position:field commander

  • Ca va pas fort pour les rebelles de la poche d’Azaz qui après avoir pris du territoire à Da’ich risquent de voir leur microterritoire coupé en 2 par les offensives de Da’ich et perdre la ville de Mare. Reste que la ligne de front ne cesse de bouger dans cette zone et donc que rien n’y est fait :

    (carte de @miladvisor)

    Cela dans les contexte où on évoque la création d’une armée « Armée du Nord » (Jaych al-Chamal) sous le patronage turco-américain qui aurait pour but d’empêcher les Kurdes de faire la jonction Kobané-Afrin en prenant du territoire à Da’ich au Nord à partir de la poche d’Azaz, et également de combattre al-Nousra dans la province d’Idlib afin d’aider la rébellion à se distancier du groupe selon les souhaits des Russes - et, semble-t-il, des Américains (mais soyons prudents...) :

    The plan was reportedly formu­lated at a meeting May 9th in Turkey and included intelligence officials from the United States, Turkey, Sau­di Arabia and Qatar, in addition to leaders of the rebel groups. Turkish officials bluntly told the insurgents that if they refused to join the pro­posed alliance they would be brand­ed as terrorists.
    The Americans are to provide the new force with advanced weaponry. Saudi Arabia and Qatar would cover financial costs. Military operations could start within two weeks. Air cover would be provided by the coa­lition countries while Turkey would offer artillery support from across the border.
    According to a field commander with al-Zenki, the plan involves three phases, starting with the an­nouncement of the creation of Jaish al-Shamal. The second step includes moving the groups’ fighters and their weapons via Turkish territo­ries to northern Aleppo. The third phase is the fight itself.
    He noted that opposition groups had begun on May 13th mov­ing fighters and heavy weaponry through Bab al-Hawa, a border crossing between Syria and Turkey.
    Al-Zenki group is to lead the bat­tle, which is meant to fight ISIS, evict al-Nusra Front from Idlib, lib­erate the town of Al Raii, capture the area to the east of city of Azaz and then the city of Mare’.
    The plan was confirmed by US Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who declared at a May 13th news conference in Washington that the United States and Turkey share the objective of clearing the area from ISIS.
    However, the fact that the plan does not refer to fighting troops loy­al to Assad has aroused suspicions among rebel groups of the existence of a prior agreement between the United States and Russia on the for­mation of the new alliance.
    “We fear that the US conditions limit the mission of this (new) army to fighting ISIS,” an al-Zenki com­mander said. “Is there a US-Russian understanding with the Syrian re­gime to avoid fighting between the Northern Army and the Syrian regu­lar army as well as the Kurdish fight­ers who are attempting to control the area?”
    It seems opposition groups have no alternative but to go along with the US plan of fighting ISIS out of fear that they will lose land to ad­vancing Assad troops, backed by Iranian and Hezbollah fighters un­der Russian air cover, and also their only supply route from Turkey, which threatened to consider them terrorists if they fail to comply.
    Nonetheless, the US-sponsored plan seems to serve the goals of Turkey, which according to high-ranking Syrian opposition sources, “is facing an embarrassing situa­tion” after the killing of more than 25 people and the injuring of dozens of others by ISIS bombardment from Syria on the Turkish town of Kilis.

    • Les choses bougent vite sur ce front...
      Da’ich vient de prendre la route Azaz-Marea. La poche d’Azaz est coupée en deux et Marea complètement isolée :


      Les jihadistes ont coupé une route clé entre Azaz, une ville toute proche de la frontière turque, et Marea, à quelques km plus au sud-ouest, a indiqué depuis Azaz Maamoun Khatib, qui tient une agence de presse proche de l’opposition.

      « C’est un désastre », a-t-il affirmé à l’AFP, précisant que quelque 15.000 personnes étaient maintenant assiégées à Marea.

      Cette avancée de l’EI menace des dizaines de milliers de personnes déplacées par les combats et vivant des camps informels dans le secteur d’Azaz alors que la frontière avec la Turquie est fermée depuis plusieurs mois.

      « Nous sommes terriblement inquiets pour environ 100.000 personnes piégées entre la frontière turque et les lignes de front », a indiqué Pablo Marco, responsable régional des opérations pour Médecins sans frontières (MSF).

      L’ONG affirme être en train d’évacuer les patients et le personnel d’un hôpital qu’elle soutient à Salama, une localité entre la frontière et Azaz.

      « Les gens n’ont nulle part pour fuir tandis que les combats se rapprochent », a alerté M. Marco.

  • What’s next for the Syrian regime? - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
    A field commander in the pro-regime Baath Brigades engaged in the Latakia countryside battles told Al-Monitor in Latakia, on condition of anonymity, “By taking control over Salma, we destroyed the largest set of the militants’ field hospitals. The next phase of the military operations — which is what we call the post-Salma stage — is to expand in the north and northeastern parts of the town toward the town of Kinsabba. This will allow us to reach Jisr al-Shughur in the countryside of Idlib and then advance toward the north in order to launch deadly strikes against militants.”

    He stressed, “The success of the regime forces in controlling Salma and progressing beyond would not have been possible, had it not been for the Russian air cover,” which accompanies any progress on the ground on the part of the Syrian regime and its supporters.

    Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2016/01/syria-regime-control-salma-turkey-borders.html#ixzz3xylzrp90

  • Syrian Army Advances in the South as Aloush Renews Threats Against Damascus | Al Akhbar English

    The Syrian army battles against “al-Rahman Brigade” fighters in Jobar resulted in advances by army units towards new military posts behind the city’s post office. Al-Tadamon Front (south of Damascus) joined the confrontations following renewed clashes in the area of “prefabricated homes.” It has also been reported that al-Nusra Front field commander Abdul Rahman Taqlagi was injured during clashes with the army in the vicinity of Kafr Batna. The capital, Damascus, was hit by mortar shells, mainly in the areas of al-Wafideen camp and Al-Assad suburb, leaving a number of civilians wounded. In the same context, an attack by FSA militants against Syrian army posts in the town of al-Qadam south of the capital may compromise the field settlement reached there.

    “Army of Islam” commander Zahran Aloush has been in “media isolation” after his Twitter account was suspended by the site’s administration. However, Alloush appeared on the Qatari Al Jazeera satellite channel, where he renewed threats against the people of Damascus. He said that he will stop giving warnings ahead of missile strikes, and warned that his future attacks will be carried out in the form of “600 to 1,000 rockets and mortar shells in a single hit… in response to the barbaric bombardment by the regime’s forces in Douma, which mainly targeted civilians.”