person:mohammed tamimi

  • Tiens bon, Ahed Tamimi !
    Gideon Levy

    – A la veille de sa libération, après huit mois de prison, voici ce qu’il faut dire à Ahed Tamimi : « Cela en valait la peine. Continue à résister à l’occupation israélienne. »

    Le dimanche, tu es censée sortir de prison, enfin, en même temps que ta mère. Mais peut-être vaut-il mieux ne pas faire de pronostic : le Shin Bet pourrait très bien émettre une ordonnance d’arrestation administrative contre toi. Après tout, il y a quelques semaines seulement, le Shin Bet a estimé que tu étais toujours « potentiellement dangereuse » – mais nous pouvons espérer que dans trois jours, toi et ta mère serez à nouveau libres et chez vous.

    Nous pouvons aussi espérer que le danger potentiel que tu as présenté n’a pas diminué pendant tes mois de prison, depuis cet hiver, que tu es toujours dangereuse pour l’occupation, que tu n’arrêteras pas de résister à ta manière. Pour autant que je connaisse ta famille, que la propagande israélienne appelle une « famille de terroristes » et une « famille d’assassins », je sais qu’il n’y a aucune chance que cela se produise. Ton esprit ne faiblira pas. Ton « danger » ne se dissipera pas.

    Toi et ta mère êtes restées en prison pendant huit mois, même si tu n’avais rien fait de mal sauf manifester une résistance naturelle et justifiée à l’occupation, qui avait envahi ta cour devant ta maison. Tu as frappé un soldat armé et disposant d’un gilet pare-balles à mains nues, tout comme une jeune fille de 16 ans peut frapper un soldat armé et protégé, et ta mère l’a filmé. C’était ton crime. Dans l’occupation, seuls les soldats sont autorisés à frapper. Tu as fait ce que toute personne courageuse vivant sous une occupation ferait – tu l’as giflé. Et l’occupation n’a encore rien vu.

    Cela s’est passé après que des soldats aient tiré sur ton cousin, Mohammed Tamimi âgé de 15 ans, dans la tête, dans la rue devant ta maison, le laissant avec seulement un demi-crâne. Tu dois savoir qu’ils l’ont arrêté à nouveau depuis lors, malgré son handicap, puis l’ont relâché. Ton frère a également été arrêté depuis et libéré.

    Nabi Saleh attend ses filles. Bassem attend Nariman et Ahed. Il y a aussi des Israéliens qui attendent leur libération. La semaine dernière, un autre cas de résistance aux forces d’occupation a été révélé : des jeunes gens ont lancé des pierres sur la police des frontières et blessé une femme policière qui a été hospitalisée.

    Une pierre peut tuer et il y a une nouvelle politique encore plus dure contre les lanceurs de pierres. Trois jeunes hommes ont été arrêtés, mais ils ont été libérés dans la seconde. C’étaient des colons d’Yitzhar. Tandis qu’Ahed qui n’a blessé personne a passé huit mois en prison. Non, il n’y a pas d’apartheid dans les territoires… (...)

    traduction en français de cet article :
    Keep it up, Ahed Tamimi
    Now it must be said to her, days before her scheduled release after eight months in prison: It was worth it. Keep up the resistance to the Israeli occupation
    Gideon Levy - Jul 25, 2018 10:19 PM

  • Keep it up, Ahed Tamimi
    Now it must be said to her, days before her scheduled release after eight months in prison: It was worth it. Keep up the resistance to the Israeli occupation
    Gideon Levy - Jul 25, 2018 10:19 PM

    On Sunday you’re supposed to get out of prison, finally, together with your mother. But maybe it’s better not to open one’s mouth to the devil; the Shin Bet might issue an administrative arrest order against you. After all, only a few weeks ago the Shin Bet determined that you are still “potentially dangerous” – but we can hope that in three days you and your mother will once again be free at home.

    We can also hope that the potential danger you presented did not abate during your months in prison, since winter; that you’re still dangerous to the occupation, that you won’t stop resisting in your way. As far as I know your family, whom Israeli propaganda calls a “family of terror,” and a “family of murderers,” I know that there’s no chance of that happening. Your spirit will not falter. Your “danger” will not dissipate.

    You and your mother were in prison for eight months, although you had done nothing wrong except exhibit natural, justified resistance to the occupation, which invaded your yard. You struck an armed and body-armored soldier with your bare hands, as much as a 16-year-old girl can strike an armed, body-armored soldier, and your mother filmed it. That was your crime. In the occupation, only soldiers are allowed to strike. You did what any brave person living under occupation would do – you slapped him. The occupation has more than that coming to it.

    This happened after soldiers shot your 15-year-old cousin, Mohammed Tamimi, in the head, up the street from your house, leaving him with only half a skull. You should know that they arrested him again since then, despite his disability, and released him. Your brother was also arrested since then, and released.

    Nabi Saleh is waiting for its daughters. Bassem is waiting for Nariman and Ahed. There are also Israelis waiting for their release. Last week another case was uncovered of resistance to the occupation forces: Young men threw stones at the Border Police and injured a policewoman, who was taken to the hospital.

    A stone can kill and there’s a new, harsher policy against stone-throwers. Three young men were arrested, but they were released in a flash. They are settlers from Yitzhar. Ahed injured no one, and spent eight months in prison. No, there’s no apartheid in the territories.

    Ahed will be released on Sunday to a new reality. She has become an icon. While she was in jail, Gaza rose up and paid with the lives of 160 of its inhabitants, shot to death by Israeli snipers. Dozens of others remain disabled, some because Israel denied them proper medical care.

    While Ahed was in prison, the West Bank sank into its summer torpor, busy with internal rifts and disputes. The West Bank needs Ahed. The resistance needs Ahed. Not that one girl can change the world, but Ahed’s generation needs to be the next generation of the resistance. Its predecessor is lost; its children killed, wounded, arrested, in despair, tired, exiled or joined the bourgeoisie.

    Yes, one can be an Israeli and support the Palestinians who resist the occupation, like Ahed Tamimi, and wish them success. In fact, one must do so. With her bare hands and impressive appearance, Ahed is the hope for the future, the inspiration to others. The Shin Bet opposed her early release, saying: “Her statements show her extreme ideology and, given the security situation shows the potential danger of her early release.” Months have gone by, and it is hoped that the Shin Bet believes Ahed has changed her ideology thanks to her additional months in jail. Otherwise she won’t be released.

    But the Shin Bet also knows that except for the sake of abuse, revenge, satisfying Israeli public opinion and a desperate attempt at suppression by force, there is no justification for the continued imprisonment of this poster girl from Nabi Saleh. The Shin Bet knows that her “extreme” ideology is the ideology of everyone living under the occupation.

    Now it must be said to Ahed: It was worth it. Keep it up, Ahed. Keep up the resistance to the occupation. Keep up the protests every Friday of your courageous village. Keep on “inciting” – decrying the occupation and documenting its crimes. Keep on slapping him, if he invades your yard again, or shoots your young cousin in the head.

  •  » Mohammed Tamimi Released from Israeli Detention
    IMEMC News | May 21, 2018 7:53 PM

    Mohammed Fadel Tamimi, 15, from Nabi Saleh village, northwest of Ramallah, and who was detained by the Israeli army on Sunday, was released several hours after his detention, according to Bilal Tamimi, an activist in the anti-settlements committee in the village.

    He told WAFA, on Monday, that the army freed the boy after it was clear his health situation does not permit holding him, and turned him over to the Palestinian liaison office.

    Mohammed Tamimi was shot in the face by a rubber-coated metal bullet fired by Israeli soldiers in his village, in December, causing him serious damage to his skull that required surgery and removal of a part of the skull.

    Soldiers detained Mohammed Tamimi at the entrance to his village, and took him to a police station at Benyamin detention center, in the occupied West Bank.

    He is a cousin to Ahed Tamimi, an icon of Palestinian peaceful resistance, who was detained when she was only 16 years old, for slapping an Israeli soldier who raided her family home in Nabi Saleh, and was later sentenced, along with her mother, Nariman, to eight months in prison for humiliating a soldier.

  • La mesquinerie et la cruauté de l’armée israélienne qui se venge d’un village qui resiste :

    L’armée israélienne arrête une dizaine de Palestiniens à Nabi Saleh
    Paris Match, le 26 février 2018

    Des témoins sur place ont fait état de dix arrestations. Parmi eux figurent quatre mineurs, dont Mohammed Tamimi, âgé de 15 ans et grièvement blessé à la tête par une balle en caoutchouc israélienne lors de heurts le 15 décembre, a déclaré son oncle, Atta Tamimi.

    Au-delà des réalités de l’occupation, les proches d’Ahed Tamimi évoquent les tensions qui régnaient le 15 décembre à Nabi Saleh et le fait que Mohammed Tamimi avait été grièvement blessé à la tête ce jour-là.

    #Palestine #Nabi_Saleh #Resistance #Ahed_Tamimi #prison #injustice #armée

  • Israeli forces shoot, kill 16-year-old Palestinian in Ramallah area
    Jan. 30, 2018 8:51 P.M. (Updated: Jan. 31, 2018 1:47 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Israeli forces on Tuesday shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian during protests in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah.

    The Palestinian Ministry of Health confirmed that 16-year-old Layth Abu Naim , from the al-Mughayyer village, was shot in the head by Israeli forces with live ammunition during clashes that erupted in the village.

    Reports said that local Palestinian youth threw stones and rolled burning tires towards armed Israeli soldiers who fired live ammunition.

    Abu Naim was critically injured and was taken to a hospital in Ramallah, where he succumbed to his wounds.

    Local sources in the village said that the teenager’s body will be buried after noon prayers on Wednesday in the village of al-Mughayyer.

    Abu Naim is the eighth Palestinian to have been killed by Israeli forces since the beginning of the year, four of them at the age of 16 years.


    • Comme pendant un safari : des troupes israéliennes en Jeeps donne la chasse à un adolescent palestinien et lui tire une balle en pleine tête
      11 février | Gideon Levy et Alex Levac pour Haaretz |Traduction MLB pour TACBI

      Le champ de bataille du jeune Laith Abou Naim est un terrain vague du village reculé d’al-Moughayyi, au nord de Ramallah. Quelqu’un a planifié de construire une maison ici mais il n’est pas allé plus loin que les barres de fer et un mur de soutènement. Pourchassé par deux jeeps blindées de l’armée israélienne, le garçon s’est mis à courir entre les barres de fer pour sauver sa peau. La poursuite a pris fin quand la portière d’un des deux véhicules militaires s’est ouverte et qu’un soldat a pointé son arme en plein milieu du front de Laith qui était à 20 mètres de distance. Il n’a eu à tirer qu’une seule balle pour tuer l’adolescent – exactement de la même façon qu’un animal est abattu et emballé lors d’un safari.

      Un garçon de 16 ans qui rêvait de devenir gardien de but au foot, a jeté des pierres sur une jeep et, pour le punir, un soldat l’a froidement exécuté. Il voulait lui donner une leçon ou peut-être voulait-il se venger de lui. La balle d’acier enrobé de caoutchouc a frappé exactement à l’endroit visé, au front du garçon, au-dessus de son œil gauche et a obtenu le résultat anticipé : Laith s’est effondré au sol et mourut peu après. Le remarquable sniper de l’armée israélienne aurait pu viser ses jambes, utilisé des grenades lacrymogènes ou essayer de l’arrêter. Mais il a choisi de tirer une balle en pleine tête – ce qui semble être presque le comportement standard adopté au cours des dernières semaines.

      C’est ainsi que les soldats ont tiré et grièvement blessé deux jeunes gens nommés Mohammed Tamimi, l’un de Nabi Salah, l’autre d’Aboud. Ce dernier est encore hospitalisé à Ramallah. Son état est sérieux. Quant au premier, il a perdu une partie de son crâne et il se remet chez lui.

      Laith Abou Naïm est maintenant inhumé dans le cimetière du village.

  • ’I’m not sorry’: Nur Tamimi explains why she slapped an Israeli soldier
    By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Jan. 12, 2018 | 9:59 AM

    A not-unexpected guest arrived at Nur Tamimi’s house last weekend: Mohammed Tamimi, the 15-year-old cousin and neighbor, who was shot in the head. He came over to congratulate Nur on her release on bail from an Israeli prison. She was delighted to see him standing there, despite his serious head wound. Last week, when we visited Mohammed, he hadn’t yet been told that Nur, 21, and their 16-year-old cousin Ahed, had been detained. Nor did he know that it was the bullet fired into his head from short range that had prompted the two cousins to go outside and attack two trespassing soldiers.

    Now, at home, surrounded by television cameras, Nur confirms that the assault on the two soldiers was partly motivated by the fact that they invaded Ahed’s yard on December 15 – but the main reason was that they had just then read on Facebook that Mohammed had suffered an apparently mortal wound. He was shot a few dozen meters from Nur’s home. Ahed’s home is also a few steps away – all of the cousins live close to the entrance of the village of Nabi Saleh, near Ramallah.

    Ahed and her mother, Nariman, have now been in prison for three weeks, Mohammed is recovering from his wound and Nur is back home after 16 days in detention – an ordeal she would never have had to endure if she weren’t a Palestinian. Nur was involved in the incident with the soldiers, but the video of it shows clearly that she was far less aggressive than Ahed: She barely touched the soldiers.

    Monday evening in Nabi Saleh. A personable, bespectacled young woman in skinny pants and a jacket strides in confidently, apologizes for being late and is not taken aback by the battery of cameras awaiting her in her parents’ living room. Since being released she has been interviewed nonstop by the world’s media. She’s less iconic than Ahed, but she’s free.

    Nur, who is now awaiting trial, has just come back from Al-Quds University, the school she attends outside Jerusalem – she’s a second-year journalism student – where she had gone to explain her absence from a recent exam. Reason: prior commitments in the Sharon Prison. But she was late getting home, and her parents, Bushra and Naji, were worried. She wasn’t answering her phone.

    In fact, people here seemed to be more upset by her lateness than they had been by her arrest. Her parents and siblings have plenty of experience with Israeli lockups. This is the village of civil revolt, Nabi Saleh, and this is the Tamimi family. They’re used to being taken into custody. While we waited for Nur, her father told us about the family.

    Naji is 55 and speaks Hebrew quite well, having picked up the language in the 1980s when he worked in Israel polishing floor tiles. You have to spend time with Naji and Bushra – and also Ahed’s parents, Bassem and Nariman – to grasp how degrading, inflammatory and ignorant the Israeli right-wing propaganda is that has labeled these impressive people a “family of murderers.”

    Naji works in the Palestinian Authority’s Coordination and Liaison Office, but stresses that has no direct contact with Israelis. A pleasant, sociable individual and a veteran member of Fatah, he’s the father of three daughters and two sons. The text on the newly coined poster above his head in the spacious living room states: “No one will turn off the light [nur, in Arabic]. #FreeNur.”

    Naji is an uncle of Nariman and a cousin of Bassem – Ahed’s parents. The two families are very close; the children grew up in these adjacent houses.

    Nur had never been arrested, but her father spent five years in Israeli jails. He was brought to trial four times for various offenses, most of them minor or political in nature. Naji’s brother was killed in 1973, in an Israel Air Force attack on Tripoli, in Lebanon, and the dead brother’s son spent more than 20 years in Israeli prisons. Bushra has been arrested three times for short periods. Their son Anan has been arrested four times, including one seven-month stint in prison.

    About half a year ago, the regular demonstrations in Nabi Saleh protesting both the taking of land for the building of the settlement of Halamish and the plundering of a local spring plundered by settlers, when the army started to use live fire to disperse them. This is a small village, of 500 or 600 residents who weren’t able to cope with the resulting injuries and, in a few cases, fatalities. But U.S. President Donald Trump’s speech last month about Jerusalem reignited the protest.

    A few days ago, a young villager, Abdel Karim Ayyub, was arrested (for unknown reasons), and has been in the Shin Bet security service’s interrogations facility in Petah Tikva since. The locals are certain that in the wake of his detention, there will be another large-scale army raid and extensive arrests.

    On that Friday, December 15, Nur and Ahed were going back and forth between their two houses as usual. They were at Ahed’s house in the afternoon when they heard that Mohammed had been shot. In the yard, an officer and a soldier were, she recounts, acting as if this were their own house. These daily incursions drive the villagers crazy. It’s not just the brazen invasion of privacy, it’s also the fact that sometimes local young people throw stones at the soldiers. Sometimes, the stones hit the houses, and sometimes the soldiers open fire from the yards of the homes. “We aren’t going to accept a situation in which our homes become Israeli army posts,” says Naji.

    His daughter holds the same opinion. She and Ahed, distraught at the news of Mohammed’s shooting, went out that day and started to taunt the two soldiers, so they would leave. According to Naji, the incident was quite routine and none of the soldiers got upset over it. He’s also convinced that the soldiers reacted with such restraint because they realized the scene was being filmed.

    “This is only a small part of the overall picture,” he explains. “For the soldiers it was also something completely ordinary. They didn’t think they were in danger, either.”

    Nur then went home and barely mentioned the incident; both for her and Ahed, it was indeed routine. Before dawn on Tuesday, four days after the incident and two days after the video clip had been posted online and stirred members of the Israeli right to assail the soldiers’ passivity – the army arrested Ahed. This took place in the dead of night and involved a large force; that’s the usual MO for arrests, even of minors such as Ahed. Twenty-four hours later, also at 3:30 A.M., the troops raided Nur’s house. Nariman was arrested when she arrived at the police station that day, for her involvement in the assault on the soldiers.

    In the case of Nur, the soldiers burst into the house, went upstairs and demanded to see the IDs of all the sisters. Naji says that, once Ahed had been arrested, the family knew the soldiers would come for Nur, too. No one, including Nur, was afraid; no one tried to resist. About 15 soldiers entered the house, and seven or eight vehicles waited outside. Nur got dressed, was handcuffed and went out into the cold, dark night.

    “It’s impossible to stand up to the army,” Naji says now, “and because this was Nur’s first time, we didn’t want violence.” In the jeep, she was blindfolded. She got no sleep for the next 22 hours, between the interrogations and the brusque transfers between detention facilities and interrogation rooms.

    Two days later, soldiers again came to the family’s home, to carry out a search. They took nothing. Of this procedure, too, Naji says drily, “We’re used to it.” Meanwhile, in Ahed’s house, all the computers and cellular phones had been confiscated.

    Two days after Nur’s arrest, her parents saw her in the military court in Ofer Prison, near Ramallah. She looked resilient, in terms of her state of mind, but physically exhausted, they say.

    Ahed is in the minors’ section of Sharon Prison, in the center of the country; Nur was held in the wing for female security prisoners, where Nariman is, too. The three of them sometimes met in the courtyard during exercise periods.

    Nur says she was appalled by her first encounter with an Israeli prison. The fates of the other prisoners – the suffering they endure and the physical conditions – are giving her sleepless nights. She now wants to serve as the voice for female Palestinian prisoners. She’s a bit tense and inhibited during our conversation, maybe because of the language (she doesn’t speak Hebrew, and her English is limited), maybe because we’re Israelis. What she found hardest, she tells us, was being deprived of sleep during all the interrogations, which went on for 22 hours straight, during which she wasn’t permitted to close her eyes. The aim of her captors, she says, was to pressure her to confess and to name village activists.

    What did you want to achieve in the attack on the soldiers?

    “We want to drive them out.”

    Were you surprised that they didn’t react?

    “There was something strange about their behavior. Something suspicious. They put on an act for the camera.”

    Did you deserve to be punished?

    “No, and I’m not sorry for what I did. They invaded our home. This is our home, not theirs.”

    Would you do it again?

    “I will react in the same way if they behave like that – if they invade the house and hurt my family.”

    Ahed is strong, her cousin says. She knows she’s become a heroine from the Palestinian television broadcasts she sees in prison. Dozens of songs have already been written about her, says Nur, adding that it’s not because of Ahed that she is so upset now – what appalls Nur most is the lot of the other prisoners, above all the condition of Israa Jaabis, whose car, according to the record of her conviction, caught fire during an attempted terrorist attack in 2015, when she was 31. Jaabis was sentenced to 11 years prison, and suffers terribly from her burns, especially at night, according to Nur.

    Other than the mission she has undertaken of speaking out for the prisoners, the arrest did not change her life, Nur says. She was released by the military appeals court last Thursday, pending trial, on four relatively lenient conditions, despite the prosecution’s insistence to the contrary. The judge ordered her to be freed that same day, and the prison authorities complied, but held off until just before midnight, as though in spite. Her father waited for her at the Jabara checkpoint. It was the eve of the huge storm that lashed the country, and the two hurried home.

    No celebration awaited them there. Nur is still awaiting trial on assault charges, and last week, in the neighboring village of Deir Nizam, most of whose population is related to the Tamimi family, a 16-year-old boy was killed. During the funeral a friend of the victim was shot in the head and critically wounded.

    This is not a time for celebrations.

    #Nabi_Saleh #Tamimi

    • « Je ne regrette pas » : Nour Tamimi explique pourquoi elle a giflé un soldat israélien
      Gideon Levy | Publié le 12/1/2017 sur Haaretz
      Traduction : Jean-Marie Flémal et Alex Levac

      Nour Tamimi est sortie de prison après avoir été arrêtée en compagnie de sa cousine, Ahed, qui avait giflé des soldats israéliens – lesquels avaient abattu leur cousin Mohammed. « Si la même chose devait se reproduire », explique Nour aujourd’hui, « elle réagirait de la même façon. »

      Un hôte inattendu est arrivé au domicile de Nour Tamimi, le week-end dernier : Mohammed Tamimi, le cousin et voisin de 15 ans, qui avait reçu une balle dans la tête. Il est venu pour féliciter Nour de sa libération sous caution d’une prison israélienne. Elle était contente de le voir là, en dépit de sa grave blessure à la tête. La semaine dernière, lorsque nous avions rendu visite à Mohammed, on ne lui avait pas dit que Nour, 21 ans, et leur cousine Ahed, 16 ans, avaient été arrêtées. Il ne savait pas non plus que c’était la balle qu’on lui avait tirée dans la tête à très courte distance qui avait incité les deux cousines à sortir et à s’en prendre à deux soldats qui violaient leur propriété. (...)

  • » Mohammed Tamimi, 19, Seized by Occupation Forces as Global Solidarity Escalates (VIDEO)
    IMEMC News | January 12, 2018 7:06 PM

    The ongoing Israeli harassment and targeted oppression of the Tamimi family, organizers in the anti-colonial land defense and popular resistance in the Palestinian village of Nabi Saleh, continued in the pre-dawn hours of 11 January. While 16-year-old activist Ahed Tamimi and her mother Nariman remain in Israeli prison, facing a series of charges before an Israeli military court, Israeli occupation forces raided the family home of Manal and Bilal Tamimi, seizing their 19-year-old son Mohammed. Manal, Mohammed’s mother, was released one week ago after nearly a week in Israeli prison.

    #Nabi_Saleh #Tamimi

  • Ahed is only 16, and no father is prouder of his daughter than me -

    Ahed Tamimi’s father: I’m proud of my daughter. She is a freedom fighter who, in the coming years, will lead the resistance to Israeli rule

    Bassem Tamimi Dec 29, 2017
    read more:

    This night too, like all the nights since dozens of soldiers raided our home in the middle of the night, my wife Nariman, my 16-year-old daughter Ahed and Ahed’s cousin Nur will spend behind bars. Although it is Ahed’s first arrest, she is no stranger to your prisons. My daughter has spent her whole life under the heavy shadow of the Israeli prison — from my lengthy incarcerations throughout her childhood, to the repeated arrests of her mother, brother and friends, to the covert-overt threat implied by your soldiers’ ongoing presence in our lives. So her own arrest was just a matter of time. An inevitable tragedy waiting to happen.
    >> A girl’s chutzpah: Three reasons a Palestinian teenage girl is driving Israel insane | Opinion ■ Israel Must Free Ahed Tamimi | Editorial >> 
    Several months ago, on a trip to South Africa, we screened for an audience a video documenting the struggle of our village, Nabi Saleh, against Israel’s forced rule. When the lights came back on, Ahed stood up to thank the people for their support. When she noticed that some of the audience members had tears in their eyes, she said to them: “We may be victims of the Israeli regime, but we are just as proud of our choice to fight for our cause, despite the known cost. We knew where this path would lead us, but our identity, as a people and as individuals, is planted in the struggle, and draws its inspiration from there. Beyond the suffering and daily oppression of the prisoners, the wounded and the killed, we also know the tremendous power that comes from belonging to a resistance movement; the dedication, the love, the small sublime moments that come from the choice to shatter the invisible walls of passivity.
    “I don’t want to be perceived as a victim, and I won’t give their actions the power to define who I am and what I’ll be. I choose to decide for myself how you will see me. We don’t want you to support us because of some photogenic tears, but because we chose the struggle and our struggle is just. This is the only way that we’ll be able to stop crying one day.”
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    >> The Palestinians just gave Netanyahu what he always wanted for Christmas | Analysis >>
    Months after that event in South Africa, when she challenged the soldiers, who were armed from head to toe, it wasn’t sudden anger at the grave wounding of 15-year-old Mohammed Tamimi not long before that, just meters away, that motivated her. Nor was it the provocation of those soldiers entering our home. No. These soldiers, or others who are identical in their action and their role, have been unwanted and uninvited guests in our home ever since Ahed was born. No. She stood there before them because this is our way, because freedom isn’t given as charity, and because despite the heavy price, we are ready to pay it.

    My daughter is just 16 years old. In another world, in your world, her life would look completely different. In our world, Ahed is a representative of a new generation of our people, of young freedom fighters. This generation has to wage its struggle on two fronts. On the one hand, they have the duty, of course, to keep on challenging and fighting the Israeli colonialism into which they were born, until the day it collapses. On the other hand, they have to boldly face the political stagnation and degeneration that has spread among us. They have to become the living artery that will revive our revolution and bring it back from the death entailed in a growing culture of passivity that has arisen from decades of political inactivity.
    Ahed is one of many young women who in the coming years will lead the resistance to Israeli rule. She is not interested in the spotlight currently being aimed at her due to her arrest, but in genuine change. She is not the product of one of the old parties or movements, and in her actions she is sending a message: In order to survive, we must candidly face our weaknesses and vanquish our fears.
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    In this situation, the greatest duty of me and my generation is to support her and to make way; to restrain ourselves and not to try to corrupt and imprison this young generation in the old culture and ideologies in which we grew up.
    Ahed, no parent in the world yearns to see his daughter spending her days in a detention cell. However, Ahed, no one could be prouder than I am of you. You and your generation are courageous enough, at last, to win. Your actions and courage fill me with awe and bring tears to my eyes. But in accordance with your request, these are not tears of sadness or regret, but rather tears of struggle.
    Bassem Tamimi is a Palestinian activist.

  • Palestine : A girl’s chutzpah -

    Ahed Tamimi, 16, is a heroine, a Palestinian heroine. Maybe the intifada of slappings will succeed where all other methods of resistance have failed

    Gideon Levy Dec 20, 2017
    read more:

    Last Tuesday, Israel Defense Forces soldiers shot Hamed al-Masri, 15, in the head, wounding the unarmed boy from Salfit severely. On Friday, soldiers shot the unarmed Mohammed Tamimi, also 15, in the head, wounding the Nabi Saleh boy severely. Also on Friday, soldiers killed Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, a double amputee, shooting him in the head, too. On the same day Ahed Tamimi, 16, stood in the courtyard of her home with her girlfriend and slapped an IDF officer who had invaded her home.
    Israel woke from its slumber angry: How dare she. The three victims of the barbaric shooting didn’t interest Israelis, and the media didn’t even bother to report on them. But the slap (and kick) by Tamimi provoked rage. How dare she slap an IDF soldier? A soldier whose friends slap, beat, abduct and of course shoot Palestinians almost every day.
    She really has chutzpah, Tamimi. She broke the rules. Slapping is permitted only by soldiers. She is the real provocation, not the soldier who invaded her house. She, who had three close relatives killed by the occupation, whose parents have been detained countless times and whose father was sentenced to four months in prison for participating in a demonstration at the entrance to a grocery store – she dared to resist a soldier. Palestinian chutzpah. Tamimi was supposed to fall in love with the soldier who invaded her house, to toss rice at him, but, ingrate that she is, she rewarded him with a slap. It’s all because of the “incitement.” Otherwise she certainly wouldn’t hate her conqueror.
    But there are other sources of the unbridled lust for revenge against Tamimi. (Education Minister Naftali Bennett: “She should finish her life in prison.”) The girl from Nabi Saleh shattered several myths for Israelis. Worst of all, she dared to damage the Israeli myth of masculinity. Suddenly it turns out that the heroic soldier, who watches over us day and night with daring and courage, is being pitted against a girl with empty hands. What’s going to happen to our machismo, which Tamimi shattered so easily, and our testosterone?
    Suddenly Israelis saw the cruel, dangerous enemy they are confronting: a curly-haired 16-year-old girl. All the demonization and dehumanization in the sycophantic media were shattered at once when confronted by a girl in a blue sweater.
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    Israelis lost their heads. This is not what they were told. They’re used to hearing about terrorists and terror and murderous behavior. It’s hard to accuse Ahed Tamimi of all that; she didn’t even have scissors in her hands. Where’s the Palestinian cruelty? Where’s the danger? Where’s the evil? You could lose your mind. Suddenly all the cards were reshuffled: For one rare moment the enemy looked so human. Of course you can rely on Israel’s machinery of propaganda and brainwashing, which are so efficient, to assassinate Tamimi’s character soon enough. She too will be labeled a cruel terrorist who was born to kill; it will be said she has no justifiable motives and that there’s no context for her behavior.

    Ahed Tamimi is a heroine, a Palestinian heroine. She succeeded in driving Israelis crazy. What will the military correspondents and right-wing inciters and security experts say? Why good are 8200, Oketz, Duvdevan, Kfir and all these other special units if at the end of the day the IDF is confronting a helpless civilian population that is tired of the occupation, embodied by a girl with a kaffiyeh on her shoulder?
    If only there were many more like her. Maybe girls like her will be able to shake Israelis up. Maybe the intifada of slappings will succeed where all other methods of resistance, violent and non-violent, have failed.
    Meanwhile Israel has reacted the only way it knows how: a nighttime abduction from her home and detention with her mother. But in his heart of hearts, every decent Israeli likely knows not only who is right and who isn’t, but also who is strong and who is weak. The soldier armed from head to toe who invades a house that doesn’t belong to him, or the unarmed girl defending her home and her lost honor with her bare hands, with a slap?

    • Mardi dernier, les soldats des Forces de défense israéliennes ont tiré sur Hamed al-Masri, 15 ans, dans la tête, blessant gravement le garçon désarmé de Salfit. Vendredi, des soldats ont tiré sur Mohammed Tamimi, un homme non armé, également âgé de 15 ans, dans la tête, blessant gravement le garçon Nabi Saleh. Vendredi également, des soldats ont tué Ibrahim Abu Thuraya, un double amputé, lui tirant aussi dans la tête. Le même jour, Ahed Tamimi, 16 ans, se tenait dans la cour de sa maison avec sa petite amie et a giflé un officier des FDI qui avait envahi sa maison. Israël s’est réveillé de son sommeil en colère : Comment ose-t-elle. Les trois victimes de la fusillade barbare n’ont pas intéressé les Israéliens, et les médias n’ont même pas pris la peine d’en parler. B La gifle (et le coup) de Tamimi provoqua la rage. Comment ose-t-elle gifler un soldat de Tsahal ? Un soldat dont les amis giflent, battent, enlèvent et, bien sûr, fusillent les Palestiniens presque tous les jours. Elle a vraiment chutzpah, Tamimi. Elle a enfreint les règles. Les gifles ne sont autorisées que par les soldats. Elle est la vraie provocation, pas le soldat qui a envahi sa maison. Elle, qui a eu trois proches parents tués par l’occupation, dont les parents ont été détenus plusieurs fois et dont le père a été condamné à quatre mois de prison pour avoir participé à une manifestation à l’entrée d’une épicerie - elle a osé résister à un soldat. Chutzpah palestinien. Tamimi était censée tomber amoureuse du soldat qui envahissait sa maison, lui lancer du riz, mais, bien qu’elle le sache, elle le récompensa d’une gifle. C’est tout à cause de « l’incitation ». Sinon, elle ne détesterait certainement pas son conquérant. Mais il existe d’autres sources de la convoitise débridée pour se venger de Tamimi. (Ministre de l’Education Naftali Bennett : « Elle devrait finir sa vie en prison. ») La fille de Nabi Saleh a brisé plusieurs mythes pour les Israéliens. Le pire de tout, elle a osé endommager le mythe israélien de la masculinité. Soudain, il s’avère que le soldat héroïque, qui veille sur nous jour et nuit avec audace et courage, est confronté à une fille aux mains vides. Que va-t-il arriver à notre machisme, que Tamimi a brisé si facilement, et à notre testostérone ? Soudain, les Israéliens ont vu l’ennemi cruel et dangereux auquel ils sont confrontés : une fille de 16 ans aux cheveux bouclés. Toute la diabolisation et la déshumanisation dans les médias sycophantiques ont été brisées à la fois quand confronté par une fille dans un chandail bleu. Restez à jour : Inscrivez-vous à notre newsletter Email * S’inscrire

      Les Israéliens ont perdu la tête. Ce n’est pas ce qu’on leur a dit. Ils ont l’habitude d’entendre parler de terroristes et de la terreur et du comportement meurtrier. Il est difficile d’accuser Ahed Tamimi de tout ça ; elle n’avait même pas de ciseaux dans ses mains. Où est la cruauté palestinienne ? Où est le danger ? Où est le mal ? Vous pourriez perdre votre esprit. Soudain, toutes les cartes furent remaniées : pendant un moment rare, l’ennemi semblait si humain. Bien sûr, vous pouvez compter sur la machinerie israélienne de propagande et de lavage de cerveau, qui sont si efficaces, pour assassiner le personnage de Tamimi assez tôt. Elle aussi sera étiquetée comme un terroriste cruel qui est né pour tuer ; on dira qu’elle n’a aucun motif justifiable et qu’il n’y a pas de contexte pour son comportement.

      Ahed Tamimi est une héroïne, une héroïne palestinienne. Elle a réussi à rendre les Israéliens fous. Que diront les correspondants militaires et les incitateurs de droite et les experts en sécurité ? Pourquoi bien sont 8200, Oketz, Duvdevan, Kfir et toutes ces autres unités spéciales si en fin de compte les FDI affrontent une population civile sans défense qui est fatiguée de l’occupation, incarnée par une fille avec un kaffiyeh sur son épaule ? Si seulement il y en avait beaucoup plus comme elle. Peut-être que des filles comme elle seront capables de secouer les Israéliens. Peut-être que l’intifada des slappings réussira là où toutes les autres méthodes de résistance, violentes et non-violentes, ont échoué. Pendant ce temps, Israël a réagi de la seule façon dont il sait comment : un enlèvement nocturne de sa maison et sa détention avec sa mère. Mais dans son cœur, chaque Israélien décent sait probablement non seulement qui a raison et qui ne l’est pas, mais aussi qui est fort et qui est faible. Le soldat armé de la tête aux pieds qui envahit une maison qui ne lui appartient pas, ou la fille désarmée qui défend sa maison et son honneur perdu à mains nues, avec une gifle ?

  • Palestinian Women, Children Stop IDF Soldier Detaining a Minor - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz

    L’armée israélienne en concurrence avec #Gorafi:

    According to the army, the youth was throwing stones at the troops, who did not realize he was a minor.

    #mineurs #Palestine #Israël #impunité #Israel