person:peter schiff

  • The numbers are staggering: US is ‘world leader’ in child poverty

    America’s wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion. In approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.

    Financier and CEO Peter Schiff said, “People don’t go hungry in a capitalist economy.” The 16 million kids on food stamps know what it’s like to go hungry. Perhaps, some in Congress would say, those children should be working. “There is no such thing as a free lunch,” insisted Georgia Representative Jack Kingston, even for schoolkids, who should be required to “sweep the floor of the cafeteria” (as they actually do at a charter school in Texas).

    The callousness of U.S. political and business leaders is disturbing, shocking. Hunger is just one of the problems of our children. Teacher Sonya Romero-Smith told about the two little homeless girls she adopted: “Getting rid of bedbugs, that took us a while. Night terrors, that took a little while. Hoarding food..”

    America is a ‘Leader’ in Child Poverty

    The U.S. has one of the highest relative child poverty rates in the developed world. As UNICEF reports, “[Children’s] material well-being is highest in the Netherlands and in the four Nordic countries and lowest in Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and the United States.”

    Over half of public school students are poor enough to qualify for lunch subsidies, and almost half of black children under the age of six are living in poverty.

    #Etats-Unis #pauvreté #enfants #enfance #racisme #leadership

  • USA : vers une #crise financière pire que celle de 2008 ? «

    “Un krach va se produire aux Etats-Unis. En 2013, 2014 ou plus tard… Cet effondrement fera passer celui de 2008 pour une balade dans un parc”. Ces propos inquiétants, voire alarmistes, émanent de Peter Schiff, économiste américain reconnu et ancien conseiller du président Bill Clinton.

    En 2006 déjà, il avait prédit la crise des subprimes. Son argumentation est que la Banque centrale américaine, la Fed, manipule les taux d’intérêt et affaiblit le dollar pour stimuler l’économie avec du crédit gratuit. Après la crise de 2008, le gouvernement a imprimé beaucoup de dollars pour renflouer les banques et en soutenir le marché immobilier, augmentant ainsi la dette de milliers de milliards de dollars.

    Les gens peuvent donc acheter des choses qu’ils n’ont pas le moyen de s’offrir. A terme, prédit-il, une crise financière éclatera aux USA, éclipsant celle de la zone euro. Les réactions de Georges Ugeux, banquier et ancien vice-président de la Bourse de New York, et Myret Zaki, rédactrice en chef adjointe de Bilan et auteur de “La fin du dollar”.

  • ARF !! Les 1% une minorité persécutée si si
    Bankers Join Billionaires to Debunk ‘Imbecile’ Attack on Top 1% - Bloomberg

    ‘Persecuted Minority’

    Peter Schiff, CEO of Westport, Connecticut-based broker- dealer Euro Pacific Capital Inc., is delivering the message directly. He went in October to Zuccotti Park in lower Manhattan, where Occupy Wall Street protesters had camped out, with a sign that said “I Am the 1%” and a video camera.

    “Somebody needs to do it,” Schiff said in an interview.

    Schiff, 48, disclosed assets of at least $64.7 million before losing the 2010 Republican primary for a Connecticut U.S. Senate seat, according to filings. He’s wealthier now, even though his taxes are “more than a medieval lord would have taken from a serf,” he said.

    A clip from Schiff’s video was used in a Nov. 1 segment of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” in which comedian John Hodgman, wearing a cravat, called the wealthy a “persecuted minority.” He asked that the phrase “moneyed Americans” replace “the 1 percent.”

    Neither term appeared in a Nov. 28 open letter to President Barack Obama from hedge-fund manager Leon Cooperman, the Omega Advisors Inc. chairman and former CEO of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS)’s money-management unit. Capitalists “are not the scourge that they are too often made out to be” and the wealthy aren’t “a monolithic, selfish and unfeeling lot,” Cooperman wrote. They make products that “fill store shelves at Christmas” and provide health care to millions.

    Cooperman, 68, said in an interview that he can’t walk through the dining room of St. Andrews Country Club in Boca Raton, Florida, without being thanked for speaking up. At least four people expressed their gratitude on Dec. 5 while he was eating an egg-white omelet, he said.

    “You’ll get more out of me,” the billionaire said, “if you treat me with respect.”