person:recep tayyip erdogan

  • Opération « #Rameau_d'olivier » : images de la ville syrienne d’Afrin bombardée par les F-16 turcs — RT en français

    La ville d’Afrin, dans le district sous contrôle kurde du même nom, a été bombardée le 20 janvier par huit avions de combat turcs de type F-16.

    Cette attaque aérienne s’inscrit dans le cadre de l’opération militaire turque appelée « Rameau d’olivier », qui a « commencé de facto sur le terrain » le 20 janvier, selon une déclaration du président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. 

    Le même jour, le Premier ministre turc Binali Yildirim a fait savoir que les forces armées turques avaient « débuté une campagne aérienne pour détruire des éléments [des Unités de protection du peuple (YPG)] ». Il a ajouté que huit avions de chasse F-16 avaient été déployés par l’armée turque dans le cadre de cette opération.

    Les images captées sur place par l’agence Ruptly montrent des explosions et un panache de fumée noire s’élever au-dessus de la ville d’Afrin.

    #zeytin_dalı #olive_branch

    • Les forces russes en Syrie redéployées suite au début de l’offensive turque - Sputnik France

      Après le lancement par la Turquie de l’opération Rameau d’olivier en Syrie, les forces russes ont été retirées de la zone concernée, selon le ministère de la Défense.

      Le commandement des forces russes stationnées en Syrie a pris des mesures pour assurer la sécurité des militaires à Afrin, théâtre de l’opération turque contre les formations kurdes, a annoncé le ministère russe de la Défense.

      « Pour prévenir d’éventuelles provocations et éviter tout risque pour la vie et la santé des militaires russes, le groupe opérationnel du Centre pour la réconciliation des parties en conflit en Syrie et de la police militaire a été transféré dans la région de Tell Adjar, de la zone de désescalade de Tell Rifaat », a indiqué le ministère.

    • Opération « Rameau d’olivier »

      L’objectif de l’opération militaire turque dans l’enclave kurde d’Afrine est d’établir une « zone de sécurité » d’une profondeur de 30 km à partir de la frontière entre la Turquie et la Syrie. Florence Parly, la ministre française des armées, a appelé la Turquie à cesser ses opérations contre les Kurdes syriens, craignant qu’ils ne détournent leur forces, très engagées au sein de la coalition à laquelle la France appartient, « du combat primordial » contre le terrorisme. La France demande une réunion urgente du Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU. Les Kurdes sont en première ligne dans la guerre contre l’organisation État islamique, et notamment sa capitale autoproclamée, Rakka, qu’ils ont libérée en octobre dernier.

      Dans Le, Marie Jego, correspondante à Istanbul, détaille les intentions affichées du gouvernement turc : « faire en sorte d’éviter que la Turquie « ne perde son contact géographique avec le monde arabe ». Bizarre… En fait, la principale crainte des Turcs est de voir la région d’Afrine et celle de Kobané former une continuité territoriale pour achever le « corridor » qui permettrait aux Kurdes de « gagner la Méditerranée ».

      Et puis il s’agirait aussi « de favoriser le retour chez eux de trois millions de réfugiés syriens ». Mais la région d’Afrine héberge déjà 800 000 personnes, dont beaucoup de déplacés venus des autres régions de Syrie.

      Si le gouvernement syrien s’est offusqué de l’intervention, menaçant d’abattre les avions turcs sur son territoire, son allié russe semble s’en accommoder à seule fin de préserver le « Congrès pour le dialogue national syrien », les 29 et 30 janvier à Sotchi. « Erdogan semble dire à Poutine, donne-moi Afrine et je te rends Idlib », avance un diplomate. La lutte d’influence et d’intérêts contradictoires des puissances étrangères se poursuit donc sur le territoire syrien, au détriment des populations.

      En Turquie, où le chef de l’Etat a mis en garde le principal parti pro-kurde, dont les leaders sont en prison, contre toute tentative d’organiser des manifestations d’opposition à cette offensive, ce parti était le seul à appeler à manifester à Istanbul et à Diyarbakir. Hier après-midi, sur la rive asiatique du Bosphore, les forces de police étaient plus nombreuses que les manifestants.

    • Zeytin Dalı harekatı nedir? Zeytin Dalı’nın anlamı ne? - Son Dakika Haberler

      Zeytin Dalı harekatı nedir? Zeytin Dalı’nın anlamı ne?

      Peki operasyona neden Zeytin Dalı adı veridi? Hürriyet muhabiri Uğur Ergan’ın verdiği bilgiye göre Zeytin Dalı’nın hem bölgenin zeytin ağaçlarıyla kaplı olması hem de barışı temsil etmesi nedeniyle kullanıldığı bildirildi.

    • Syrie : l’armée turque poursuit son offensive dans l’enclave kurde d’Afrin

      Le premier ministre, Binali Yildirim, a indiqué dimanche à la chaîne de télévision Habertürk qu’Ankara cherchait à créer une zone de sécurité d’une profondeur de trente kilomètres en territoire syrien. Il a exigé des médias une couverture exemplaire, selon un vade-mecum en quinze points qui préconise notamment « la vigilance » envers les informations publiées par la presse étrangère critique de la Turquie et dit qu’il faut « montrer que les armes utilisées pour l’opération ont été fabriquées en Turquie ».

    • Comment éviter les #fake_news à Afrin, check-list en 15 points aimablement fournie par le gouvernement turc.

      Yıldırım’dan medyaya 15 maddelik Afrin talimatı

      Başbakan Yıldırım’ın medyaya verdiği 15 maddelik “dikkat edilecekler” listesi şöyle:
      • Haber ve yorumlarda bu harekatın tamamen terör örgütlerine yönelik olduğu ve terör örgütlerini etkisiz hale getirmeyi amaçlayıp sivil halkı koruduğunun ön plana çıkarılması
      • Yabancı haber kaynaklarının özellikle PKK, PYD, YPG, DEAŞ kaynakları üzerinden Türkiye aleyhine yapacağı haberler konusunda dikkatli olunması
      • Uluslararası haber kaynaklarının Türkiye aleyhine yapacağı haberleri yansıtırken Türkiye’nin milli menfaatlerinin gözetilmesi
      • Sivillere yönelik saldırı konusunda silahlı kuvvetlerin gösterdiği hassasiyetin hatırlatılması
      • TSK’nın Afrin’de yaptığı operasyon sadece PKK/PYD’ye yönelik değil DEAŞ’a yönelik olduğunun da ön plana çıkarılması
      • Özellikle görsel medyada sıcak çatışma bölgesine girerek askerlerin can güvenliğinin ateşe atılmaması
      • Operasyonun Türkiye’nin yerli ve milli silah üretimi ve kabiliyetiyle olduğunun hatırlatılması
      • Mehmetçiğin can güvenliğini tehlikeye sokacak görsellere yer verilmemesi, TSK’nın taktik bilgilerinin paylaşılmaması
      • Karşı taraf adına istihbari bilgi içeren detaylara girilmemesi 
      • Yurt içinde PKK ve uzantılı siyasi oluşumların Afrin operasyonuna karşı düzenleyeceği eylemler ve açıklamaların ön plana çıkarılmaması
      • Olası şehit haberleri verilirken titiz davranılması
      • Yabancı basında yapılan operasyon haberlerinin ulusal basına aynen taşınmaması
      • Bu operasyona karşı PKK ve PYD’nin TSK’yı ‘işgalci’ gösterme gayreti olduğunu ifade eden Yıldırım, ‘Bilgisi ve tecrübesi olan insanlardan görüş alınabilir’ dedi. Türkiye’ye karşı olumsuz algı yaratacak kişilerden görüş alınmamasını önerdi.
      • PKK/PYD’nin moralini yükseltecek haberler yapılmaması
      • Operasyon süresince kamuoyunu bilgilendirmek için hem hükümetin hem AKP’nin görevlendirmiş olduğu Bekir Bozdağ ve Mahir Ünal’la her türlü kanaldan temas kurularak basının doğru bilgiye ulaşması gerektiğini vurguladı.

    • Tiens voilà une #vraie_nouvelle vérifiée par les porte-parole du gouvernement et de l’AKP !

      (je la mets aussi à cause du choix judicieux de l’illustration…)

      Le PKK / PYD a l’intention d’utiliser les civils d’Afrin comme boucliers humains lors de l’opération turque à Afrin - Red’Action

      La branche syrienne de l’organisation terroriste PKK, le Parti de l’Union démocratique (PYD), empêche les civils de quitter le district syrien d’Afrin.

      En propageant la propagande selon laquelle la Turquie fait du tort au peuple kurde de la région, le PKK / PYD envisage d’utiliser les habitants d’Afrin comme boucliers humains.

  • Macron ferme la porte de l’UE à Erdoğan

    Emmanuel Macron et #Recep_Tayyip_Erdogan en partance pour la conférence de presse, vendredi 5 janvier 2018. © Reuters Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a été reçu dans l’après-midi du vendredi 5 janvier par #Emmanuel_Macron à l’Élysée. Pour s’apercevoir que Paris ne briserait pas son isolement diplomatique. La conférence de presse commune fut pénible et symptomatique…

    #International #turquie

  • Macron ferme la porte de l’UE à Erdoğan

    Emmanuel Macron et #Recep_Tayyip_Erdogan en partance pour la conférence de presse, vendredi 5 janvier 2018. © Reuters Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a été reçu dans l’après midi du vendredi 5 janvier par #Emmanuel_Macron à l’Élysée. Pour s’apercevoir que Paris ne briserait pas son isolement diplomatique. La conférence de presse commune fut pénible et symptomatique...

    #International #turquie

    • Ça fait des décennies que la porte d’entrée de l’ue est bloquée pour la Turquie.

      Voudrait t’on nous faire croire qu’Imanuel Macronitovitch, celui qui éclaire l’humanité de sa science, et de son savoir, et que le monde nous envie, y soit pour quelque chose ?

  • German Foreign Ministry rejects additional winter aid for refugees on Greek islands

    The German Foreign Ministry has made it clear that it will not provide additional winter assistance to refugees on the Aegean islands. In a related question from German newspapers, the foreign ministry replied that “responsibility for accommodating and feeding refugees falls under the jurisdiction of each country.”

    According to dpa, the Foreign Ministry recalled that Berlin recently funded the installation of 135 heated containers for a total of 800 people in two camps in the Thessaloniki region and that the EU has allocated up to now 1.4 billion euros to tackle the refugee crisis in Greece.

    Meanwhile, there is media report that Greece has persuaded Turkey to accept migrant returns from the mainland in order to reduce critical overcrowding in its refugee camps.

    The Kathimerini daily said the agreement came during a strained two-day state visit by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan this week, during which he angered his hosts with talk of revising borders and complaints about Greece’s treatment of its Muslim minority.

    The deal is in addition to Turkey’s existing agreement to take back migrants from Aegean island camps, under the terms of an EU-Turkey pact.

  • How to Launder $1 Billion of Iranian Oil - Bloomberg

    It wasn’t until he appeared in court on Nov. 29 that the full story surfaced. The FBI had removed him from jail to protect him from threats, keeping him under guard at an undisclosed location. By then, Zarrab had secretly pleaded guilty to all the charges against him and agreed to help the U.S. government. As part of his deal, prosecutors offered him and his family witness protection.

    Over more than a week on the witness stand, Zarrab spun a stunning tale of corruption and double-dealing that reached the highest levels of the Turkish government, all the way up to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The case has further soured Washington and Ankara’s already strained relationship, revealing how America’s longtime ally may have helped Iran undermine sanctions even as Turkey received millions of dollars in U.S. aid. Nine people have been charged, including Turkey’s former economy minister and past chief executive officer of Halkbank, a major Turkish bank owned by the government. Of them, only one—a senior Halkbank executive named Mehmet Hakan Atilla, Zarrab’s former co-defendant—is on trial. The others have all avoided U.S. arrest.

    In court, Zarrab laid out how he paid tens of millions of dollars in bribes to Turkish government officials and banking executives to win their assistance—and cover—for the money laundering operation. He dropped a bombshell on his second day of testimony, when he implicated Erdogan as part of the scheme, saying he was told Turkey’s president gave orders that two Turkish banks be included in the plot.

    #Turquie #Iran

  • Solidarité avec les universitaires turcs dont les procès s’ouvrent mardi 5 décembre

    Parmi les soutiens possibles (document intitulé What do do) :
    1. Partager l’appel à solidarité ; montrer votre solidarité en suivant les procès et en les commentant sur vos réseaux sociaux, ou en écrivant des articles de blogs ou de journaux sur le sujet. Des informations sont disponibles ici : or
    2. Contacter si vous souhaitez assister aux procès en tant qu’observateur, ou écrivez à une association des droits de l’homme pour qu’elle envoie un délégué.
    3. Signer la pétition pour soutenir le boycott des universités complices en Turquie ;
    4. Informer vos organisations professionnelles ou le sénat de votre université pour qu’elles prennent acte contre les institutions complices telle le Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK ; ;
    5. Soutenir financièrement les enseignants-chercheurs démis de leurs fonctions en faisant un don au syndicat qui les soutient, ici

    N’hésitez pas à faire circuler dans vos réseaux universitaires, syndicaux, et militants.

    #solidarité #résistance #Turquie #université #purge #coup #universitaires_pour_la_paix #procès

    @isskein : je vais essayer de mettre sur ce fil ce que je trouve sur cet horrible procès

    • 147 universitaires au tribunal d’Erdogan

      Ils comparaissent à partir de ce mardi pour avoir signé une pétition réclamant la paix au Kurdistan turc. Les purges du président continuent.

      Ce mardi débute à Istanbul les procès de près de 150 universitaires turcs, accusés de « propagande terroriste », pour avoir signé une pétition appelant à la paix. Ces derniers mois, leur pays semble sorti des radars médiatiques européens. Comme s’il existait une lassitude face à la répétition, la répression interminable, cette purge sans fin. Dans ce silence relatif, la dérive autocratique se poursuit pourtant, le pays s’enfonce. Et ces procès de chercheurs illustrent bien la paranoïa, l’arbitraire, dans lesquels se débattent désormais les démocrates turcs.

    • Blog dédié au procès:
      Academics for Peace - A Case Study. Documenting and Contextualizing the Instrumentalization of the Law in Turkey

      The law is usually associated as antagonistic to despotism, thought of as a source of freedom. But events in Turkey and other countries have shown how is the law instrumentalised in order to suppress academic freedom. This blog documents judicial proceedings against the Academics for Peace as an example to study a phenomenon that can be witnessed all over the globe.

      At the end of 2015, the predominantly Kurdish regions of Turkey entered an intensifying spiral of violence. Curfews were enforced in different cities and districts lasting for days, weeks and even months. Entire neighbourhoods were razed to the ground. People were left homeless, many lost their lives. In the face of these developments, 1128 academics decided not to remain silent and issued a statement titled “We will not be a party to this crime!”. It called on the government and the security forces to abide by domestic and international law and to return to the peace process that had been interrupted after the national elections of June 7, 2015. After the petition was made public, the Academics for Peace were specifically targeted by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and subsequently turned into objects of hatred and defamation in the media. Since then, they have been attacked and threatened and became subject to administrative and criminal investigations. Some were arrested and kept in prison for more than one month. Hundreds of them have been dismissed from their positions by order of the Council of Education and university administrations. Under the state of emergency declared after the coup attempt of July 15, 2016, hundreds of Academics for Peace were removed from universities and banned from public service. Their passports have been invalidated hindering these academics from travelling abroad. In December 2017, judicial proceedings begin against the signatories, on the charge of “propaganda for a terrorist organization.”

      This blog is curated by Academics for Peace Germany e.V. Its aim is, on the one hand, to create an archive of factual and up-to-date information on the ongoing developments that researchers, journalists and others with an interest in the topic can rely on. On the other hand, this blog will provide contextualization and analysis from a variety of different disciplines and theoretic approaches, in preparation of a planned research network on the instrumentalization of law for the suppression of academic freedom in Turkey and elsewhere.

    • A Commentary on the Indictment against Academics for Peace

      The following text consists of a summary of the body of the Bill of Indictment with relevant commentaries in the footnotes. Although the penal case against the Academics for Peace petition has been filed on an individual basis regarding the signatories, each case shares a uniform Bill of Indictment [1]. Several Assize Courts in Istanbul have been appointed as the court-on-duty for the cases—each of them using this uniform Bill of Indictment as the basis of the criminal process. You can also read this commentary as a PDF.


      The criminal proceedings against several hundreds of academics in Turkey who signed a petition for peace (Academics for Peace) continue in Istanbul. They are individually sued in various Assize Courts. Some cases are recently concluded, the courts of first instances found the academics guilty for “carrying out terrorist propaganda” and sentenced them to 15 months of prison. We are currently waiting the decision of the Court of Appeal.
      We want to highlight these rulings against the signatories and request for urgent international support from our European colleagues.
      In a petition made public in January 2016 , more than two thousand academics and researchers from Turkey, supported by several hundred international academics—called on the Turkish government to abide by domestic and international law and to return to the peace process that had been interrupted in July 2015. After the petition was made public, the signatories were specifically targeted by President Erdoğan and subsequently attacked, threatened and became subject to administrative and criminal investigations. Some were arrested and kept in prison. In October 2017, some signatories of the petition, mostly the ones who are or were working at the universities in Istanbul, started to receive subpoenas, summoning them to the court with an accusation of carrying out terrorist propaganda.
      As of April 30, 2018, more than 260 signatories are individually sued in various Assize Courts of Istanbul. They are separately tried according to hundreds of copy-pasted indictments with an identical content. There is also one group case against four signatories who read a second press statement of Academics for Peace on March 10, 2016. This statement condemned the persecution of signatory academics and affirmed signatories’ commitment to the wording of the petition of January 2016. The four signatories are arrested and were held in pre-trial detention for 40 days.
      There are 2212 signatories of the petition, only around 300 of them have been sued so far. Furthermore 386 signatories have been officially listed as persons affiliated to terrorist organisations in the state of emergency decree-laws, dismissed from their positions, banned from public service for life and had their passports cancelled. But there is only a limited overlapping between the “sued signatories” and the “decreed signatories”.
      The indictment included no attestations that are based on factual evidences, was full of inconsistencies and even manipulated the facts by altering the translated versions of the petition . Against this arbitrariness, the signatories have defended themselves with emphasizing their responsibility as academics that instigates them not to remain silent against historical occurrences. As researchers, lecturers and scientists from numerous fields, they have all underlined their responsibility as a point of intersection, which made them come together through the demand for peace.
      The differences between the qualifications of the “crime” committed by the signatories by different courts demonstrate also arbitrariness of the judicial proceedings. The individual cases against the signatories are engaged with the charge of carrying out terrorist propaganda. The indictment in the group case against the four academics also, initially accused them under Article 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Act . However, at the first hearing on April 22, 2016, the Public Prosecutor announced that he considered a different qualification for the “crime” committed and intended to launch a new investigation under Article 301 of the Penal Code. That article prohibits “degrading the Turkish Nation and the State of the Republic of Turkey and the organs and institutions of the State.” The Prosecutor requested the Court to stop the proceedings under Article 7/2 pending the required permission by the Minister of Justice for an investigation on charges under Article 301. The awaited decision by the Ministry of Justice in relation to the request for permission for an investigation under Article 301 of the Penal Code has reached the Court in November 2017.
      In order to define an act as propaganda for a terrorist organization under Article 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Act, there must be an act having the characteristics of propaganda, which carried out in such a way that legitimizes or praises the coercive, violent and threatening actions of terrorist organizations or encourages the employment of these methods. In the Academics for Peace’s petition, there is no single expression having the characteristics of propaganda in favour of a terrorist organization. Neither does it legitimize or praise the coercive, violent and threatening methods of a terrorist organization nor does it encourage the employment of such methods.
      As to the charge under Article 301 of the Penal Code, the act of signing the petition cannot be considered an offence under the third paragraph of the article, which explicitly excludes from its scope “expressions of an opinion for the purpose of criticism”.
      The focal point of all the hearings against Academics for Peace was the lack of clarity regarding the charges. Along with the requests for immediate acquittal, defence lawyers underlined the uncertainty surrounding the definition of the charges by pointing to the decision of the Minister to grant permission for an investigation under Article 301 in the case against four academics. Lawyers of some signatories requested the courts to merge the cases of all academics, including the one viewed before the 13th Assize Court against four signatories. They emphasized the need to avoid inconsistencies in the charges on which the prosecution will proceed and in the conclusions to be reached by different courts in relation to one identical act. On similar grounds, the courts with the exception of 35th Assize Court, dismissed the requests for rejoinder of the cases.
      This routine of requests, pleas, rejections and objections had kept going on until the 23th of February, where the 34th Assize Court of Istanbul had given its first expedited judgment and found three of the academics guilty for “carrying out terrorist propaganda” under article 7/2 of the Anti-Terror Act. They have been sentenced to 15 months of imprisonment as the courts have decided that the punishment shall be aggravated as the crime of carrying out terrorist propaganda has been deemed to be committed through means of media.
      The courts, relying on the Penal Procedure Code, have offered the academics an option: the deferment of the announcement of the verdict, which enables the court not to announce the decision, and in the case that the defendant will not be found guilty for another crime in a certain period, to foreclose the case. When the accused accepts this mechanism to be applied, then the qualification of the action as a crime becomes officialised and the accused becomes deprived of any rights on appealing the case at a higher court .
      Until today 13 academics have their judgments delivered and 12 of them have accepted to resort to the mechanism of the deferment of the announcement of the verdict. And so far, one signatory had refused the application of this mechanism. As can be seen in the verdict (which is available in the appendices), the Court had rejected the suspension of the punishment upon the grounds that she had not exhibited any expression of remorse. This academic has applied to the Court for Appeal (Istinaf) and she faces the risk of imprisonment.
      Hundreds of other proceedings against other signatories are still on the course. It is still not clear in which way these 13 first rulings will affect the copy-pasted cases considering that the judiciary of the country is collapsing day by day under the state of emergency regime. The first case before the Court of Appeal will probably create a strong judicial precedent that will be highly persuasive while the decisions are made in the future cases against the other signatories. All signatories are tried before various Assize Courts in Istanbul. Istanbul Regional Court of Justice is the competent court for the appeals. The cases will be reviewed by the same two criminal chambers of this Regional Court having competence on cases related to the Anti-Terror Act.
      Today, it is crucial to ask an international support for our colleagues.
      – We would like to invite you to write a short analysis on the verdicts delivered so far. For this purpose, we send you in the appendices the translation of the verdict against the signatory academic, who faces the risk of imprisonment. Please let us know if you were to write an analysis and to publish it on a blog of your choice so that we can also cross post it on the Blog of the Academics for Peace-Germany. If you wish to publish your analysis on this blog, you can directly send it to us.
      – Many academics from different countries assist the hearings as observers. You can be in solidarity in the courtrooms. The presence of international observers during the hearings is crucial.
      Please also feel free to distribute this call for solidarity among scholars who would be interested in supporting our call by either participating in the hearings or by writing a short analysis.
      These actions for solidarity will certainly not suffice to change the course of this politically motivated trials, but certainly influence the way the hearings are held, strengthen the legal struggle of the Academics for Peace under judicial harassment.
      Thank you for your concern and solidarity.

      Academics for Peace – Germany
      Legal Working Group

      For more information about the judicial proceedings against Academics for Peace, including the reports and comments of the international observers, please check our blog:
      For a detailed flow of the hearing processes, please check:
      For the calendar of the hearings, please check:

      Document word reçu via email le 14.05.2018, et que j’ai copié-collé ici.
      Texte accompagnant le message:

      Plus de 260 universitaires signataires de pétition des Universitaires pour la Paix sont actuellement en procédures et plusieurs décisions ont déjà été prises. Certains de nos collègues ont traduit l’acte d’accusation, et plusieurs textes analytiques discutent des procédures et de leurs conséquences.

    • Avant d’entrer en prison à Istanbul, #Füsun_Üstel traite de l’histoire de la citoyenneté en Turquie…

      Toujours aussi déterminée et ferme sur ses principes, notre collègue historienne et professeure de sciences politiques à l’Université de Galatasaray, Füsun Üstel, a prononcé il y a quelques jours à Istanbul une dernière conférence publique avant d’entrer en prison pour 15 mois (

      ). Le thème abordé traitait, et ce choix ne devait évidemment rien au hasard, de « L’histoire de la citoyenneté dans la Turquie républicaine », une histoire sur laquelle Füsun a beaucoup travaillé et publié.

      Je découvre dans ce même article qu’elle a travaillé à #Grenoble :

      « Pour la connaître depuis longtemps, et avoir travaillé et enseigné avec elle à Istanbul et à Grenoble, nous ne doutons pas que Füsun saura continuer derrière les barreaux de sa prison pour femmes d’Istanbul son activité d’intellectuelle engagée et de pédagogue… »

      Petite recherche et je me rends compte qu’elle est chercheuse extérieure dans le « Groupe d’études sur la Turquie et l’Europe » à #Pacte :

  • Trafic d’or : un homme d’affaires accuse #Erdogan devant un tribunal new-yorkais

    Le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan. © Reuters Témoin clé d’un retentissant procès à New York sur un trafic d’or visant à contourner via la #turquie les sanctions américaines contre l’Iran, l’homme d’affaires turco-iranien #Reza_Zarrab a accusé devant les juges le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan d’avoir aidé activement les trafiquants.

    #International #Iran #Trafic_d'or

  • L’avenir de la Syrie : de quoi ont convenu la Russie, la Turquie et l’Iran

    Lors du sommet tenu mercredi dans la ville russe de Sotchi, Vladimir Poutine, Recep Tayyip Erdogan et Hassan Rohani ont évoqué l’avenir de la Syrie d’après la guerre. Les points clés de cette rencontre à la loupe d’un politologue.

    Vacuum de la responsabilité

    Le monde actuel s’est habitué à une réflexion de blocs et d’« axes » dans la politique internationale, dont le fameux « axe du mal », dont les composantes n’ont pas cessé de changer. Moscou a appelé, au sens figuré du terme, à construire des « axes de l’ordre » partenaires au lieu de ces « axes du bien et du mal » antagonistes. Il s’agit de coopérer au niveau régional afin de maintenir conjointement la stabilité et le développement progressif dans leurs régions. Telle serait, selon Moscou, la structure d’un monde (...)

  • Turkey Eyeing Further Expansion in Northern Syria, Say Rebels

    After establishing a presence in northern Idlib and western Aleppo over the past month, Turkish troops and Turkey-backed rebels are now looking to expand their area of control along the border by moving further east into Aleppo’s countryside, a rebel spokesman told Syria Deeply.

    Although Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said last week that his country’s operation in northeast Syria was nearly complete, Ankara recently dispatched reconnaissance teams to new areas, and some rebels reported being in talks to hand over their positions to Turkish forces, according to a military spokesman for the Syrian opposition faction Nour al-Din al-Zenki.

    Ankara began its cross-border operation with the purported aim of enforcing a de-escalation zone in Idlib, which was agreed upon by Russia, Turkey and Iran in the Kazakh capital of Astana in September. So far, its troops have deployed only in areas separating the opposition and Kurdish forces. The Turks have not moved into front-line areas between rebels and the Syrian regime.

    According to Abdul Salam Abdul Razzaq, Turkey is looking to replicate this strategy further east. He told Syria Deeply that Nour al-Din al-Zenki had already agreed to hand over its positions in rural Aleppo to Turkish forces.

    He added that although it had not been determined exactly where the Turkish troops would be stationed, Ankara was looking to establish observation posts in the Sheikh Aqil Mountains, located in the al-Bab district, which Turkey liberated from the so-called Islamic State last year.

  • Six journalistes jugés pour avoir divulgué des secrets du clan Erdogan

    Une trentaine de personnes ont manifesté devant le palais de justice leur soutien à leurs confrères. Sur la banderole, on peut lire : « Informer n’est pas un crime. Liberté pour les journalistes ». © N. C. Le procès de six journalistes turcs, accusés de liens avec des organisations terroristes après avoir publié des informations sur les correspondances électroniques de Berat Albayrak, ministre de l’énergie et gendre du président Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a débuté mardi à Istanbul. Les courriels, piratés par des hackers, ont mis en évidence une possible implication du clan Erdogan dans un trafic de pétrole avec l’Irak.

    #International #Journalisme #turquie

  • The Official James Petras website » The Middle East Pivot: Erdogan’s Turkey Seven Deadly Sins

    Multiple wars ravage the Middle East. Turkey has inserted itself into the middle of most of these regional conflicts and ended up a loser. Under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey has intervened and formed alliances with a rogue’s gallery of imperial warlords, terrorists-mercenaries, Zionist expansionists, feudal potentates and obscure tribal chiefs, with disastrous economic, political and military consequences for the Turkish nation.…

  • La #Turquie lance une opération militaire à Idlib en #Syrie

    La Turquie a conclu le 15 septembre avec l’Iran et la Russie un accord sur le déploiement d’observateurs aux franges de la province d’Idlib, qui est contrôlée par une alliance rebelle conduite par l’ex-front Al #Nosra, anciennement affilié à #Al_Qaïda.

    La province d’Idlib a été définie par les trois pays comme une zone de « désescalade » où doit être mis en place un cessez-le-feu. Mais l’alliance islamiste, baptisée Tahrir al Cham, refuse cette trêve même si Ankara est parvenue à persuader deux des groupes de l’alliance à faire défection.

    « Nous ne permettrons jamais l’existence d’un sanctuaire terroriste le long de nos frontières avec la Syrie », a déclaré samedi Recep Tayyip Erdogan. « Nous continuerons à prendre d’autres initiatives après l’opération d’Idlib. »

  • La #Turquie va déployer des troupes dans la province d’Idlib

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - La Turquie déploiera des troupes dans la province syrienne d’Idlib dans le cadre de l’accord sur les zones de désescalade en #Syrie conclu avec l’#Iran et la #Russie, a déclaré jeudi le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    « L’accord sur la zone de désescalade est une idée prometteuse (...) en vertu de laquelle les Russes assurent la sécurité à l’extérieur d’Idlib et la Turquie assure la sécurité à l’intérieur », a dit le chef de l’Etat à Reuters, en marge de l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies qui se tient à New York.

  • Turkey • Review on the hostage taking-Kedistan

    @Ad Nauseam - I would have preferred writing an exit ticket for this fall re-entry. An exit ticket for all the hostages in Turkey. Cem Özdemir, leader of the German Green Party and of Turkish origin declared to Bild : “President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is not a president, he’s a hostage taker. » This declaration (...)

    #Kedistan / #Mediarezo

  • Ahmet Sik au #procès de « Cumhuriyet » : « Le gang que vous cherchez dirige le pays »

    Ahmet Sik lors de sa déposition au procès du quotidien « Cumhuriyet », le 26 juillet 2017. © Zeynep Özatalay Au troisième jour du procès intenté à 17 salariés du quotidien d’opposition #Cumhuriyet pour « aide à des organisations terroristes », le journaliste d’investigation Ahmet Sik a fait sensation en convoquant le gouvernement turc et le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan à la barre des accusés.

    #International #journalistes #turquie

  • Turkey Sees Foes at Work in Gold Mines, Cafes and ‘Smurf Village’

    The episode proved to be a dry run for a nationwide series of confiscations that began soon after an attempt to overthrow the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on July 15 last year. Since then, more than 950 companies have been expropriated, all of them purportedly linked to Fethullah Gulen, the Muslim cleric who Turkish leaders say masterminded the putsch.
    #Turquie #confiscations #économie #expropriation #entreprises

  • Why is neoliberalism back in Latin America? | Business & Economy | Al Jazeera

    Curiously enough, some 25 years later neoliberalism has made a comeback to the region. Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru have proud neoliberals serving as presidents these days.

    And this is just when the whole world - Donald Trump in the US, Theresa May in the UK, Narendra Modi in India, Vladimir Putin in Russia and Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey to name but a few - is clearly going protectionist. 

    In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Latin America could not keep pace with other rising states and started to consider an anachronistic repertoire of solutions. In the end, under the risk of “playing the sucker”, developing countries from the Western hemisphere decided to open their economies to the outside world, without enjoying any reciprocity in terms of tariffs and trade preferences.

    Why so? Despite all bad memories that neoliberalism evokes in Latin America, political leaders appear to be self-assured: That is the only way to economic salvation. There is no alternative!

  • How to Weed Creationism Out of Schools - Facts So Romantic

    A 2008 nationally representative survey of U.S. high school biology teachers found that nearly half of the responders agreed or strongly agreed that creationism or intelligent design was “a valid, scientific alternative” to evolution.Image by José-Manuel Benitos / WikicommonsOne of the latest victims of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s authoritarian regime in Turkey isn’t a journalist, or dissident academic, but the concept of evolution. His government’s decision to erase Darwin’s idea—the bedrock of biology—from the high school curriculum will take effect in September (if a lawsuit against the move fails). Classes on evolution will, for now, still be taught at the university level. This is the apparent apotheosis of a recent trend to Islamize secular education in Turkey. References to the Muslim faith (...)

  • Mapping Media Freedom: Turkey continues to use judicial harassment as a means to silence journalists

    The first hearing of the ongoing trial of Turkish journalists for involvement in last year’s coup took place on Monday 19 June. Political commentators and brothers #Ahmet_Altan and #Mehmet_Altan are accused of offences against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the Turkish government including “attempting to overthrow the Government of Turkey” and using “subliminal messaging” to encourage the coup.
    #harcèlement #Turquie #liberté_de_la_presse #journalisme #presse #médias
    cc @isskein

  • Al Jazeera Is At the Center of the Qatar Crisis

    The climate changed in the summer of 2013, after the Egyptian army overthrew Mohamed Morsi, the elected Muslim Brotherhood president. On August 14, as security forces were brutally clearing a pro-Morsi sit-in, an Al Jazeera English presenter asked a Brotherhood spokesperson a valid question: why were women and children still present at a protest that would inevitably be targeted by the authorities? The anchor was almost immediately pulled off the air and reprimanded for being insufficiently sympathetic to the group. For months, she was barred from presenting the news and relegated to a pre-recorded chat show. There was also an internal struggle over how to cover that summer’s protests against Turkey’s Islamist president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Still, much of the English programming remains fair and objective—adjectives that no longer apply to its Arabic sister channel. Shortly after the coup against Morsi, Ahmed Mansour, a prominent anchor, was quoted on the Brotherhood’s website as saying that the interim Egyptian president was a Jew carrying out an Israeli plot. Faisal al-Qassim, another presenter, once hosted a segment on whether Syria’s Alawite population deserved genocide. In 2014, the channel’s Iraqi affairs editor tweeted approvingly about the Camp Speicher massacre, in which the Islamic State killed more than 1,500 air-force cadets in Tikrit after singling out the Shia and non-Muslims. Some journalists quit in protest; the ones who remained continue to push a sectarian, pro-Sunni Islamist line. Though Al Jazeera is still widely watched, its reputation has been tarnished as its ratings have dropped.

  • #Turquie : réunion de l’#opposition au bord d’une route

    Le chef du principal parti d’opposition turc a dirigé mardi une réunion de groupe parlementaire inhabituelle, au bord d’une route, au sixième jour d’une « marche pour la justice » en défi au président Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
    #manifestation #résistance

  • Confréries soufies et politique en Turquie

    Entre les cemaat et les ordres : les coulisses de Gülen
    La force spirituelle de Fethullah Gülen, [exilé aux États-Unis depuis 1999, NdlR] est fondée sur la structure d’une cemaat [communauté religieuse]. Les cemaat naissent dans les décennies suivant la proclamation de la République de Turquie, en 1923. C’est la nouvelle manière d’être « soufi » [tradition spirituelle islamique répandue en général dans l’Islam et de manière particulière dans l’Empire ottoman], après l’interdiction totale et radicale de tous les ordres par le fondateur de la République, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, et la Grande assemblée nationale en 1925. Cette fermeture définitive des ordres et de tous les couvents (tekke) où les membres se retrouvaient pour accomplir des rites initiatiques, découle de la volonté d’Atatürk de balayer l’héritage ottoman et islamique historique de la nouvelle Turquie. On pourrait dire que Atatürk s’est senti obligé de supprimer le soufisme pour les mêmes raisons qui ont poussé le président turc actuel, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, a déclaré illicites les activités du mouvement Hizmet et de Gülen, ennemi public numéro un du pays selon lui. En effet, les ordres soufis constituaient un danger pour l’identité nationale turque naissante et ils étaient considérés comme un symbole du passé ottoman antimoderne. Les soufis subirent donc une véritable persécution. Parmi eux, le seul penseur et prêcheur charismatique de l’histoire républicaine qui s’est opposé pacifiquement au laïcisme forcé de Atatürk fut Said Nursî (m. 1960), à qui s’est inspiré Gülen. Les ordres soufis, désormais hors-la-loi, laissent la place aux cemaat, des communautés qui par rapport aux anciens ordres, ont une structure plus légère et invisible dans la société. Une cemaat se fonde sur le rapport d’obéissance entre le maître fondateur et le disciple. À la différence du soufisme traditionnel, elle ne prévoit pas de processus traditionnel d’initiation des disciples, mais seulement l’adhésion du cœur et de l’esprit. Cela signifie que les disciples ne doivent pas obligatoirement vivre au couvent avec leur maître étant donné que l’obéissance fonctionne aussi à distance. Gülen, de l’autre côté de l’océan, peut recevoir l’obéissance de nombreux disciples en Turquie et dans le monde.


  • Aleppo After the Fall - The New York Times

    One tragedy of Aleppo is that this rift between rich and poor was slowly mending in the years just before the 2011 uprisings. An economic renaissance was underway, fueled by thousands of small factories on the city’s outskirts. The workers were mostly from eastern Aleppo, and the owners from the west. A trade deal with Turkey, whose border is just 30 miles to the north, brought new business and tourists and optimism. I remember sitting at cafe table with two Turkish traders just outside the citadel in late 2009. Tourists thronged all around us, and the two men talked excitedly about how new joint ventures were melting the animosity between their country and Syria. “Erdogan and Assad, they are like real friends,” one of them said, referring to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey.

    This kind of optimism was one reason the revolution took so long to reach Aleppo. All through 2011, as the rest of Syria erupted in protest, its largest city was quiet. But by 2012, in the villages just beyond the city’s edges, weaponry was flowing in from across the Turkish border and battalions were being formed. “The countryside was boiling,” I was told by Adnan Hadad, an opposition activist who was there at the time and belonged to the Revolutionary Military Council in Aleppo, a group led by Syrian military officers who defected. The council was eager for more European and American recognition and sensitive to Western calls for the preservation of most of Syria’s state institutions. But local rural people tended to side with a more Islamist and less patient group called Liwa al-Tawheed. Tawheed’s members “considered themselves more authentic” and had begun getting their own funding from Persian Gulf donors, Hadad told me. In the spring of 2012, Tawheed’s members began pushing for a military takeover of Aleppo, accusing the council of excessive caution and even secret deals with the regime. The council resisted, saying they should move only when it was clear that the city’s people wanted them to. In July, Tawheed took matters into its own hands. Armed insurgents flooded eastern and southwestern parts of the city, taking over civilian houses as well as police stations in the name of the revolution. Hadad considered the move a “fatal mistake,” he told me, and resigned from the military council.

    By then, eastern Aleppo had become a rebel stronghold. In early 2013, elections for provincial councils took place, giving the rebels a civilian veneer. But the councils, initially funded by the Syrian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, were soon under pressure from the Nusra Front, the Syrian Qaeda affiliate, and other hard-line groups. Later, ISIS forces captured parts of the city and forced residents to live by their rigid code. In theory, Aleppo was an embattled showplace for the Syrian revolution’s aspirations. In fact, most civilians were dependent on a patchwork of armed rebel factions for food and protection. The constant pressure of war left almost no room for a real economy, and many of the city’s factories had been repurposed by the rebels as military bases.


      Years ago, Dyanne Thorne gave all her energies to courageously persuing The American Dream: “You Are Unlimited”. During 20 years of successful stage work, Dyanne married Howard Maurer and together they went on to another 30 years of successful producing and performing musical and comedy reviews, as well as television and film. the most interesting twist of all, they now officiate weddings worldwide.

      #exploitation_movie #porno

  • A Washington, #Erdogan mesure l’échec de sa politique syrienne

    En visite aux États-Unis, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan n’est pas parvenu à convaincre son homologue #Donald_Trump de renoncer à armer les milices kurdes de #Syrie, considérées par Ankara comme des adversaires irréductibles de la #turquie, mais choisies par l’administration américaine pour mener l’assaut contre les djihadistes de l’État islamique à Raqqa.

    #International #Etats-Unis