person:mustafa barghouti

  • » Lies Will Not Save Israel from the Responsibility of Killing Razan Al-Najjar
    IMEMC News - June 11, 2018 3:33 PM
    By Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, President- Palestinian Medical Relief Society:

    (...) The Israeli army spokesperson declared in the beginning of the peaceful march in Gaza that they knew where each bullet they fired went. The spokesperson stated on Twitter: “Nothing was carried out uncontrolled; everything was accurate and measured, and we know where every bullet landed.”

    Since then they have killed 126 Palestinian civilians including two first aid providers, 3 journalists and many children.

    The whole international community and especially medical and health organizations were shocked at Razan’s killing.

    The first reaction from the Israeli army was that their shooting was unintentional which meant they admitted shooting Razan.

    How could their shooting be unintentional when it was shot by a well-trained Israeli sniper and when the bullet hit the chest of Razan?

    Then came another lie claiming that Razan was used by Hamas which is absolutely ridiculous since Razan and her family were never associated with Hamas at any time, particularly while Razan was volunteering with Palestinian Medical Relief Society – a well-known medical human and secular organization working to help people for almost 40 years, long before Hamas was established.

    The third Israeli lie, which was unfortunately repeated in an article in the New York Times, came from the Israeli army spokesperson on a video showing Razan saying she acted as “a human shield.”

    These were not Razan’s full words.This quote was cut from the rest of her sentence which she said on a TV interview: “I am a human shield to save those who are injured.”

    We know that Hippocrates Oath teaches us that every decent medical person should act as a shield to the sick and injured regardless of their race, religion, or ethnicity. (...)


  • Un célèbre militant palestinien tué dans un raid israélien
    Par Maureen Clare Murphy, 6 mars 2017 | Traduction : J. Ch. pour l’Agence Média Palestine | Source : The Electronic Intifada

    En novembre 2011, Basil al-Araj faisait partie d’un groupe de militants palestiniens de Cisjordanie qui étaient montés à bord d’un bus israélien vers Jérusalem pour essayer de faire connaître le régime israélien de restrictions à la circulation. Le bus a été arrêté à un checkpoint où tous les militants ont été arrêtés et obligés de repartir. (Oren Ziv / ActiveStills)

    Les forces israéliennes ont tué lundi un célèbre militant palestinien au cours d’un raid sur une maison de la ville d’al-Bireh, près de Ramallah, siège de l’Autorité Palestinienne en Cisjordanie.

    « Le martyr Basil al-Araj était un combattant de la liberté, intellectuel et théoricien du soulèvement de la jeunesse palestinienne. Il était engagé sur le chemin de la résistance, de l’intifada, de l’unité, du retour et de la libération de la totalité de la terre de Palestine », a déclaré le Front Populaire de Libération de la Palestine après la tuerie.

    Des témoins ont dit aux médias qu’ils ont vu al-Araj traîné hors de chez lui. C’est Israël qui détient son corps.

    La police israélienne a déclaré que « lorsque les forces israéliennes sont arrivées sur place, le terroriste palestinien a ouvert le feu sur elles, provoquant un échange de tirs entre les forces israéliennes et [le] terroriste palestinien, conduisant à sa mort ».

    Aucun soldat israélien n’a été blessé. Deux Palestiniens ont été blessés pendant les affrontements avec les forces israéliennes qui ont fait suite au raid.

    Un porte-parole de la police israélienne a dit d’al-Araj qu’il était le chef d’une cellule « qui planifiait des attaques terroristes contre les Israéliens ». Les militaires israéliens ont dit qu’ils avaient trouvé deux M-16 et un fusil Carlo improvisé dans la maison.

    La police israélienne a présenté une séquence vidéo du raid montrant des soldats qui ouvraient le feu tout en fouillant la maison. On ne voit pas al-Araj sur la vidéo.

    Mustafa Barghouti, médecin et chef du parti de l’Initiative Nationale Palestinienne, met en doute les affirmations parlant de fusillade, disant aux médias : « Si al-Araj avait eu quelque possibilité de tirer, il n’aurait pas pu tirer plus d’une balle. La maison était criblée de balles israéliennes. »

    Un journaliste du réseau de télévision al-Ghad n’a trouvé aucune preuve comme quoi al-Araj aurait tiré sur les soldats, simplement des preuves que les forces israéliennes avaient ouvert le feu sur al-Araj. La vidéo d’al-Ghad tournée dans l’appartement dans lequel al-Araj a été tué montre que les murs et le plafond sont criblés de balles et que les affaires d’al-Araj sont saccagées :

    Des témoins ont dit aux médias qu’ils ont vu al-Araj traîné hors de chez lui. C’est Israël qui détient son corps. (...)


  • Palestinian officials criticize Abbas for delaying UN resolution against settlements- Haaretz.Com

    The resolution has been postponed so as not to sabotage the French initiative for an international conference on the Israeli-Palestinians conflict, but not all PA officials think it smart to rely solely on the French initiative.
    By Jack Khoury | Apr. 25, 2016 |

    Senior Palestinian officials, including some from Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party, are criticizing the Palestinian Authority president’s decision to postpone consideration of a UN Security Council resolution condemning settlement construction.

    For the past several weeks, the Palestinians have been telling both Western diplomats and the media that they intend to demand a vote on the resolution, a move approved by both Fatah’s Central Committee and the PLO Executive Committee. Early this month Haaretz reported that the PA had distributed its proposed resolution to several UN Security Council members.

    But last week, Haaretz reported that the PA was leaning toward freezing the resolution, due to both pressure from France and a lack of enthusiasm among other Security Council members. France argued that the resolution would undermine its efforts to convene an international conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict this summer.

    PA Foreign Minister Riad Malki confirmed the Haaretz report in New York this weekend, just a day after his office in Ramallah denied it.

    A senior Palestinian official told Haaretz that the Security Council resolution is important, but this is the wrong moment for two reasons. The first is that the French drive for an international conference is beginning to gain backing from other countries, especially in Europe, and the PA has always supported any move to internationalize the conflict.

    The second is that the PA is awaiting a report on construction in the settlements that the Middle East Quartet is slated to publish early next month. The Quartet consists of the United States, European Union, United Nations and Russia.

    “We haven’t yet received the report, but we know there’s already a first draft, and the report is expected to attack construction in the settlements,” the official said. “From our standpoint, even if the report finds faults with our performance, it will be a basis for the conference that the French are promoting, and then even the U.S., which is part of the Quartet, won’t be able to oppose the [Security Council] move and the convening of the conference.”

    But a senior Fatah official termed the decision to postpone the resolution a mistake, saying there’s no contradiction between the resolution and the international conference.

    “If we capitulate to pressure now,” he said, “then perhaps in the future, we’ll be pressured to postpone the conference or cancel it, and then only Israel and the U.S. will gain more and more time.”

    A senior PA official countered that the main goal right now is to ensure the success of the French move, since it is the first serious attempt since the 1993 Oslo Accords to end America’s almost exclusive custody over the talks and transfer it to other countries, mainly European.

    But Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, head of the Palestinian National Initiative, said this was a mistake.

    “It’s impossible to rely solely on the French initiative, since to this day we don’t know what it’s based on, and on the other hand, we know very well that Israel and the U.S. won’t lend a hand to implementing such an important move, and Israel will continue building in the settlements and expropriating large parts of the West Bank as if there were no global public opinion,” he said. “Therefore, if there’s a trend we should support in practice, it’s increasing anti-Israel boycott activity and intensifying the popular struggle.”

  • Barghouti: ’The Third Intifada has already begun’

    The Palestinian Authority must cease all security cooperation with Israel and support the upsurge of Palestinian “people’s resistance” in Jerusalem and the West Bank in what is now being described by some as the “Third Intifada,” independent Palestinian MP Mustafa Barghouti has told Middle East Eye.

    Speaking to MEE, Barghouti said the Third Intifada “has already begun,” following deadly clashes and protests in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem over the past few weeks, including the fatal shooting of two Palestinian teenagers in recent days and the killing of several Israelis by Palestinians.

    The recent violence erupted after Palestinians clashed with Israeli security forces last month in the al-Aqsa compound, Islam’s third holiest site, that is also holy to Jews who call it the Temple Mount. Tensions had begun to mount following an increase in Jewish visitors during the Jewish New Year with relations already fraught due to ongoing settler violence and fears over the status quo at al-Aqsa.

    Barghouti’s comments follow Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s threat at the UN General Assembly last week to withdraw from all agreements signed between the PA and Israel over the past two decades.

    Barghouti, who is leader of the Palestinian National Initiative, said that the PA must end its controversial security co-ordination pact with Israel that sees it assuming a policing role against other Palestinian factions in the West Bank.
    – See more at:

  • Socialist International adopts resolution supporting recognition of Palestine and immediate halt to blockade on Gaza
    By Editor - December 14, 2014

    The Council of Socialist International, a worldwide organization of social democratic, socialist and labor parties, adopted Saturday a decision to support the immediate recognition of the Independent State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital, and called on its 168 member parties to present the call to their respective governments, Secretary General of the Palestinian National Initiative Dr. Mustafa Barghouti said on Sunday.

    The decision supports the draft resolution to be submitted by the Palestinian delegation to the UN Security Council by the end of this year, calling for the immediate lifting of Israel’s blockade on the Gaza Strip and the facilitation of comprehensive reconstruction.

    The resolution reportedly will call for an international conference to end the Israeli occupation and an immediate and comprehensive halt to Israeli settlement construction in both the West Bank and Jerusalem. Additionally, it will demand a halt to the demolition of houses and eviction orders on Palestinians in Jerusalem.

  • Mustafa Barghouti parle de la destruction de Gaza
    Jeudi 18 septembre 2014 - Palestine Solidarity Campaign - Traduction : - Naguib

    Le mardi 9 septembre, le Dr Mustafa Barghouti, député palestinien, membre du Conseil central de l’OLP et secrétaire général de l’Initiative Nationale Palestinienne, s’est exprimé devant les militants et sympathisants de la campagne Palestine Solidarité à Londres.

    (...) Je veux vous donner un aperçu de ce que j’ai vu et vécu à Gaza.

    Aucun discours, aucune vidéo ni caméra, ni télévision ne peut vraiment montrer la réalité que vous pouvez voir de vos propres yeux. S’il vous plaît, allez-y si vous le pouvez. Il est important pour vous de connaître la réalité et c’est également important car il y a des gens là-bas qui veulent vous voir.

    Ce qui s’est passé est indescriptible. Le décrire même comme un acte disproportionné est une insulte à l’humanité. Le présenter comme un déséquilibre des forces est aussi une insulte.

    Après le meurtre de milliers de personnes et la destruction de milliers de maisons, parler de reconstruction et autoriser immédiatement les entreprises israéliennes à faire du profit, c’est aussi une insulte à l’humanité.

    Ce qui s’est passé à Gaza, comme cela s’est produit avant en Cisjordanie ne sont rien d’autre que des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité. Ce qui s’est passé n’est rien d’autre qu’un massacre contre une population civile, et Israël n’aurait pas pu le faire sans un sentiment d’impunité et sans jouir d’une totale impunité face au droit international. Et ceci a été possible parce que de nombreux dirigeants du monde occidental se sont faits les complices de ce qui s’est déroulé.

    Lorsque les grands dirigeants du monde s’expriment et parlent du droit d’Israël à l’autodéfense, et n’ont pas un seul mot sur le droit des Palestiniens à l’auto-défense, alors que ceux-ci sont massacrés et occupés depuis des décennies, c’est aussi une insulte à l’humanité.

    Et laissez-moi vous dire franchement, après tous ces jours et toutes ces souffrances, je n’ai aucune patience pour parler de façon diplomatique.

  • « Je me bats pour libérer Israéliens et Palestiniens du système d’apartheid »

    « Comment les médias internationaux peuvent-ils avancer qu’Israël, le quatrième exportateur d’armes au monde, a le droit de se défendre, mais pas les Palestiniens, dont le territoire est occupé depuis 47 ans ? », questionne Mustafa Barghouti, médecin, fondateur de la principale ONG médicale palestinienne, the Palestinian Medical Relief. Ce militant non-violent, co-fondateur du mouvement BDS, Boycott-Désinvestissement-Sanctions, qui vise à forcer économiquement le gouvernement israélien à mettre un (...)


    / #Proche_et_Moyen_Orient, #Guerres_et_résolution_des_conflits, #Entretiens, A la une

  • Tensions in the West Bank are rising, together with IDF, settler violence - Haaretz, Amira Hass, 31 January

    About an hour after Dr. Mustafa Barghouti’s Wednesday afternoon talk on the extreme tension gripping the West Bank, which is liable to erupt at any time and in any place, a group of youngsters from the Jalazun refugee camp clashed with Palestinian police. Angry posts on Facebook suggested they fight those with whom they should be fighting – the Israeli army.

    About three weeks ago, a clash took place near the camp, north of Ramallah. Residents blocked major roads in protest of the public and government’s lack of interest in the rapidly deteriorating situation there, which was set off by a prolonged UNRWA workers’ strike. On Wednesday, there was a confrontation in central Ramallah. This time, the youngsters came out in droves from the hospital in the center of town, demanding that local shops and restaurants close in solidarity with their friend, Mohammad Mubarak, who was killed by IDF troops two hours earlier. Storeowners refused to heed the youths’ calls, and Palestinian police began shooting in the air to chase the youths away.

    Some of them were arrested and beaten by police, a camp resident told Haaretz. Underneath the patriotic, nationalist character of the young protesters’ demands to close the shops hid the matter of economic status, which isn’t often discussed in the open: Ramallah has become a symbol of the huge gaps between wealthy Palestinians and all the others, particularly the refugees. One man willing to speak about this issue openly, with Haaretz as well, is the head of the Jalazun camp’s popular committee, Fatah member Mahmoud Mubarak. On Thursday, he sat in mourning at the Jalazun camp, and staunchly denied the Israeli version of the events surrounding his son’s death.

    According to the IDF Spokespersons’ unit, the younger Mubarak opened fire on troops exiting a guard post, and was killed when the soldiers returned fire. According to the family and Palestinian media, the 21-year-old had been working for three weeks on a Palestinian ministry public works project to repair a local road, funded by USAID. His job was directing traffic.

    Finding a job – even if it’s only for four months, like this one – takes a great deal of luck. The soldiers, according to the Palestinian reports, humiliated Mubarak, beat him, made him take off his road safety vest, made him run back and forth, and then shot him. “Executed in cold blood,” read the newspaper headlines. He wasn’t holding a weapon. Maher Ranim, Palestinian minister of public works and housing, was quick to release a statement casting doubt on the Israeli version of events. The sensitivities here are clear: the contractor and the Palestinian public works ministry are responsible for the political faithfulness of the workers. The American government has become the largest benefactor to the Palestinian Authority (and UNRWA) in recent years, and all ministry workers, contractors, or anyone else who receives aid, must sign a declaration that they do not support terror.

    On Thursday, the soldiers at the post had already been rotated out. One of the new ones relayed what he heard from his friends. “A day earlier they spoke with him [Mubarak] asked him if he wanted water,” said the soldier. “The bullet holes in the concrete aren’t that big, because of the distance he shot from, and the weak weapon he used,” explained the soldier. The soldiers concurred that it wasn’t smart for him to shoot: he was in an open area, completely exposed to the soldiers at the post.

    The irrationality of the shooting from such an exposed place actually backs up the story told by the boy’s father. On Thursday, a seven minutes’ drive away from Jalazun, in a sunny courtyard near Jalazun’s event hall, the family received hundreds of condolers. “He went to work just like any other Wednesday. Where could he have gotten a weapon from?”

    Many find it easy to accept that the soldiers killed Mubarak in cold blood, as they’ve experienced the recent Israeli escalation in oppressing the civilian Palestinian population. There’s data proving that escalation as well. According to date from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 2013 saw an increase in the amount of structures demolished by Israeli authorities in areas where Palestinians cannot receive building permits. 565 structures were demolished in “Area C,” compared to 540 in 2012. 805 people, including 405 children, lost their homes. In East Jerusalem, house demolitions shot up by 50 percent, from 64 in 2012 to 98 in 2013. 298 East Jerusalemites lost their homes in 2013, compared with 71 a year earlier.

    OCHA also documents settler violence. 2013 saw 399 settler attacks on Palestinians, resulting in 146 injuries. There were 306 attacks on private Palestinian property. 201 Palestinians were harmed by security forces called on to separate Palestinians from settlers. In 2012, there were 369 settler attacks on Palestinians.

    In 2013, IDF soldiers killed 27 Palestinians in the West Bank, the highest figure since 2008, and three times higher than in 2012, when nine Palestinians were killed in the West Bank. Four of those killed in 2013 were minors. Six were armed, but Palestinian sources doubt that the IDF’s intent was to arrest, rather than kill them. One other Palestinian killed by the IDF was said to have attempted to run over soldiers at a base. The others killed were not armed, and were killed during arrests, protests, or while civilians responded to IDF presence in their neighborhoods by throwing rocks or firebombs. Also, IDF soldiers killed a worker trying to cross the separation barrier, as well as a minor that approached the barrier in another village and a woman walking along the fence in the Al Aruv refugee camp.

    According to OCHA data, Israeli security forces injured 3,736 Palestinians in 2013, as opposed to 3,031 in 2012. 64 percent were wounded in popular protests against the occupation (up from 59 percent in 2012). 32 percent of those injured were minors. Use of rubber-coated bullets also rose, along with those injured by them, 40.5 percent as opposed to 23 percent in 2012. One person was killed by a rubber-coated bullet.

    Al Quds University at Abu Dis has become a hotspot for clashes: students say that Israeli Border Patrol officers provocatively take up positions around the campus, and wait for opportunities to pounce. On January 22, hundreds of students were injured by the border patrol over a period of five hours. Border Patrol officers set up near the university gates demanded to see students’ identity cards. Clashes ensued, officers used tear gas, and were hit with stones. Officers responded with rubber-coated bullets, before entering the campus itself, where they used tear gas and stun grenades as well.

    University administration managed to get most of the students and teachers off of the campus, but some people remained, including a delegation of American students from Bard College, which has joint courses with the university, and were injured by rubber-coated bullets and teargas.

    In a letter to Bard College administration, Al Quds professors wrote, “this breach, and others that preceded it, are an intolerable erosion of our students’ and professors’ right to a safe learning environment… the Israeli army’s actions create an atmosphere of violence, abuse, and fear on our campus.”

    A Border Patrol spokesperson stated in response, “during an operation, the officers encountered an unruly mob that threw firebombs and stones before fleeing into the campus. Officers entered the campus in order to arrest them. One suspect was arrested for throwing stones. It is important to note that any attempt to harm security forces will be dealt with severely, and suspects will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Any attempt to distort the facts and present the situation differently is untruthful.”

    Dr. Barghouti is head of the “Palestinian National Initiative” movement, and participates in various popular activities throughout the West Bank. “At checkpoints within the West Bank, at checkpoints at entrances to Israel, on the Allenby bridge, at the office of the Civil Administration, at military courts: any place where people face great, intolerable humiliation, and anywhere their rage can be felt,” says Barghouti. He is a doctor by trade, and the word “rage” sounds as if it was a medical diagnosis.