person:rick scott

  • Trump affirme que la Russie a retiré la plupart de son personnel présent au Venezuela

    Donald Trump : Rusia nos informó que removió a su personal de Venezuela

    Donald Trump, presidente de Estados Unidos, dijo este lunes que el gobierno de Rusia le comunicó con respecto a la salida de su personal de Venezuela. 

    «Rusia nos ha informado que han removido a la mayoría de su personal de Venezuela», indicó el mandatario en Twitter. 

    Rick Scott, senador de la provincia de Florida en EE UU, también dio declaraciones con respecto al tema, asegurando estar complacido por las medidas tomadas por los dirigentes rusos en territorio venezolano. 

    «Me alegro de que Rusia esté tomando las medidas necesarias para retirarse de Venezuela. Deberían retirarse por completo y deberían hacerlo ahora. El respaldo de Maduro se está resquebrajando y es momento para que se haga a un lado», señaló Scott en la misma red social.

    Sin embargo, la información no ha sido divulgada por los representates rusos durante las últimas horas. En la mañana de este lunes una empresa de armamento ruso aseguró que la información era falsa luego de que el diario estadounidense The Wall Street Journal hiciera una publicación al respecto.

    Russia has informed us that they have removed most of their people from Venezuela.

  • Rick Scott sues ’#unethical_liberals,’ claims they’re trying to ’steal election

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday night accused “unethical liberals” of trying to steal a Senate race from him – and announced his campaign is suing election officials in two Sunshine State counties.

    I will not sit idly by while unethical liberals try to steal this election from the great people of Florida,” Scott said at a press conference Thursday night, according to the Tampa Bay Times.
    President Trump offered support for Scott on Twitter Thursday night.

    Law Enforcement is looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with Election Fraud in #Broward and Palm Beach. Florida voted for Rick Scott!” Trump tweeted.
    Florida Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, who is narrowly trailing his GOP rival in the polls after the election, also questioned the basis of Scott’s lawsuits on Thursday night.

    Mr. @FLGovScott — counting votes isn’t partisan — it’s democracy,” Gillum tweeted.

  • About-Face Tweet on Florida Drilling May Backfire on U.S. Agency - Bloomberg

    Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke just handed offshore drilling foes ammunition for lawsuits by declaring the Florida coast off limits.

    Zinke declared he would dial back a proposal to auction drilling rights in as much as 90 percent of U.S. coastal waters less than a week after the plan was unveiled. The decision, announced Tuesday in a tweet, appeared to circumvent a detailed process laid out in federal law and came without any detailed explanation to justify the changes.

    It’s politically unwise and legally unwise,” said Michael Livermore, an administrative law professor at the University of Virginia. "They have a draft out there, and there is a formal process for making changes to the draft. And they’re circumventing that."

    Zinke’s declaration followed a meeting with one of the plan’s top Republican opponents, Florida Governor Rick Scott.
    At least 11 governors have asked the Interior Department to leave their states out of any new leasing plan. Some of them responded to Zinke’s pronouncement by demanding meetings with the Interior secretary to argue against new offshore drilling near their shores.

    New York doesn’t want drilling off our coast either,” the state’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, said on Twitter. “Where do we sign up for a waiver?

    Representative Ted Lieu, a Democrat from California, said Zinke did “not justify discriminatory agency action in favor of Florida over other states” and offered “no evidence other governors can’t be trusted.

    Il y a 23 états côtiers aux É.-U. (dont 4 (hors Floride) sur le Golfe du Mexique pour lequel l’appel d’offres pour les permis d’exploration à déjà été publié.

    • Waters Near Florida Still Being Considered for Oil Drilling - Bloomberg

      Despite Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke’s Jan. 9 declaration that Florida is “off the table” for offshore oil drilling, that activity is actually still on the table.

      The acting director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management made clear Friday that Zinke’s decision, announced on Twitter and described to reporters in the Tallahassee airport, doesn’t stop a formal process of considering whether to sell drilling rights in waters near the Florida coast.

      It is not a formal action,” Walter Cruickshank told a House subcommittee. That means waters around Florida, including the south Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico, remain under consideration. “They are still part of the analysis until the secretary gives us an official decision otherwise.

      Une chose est sure, la bataille de lobbies bat son plein.

      Et cette déclaration ressemble bien à une tentative de désamorçage des recours auxquels la déclaration de R. Zinke a ouvert un boulevard.

  • The Next Houston

    The last time a major hurricane struck #Miami directly, in 1926, it left almost 400 people dead, making it one of the 10 deadliest hurricanes on the record books in the United States. Yet that storm ravaged a sleepy, relatively small resort town of just 100,000. Today, the Miami metropolitan area has more than 6 million residents.

    [...] The scariest scenario is Miami. While the city is practically synonymous with storms—just ask the University of Miami—it has escaped a direct hit for 91 years, and with it the massive storm surge that might deal irreparable damage.

    “It won’t survive,” Craig Fugate, the former top emergency manager for both the federal government and the state of Florida, said in 2014.

    Miami-Dade planning first major evacuation in 12 years ahead of Hurricane Irma

    The planned instructions to flee the county’s A and B evacuation zones [...] represent the most dramatic example of Miami-Dade’s efforts to clear out in advance of a hurricane that reached Category 5 status on Tuesday. Miami-Dade’s schools chief canceled classes Thursday and Friday, and most governments and colleges announced similar shutdown plans for an already shortened holiday week.

    [...] About 420,000 people live in the A and B zones, according to county statistics. Miami-Dade last ordered those evacuated ahead of Hurricane Wilma in 2005.

    #Irma #ouragan

    • En temps « normal », Miami est déjà une pataugeoire.
      Le siège de Miami (2015)

      « J’habite en face d’un parc », m’a dit Philip Stoddard, le maire de South Miami – également une ville à part entière. « Et il y a une partie plus basse qui se remplit quand il pleut. J’y promenais mon chien ce matin, et j’ai vu des poissons dedans. Mais bon sang, d’où sont venus ces poissons ? Ils sont venus du sous-sol. On a des poissons qui se baladent sous terre ! »

      « Cela signifie qu’on ne peut pas repousser l’eau », a-t-il poursuivi. « Donc à terme cette région doit être évacuée. Mon but est de travailler à une évacuation lente et sans heurt, plutôt que d’en avoir une brusque et catastrophique. »

    • L’arrivée d’Irma force l’évacuation de plus de 650 000 personnes en Floride
      La zone C aussi.

      Les évacués peuvent se réfugier dans des abris installés dans les terres intérieures de la Floride. Mais nombreux sont ceux qui prennent la route vers le nord, explique Denise Dumont, rédactrice en chef du Soleil de la Floride. « Le problème est que les hôtels sont pleins et les stations d’essence sont à sec », dit-elle.

      Et monter en direction nord n’est pas sans péril, du fait que la Caroline du Sud et la Georgie sont, elles aussi, en état d’urgence, bien qu’aucune évacuation n’y ait été ordonnée. Le Centre national des ouragans des États-Unis, à Miami, prévient qu’Irma pourrait atteindre la Georgie et les Carolines, après avoir fouetté la péninsule floridienne.

      Denise Dumont a elle-même tenté de trouver un vol qui l’emmènerait hors des États menacés. « Tout est complet pour aller n’importe où », dit-elle.

      [...] Le gouverneur de la Floride appelle les stations-service à demeurer ouvertes le plus longtemps possible. Des pétroliers approvisionnent actuellement la Floride et 4,5 millions de litres d’essence seront acheminés aux stations-service sous escorte policière, a précisé Rick Scott. Les employés des stations-service bénéficieront aussi de protection policière.

      Quelque 30 000 militaires veillent à la bonne marche des opérations. Les autorités réclament l’aide de bénévoles, car il en faut environ 17 000 pour venir en aide à la population.

  • Florida banned state workers from using term ’climate change’ – report | US news | The Guardian

    Officials with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the agency in charge of setting conservation policy and enforcing environmental laws in the state, issued directives in 2011 barring thousands of employees from using the phrases “climate change” and “global warming”, according to a bombshell report by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting (FCIR).

    The report ties the alleged policy, which is described as “unwritten”, to the election of Republican governor #Rick_Scott and his appointment of a new department director that year. Scott, who was re-elected last November, has declined to say whether he believes in climate change caused by human activity.

    “I’m not a scientist,” he said in one appearance last May.

    #climat #anthropocène #censure #floride

  • La Floride devient le 22e Etat américain à légaliser le cannabis à usage médical

    La Floride est devenue, vendredi 2 mai, le 22e Etat américain à légaliser le cannabis pour un usage médical, notamment en cas de cancer ou d’épilepsie. La loi, adoptée la veille par la Chambre des représentants de Floride, a été approuvée par le Sénat local par 30 voix contre 9. Elle doit maintenant être promulguée par le gouverneur républicain Rick Scott, qui s’était, par le passé, engagé à la signer.

    Le Congrès de Floride, installé dans la capitale, Tallahassee, s’est rangé du côté d’un nombre croissant d’organisations qui étaient parvenues à rassembler suffisamment de signatures pour la tenue d’un référendum sur la question en novembre prochain. « Je suis un père et un grand-père. Je veux que mes enfants et petits-enfants aient accès aux soins qu’ils souhaitent », a affirmé le gouverneur Rick Scott jeudi.

    La loi stipule que le cannabis ne pourra pas être fumé et devra être utilisé sous forme d’huile que seuls quatre établissements dans tout l’Etat seront habilités à fournir. De même, le traitement ne pourra être administré qu’en dernier ressort.

  • Shady PR operatives, pro-Israel ties, anti-Castro money: Inside the Syrian opposition’s DC spin machine

    As our conversation continued, the Syrian activist revealed to me a recent training session SETF had arranged between Syrian opposition figures and Cuban exiles in Coral Gables, Florida. Florida’s Republican Gov. Rick Scott attended the seminar, he said with pride, greeting a who’s who of hardline anti-Castro activists who had spent decades pushing for the overthrow of Cuba’s socialist regime.

    When I returned home, I searched for details of the meeting and discovered a single press release posted on the anti-Castro web portal Directorio. I could find no coverage of the seminar in any US media.

    According to the press release, participants in the seminar pledged “To coordinate all of our political, diplomatic, logistic and humanitarian efforts in pursuit of the liberation of Cuba and Syria; hence constituting a United Front for Freedom and Democracy; Therefore, the Cuban Resistance and the Syrian Revolution jointly declare: The people want the overthrow of the dictatorial regimes of Assad and Castro.”

  • C’est vrai qu’un pistolet à eau c’est beaucoup plus dangereux qu’un flingue à balles réelles...

    Water Guns Banned, Handguns Allowed at GOP Convention

    In the politically-charged and likely protest-filled streets of Tampa, Fla., during the Republican National Convention in August, water guns will be strictly prohibited. Concealed handguns, on the other hand, will be perfectly legal.

    Florida Gov. Rick Scott said this week that banning handguns from downtown Tampa during the convention, as the city’s Mayor Bob Buckhorn requested, “would surely violate the Second Amendment.”

    #US #Floride #Armes #Convention_républicaine

  • Why Do Conservatives Hate High-Speed Rail? 5 Reasons Right-Wingers Are Sabotaging Public Transportation Projects | | AlterNet

    High-speed rail is one of the rare areas where business, labor, and environmental activists are often in agreement. Republican transportation secretary Ray LaHood is a fan, as are, of course, President Obama and Vice-President Biden.

    But Tea Party-supported governors like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio and Rick Scott in Florida have made headlines by refusing billions in federal stimulus dollars aimed at creating new high-speed train lines between major cities.