
  • Les médias russes RT et Sputnik interdits de publicité sur #Twitter

    Dans une réaction à cette décision, la rédactrice en chef de RT Margarita Simonian a déclaré à l’agence russe Ria Novosti : « Je dois reconnaître que je ne pensais pas que Twitter était géré par les services secrets américains, il me semblait que dire cela relevait de la théorie du complot mais Twitter vient de le reconnaître lui-même. C’est très dommage. Il est surtout dommage que les médias américains en Russie, maintenant, vont probablement sentir la douceur des mesures de rétorsion russes ».

    Twitter Versus RT : Which One is State Media Again ?

    Whether Twitter really buys into the “Russian election meddling” theatrics or not, it’s pretending to. It’s appeasing to the US government in the same way American film producers did with their post-World War Two “blacklists,” and with respect not just to RT and Sputnik, but to anything and everything its masters in DC deem unacceptable (for example, accounts linked to Islamic and other alleged “extremists”).

    Twitter is fast becoming a branch of US state media itself.


  • Les principales chaînes mondiales d’information en continu, par Cécile Marin (@mdiplo, avril 2017)

    FBI, DOJ Eye Russian Media Outlets as ’Foreign Agents’

    Alyona Minkovski : (…) I used to work for #RT. I hosted a show at RT America. And they all exist under this kind of umbrella structure of Russian government-funded media organizations. Sputnik and RT both have offices in DC. Sputnik now has an FM station that they’ve taken over. RT America, the DC, New York, Miami bureau, they have their own programing that’s different from what RT International does, that airs just in the United States. (…) So I think that something like this raises a lot of questions because there are a lot of good people who are trying to do good journalism at those organizations, and there’s a lot of questionable journalism at those organizations, too. But whether or not you should use a World War II era law that makes these entities register as foreign agents, I think should make us ask a lot questions because then there’s a certain precedent being set because normally that’s not actually enforced from what I understand here in the United States. When Russia actually kicked out a lot of NGOs because they had a same foreign entity law that was passed, human rights organizations widely criticized it.

    RT trouble le concert de l’information internationale, par Maxime Audinet

    Fort de 2 100 employés et disposant de bureaux dans 19 pays, le groupe s’est développé grâce aux moyens importants mis à sa disposition par l’État russe. Selon un sondage de l’institut Ipsos conduit en novembre 2015 dans 38 pays, ses chaînes sont regardées par 70 millions de personnes chaque semaine ; une audience qui se situe derrière celle du service international de la British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), mais devant celle de la Deutsche Welle et de France 24. Avec respectivement 8 et 36 millions de téléspectateurs hebdomadaires, RT est en outre la cinquième chaîne internationale la plus regardée aux États-Unis et en Europe, ses cibles prioritaires. Depuis son lancement, son budget a décuplé, passant de 29 à 290 millions d’euros — près d’un quart des dotations publiques accordées aux médias. RT s’est adaptée rapidement à la promotion des contenus sur Internet, en utilisant massivement les technologies numériques virales (retransmission vidéo en direct, images à 360 degrés). Le groupe a ouvert de multiples comptes sur les réseaux sociaux, ainsi que sur YouTube, où il se présente comme la première source d’information du monde, avec 4,5 millions d’abonnés toutes chaînes confondues.

    #médias #information #télévision

  • ‘Declaration of war :’ Hajj controversy widens row between Saudi Arabia & Qatar — RT News

    #nuit_torride. Le développement du moment, c’est « l’internationalilsation des lieux-saints » musulmans, demandée par Qatar, et qui reprend un dossier très chaud déjà évoqué par les Iraniens, ce qui n’est pas innocent bien entendu.

    The feud between the Saudi-led block and Qatar escalated over the weekend, with Doha protesting to the UN over restrictions on its citizens flying to Mecca, and Riyadh threatening “war” over what it considers calls to “internationalize the holy sites” in Mecca and Medina.

    Sinon, on note également la mise en place de couloirs de secours pour les vols de l’aviation civile. Curieusement, Qatar dément... https://arabic.rt.com/middle_east/891350-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D8%B9%D9%88%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%AA%D8%B9%D9%8

  • Notes sur leur House of Cards

    Notes sur leur House of Cards

    16 juillet 2017 – Au départ, ce n’est qu’une observation anecdotique faite par un twitter plus ou moins anonyme, dit-00Author87, le 7 juillet 2017, avec comme légende : « When you’re watching the news but you’ve seen it all before on House of Cards... » RT a repris ce tweet pour en faire l’argument d’un article, montrant évidemment les scènes concernées.

    « Donald Trump’s ascend to the White House has often been compared to something out of fiction. But on Friday at the G20 Summit, Trump’s meeting with Putin in front of the cameras took on the uncanny resemblance of a scene from a Netflix series. [...]

    » The G20 summit has already yielded two handshakes between Putin and Trump, with the second official greeting garnering the most interest due to its resemblance to (...)

  • US threats and actions in Syria are those of a rogue state

    “When Trump’s UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, asserts - as she did recently - that the US is sending “not only Assad” but also “Russia and Iran a message,” and that Washington is putting them “on notice,” she does so as the tribune of a rogue state.

    Haley issued her ‘warning’ on the back of the recent dubious claim that Washington had intelligence confirming Syrian forces were preparing a chemical weapons attack. The claim and resulting threat revealed that the US continues to arrogate to itself the status of the world’s policeman, with the right to act as judge, jury, and – as the people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya have learned to their disastrous cost in recent years – executioner. It describes arrogance beyond measure, conforming to the worldview of an empire whose guiding mantra is “Rome has spoken; the matter is finished."

    Haley: ’Our priority is no longer to sit there and focus on getting Assad out,’ https://t.co/hVKLBMO8CP
    — RT America (@RT_America) June 28, 2017

    The “matter” so far as Syria is concerned is regime change, which it becomes increasingly clear is Washington’s primary objective going forward, using its military campaign against ISIS as a stalking horse to justify the build-up of its military presence in the country with this in mind. Seen in this light, the recent spate of US attacks on Syrian forces on the ground and in the air takes on an entirely different connotation – i.e. less to do with protecting US-backed ground troops, as claimed, and more to do with testing Russia’s response and resolve when it comes to supporting its Syrian ally.

    In the immediate and short term, the partition of Syria between east and west appears underway – at least if Washington has its way – evidenced by the recent visit to Syria by Brett McGurk of the US State Department. The stated purpose of his visit was to meet the “council planning to run Raqqa” after it is taken from ISIS. Thus here we have a US official visiting a sovereign state without the prior permission of said sovereign state’s legitimate government to discuss the administration of a part of its territory. This is imperialism by any other name, consonant with the actions of a country that is inebriated with that most potent of cocktails, unipolarity and might is right."


    Just prior to the 2016 announcement of the Nobel Prize I wrote to eminent author and filmmaker, John Pilger, about the NATO and Gulf State propaganda construct, the White Helmets, demonstrated to be nothing more than Nusra Front civil defence in Syria. In yesterday’s interview with RT’s Going Underground, John Pilger outed the White Helmets as nothing more than a “complete propaganda construct in Syria”.


  • Les États-Unis bombardent un convoi lié au régime syrien près de la frontière jordanienne - L’Orient-Le Jour

    « La coalition a frappé des forces pro-régime (...) qui posaient une menace pour des forces américaines et des forces alliées (syriennes) à At Tanf » près de la frontière jordanienne, a déclaré le colonel Ryan Dillon, un porte-parole militaire de la coalition en Irak. Un autre responsable américain a précisé à l’AFP, sous couvert de l’anonymat, que les forces pro-régime frappées étaient « probablement » des milices chiites, sans être plus précis sur leur identité.

    Pour que les choses soient claires, les forces pro-régimes, si je ne m’abuse, ce sont celles du hezbollah :

    Hezbollah has deployed 3,000 forces in al-Tanf region to participate in Badiyeh operations in Syria. Most of the forces had earlier been stationed in al-Zabadani, Madhaya and Sarqaya regions as well as the Western parts of the town of al-Tofail and Brital, Ham and Ma’araboun heights in the Eastern mountain.

    Other units, including the Syrian army allies, have also been sent to this front to block the way to the US-backed forces.

    A well-informed military source said on Wednesday that the Syrian army forces will not allow the US and its western or regional allies to create a buffer zone in the Southern part of the country as a safe heaven for militants’ activities.

    Dès lors, on comprend mieux le titre de la dépêche AFP juste après : https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1052550/syrie-washington-ne-cherche-pas-a-simpliquer-dans-la-guerre-civile-ma - Syrie : Washington ne cherche pas à s’impliquer dans la guerre civile (Mattis)

    ... avec toutes les circonvolutions à propos de la coopération avec les Russes dans l’artcile de l’OLJ donné en lien : "La coalition a tenté de dissuader le convoi de continuer sa progression, selon plusieurs responsables américains. Elle a utilisé notamment la ligne de communication spéciale mise en place avec la Russie, alliée du régime syrien, pour éviter les incidents entre avions russes et avions de la coalition dans le ciel de la Syrie. Il y a eu des « tentatives apparentes de la Russie » pour dissuader les forces bombardées de se diriger vers At Tanf, a indiqué le colonel Dillon. La coalition a aussi envoyé des avions effectuer des tirs d’avertissement avant de procéder aux frappes, a-t-il précisé. Selon le responsable de la défense anonyme, les véhicules bombardés comprenaient notamment un char et un bulldozer."

    RT les reprend d’ailleurs fort aimablement, quasiment mot pour mot : https://www.rt.com/usa/388864-us-led-coalition-confirms-strike-syria

    Un simple dérapage (6morts, 2 tanks) ou juste le début de quelque chose de beaucoup beaucoup plus grave. Trump va-t-il avoir le temps d’arriver en Arabie saoudite ce week-end avant une grosse explosion ?

    #catastrophe_arabe plus que jamais

  • White House claims on Syria chemical attack ‘obviously false’ – MIT professor — RT America

    “I believe it can be shown, without doubt, that the document does not provide any evidence whatsoever that the US government has concrete knowledge that the government of Syria was the source of the chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun,” wrote Postol.

    A chemical attack with a nerve agent did occur, he said, but the available evidence does not support the US government’s conclusions.

    “I have only had a few hours to quickly review the alleged White House intelligence report. But a quick perusal shows without a lot of analysis that this report cannot be correct,” Postol wrote.

    It is “very clear who planned this attack, who authorized this attack and who conducted this attack itself,” Defense Secretary James Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon on Tuesday. (...)

    “Any competent analyst would have had questions about whether the debris in the crater was staged or real,” he wrote. “No competent analyst would miss the fact that the alleged sarin canister was forcefully crushed from above, rather than exploded by a munition within it.”

    Instead, “the most plausible conclusion is that the sarin was dispensed by an improvised dispersal device made from a 122mm section of rocket tube filled with sarin and capped on both sides.”

    “We again have a situation where the White House has issued an obviously false, misleading and amateurish intelligence report,” he concluded, recalling the 2013 situation when the Obama administration claimed Assad had used chemical weapons against the rebels in Ghouta, near Damascus.

    “What the country is now being told by the White House cannot be true,” Postol wrote, “and the fact that this information has been provided in this format raises the most serious questions about the handling of our national security.”

  • 3月10日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @carlagastal @SettimoChakra @AnnieHaize #feedly #paintings posted at 09:13:49

    RT @TheJazzSoul: Duke Ellington & Orchestra “Mount Harissa”(Take 4) Album: “Far East Suite” youtu.be/92eDy-wvr8g pic.twitter.com/dpryQxJEMU posted at 09:06:47

    Top story: One Girl Symphony - Me and My Crazy Mind www.thecrazymind.com/2016/02/one-gi…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 08:35:06

    D’accord.? twitter.com/cplalectrice/s… posted at 08:20:13

    Top story: Expect the CBO to estimate large coverage losses from the GOP health… www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 06:33:07

    Top story: Women and Children in Yemeni Village Recall Horror of Trump’s “Highl… theintercept.com/2017/03/09/wom…, see (...)

  • 3月9日のツイート

    Top story: Meet the Hundreds of Officials Trump Has Quietly Installed Across th… www.propublica.org/article/meet-h…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 09:37:02

    RT @nekojournal: 猫ジャーナル過去記事: 岐阜の猫カフェで始まる、ビジネスと猫保護活動の素敵な関係 nekojournal.net/?p=2641 posted at 09:13:38

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @TheJazzSoul @BugsGroove @Nevin_Thompson #internationalwomensday #ycrazymind posted at 09:13:28

    RT @risaku: 小泉八雲原作、杉野希妃監督・主演、公開中『雪女 Snow Woman』レビュー書きました。www.facebook.com/risaku.kiridos… … 「これはファム・ファタールの映画である」 posted at 08:27:12

    Top story: Yes, ma’am. Here are 21 women running U.S. media organizations now. … www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/styl…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 07:38:02

    Top story: NYT Metro Desk on Twitter: "A Wall Street firm put up a statue of a … (...)

  • 3月7日のツイート

    Top story: Browserling - Live interactive cross-browser testing www.browserling.com/browse/android…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 10:11:12

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @RonanLTynan @graspedblog @dsgnblts #ycrazymind #books posted at 09:13:27

    RT @d_slavica: ...truly powerful Woman Don’t explain why She Need Repect..Simply Don’t Notes Those Who don’t Give It To Her..?? pic.twitter.com/eCB3t7rQvO posted at 08:53:26

    RT @MakMakay: “I envy music for being beyond words. But then, every word is beyond music.” -James Richardson Batrak pic.twitter.com/97GXauhvEw @noveliciouss posted at 08:52:31

    RT @Newsweek_JAPAN: サイバー戦争で暗躍する「サイバー武器商人」とは何者か www.newsweekjapan.jp/stories/world/… #アメリカ #サイバー攻撃 #ハッキング pic.twitter.com/SXwwF3J4lq posted at 08:12:51

    RT @Ms_Golightly: (...)

  • 3月6日のツイート

    Top story: Trump Seeks Inquiry Into Unproved Allegations That Obama Tapped His … www.nytimes.com/2017/03/05/us/…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 09:54:54

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @frxnsien @BetweenTheWords @olivierbeuvelet #mustread #amwriting posted at 09:13:59

    RT @hermitage200: Katharine Hepburn, 1935 by Ernest Bachrach. #photography pic.twitter.com/NaeyhpXSnT posted at 08:18:34

    RT @blackcandy36: #mixedmedia #fineart #collage #surreal #vintagecollage pic.twitter.com/XQ5xputd5u posted at 08:16:29

    Top story: Leashes Come Off Wall Street, Gun Sellers, Miners and More www.nytimes.com/2017/03/05/us/…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 06:08:27

    Top story: Sean Spicer on Twitter: "(1/4) Reports concerning potentially politi… (...)

  • 3月5日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @FrFloChou @diegocallazans @PeterSjostedtH #ycrazymind #cats posted at 09:13:29

    RT @25LABO: 表紙が長新太さんイラストの北杜夫「船乗りクプクプの冒険」たち。左が角川で、右が集英社。 pic.twitter.com/DLthp3aVJX posted at 07:40:41

    Top story: Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "How low has President Obama gone to tap… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 06:44:08

    Top story: Trump, citing no evidence, accuses Obama of ‘Nixon/Watergate’ plot t… www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-poli…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 04:43:40

    Top story: Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "Arnold Schwarzenegger isn’t voluntarily… twitter.com/realdonaldtrum…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 02:45:56

    Top story: AsBackwards Illustrations - Interview with illustrator Shannon Austi… (...)

  • 3月4日のツイート

    RT @hahaguma: コンビニが介護拠点に=暮らしに身近、敷居低く―お年寄り交流の場もheadlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20170304-…「「ケアローソン」を15年4月に開設。…相談窓口、ケア用品売り場の他、高齢者らの交流の場を併設し、「介護関連のニーズにワンストップで応える」(同社担当者)戦略を描く。」 posted at 10:09:32

    RT @e_flux: “In horror movies the dogs always bark at the demon’s invisible presence.” ow.ly/DPyq309xrsY pic.twitter.com/QuYVsfcQ5N posted at 09:44:47

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @TwitchedAtBirth @erierif @WillemvdVen #ycrazymind #usa posted at 09:13:31

    Top story: How Uber Used Secret Greyball Tool to Deceive Authorities Worldwide www.nytimes.com/2017/03/03/tec…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 07:52:43

    Top story: Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "We should start an immediate investigat… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 05:49:07

    Top story: Facebook is watching us, but who’s watching Facebook? | Shahidha (...)

  • 3月2日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @fccjapan @Xiane @colinmarshall #womenshistorymonth #amwriting posted at 09:13:28

    RT @catpic_album: ネコの悪事w pic.twitter.com/UpOZSR90QS posted at 08:08:38

    RT @purringtonpost: We’re loving this cute Cat Pattern Watch! Get Yours Now for 15% OFF with code GRINNINGCAT Order Here => bit.ly/2lA4ptc pic.twitter.com/SOV9UbKjGf posted at 08:03:44

    RT @Ms_Golightly: #Antonioni & #Fellini, Cinecittá, 1976 pic.twitter.com/vdsh6ODtqL posted at 08:01:45

    RT @steveitaly: The suitcase # Bernard Plossu pic.twitter.com/nujU1KBwUU posted at 08:00:43

    RT @purringtonpost: This adorable Kitten night lamp is interactive! 50% off with code SALE10 and FREE Shipping worldwide! Order Yours => bit.ly/2jG8Sfn pic.twitter.com/9xnp7jImFi posted at 07:59:45

    RT (...)

  • 3月1日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @KokiJollie @mkpdavies @EloiRouyer #ycrazymind #mustread posted at 09:13:30

    RT @machidakoujoho: 俺が壇上でボコボコにされるところを見に来ないか? お浄瑠璃もあんで。 pic.twitter.com/sm4SFFtr9H posted at 08:59:18

    Top story: Maximum High - Me and My Crazy Mind www.thecrazymind.com/2016/11/maximu…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 08:41:31

    RT @Peepsqueak: #MilesDavis backstage at San Francisco’s Winterland Auditorium, in 1971 #Jazz Photo Jim Marshall | @fact59 RT @pasdirtz pic.twitter.com/gzUPtA3IPq posted at 08:30:26

    RT @photosocool: Lower Punchbowl Falls, OR (Pentax 67, 105mm, Ektar 100, Epson V500) via /r/analog pic.twitter.com/CxOwviyLGn posted at 08:29:58

    RT @minagoroshi_yan: 【皆殺し映画通信】 ▼『バンコク・ナイツ』・『クーリンチェ少年殺人事件』・アドルフ・ヴェルフリ展・ホドロフスキーの『タロットの宇宙』他 [殺し屋稼業] goo.gl/VrWtE1 (...)

  • 2月27日のツイート

    The latest Papier ! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @ellie_nor @badaude @presdl #ycrazymind #oscars posted at 09:13:31

    RT @nekomatashinan : リアル人間おままごと2 pic.twitter.com/MAPHjuxllH posted at 08:44:32

    Top story : interview you and spread it out | Fiverr www.fiverr.com/zsolt72/make-a…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ ?s=tnp posted at 08:40:00

    RT @mak0tter : おんなじ顔の向きしてきた笑笑 pic.twitter.com/ahctQkvxLi posted at 08:38:14

    こけつまろびつ blog.goo.ne.jp/kuru0214/e/e37… posted at 08:18:40

    RT @CamilleStein : John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) | ow.ly/Ohhz309mEZB & pic.twitter.com/ScM9QdoLGK posted at 08:08:22

    Top story : Sean Spicer targets own staff in leak crackdown - POLITICO www.politico.com/story/2017/02/…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ ?s=tnp posted at 04:53:01

    Top story : Trump vs. the Press : A Small-Town Boy (Well, Sort of) in (...)

  • 2月26日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @YamazakiVanilla @AnnieHaize @bobbirok #oscars #ycrazymind posted at 09:13:28

    Top story: Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "I will not be attending the White House… twitter.com/realDonaldTrum…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 08:39:39

    Top story: 2nd Chance - Sky’s The Limit - Me and My Crazy Mind www.thecrazymind.com/2016/07/2nd-ch…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 06:48:20

    Top story: @kawalpeet: ’Baby elephant rescued from a well in Sri Lanka??⚡️?… pic.twitter.com/uuZ1udNFeX, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp

    posted at 04:47:26

    RT @TheCinegogue: Charlize Theron on the set of Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) dir. George Miller pic.twitter.com/iS7TMLUmXB posted at 01:15:23

    RT @YujiTsuruta: 全日本プロレス、外人選手向けのルール。 (...)

  • 2月25日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @BugsGroove @VerdeHoroscopo @diegocallazans #cesar2017 #books posted at 09:14:04

    RT @mak0tter: まだ撮影なう。5時半起きだから眠す、あと少し頑張ろう! pic.twitter.com/cnZOPSC8kt posted at 09:13:18

    RT @YujiTsuruta: スタン・ハンセン (Stan ”The Lariat” Hansen) #プロレス #ProWrestling #StanHansen pic.twitter.com/PE8n17jMCf posted at 09:11:06

    RT @hermitage200: Jazz… “A good bassist determines the direction of any band.” Ron Carter. #photography #Jazz pic.twitter.com/xMuv2shmDQ posted at 09:06:20

    RT @info_doris: 本日の新入荷も気になる本&面白そうな本ばかり! pic.twitter.com/9gbpX9y7wq posted at 09:06:04

    RT @MichelsJoost: Harold Lloyd, photographed by Philippe Halsman, 1950. pic.twitter.com/vaXBPcVMOg posted at 09:02:04

    RT @madart_ny: Sargent in his studio #art #painting pic.twitter.com/j1Jf59nPYD posted at 08:57:57

    Top story: White House (...)

  • 2月23日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @mkpdavies @colebrax @TheJazzSoul #mustread #hihonews posted at 09:13:31

    RT @purringtonpost: Picture purrfect! The intrepid #cats of Instagram who love an adventure => dailym.ai/1VtLYpb | via @travelmail pic.twitter.com/QyLvXrhku2 posted at 08:57:57

    RT @adalbertoasf: Edward Hopper, Intermission, 1963 pic.twitter.com/qTNs12NIEE posted at 08:22:26

    RT @RealEOC: Martin Scorsese gets turned into Vincent Van Gogh sitting next to Akira Kurosawa on the set of DREAMS (1990). pic.twitter.com/IYXfdtTjlh posted at 08:21:57

    Top story: Sienná - interview - Me and My Crazy Mind www.thecrazymind.com/2014/09/sienna…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 07:13:39

    Top story: The Pruitt Emails: E.P.A. Chief Was Arm in Arm With Industry (...)

  • 2月22日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @BetweenTheWords @hisaacps @twinkletwink #ycrazymind #mustread posted at 09:13:30

    RT @asahi_tokyo: 先ほどもつぶやきましたが、本日は猫の日!朝日新聞デジタルには「ネコ好きのあなたへ」というページもあるんです。カーソルをリンクに合わせると、何と……!手前味噌ですが、手が凝っています(笑) #猫の日 #ニャンニャンニャンの日 www.asahi.com/topics/word/%E… posted at 08:58:16

    Top story: interview you and spread it out | Fiverr www.fiverr.com/zsolt72/make-a…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 08:44:33

    RT @AP_Travel: Louvre show: Vermeer was both revolutionary and a borrower. apne.ws/2lrE15n posted at 08:25:42

    RT @TATJANASL: Mussolini banned the film in Italy because he tookGroucho’s role as a personal attack;nothing could have pleased the brothers more Duck Soup pic.twitter.com/1I7kobQzkp posted at 08:24:47

    RT @AlbertGalera: Why is his head worth one million dollars and the lives of 21 people? #SamPeckinpah (...)

  • 2月21日のツイート

    The latest Papier! paper.li/ChikuwaQ/13277… Thanks to @SemprePhi @KinoScript @mikolon2 #books #hihonews posted at 09:13:28

    RT @katabuchi_sunao: 富野さんとの対談で申し上げたうちにある「一番古いもの」がこのアルマイト鍋。 pic.twitter.com/vW0Bnxj8By posted at 08:15:29

    RT @PFRunner: A Paris comme ailleurs, rassemblés contre la corruption des élus www.mediapart.fr/journal/france… posted at 08:12:58

    Top story: Matt Schlapp on Twitter: “”@ACUConservative has decided to rescind t… twitter.com/mschlapp/statu…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 07:10:52

    Top story: Swedish police featured in Fox News segment: Filmmaker is a madman -… www.dn.se/kultur-noje/ny…, see more tweetedtimes.com/ChikuwaQ?s=tnp posted at 04:46:38

    therealbenbailey.com posted at (...)