
  • Calling all Chefs: what happens when a Two Star Michelin Chef can’t find a job?

    Twenty-nine year old Michael Magner, owner of a sub shop and pizzeria, decided to open an authentic Italian restaurant in Beverly, Massachusetts. He needed a chef. Paolo Laboa, a two star Michelin...

  • Il y a trois jours, l’éditrice de la version anglaise du Akhbar répondait (sans le nommer explicitement, mais de manière transparente) à un éditorial du rédacteur en chef du même quotiditien, Ibrahim al Amine. Aujourd’hui, la version anglaise du Akhbar publie un article de Amal Saad-Ghorayeb, qui attaque nommément, et de manière très dure, l’éditorial l’Al Amine :

    Yarmouk Camp – Resistance Camp Needs to Reflect

    Yet such overgeneralizations and undertones about the Palestinian people were not lost on the more racist supporters of the Syrian government who lavished praise on Amin’s article for outing “Palestinian treason” and “highlighting their treacherous nature.” Nor were these racist tropes lost on outraged Palestinian supporters of the Resistance, including the widely celebrated poet and public intellectual Tamim Barghouti, who tweeted “the racist article of the Lebanese journalist who supports the killing of the people of Yarmouk, is the racism of those who carried out [the massacres of] Tel al-Zaatar and Sabra and Shatila. The resistance should not be associated with the language of its enemies."

    Also derogatory was Amin’s demand that Palestinians “admit” that in Syria they “enjoyed advantages that their counterparts were deprived of in every corner of the world – advantages not even enjoyed in Gaza and the West Bank.” While factually correct, such demands for gratitude are counter-productive in that they easily descend into the logic of keeping score of moral debts accumulated by those we are supposedly collectively and morally obligated toward. Moreover, the theme of the “guests who bite the hand that fed them” is politically damaging to the Resistance in that it undermines its prioritization of the Palestinian cause as the leading moral and religious obligation, and reduces its longstanding solidarity with the Palestinian resistance factions and the Palestinian people as something conditional upon their “good behavior."

  • Israël approuve un projet d’annexion d’une rive du #Jourdain - Le Nouvel Observateur

    Le gouvernement israélien a approuvé dimanche un projet d’annexion de la rive occidentale du Jourdain, en #Cisjordanie occupée, dont les Palestiniens veulent pourtant faire la frontière orientale d’un futur Etat.

    Cette décision du comité législatif du gouvernement, composé de certains ministres, a été prise à l’initiative de la frange la plus à droite du Likoud, le parti du chef du gouvernement, Benjamin Netanyahu.

    • Israeli ministers cementing settlements to solidify hold on Jordan Valley

      Quoting a statement of Abba Eban, who was foreign minister after the Six-Day War, Elkin said “The 1967 borders are Auschwitz borders." (...)


      Israeli calls to maintain a permanent presence in the Jordan Valley are nothing new, dating to the days of the then Minister of Labor Yigal Allon, who drafted a plan that carried his name shortly after the Six-Day War. But the future of Israel’s control over the Jordan Valley and the 6,000 Jewish settlers living there came into the international limelight earlier this week with the passage of the annexation bill by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation, 8 to 3.

  • Disparition de Mandela : les footballeurs Drogba et Eboué convoqués par la fédération turque - Turquie / Afrique du Sud - RFI



    En 1992, le chef de l’ANC avait refusé un prix décerné par Ankara au prétexte que les Kurdes souffraient d’un statut proche de celui des Noirs sous l’apartheid, ce qui n’avait pas été très bien pris par les dirigeants locaux.

    #mandela #turquie

  • Diskin hits back at Netanyahu in scathing personal attack on Facebook - National Israel News | Haaretz

    Yuval Diskin, ancien chef du Shin Beit, règle ses comptes avec Netanyahou sur sa page Facebook.

    Il prévient :

    1. Les ramifications de l’échec des négociations avec les Palestiniens sont bien plus graves pour l’avenir d’Israël que le programme nucléaire iranien.

    2. Un accord est nécessaire DES MAINTENANT, avant d’arriver à un point de non-retour à l’issue duquel la solution de 2 Etats sera impossible.

    3. La coalition actuelle et les problèmes internes au Likoud rendent un accord avec les Palestiniens impossible.

    • Quant à l’attaque personnelle contre Netanyahou…
      “As it were, soon enough they’ll be sending Gila Gamliel, Gilad Erdan and all the rest of the sycophants to explain why it’s okay to own three houses on the state’s tab, to buy 10,000 shekels worth of ice cream, to pay 84,000 shekels for water, to take suitcases filled with clothes to wash and iron at hotels abroad, to buy scented candles for 6,000 shekels - since the prime minister needs to concentrate on eliminating the Iranian threat…. It’s sad. And we all hear it, and don’t say a word,” Diskin added.

  • Saudi adviser says region will lose sleep over Iran nuclear deal | Middle East | World Bulletin

    Le chef du conseil de la Choura, Abdullah al-Askar :

    « Les habitants du Moyen-Orient perdront le sommeil du fait de l’accord nucléaire entre les puissances mondiales et l’Iran. »

    People in the Middle East will lose sleep over a nuclear deal between global powers and Iran, a Saudi foreign policy adviser said on Sunday.

  • inside apple’s cupertino spaceship campus by foster + partners


    via @monachollet qui vient de nous signaler le lien et qui, très occupée, m’autorise à le seenthiser à sa place

    L’ancien chef cartographe du Guardian, Simon Rogers, travaille maintenant chez Twitter en Californie... si c’est aussi bien que là, je suis pas étonné. Ça donne des idées. Et le HQ Google est pas mal du tout aussi parait-il

    a look inside apple’s cupertino spaceship campus by foster + partners

    all images courtesy city of cupertino

    almost a month after apple had unveiled the scale model of the foster + partners-designed curved glass apple headquarters in cupertino, new renders of the final HQ plan have been uncovered by wired. apple campus 2, which was approved by city officials last month, will sit on a plot of 176-acres of land, accommodating approximately 12,000 employees within the south bay city of 60,000 people. included in the plan is a 260,128 m2 office, research and development building, 1000-seat auditorium, 27,870 m2 research facilities, and a generating plant that will serve as the campus’ primary source of electricity. the net-zero architectural development has been conceived as an environmentally-aware scheme, which will increase the existing landscape on the site by 350%.

    #architecture #apple #siège_social

  • Hamas and the Resistance : The Movement Plots Its Return | Al
    By : Ibrahim al-Amin
    Akhbar English, November 7, 2013

    Le rédacteur en chef du quotidien libanais proche du Hezbollah prévoit le retour du Hamas dans « le camp de la résistance ». L’organisation islamiste avait, entre autres, rompu avec Damas après le début de l’insurrection en Syrie.

    The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas is undergoing a major internal review in light of dramatic events witnessed in the Middle East, which could very well lead to its return to the Resistance camp once again. The process will likely take some time to complete and will be comprehensive in scope, covering all aspects of the movement’s ideology and politics.

    The Syrian crisis, the toppling of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and the movement’s position in relation to both the Resistance and the so-called “moderate Arab” camps, will be at the heart of Hamas’ discussions. The group is reluctant to call this process a “review,” preferring to say that the changes that have taken place in the region require a reconsideration of how exactly to proceed.

    Hamas is not looking to play a central role as it once did in the Resistance front, for its leadership knows well that such a position cannot easily be regained, nor can it play such a role in the Brotherhood and its alliance on the other side. It is likely that the movement will be looking for a place between the two camps that will give it a greater margin of maneuverability, as well as the ability to maintain contacts with all the parties.

    Nevertheless, the Islamist movement is very much worried about the role of Saudi Arabia, which Hamas believes has implicated itself in an alliance with the United States, the Israelis, and an assortment of Salafi groups that seek to topple the regime in Syria, lay siege to Iran, and put an end to the Resistance movements in the region, including Gaza.

  • #Anthony_Bourdain goes to #South_Africa

    In a recent episode of his #CNN#Parts_Unknown,” the American chef and writer Anthony Bourdain traveled to South Africa. In my mind at least, this episode was long overdue and in fact, I’ve even said so on this blog in the past. The episode focuses on #Gauteng Province (#Johannesburg and #Pretoria), signaling to a desire on the producers’ part to focus on emerging and predominantly urban black South African sensibilities and avoiding the pre-packaged, proto-European sensibilities and more (...)


  • Le chef du Conseil militaire de l’Armée syrienne libre, Abdul-Jabbar al-Akidi, annonce sa démission. Silence médiatique.


    قدم رئيس المجلس العسكري الثوري التابع للجيش السوري الحر المعارض في حلب العقيد عبد الجبار العكيدي، استقالته من منصبه احتجاجا على “تآمر” المجتمع الدولي وتشرذم المعارضة السياسية العسكرية.

    A resignation that won’t register in US media

    All news that are damaging to the cause of the Syrian “revolution” is expunged from US media. Take this item today: the head of Revolutionary Military Council of the Fee Syrian Army, ‘Abdul-Jabbar-‘Akidi, has resigned. This is big news by the standards of the Syrian rebels and it is widely discussed in social media.

  • Egypte : le procès Morsi ou le risque de la dictature - Edito Le Monde


    Le procès de M. Morsi et de ses amis a toutes les chances de ressembler à une vengeance politique beaucoup plus qu’au nécessaire bilan d’une année de pouvoir (mal) exercé par les Frères musulmans, de leur victoire à l’élection présidentielle de juin 2012 jusqu’à la destitution du chef de l’Etat par l’armée, le 3 juillet 2013.
    (...) la démonstration que la révolution de la place Tahrir a accouché, à ce stade, d’un régime autoritaire, pour ne pas dire dictatorial.


    • Morsi’s Trial

      Whether this work or not is unclear, and seems unlikely. There is however another more sinister potential intention. The Nov 4 trial is being held in no ordinary court-room but at the Institute of Police Officers at Torah, the site of Egypt’s largest prison complex. Residents have reported of the astonishing preparations that have been taking place in the area, with new tarmac being laid on the roads, walls built, rooftops secured, trees cut down, and the residents themselves warned to stay indoors throughout the proceedings. The stage is clearly being set for confrontation with demonstrators. On their part, demonstrations have never stopped, but they are likely to get much more heated during trials which are widely seen as being show trials.

      The trials will last some time, and it seems as if, with the duly-elected President of the country being trailed backwards and forwards to and from his place of trial, accidents can occur or be made to occur for the Junta to try and overcome their main stumbling block. If anything untoward does happen to Morsi, they might think that with the media under their control, they will be able to spin events to their favour and move on. If they do, then they haven’t seen what is happening in the street, where the demonstrations are getting bigger every day, now including many previous supporters of the coup who feel betrayed.

  • Raid américain en Libye : Tripoli demande des explications (6/10/13)

    Le gouvernement libyen affirme, dimanche 6 octobre, ne pas être au courant de la capture sur son territoire de Nazih Al-Ragye, plus connu sous le nom d’Abou Anas Al-Libi, un leader présumé d’Al-Qaida, par des forces américaines. « Le gouvernement libyen suit les informations sur l’enlèvement d’un des citoyens libyens recherché par les autorités des Etats-Unis (...) Dès qu’il a entendu l’information, le gouvernement libyen a contacté les autorités américaines pour leur demander des explications à ce sujet », a indiqué le gouvernement de transition dans un communiqué publié à Tripoli.

    Le gouvernement libyen a par ailleurs exprimé son « souci de voir les citoyens libyens jugés dans leur pays, quelles que soient les accusations à leur encontre ». Il a rappelé que la Libye était liée aux Etats-Unis par un « partenariat stratégique », en particulier dans les domaines de la sécurité et de la défense. « Le gouvernement espère que ce partenariat stratégique ne sera pas pénalisé par cet incident », a-t-il ajouté.

    Abou Anas Al-Libi, qui figure parmi les personnalités les plus recherchées par le FBI – qui avait offert 5 millions de dollars pour sa capture –, pourrait être transféré aux Etats-Unis pour y être jugé. Il a été accusé par une cour fédérale américaine d’avoir joué un rôle-clé dans les attentats contre les ambassades américaines de Dar es-Salaam et Nairobi en 1998.

    • Puis, le 8/10/13

      La figure d’Al-Qaida capturée en Libye interrogée sur un bateau en Méditerannée

      Suite à la capture par les forces spéciales américaines d’Abou Anas Al-Libi en Libye, une équipe d’enquêteurs spécialisés interrogent actuellement ce haut responsable présumé d’Al-Qaida à bord d’un bâtiment de guerre américain, le San Antonio , au large de la Méditerrannée, selon des responsables américains cités par Reuters.
      Il serait aux mains du « High Value Detainee Interrogation Group », une unité américaine créée spécialement pour interroger des suspects de terrorisme afin de déjouer de futurs attentats.

      Officiellement, cette unité, au nom qui fait froid dans le dos, ne pratique pas la torture. Elle a été créée en 2009 par B. H. Obama pour que les résultats des interrogatoires puissent être utilisés en justice.

      Talking rights — High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group (non daté, sans doute 06/2009)—http://robinkirk.com/?p=285

      The Obama Administration just announced the creation of a new, multi-institution group that will take over the questioning of high-value suspects in the “war on terror.” According to the Los Angeles Times, interrogators will “stay within the parameters of the Army Field Manual when questioning suspects,” meaning no torture.

      Pour le contexte de sa création :
      Obama Task Force on Torture Considers CIA-FBI Interrogation Teams — The Washington Independent (24/06/2009) http://washingtonindependent.com/48411/obama-task-force-on-torture-considers-cia-fbi-interrogations-

    • Et maintenant, on fait quoi, chef ?

      So, You Captured an al Qaeda Terrorist and Are Holding Him at Sea. Now What ? | FP Passport

      On Saturday, U.S. Navy SEALs captured Nazih Abdul-Hamed al-Ruqai, better known by his nom de guerre, Abu Anas al-Libi, in a brazen raid on his home in Tripoli, Libya. Libi was indicted in New York in 2000 for his role in al Qaeda’s bombing of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and is believed to have played a role in revitalizing al Qaeda’s operations in North Africa in recent years. The SEALs whisked Libi to the USS San Antonio, which was waiting offshore, where he is “currently lawfully detained under the law of war” as an enemy combatant, according to the Pentagon.

      Abou Anas suit un « parcours » déjà balisé par un prédécesseur

      “Warsame is the model for this guy,” an unnamed official told the New York Times. That would be Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame, an al-Shabab military commander seized in Somalia on April 19, 2011. He was then held and interrogated by a special American interrogation team comprised of representatives from the Department of Justice, the intelligence community, and the military aboard the USS Boxer for two months, before being read his Miranda rights and turned over to the FBI. After another week of interrogation, Warsame was indicted on June 30, 2011 and formally arrested on July 3. While only the testimony he gave the FBI was admissible in court, the intelligence he shared with U.S. interrogators before being read his Miranda rights could be used to inform U.S. military strikes or CIA operations against terrorist groups. Warsame later pleaded guilty and elected to cooperate with U.S. officials.

      While detentions like this one are part of established practice, they do present some tricky legal wrinkles. Some critics, for instance, have pointed out that Warsame and Libi’s indefinite detention aboard a ship violates the Geneva Conventions, which specifies that prisoners of war “may be interned only in premises located on land.”

      Et, pour changer, quelques petites difficultés avec les lois et conventions nationales et internationales…
      • Convention de Genève sur les prisonniers de guerre (non-détention prolongée en mer)
      • S’il n’est pas prisonnier de guerre, respect de ses droits à un jugement équitable (non lecture de ses droits, à l’états-unienne)
      • Poursuite et arrestation sur un territoire étranger pour un « flagrant délit » vieux de 15 ans…

      Qu’on le f… à Guantánamo, il ne nous embêtera plus !

      Earlier this year, Sens. John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Kelly Ayotte released a joint statement, saying that “A foreign member of al Qaeda should never be treated like a common criminal and should never hear the words ’you have a right to remain silent. ’” It’s a stance Graham and Ayotte reiterated on Monday, with Graham arguing that Libi should be treated as an enemy combatant and sent to the U.S. detention center at Guantánamo Bay. “U.S. Navy ships were never intended to be confinement and interrogation facilities in the War on the Terror,” Graham said in a statement. “The use of ships, instead of Guantanamo Bay, will greatly compromise our ability to gather intelligence from captured terrorists.

    • Ce qui est amusant, c’est que :
      1) l’évènement fait plus de bruit que tout le reste, relayé indistinctement par tous les médias
      2) rien dans ce qui est dit n’est vérifiable d’une quelconque façon par quiconque
      3) les animations 3D sont toutes déjà prêtes, le lendemain de l’évènement...
      4) quel intérêt en définitive ? aucune mise en perspective autre que « on va enfin pouvoir lyncher un de ces putains de fils de pute ».

      N’empêche que Dilma Roussef a envoyé bouler le président US à la tribune de l’ONU comme jamais un chef d’état du BRICS ne l’avait fait... c’était il y a 10 jours, et on continue à disserter par ci par là sur les tweets du président iranien...

  • La #Russie rouvre une base militaire dans l’Arctique

    La Russie va restaurer sa présence militaire dans l’Arctique pour surveiller la route maritime du Nord, un projet stratégique voué à jouer un rôle croissant dans les échanges internationaux. Le chef de l’Etat, Vladimir Poutine, a indiqué qu’une #base militaire, située dans l’archipel des îles de Nouvelle-Sibérie, dans l’est de l’Arctique, serait rétablie.

    #climat #transport

  • Le chef d’une des branches d’Al Qaeda en Syrie serait mort :

    The commander of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), a major Islamist opposition group fighting the government of Bashar Al-Assad, was killed in the city of Salamiyah near Hama during a failed attack the rebel group launched against government forces on Sunday, Asharq Al-Awsat has learnt.

    A member of the Syrian opposition, speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat on condition of anonymity, said: “Imad Ahmad, a Palestinian national, the commander-in-chief of the ISIS, was killed last Sunday in the eastern suburbs of Hama.”

    Note : insister sur le conditionnel. Avec la reprise en main du dossier syrien par Bandar Bin Sultan, je ne doute pas que l’on va nous annoncer, dans les semaines qui viennent, par petites touches successives, la disparition d’Al Qaeda en Syrie.

  • Zero-hours contracts cover more than 1m UK workers

    More than 1 million British workers could be employed on zero-hours contracts, new figures released on Monday reveal, suggesting that British business is deploying the controversial employment terms far more widely than previously thought.

    (les zero-hours contracts sont le rêve de tout bon chef d’entreprise : aucune obligation d’horaires hebdomadaires, pas de congés payés, pas d’arrêt maladie).
    #emploi #contrats #employabilité

  • Syrie
    Le général Salim Idriss, commandant en chef de l’Armée libre syrienne, appelle les brigades indépendantes islamistes à rejoindre les rangs de son armée. Il offre de partager avec eux, sous certaines conditions, l’armement qu’il recevra des pays soutenant la rébellion syrienne.

    Syria’s rebel leader urges extremist fighters to unify in return for weapons

    Phil Sands, The National, United Arab Emirates, 22 juin 2013


    "General Salim Idriss, commander of the FSA, the name under which moderate rebel units fight, appealed to leaders of independent Islamist brigades - which are currently not part of the alliance he leads - to join its ranks, according to a leading figure from one of the armed Islamist factions involved in the talks. “Idriss offered to support the Islamist factions by sharing the weapons he expects to receive, if they joined an alliance with the FSA and agree to certain conditions,” the Damascus-based rebel said yesterday (...)".

  • Attention, ça se complique : le « chef » d’Al Qaeda annule la fusion entre la branche irakienne d’Al Qaeda et la branche syrienne d’Al Qaeda. Les deux branches ne parvenaient pas à s’accorder sur la meilleure technique de décapitation au couteau, et cela créait des tensions.

    Al-Qaeda’s top leader has ruled against the merger of two jihadi groups based in Syria and Iraq, in an attempt to put an end to increased tensions and infighting among members.

    Ayman al-Zawahiri’s ruling came in a letter addressed to the leaders of Syrian-based Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), which is the largest jihadi umbrella group in the country.

    Al Jazeera exclusively obtained a copy of the letter on Sunday from reliable sources in Syria.

    The ruling comes two months after the leader of ISI, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared a merger with al-Nusra to form the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), saying that al-Nusra was “merely an extension and part of the Islamic State of Iraq”.

  • A suivre de très près : développement dangereux, le raid de la maison de Sheikh Eissa Qassem, religieux chiite très révéré des Bahreiniens. Chef spirituel du Wefaq, les autorités le tiennent pour l’instigateur des troubles au Bahrein.

    Bahrain top Shi’ite cleric’s home raided by security forces | GulfNews.com

    Security personnel forced open the door of Shaikh Isa’s home in the village of Duraz in the early hours of Friday morning and searched the house, Bahrain’s main opposition bloc Al Wefaq said on its website.

    The statement said the teams searched the home and left, but police helicopters patrolled the area for hours after.

    A leading Bahrain human rights activist said the reason for the raid was not known, but he believed security forces had entered the shaikh’s house in pursuit of some fugitives who had fled there from a neighbouring house.
    “This is the first time (his house was raided) and it’s hugely offensive for a huge number of Shi’ites in Bahrain,” said Mohammad Al Maskati, president of the Bahrain Youth Society for Human Rights.
    “People see him as a red line. I expect that this will cause a big reaction.”

  • Tomas de Torquemada in the U.S. armed forces | McClatchy

    Lawrence Wilkerson, l’ancien chef du personnel de Colin Powell, sur les « fondamentalistes chrétiens » au sein de l’armée US et le soutien qu’ils reçoivent de la part de leur hiérarchie, des médias et du congrès.

    About a month ago, I joined the advisory board of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) to replace Glen Doherty, a former Navy SEAL and member of the board who had recently been killed in the Benghazi incident. I was a reluctant recruit, knowing as I did the importance of spiritual solace amid the horrors of battle.

    “Why,” I asked myself, “should we meddle with something so important?”

    When the MRFF’s director, Mikey Weinstein, allowed me to study the extent and nature of the activities of certain fundamentalists within the ranks of the U.S. Armed Forces - and I poured through records of their obscenities, vicious hatred and other manifestations of their more insidious members’ minds - I changed my mind. That so-called followers of Christ could write and say such things, and their defenders and representatives in the media, Congress and elsewhere could ally with them, made my blood boil.


    Now, we have a breed of fundamentalist Christians trying to proselytize our armed forces into hell.

    Perhaps worse, we have news media, members of Congress, research councils and a host of what I can only call radical fundamentalist organizations - American Taliban? - who constantly support them, urge them on, and demonize organizations like the MRFF.

    Next, we will have the construction of fundamentalist Christian madrassas all across this great land.


  • Pourquoi Assad est l’homme d’Israël à Damas selon Efraim Halevy …

    Le bimestriel Foreign Affairs a publié le 10 mai un article du neuvième directeur du Mossad (1998-2002) et 4e chef du Conseil de sécurité nationale israélien Ephraim Halevy, dans lequel il explique pourquoi Assad est l’homme d’Israël à Damas.

    De père en fils, les Assad ont toujours été considérés par les responsables israéliens comme un bouclier de sécurité et de paix protégeant les frontières d’Israël plus de 40 ans. « Israel knows one important thing about the Assads : for the past 40 years, they have managed to preserve some form of calm along the border. » se félicite Ephraim Halevy.

    Après les raids dans la région de Damas, qui semble-t-il, visaient « des armes iraniennes destinées au parti chiite libanais Hezbollah » selon les responsables israéliens, le silence radio du régime du dictateur Bachar el Assad parait normal, raisonnable et prévu pour Efraim Halevy « Last week’s attacks were a case in point. Israel did not hesitate to order air strikes when it had intelligence that arms were going to be funneled from Syria to Hezbollah. (…) But parallel with that messaging, Israel also made overt and covert efforts to communicate to Assad that Jerusalem was determined to remain neutral in Syria’s civil war. The fact that those messages were received in Damascus was reflected in the relatively restrained response from the Assad regime : a mid-level Foreign Ministry official offered a public denouncement of Israel — and even then the Syrian government offered only a vague promise of reprisal, vowing to respond at a time and in a manner of its choosing. »

    La réponse molle du vice-ministre syrien des Affaires étrangères Fayçal Moqdad dans un entretien exclusif à l’AFP, confirme que les vrais ennemis du régime confessionnel, raciste et criminel de Bachar el Assad, sont la révolution, la liberté, la justice et la démocratie.

    Le reste, ce sont Thierry Meyssan et les agités du bocal pro-Assad qui le comprennent et interprètent à leur manière teintée de sunnitophobie et d’orientalisme « new age ».

    Lire la suite http://chahidslimani.over-blog.com

  • Les noirs ne sont pas assez contrôlés, selon le chef de la police de New York | Slate

    Selon Raymond Kelly, les Afro-américains sont à l’origine de 70% à 73% des délits violents (braquages, fusillades...) à New York. Dans son intervention télévisée, il a mis en regard cette statistique avec le pourcentage de contrôles pratiqués sur les personnes afro-américaines. Ils s’élèveraient à 53% du total des « stop-and-frisks » effectués par la police. Une proportion de contrôles qu’il juge insuffisante, d’un point de vue démographique, « par rapport au pourcentage de personnes décrites comme les auteurs de délits violents ».

    Depuis que Michael Bloomberg est maire de New York, la police new-yorkaise a effectué plus de cinq millions de contrôles. Les statistiques de l’Union américaine pour les libertés viciles (ACLU) soulignent que plus de 86% de ces contrôles sont pratiqués sur des personnes noires ou d’origine hispanique, les « latinos ». La même analyse révèle que 88% de ces contrôles ne débouchent pas sur des arrestations ou des assignation à comparaître devant un tribunal. Dans un communiqué en avril 2013, l’Union pour les libertés civiles de New York (NYCLU) dénonçait déjà la méthodologie du système de contrôle :

    « Sous l’égide de l’administration Bloomberg, les résidents de la ville de New York ont été arrêtés et contrôlés plus de cinq millions de fois. Les New-Yorkais ont été espionnés à cause de leur religion ou de leurs origines. »

    En mars 2013, la politique de « stop-and-frisk » avait été dénoncée par des policiers de la NYPD. Certains ont accepté de témoigner pour révéler un système de quotas dans les contrôles à effectuer que l’administration a démenti. Un rapport de l’Union pour les libertés civiles de New York publié en 2011 évoquait un chiffre choc, toujours à propos de la politique du « stop-and-frisk ». Statistiquement parlant, tous les jeunes afro-américains ont été contrôlés au moins une fois dans l’année 2011.

    Un véritable mouvement s’est formé pour protester contre le système de contrôle que certains décrivent comme un contrôle au faciès. Le Centre pour les droits constitutionnels a créé une carte de New York délimitant les zones où la proportion de « stop-and-frisk » est la plus importante. Le NYCLU de son côté à mis sur pied une application, « Stop-and-Frisk Wactch », destinée aux citoyens permettant de reporter les contrôles, de les filmer et de les enregistrer.

    • Mayor Bloomberg on Stop-and-Frisk - NYTimes.com

      Mr. Bloomberg denied that police officers stop people based on race, adding that members of minority groups were more likely to be stopped because minorities committed most of the crimes. But court documents in the three federal lawsuits that are moving through the judicial system tell another story entirely.

      The data in the case of Floyd v. City of New York, a class action being heard in federal court in Manhattan, show that in tens of thousands of cases, officers reported stopping people based on “furtive movement,” a meaningless term that cannot be legally used to justify a stop. Officers also reported that they had made stops in “high crime areas,” when, in fact, some of those areas were not. In many cases, officers said that they had stopped people based on a “suspicious bulge” — suggesting a gun — in their clothing. Yet, according to court documents, officers found only one gun for every 69 stops in which they cited a “bulge.” And guns were seized in only 0.15 percent of all stops.

      In addition, only 5.4 percent of all stops resulted in an arrest, and about 6 percent led to a summons. This means that in nearly 90 percent of cases, the citizens who were stopped were doing nothing illegal. In some cases, prosecutors declined to automatically prosecute arrests made in connection with the program because they knew that the stops were illegal.

      Mr. Bloomberg’s suggestion that the program has been responsible for historic drops in crime is also implausible. Crime has declined all over the country, including in places that have not used New York’s aggressively invasive techniques. Besides, if crime rates and street stops had a strong correlation, the murder rate would have gone up in 2012, when stops declined by about 20 percent. In fact, the murder rate fell in 2012 to an all-time low.

      Mr. Bloomberg’s implication that the program’s critics are more interested in vexing City Hall than in keeping the streets clear of murderers was especially reprehensible. No one is opposed to using effective, constitutional means of fighting crime. The problem is that over the last decade the Police Department has shown utter contempt for Fourth Amendment guarantees of freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. And worse, these tactics have been used largely against young black and Hispanic men.

  • BIlan sécuritaire du WE du Grand Prix de Formule 1 :
    –8000 policiers déployés,
    –1000 Molotov, 137 pneus, 72 extincteurs saisis (d’après le chef de la police)
    –deux jeunes filles arrêtées soupçonnées de préparer une attaque contre le circuit.

    “The danger facing the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council concerns each and everyone of us and demands that we be united,” he said at a consultative meeting of GCC interior ministers in Manama, the BNA reported.


  • Palestine. Intéressant sujet quasiment jamais évoqué publiquement: les dettes contractées par l’Autorité palestinienne (PA) dont l’existence a été révélée à l’occasion du départ du ministre des Finances Nabil Qassis. L’auteur de l’article, Abdel Bari Atwan (Rédacteur en chef de Alquds Alarabi) s’insurge contre une situation qui non seulement hypothèque l’avenir des Palestiniens mais leur fait supporter aussi le coût de l’occupation israélienne (En général, on s’accorde à dire que c’est la communauté internationale qui, par ses aides, finance l’occupation israélienne des territoires palestiniens).

    PA debt as repressive as Israel
    Abdel Bari Atwan (Alquds Alarabi)
    13 April 2013

    “We are very shocked to learn that the Palestinian Authority (PA) in Ramallah has run up debts approaching $5bn and that $1bn is external debt. These debts are a heavy burden on the Palestinian people, and will extend to the coming generations. Most Palestinians thought that the PA’s funding came from the donor countries, not debts that would constrain the hands of the Palestinian people and break their will.

    The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and his Prime Minister Salam Fayyad have been airing apparently logical comparisons between the prosperous conditions of the Palestinians in the West Bank and the deteriorating conditions of the residents of the Gaza Strip. However, these Palestinian officials have not mentioned that such prosperity came as a result of borrowing the billions of dollars from foreign banks and institutions, not as a result of the fiscal genius of the government and its prime minister, who was a World Bank economist from 1987 – 1995 and was dispatched to the West Bank by the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

    I am not biased towards Hamas in the Gaza Strip, as I reject the way it deals with its citizens with an iron fist, the spread of corruption, and the level of interference in their personal lives. However, I am biased towards the Palestinian people and their future. They will be under pressure of this debt for decades ahead.

    (…) I thank God for the resignation of Dr Nabil Qasis, which freed him to open up this issue of debts, to expose the cover-up of the increasing financial quagmire. The Palestinian prime minister should resign from his position, as he has plunged his country, subject to Israeli occupation, into debt. Salam Fayyad and his President Mahmoud Abbas should bear the responsibility of this disaster. They should resign from their positions as they have exempted the Israeli occupation from bearing its responsibility for over 20 years since signing the Oslo Agreement. (…) The PA, that now supports the Israeli occupation by borrowing money that it knows it cannot pay back, must be dissolved.”

    #Abbas #Fayyad #West_Bank #Gaza #Qasis #Oslo_Agreement #debt