataille héroïque après plusieurs mois de poursuite. Le Front a appelé à des actions de résistance pour le rassemblement dans l’unité et la coordination pour répondre à ce crime et intensifier les opérations contre l’occupation sioniste.

      Le Front a souligné que la Palestine aujourd’hui a perdu un des meilleurs jeunes lutteurs de la Palestine, qui a payé de sa vie ses principes et ses valeurs. Il s’était engagé à rejeter toutes les solutions de capitulation, il avait une vision claire de la libération, et il a travaillé pour relater l’histoire de la Palestine et faire face à toutes les tentatives pour liquider la cause palestinienne.

      Le martyr Basil Al-Araj était un combattant de la liberté, intellectuel et théoricien de l’insurrection de la jeunesse palestinienne. Il se consacrait à un chemin de résistance, à l’intifada, à l’unité, au retour et à la libération de toute la terre de la Palestine. C’était un intellectuel révolutionnaire qui mettait toutes ses énergies culturelles et intellectuelles au service de la résistance ainsi que de ses propres actions sur le terrain, luttant contre la coordination de la sécurité et la collaboration.

      L’assassinat du combattant martyr Basil al-Araj est le fruit affreux de la continuation de la coordination sécuritaire. Basil al-Araj et ses camarades ont été pris en chasse par l’appareil de sécurité de l’Autorité Palestinienne et ont été emprisonnés pendant plusieurs mois, et cette détention a été directement suivie par la traque menée par l’occupation contre lui jusqu’à sa mort.(...)

  • Several injured, 4 feared dead in suspected car ramming attack near Jerusalem
    Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 3:23 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was shot dead after driving a truck into a group of uniformed Israeli soldiers, killing four soldiers and injuring at least 13 other people Saturday afternoon, at a bus stop in the illegal Israeli settlement of East Talpiyyot in the Jerusalem district of the occupied West Bank.

    An Israeli police spokesperson confirmed in a statement that the “terrorist” was shot and killed after carrying what she called a deliberate attack.

    Sources identified the slain driver as 28-year-old Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar from the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir, located just east of East Talpiyyot.

    Israel’s emergency medical service Magen David Adom (MDA) said that the slain Israeli soldiers were in their 20s. According to Israeli media, three were women and the fourth was a man.

    MDA added that 13 others were wounded — three severely, one moderately-to-severely, and nine lightly. They were all evacuated to Israel’s Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem. It remained unconfirmed if any civilians were among the injured.

    Israeli police said a truck with Israeli license plates veered from its course and rammed into people getting off of a bus — later revealed to be a group uniformed Israeli soldiers — at a promenade in the settlement, which overlooks the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem.

    A number of people were initially trapped under the truck, and three of the wounded had to be extracted from under the track using a crane.

    Israeli police reported imposing heightened security measures in the Jerusalem area, and that investigations were ongoing. Israeli police chief Roni Alsheich told reporters that there was no advance warning for the attack.

    The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov quickly reacted to the “terror attack,” in a Tweet, saying: “My thoughts go out to victims of shocking #terror attack in #Jerusalem. Must be condemned by all. Absolutely no excuses, no justifications!”

    Since a wave of unrest began in October last year — largely marked by small-scale attacks by Palestinians targeting uniformed Israeli soldiers and police with knives or similar weapons — a number of deliberate car ramming attacks have occurred.

    However, Israeli authorities’ version of events have been challenged in a number of incidents, with officials in some cases later admitting so-called “terror attacks” were actually traffic accidents.

    However, Israeli news site Ynet quoted a witness as saying that after the truck rammed into the group of soldiers, Israeli forces fired at the driver who then reversed the truck and ran over the soldiers again. A video later released on Israeli media purported to show the moment the truck rammed into the soldiers.

    traduction en français: : Chronique de Palestine

    Al-Qods : 4 soldats tués dans une attaque contre les troupes d’occupation
    dimanche 8 janvier 2017 / 5h:10

    Ma’an News – Un Palestinien a été abattu par les forces israéliennes d’occupation après avoir conduit un camion dans un groupe de soldats israéliens, tuant quatre soldats et blessant au moins 13 autres personnes ce samedi après-midi à un arrêt d’autobus dans la colonie israélienne et illégale de Talpiyyot-Est.

    Un porte-parole de la police israélienne a confirmé dans une déclaration que le « terroriste » a été abattu après avoir exécuté ce qu’elle a qualifié d’attaque délibérée.

    Des sources ont identifié le conducteur assassiné comme étant Fadi Ahmad Hamdan al-Qunbar, âgé de 28 ans du quartier voisin de Jérusalem-Est de Jabal al-Mukabbir.

    Le service médical d’urgence d’Israël (MDA), a déclaré que les soldats israéliens tués étaient dans la vingtaine. Selon les médias israéliens, trois étaient des femmes et le quatrième était un homme.

    Le MDA a ajouté que 13 autres ont été blessés, dont trois sont dans un état critique. Ils ont tous été évacués vers l’hôpital israélien de Shaare Zedek à Jérusalem. On ne sait pas s’il se trouvait des civils parmi les blessés.

    La police israélienne a déclaré qu’un camion avec des plaques d’immatriculation israéliennes est sorti de sa voie et a renversé les gens qui descendaient d’un bus – plus tard révélé être un groupe de soldats israéliens en uniforme – à proximité d’une colonie qui surplombe la vieille ville de Jérusalem-Est. Un certain nombre de personnes sont restées bloquées sous le camion et trois des blessés ont dû en être extraits par l’utilisation d’une grue.

    • The illegal East Talpiyyot settlement is also known as Armon Hanatziv, and is located just west of the Palestinian neighborhood of Jabal al-Mukabbir.

      « Traduit » par Le Monde, ça donne

      Plusieurs morts dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem

      Au moins quatre personnes ont été tuées dimanche 8 janvier à Jérusalem lors d’une attaque menée par un camion le long d’une promenade publique populaire surplombant les murs de la vieille ville. Un groupe de militaires a été percuté, une quinzaine de personnes ont été blessées.

    • Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 8, 2017 6:07 P.M.)

      Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement that the slain Palestinian attacker was “by all indications a supporter of the Islamic State,” without specifying the evidence leading to this assessment.

      Meanwhile, the Hamas movement released a statement in Arabic on social media, in which it hailed the “heroic and brave truck attack in Jerusalem which comes as natural reaction to the Israeli occupation’s crimes.”

      Jan. 8, 2017 1:51 P.M. (Updated : Jan. 9, 2017 11:05 A.M.)

      Israeli police later announced a gag-order for Israeli media on all further details of the case, including the identities of suspects. The four slain soldiers were identified in Israeli media as 20-year-old Yael Yekutiel from the Israeli city of Givataiym, 22-year-old Shir Hajaj from the illegal Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, 20-year-old Shira Tzur from Haifa in northern Israel, and 20-year-old Erez Orbach from the illegal Alon Shvut settlement.

    • Quatre soldats israéliens tués dans une attaque au camion à Jérusalem
      AFP / 08 janvier 2017 19h38

      Jérusalem - Quatre soldats israéliens ont été tués dimanche lorsqu’un Palestinien, présenté par Israël comme un sympathisant du groupe Etat islamique (EI), a lancé son camion contre un groupe de militaires en excursion à Jérusalem.

      Il s’agit de l’une des attaques les plus meurtrières depuis le début d’une vague de violence entre Israéliens et Palestiniens à l’automne 2015.

      Les quatre victimes sont le sous-lieutenant Yaël Yekoutiel (20 ans) et les soldats Shir Hadjaj (22 ans), Shira Tzour (20 ans) et Erez Auerbach (20 ans).

      Le chauffeur du camion a été identifié par les médias palestiniens comme étant Fadi al-Qanbar, un habitant de Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne de la ville occupée et annexée par Israël depuis 1967.

      Il a été tué par balles, a rapporté la police. Dix-sept soldats ont été blessés, selon l’armée.

      Le Premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahu a affirmé que l’assaillant, selon toutes les indications, soutient l’EI.

      Il n’a pas précisé de quels éléments il disposait pour évoquer le groupe extrémiste qui n’a pas revendiqué d’attaques d’ampleur en Israël.

      M. Netanyahu tente souvent de dresser un parallèle entre Israël confronté à des attaques palestiniennes et d’autres pays visés par des attaques jihadistes.

      Mais la vague de violences qui a frappé Israël depuis l’automne 2015 est liée au conflit israélo-palestinien, centré principalement autour de disputes sur le territoire, les Palestiniens revendiquant un Etat indépendant sur leurs terres occupées par Israël depuis près d’un demi-siècle.

      Les soldats visés dimanche participaient avec des centaines d’autres à une sortie sur l’un des sites d’où l’on a l’une des vues les plus spectaculaires sur Jérusalem et sa vieille ville.

      Les soldats sont fréquemment emmenés sur cette promenade pour les sensibiliser à l’histoire de cette ville qui est au coeur du conflit entre Israël et les Palestiniens, chaque camp revendiquant notamment la souveraineté sur sa partie orientale.(...)

    • Israeli forces detain 5 relatives of Palestinian killed carrying out deadly truck attack
      Jan. 8, 2017 8:41 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 8, 2017 10:10 P.M.)

      Al-Qunbar’s sister Shadia told Ma’an that Israeli forces raided the Palestinian’s home, as well as his brothers’ and parents’ houses, holding the family members for more than three hours.

      She said that Israeli forces had detained al-Qunbar’s wife Tahani, his parents Ahmad and Minwa, and two of his brothers, Muhammad and Munther.

      Shadia noted that Israeli forces initially detained Munther al-Qunbar’s wife because her husband was not at home.

      Israeli troops ransacked family’s homes and interrogated al-Qunbar’s 12 sisters in their courtyard before summoning them for further interrogation at the Russian compound police station in Jerusalem, Shadia added.

      Al-Qunbar’s sister expressed surprise at the actions of her brother, a father of four, emphasizing that he had never been affiliated with a political party, and claiming that he had never been detained by Israel — although some media reports indicated that he had previously spent time in Israeli custody.

      “We don’t know what happened with Fadi. He called his wife (before the attack) and told her to prepare lunch,” Shadia said, adding that the family only found out about al-Qunbar’s involvement upon seeing footage of his truck running over soldiers.

      Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri confirmed in a statement on Sunday evening that Israeli forces had raided al-Qunbar’s home and detained nine “suspects,” including five of his relatives.

      Al-Samri added that Israeli police would remain heavily deployed in Jabal al-Mukabbir “until further notice.”

      Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Post reported that the Israeli security cabinet had convened in the wake of the attack and decided to withhold his body, reject family reunification requests of some of his relatives in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, and carry out a punitive demolition on al-Qunbar’s home as soon as possible.

    • Attaque parfaitement légitime de soldats israéliens occupants illégalement Jérusalem Est qui est Palestinien.

      Ces soldats auraient pu être objecteurs de conscience, ils participent à un crime, l’occupation de la Palestine.

    • Les autorités israéliennes décident d’enterrer deux martyrs dans les cimetières des nombres

      Ramallah, le 31 octobre 2019, WAFA- Le bureau du procureur général israélien a informé jeudi, l’avocat de la commission des affaires des prisonniers et ex-prisonniers, Mohammad Mahmoud, de son intention d’enterrer les corps des deux martyrs Mesbah Abu Sbeih et Fadi Qanbar dans les cimetières des nombres ces prochains jours.

      La Commission a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté cette politique barbare la qualifiant de raciste, extrémiste, génératrice de terrorisme et de haine, qui permet de détenir les corps des martyrs, en violation du droit international et des droits de l’homme.

  • Israeli police shoot, kill Palestinian after stab attack leaves 2 lightly injured
    Dec. 14, 2016 1:16 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 14, 2016 3:51 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian after he carried out a stabbing attack that one Israeli officer and one Israeli civilian minor lightly injured in the Old City of occupied East Jerusalem early on Wednesday afternoon.

    According to Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri, a suspect approached a group of Israeli police forces deployed near the Austrian Hospice hospital in the Old City, took out a screwdriver and stabbed one of the officers in the head, lightly injuring him.

    Israeli forces shot the alleged attacker, “neutralizing” him, al-Samri said, later adding that the youth, whom she identified as a 21-year-old resident of the occupied West Bank village of Beit Surik in the Jerusalem district, had been taken to the Hadassah hospital in “critical condition.”

    Israeli forces regularly use the term “neutralize” to indicate that a Palestinian has either been killed or wounded by Israeli forces.

    A spokesperson for Hadassah hospital told Ma’an that the Palestinian succumbed to gunshot wounds at around 2:30 p.m. in the hospital.

    She added that a 14-year-old had also been admitted with light wounds in connection with the incident. However, it was not clear from Israeli reports if the youth’s injuries were sustained directly from the suspect.

    Witnesses said that the Palestinian was left on the ground bleeding for 20 minutes, adding that a Palestinian doctor arrived on the scene but was pushed away by Israeli forces before they finally let him administer first aid to the wounded Palestinian until Israeli ambulances arrived at the scene.

    A video shared by al-Quds news agency showed the doctor being initially pushed away by Israeli forces.

    اعتداء جنود الاحتلال على طبيب حاول إسعاف منفذ عملية الطعن في البلدة القديمة بالقدس المحتلة قبل قليل.
    — شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) 14 d cembre 2016


    • Israeli Army Kills A Young Man In Jerusalem, Injures A Child
      December 15, 2016 1:39 AM

      Israeli soldiers shot and killed a young Palestinian man on Wednesday on al-Wad Street, in occupied Jerusalem, after alleging that the young man stabbed a soldier. Bullet fragments from the Israeli soldiers’ gunfire also injured a Palestinian child in the skull. Israeli sources said two officers were wounded.

      Israeli military sources claimed that the young man, later identified as Hammad Khader Sheikh, 21, stabbed two officers with a screw driver, at the Lion’s Gate, before the soldiers shot him dead. Sheikh is from Beit Surik town, northwest of Jerusalem.

      The sources added that Hammad, from the southern West Bank city of Hebron, was first moved to Hadassah Israeli Medical Center, in Jerusalem, and later succumbed to his serious wounds.(...)

  • Palestinian youth killed by Israeli forces after alleged attempted stabbing near Nablus

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian youth was killed by Israeli border police forces on Thursday morning in the northern occupied West Bank after he allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a statement in Arabic that an 18-year-old Palestinian “suspiciously approached” Israeli border police officers in an attempt to stab them at the Zaatara junction south of the city of Nablus, prompting Israeli forces to shoot at him, killing him instantly.

    Micky Rosenfeld, the English-language spokesperson for the Israeli police, said on Twitter that “Officers were in life threatening situation” when they “responded to knife attack by Palestinian terrorist.”

    However, footage taken from a moving car shared on social media purported to show the moments before the man was killed. He can clearly be seen standing immobile several meters away from soldiers who are holding him at gunpoint, seeming to contradict the Israeli authorities’ claim that he posed a threat when he was shot.

    Neither al-Samri nor Rosenfeld made mention of any Israelis being injured.

    Locals identified the slain Palestinian as Jihad Hussein Harb , 19, from Qalqiliya.


  • Un Palestinien brandissant un couteau abattu à un check-point
    AFP / 22 novembre 2016 10h34

    Qalandiya (Territoires palestiniens) - Un Palestinien a été abattu mardi matin au principal check-point séparant Jérusalem du nord de la Cisjordanie, a annoncé la police israélienne, affirmant qu’il avait brandi un couteau en direction d’un agent de sécurité posté au barrage.

    Un Palestinien a tenté de traverser le check-point en empruntant la voie réservée aux véhicules et s’est approché d’un agent de sécurité en brandissant un couteau. Le terroriste a alors été neutralisé et son décès a été constaté, indique dans un communiqué la porte-parole de la police israélienne Luba Samri.

    Aucun garde israélien n’a été blessé, a précisé la police, assurant que des mesures de sécurité continuent d’être prises pour empêcher des attaques.

    Le point de passage a été fermé par les forces de sécurité, a constaté une journaliste de l’AFP.

    Le Palestinien tué est Jihad Khalil , 48 ans, un habitant de Beit Wazan, un village du nord de la Cisjordanie, selon des sources sécuritaires palestiniennes.

    Le check-point de Qalandiya est le principal point de passage pour les Palestiniens entre Jérusalem et Ramallah. Cet axe est filtré par un checkpoint israélien aux allures de forteresse qui représente pour les Palestiniens un des symboles honnis de l’occupation.


    • Army Kills A Palestinian Man Near Jerusalem
      November 22, 2016 12:25 PM

      Israeli soldiers shot and killed, on Tuesday morning, a Palestinian man at the Qalandia terminal, north of occupied East Jerusalem.

      The Palestinian Health Ministry said the slain Palestinian man has been identified as Jihad Mohammad Khalil , 48, from Beit Wazan village, west of Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank.

      Eyewitnesses said the soldiers shot and seriously wounded the Palestinian, after alleging that he tried to stab them, and he bled to death after the soldiers prevented Palestinian medics from approaching him.

      After shooting the Palestinian man, the soldiers closed Qalandia terminal, and prevented the Palestinians from crossing, while dozens of soldiers were deployed in the area.

    • Israeli guard kills Palestinian at Qalandiya checkpoint after alleged stabbing attempt
      Nov. 22, 2016 10:39 A.M. (Updated: Nov. 22, 2016 1:06 P.M.)

      Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri confirmed shortly afterwards that the suspect was killed, saying “a Palestinian pedestrian approached a security guard in a path for vehicles welding a knife and was neutralized.”

      According to Al-Samri, the Palestinian approached the area where security guards were located at the checkpoint and, prompting the guards to ask for identification. A guard then noticed that one of the Palestinian’s hands was in his pocket, and the Palestinian then reportedly took out a knife and tried to stab him.

      Al-Samri added that the guard and the Palestinian engaged in a fistfight before the Palestinian was shot and killed.

  • Palestinian with Israeli citizenship shot dead in Galilee-area town
    Nov. 19, 2016 3:21 P.M. (Updated: Nov. 19, 2016 4:01 P.M.)

    GALILEE (Ma’an) — A Palestinian with Israeli citizenship was shot dead in the town of Kafr Kanna in northern Israel on Saturday.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri identified the slain Palestinian as 48-year-old Anan Hakroush, adding in her statement that Hakroush was shot while in a private vehicle near the Mercantile Bank in the Galilee.

    According to al-Samri, he was found with several gunshot injuries in his vehicle and was evacuated to a hospital near Tiberias, where he was later pronounced dead.

    Local sources in Kafr Kanna told Ma’an that the victim’s uncle Jamal Hakroush is a high-ranking official in the Israeli police, in charge of improving police services in Palestinian neighborhoods in Israel.

    Palestinian-majority neighborhoods in Israel have seen an increase in gun violence in recent years, while members of the Arab Joint List of Israel’s parliament, the Kneseet, have called on authorities to crack down on illegal weapons in Israel’s Palestinian communities, where there is a disproportionate lack of policing compared to Jewish-majority neighborhoods.

    MK Yousef Jabareen of the Joint List has warned against a rise in policing of Palestinian communities in the form of punitive action such as housing demolitions, rather than protecting Palestinian citizens of Israel from criminal violence.

    “This is an issue that desperately requires reform rather than punishment,” Jabareen told Ma’an in April.

    “It is important that the police adopt a new policy and attitude towards the Arab community. [...] Without this, the mere establishment of additional police stations and an increase in policing may result in increased tension and confrontation between our community and the police, rather than effective policing of crime and violence.”

  • Palestinian killed after alleged car-ramming attack near Hebron-area village

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian allegedly carrying out a car-ramming attack was killed by Israeli forces near the village of Beit Ummar in the southern occupied West Bank district of Hebron early on Sunday evening.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a statement that the Palestinian driver was shot and killed after carrying out a car-ramming attack in the vicinity of the illegal settlement bloc of Gush Etzion near Beit Ummar.

    She said that the Palestinian vehicle “swiftly” approached a group of Israeli police forces who were carrying out a “security mission” in the area, lightly injuring three border police officers before other officers on the scene shot at the Palestinian driver, killing him.

    Al-Samri added that an investigation was ongoing.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health identified the killed Palestinian as Khalid Ahmad Elayyan Ikhlayyil , 23, from Beit Ummar.


    • Cisjordanie occupée : un Palestinien auteur d’une attaque à la voiture bélier abattu
      AFP / 30 octobre 2016 17h21

      Jérusalem - Un Palestinien, qui a blessé légèrement trois garde-frontières israéliens en les percutant avec sa voiture, a été abattu dimanche près de Hébron en Cisjordanie occupée, a annoncé la police israélienne.

      Le Palestinien a lancé sa voiture vers trois garde-frontières en opération près de la localité de Beit Ummar, dans le sud de la Cisjordanie, un territoire palestinien qu’Israël occupe depuis près d’un demi-siècle.

      D’autres garde-frontières ont alors ouvert le feu dans sa direction, a ajouté la police dans un communiqué.

      Selon le ministère palestinien de la Santé, le Palestinien tué, Khaled Ahmad Ekhlail, était âgé de 23 ans et originaire de Beit Ummar.

  • Court drops charges against Israeli security guards over killing of Palestinian siblings
    Oct. 27, 2016 2:54 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 27, 2016 3:07 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli court dropped charges on Wednesday against two Israeli security guards who shot and killed two Palestinian siblings at a checkpoint in April, ruling that there was not sufficient evidence that they had acted improperly.

    A private security contractor shot and killed Maram Salih Hassan Abu Ismail, 23, and her 16-year-old brother Ibrahim Salih Hassan Taha on April 27 at the Qalandiya checkpoint between the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, after Israeli forces said Abu Ismail, who was five months pregnant, threw a knife in the direction of Israeli forces while she was some 20 meters away from them.

    According to Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the prosecutors in the case said that Abu Ismail threw a knife at Israeli forces but missed, while her brother tried to pull her away.

    The prosecution further claimed that Taha had one hand in his pocket while approaching the checkpoint, arousing “reasonable suspicion” that he was attempting to commit an attack. Israeli forces also allegedly found a knife on Taha’s body after he was killed, although at no point prior to being shot did he attempt to use it.

    However, witnesses said at the time that the two siblings posed no threat when they were killed, as they mistakenly entered the wrong part of the checkpoint and did not understand Israeli soldiers speaking to them in Hebrew.

    One witness further said that Israeli forces planted knifes on the scene.

    Court charges Palestinian citizen of Israel with planning attack
    Oct. 27, 2016 5:31 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 27, 2016 6:18 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A Palestinian citizen of Israel was indicted on Thursday over suspicions of planning an attack against Israelis, Israeli police said.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a statement that Mahmoud Moussa Abbasi, a 25-year old resident of East Jerusalem, was detained three weeks earlier by Israeli police in conjunction with Israeli intelligence agency the Shin Bet.

    During interrogations, Israeli forces police reportedly learned that Abbasi was researching how to manufacture pipe bombs to and planning a shooting attack on Israeli security forces and civilians in East Jerusalem.

  • Israeli forces kill Palestinian woman at Nablus checkpoint after alleged stabbing attempt
    Oct. 19, 2016 1:21 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 19, 2016 5:57 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces shot and killed a young Palestinian woman at the Zaatara military checkpoint in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus on Wednesday after she allegedly attempted to stab Israeli border police.

    The slain woman was identified by local sources as 23-year-old Rahiq Shaji Birawi from the village of Asira al-Shamaliya north of Nablus city.

    Israeli police spokeswoman Luba al-Samri said in a statement that Birawi approached Israeli border guards stationed at the Tappuah junction — the Israeli term for the area around the checkpoint — when they fired warning shots into the air. After she “ignored their directives and their calls for her to stop,” Birawi allegedly pulled out a knife, and Israeli forces opened live fire and “neutralized” her.

    Al-Samri first said that the woman “seemingly” died, and confirmed her death a short time later.

    The head of Asira al-Shamaliya’s local council, Nasser Jawabra, told Ma’an that Birawi “had never been affiliated to any political parties,” and said that she was married to a man currently residing in the United States.

    Jawabra said that Birawi’s father was detained by Israeli forces at a military checkpoint near Tulkarem as he returned home from his construction job after being notified of his daughter’s death.



      Plus tôt ce jeudi, l’armée israélienne a défendu des officiers de police qui avaient tiré, mercredi, sur une jeune Palestinienne de 19 ans parce qu’elle essayait de les poignarder, selon eux. Plus tard, des images vidéo ont montré les policiers lui tirant dessus alors qu’elle était à terre.

      Selon les autorités israéliennes, la femme, Raheeq Shajeyeh Yousef, se serait approchée de la police des frontières en ignorant les ordres qui lui intimaient de s’arrêter, et aurait dégainé un couteau. Les officiers ont ensuite ouvert le feu.

      L’incident s’est droulé au carrefour de Tapuah, une zone de tensions au nord de la Cisjordanie occupée. L’endroit, aussi connu sous le nom de carrefour de Zaatara, est proche de colonies israéliennes et a déjà été le théâtre de plusieurs incidents violents.

      Les images semblent montrer des officiers en train d’ouvrir le feu sur Yousef alors qu’elle se trouve déjà au sol. Quatre policiers sont visibles sur la vidéo. « Qui a tiré ? », entend-on. « Tous les quatre », répond quelqu’un d’autre.

      La police a annoncé qu’une enquête sur l’incident mortel avait été lancée mais a défendu les officiers. « La vidéo ne donne qu’une image partielle de l’événement », a affirmé Luba Samri, porte-parole de la police. « Il n’est pas possible de voir la terroriste s’avancer vers les officiers pendant qu’elle tient son couteau et qu’elle menace leur vie ».

      « Dans l’enregistrement, il est possible de voir qu’immédiatement après que le danger a été neutralisé et écarté, les policiers ont arrêté de tirer, bouclé la zone et procédé au suivi de l’incident ».

      Le ministre palestinien des Affaires étrangères a toutefois durement critiqué les tirs sur la femme en prenant pour preuve l’enregistrement, « montrant que les soldats ont continué à tirer sur elle alors qu’elle tombait au sol et qu’elle ne représentait plus aucune menace », et ajoutant qu’il y avait des dizaines de cas comme le sien.

      VIDÉO : Des troupes israéliennes semblent tirer sur une Palestinienne étendue au sol
      Un site d’informations israélien a publié des images qui semblent montrer des soldats en train de tirer sur une femme de 19 ans qui était déjà étendue au sol

      Video reportedly shows Israeli forces killing Palestinian woman at Zaatara checkpoint
      Oct. 20, 2016 2:44 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 21, 2016 10:38 A.M.)
      BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A video posted on social media on Thursday reportedly showed moments when a young Palestinian woman was shot to death by Israeli forces a day earlier.

      Rahiq Shaji Birawi, 23, from the village of Asira al-Shamaliya in the northern occupied West Bank district of Nablus, was killed by Israeli border police on Wednesday as she allegedly attempted to carry out a stabbing attack at the Zaatara military checkpoint.

      The video, filmed on a cell phone by a bystander, shows four Israeli border police officers shooting at a figure already lying on the ground several meters away from them.

      At least ten shots can be heard in the first two seconds of the video.

    • Funerals held for slain Palestinians draw large crowds, spark clashes in Beit Ummar
      Dec. 17, 2016 2:19 P.M. (Updated: Dec. 17, 2016 2:29 P.M.)

      In the northern occupied West Bank village of Asira al-Shamaliya in the Nablus district, hundreds of Palestinians marched in the funeral of Rahiq Birawi.

      Israeli authorities returned her body late Friday night at the Jit crossroads, after it had been held since Israeli forces shot and killed her on Oct. 19 for an alleged stabbing attempt at a military checkpoint in southern Nablus. Birawi was shot more than 30 times by four Israeli border police officers. The incident, which was caught on video, was under Israeli army investigation.

      Mourners waved pictures of Birawi, Palestinians flags, and flags of several Palestinian factions while repeating slogans calling for continuing resistance against the Israeli occupation.

  • Palestinian gunman shot dead after killing 2, injuring several in Jerusalem attack
    Oct. 9, 2016 10:34 A.M. (Updated : Oct. 9, 2016 8:42 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — An Israeli police officer and an Israeli woman were shot dead and at least five others were injured in a drive-by shooting near the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah Sunday morning. The gunman, a native of occupied East Jerusalem, was shot and killed by Israeli police at the scene.

    The shooting attack came a day after the gunman told Ma’an that he intended to turn himself in to serve a prison sentence, after he was charged with assaulting an Israeli police officer in 2013.

    According to a statement by Israeli police spokesperson Luba al-Samri, the gunman first opened fire across from the regional Israeli police headquarters while he sped towards the Ammunition Hill light rail station, critically injuring a 60-year-old woman, identified by Israeli media as Levanah Malichi, who later succumbed to her injuries after receiving treatment in a hospital. A man was also moderately injured at the same site.

    The gunman then continued toward a junction on the other side of the police station, where he opened fire at a woman driving in her car, moderately to seriously injuring her, al-Samri added.

    The assailant then fled toward Sheikh Jarrah as Israeli police special forces chased him, and he opened fire at them, critically injuring one policeman and lightly injuring another. The critically injured policeman, identified in Israeli media as First Sergeant Yosef Kirme, succumbed to his wounds in the hospital later in the day. Border police officers then arrived to the scene, shooting and killing the assailant.

    Gunman told Ma’an of plans to turn himself in, one day before deadly attack
    Oct. 9, 2016 2:02 P.M. (Updated : Oct. 9, 2016 8:38 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — The slain gunman responsible for a shooting attack in occupied East Jerusalem Sunday morning that left two Israelis killed and several injured told Ma’an the day before the shooting that he was planning on turning himself in to Israeli authorities to serve a prison sentence for prior charges.

    Misbah Abu Sbeih , 39, from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, who also lived in the village of al-Ram, told Ma’an via telephone Saturday that he had decided to turn himself into the Israeli Ramla prison at 10 a.m. on Sunday to serve a four-month prison sentence for allegedly assaulting an Israeli police officer.

    He said he was detained from the Bab Hutta area in the Old City outside of the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in 2013 after being accused of the assault, but was released the same day.

    According to Abu Sbeih, the case was closed, and he later traveled to Saudi Arabia to perform the Umrah pilgrimage.

    However, the case against him was unexpectedly reopened in December 2015, shortly after he was released for spending about a year in prison on separate charges of “incitement” for Facebook posts.

    Among the posts he was imprisoned for were: “We sacrifice our souls and our blood for you Al-Aqsa,” and, “we sacrifice our children for Al-Aqsa.”


    Jérusalem : 2 morts dans une attaque avant des fêtes juives
    afp, le 09/10/2016 à 17h55

    Un policier israélien et une femme ont été tués dimanche à Jérusalem-Est par un Palestinien qui a été abattu, alors que les autorités sont sur le qui-vive à l’approche d’importantes fêtes juives.

    Cette attaque est l’une des plus meurtrières depuis le début, il y a un an, d’une vague de violences ayant fait plus de 270 morts dans les Territoires palestiniens, Israël et Jérusalem.

    Elle s’est produite deux jours avant la célébration sous haute sécurité du Yom Kippour, le jour du Grand Pardon juif, et à l’approche de la fête de Souccot la semaine prochaine. L’an dernier, cette période avait été ponctuée d’attentats, notamment à Jérusalem.

    Selon la police israélienne, un « terroriste » qui circulait en voiture a ouvert le feu dans la matinée en direction d’une station de tramway située en face du quartier général de la police à Jérusalem-Est, blessant grièvement une femme.(...)

    • Jérusalem-Est : des dizaines de Palestiniens arrêtés après un attentat
      10 octobre 2016, 9h11

      Les forces israéliennes ont arrêté des dizaines de Palestiniens de Jérusalem-Est annexée et occupée, depuis l’attaque de dimanche au cours de laquelle un Palestinien a tué deux Israéliens avant d’être abattu, ont annoncé lundi les autorités israéliennes.
      Trente-et-un Palestiniens qui voulaient participer dimanche après-midi à des célébrations en mémoire de l’auteur de l’attentat ainsi que des membres de sa famille ont été interpellés à Jérusalem-Est, a dit le ministre de la Sécurité intérieure Gilad Erdan à la radio militaire.
      Une quinzaine d’autres Palestiniens ont été arrêtés pour avoir lancé des pierres et des bouteilles incendiaires en direction des forces de l’ordre dans plusieurs quartiers de Jérusalem-Est, partie palestinienne de Jérusalem annexée et occupée par Israël, a indiqué la porte-parole de la police Luba Samri.
      Ces arrestations font suite à l’attentat au cours duquel Misbah Abou Sbeih, un Palestinien de Jérusalem-Est âgé de 39 ans, a ouvert le feu en trois endroits de Jérusalem, tuant Levana Melihi, une retraitée de 60 ans, Yossef Kirma, un policier de 29 ans, et faisant cinq autres blessés. Misbah Abou Sbeih, abattu par les policiers, était armé d’un M16 de l’armée israélienne, ont rapporté les médias israéliens.

    • Israël : polémique après l’attaque meurtrière de Jérusalem-Est avant Yom Kippour
      Par RFI Publié le 10-10-2016

      (...) La prison, un univers que l’assaillant connaissait déjà. Il y avait passé toute l’année 2015 pour avoir posté, sur le réseau social Facebook, des textes jugés comme incitant à la violence. Si l’homme était donc connu des services de sécurité, son attaque de dimanche n’a pas été repérée.

      Et en mai dernier, l’individu avait même obtenu un report de cinq mois de l’exécution de sa seconde peine, la magistrate en charge du dossier estimant qu’il « coopérait ».
      Autre élément aggravant pour les forces de l’ordre : l’homme était armé non d’un pistolet ou d’une arme improvisée comme c’est souvent le cas, mais d’un M16, un fusil d’assaut utilisé par l’armée israélienne.

      Pour le ministre de la Sécurité intérieure, pas question de reconnaître d’éventuelles erreurs pour autant. Et d’afficher sa fermeté : des dizaines de Palestiniens ont été arrêtés depuis cette attaque. Parmi ces personnes : la fille de l’assaillant, âgée de 14 ans. En représailles, la maison de l’assaillant devait par ailleurs être rasée rapidement.

    • Israeli forces raid ’mourning tent’ dedicated to slain Palestinian Misbah Abu Sbeih
      Oct. 14, 2016 12:53 P.M. (Updated: Oct. 14, 2016 5:00 P.M.)

      HEBRON (Ma’an) - Des soldats israéliens ont attaqué jeudi soir une « tente de deuil » dédié à Misbah Abu Sbeih, qui a été tué par les forces israéliennes dimanche après la réalisation d’une fusillade mortelle à Jérusalem-Est occupée, dans la ville de Cisjordanie occupée d’Hébron.

      Des témoins ont dit à Ma’an que les soldats israéliens ont déchiré vers le bas des photos de Abu Sbeih et des pancartes ornées de slogans politiques avant de quitter la zone.

      Un porte-parole de l’armée israélienne a déclaré à Ma’an qu’elle examinerait les rapports sur le raid.

    • Les autorités israéliennes décident d’enterrer deux martyrs dans les cimetières des nombres

      Ramallah, le 31 octobre 2019, WAFA- Le bureau du procureur général israélien a informé jeudi, l’avocat de la commission des affaires des prisonniers et ex-prisonniers, Mohammad Mahmoud, de son intention d’enterrer les corps des deux martyrs Mesbah Abu Sbeih et Fadi Qanbar dans les cimetières des nombres ces prochains jours.

      La Commission a condamné avec la plus grande fermeté cette politique barbare la qualifiant de raciste, extrémiste, génératrice de terrorisme et de haine, qui permet de détenir les corps des martyrs, en violation du droit international et des droits de l’homme.