person:recep tayyip erdogan

  • Turkish journalist detained for tweets critical of president

    Police in Turkey have detained the chief editor of an opposition English-language newspaper for posting tweets critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Bulent Kenes, editor-in-chief of Today’s Zaman, was taken away from the newspaper’s headquarters in Istanbul on Friday as supporters chanted: “Free media cannot be silenced!” The detention was televised live.

    A court issued a warrant for his arrest for tweets that a Turkish prosecutor says insult Erdogan. Kenes, who received a suspended sentence earlier this year for insulting the president, denies the accusation, insisting he is exercising his right to free speech.

  • EU and Turkey ’agree on refugee plan’ - The Local

    The Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung said the European Commission and Turkish government representatives struck the accord last week and that it would be approved during talks Monday in Brussels between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and EU leaders.

    Under the plan, Turkey would agree to stepped-up efforts to secure its frontier with the EU by taking part in joint patrols with the Greek coastguard in the eastern Aegean coordinated by EU border protection agency Frontex, the report said.

    Any migrants picked up would be taken back to Turkey, where six new camps for up to two million people would be built, co-financed by the EU.

    EU states meanwhile would agree to take in up to 500,000 people to ensure their safe passage across the sea without the involvement of people smugglers.

    The report, citing Commission and German sources, said the plan fleshed out a preliminary 2013 agreement between Brussels and Ankara.

    Assuming there is an accord Monday, the plan would go before EU leaders at the next summit in mid-October.

    The EU has long called on Turkey to do more to stem the tide of migrants making the dangerous crossing to Greece, with more than 500,000 having made it to Europe’s shores this year.

    EU leaders agreed at an emergency migrant summit last week to offer more aid to Ankara as well as other countries in the region.

    But the EU believes Ankara could do more to tackle what it says are some 30,000 people smugglers in Turkey.

  • Beri Atwan: What did you expect Russia to do after Turkey crossed “redlines”

    A good section to ponder from Abdel Beri Atwan in his London-based Ra’y al-Yawm on September 26:

    “…There are reports that the flow of modern Russian weapons, soldiers, and equipment into Syria so heavily came as a result of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s crossing of the red lines when he supported the entry of “Jaysh al-Fatah” into Idlib and Jisr ash Shughur, and their advance towards Latakia, thus posing a threat to the Russian forces and interests. Erdogan’s retreat, as noted three days ago when he abandoned his call for the departure of President Al-Asad, came as an expression of his willingness to correct that mistake. We can go farther to say that Russia – through an understanding reached with the US – has worked out all the details of the new scenario for military intervention in Syria. President #Erdogan has realized that moving against this current is fraught with dangers that threaten him personally, his party, and Turkey itself. Therefore, he decided to completely or partly abandon both the Syrian opposition and his Arab allies (Saudi Arabia and Qatar), just as he had earlier abandoned Libyan leader Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi and joined the NATO’s intervention in Libya….”

    #Turquie #Russie #Syrie

  • Syrie : possibles « domaines de coopération » avec Moscou | Laurent BARTHELEMY, Cécile FEUILLATRE | AFP
    24 septembre 2015

    Assad de nouveau fréquentable ?

    Le chef de la diplomatie française Laurent Fabius réunit jeudi soir à Paris ses homologues britannique Philip Hammond, allemand Frank Walter Steinmeier et la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini pour un dîner de travail consacré à la Syrie.

    « L’idée est de clarifier un peu les positions, de savoir ce que les uns et les autres entendent par une transition politique en Syrie, de faire émerger une position européenne commune avant l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU », explique une source diplomatique française.

    Cette rencontre survient au lendemain de déclarations remarquées de la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel, qui a estimé pour la première fois publiquement qu’il fallait parler avec Bachar al-Assad pour résoudre la crise syrienne.

    « Il faut parler avec de nombreux acteurs, et cela implique (Bachar al) Assad, mais il y en a d’autres », a dit Mme Merkel, citant également les alliés de Damas, la Russie et l’Iran.

    Farouche ennemi d’Assad, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a aussi concédé jeudi que le président syrien pourrait faire partie d’une période de transition.

    « Bachar al-Assad ne peut représenter l’avenir d’un peuple et d’un pays qu’il a martyrisés », a réitéré jeudi le Français Laurent Fabius, qui cependant ne pose plus son départ comme préalable à une négociation politique.

    Washington et Londres non plus, depuis quelque temps : le secrétaire d’État américain John Kerry et son homologue Philip Hammond ont estimé mi-septembre qu’Assad devait partir mais que le calendrier était « négociable ».

  • Palestinian Women, Children Stop IDF Soldier Detaining a Minor - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz

    L’armée israélienne en concurrence avec #Gorafi:

    According to the army, the youth was throwing stones at the troops, who did not realize he was a minor.

    #mineurs #Palestine #Israël #impunité #Israel

  • Selon la même source diplomatique, le texte en cours de discussion envisage que « les passages de et vers Gaza soient réaménagés et les obstacles nettement allégés. Un port serait construit à Gaza, payé par le Qatar et la Turquie, et le contrôle [des cargaisons] par Israël se ferait à Chypre. Une option à Ashkelon [un port israélien au nord de Gaza] a semble-t-il été rejetée par Hamas ».

    Programmé par les accords de paix israélo-palestiniens pour commencer en 1999, le chantier du port de fret de Gaza a perpétuellement été repoussé, du fait du refus d’Israël, dans le contexte de la seconde Intifada, de laisser rentrer dans le territoire palestinien le matériel adéquat. Selon le quotidien israélien Haaretz, Khaled Mechaal et le président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui se sont entretenus le 12 août, ont évoqué la possibilité d’ouvrir un corridor maritime entre Gaza et la partie nord de Chypre, sous occupation turque.

    Plusieurs acteurs de poids de la scène proche-orientale ont un intérêt à voir les négociations de Doha se conclure avec succès. Pour l’Arabie saoudite, qui a entamé un rapprochement avec le Hamas et redoute que l’accord sur le nucléaire iranien n’aiguise les appétits régionaux de son voisin chiite, un tel accord contribuerait à tenir Téhéran à distance de la bande de Gaza. Ankara est impatient d’apurer le contentieux du Mavi-Marmara, ce navire turc rempli d’aide humanitaire que l’armée israélienne avait violemment arraisonné, au large de Gaza, en 2010, faisant dix morts parmi ses passagers.

    ttp ://

  • Erdoğan plays politics with illegal electricity usage

    President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan appears to have been manipulating the much-debated problem of illegal electricity usage in the eastern part of Turkey, a controversial issue frequently on the public agenda after video recordings revealed clandestine ties between distribution companies and the government in 2014.

    In a regular meeting with muhtars (headmen) at the presidential palace on Wednesday, Erdoğan said the government has been expending diligent efforts to overcome security problems in the eastern provinces; however, it suffers financial losses from illegal electricity usage, a common headache for distribution companies in the region.

    There are nearly 37 million subscribers registered with energy companies in Turkey paying approximately TL 70 billion in electricity bills ?????, of which an amount of between TL 5 million and TL 6 million each year is surcharged from those who pay their bills regularly. Yet the illegal usage rate in some areas is much higher than in others.

    Abdullah Tivnikli, a businessman known for his close ties to Erdoğan, said early in January that he wants to exit his partnership with Dicle Electricity Distribution (DEDAŞ) — which serves 1.5 million subscribers in the Southeast — in order to avoid further losses due to widespread illegal use of electricity in the area in which the company operates. After the revelation of massive corruption investigations late in 2013, Tivnikli was allegedly heard asking then-Deputy Undersecretary in the Prime Ministry İbrahim Kalın for reimbursement from the government for subscribers’ unpaid electricity bills in a voice recording leaked on YouTube in April 2014.

    Erdoğan seems to have aimed at relieving Tivnikli’s concerns as he addressed unpaid electricity bills immediately after his talk about security woes.

    “They [Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)] dig up the streets, lay mines along the roads and threaten people, set fire to their automobiles and bar highway and dam construction [in the eastern provinces]. Can you imagine? What will these reservoirs be for? Collecting water to irrigate dry areas… They generate electricity, if they are hydroelectric power plants. [When the PKK prevents dam construction] the burden will be on the government, and they will say ‘the state does not provide electricity for us.’ They are the ones who cut the electricity supply. The price of the electricity, unfortunately, is not paid as you may probably know,” Erdoğan said.

    According to another voice recording leaked on Twitter, also in April of last year, Kalın told Tivnikli that the prime minister [Erdoğan at the time] was in favor of the idea of the state paying the company for illegally consumed electricity, given that the rate of unpaid electricity bills in the Southeast was as high as 60-70 percent

    #Electricité #privatisation #PKK

  • #Turquie : arrestations, frappes au #Kurdistan… le triomphe des faucons - L’Obs

    Qu’il semble loin, le succès exceptionnel du HDP, lors des élections du 7 juin dernier ! Pour la première fois de l’histoire de la Turquie, un parti pro-kurde franchissait le seuil des 10% – l’un des plus élevés au monde – pour entrer au Parlement et obtenait pas moins de 80 députés d’un coup, avec 13% des voix. Le HDP infligeait un rude revers à l’#AKP, la formation au pouvoir, pour la première fois depuis 2002. L’AKP (Parti de la justice et du développement), s’il restait majoritaire, avait un genou à terre et était contraint de former une coalition pour gouverner. Tandis que le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui comptait réformer la Constitution pour façonner un régime à sa convenance, devait mettre en sourdine ses tentations autoritaires. L’AKP doit maintenant former un gouvernement de coalition – qu’on attend toujours.

    « Cette victoire du HDP sur l’AKP était une chance pour les deux partis de s’affranchir de leurs ailes dures : les pro-lutte armée d’une part, les pro-Erdogan d’autre part », explique Samim Akgönül, chercheur au CNRS et spécialiste de la Turquie. « Mais en cet état de guerre, le président reprend le dessus et le KCK (Groupe des communautés du Kurdistan, un paravent du PKK) dicte ses conditions. Selahattin Demirtas est inaudible mais ce n’est pas le seul, tous les autres modérés aussi. »

    Mais le feu couvait depuis longtemps. Tout au long de la campagne pour les législatives, Erdogan – censé être cantonné, dans la lettre de la Constitution, à un rôle honorifique – n’a cessé de draguer le vote nationaliste aux dépends des Kurdes. A tel point que le président a torpillé en personne un processus de paix initié… par lui-même, dix ans plus tôt, quand il reconnaissait dans un discours historique l’existence du fait national kurde. Erdogan a critiqué son propre gouvernement quand celui-ci a présenté en février, conjointement avec des députés du HDP, un plan de paix en 10 points préparé par Abdullah Öcalan, le leader du PKK – qui appelait par la même occasion à déposer les armes. Une première, vite enterrée.

    • Le ouvertement turc au PKK : « C’est soit les armes, soit la démocratie »

      Les deux parties semblent déterminées à brûler tous les ponts, au risque de revenir aux terribles affrontements de la fin des années 1990, quand le sud-est du pays était ravagé par la guerre entre l’armée turque et le PKK, au prix de dizaines de milliers de morts et de millions de déplacés. Cette escalade aura un coût politique et économique au moment où la Turquie a besoin de plus de croissance et d’investissements.
      Nouvelles élections

      Ce changement de cap survient au moment où le Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP, islamo-conservateur), privé de sa majorité parlementaire depuis les législatives du 7 juin, tente péniblement de former un gouvernement de coalition. S’il n’y parvient pas avant la fin du mois d’août, il y aura de nouvelles élections.
      Selon les analystes, l’AKP entre en guerre contre l’EI et le PKK dans l’espoir de récupérer les voix perdues lors du dernier scrutin. Cette soudaine perte de popularité a été vécue comme une claque pour ce parti, vainqueur haut la main de toutes les élections depuis 2002.
      Le Parti républicain du peuple (CHP, kémaliste) joue lui aussi la carte préélectorale en annonçant sa bonne disposition à former un gouvernement avec l’AKP « pour le salut du pays ». Le grand perdant de la nouvelle donne est le Parti de la démocratie des peuples (HDP, gauche, prokurde), jusqu’ici en première ligne pour négocier l’accord de paix entre le PKK et le gouvernement.
      Les dirigeants du HDP se retrouvent désormais entre le marteau et l’enclume, marginalisés par les autorités pour leurs liens avec le PKK, contourné par la direction militaire du mouvement rebelle, moins encline que jamais à rendre les armes.

    • In Turkey’s New Conflict, Erdogan’s Powers at Stake - WSJ

      A rise in nationalist feelings amid the bloodshed and an unfolding crackdown on the government’s Kurdish political foes could bolster AKP’s chances in such a new election, many analysts say.

      A two-percentage point shift from the last election could restore AKP’s absolute majority, making concessions demanded by its potential coalition partners on press freedom, corruption prosecutions and foreign policy unnecessary. This could also allow Mr. Erdogan to proceed with controversial plans to turn Turkey into a presidential republic and solidify his personal power.

  • Ankara turns blind eye to economic downturn - Al-Monitor : the Pulse of the Middle East

    While Turkey’s revenues are decreasing, the burden of Syrian and Iraqi refugees has opened a virtual “black hole” in the economy. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan put the refugees’ bill at $6 billion, in a reproachful speech to foreign ambassadors in Ankara on July 9. “We are currently hosting 2 million people, including 300,000 from Iraq and 1.7 million from Syria,” he said. “The money we have spent for Syrians so far has exceeded $6 billion. But we have received only $400 million [in support] from international sources. Yet we’ll never withdraw our helping hand.”

    La #turquie commence à payer le prix fort de sa diplomatie aventuriste, en particulier autour de la question des réfugiés qui commence à agiter de plus en plus l’opinion aux dires des spécialistes (voir ici

  • Turkey to build Erdoğan Stadium in Gaza - INTERNATIONAL

    Turkey is set to build a 20,000-seat stadium to international standards in the Gaza Strip to support sports in Palestine, officials revealed on July 14.

    A member of the Higher Council of Youth and Sports in the Gaza Strip, Abd al-Salam Haniyeh, said the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) would build the stadium.

    “The approval for the stadium’s construction by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is one of the best contributions Turkey has provided to Palestinian sports,” he said. 

    Haniyeh added the stadium would be named Erdoğan Stadium.

    Earlier on July 12, TİKA organized an iftar for 700 Palestinian athletes and donated $225,000 to Palestinian sports institutes, Haniyeh said.

    According to data provided by the Palestinian Sports Ministry, a total of 30 sports facilities were destroyed and 32 athletes were killed in the Israeli offensive in Gaza last summer.

  • La Turquie, prête à une intervention militaire, à Alep ?’apprête-à-une-intervention-militaire-dans-le-nord-de

    La Turquie s’apprête à une intervention militaire, dans le Nord de la Syrie, a écrit, un quotidien saoudien. Les forces kurdes ont rejoint les forces de l’armée syrienne, pour lutter contre Daech, dans la ville de Hassaka.
    « Sous prétexte de créer une zone sécurisée et de protéger les frontières turques contre les menaces que représentent les groupes terroristes, 12.000 soldats trucs sont prêts à intervenir, militairement, dans le Nord de la Syrie », a écrit le quotidien "Al-Hayat", de publication londonienne. Pour faire face aux Daechistes, dans l’Est de la Syrie, les forces kurdes, à Hassaka, ont rejoint les forces gouvernementales syriennes, a ajouté "Al-Hayat". Et ce, alors que Recep Tayyip Erdogan, le Président turc, a annoncé, samedi, qu’à aucun prix, il n’autorisera la formation d’un Etat kurde, sur les frontières de son pays avec la Syrie.

    Un peu différent mais même tonalité sur RT arabe :

    #turquie #syrie #daesh

    • Turkey to take “necessary measures” on border security: PM Davutoglu - Region - World - Ahram Online

      The pro-government Star newspaper said a possible cross-border operation would be considered at the national security council meeting, citing unnamed sources.

      One option that could be considered was the creation of a 110 km (70 mile) “secure zone” within Syria, the newspaper said.


      Saban Disli, an adviser to Davutoglu, told Reuters the meeting was likely to bring a change in the military’s rules of engagement, describing advances of both Kurdish forces and Islamic State militants as “dangerous”.

      He did not say how the rules could be changed. However, the pro-government Sabah newspaper said policy could be altered to allow Turkish forces to attack Islamic State fighters near the border. Currently, Turkish forces retaliate in kind against any attack from Syrian territory.

      “Turkey will not take any unilateral step on the Syrian side independent of the international coalition,” a senior government official told Reuters. “But we have our sensitivity on border gates not coming under the control of ISIL or the PYD (Kurdish forces).”

      The National Security Council statement gave no detail about what was discussed or what, if any, decisions were taken.

      Military action could anger Turkey’s Kurdish minority at a time when the peace process between Ankara and the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) has stalled.

      A senior PKK commander, Murat Karayilan, told a Kurdish news website the group would retaliate if the military intervened in Kurdish areas of Syria. The PKK is considered a terrorist organisation by Ankara, the European Union and the United States.

      Brokerage Finansbank said in a note to clients that given Turkey’s current political uncertainty - Davutoglu’s AK Party still needs to find a junior partner to form a government following its election setback this month - any intervention would likely be limited.

      “We remain doubtful that a ’lame duck’ government could undertake anything more than a ’targeted’ operation that would be limited in both scale and scope,” it said.

  • La #Turquie confirme discuter pour une normalisation avec #Israël

    « Il est tout à fait normal que les deux pays s’entretiennent pour normaliser leurs liens. Comment peut-on parvenir à un compromis sans discuter ? », a déclaré mercredi 24 juin le chef de la diplomatie turque Mevlüt Cavusoglu cité par l’édition Internet du journal Hürriyet.

    M. Cavusoglu a expliqué que des responsables des deux pays se rencontraient « au niveau des experts » depuis longtemps. Selon le journal israélien Haaretz, le directeur général du ministère israélien des Affaires étrangères, Dore Gold, s’est entretenu à Rome avec son homologue turc Feridun Sinirlioglu.


    • Analyse : un triangle Turquie-Hamas-Israël ?

      Qu’est-ce que ça vaut ?

      Le président Erdogan est toujours en charge des affaires turco-israéliennes à Ankara. Rien qui ne l’importe plus que la levée du blocus israélien à Gaza. C’est devenu son obsession depuis l’opération « Plomb durci » (Janvier 2009) et la flotille du « Mavi Marmara » (mai 2010) n’en était qu’une preuve supplémentaire.

      Durant les négociations sur les dédommagements, et avant que Netanyahou ne présente ses excuses en mars 2013 et même après, la levée du blocus a toujours été la première exigence des Turcs.

      L’opération « Bordure protectrice » de 2014 a relancé les discussions sur la question du blocus de Gaza. Au cours des dernières semaines, une rumeur a circulé sur un engagement du Hamas à respecter une trêve de cinq ans, en échange de l’approbation par Israël de la construction d’un port maritime à Gaza.

      Il n’y a aucune chance qu’Erdogan ne laisse passer une telle occasion (même si ce n’est qu’une rumeur) sans qu’il ne fasse pression pour la faire appliquer.

      Au cours des dernières années, les Turcs n’ont pas ménagé leurs efforts pour apporter son aide à la bande de Gaza, en toutes circonstances. Notamment lorsqu’Ankara a mis en place un dispositif pour transporter les blessés gazaouis de l’opération « Bordure Protectrice » vers des hôpitaux en Turquie. Erdogan n’a pas non plus caché son affection pour le Hamas, qu’il préfère à sa sœur ainée et plus modérée, le Fatah.

      Compte tenu de tout cela, je suis prêt à parier que la Turquie a proposé un accord à Israël : la création d’un port maritime à Gaza contre le retour de l’ambassadeur turc à Tel-Aviv. J’oserai même dire que Jérusalem ne devrait pas rejeter catégoriquement cette proposition.

      En outre, un accord sur le port de Gaza détournerait l’attention qui est portée aujourd’hui sur la Cisjordanie, et qui fait en ce moment la une des titres dans le monde entier.

      Un accord Turquie-Hamas-Israël mettrait dans l’embarras le président de l’Autorité palestinienne Mahmoud Abbas.

      Netanyahou sait très bien qu’une proposition de reconnaissance de l’Etat palestinien, impulsée par la France l’attend à l’Assemblée générale de l’ONU fin septembre, en supposant que d’ici là, l’accord sur le programme nucléaire iranien soit signé par les 5+1 et Téhéran.

    • La Turquie et Israël souhaitent une reprise des pourparlers de réconciliation

      (...) Lors de la visite du président Barack Obama en Israël en mars 2013, et probablement à sa demande, M. Netanyahu a appelé le Premier ministre turc de l’époque, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, pour présenter ses excuses pour la mort de civils turcs lors de l’incident du Mavi Marmara.

      Depuis cet appel téléphonique, les diplomates des deux parties se sont réunis à Jérusalem et à Ankara pour des pourparlers de réconciliation, parvenant apparemment à une avancée en décembre 2013.

      D’après les organes de presse turcs, cette percée a été réalisée suite à un accord sur le montant des dédommagements versés par Israël aux familles des victimes, soit 20 millions de dollars.

      Un autre progrès a été observé en février 2014 lorsque le Parlement turc a accepté de renoncer à toute poursuite contre les soldats israéliens qui ont participé à cette flotte.

      Les deux parties ont travaillé à l’élaboration d’une proposition pour achever la normalisation des relations entre les deux pays en début 2014, proposition qui attend toujours l’approbation des dirigeants israélien et turc.

  • Un génocide est un génocide

    L’extermination de masse des Arméniens entre 1915 et 1916 est un génocide. Les historiens s’accordent sur ce point depuis longtemps, mais la reconnaissance du génocide arménien par les dirigeants politiques est restée pure rhétorique. Après une longue hésitation, les élus allemands ont, eux aussi, décidé d’employer le terme de génocide. Dorénavant, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdoğan se retrouve passablement isolé.

    Culture & #Histoire

    / #Turquie, Histoire, #Erdogan


  • L’hyper-présidence de M. Erdogan en question

    Les élections législatives de dimanche 7 juin sont déterminantes pour l’avenir du président islamo-conservateur, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 61 ans, aux manettes du pays depuis douze ans.

    Lire Wendy Kristianasen, « Le splendide isolement de la #Turquie » (janvier 2015)

    « Zéro problème » avec les voisins, tel était l’objectif de la politique étrangère du Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP). Mais les « printemps arabes » ont bouleversé la donne régionale, et la Turquie se trouve désormais en froid avec la Syrie, l’Arabie saoudite, l’Iran et l’Egypte. Alors que le régime connaît une dérive autoritaire, le choix de la « solitude dans la dignité » constitue-t-il une option ? [#st] via Le Monde diplomatique

  • Turkey opposition vows to build new ‘mega-city’ in Anatolia | ACTURCA

    Turkey’s main opposition party on Thursday unveiled a plan to build a new mega-city in the centre of the country, in a bid to outflank the ambitious infrastructure projects of the ruling party ahead of elections.

    Seeking not to be outdone by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s self-proclaimed « crazy projects », the Republican People’s Party (CHP) said the new city would create 2.2 million new jobs over the next two decades.

    « The project would give a great push to the Turkish economy and would make our country an economic actor in the region that cannot be ignored, » CHP leader Kemal Kilicdaroglu said in Istanbul.

    He said the new city would eventually have three million inhabitants and could start working as soon as 2020.

    At a crossroads between Europe and Asia, the city would be the « project of the century », Kilicdaroglu said.

    In order to realise the project, $160 billion (145 billion euros) in foreign and Turkish investments would be needed over the next 20 years, he added.

    Kilicdaroglu did not give the precise location of the new city but said it would be at the geographical heart of Turkey which would put it in Anatolia east of Ankara.

    #Election #Turquie #CHP #Ville-nouvelle

  • Erdogan in Tehran: Turkey wants to dance at every Mideast wedding - From breaking off with Israel and Syria, to the rift with Egypt and confrontations with the U.S., Turkey’s foreign policy has suffered blow after blow. Would a nuclear deal with Iran help Turkey reposition itself in the region?
    By Zvi Bar’el | Apr. 8, 2015 |Haaretz

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rohani looked on Tuesday like two hedgehogs trying to mate. Their statements during a press conference, at which no questions were allowed, sounded as if every comma in them had been very carefully programmed.

    “We need to undertake this mediation to stop the bloodshed in Iraq and Syria,” declared Erdogan, who refrained from mentioning Turkey’s involvement with the anti-Iran coalition that’s operating against the Houthis in Yemen. “I don’t care if they are Sunnis or Shi’ites being killed, they are all Muslims,” said the Turkish president, who, unlike Iran, is demanding that Syrian President Bashar Assad be removed from power as a condition for his joining the western coalition against the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS.

    These are not the only disputes between Turkey and Iran. Two weeks ago, Erdogan declared that Iran’s goal is to seize control of the region and that it must be stopped. As a result, 65 members of the Iranian parliament demanded that their president cancel Erdogan’s visit to Tehran. Moreover, Turkey positioned itself Saudi Arabia in the war against the Houthis in Yemen. The Saudis see Turkey as an ally in the Sunni axis it seeks to establish against Iran. The high price that Turkey is paying Iran for natural gas is also angering Erdogan, who promised to buy more gas if Iran would agree to lower it.

    But along with these differences, Iran and Turkey have many common interests. Trade between the two countries is worth some $14 billion and, at least according to their statements, they intend to triple its scope. The two countries see eye to eye on the risk posed by the establishment of an independent Kurdish state, and Turkey is also the major supplier of consumer goods to Iraq, which is under Iran’s patronage.

    Despite the chronic mutual suspicion, the economic and diplomatic ties with Iran are especially important to Turkey, which realizes the enormous potential opportunities if a nuclear agreement is signed with the world powers that lifts the sanctions imposed on Iran. The legitimacy that Iran would receive would allow Turkey to purchase large quantities of crude oil at a competitive price, integrate into the Iranian auto industry, and win huge construction tenders that are expected to be issued.

    At the same time, Turkey is not relinquishing the new ties that have developed with Saudi Arabia. These are liable to bring reconciliation with Egypt, from which Turkey has been cut off since Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi seized power in July 2013. Just before he left for Iran, Erdogan received the Saudi crown prince and interior minister, Mohammend bin Nayef, who asked for an assurance that Turkey would not deviate from the agreements reached between the two countries when Erdogan visited Riyadh last month, particularly with regard to cooperating in the war in Yemen.

    Once again, Turkey is trying to dance at all the weddings and reposition itself in the Middle East. So far, its foreign policy has suffered blow after blow: the breaks with Israel and Syria; major losses in Libya; the rift with Egypt; the cold winds from Saudi Arabia; and confrontation with the United States over Turkey’s refusal to join the coalition against ISIS. Turkish commentators hastened to compare Iran, which is liable to play a significant, if not primary role in the regional diplomatic games, to Turkey, which has lost its regional anchors; between Iran, whose president uses Twitter and Facebook, and Turkey, where the government has ordered the online social networks blocked. These are still far-fetched comparisons; Iran still has a long way to go just to get to the limited human rights that exist in Turkey. But in a region where images play a crucial role in the branding of nations, Iran is earning lots of credit points while Turkey is being pushed to the sidelines.

  • Amérique latine : nouvelle frontière des ambitions turques | IRIS

    Le président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a effectué une triple visite en Amérique latine au mois de février 2015. Après la Colombie, il a fait étape à Cuba, puis au Mexique. D’autres visites sont annoncées en cours d’année en Argentine, au Brésil et au Chili.

    La Turquie bénéficie en Amérique latine d’une image paradoxale, fruit d’un héritage lointain. Plusieurs milliers de migrants arabes, dotés d’un passeport ottoman, ont débarqué il y a plus d’un siècle, du Mexique à l’Argentine, en passant par l’Amérique centrale et le Brésil. Tous du fait de leur document d’identité, ont été surnommés « Turcs ». Pendant très longtemps les connaissances mutuelles ont gardé ce caractère primaire et superficiel. Il y avait bien ici ou là en Argentine et en Uruguay quelques Turcs venant acheter laines et peaux (..) mais au-delà pas grand-chose, sinon dans ces mêmes pays une méfiance entretenue par la présence d’importantes communautés d’origine arménienne.

    Turquie et Amérique latine ont longtemps vécu dos à dos, séparées par mer et océan. Seule une relation privilégiée et parfois difficile avec les Etats-Unis créait l’éventualité d’une expérience mise en partage. La levée des interdits de la guerre froide et une conjoncture économique favorable ont, au tournant du millénaire, renforcé les opportunités d’échanges mutuellement profitables. L’émergence parallèle de la Turquie et de la plupart des Latino-américains a suscité des curiosités et des intérêts croisés. L’accession au G20 a facilité les échanges avec l’Argentine, le Brésil et le Mexique. L’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a permis d’autres synergies. Les premiers contacts bilatéraux, exploratoires, ont pris une coloration nettement plus affirmative en 2010. Turquie et Brésil ont en effet joint leurs efforts pour prendre date et place sur un dossier international majeur, le contentieux nucléaire iranien. L’initiative ignorée par les « cinq + un » a fait long feu. Elle n’en était pas moins révélatrice d’une nouvelle tectonique des plaques géopolitiques.

    #Géopolitique #Turquie #Amérique_Latine

  • Saudi Arabia Consolidates its Alliance Against Iran | Al Akhbar English

    Saudi Arabia needs Egypt and Turkey politically and militarily in its confrontation with Iran. The relationship with Cairo is stable even if it undergoes some changes. Talk about reviving the Muslim Brotherhood under US pressure, and out of an Arab and international need to confront the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), may be greatly exaggerated. Hours before Sisi headed to Riyadh, death sentences were issued in Cairo against the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood, and an Egyptian court classified Hamas as a terrorist organization.

    These rulings further angered Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan; and perhaps Egypt wanted to anger him on purpose. Before heading from Turkey to Saudi Arabia, he announced that he will not meet with Sisi in Riyadh, demanding serious steps from Cairo before such a meeting could take place. It is hard to imagine Erdogan and Sisi shaking hands as long as the Egyptian president continues to pursue the Muslim Brotherhood. The turkish project in the Middle East depends on the Muslim Brotherhood.

  • Fearing Assassination, Erdogan To Install Food Analysis Lab in Presidential Palace

    A special food analysis laboratory will be built at Turkish President #Recep_Tayyip_Erdogan's controversial presidential palace to make sure all his food is safe to eat, Cevdet Erdol told the Hurriyet newspaper on Tuesday. Every meal that goes before Erdogan is rigorously tested both at home and abroad for fear of possible assassination, his personal doctor said. “It’s usually not through bullets that prominent figures are being assassinated these days,” Erdol said. read more


  • Ce que cherche Recep Erdogan en Afrique,0800

    Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan s’est rendu cette semaine en Afrique de l’Est en commençant par l’Éthiopie puis, après une interruption au milieu de son programme pour assister aux obsèques du roi Abdallah d’Arabie saoudite, à Djibouti et en Somalie. L’engouement d’Ankara pour l’Afrique est relativement récent, et en rupture avec la politique étrangère traditionnelle de la Turquie.

    #turquie #afrique

  • Turkish military says MIT shipped weapons to al-Qaeda - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

    Secret official documents about the searching of three trucks belonging to Turkey’s national intelligence service (MIT) have been leaked online, once again corroborating suspicions that Ankara has not been playing a clean game in Syria. According to the authenticated documents, the trucks were found to be transporting missiles, mortars and anti-aircraft ammunition. The Gendarmerie General Command, which authored the reports, alleged, "The trucks were carrying weapons and supplies to the al-Qaeda terror organization.” But Turkish readers could not see the documents in the news bulletins and newspapers that shared them, because the government immediately obtained a court injunction banning all reporting about the affair.

    New documents have been leaked online, prompting the government to immediatey ban reporting on the scandal and order the content deleted.

    When President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was prime minister, he had said, “You cannot stop the MIT truck. You cannot search it. You don’t have the authority. These trucks were taking humanitarian assistance to Turkmens.”

    Since then, Erdogan and his hand-picked new Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu have repeated at every opportunity that the trucks were carrying assistance to Turkmens. Public prosecutor Aziz Takci, who had ordered the trucks to be searched, was removed from his post and 13 soldiers involved in the search were taken to court on charges of espionage. Their indictments call for prison terms of up to 20 years.

    In scores of documents leaked by a group of hackers, the Gendarmerie Command notes that rocket warheads were found in the trucks’ cargo.

    According to the documents that circulated on the Internet before the ban came into effect, this was the summary of the incident:

    On Jan. 19, 2014, after receiving a tip that three trucks were carrying weapons and explosives to al-Qaeda in Syria, the Adana Provincial Gendarmerie Command obtained search warrants.
    The Adana prosecutor called for the search and seizure of all evidence.
    Security forces stopped the trucks at the Ceyhan toll gates, where MIT personnel tried to prevent the search.
    While the trucks were being escorted to Seyhan Gendarmerie Command for an extensive search, MIT personnel accompanying the trucks in an Audi vehicle blocked the road to stop the trucks. When MIT personnel seized the keys from the trucks’ ignitions, an altercation ensued. MIT personnel instructed the truck drivers to pretend their trucks had malfunctioned and committed physical violence against gendarmerie personnel.
    The search was carried out and videotaped despite the efforts of the governor and MIT personnel to prevent it.
    Six metallic containers were found in the three trucks. In the first container, 25-30 missiles or rockets and 10-15 crates loaded with ammunition were found. In the second container, 20-25 missiles or rockets, 20-25 crates of mortar ammunition and Douchka anti-aircraft ammunition in five or six sacks were discovered. The boxes had markings in the Cyrillic alphabet.
    It was noted that the MIT personnel swore at the prosecutor and denigrated the gendarmerie soldiers doing the search, saying, “Look at those idiots. They are looking for ammunition with picks and shovels. Let someone who knows do it. Trucks are full of bombs that might explode.”
    The governor of Adana, Huseyin Avni Cos, arrived at the scene and declared, “The trucks are moving with the prime minister’s orders” and vowed not to let them be interfered with no matter what.
    With a letter of guarantee sent by the regional director of MIT, co-signed by the governor, the trucks were handed back to MIT.
    Driver Murat Kislakci said in his deposition, “This cargo was loaded into our trucks from a foreign airplane at Ankara Esenboga Airport. We are taking them to Reyhanli [on the Syrian border]. Two men [MIT personnel] in the Audi are accompanying us. At Reyhanli, we hand over the trucks to two people in the Audi. They check us into a hotel. The trucks move to cross the border. We carried similar loads several times before. We were working for the state. In Ankara, we were leaving our trucks at an MIT location. They used to tell us to come back at 7 a.m. I know the cargo belongs to MIT. We were at ease; this was an affair of state. This was the first time we collected cargo from the airport and for the first time we were allowed to stand by our trucks during the loading.”
    After accusations of espionage by the government and pro-government media, the chief of general staff ordered the military prosecutor to investigate,. On July 21, the military prosecutor declared the operation was not espionage. The same prosecutor said this incident was a military affair and should be investigated not by the public prosecutor, but the military. The civilian court did not retract its decision.

    Though the scandal is tearing the country apart, the government opted for its favorite tactic of covering it up. A court in Adana banned written, visual and Internet media outlets from any reporting and commenting on the stopping of the trucks and the search. All online content about the incident has been deleted.

    The court case against the 13 gendarmerie elements accused of espionage has also been controversial. The public prosecutor, who in his indictment said the accused were involved in a plot to have Turkey tried at the International Criminal Court, veered off course. Without citing any evidence, the indictment charged that there was collusion between the Syrian government, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS). The prosecutor deviated from the case at hand and charged that the killing by IS of three people at Nigde last year was actually carried out by the Syrian state.

    At the moment, a total blackout prevails over revelations, which are bound to have serious international repercussions.

  • PHOTOS. Turquie : voici comment RecepTayyip Erdogan reçoit Mahmoud Abbas dans son palais à Ankara

    Lundi 12 janvier, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan a reçu dans son monumental palais d’Ankara le président palestinien Mahmoud Abbas. Et comme on peut le voir sur les photos ci-dessous, des soldats costumés sont positionnés juste derrière eux lors de la poignée de main. Ce décorum vient en fait trouver une explication historique : ces 16 guerriers tape-à-l’œil représentaient chacun un des 16 empires de l’histoire turque, de l’empire hunnique jusqu’à celui des Ottomans (1299-1923), en passant par les ères mongoles et seldjoukides.

    #mégalo #ridicule

  • Pro-Erdoğan businessman asks to exit major energy project

    One of the partners of an electricity distribution company which serves 1.5 million subscribers in the Southeast on Tuesday asked the government to allow his firm to leave the partnership, lamenting large-scale illegal use of electricity in the region.

    Abdullah Tivnikli, a businessman known for his close ties to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said on Tuesday that he wants to exit his partnership with Dicle Electricity Distribution (DEDAŞ) in order to avoid further losses due to widespread illegal use of electricity in the area the company operates in. “I have to leave this partnership or we will be forced to have blackouts in the region to compensate for our losses,” Tivnikli was quoted as saying by Fox TV Turkey.

    The İşkaya-Doğu Consortium, in which Tivnikli is a partner, won a tender for electricity distribution in the southeastern region with an offer of $387 million in 2013. DEDAŞ supplies electricity to the southeastern provinces of Batman, Diyarbakır, Mardin, Siirt, Şanlıurfa and Şırnak, where 75 percent of the population uses electricity illegally according to local sources. Tivnikli said his financial losses due to illegal usage amounted to TL 400 million a year. Around 350,000 subscribers in the region DEDAŞ covers fail to pay their electricity bills while 91,000 others pay less than TL 5 a month, Tivnikli told Fox TV.

    The methods used by Tivnikli to compensate for losses sustained by the partnership have been a matter of discussion recently.

    A suspect in a corruption probe that was made public in December 2013, Tivnikli was allegedly heard asking then-deputy undersecretary in the Prime Ministry İbrahim Kalın for reimbursement from the government for subscribers’ unpaid electricity bills, in a voice recording leaked on YouTube in April 2014. According to another voice recording leaked on Twitter, also in April of last year, Kalın told Tivnikli that the prime minister was in favor of the idea of the state paying the company for illegally consumed electricity, given that the rate of unpaid electricity bills in the Southeast was as high as 60-70 percent.

    Tivnikli earlier last year admitted to having spoken to Kalın to get his help regarding the unpaid electricity bills. He also admitted to having paid school fees for Kalın’s daughter. Kalın is currently employed as Erdoğan’s spokesman.

    #Electricité #Privatisation #Corruption #Kurdes

  • State-owned broadcaster makes TL 800 million from tax in electricity bills

    Plus de 50% de la propagande télévisée AKP (via la 1ère chaine publique) est financée par les citoyens turcs eux mêmes grâce à une taxe indirecte sur leurs factures d’électricité...

    The amount that the state-run Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) made in 2013 from taxpayers’ electricity bills totaled TL 800 million, which is 54 percent of its total annual revenue, according to a report released by the Court of Accounts on Dec. 31, 2014.

    Totaling TL 1.48 billion in 2013, TRT’s revenue for the year was composed of TL 800 million from a TRT tax on electricity bills TL 560 million in fees from the sale of every device containing a radio or television transmitter and TL 110 million in advertising revenue.

    Electricity subscribers are charged a tax which goes to TRT which amounts to as much as 2 percent of their electricity bills. In spite of the fact that the institution’s commercial revenues decreased in 2013, its earnings from the electricity tax surged 20.9 percent. While in 2012 the electricity bill tax generated TL 662 million according to the report, the corresponding figure was TL 800 million in 2013. The total expenditure of TRT, meanwhile, totaled TL 1.27 billion in 2013.

    Indirect taxation has long been an issue in Turkey, where two-thirds of governmental revenues are levied from citizens via indirect taxes. When it came to the power first in 2002, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government pledged to remove the TRT contribution from electricity bills in order to supply cheap and sustainable electricity to the public. However, since then taxpayers have continued to subsidize TRT.

    The state-run TRT has come under sharp criticism for also its favoritism in the coverage of then- Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, particularly since the official start of the presidential election campaign in July 2014. Although the Constitution requires TRT to offer fair coverage to political leaders, Erdoğan appeared on TRT Haber, a subsidiary of TRT, for a total of 559 minutes during the election period. While Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu, the joint presidential candidate of the two leading opposition parties, the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), was given a chance to appear on TRT Haber for 137 minutes, the public broadcaster devoted 18 minutes to the last candidate, the leader of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), Selahattin Demirtaş. Meanwhile, TRT Türk, another subsidiary of TRT, aired five hours and 26 minutes of Erdoğan in three days, with no other candidates being broadcasted at any time on the station during the election period. As a result of this unfair coverage during the election period, TRT was given the highest penalty in its history by the Supreme Election Board (YSK)

    #Electricité #Politique #taxation