person:robert stephen ford

  • Making a Killing: The 1.2 Billion Euro Arms Pipeline to Middle East

    .... while Balkan and European countries have shut down the refugee route, the billion-euro pipeline sending arms by plane and ship to the Middle East remains open – and very lucrative.

    It is a trade that is almost certainly illegal, according to arms and human rights experts.

    “The evidence points towards systematic diversion of weapons to armed groups accused of committing serious human rights violations. If this is the case, the transfers are illegal under the ATT (United Nations’ Arms Trade Treaty) and other international law and should cease immediately,” said Patrick Wilcken, an arms-control researcher at Amnesty International who reviewed the evidence collected by reporters.

    But with hundreds of millions of euros at stake and weapons factories working overtime, countries have a strong incentive to let the business flourish. Arms export licences, which are supposed to guarantee the final destination of the goods, have been granted despite ample evidence that weapons are being diverted to Syrian and other armed groups accused of widespread human rights abuses and atrocities.

    Robert Stephen Ford, US ambassador to Syria between 2011 and 2014, told BIRN [Balkan Investigative Reporting Network] and the OCCRP [Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project] that the trade is coordinated by the US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA, Turkey and Gulf states through centres in Jordan and Turkey, although in practice weapon supplies often bypass this process.

    BIRN and the OCCRP examined arms export data, UN reports, flight records, and weapons contracts during a year-long investigation that reveals how thousands of assault rifles, mortar shells, rocket launchers, anti-tank weapons, and heavy machine guns are pouring into the troubled region, originating from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.

    Since the escalation of the Syrian conflict in 2012, these eight countries have approved the shipment of weapons and ammunition worth at least 1.2 billion euros to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey.

    #armes #Syrie #crimes

    Via Nour Samaha

  • L’option El Salvador | bluetouff

    L’ambassadeur Américain en Syrie, Robert Stephen Ford, aurait été en charge du recrutement d’escadrons de la mort pour aller affronter les forces de Bachar El Assad en Syrie. Ces mercenaires seraient, selon le site Opinion Maker, affiliés aux branches Afghannes, Tchétchènes, Iraquiennes et Yemenites d’Al Quaeda. L’ambassadeur Ford aurait dans le passé oficié aux côtés de John Negroponte, figure bien connue de la diplomatie US en Amérique centrale puisqu’il occupa le poste d’ambassadeur du Honduras entre 1981 et 1985 et s’illustra notamment en armant les contras nicaraguayennes et supporta des milices paramilitaires au Salvador et au Honduras où il acquis le charmant sobriquet de « Mr Death Squad ». L’option « El Salvador » est donc une stratégie bien rodée d’enrôlement de mercenaires que Robert Stephen Ford se vit charger d’implémenter en Iraq où le site l’accuse d’avoir mené des actions para-militaires, notamment proche de la frontière syrienne. Depuis l’ambassadeur américain en poste en

    • Gaffe: c’est du Wayne Madsen Report (avec la tournure kikou: «informed by reliable sources» ). On est vite dans le bizarre.

      U.S. Ambassador to Syria in charge of recruiting Arab/Muslim death squads | Opinion Maker

      WMR has been informed by reliable sources that the U.S. ambassador to Syria, Robert S. Ford, is the key State Department official who has been responsible for recruiting Arab “death squads” from Al Qaeda-affiliated units in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Chechnya to fight against Syrian military and police forces in embattled Syria. Ford served as the Political Officer at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad from 2004 to 2006 under Ambassador John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985. Negroponte was a key figure in the covert U.S. program to arm the Nicaraguan contras and his support for vicious paramilitary units in El Salvador and Honduras earned him the nickname of “Mr. Death Squad.”

      Negroponte tasked Ford with implementing the “El Salvador option” in Iraq, the use of Iraqi Shi’a irregulars and Kurdish Pesh Merga paramilitary forces to target for assassination and kidnapping/torture Iraqi insurgency leaders in Iraq and across the border in Syria. The operation was named for Negroponte’s death squad operation in Central America in the 1980s.

      Ford has become the point man in the recruitment of Arabs and Muslims from the Middle East and beyond to battle against the security forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad. The U.S.-backed terrorists have not only carried out attacks on Syrian security forces but have also massacred civilians in “false flag” operations later blamed on Syrian government forces. WMR has been informed that Ford’s operations in Syria are being carried out with the assistance of Israel’s Mossad.