person:nusrah front

  • La légendaire efficacité saoudienne : il faut à peine six mois pour qu’une énorme quantité d’armes de Bosnie soient livrées à l’Arabie séoudite et se retrouvent entre les mains d’Al Qaeda en Syrie : A Bosnian signs off weapons he says are going to Saudi Arabia – but how did his signature turn up in Aleppo ?

    Five-hundred mortars is a massive shipment of weapons – most European armies don’t have that many in their individual inventories – and some of them at least appear to have ended up in the hands of Bashar al-Assad’s Islamist Nusrah Front/al-Qaeda enemies in northern Syria within six months of their dispatch from Bosnia 1,200 miles away. Because the mortars left Bosnia on 15 January 2016 under a BNT-TMiH factory guarantee for 24 months – numbered 779 and with a weapons series number of 3677 – the documents now in The Independent’s possession must have reached Aleppo by late July of 2016, when Syrian government troops totally surrounded the enclave held by armed factions including Nusrah, Isis and other Islamist groups condemned as “terrorists” by the United States.

    Si tu veux rigoler, tu essaies de faire livrer de telles armes, légalement, à l’armée libanaise en moins de cinq ans, et tu regardes comment ça se passe. (Apparemment, Israël, qui considère que des cerfs-volants aux mains des Palestiniens sont des armes de destruction massive, n’a pas de souci avec 500 mortiers livrés à des milices islamistes en Syrie.)

    Document important : parfaitement en phase avec ce qu’on avait « appris » en septembre 2016 : livrer des armes à Daech depuis la Bulgarie ou la Serbie via l’Arabie séoudite se fait de manière « quasiment directe » :

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Terrorism in Europe: how US and Western governments nourished and encouraged Al-Qa`idah terrorists in Syria

    You can really trace the current problem of terrorism hitting Europe to the beginning of the Syrian war in 2012 and the insistence of Western governments—against all available evidence—on creating the myth of “moderate Syrian rebels”. Western propaganda glamorized a non-existing Syrian “revolution” and romanticized those Muslims in the West who took the trip to fight with the various Jihadi group. The myth of the moderate Free Syrian Army was in full swing at the time, and any opinion which warned of the dangers of rise of terrorist groups in Syria was immediately dismissed as pure Syrian regime propaganda. The dangerous propaganda ploy of Western media continues. Look at this map from this article in Bloomberg. Look how the areas designated as “Syrian rebels” is so widely expanded. In fact, if you look at the areas around Idlib, the dominant force there is Nusrah Front even if it works with other militant Jihadi groups under the banner of Jaysh Al-Fath. So basically, whenever Nusrah Front (the descenents of the terrorists of Sep. 11) align themselves with other rebel groups, Western propaganda and media outlet regard the rebels in that area as “moderate Syrian rebels” because they are not fighting under the banner of Nusrah although the banner exists. This is one of many example but it gives you an idea. And Zionists have been most active in this regard and in spinning this propaganda but they are not alone: some liberal and leftists have also been spinning this fable.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب : Today in Lebanon : Al-Qa`idah has been incorporated as the 19th sect

    Brillante synthèse, comme souvent, d’Angry Arab sur les circonstances de l’échange entre des otages d’Al-Qaïda et des prisonniers de l’armée libanaise, bruyamment salué par les médias locaux (même si on est content pour les malheureux soldats libérés). Il en reste, mais ils sont entre les griffes de daesh ceux-là...

    Today, it has been proven in Lebanon:
    1) that Qatar is the official sponsor of the Al-Qa`idah (Nusrah Front to be exact).
    2) that Aljazeera Arabic is the official voice of Nusrah Front.
    3) that Lebanon is yet again proven as the capital of self-humiliation and self-contempt.
    4) that Lebanese media often play cheerleaders for the Lebanese security services.
    5) that Lebanon, in return for the hostages, pledged to basically equip and feed Nusrah front in its terrorist wars.
    6) Nusrah Front has been welcomed as an additional sect in Lebanon: image from Aljazeera from Irsal inside Lebanon. Ben Laden would have been proud of the Lebanese state.

    (Légende de l’image, tirée d’Al-Jazeera : « Urgent : début de la mise en oeuvre de l’accord d’échanges de prisonniers, réalisé sous le patronnage du Qatar entre le gouvernement libanais et le Front Al-Nosra. »)

  • Security Council ‘Unequivocally’ Condemns ISIL Terrorist Attacks, Unanimously Adopting Text that Determines Extremist Group Poses ‘Unprecedented’ Threat | Meetings Coverage and Press Releases

    #nosra et similaires clairement nommés aux cotés de #ISIS

    The full text of resolution 2249 (2015) reads as follows:

    “The Security Council,

    “Reaffirming its resolutions 1267 (1999), 1368 (2001), 1373 (2001), 1618 (2005), 1624 (2005), 2083 (2012), 2129 (2013), 2133 (2014), 2161 (2014), 2170 (2014), 2178 (2014), 2195 (2014), 2199 (2015) and 2214 (2015), and its relevant presidential statements,


    Recalling that the Al-#Nusrah Front (ANF) and all other individuals, groups, undertakings and entities associated with #Al-Qaida also constitute a threat to international peace and security ,


    “5. Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups , as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria;


  • Grotesque festival de propagande en faveur d’Al-Qaeda sur Aljazeera :

    You have to watch this pro-Al-Qa‘idah festival on Aljazeera TV. Unbelievable. The host and the guest, Ahmad Zaydan (the notorious Pakistan correspondent of Aljazeera—I almost said of Al-Qa‘idah) basically promotes Al-Qa‘idah in all its branches to the viewers. He at one point was talking about Bin Laden and his comrades and the simplicity of their lifestyle and said: “we used to eat bread and tea” but then quickly corrected himself. He refers to Sep, 11 terrorism on the US as "Ghazwah 11 Aylul (or Conquest of Sep. 11) which is the official name used by Al-Qa‘idah. He said that Ayman Dhawahiri is now like the Queen of England, who does not rule—kid you not. There was a Lebanese guest who was opposed to this propaganda but he was not allowed to speak. They also invited a guest from WINEP to have him agree that Nusrah Front is now an acceptable moderate political party. You have to watch it to believe it. They even promoted the rule of Nusrah and the treatment of minorities by them in “liberated territories”. I have not been watching Aljazeera and could not believe how much it has changed. There is not even a semblance of professionalism and no, the network was not like this all along.

    PS Zaydan said twice that Nusrah at the level of leaders took a decision to sever ties with Al-Qa‘idah but never explained why that was announced as the Qatari regime wanted for PR purposes.

  • US-backed Hazm Movement, Muhajireen Army working together in Aleppo

    The U.S.-backed Harakat Hazm, or Hazm Movement, has joined several groups, including Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar, a Chechen-led jihadist group, and the Islamist Jaish Mujahideen (Army of Mujahideen) in fighting the Assad regime in the Handarat District of Aleppo.


    Jaish al Muhajireen wal Ansar (the Army of the Emigrants and Helpers), also known as the Muhajireen Army, is an #al_Qaeda allied jihadist group...


    Underscoring the complexity of vetting Syrian rebel groups for US assistance, on September 23, the US-backed Hazm Movement released a statement condemning the recent coalition airstrikes in Syria:


    The Hazm Movement is also known to fight alongside the Al Nusrah Front. An LA Times article in early September quotes a Hazm fighter as saying, “Inside Syria we became labeled as secularists and feared Nusrah Front was going to battle us. But Nusrah doesn’t fight us, we actually fight alongside them. We like Nusrah.”

    Les “#modérés” des #Etats-Unis en #Syrie

  • Hollande : la France a bien livré des armes aux rebelles en Syrie

    « La communauté internationale porte une responsabilité très grave dans ce qui se passe en Syrie […] Si, il y a un an, il y avait eu une réaction des grandes puissances à la hauteur de l’utilisation [par Bachar Al-Assad] des armes chimiques, nous n’aurions pas été face à ce choix terrible entre un dictateur et un groupe terroriste, alors que les rebelles méritent tout notre soutien. »


    • A mettre en parallèle avec cette note d’Asad AbuKhalil :
      For three years, Western correspondents in the Middle East and the American pundits have been promoting a Syrian “revolution”. In the course of this promotion, they lied and fabricated and gave their readers a totally different picture of what is happening on the ground. They even invented a media phenomenon, called the Free Syrian Army, when no such army really existed beyond various gangs in different places using various names for their battalions and telling American agents on the ground in Turkey what they want to hear to get money and weapons. For three long years, Western correspondents in Beirut created a fantasy of a revolution where the armed groups are all run by two secular women operating from downtown Damascus. The danger of the fanatical Bin Ladenite groups have been belittled from the very beginning and even recently those same correspondents have tried to promote Nusrah Front (classified by the US State Department as a terrorist organization), which is the OFFICIAL branch of Al-Qa`idah, damn it. This is the real Syrian “revolution”: a variety of terrorism and Jihadism. Even the Saudi-funded Jihadi front, Islamic Front, was promoted as a moderate version of terrorist Jihadism. All those who engage in such propaganda are culpable in the kidnapping and murder of James Foley. They basically told unsuspecting American journalists that the Syrian rebels are reasonable friendly forces and that they would welcome the foreign press. All the cases of kidnapping and murder of foreign journalists were at the hands of Syrian rebels. All of them. Take the case of James Foley: the Western media covered up his kidnapping and pretended that he was in fact held at a detention center in Damascus. Look at this lie here from last yeAfter a five-month investigation inside Syria and the wider Middle East, GlobalPost and the family of missing American journalist James Foley now believe the Syrian government is holding him in a detention center near Damascus." Only recently this paper had to retract its lie but only in the most vague way: “Editor’s note: Since the publication of this story further investigations have been conducted on James Foley’s kidnapping, pointing in a different direction. The latest public information is available here.” But worse: even after the terrorist ISIS claimed responsibility for his beheading, there are Western correspondents (I am told that Kim Ghattas of the BBC is one of them) who are peddling more lies and claiming without a shred of evidence that the Syrian government surrendered Foley to ISIS. Shame on all of those journalists who basically collaborated on the promotion of lies that were to the benefit of ISIS and its propaganda machine.