Archives Yan Morvan – L’histoire à travers les yeux d’un photo reporter
« Le photojournalisme, excuse-moi, mais c’est quand même un métier de fils de pute. » Yan Morvan
Archives Yan Morvan – L’histoire à travers les yeux d’un photo reporter
Superbe portfolio du photographe Stéphane Burlot pour BALLAST :
Gilets jaunes : un an de lutte
« Si les gens sont encore en poste dans les ministères, que notre Président est encore en poste, c’est grâce à [nous]. Et personne ne le dit », avouait un CRS à France Inter le 12 novembre dernier. De fait. Le gouvernement, sans aucun appui populaire depuis son entrée en fonction, ne tient que par sa force armée. Tandis qu’une large majorité de Français continue d’approuver le mouvement social, celui-ci, malgré les yeux crevés et les mains arrachées, fêtait hier son premier anniversaire à la faveur d’un cinquante-troisième « acte ». Pour l’occasion, nous sommes allés demander, au hasard des rues de la capitale, à une dizaine de femmes gilets jaunes ce qu’elles espéraient à présent.
#photo #portraits #photoreportage #Gilets_Jaune #GiletsJaunes #témoignage #femme #précarité #Ballast
Algérie. Ceux qui, toutes les semaines, « vendredisent »
Après Bouteflika, le patriarcat
La révolution d’abord, l’émancipation féminine ensuite ? Dans les cortèges qui continuent de secouer l’Algérie, bien des femmes refusent cet ordre de priorité. Entretien avec Wissem Zizi, jeune militante en Kabylie.
Margaux Wartelle pour @cqfd
le code de la famille
Instauré en 1984, le code de la famille est intensément critiqué par de nombreuses associations féministes algériennes. Surnommé « code de l’infamie », il maintient la femme dans une position de mineure à vie, passant de la tutelle du père à celle du mari. En 2005, une réforme a permis quelques aménagements : la polygamie est soumise au « consentement préalable » de la première épouse, le mariage par procuration (qui permettait des mariages forcés) a été aboli et la femme peut désormais rester dans le logement familial avec les enfants en cas de séparation.
Sur la route de l’Europe
Le Monde publie en trois volets le reportage de notre correspondante en Grèce, Adéa Guillot, et de la photographe Myrto Papadopoulos. Elles sont allées à la rencontre des migrants fuyant la Syrie ou l’Afghanistan : leur arrivée par la mer sur l’île de #Kos, à deux milles marins du port turc de #Bodrum ; leur transit par #Athènes ; leurs négociations avec les passeurs qui les achemineront ensuite vers le nord du pays, pour passer clandestinement la dangereuse frontière vers la #Macédoine.
En savoir plus sur ▻
#photographie #photoreportage #Idomeni
cc @albertocampiphoto
A découvrir, ce reportage en #Irlande de mon collègue Nicolas Salvi, « Un samedi à Dublin », sur le club de Mediapart.
#photo #photoreportage #photography #eau
Sa me tanne ces associations portraits et deux lignes de témoignage, je trouve que c’est de l’anti-information surtout pour découvrir que sinn fein et isis c’est tout pareil.
Ça rejoint le post sur les méthodes ruffin, c’est du spectacle.
Je ne critique pas le travail photographique, juste la méthode.
#Photoreportage : Morts par négligence
Entourée de multiples canalisations d’eau et #câbles_à_haute_tension, la boîte à fusibles principale, qui répartit l’électricité du réseau au centre de Bourj el-Barajneh, à #Beyrouth, est localement connue sous le nom de « #mur_de_la_mort ». Rouillée et exposée, la boîte se trouve à hauteur d’homme dans l’une des rues les plus fréquentées de ce #camp_de_réfugiés #palestiniens surpeuplé. En quelques années, plusieurs personnes sont mortes en essayant de la bricoler, mais rien n’a encore été fait pour en améliorer la sécurité.
#réseau_électrique #photographie #Bourj_al-Barajneh #Beyrouth #Liban
cc @fil @albertocampiphoto
#Photoreportage : Les déplacés oubliés de #Libye
Deux chars marquent l’entrée du camp, qui accueille plus de 300 personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur propre pays (PDIP) dans une région montagneuse isolée du nord-ouest de la Libye. Au bord de la route, des barbelés doublés de bâches au logo du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR) apportent aux abris de fortune un semblant d’intimité.
#photographie #réfugiés #asile #migration #DPIs #déplacés_internes
cc @albertocampiphoto
Libya’s coasts continue to be packed with migrants trying to leave the country for passage across the Mediterranean Sea.
On May 18 European Union ministers, in response to large scale emergencies, decided to launch an air and sea mission in Libya that could destroy the human traffickers’ boats that transport people across the Mediterranean to Europe.
Just last week the Libyan Coastguard rescued 700 migrants from five rafts with unsafe standards. These migrants have been detained in the Alguaiha detention centre, that currently holds 400 men, women, and children, many of whom are from Eritrea, Somalia and Niger.
The men are held in group cells, each containing up to 60 people. They are allowed to exit their cells only to eat a meagre meal, always under the watchful eye of guards armed with plastic and metal batons.
Al-Zawiyha detention centre, meanwhile, is located near Tripoli and houses 821 adult men and adolescent boys. They are also locked in large and unclean cells, each with as many as 100 people, without enough space to lay down at night.
Many of the men are sick with scabies and malaria. Due to the war in Libya, it has become too risky for doctors to reach this isolated facility.
Some of the detainees said they were held by the traffickers for three months in a cave, before they were able to depart for Europe.
The raft broke shortly after they left the coast, they say. Though they lost everything during their initial attempt to reach Europe, many say they are planning to ask their families for money to try to cross the sea again.
One detained migrant said that every attempt to cross the sea is a gamble with their lives; a gamble they are willing to make.
Sub-Saharan Migrants’ Quest for Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
#Maroc #migration #photographie #reportage_photograhique #photoreportage #réfugiés #asile
• The Julie Project
« J’ai rencontré Julie Baird le 28 février 1993. Elle avait 19 ans. Assise, elle tenait dans ses bras son premier enfant, de huit jours à peine. Julie était sans le sou, malade du sida et droguée. Elle avait quitté sa famille à 14 ans. Devenue “accro”, elle avait vécu d’expédients dans la rue en se “collant” à plus d’hommes qu’elle ne pouvait s’en souvenir. De San Francisco à l’Alaska, j’ai photographié Julie pendant dix-huit années consécutives. Julie est morte le 26 septembre 2010. Je lui ai juré de raconter son histoire. » Darcy Padilla
• Vidéo du projet sur le site de l’agence VU
• Son site :
• Et « The Julie Project »
The Price of Freedom
It is Hassan’s slippers that tip me over the edge, and my mistake to say how beautiful they are. We have come to his tent in the #Calais ‘Jungle’, home to over a thousand refugees, to move it to a new, hopefully drier place in another nearby squat. As we get ready to pack up the tent he reaches inside and brings out a pair of black and white, woollen slippers. Handmade for him by his mother in his home country of Yemen, he has carried them half way around the world over the past two years. When I reach out to touch the carefully crafted laces, noticing aloud how lovely they are, he says, ‘For you’. I start to try and argue that I would never take them from him until despite, obviously, being a rock hard and tough as nails photojournalist…. I suddenly find I have something in my eye that is impossible to remove and I am forced to excuse myself urgently.
#migration #asile #France #réfugiés #photographie #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
War-torn Iraq facing massive refugee crisis
The humanitarian crisis in Iraq is dire. Destabilized by a catastrophic civil war across its border in Syria, facing a genocidal threat to minorities at the hands of Sunni militants and divided by sectarian tensions within, Iraq is now home to about 1.6 million refugees and asylum-seekers, according to United Nations estimates. Nearly 1 million of those refugees are internally displaced Iraqis, many fleeing the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (#ISIS).
#Irak #réfugiés #asile #migration #photographie #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
EN IMAGES. Irak : les chrétiens fuient sous la menace jihadiste
Photo Essay : Jordan’s Other Refugees
–-> consulter les photos sur le site (attention, les photos défilent de droite à gauche !)
Jordan has taken in wave after wave of refugees from surrounding countries as violence rips across the region: so far, more than 600,000 Syrians since 2011, along with some 29,000 Iraqis, 2 million Palestinians1, and about 4,000 asylum seekers from Sudan, Somalia, and other countries. As crises escalate, Jordan’s government and the UNHCR are struggling to maintain stability while responding to overwhelming need. Meanwhile, refugees and asylum seekers grow desperate, many having fled death only to enter an indefinite competition of vulnerability.
#Jordanie #photographie #photoreportage #reportage_photo #réfugiés #asile #migration
cc @albertocampiphoto
A New Life for Refugees, and the City They Adopted
Sadia Ambure is relieved that it is summer. “I hate the snow,” Sadia, who is 16, said. “It hurts my skin. I’m like a snake — my face turns red, then ashy.”
Harsh winters have been one of the challenges of living in this old manufacturing city in upstate #New_York for Sadia and her family, members of the Somali Bantu tribe. They arrived here from a Kenyan refugee camp almost a decade ago after a stint in St. Louis. “My body is trying to get used to America,” she said.
#Pierre_Morel, un reportage à #Haïti
Le tremblement de terre à Haiti en janvier 2010 a été un évènement majeur (plus de 230 000 morts et autant de blessés, 1,2 millions de sans-abris), avec une forte mobilisation internationale pour venir en aide à ce pays déjà en difficulté. Plus de quatre ans plus tard, les médias ne s’intéressent plus à cette période, préférant traiter des actualités récentes. Je pensais naïvement que la situation était en voie de résolution grâce au soutien des Etats-Unis et des pays donateurs (près de 10 milliards de dollars de promesses de dons). Or votrereportage interactif permet de se rendre compte des résultats mitigés, des abus, et de la situation encore fortement instable du pays.
#photographie #reportage_photo #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
#Iran : #Pères et #filles (PHOTOS)
C’est une série de portraits illustrant des pères iraniens en compagnie de leurs filles venant de différentes classes sociales et de familles qui vivent à Téhéran et dans d’autres villes iraniennes.
De Fatemeh qui conteste la perception de ceux qui croient qu’elle est opprimée car son père est un religieux, à Shima et Lina dont le père qui a étudié en Europe leur donne « toutes les libertés personnelles des jeunes en occident », découvrez ces beaux portraits dans le diaporama ci-dessous.
Looking for Alice de #Sian_Davey
My daughter Alice, born with Down’s Syndrome, is no different to any other human being. She feels what you and I feel. However, our society does not acknowledge this and her very existence is given little or no value. Alice has entered a world where routine genetic screening at twelve weeks gestation is entirely weighted towards birth prevention rather than birth preparation.
Whilst we make our selection and decisions in private, the effect on society is that ninety two percent of Down’s Syndrome babies in the UK in 2013 were terminated at the pre-natal screening stage. Indeed, prior to the introduction of screening, children such as Alice would have been severely marginalised and possibly institutionalised and given little or limited medical care.
I was deeply shocked when Alice was born as an ’imperfect’ baby. It was not what I had expected. Our first experiences in hospital did little to diffuse this. The paediatrician pulled back her legs, pushed her thumbs deep into Alice’s groin, and promptly announced that we should take Alice home and treat her like any other baby.
But she didn’t feel like any other baby, and I was fraught with anxiety that rippled through to every aspect of my relationship with her. My anxieties penetrated my dreams. I dreamt that Alice was swaddled in a blanket and that I had forgotten all about her. I unwrapped the tight bundle that she was nestled in, to feed her, only to discover her body was covered in a white fluid — a fluid of neglect; and yet I was unable to feed her, unable to respond to her basic needs.
On reflection I saw that Alice was feeling my rejection of her and that caused me further pain. I saw that the responsibility lay with me; I had to dig deep into my own prejudices and shine a light on them. The result was that as my fear dissolved I fell in love with my daughter. We all did.
I wonder how it might be for Alice to be valued without distinction, without exception and without second glance.
This project is for her, for Alice.
via @albertocampiphoto
Hasard du calendrier.
’Hope for Gammy’ raises £90k for baby with Down’s syndrome left in Thailand
Campaign to support Thai surrogate mother of six-month-old baby abandoned by Australian couple raises over A$160,000
The Gate of Shadows
Italy, and other European countries, are at the center of serious violations of human rights with the detention and forced deportation of thousands of migrants. The Identification and Expulsion Centers (CIE) are deplorable examples of the contradictions of the Italian and European laws on migration.
It is extremely hard to explain the existence of CIEs. These are not regular prisons and detainees are not regular prisoners. Although foreign nationals are detained within CIEs under the status of “guests,” their stay in these poorly built structures corresponds to a de facto detention, as they are deprived of their freedom and subjected to a regime of abuse and coercion.
Despite not being actually labeled as prisons, the Centers very often resemble prisons, with distinctive features, from their impenetrable nature to barbed wire fences, barking dogs and militarized personnel; making them off limits to Italian civil society, journalists and families of the detainees, who are left alone and in deep distress. The typology of the individuals detained varies, and the length of the detention can extend up to eighteen months. Often the detainees are migrants who have been living in Italy for many years, along with their families, and whose children were born in the country. After losing their job, they cannot renew their residence permit, and if stopped by the police, they are detained in the CIEs and repatriated to their country of origin. The number of families divided by this mechanism is horribly high. Potential asylum seekers are also detained when they fail to ask for political asylum or if they make a mistake in their applications. On the other side of the spectrum, former prison inmates after serving a sentence are also sent to the Centers for what is in essence an illegal extension of their sentence.
It was very difficult to work on this project since journalists and activists could not access the Centers until two years ago. When I was finally granted access, I was under strict and constant supervision. It felt as if I had just stepped into a non-country, a painful limbo where human rights are suspended and violence rules. The CIEs disoriented me. The people held are lost in confusion, pain and fear. At the same time, it is very hard for the lawyers to work for the detained because Italian law on migration doesn’t give them juridical tools to defend the migrants and avoid their expulsion.
Some progress has been made recently, but journalists and activists still face major obstacles in promoting human rights and public awareness. The campaign “LasciateCIEntrare - Close down CIEs," involved, amongst others, legal experts, and associations who accused the Italian authorities of repeatedly violating human rights. Thanks to the good work of activists, accessing and interviewing detainees in the Centers is now a little easier, but the goal of closing them down and reviewing the legislation on immigration is still a mirage; in this sense the lack of reports and interest from the Italian mainstream media is unforgivable.
#Italie #détention #détention_administrative #CIE #rétention #migration #asile #réfugiés #photographie #reportage_photo #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
• Norilsk : la ville inhumaine
Norilsk est une ville industrielle de Russie située au nord du cercle polaire arctique. Construite en 1935 par des condamnés aux travaux forcés du régime stalinien pour exploiter les mines de la région, elle est aujourd’hui classée parmi les plus polluées au monde. Alexander Gronsky, né en 1980, à Tallinn, en Estonie, en a fait son dernier projet photographique.
Je recommande tout particulièrement le site ▻ d’Alexander Gronsky, en fait je l’avais déjà recommandé il y a quelques temps ▻
La tratta dei calciatori
–-> la #traite des #footballeurs
Con il progetto #Black_diamonds il fotografo #Jason_Andrew racconta la tratta di calciatori africani dalla Nigeria alla Turchia da parte di truffatori e finti scopritori di talenti. La tratta comincia quando ai giovani atleti viene offerta la possibilità di diventare calciatori professionisti in Europa. Per il viaggio le loro famiglie pagano fino a a cinquemila dollari. Una volta arrivati in Turchia, i ragazzi vengono abbandonati in mezzo alla strada.
Fin dal 2011, Jason Andrew ha seguito i viaggi di questi giovani africani e li ha documentati per denunciarne lo sfruttamento. Secondo Jean Claude Mbvoumin, dell’associazione di beneficenza Foot solidaire, sono circa 15mila i giovani africani che ogni anno emigrano inseguendo queste false promesse.
Dieci anni fa a Istanbul è nato l’African community football championship, un torneo benefico che ha l’obiettivo di radunare le comunità africane presenti in Turchia, soprattutto le persone più povere e in difficoltà. Tra i partecipanti ci sono molte delle vittime della tratta dei calciatori.
In questa foto: la squadra della Freedom foundation apostolic revival international ministries (Farim) durante gli esercizi di stretching al Government techincal college di Ikorodu, in Nigeria, nel febbraio del 2014.
The unforgotten
Among the many illegal migrants who die crossing the southern US border, hundreds are never identified, buried without ceremony, casket, or name. Connecting the dead with those who mourn them is the mission of a cadre of college students, who aren’t about politics but about dignity — for people like Santos Interiano, who crossed into Texas a year ago and simply vanished.
#décès #mort #mourir_dans_le_désert #frontière #Mexique #USA #Etats-Unis #migration #identification #cadavre #photographie #reportage_photo #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
Faces of the #Fast_Food_Movement
Fast food workers from all over the country descended on Chicago over the weekend to fight for dignity and a “living wage.” Meet some of them.
#fast-food #nourriture #alimentation #Chicago #photographie #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
Photos : Inside a detention center for migrant children
The Customs and Border Patrol is overwhelmed by a flood of minors illegally entering the U.S. from Central America
#détention #USA #mineurs #migration #rétention #détention_administrative #centre_de_détention #photographie #photoreportage
cc @albertocampiphoto
fotojournalismus — Boat Migrants Risk Everything for a New Life in Europe
cc @reka
Migrants attempt to cross border from Morocco into Spain – in pictures
Spain has two enclaves in Morocco, #Melilla and #Ceuta, and migrants from all over Africa regularly try to reach them by climbing the triple barriers that keep them separate. Deaths and injuries are common. Photographer #Sergi_Camara captures the desperate attempts to cross as part of a long-term project
#photographie #photoreportage #Maroc #Espagne #frontière #migration #asile #réfugiés #barrière_frontalière
cc @albertocampiphoto
Kommunalka : Un idéal soviétique de logements publics qui ne s’est jamais concrétisé | Russia Beyond the Headlines
Un petit reportage photo très simple et surtout très tendre