Rick Falkvinge, du #Parti_pirate, raconte dans ce billet avoir reçu un lot de câbles diplomatiques d’une source anonyme, pour la plupart inédits. La logique dévoilée par ces câbles est spectaculaire : l’ambassade américaine à Stockholm y est décrite comme l’initiatrice de toutes les lois et actions de répression contre l’internet, les poursuites contre the Pirate Bay, la rétention de données en Suède, avec le recours aux menaces de représailles commerciales qu’on a déjà vues dans les autres pays d’Europe.
Det kom en julklapp… | Rick Falkvinge (PP)
Kortfattat: varenda lag, varenda utredning som varit fientlig mot nätet, ungdomar och medborgarrätter här i Sverige de senaste åren har varit beställningsjobb av USAs regering och amerikanskt näringsliv. Vi anade att det var så, men hade trott att det kanske kommit lite härifrån och lite därifrån. Det var fel. Det var koordinerat och den svenska regeringen hade fått en checklista att bocka av, och beskrivs i diplomattelegrammen som “mycket samarbetsvillig” och “är helt med på noterna”.
Sedan 2006 har vi påstått att datalagring, polismetodutredning, utredningen som ville stänga av folk från nätet (Renforsutredningen), den politiska rättegången och förföljelsen av The Pirate Bay, IPRED och FRA alltihop är del i en större helhet, en sammanhängande helhet som är styrd av amerikanska intressen. Det har låtit konspiratoriskt i överkant. Rentav löjligt. Vi har menat att den amerikanska regeringen jagar på en systematisk nedmontering av medborgarrätter i Europa och på andra platser för att amerikanska företags dominans inte ska riskeras, och då framför allt på upphovsrätts- och patentområdet.
Men plötsligt stod det där i svart på vitt. Så långt att de tjänstemän på Justitiedepartementet som har skrivit själva lagtexten till IPRED, tjänstemän som jag har namngivit och kritiserat, har varit på ambassaden och fått instruktioner.
L’International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) avait demandé aux autorités suédoises d’appliquer six « actions prioritaires » :
Le câble Stockholm 09-141 explicite qu’en pratique, c’est l’ambassade qui est chargée de faire pression sur les autorités suédoises et de veiller à l’application des recommandations de l’industrie américaine (IIPA et PhRMA).
Câble Stockholm 09-141
3. (SBU) Embassy Stockholm believes it would be counter-productive to watch list Sweden at this point. Likely negative political and media reaction to a watch listing must be taken into account. The Justice Ministry, with primary responsibility for this issue, is fully on board and well aware of what is at stake. It is currently battling with the Ministry of Enterprise, Energy, and Communication about the next appropriate steps to curb internet piracy. Now that the Enforcement Directive implementation will finally enter into force on April 1, and there will soon be a first District court decision in the Pirate Bay case — the Justice Ministry will turn its attention to other key issues, primarily the ISP liability issue and extra resources to investigative capabilities. The GOS (led by the Justice Ministry) has to conduct a delicate balancing act, advancing this issue shortly before Sweden assumes the Presidency of the EU, in the early days of the Obama administration, and in the budding election campaign for the EU Parliamentary elections.
6. (SBU) Industry consultations/ISP liability: The GOS held a series of industry consultations in the summer/fall of 2008, with the explicit aim to discuss a voluntary industry agreement involving ISPs and right-holders organizations. Industry contacts reported that the ISP’s were not willing (they claim they are not able) to take on any action on a voluntary basis. The first round of consultations was concluded without results during the fall of 2008. The Justice Ministry is currently working internally in the GOS to get acceptance for a second round with a clear incentive for progress, i.e. threatening with legislation in the absence of a voluntary agreement. There is some resistance in the Center party led Ministry of Enterprise, Energy, and Communications, and negotiations are on-going at senior GOS-levels.
9. (U) Granting police and prosecutors the right to identities behind IP numbers of individuals potentially implicated in copyright crimes of lower dignity, i.e. fines rather than prison sentences: The Justice Ministry has also worked towards the goal of changing legislation so that police and prosecutors can get access to information about identities behind IP numbers in cases where the crime could lead to a fine (rather than a prison sentence). The usual Swedish term for this type of crime (punishable by fine, not prison) is crime of lower dignity. At present, law enforcement officials are only allowed to get such information if the infringement could lead to a prison sentence. The GOS has agreed to change the legislation, and it was made part of a study commissioned to propose the steps needed to implement such a change. The proposed changes were recently separated out from the rest of the study, and were reported in advance to Justice Minister Ask late January 2009. Although the slow legislative process is disappointing, the GOS has already agreed on the necessary changes that will strengthen the investigative tools of enforcement officials.
#cablegate #wikileaks #Suède #internet #censure