Meet Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer
A “prophet of the computer age,” she saw the potential for computers outside of pure mathematics
Meet Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer
A “prophet of the computer age,” she saw the potential for computers outside of pure mathematics
How Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage Invented the World’s First Computer: An Illustrated Adventure in Footnotes and Friendship - Brain Pickings
In 1843, Ada Lovelace — the only legitimate child of the poet Lord Byron — translated a scientific paper by Italian military engineer Luigi Menabrea titled Sketch of an Analytical Engine, adding seven footnotes to it. Together, they measured 65 pages — two and half times the length of Menabrea’s original text — and included the earliest complete computer program, becoming the first true paper on computer science and rendering Lovelace the world’s first computer programmer. She was twenty-seven.
About a decade earlier, Lovelace had met the brilliant and eccentric British mathematician Charles Babbage who, when he wasn’t busy teaming up with Dickens to wage a war on street music, was working on strange inventions that would one day prompt posterity to call him the father of the computer. (Well, sort of.) The lifelong friendship that ensued between 18-year-old Lovelace and 45-year-old Babbage sparked an invaluable union of software and hardware to which we owe enormous swaths of modern life — including the very act of reading these words on this screen.
The unusual story of this Victorian power-duo is what graphic artists and animator Sydney Padua explores in the immensely delightful and illuminating The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage: The (Mostly) True Story of the First Computer (public library), itself a masterwork of combinatorial genius and a poetic analog to its subject matter — rigorously researched, it has approximately the same footnote-to-comic ratio as Lovelace’s trailblazing paper. The footnote, after all, is proto-hypertext linking one set of ideas to another, and in these analog hyperlinks, Padua draws on an impressive wealth of historical materials — from the duo’s scientific writings and lectures to Lovelace’s letters to Babbage’s autobiography to various accounts by their contemporaries.
cc @fil @sabineblanc @archiloque
شارلز باباج: هل يعتبر أب الكمبيوتر ؟ - أرشيف جورج قندلفت
نتكلم في هذه الحلقة عن شارلز باباج وآلة التحليل التي صممها ولم يبنها بكاملها. ورغم كون هذه الآلة لا تعتمد على الشرائح الإلكترونية كالكمبيوترات العصرية، إلا أنها تعتبر جهاز كمبيوتر حقيقي. فمن قال أن الكمبيوتر يجب أن يعتمد على الإلكترونيات ؟
Happy Birthday, Ada Lovelace: How Lord Byron’s Daughter Became the World’s First Computer Programmer - Brain Pickings
At twelve, Ada became fascinated by mechanical engineering and wrote a book called Flyology, in which she illustrated with her own plates her plan for constructing a flying apparatus. And yet she felt that part of her — the poetic part — was being repressed. In a bout of teenage defiance, she wrote to her mother:
You will not concede me philosophical poetry. Invert the order! Will you give me poetical philosophy, poetical science?
Juste pour référence, cet article date de septembre 1993 :
Ada comtesse Lovelace : la relation entre poésie et programation
آدا كونتيسة لافليس : العلاقة بين الشِعر والبرمجة - أرشيف جورج قندلفت
حتى اللورد بايرن، الشاعر البريطاني المعروف، لعب دوراً في تاريخ الكمبيوتر. فجميع القرائن تدل إلى أن أول شخص تعاطى البرمجة هو آدا كونتسة لافليس، الإبنة الشرعية الوحيدة للشاعر الكبير