person:newt gingrich

  • L’entourage de Trump : vieux routiers, banquiers et hommes d’affaires

    Newt Gingrich et Rudolph Giuliani, deux vieux chevaux ultras du parti républicain, sont de retour ; tout comme des financiers et des entrepreneurs qui ont accompagné les business de Trump.

    #International #Administration #Amérique_du_nord #Chris_Christie #Donald_Trump #Mike_Pence #Newt_Gingrich #Paul_Ryan #Rudy_Giuliani

  • The ‘new Trump’ is a no-show - The Washington Post

    On Thursday night, Donald Trump told the Wall Street Journal that the Mexican heritage of the judge overseeing a lawsuit against Trump University was an “absolute conflict” because of the real estate mogul’s proposal to build a wall along the border with Mexico.


    Could a Muslim Judge Be Trump Neutral? Trump Thinks Not - The New York Times

    Donald J. Trump said Sunday that a Muslim judge might have trouble remaining neutral in a lawsuit against him, extending his race-based criticism of the jurist overseeing the case to include religion and opening another path for Democrats who have criticized him sharply for his remarks.


    Donald Trump: ’Look at my African-American over here’

    He opened his campaign by accusing Mexican immigrants of being rapists and drug smugglers, before proposing to ban foreign Muslims from entering the country.

    And despite polling evidence to the contrary, he continues to insist he has overwhelming support among America’s ethnic minorities.

    After pointing out the audience member, Mr Trump then went on with his story, which appeared to match events at a March rally that took place in Arizona.

    We had an African-American guy at one of the rallies a month ago, and he was sitting there behaving,” said Mr Trump.

    • Inexcusable’: #Gingrich Condemns Trump’s Decision to Refer to Indiana-Born Judge Curiel as ‘Mexican’ |

      One of the more notable critiques Trump has received came from former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who was quick to condemn the candidate’s accusations.

      I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care,” Gingrich told the Washington Post in an email. “His description of the judge in terms of his parentage is completely unacceptable.

    • Let’s narrow down which judges wouldn’t be demographically biased against Donald Trump - The Washington Post

      With that dichotomy in mind, logic would suggest that Trump could probably also exclude as unfit:

      Judges from the Democratic Party. […]

      Judges who are immigrants. […]

      Judges who are women. […]

      Judges who are black.
      Trump twice this weekend attempted to highlight support from black voters. He first pointed out a black man in the crowd at a rally, though that man wasn’t a Trump supporter. He then tweeted an image of a black family that supported him — but the image was a news photo from an unrelated event. But that aside, his past comments about black people, legal fights surrounding his company’s renting practices and recurring overlap with racists on social media all offer more than enough reason for Trump to assume that a black judge would treat him unfairly.

      Judges with physical disabilities. Trump’s now-infamous imitation of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski speaks for itself.

      So what’s left? A white or Asian male Republican judge. The good news for Trump, of course, is that there are plenty of judges who fall into that category. In 2013, the Federal Judiciary Center determined that only 39 percent of federal judges were women and only 37 percent weren’t white. Figure about half of the 874 federal judges were appointed by Republicans, and that’s a pretty big pool from which to choose.

      Until Trump comes up with another reason to suggest that the judge is biased against him.

  • Billionaire Gingrich backer Adelson regrets he served in US instead of Israeli military | The Electronic Intifada

    Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who along with his wife, has donated $10 million dollars in recent weeks to Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, has said that he wishes he had served in the Israeli army instead of the US military and that he wants his son to grow up to “be a sniper for the IDF.”

    Gingrich himself has also doubled down on anti-Palestinian comments, asserting during a CNN debate last night that they were “invented” in the 1970s.

  • [Etats-Unis] Vermin Supreme, un candidat bien sympathique | groupe Pavillon Noir

    Vous avez sûrement entendu parler de la victoire de Mitt Romney dans la primaire républicaine du New Hampshire, mardi 10 janvier : l’ancien gouverneur du Massachusetts, vainqueur au finish dans l’Iowa, l’a cette fois-ci emporté plus largement avec environ 39% des voix, contre 23% pour Ron Paul, 17% pour Jon Huntsman et 9% pour Newt Gingrich et Rick Santorum.

    Mais il y avait une autre primaire dans le même Etat, du côté des démocrates. Si pratiquement personne n’en parle, c’est parce que personne ne doute que Barack Obama sera le candidat du parti à l’âne, et il a effectivement remporté ce scrutin avec 82% des voix, selon les chiffres de l’Associated Press.

    Derrière lui, 10% des voix se sont portées sur ce qu’on appelle des write-in candidates, des personnes qui n’étaient pas officiellement candidates mais dont les électeurs ont inscrit les noms. On retrouve ensuite treize candidats entre 0% et 2% des voix, dont quelques intéressants personnages tels Craig Freis, dont le nom est écrit sur les bulletins de vote Craig « Tax Freeze » Freis (Craig « Gelons les impôts » Freis).

    Mais le candidat qui a attiré le plus l’attention des médias s’appelle Vermin Supreme et a recueilli autour de 1%, soit plus de 800 voix. Avec sa barbe grise de gourou et sa botte en guise de chapeau sur la tête, celui qui se surnomme un « fasciste amical » et veut faire de l’Amérique « une mer de sourires éclatants » a même eu droit à son portrait dans le magazine Time et sur le site de la chaîne CNBC.

  • Les Palestiniens sont un peuple « inventé », selon Newt Gingrich

    Le nouveau meneur dans la course à l’investiture républicaine aux États-Unis, Newt Gingrich, a déclaré que les Palestiniens étaient un « peuple inventé », au cours d’une entrevue sur les ondes de la chaîne The Jewish Channel.

    Mettant en doute la légitimité de l’aspiration des Palestiniens à un État, M. Gingrich, qui possède un diplôme en histoire, avance que les Palestiniens ne sont rien d’autre que des Arabes qui faisaient partie de l’Empire ottoman et qu’ils auraient pu choisir d’aller vivre en dehors des frontières israéliennes.

    Les façons de délégitimer les revendications palestiniennes sont de plus en plus nombreuses et travaillées.

    Israël a tort de croire que la diffamation est une arme unilatérale. Cela se retournera un jour contre lui. De plus en plus, Israël apparait pour ce qu’il est : non pas le pays des juifs, mais un pays qui accumule toutes les tares d’extrême droite.

    Au nom "du plus jamais ça", Israël devient de plus en plus ÇA.

    Les juifs de la Shoa, pas seulement des juifs mais d’abord des êtres humains, doivent se retourner dans leur tombe.

    #Israël, #Palestine

  • Gingrich : Assange an ‘enemy combatant’ but fault is Obama’s | Raw Story

    Jamais surpris avec #Newt_Gingrich :

    "Newt Gingrich became the latest conservative Sunday to suggest that #WikiLeak's Julian Assange deserves to be hunted and executed by calling him an « enemy combatant. » "I approach this very seriously," Gingrich told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. « Information warfare is warfare. Julian Assange is engaged in warfare. » "Information terrorism, which leads to people getting killed is terrorism. And Julian Assange is engaged in terrorism," he continued. « He should be treated as an enemy combatant and WikiLeaks should be closed down permanently and decisively, » Gingrich said."

    Sauf erreur, le terme « enemy combatant » est le terme à la con inventé par l’équipe Bush pour justifier la torture et la détention illégale des prisonniers. Nice.

    • Pour ceux qui mettent encore « menaces de mort » entre guillemets, le même article rappelle le nombre de Républicains - employés de Fox News - qui ont appelé à la mort d’Assange :

      Fox News contributor Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to suggest that Assange deserved the same treatment as terrorists and insurgents. “Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?” she asked. Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told NBC’s David Gregory Sunday that Assange is a terrorist. “I think the man is a high tech terrorist…he’s done enormous damage to our country and to our relationships with our allies around the world, and he should be prosecuted,” McConnell said. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was caught on video at a book signing at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, Calif. saying that the person that leaked the documents to WikiLeaks should be executed. “Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason,” Huckabee said. “I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.”