person:mais c'est

  • Hardy Fox, cofondateur et compositeur des Residents, longtemps anonyme, est mort

    Le musicien américain Hardy Fox, cofondateur du groupe d’avant-garde #The_Residents, est mort mardi à l’âge de 73 ans des suites d’un cancer du cerveau. La nouvelle a été annoncée sur son site internet.

    Celui qui a été pendant plus de quatre décennies le clavier du groupe sous le pseudonyme de Charles Bobuck avait déjà dû renoncer à jouer avec lui en 2015, pour raisons de santé. Il en restait cependant le principal compositeur.

    The Residents fait ses débuts sur scène en 1971, et publie son premier album en 1974. Son nom (Meet the Residents) et sa pochette parodient ceux d’un album des Beatles sorti dix ans plus tôt.

    Plus que pour sa musique, satirique et avant-gardiste, les Residents sont connus du grand public pour leurs costumes sans lesquels ils n’apparaissent jamais. Le plus emblématique : un smoking et un masque en forme de globe oculaire géant, surmonté d’un chapeau haut-de-forme.


  • À partir du lundi 24 septembre, présentation de la carte d’identité ou du carnet de la patrie et prise de l’empreinte digitale pour payer l’essence au Venezuela.

    Mais c’est pas ça qui fera le plus mal… (cf. infra)

    Así se surtirá la gasolina a partir del lunes

    Desde el lunes las gasolineras de todo el país empezarán a utilizar el uso del carnet de la patria con el sistema biométrico para el pago de la gasolina. 

    Para adquirir el combustible se indicará al bombero cuantos litros se desea surtir y de que octanaje, además de la cédula de identidad o el número del carnet de la patria y la huella dactilar. El trabajador de la estación de servicio ingresa la informació en el biopago y el luego se paga el monto establecido de acuerdo con los litros dispensados.

    A pesar de que el servicio entra en funcionamiento este lunes, los trabajadores de las bombas y los venezolanos aún desconocen el precio de la gasolina

    Todavía no nos han dado información de eso y no podemos información de nada de eso”, dijo un empleado, que vestía una camisa roja con las siglas de Petróleo de Venezuela S.A.

    • Dans le tweet d’illustration…
      TVVenezuelaNoticias @TVVnoticias

      Por ahora no hay un precio establecido pero el litro podría estar en 38 Bs.S., por lo que llenar un tanque de gasolina podría costar 1400 Bs.S

      38 bolívar souverain le litre, sachant qu’il y a 1 mois, on en était à 6 bolívar fort le litre et que le BsS équivaut à 100 000 BsF.

      Multiplication du prix par 630 000…
      (rien d’officiel, mais ce serait… raisonnable comme tarif)

    • Sans trop de surprise, dans l’état frontalier de Táchira, l’essence est absolument introuvable. Sauf à faire 3 jours de queue et… payer en pesos colombiens.

      Gasolineras de Táchira cobran pesos colombianos para atender a los clientes

      Debido a la escasez de combustible que existe en el estado Táchira las colas para abastecer los vehículos de gasolina son muy largas, lo cual ha provocado un mercado paralelo en el que lo ciudadanos pagan en pesos colombiano para ser atendidos de manera inmediata en la estación de servicio.

      Funcionarios de diferentes departamentos de seguridad están al tanto de la situación y la aprovechan, reseñó La Opinión de Cúcuta.

      Los guardias nacionales y hasta los dueños de las bombas se prestan para eso”, dijo Héctor Moros, un conductor que llevaba tres días esperando en la cola de una gasolinera. Indicó que en otras ocasiones le han cobrado entre 5.000 y 10.000 pesos.

      La gobernadora del estado Laidy Gómez también denunció el problema y la complicidad de los uniformados ante la situación.

    • Venezuela : paiement biométrique de l’essence, ça n’arrange pas les files d’attente.
      Ces tests ont lieu avant l’augmentation ; avec ou sans le carnet de la patrie, c’est le même prix (l’ancien).

      Normalement, demain lundi, le tarif (très largement) subventionné sera réservé aux détenteurs dudit carnet ; les autres paieront plein pot (tarif international).

      Pruebas del #biopago se hicieron con y sin el carnet de la patria

      Camila Hidalgo estaba en una estación de servicio cuando se le acercó un joven de la Gran Misión Chamba Juvenil. “Hagamos la prueba”, le propuso a la mujer, quien le respondió que no tenía el carnet de la patria. “Todos los conductores tienen que hacer el mismo ensayo”, le indicó el muchacho.

      Hidalgo introdujo tres datos: su número de cédula de identidad y la cantidad de combustible que llenaría el tanque y el octanaje. Después colocó sus huellas, pero hubo fallas en la lectura. Cuando el dispositivo hizo el reconocimiento, apareció el monto que ella tenía que pagar, sin el aumento, porque aún no lo decreta el presidente Nicolás Maduro.

      Lo que me causó más intriga y un poco de preocupación es a dónde va a ir esa data y qué van a hacer con ella. Es como llevar un registro de cuánto estás consumiendo y me pregunto qué hará el gobierno con esa información”, expresó.

      Una pareja de jóvenes de la misión que vestía camisas rojas, recorría con un dispositivo electrónico, que incluye un lector dactilar, las islas de una bomba de gasolina ubicada en el sureste de Caracas.

      La muchacha afirmó que algunas personas tuvieron problemas con la identificación de sus huellas. “Son novedades que tengo que pasar. Ahora estamos en proceso de prueba, eso quiere decir que lo hacemos con o sin el carnet de la patria. Pero cuando comience a funcionar la nueva manera de pago, las personas deben portar el documento, si no tendrán que pagar el consumo a precio internacional”. Sin embargo, desconocía el monto que cancelarán quienes no posean el carnet.

      Durante los preparativos para probar el funcionamiento del “biopago” durante el fin de semana, hubo largas colas en estaciones de servicio en los estados Lara, Aragua, Mérida, Táchira y Zulia. Los habitantes de la entidad tachirense esperaron hasta tres días para llenar el tanque de sus vehículos antes del estreno del sistema de pago.

      María Carolina Uzcátegui, presidente de Consecomercio, relató que ayer, por las pruebas que el gobierno hizo para el pago del combustible, hubo tal nivel de congestión en las gasolineras, sobre todo en el occidente del país, que el transporte de bienes a través de las carreteras fue engorroso. Advirtió que hasta que la situación se normalice y se estabilice probablemente en las próximas semanas el desabastecimiento se va a recrudecer.

  • Je ne m’étais jamais trop posé la question mais c’est vrai que Lena est une photo du domaine du traitement de l’image. Mais c’est aussi une image tirée d’un Playboy de 1973.

    Dianne O’Leary :

    Suggestive pictures used in lectures on image processing are similarly distracting to the women listeners and convey the message that the lecturer caters to the males only. For example, it is amazing that the ‘Lena’ pin-up image is still used as an example in courses and published as a test image in journals today

  • The Irony of the Pope Decrying Fake News - Facts So Romantic

    What fake news breeds, like religion, is unnecessary uncertainty (“Am I going to Hell?”), a pernicious kind of epistemological gaslighting.Illustration by DonkeyHotey / FlickrPope Francis may be the first pontiff in Roman Catholic history to embrace the voice of the modern pundit. In 2015, he wrote an encyclical on climate change, “Laudato Si’,” which the New Yorker described as a “blistering indictment of the human failure to care for Earth” and a “poignant description of the momentous choice now confronting every government, corporation, and person on the planet.” So perhaps it was just a matter of time before the head of the Roman Catholic Church pivoted from God to another global problem—fake news.The scale and danger of global disinformation may not be as grand and existential as the (...)

  • The Doyenne of DNA Says : Just Chillax With Your Ex - The New York Times

    Alors comme ça, les pages people ne sont plus pour les têtes couronnées, ou pour les vedettes du show biz... mais les tycoons de la Silicon Valley. Bon, c’est la page people du NYT, évidemment. Mais c’est significatif.

    Il faudra aussi se rappeler ce que veut dire « aristocratie » en Californie à l’ère des start-ups et des licornes. Les mariages ont toujours été des manières de lier les familles de pouvoir. Mais la nouvelle définition des liens aristocratiques vient certainement de la manière de se comporter quand le mariage s’éteint. Quand le maintien des statuts devient l’enjeu majeur et doit par pure distinction effacer les douleurs et les sentiments d’abandon.

    Like others in Silicon Valley obsessed with living forever, she takes the long view: “If we’re going to live to 150 years, the reality that you’re going to be with one person for 100 years is low. And so you have to find a way that we can have relationships with people and preserve what’s positive.”

    She says she wants to be a model for how to deal with controversy and disappointment to her son and daughter.

    “I get really sad when I meet people who have conflict in their family,” she says. “Like people who hate their parents or don’t like a sibling or have an acrimonious divorce. Life is just too short.”

    Et comme toujours, le mode de vie des aristocrates et des célébrités devient le modèle pour tous les autres. Peut être même de bons modèles, une fois que l’on met de côté les valuers de pouvoir qui s’y cachent.

    Ms. Wojcicki admits that next time, “I’d really love to date someone who’s really simple and not famous. My life is already pretty complicated.”

    I ask her if Harvey Weinstein, an early investor, is still involved.

    “Once an investor, always an investor. It’s like ‘Hotel California,’” she says. “He has always been supportive of the company and of me, but he clearly has behavior that you can’t possibly condone. You recognize that people can have two different worlds. So it’s disappointing.”

    She said that her best mentors have been Arianna Huffington and Diane von Furstenberg. “They are the two people who are just like, ‘I want to support women. I want to support you doing awesome things. I believe in you. You can do it.’”

    #Presse_people #Médias #Anne_Vojcicki #23_and_me #Silicon_Valley #Aristocratie #Serguey_Brin

  • Apps stirring up trouble in schools -

    How certain apps become popular with kids is a bit of a mystery. The best ones mix all the stuff tweens and teens love – gossiping, hanging out, clowning around, and meeting other kids – with an X factor that makes them go viral. Once an app gains critical mass (like, when every kid in school is on it), that’s when the real fun begins. But that’s where things can go wrong, too.

    Check out some of the apps that can potentially stir up drama in schools.

    C’est moi qui souligne... Suit une description et une classification des apps. Tendance à confondre app et pratiques. Mais c’est belle liste des « potentiels » problèmes, qui reste à la limite des paniques morales, quoique.

    #Médias_sociaux #Pratiques_numériques #Cyberbullying #Cyberharcèlement #Anonymat #Live_vidéo #Adolescents #Panique_morale

  • Over a Third of U.S. Navy Ships in Pacific Lack Training Certification -Watchdog – gCaptain

    Speaking before a House of Representatives Armed Services Committee hearing, John Pendleton, from the U.S. #Government_Accountability_Office (#GAO), said that a report had found that 37 percent of U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers based out of Japan had expired warfare certifications as of June 2017. That was a five-fold increase from the number in May 2015.

    The certification is a measurement of whether a ship and its crew are well trained and ready for operations.

    The GAO report also found that a reduction in crew sizes was contributing to safety risks, with some sailors working over 100 hours a week and there was limited training because of an increased demand for operations.

    The Navy has made plans to revise operational schedules to provide dedicated training time for overseas-based ships, but this schedule has not yet been implemented,” the report said.

    #USS_John_S_McCain #USS_Fitzgerald

    Ah ouais !
    note : on est plus près de 40% que du tiers…

    • On est encore en dessous de cela : 8 sur 11 navires (72,7% !) n’ont pas la qualification « navigation » en juin 2017…

      Readiness of U.S. Ships in Japan Focus of USS John S. McCain, USS Fitzgerald Collision Hearing - USNI News

      I have had made the assumption for many, many years that our forward deployed forces in Japan were the most proficient, well-trained, most experienced force we have because they were operating all the time,” [Navy’s second in command, VCNO Adm.] Moran told a Thursday joint hearing before the House Armed Services readiness and seapower and projection forces subcommittees.

      It was the wrong assumption.
      As of June 2017, 37 percent of the warfare certifications for cruiser and destroyer crews homeported in Japan had expired, and over two-thirds of the expired certifications—including mobility-seamanship and air warfare—had been expired for five months or more

      There were specific areas that were higher than 37 percent and one of those was seamanship. Eight of the 11 ships had expired certification for seamanship,” he told the panel

      This represents more than a fivefold increase in the percentage of expired warfare certifications for these ships since our May 2015 report.

      Both the Fitzgerald and McCain had expired certifications, but Pendleton wouldn’t detail the precise certifications that were out of date.

      Faut-il s’en étonner quand on voit la programmation du temps consacré aux différentes activités ?

      2015 GAO Image

      Donc, si on lit le graphique, en 2015 le GAO constate sereinement (?) que pour la flotte déployée au Japon, sur un cycle de 2 ans, il n’y aucune séquence consacrée à l’entrainement ou la formation…

      On rappelle par ailleurs que depuis 2003, il n’y a plus non plus de séquence de formation initiale des futurs officiers à la navigation qu’elle soit théorique (uniquement sur CD ou DVD) ou pratique (sur le tas pendant les prochains embarquements)…

    • Arf ! 3 jours après, CNN se réveille. Mais c’est Exclusive !

      Exclusive : US Navy ships in deadly collisions had dismal training records - CNNPolitics

      The two US Navy destroyers involved in deadly collisions in the Pacific this summer both had lengthy records of failure to fulfill key training requirements, according to Government Accountability Office data provided to Congress and obtained by CNN.

      The USS Fitzgerald had expired training certification for 10 out of 10 key warfare mission areas in June, and the USS John S. McCain had let its certifications lapse in six out of the 10 mission areas, the data show.
      The dismal training record for the two ships sheds new light on one factor that may have contributed to the two collisions with commercial ships in June and August, which killed 17 sailors.
      A Navy official contested the GAO’s training certification data, arguing that the GAO was focused on higher-level warfighting certifications and not the nuts-and-bolts certifications for operating ships where the Pacific fleet’s destroyers and cruisers have a better record. There are 22 certifications required for each ship and the GAO only reported on half, the official noted, though they declined to provide the full training records for the USS Fitzgerald and USS McCain, citing the ongoing investigations into the collisions.

      Mais, apparemment, il ne s’agit pas des compétences de navigation.

      The GAO examined training records in June for all of the Japan-based destroyers and cruisers, focusing on 10 key warfare training areas. They included air warfare, ballistic missile defense, electronic warfare, fire support, cruise missiles and more.
      The USS Fitzgerald had let its training certifications expire for all of them, according to the GAO data.

      The Navy’s preliminary findings in its Fitzgerald investigation found the crew failed to understand and acknowledge the cargo ship was approaching and failed to take any action necessary to avoid the collision.

      (sur ce dernier point, c’était dans le rapport préliminaire de l’US Navy il y a un peu plus de 3 semaines )

    • Cyber Probes to be Part of All Future Navy Mishap Investigations After USS John S. McCain Collision - USNI News

      Probing potential cyber tampering and cyber intrusion will now be a standard part of U.S. Navy accident investigation following the Aug. 21 collision of guided missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG-56) with a chemical tanker, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Bill Moran told Congress last week.

      As part of the investigation into McCain’s collision, a team from the Navy’s U.S. 10th Fleet cyber arm traveled to Singapore to see if a reported steering failure of the destroyer was a result of cyber tampering, USNI News reported last month.
      I would also offer to you that just about every three letter agency in Washington, D.C. has looked to see if there were indications of an intent or a potential acknowledgement of a cyber attack. We have seen — I have personally not seen any evidence of that. But we’re not stopping there. The team is in place in Singapore today, has been for several days capturing all of the computer and network information to see if they can find any abnormalities or disruptions.” [Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Bill Moran said]

      The effort, called Operation #Orion’s_Hammer, focused on the reported failure of the aft steering mechanism that early reports say helped cause the collision between McCain and a chemical tanker off the coast of Singapore on Aug. 21 resulting in the death of 10 sailors, several Navy officials have told USNI News.

      On aurait donc bien confirmation d’une avarie de barre.

    • Sen. John S McCain III (R-AZ) dont le grand-père est l’éponyme du USS John S McCain à propos des collisions. Quelles que soient les conclusions des enquêtes, il est facile d’utiliser ces événements pour réclamer une augmentation du budget de la Navy

      McCain Laments ’Accident After Accident’ After Military Cuts - Bloomberg

      Following a series of deadly accidents, Senator John McCain on Sunday renewed his calls to address what he described as a U.S. failure during the past eight years to ensure that the military is prepared, equipped and trained. 

      Whenever you cut defense capabilities, the first thing that goes is the training and the readiness, because that’s easy enough to cancel,” the Arizona Republican and chairman of the Senate Armed Service Committee said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.

      McCain, a Vietnam War veteran from a military family, has been a longtime critic of the automatic cuts in U.S. spending — including reductions in U.S. defense — known as sequestration that began in 2013 under an earlier deal to raise the country’s debt limit.
      When you really look at how much time they have at actual training and readiness, it’s continued to shrink,” McCain said. “We have accident after accident after accident. We are killing more Americans in uniform in training than we are in engagement with the enemy. That’s not acceptable.

  • Selon le Financial Times, le raison de la colère des séoudiens, c’est une rançon de 500 millions à 1 milliard de dollars payée par le Qatar à des gens à qui il ne faudrait pas donner d’argent, ce qui revenait ainsi à les « financer » : The $1bn hostage deal that enraged Qatar’s Gulf rivals :

    Qatar paid up to $1bn to release members of its royal family who were kidnapped in Iraq while on a hunting trip, according to people involved in the hostage deal — one of the triggers behind Arab states’ dramatic decision to cut ties with the government in Doha. 

    Commanders of militant groups and government officials in the region told the Financial Times that Doha spent the money in a transaction that secured the release of 26 members of a Qatari falconry party in southern Iraq and about 50 militants captured by jihadis in Syria. 

    By their telling, Qatar paid off two of the most frequently blacklisted forces of the Middle East in one fell swoop: an al-Qaeda affiliate fighting in Syria and Iranian security officials. The deal, which was concluded in April, heightened concerns among Qatar’s neighbours about the small gas-rich state’s role in a region plagued by conflict and bitter rivalries.

    Ça fait tout de même des années que les Syriens accusent le Qatar de subventionner leurs clients jihadistes sous le couvert de ces réglements de « rançons ». Se demander (ou pas) pourquoi cette fois-ci ce serait insupportable pour les séoudiens.

    Intéressant : par contrecoup (et sans doute de manière bien involontaire), l’accusation séoudienne du moment valide rétrospectivement tout un pan des critiques des pratiques du Qatar en Syrie.

  • The Fidget Spinner Is the Perfect Toy for the Trump Presidency - The New Yorker

    But the current explosion of popularity in fidget toys extends well beyond children with a diagnosis, as those teachers nationwide—nay, internationally—who have been banning them from their classrooms could surely attest; they have become a universally desirable accessory for tween-aged students. They function, in their seductive tactility, like cigarettes for kids who are still young enough to find smoking completely disgusting. The measure of the craze can be taken with a quick scan of Amazon rankings: a recent search revealed that forty-nine of the fifty best-selling toys were either fidget spinners or fidget cubes. (The only non-fidget-based toy in Amazon’s top fifty sellers was an obscene party card game for adults, with the uplifting name Cards Against Humanity.) No longer a fringe occupation, fidgeting is for all, not just for the few.

    This marks a significant evolution—or devolution, if you prefer—in the cultural status of fidgeting. Until very recently, fidgeting was invariably an activity with a pejorative connotation. It was something kids were supposed to stop doing.

    This reëvaluation of fidgeting certainly legitimizes the surge in popularity of the fidget spinner, but it does not entirely explain it. Why spinning? And why now? The invention of the spinner has been credited to Catherine Hettinger, described by the Guardian as “a Florida-based creator,” who registered a patent for a finger-spinning toy back in 1997 but was unable at the time to interest toy companies in its marketability. Unfortunately for Hettinger, she allowed the patent to lapse and, therefore, is not profiting from the current craze. (In truth, the spinners currently dominating the market—which are shaped like ergonomic ninja stars—bear only a conceptual resemblance to Hettinger’s prototype, which looks as if it might be a contraceptive diaphragm designed for a whale.)

    At the time that Hettinger was floating her invention, a very different craze was making its first inroads into the handheld-toy marketplace. The Tamagotchi, which was launched first in Japan and then globally, was a so-called digital pet, which required certain attentions from its owner to thrive.

    Compared with the fidget spinner, the Tamagotchi is a marvel of complexity, stimulating imagination and engendering empathy. Go back even further, to the nineteen-eighties, and you find the Rubik’s Cube, a toy that offers all the haptic satisfaction offered by a fidget spinner, and also combines it with a brainteaser of such sophistication that many of us are little closer to solving it than we were thirty-five years ago.

    More recent fads compare favorably, in the cognitive-demand department, to the fidget spinner, too. The Rainbow Loom required considerable dexterity to produce those little bracelets worn by everyone who was between the ages of six and eleven in 2013.

    The fidget spinner, it could be argued, is the perfect toy for the age of Trump. Unlike the Tamagotchi, it does not encourage its owner to take anyone else’s feelings or needs into account. Rather, it enables and even encourages the setting of one’s own interests above everyone else’s. It induces solipsism, selfishness, and outright rudeness. It does not, as the Rubik’s Cube does, reward higher-level intellection. Rather, it encourages the abdication of thought, and promotes a proliferation of mindlessness, and it does so at a historical moment when the President has proved himself to be pathologically prone to distraction and incapable of formulating a coherent idea.

    #gadget #pratiques_sociales #adolescents #enfants #métaphore

  • Emmanuel Macron has taken French voters for granted. Now he risks defeat | Olivier Tonneau | Opinion | The Guardian

    Voilà l’ #arrogance incarnée. Ce mec est complètement à l’est.

    Monday 1 May 2017 17.47 BST

    I had lunch in a Parisian cafe recently with a journalist who had spent the whole French presidential campaign vilifying the leftwing candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon and trumpeting the merits of the centrist Emmanuel Macron in the columns of a respected (if declining) centre-left weekly.

    I asked him if had there been a deliberate effort among intellectuals and mainstream politicians to engineer a run-off between Macron and the far-right Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election. “Why, of course,” he laughed. “We’ve been at it for a year.” Considering how obvious the strategy had been, I cannot claim to have revealed much of a secret. Still, it’s nice to know I was not being paranoid.

    • We finished our lunch, the journalist commenting on every passing woman with the old-fashioned sexism characteristic of the French ruling class, while I reflected on the astonishing irresponsibility of the strategy. It may have seemed like a good idea: pitting Macron against the Front National leader was the surest way to ensure the former’s victory. Yet the tactic could be about to backfire, with terrifying consequences.

      The rise of Macron is characteristic of the age of spin doctors: it illustrates both their power and their limits. It is truly astonishing that the man who inspired (as personal secretary) and implemented (as finance minister) the policies of President François Hollande could be branded as something radically new.

      To achieve this feat, spin doctors resorted to celebrity-building in ways previously unknown in French political life. Macron was new because he was young and handsome, and because he had never been elected before. He appeared repeatedly on the front pages of Paris Match with his wife , whose name is chanted by his supporters at his rallies. In the final weeks of the campaign Macron was so careful not to expose the true nature of his programme (which amounts to little more than the unpopular liberalism-cum-austerity implemented by Hollande) that his speeches degenerated into vacuous exercises in cliche and tautology.

    • how many would have voted for him, and how many against her? Because it is impossible to answer this question, it would be impossible for Macron to take a hard line against social protests on the grounds that the election validated his programme.

      mouais, ça n’a pas empêché Chirac

    • A few weeks before the election, something important happened that was largely unnoticed: an opinion poll showed that the main concern of the people was neither unemployment nor immigration, but the reform of state institutions and the implementation of a radical sixth republic. There is a deep resentment towards a state they perceive as oppressive, corrupt and violent.

      Mélenchon achieved his impressive first-round result because he campaigned on the promise of a radical reform of the state. He was thus able to bring back to politics people who had abstained for years, and also to claw back Le Pen voters. (He cut her lead over him from seven percentage points in 2012 to less than two this year). These voters are not interested in the comparative merits of a Le Pen or a Macron government; their anger is directed at the “deep state” (police, justice, administration). They are even less inclined to vote Macron, because they know – everyone knows – that the second round was deliberately staged. They feel they were set up, and abstention seems to them a dignified act.

      Macron has just days to take stock of their anger and adopt the only strategy that can secure his victory against Le Pen: showing humility, and reducing the severity of his programme. The only problem is that he might not be aware how serious the situation is. There is a certain Dangerous Liaisons charm about the microcosm of journalists, intellectuals and politicians who shape (or think they shape) the political destiny of France. According to my lunch companion, Macron has infinite confidence in his charisma and is blissfully unaware of the threat.

      Why, then, take the risk of allowing an individual such as Le Pen a path to power, I asked. I received no answer – another woman had caught his attention. France, no doubt, is in good hands.

    • @fil Exactement ! Ce dont je me souviens de l’entre deux tours de 2002, c’étaient des raisonnements du genre, il faut massivement voter pour Chirac comme cela ça va le contraindre à appliquer une politique de centre droit, et au contraire s’il passe avec de faibles pourcentages, il saura qu’il est élu par ses seules électeurs pour appliquer son seul programme. Et donc du coup il a plus ou moins appliqué le programme de Le Pen.

      Cette fois-ci faites bien ce que vous voulez.

    • @intempestive

      Si l’on pouvait s’en laver les mains, ce serait formidable. Mais c’est nous qui mesurons et qui vivons le vrai danger, c’est nous qui savons que ce n’est pas un jeu électoral, que c’est bien plus grave que ça.

      Je ne sais pas ce qu’est le nous que tu emploies car je me sens très seule sur tous les points.
      Il me semble que le vrai danger n’est pas pour « nous », les petits blancs ex-colonialistes assis devant leur télé qui croient former nation/république/pays/frontière/territoire dans cette tautologie serinée sans cesse du nous égoïste, ou le mot #politique ne veut plus rien dire. Non, il me semble que le danger est réel pour tous les invisibles, les #SANS, les migrants, tous les méprisés de ce système déjà fascisant … et tous ceux qui payeront ce blanc-seing déjà donné à une police avide de violence et fière d’un « nous » nauséabond.

  • Dental plaque DNA shows Neandertals used ’aspirin’

    “One of the most surprising finds, however, was in a Neandertal from El Sidrón, who suffered from a dental abscess visible on the jawbone. The plaque showed that he also had an intestinal parasite that causes acute diarrhoea, so clearly he was quite sick. He was eating poplar, which contains the pain killer salicylic acid (the active ingredient of aspirin), and we could also detect a natural antibiotic mould (Penicillium) not seen in the other specimens.”
    "Apparently, Neandertals possessed a good knowledge of medicinal plants and their various anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, and seem to be self-medicating. The use of antibiotics would be very surprising, as this is more than 40,000 years before we developed penicillin. Certainly our findings contrast markedly with the rather simplistic view of our ancient relatives in popular imagination."

    #aspirine #neanderthal

  • An expansive photo record of Native American life in the early 1900s

    Born on a Wisconsin farm in 1868, Edward Sheriff Curtis grew up to become a commercial photographer in Seattle. In 1895 he photographed Princess Angeline, the daughter of the Duwamish chief Seattle, for whom the city was named.

    That encounter sparked Curtis’ lifelong fascination with the cultures and lives of Native American tribes. He soon joined expeditions to visit tribes in Alaska and Montana.

    In 1906, Curtis was approached by wealthy financier J.P. Morgan, who was interested in funding a documentary project on the indigenous people of the continent. They conceived a 20-volume series, called The North American Indian.

    #états-unis #indiens #nations_premières #peuples_autochtones

  • Transcript Suggests a Plot Behind Effort to Oust Brazilian President

    Brazil’s interim president, Michel Temer, on Monday suffered a major setback in his campaign to win over the country when a report of recordings surfaced suggesting that one of his ministers had plotted to head off the huge Petrobras corruption investigation by pursuing the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.

    The minister, Romero Jucá, an influential leader in the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, or PMDB, though denying accusations of wrongdoing, said he would step down on Tuesday and return to the Senate. Earlier in the day, the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo published excerpts from a recorded conversation between Mr. Jucá and a former business executive that indicated they were seeking to impede the sprawling investigation in which both were caught up.


    According to Folha de S. Paulo, Mr. Jucá spoke to Sergio Machado, the former president of Transpetro, a subsidiary of Petrobras. Mr. Machado had left that position after being implicated in the Petrobras scandal.

    The recordings, from a conversation in March, suggest that Mr. Jucá entered into an agreement with the goal of impeding and even possibly stopping the investigation. There was also a suggestion that the impeachment might have been part of that plan.

    In one excerpt, Mr. Machado made reference to his desire for “the departure of Dilma.”

  • Quantième perpetuel

    Epagomènes !

    L’émission la plus énigmatique, la plus rare, la moins tropique et la plus grégorienne, bref, la plus bissextuelle !


    Lydia Lunch - Atomic Bongos Dr John - Iko Iko

    // Mais c’est quoi une année bissextile

    Com Truise - Declination (Syn - Demo 01) Cheb Khaled - Kutché

    // Khaled, le cocher

    // La mesure du temps, notre finitude

    Cop Shoot Cop - If tomorrow ever comes The Last Poets - Time The Arsonists - Rhyme time travel

    The Byrds - One hundred years from now Eddie Gale - The Rain

    Saul Williams - Horn of the Clock Bike

    Big Star - Thirteen

    Joe Meek - Orbit around the Moon

    The United States of America - The American Metaphysical Circus

    Dion - Loving You

    Saul Williams - List Of Demands

    BEAK - (...)

    • Mais c’est Mac et Chickaboo !

      Ape Action Africa

      Chimp-orilla playtime in the forest
      Sunday, February 26, 2012

      What do you do when you have three baby chimps and two baby gorillas, but only one area of forest to put them in? Introduce them of course! Chimps and gorillas occasionally meet in the wild when their ranges overlap and display similar behaviour as infants. Our orphaned gorillas Luci and Chickaboo and resident chimps Mac, Ayisha and Mbia have outgrown their separate, infant play areas so have been coming together each day to play in the trees. The babies love their new arrangement and their carers are seing the benefits too.

      When she arrived last October, Chickaboo was thin and depressed and bore a deep, snare injury on her right wrist that meant she couldn’t move her hand or walk properly. Our vet team feared she would need surgery but we are pleased to report that her wound has healed and she is able to use her hand again. Having four friends has inspired a burst of confidence in Chickaboo and she now runs, chases, wrestles and climbs with her once injured hand. She is the largest of the babies and has a big laugh and a cheeky personality. Lately she has been discovering her inner gorilla and loves to beat her chest whenever she’s feeling excited or assertive.

      Little Luci is younger than Chickaboo, so has a greater dependence on her human carers, but she is starting to come out of her shell. Now, instead of watching the others play, she joins in around the fringes of their games and loves climbing trees with Chickaboo. Luci is still waking 3 times a night for bottles and is only just becoming interested in food, but her interest in chewing (especially on her carer’s bedroom door) signals that the rest of her teeth are on the way.

      Mac arrived at the sanctuary last August, wounded by bullets and very depressed. Six months later he has grown into a healthy, happy two year old who loves a game. Mac is very sweet natured and will do anything for a tickle. He was thrilled to meet the boisterous Chickaboo whose size and energy levels are a great match for his own.

      After suffering a serious bout of meningitis late last year, Ayisha has been slowly recovering and finding her feet again. She has gained weight and developed more body hair and instead of waking five times a night for milk, is now sleeping well and eating solid food. Ayisha is a sensitive chimp and usually doesn’t allow anyone except her carer to touch her. Now, buoyed by the games going on around her, she is joining in the chase and approaching others for a tickle and some attention. Her eyesight has never fully recovered so she is a little less steady on her feet than the others, but this doesn’t stop her from being very stubborn and just a little bit naughty – always trying to get away with doing what she isn’t supposed to.

      Mbia has been going from strength to strength since her long journey to Cameroon last year. She has made firm friends with Mac and although she is a bit frightened of Chickaboo’s strength, she plays happily with her new friends in the forest. A great climber, Mbia is often found up a tree but will go wherever the action is. Inventive and energetic, Mbia will create a game out of whatever is on hand, particularly if the item is forbidden and belongs to someone else!

      As the babies get older, they will separate in order to join larger groups of their own kind, but for now, they are just happy to have extra playmates.

  • Maersk to scrap ships at certain Alang sites, NGO dismayed | Reuters

    À Alang, le démantèlement des navires se fait à même les plages.(Photo : OMI)
    via Le Marin

    Maersk Line said on Friday it had chosen four shipbreaking yards along India’s Alang beaches to handle an increase in vessels that need to be scrapped, to the dismay of some organisations that say the operations there are polluting and unsafe.

    Mais c’est pour la bonne cause…

    Maersk argues that as over 70 percent of all global vessels are scrapped at yards along the coasts of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, “where serious challenges exist to improve current negative environmental and social conditions”, it is better to work with those few that meet international standards.

    These yards have chosen to invest so it’s really important that we and other shipowners support them. If we don’t, I’m pretty sure these yards would lose motivation to go for these standards,” said Maersk’s head of sustainability Annette Stube.

    … mais pas que !

    The world’s largest container shipper says the four yards in the Alang coast of Gujarat have been certified according to the Hong Kong Convention — health, safety and environmental standards developed by the International Maritime Organisation.

    It said it will see a spike in the number of vessels it will need to scrap in the coming five years and that using other facilities in Turkey and China will cost it $150 million more.

  • Tarif au prorata du nombre d’utilisateurs

    Le service de bookmark #Pinboard pratique un tarif calculé suivant le nombre d’abonnés

    The signup fee helps discourage spammers and defrays some of the costs of running the site.

    Thanks to the entry fee, Pinboard has remained spam-free since launch. Not having to expend resources on spam fighting means having more time to work on features, and keeps the site fast and small.

    The fee is based on the formula (number of users * $0.001), so the earlier you join, the less you pay.

    Je n’ai pas trop compris si ensuite on garde le même tarif tout le temps (les années suivantes) ou si chaque année c’est recalculé pour tout le monde suivant le nombre d’adhérents au moment du calcul.

    Mais c’est intéressant comme tarification, je ne me rappelle pas avoir déjà vu ça.

    Par contre, si le nombre d’abonnés s’envole… il faut changer de système je crois car ça aboutit à des prix vraiment gros ensuite (mais à partir de quand ?).


  • Climate change bites Kenyan tea farmers

    You wouldn’t typically expect heavy rainfall and frost in East Africa. But the Earth’s climate is changing – and this is affecting one of the world’s largest tea-producing regions, in central Kenya.
    #thé #agriculture #Kenya #climat #changement_climatique
    cc @odilon


    Année tragique, année magique


    Vendredi 25 Sep 2015 à 17:30 Mercredi 21 Oct 2015 à 10:30

    Guerre des six jours. Le Nigéria s’enfonce dans la guerre civile et le Nicaragua dans la dictature. Année tragique.

    Mais c’est aussi une année magique en musique... sur laquelle nous allons revenir pendant 1H30. Faites place à la Société du spectacle.

    — Naufrage de l’Amoco Cadiz


    The Calico Wall - I’m A Living Sickness Rolling Stones - In another land Small faces- Up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire === Naissances Byrds - Thoughts and words Captain Beefheart - Abba Zaba Nico - Chelsea Girl Louis Neefs - Ik heb zorgen === 1967 - Dictatures, guerres et catastrophes et news of the world Gainsbourg - Je n’avais qu’un seul mot à lui dire Hapshash and the coloured coat - A mind blown (...)

  • Power of Maps conference - Spatial Source

    Le prograpmme est alléchant... Mais c’est très très loin.

    The Australian and New Zealand Map Society and the Mapping Sciences Institute, Australia have announced the joint Power of Maps conference. The event will be held at the outstanding facilities of National Library of Australia, in Canberra, 29th April to 1st May 2015.

    The Power of Maps conference aims to bring together a cross section of professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts engaged in cartography, map curatorship and research, geo-visualisation and GIScience, to promote a greater understanding of cartography and mapping.

    #cartographie #conférence #pouvoir_des_cartes
    The Conference will host a display of Australian map products from the past 100 years as well as a small number of industry displays.

    You are invited to submit abstracts of up to 500 words on any topic in cartography, map curatorship, history of cartography, military mapping, exploration, geo-visualisation and GIScience or related disciplines. Each abstract will be reviewed by one of the programme committee, either from a professional or research background, as applicable. All accepted submissions will be for oral presentation.

    A major theme relates to WWI and military mapping, to acknowledge the centenaries of the ANZAC Corps and the Royal Australian Survey Corps (RASvy, in 2015).

    For further information visit:

  • ’Acutely toxic’ mine waste threatens the death of Norway’s fjords - The Ecologist

    Two huge open pit mines in northern Norway are on the verge of approval, writes Tina Andersen Vågenes - even though they would dump hundreds of millions of tonnes of tailings in fjords where wild salmon spawn. Scientists are voicing serious concerns, and protests are growing, but government and mining companies appear determined to push the projects forward regardless.

    #extraction_minière #titane #cuivre #pollution @reka

  • Ah, pour inventer une nouvelle théorie du complot, il est de bon ton d’avoir des experts sous la main : la décapitation de Foley, ce n’est pas pour mettre fin aux bombardements américains (comme ISIS le revendique dans sa vidéo), c’est plus subtile (en fait c’est carrément le contraire)… Brutal beheading of James Foley an attempt to provoke ground invasion of Iraq and Syria. Mais alors, ces gens seraient machiavéliquement machiavéliques…

    “What’s happening is they are trying to get Western intervention in Iraq and Syria,” says Clarke Jones, a former national security operative specialising in counterterrorism now with the Australian National University.

    “That would enable them to develop a new and powerful narrative of Western oppression of Muslims that would help them attract a new wave of recruits.”

    Renowned Norwegian terrorism expert Thomas Hegghammer agrees, questioning whether the attack on the Yazidis, raids into Kurdistan and the beheading of Foley could all be a “deliberate provocation strategy”.

    “ISIS seems to be doing everything it can (short of attacks on the West) to draw the US into conflict,” he tweeted.

    Je viens de voir passer pas mal de tweets allant dans le même sens. Franchement, je ne pige pas bien ce qu’on veut démontrer avec ce genre d’élucubrations. ISIS aurait encore besoin d’en faire des tonnes pour faire croire aux Sunnites du monde entier qu’ils sont les victimes humiliées (des chiites, des alaouites, des Iraniens, des Américains, d’Israël… mais surtout des Iraniens…) ? Mais c’est déjà la ligne quasi-officielle de l’Arabie séoudite et du 14 Mars libanais. Pourquoi ISIS aurait encore besoin de le « démontrer » en attirant une intervention américaine ?

  • Inside the Iron Closet: What It’s Like to Be Gay in Putin’s Russia

    He composes himself and continues the translation of the story that overwhelmed him. On the day of the last kiss-in, the mob tried something new. They brought their children. Action art. A mockery. A lesson. Not rocks; the children were their weapon. Who would hit a child? Adolescent boys, 12, 13, moved in packs from activist to activist, one by one, throwing fists, kicking. It was a day of beatings.

    It takes me a moment. “Their kids?”

    Elena smiles. “Yeah.”

    • C’est vraiment atroce… #mustread cc @rezo ?

      It was Rainbow Tea Party night. A woman named Anna asked who was there. “We’re looking for our friend!” replied one of the strangers. They shoved past her. In the hall, a man named Dmitry Chizhevsky was looking for his jacket. Behind him was a girl I’ll call Rose, a few weeks shy of her eighteenth birthday. Rose glanced toward the door: two men wearing ski masks. “Then,” she says, “they started shooting.” Chizhevsky: “The first bullet came into my eye. The first, the very first.” Rose: “I had a thought in my head—maybe I should do something, maybe I should scream.” Chizhevsky: “I can remember more closely what was audio.” Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, he recalls hearing. Five, he thinks. He says he remembers the sound of the bullet hitting his eye.

      Dmitry went down, and Rose ran, and Dmitry crawled. The men followed, kicking. One of them had a bat, “a baseball bat, yes,” says Dmitry. They were screaming. “Faggot, faggot, faggot.” The bat came down. And then the faggots in the other room charged the men with the gun and the bat and the masks, and the men ran away. Dmitry and Anna, who’d been shot in the back, inspected their wounds. An air gun, they determined. Thank God.

      They say you can shoot an eye out with an air gun, but that’s not exactly what happened. The pellet, a round metal ball, lodged behind Dmitry’s eye.

      Ou le récit de l’évolution des gays prides et de leur répression :

      In 2007, about three dozen pride marchers tried to deliver a letter signed by more than forty members of the European Parliament to the mayor of Moscow, asking for permission to hold the parade. The mayor called it a “work of Satan.” Among those beaten was an Italian parliamentarian.

      In 2008, activists applied to hold marches across the city, all denied, and then assembled as a flash mob for moments in front of a statue of Tchaikovsky.

      They tried the same trick in 2009, but the police were ready.

      2010: Success! Thirty marchers marched for ten minutes before they were captured.

      2011: Three minutes, maybe four.

      2012: Moscow officially banned gay-pride parades for one hundred years.

      Last year: The police were waiting. They brought trucks fitted with metal cages.

      (en ces temps de Sotchi et d’#homophobie d’Etat, voir aussi )

    • [aparté : @moderne (et les autres :) il me semblait (mais je me trompe peut-être) qu’il n’y pas souvent de réponses de @rezo. Du coup je me demandais si les mentions étaient relevées – ou pas – et s’il ne valait pas mieux mettre directement vos pseudos pour vous demander de jeter un coup d’œil si ça vous intéressait – ou pas – :) ]

    • [pas raté : en ce moment c’est moi qui reçois les mentions @rezo, mais c’est vrai que je les reporte rarement ; déjà il faut avoir le temps de les lire, et puis l’anglais, sur rezo, ça ne fonctionne pas vraiment
      à améliorer :) ]

    • [@moderne @fil, ok merci :) C’est sur que des articles comme celui-ci faut prendre un bon quart d’heure pour les lire, j’imagine que c’est pas évident ! Les « articles en anglais » de @rezo sont souvent très intéressants, peut-être que c’est dommage de les mettre en tout petit en-dessous. Mais c’est une autre discussion, j’arrête de polluer le fil de @melanine (désolé d’ailleurs, et encore merci pour l’article qui m’a bien retourné) ]