person:mahmoud abbas

  • Deux semaines avant l’attaque de Gaza (2008-2009), le chef du renseignement militaire israélien annonce (à l’avance, donc) que les israéliens exécuteront les dirigeants palestiniens du Hamas. (Il rappelle également que Mahmoud Abbas dirige la Cisjordanie avec le soutien d’Israël.) #cablegate


    In his December 3 meeting with Israel Defense Intelligence Director Yadlin, Representative Robert Wexler (D-Florida) referred to his previous meeting with Likud Party leader Netanyahu (reftel) and asked for Yadlin’s assessment of the possibility of Israel and the Palestinian moving forward on the basis of an “economic peace.” Yadlin said Israel’s relations with the Palestinians need time; the next Israeli Prime Minister and perhaps the next PA President will need the time to build trust. Trying to move directly to a solution will result in violence as in 2000. Yadlin said the Palestinians have established two entities. Abbas and Fayyad rule the West Bank with Israel’s support, while Hamas has established a terrorist entity in Gaza. Yadlin stressed that Israel is on the right track in the West Bank, while he advocates taking a “much tougher” approach to Gaza. Yadlin said Israel can find Hamas officials where they live and work in Gaza. If the firing of rockets and mortars from Gaza continues, the IDF will “use this card,” i.e. resume targetted assassinations, in order to “change the paradigm.”

  • Non, ça n’est pas de la science fiction : Mahmoud Abbas se rend à Beyrouth et rencontre Samir Geagea.

    Geagea meets with Abbas, highlights Palestinians’ right of return

    Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday, after which he reiterated his commitment to granting the right of return to Palestinian refugees.

    La photo est adorable.

  • Netanyahu : Abbas is distorting known historical facts - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas of “blatantly distorting known historical facts” in an op-ed Abbas published in the New York Times earlier Tuesday.

    Netanyahu refuted the article’s claim that Israeli forces expelled the Palestinians from their land during the War of Independence in 1948, saying “It was the Arab armies, with Palestinian help, who attacked the Jewish state in order to destroy it.” He added that “There is no mention of this in the article.”

    OK. Quand on est Premier ministre israélien, on a le parfaitement le droit d’être négationniste. Rigoureusement aucun commentaire dans les médias français.

  • Dans le reportage que lui consacre Newsweek, Mahmoud Abbas raconte comment, le 17 février, Obama lui a téléphoné pendant une heure pour le convaincre de ne pas proposer de résolution au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, condamnant la continuation de la colonisation israélienne. Et comment Obama l’a clairement menacé d’une « liste des sanctions ».

    Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas’s Frustration with Obama - Newsweek

    On the evening of Feb. 17, Abbas got a phone call to his office in Ramallah. President Obama was on the line with a request. In the preceding weeks, Arab protesters in the region had toppled two longtime autocrats, including one of America’s closest Arab friends, Hosni Mubarak. Demonstrations raged in Libya and Yemen, and would soon spread to Syria. In Washington, officials worried that the protesters would eventually focus on America’s relationship with some of these dictators and on its support for Israel. Obama’s cautious steps seemed to be preventing the dreaded scenes of protesters burning American flags. But a U.N. Security Council resolution initiated by Palestinians and scheduled to be debated the next day threatened to remind Arabs of the very thing they hate most about America.

    The resolution demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory,” a position Obama long supported. In fact, Palestinians say they lifted the language straight from public remarks made by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. But it put Obama in a bind. Members of his Democratic Party felt they’d paid a price in the midterm elections a few months earlier for Obama’s tough stand with Netanyahu in the preceding year. An American veto might mitigate the damage. But it would also remind the Arab demonstrators how uncritical America’s support for Israel can often be.

    So for 55 minutes on the phone, Obama first reasoned with and then pressured Abbas to withdraw the resolution. “He said it’s better for you and for us and for our relations,” says Abbas. Then the American president politely made what Abbas describes as a “list of sanctions” Palestinians would endure if the vote went ahead. Among other things, he warned that Congress would not approve the $475 million in aid America gives the Palestinians.

    Attention, la phrase « Members of his Democratic Party felt they’d paid a price in the midterm elections a few months earlier for Obama’s tough stand with Netanyahu in the preceding year. » fait un petit peu peur.

    #israël #palestine