person:william binney

  • Snowden’s Chronicler Reveals Her Own Life Under Surveillance | WIRED

    La déscripion que donne Laura Poitras des effets nocifs causées par la surveillance risquent de modifier la vie des peuples du monde entier.

    Being Constantly Watched

    Private as ever, Poitras declined to detail to WIRED exactly how she experienced that federal investigation in the years that followed. But flash forward to late 2012, and the surveillance targeting Poitras had transformed her into a nervous wreck. In the book, she shares a diary she kept during her time living in Berlin, in which she describes feeling constantly watched, entirely robbed of privacy. “I haven’t written in over a year for fear these words are not private,” are the journal’s first words. “That nothing in my life can be kept private.”

    She sleeps badly, plagued with nightmares about the American government. She reads Cory Doctorow’s Homeland and re-reads 1984, finding too many parallels with her own life. She notes her computer glitching and “going pink” during her interviews with NSA whistleblower William Binney, and that it tells her its hard drive is full despite seeming to have 16 gigabytes free. Eventually she moves to a new apartment that she attempts to keep “off the radar” by avoiding all cell phones and only accessing the Internet over the anonymity software Tor.

    When Snowden contacts her in January of 2013, Poitras has lived with the specter of spying long enough that she initially wonders if he might be part of a plan to entrap her or her contacts like Julian Assange or Jacob Appelbaum, an activist and Tor developer. “Is C4 a trap?” she asks herself, using an abbreviation of Snowden’s codename. “Will he put me in prison?”

    #politique #psychologie #surveillance

  • Laura Poitras reveals her own life under surveillance
    (Andy Greenberg, February 2016)

    “After returning to the United States [from Iraq] I was placed on a government watchlist and detained and searched every time I crossed the US border. It took me ten years to find out why.”


    She sleeps badly, plagued with nightmares about the American government. She reads Cory Doctorow’s Homeland and re-reads 1984, finding too many parallels with her own life. She notes her computer glitching and “going pink” during her interviews with NSA whistleblower William Binney, and that it tells her its hard drive is full despite seeming to have 16 gigabytes free. Eventually she moves to a new apartment that she attempts to keep “off the radar” by avoiding all cell phones and only accessing the Internet over the anonymity software Tor.

    When Snowden contacts her in January of 2013, Poitras has lived with the specter of spying long enough that she initially wonders if he might be part of a plan to entrap her or her contacts like Julian Assange or Jacob Appelbaum, an activist and Tor developer. “Is C4 a trap?” she asks herself, using an abbreviation of Snowden’s codename. [Citizenfour] “Will he put me in prison?”


    In the end, Poitras has not only escaped the arrest or indictment she feared, but has become a kind of privacy folk hero: Her work has helped to noticeably shift the world’s view of government spying, led to legislation, and won both a Pulitzer and an Academy Award. But if her ultimate fear was to “become the story,” her latest revelations show that’s a fate she can no longer escape–and one she’s come to accept.

    #Snowden #Edward_Snowden
    #Poitras #Laura_Poitras

  • A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof

    Les VIPS à BHO : montrez les preuves

    Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), un groupement hautement qualifié d’anciens officiers du renseignement US communique un mémorandum au président Obama sur laquestion brûlante du “omplot russe” dans les élections présidentielles US. Le VIPS demande que des preiuves de ce “complot” soient produites aujourd’hui par Obama, lorsdesa defnières conférence de opresse de président. L’argument s’appuie sur l’évidence de jurispridence, montrée à plusieurs reprises par divers présidents,qu’en cas d’urgence de nationale, il est du devoir d’un président d’ignorer les règles de non-divulgation d’éléments obtenus par des moyens secrets par les services de renseignement, pour effectivement démontrer ce que ces servicxes avancent. Les VIPS, dont le mémo a été d’abord publié (...)

    • As President for a few more days, you have the power to demand concrete evidence of a link between the Russians and WikiLeaks, which published the bulk of the information in question. Lacking that evidence, the American people should be told that there is no fire under the smoke and mirrors of recent weeks.

      We urge you to authorize public release of any tangible evidence that takes us beyond the unsubstantiated, “we-assess” judgments by the intelligence agencies. Otherwise, we – as well as other skeptical Americans – will be left with the corrosive suspicion that the intense campaign of accusations is part of a wider attempt to discredit the Russians and those – like Mr. Trump – who wish to deal constructively with them.

      Remember the Maine?

      (NB : une petite relecture du billet ne ferait pas de mal…)

    • Everyone Hacks
      There is a lot of ambiguity – whether calculated or not – about “Russian hacking.” “Everyone knows that everyone hacks,” says everyone: Russia hacks; China hacks; every nation that can hacks. So do individuals of various nationalities. This is not the question.

      Comme on le voit dans l’affaire Bauer, le mot « piratage » devient un fourre-tout qui permet d’accuser n’importe qui ou de camoufler n’importe quoi.

    • Our VIPS colleague William Binney, who was Technical Director of NSA and created many of the collection systems still in use, assures us that NSA’s “cast-iron” coverage – particularly surrounding Julian Assange and other people associated with WikiLeaks – would almost certainly have yielded a record of any electronic transfer from Russia to WikiLeaks. Binney has used some of the highly classified slides released by Edward Snowden to demonstrate precisely how NSA accomplishes this using trace mechanisms embedded throughout the network.

      We strongly suggest that you ask NSA for any evidence it may have indicating that the results of Russian hacking were given to WikiLeaks. If NSA can produce such evidence, you may wish to order whatever declassification may be needed and then release the evidence. This would go a long way toward allaying suspicions that no evidence exists. If NSA cannot give you that information – and quickly – this would probably mean it does not have any.

    • In all candor, the checkered record of Director of National Intelligence James Clapper for trustworthiness makes us much less confident that anyone should take it on faith that he is more “trustworthy than the Russians,” as you suggested on Dec. 16. You will probably recall that Clapper lied under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee on March 12, 2013, about NSA dragnet activities; later apologizing for testimony he admitted had been “clearly erroneous.

    • #Hacks_or_Leaks?
      Not mentioned until now is our conclusion that leaks are the source of the WikiLeaks disclosures in question – not hacking. Leaks normally leave no electronic trace. William Binney has been emphasizing this for several months and suggesting strongly that the disclosures were from a leaker with physical access to the information – not a hacker with only remote access.

      (allez, un dernier…)

  • Déclarations chocs du lanceur d’alerte Steve Pieczenik : « Un coup d’Etat civil est en cours aux Etats-Unis… »

    La vidéo de Pieczenik est sortie hier à peine et totalise pourtant déjà plus de 650 000 vues. Les informations qui sont présentées sont choquantes (et à la fois pas totalement nouvelles pour ceux qui suivent les informations non relayées par les médias de masse). Ce qui est vraiment nouveau, c’est le fait que des agences de renseignement US auraient collaboré avec Wikileaks pour mettre à mal la campagne présidentielle de Clinton et la mettre enfin à sa place : en prison. C’est également ce qu’évoquait le lanceur d’alerte de la NSA William Binney il y a quelques jours au sujet du piratage du DNC. Cela vient d’être confirmé par l’ancien ambassadeur Craig Murray : ces emails viennent de cercles officiels à Washington.

    Clinton accuse, comme d’habitude les russes mais on (...)

    #En_vedette #Ça_s'est_dit_par_là... #International

  • Déclarations chocs du lanceur d’alerte Steve Pieczenik : « Un coup d’Etat civil est en cours aux Etats-Unis » - Wikistrike

    La vidéo de Pieczenik est sortie hier à peine et totalise pourtant déjà plus de 650 000 vues. Les informations qui sont présentées sont choquantes (et à la fois pas totalement nouvelles pour ceux qui suivent les informations non relayées par les médias de masse). Ce qui est vraiment nouveau, c’est le fait que des agences de renseignement US auraient collaboré avec Wikileaks pour mettre à mal la campagne présidentielle de Clinton et la mettre enfin à sa place : en prison. C’est également ce qu’évoquait le lanceur d’alerte de la NSA William Binney il y a quelques jours au sujet du piratage du DNC.

    Clinton accuse, comme d’habitude les russes mais on constate que les coups qui lui sont portés proviennent bien de l’intérieur. Et qui d’autre que Wikileaks aurait pu révéler ces informations au monde entier ? Nous avons aussi l’ex directeur adjoint du FBI James Kallström, qui confirme que la famille Clinton donne dans le « crime organisé » et que la fondation Clinton est un cloaque, sans parler de documents impliquant les Clinton qui sont soudainement déclassifiés par le FBI à quelques jours des élections. Tout cela ne peut pas être le fruit du hasard.
    La question qui se pose désormais est : n’est-ce pas trop tard ? Toutes ces révélations seront-elles suffisantes pour la faire perdre les élections ? (la première étape indispensable) et surtout, le système de vote américain n’est-il pas trop corrompu pour que cela fasse une quelconque différence ? Cela semble être particulièrement le cas des votes électroniques qui permettent toutes les dérives. D’ailleurs, ce n’est pas nouveau puisqu’en 2006, un programmeur informatique de la NSA témoignait déjà sous serment quand au fait qu’on lui avait demandé de développer un programme quasiment indétectable pour truquer des élections.
    Si Clinton est élue, il faudrait passer par une procédure de destitution plus contraignante et incertaine. Si réellement des agences de renseignements ont décidé d’outrepasser le circuit judiciaire (visiblement corrompu et peu enclin à traîner Clinton dans la boue) et qu’elles sont prêtes à aller jusqu’à faire un contre-coup d’Etat civil via la toile, ce serait vraiment une manœuvre aussi inédite qu’audacieuse. Cela est-il seulement possible ?
    Attendons de voir la suite des événements qui s’annoncent particulièrement mouvementés. Hillary Clinton va-t-elle pouvoir mettre à profit les feux d’artifices qu’elle a déjà commandé ?
    Le lanceur d’alerte Steve Pieczenik a été sous-secrétaire d’État adjoint sous Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance et James Bakerest. Il est expert en politique étrangère, gestion de crises internationales, et en guerre psychologique. Il a également servi sous les administrations présidentielles en tant que secrétaire adjoint pour Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, et la Maison Blanche de George HW Bush.
    Le coup d’Etat Hillary Clinton et le contre-coup des frondeurs de l’administration Obama :



    Pieczenik évoque également le fait que les Clinton ont régulièrement pris le « Lolita Express » du pédophile Jeffrey Esptein, un vol régulier menant divers politiciens et célébrités vers les Bahamas afin qu’ils puissent se livrer à des actes de pédophilie. Il affirme entre autre que le NYPD dispose de preuves les impliquant dans des affaires de pédophilie.
    Nous parlons ici d’au moins 26 voyages et les agences de renseignement savent que ces activités ont toujours cours.
    Le réseau Pédophile des Clinton

    Merci à Yann Merkado pour les diverses traductions des vidéos.
    Alors, la seconde révolution américaine est-elle réellement en marche ou est-ce encore un leurre ? Nous le saurons bientôt. Plus qu’un semaine...

  • Obama Warned to Defuse Tensions with Russia

    Une mesure de l’extrême tension USA-Russie

    Le Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), un groupement hautement qualifié d’anciens officiers du renseignement US communique un mémorandum au président Obama sur la situation d’extrême tension avec la Russie à propos de la Syrie. Le VIPS, dont le mémo a été d’abord publié par ConsortiumNews, s’est déjà signalé par des interventions dans des période de crise et de très haute tension. Les signataires du groupe VIPS sont les suivants :

    William Binney, former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA ; co-founder, SIGINT Automation Research Center (ret.)

    Fred Costello, Former Russian Linguist, USAF

    Mike Gravel, former Adjutant, top secret control officer, Communications Intelligence Service ; special agent of the Counter (...)

  • Welcome to I/O Terror

    For now this site is supporting volunteers who are willing to help transcribe some discussions by individuals who are doing their best to preserve human rights in the early twenty-first century.

    These individuals will include, eventually, #Edward_Snowden, Thomas Drake, William Binney, #Julian_Assange , Jacob Appelbaum, Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, #Eben_Moglen, Bruce Schneier,#Noam_Chomsky, Chris Hedges, Lawrence Lessig, #Jesselyn_Radack as well as Canadians David Lyon, Ann Cavoukian, Michael Geist, and John Ralston Saul.

  • Témoignage de deux lanceurs d’alerte de la NSA

    William Binney et Thomas Drake, anciens cadres de la NSA, ont assisté aux dérives de l’exécutif américain après le 911. Ils racontent à NOTHING TO HIDE leur histoire et dresse un tableau inquiétant qui n’est pas sans rappeler la situation actuelle en France. Dans le cadre du documentaire NOTHING TO HIDE, nous avons interviewé des profils très différents : des politiques avec Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin (CNIL), des juristes avec Ben Wizner (ACLU), des sociologues avec Pete Fussey (Essex University), des (...) #NSA #contrôle_de_l'État

  • Depuis Strasbourg, un ex-espion américain met en garde la France

    l’ancien officier de renseignement de la NSA William Binney, présent à Strasbourg pour le Forum mondial de la démocratie, ne ménage pas la France et sa stratégie pour lutter contre le terrorisme.

    • William Binney aime à se référer aux événements de Garland, au Texas, où une fusillade avait visé en mai 2015 un concours de caricatures du prophète Mahomet : « Les Anonymous avaient dit aux policiers de Garland deux jours à l’avance que cela allait se produire et nos services de renseignement, pour lesquels nous payons environ 100 milliards de dollars par an pour leur permettre de collecter des données en vrac partout sur la planète, n’ont absolument rien dit ».
      « La différence, c’est que les Anonymous se sont concentrés sur un petit périmètre d’informations sur les réseaux sociaux où ils ont trouvé les informations : si vous vous contentez de livrer des données de masse en vrac aux analystes, ils vont échouer, parce qu’ils seront submergés », souligne-t-il.


  • Pour aider à faire les sous-titre français de “citizenfour”, le documentaire sur l’histoire d’Edward Snowden

    transcription | LQDN Public Etherpad

    via @slhaen sur Twitter

    Citizenfour is the documentary and film of Laura Poitras,
    with Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, William Binney,
    telling the story of Edward Snowden, a former NSA sysadmin who blew the whistle on the mass surveillance of NSA, GCHQ and other secret services on our communications.
    This documentary is a 1h53" feature film, currently available only in English wih no subtitles.
    We propose to collaboratively create an English subtitle of it, each of us doing a small part of it, this will be fast ;)
    We already have someone willing to do the subtitle synchronization once we have a proper transcription of it.
    Then if anybody in any country which to translate it, please feel free to do so ;)

    A French version will certainly be launched collaboratively too, once we have a proper English one.
    Thanks for your help ! Use one of the pad below to participate:
    If you have a legal copy of this film and want a digital one, here it is on torrent:

    #snowden #citizenfour

  • William Binney, a former NSA codebreaker who left the Agency in order to be able to talk about its blunders and abuses of power, warns that “the ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control” through constant surveillance and intrusion.

    “The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control”
    Antony Loewenstein, The Guardian, July 11, 2014

  • Systematic Deceit from the NSA | Bea Edwards

    Le #lanceur_d'alerte doit alerter ses supérieurs, pour mieux se faire botter les fesses.

    General Hayden disputed the fact that Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor who disclosed the wholesale electronic surveillance of Americans, is a whistleblower. Because Snowden did not make his disclosures through internal channels at the NSA, Hayden strongly implied - without actually saying so - he is a traitor.


    To be sure, Snowden did not go to his supervisors or to the Congress. He did not do this because four other NSA whistleblowers (only three of whom are public) had already done it, and they had been subjected to demotion, termination and FBI raids. One of them was indicted under the Espionage Act and investigated for four years before the charges imploded. The unfortunate Congressional staffer who supported their allegations was also raided at home by the FBI and is now suing the government for the return of her personal effects.

    Snowden did not follow this same course because he was aware of what had happened. He has said as much.

    Even more to the point, Hayden knew all about this, too. In fact, General Hayden was at the top of the internal channel that meted out such vicious reprisal against the previous NSA whistleblowers. William Binney, a heavyweight whistleblower at the NSA (and GAP client), spent the better part of a van ride back to the agency from downtown Washington, D.C. telling Hayden - then NSA Director - that the surveillance program Trailblazer was an unconstitutional, inoperative, overpriced boondoggle cobbled together by SAIC, and it should be stopped. Hayden did nothing , and when he found that Binney had taken his evidence to a Congressional Committee, he retaliated mercilessly. He had Binney demoted and he informed the staff at the NSA that no one was to tell Congress anything different from what he - Hayden - told them to say. In October 2001 Binney resigned from the NSA, disgusted at the way in which the agency’s ineptitude left the US vulnerable to the attacks of September 11.

    Nonetheless, the General had no problem at all staring straight into the [Fox News] camera yesterday morning and deliberately misleading his audience about the effectiveness of internal channels for whistleblowers at the NSA. Note the care with which Hayden chose his words. He didn’t actually say that Snowden should have used internal channels. He only said there’s no evidence that he - Snowden - did so.

    In contrast, we have mounting evidence that those who should inform us about the activities of the intelligence community cannot be trusted. Like Hayden’s Fox News interview yesterday, their statements are designed to mislead. James Clapper said exactly that when he admitted that he provided an open congressional hearing on March 12, 2013 the “least untruthful” account of the NSA’s surveillance operations possible. In other words, Clapper did not ’misspeak.’ He carefully elaborated a false answer and then gave it to a Senate committee under oath.

    The problem is not just these misleading officials, either. There is a structure of deceit around the NSA programs. The intelligence agencies constructed a system intended to mimic Constitutional checks and balances: a secret court and closed legislative briefings with gagged lawmakers. Spokesmen like current NSA Director Keith Alexander then claim the programs were vetted by all three branches of government.

    Michael Hayden, Keith Alexander, James Clapper and their ilk represent a political force intent upon strengthening and expanding the surveillance of citizens, for whatever reason . Maybe it builds their fiefdoms, or enriches their contractor cronies, or assuages their paranoia. We don’t know. What we do know is that they have a record of deceit in this regard. When they have to mislead the public or the Congress, they have done so, without even breaking the tell-tale Nixonian sweat.

    They’ve been pretty successful. The budget of the NSA has doubled, at the very least, since 9/11 (it’s a secret budget, so it’s hard to tell), although the agency’s record is a disgrace. Trailblazer, which Binney denounced to Hayden, was abandoned in 2005 as a dead loss. Two disturbed teenagers from Dagestan, who bombed the Boston Marathon finish line, evaded the NSA, although Russian intelligence tipped US intelligence twice that the brothers were suspect.

    There’s simply no accountability at the NSA - not for the crimes and not for the cover-up. Not for the deception, and not even for the poor performance. If anyone has betrayed the United States, it’s Hayden and Alexander, not Edward Snowden.

    #surveillance #trahison #mensonges #mensonges_éhontés #manipulation #mafieux #nsa #whistleblower #snowden