• Palestiniens agressés, voiture brûlée Par Times of Israel Staff

    Un groupe de résidents d’implantation aurait attaqué samedi des Palestiniens et vandalisé des véhicules à l’extérieur d’une ville de Cisjordanie près de Ramallah, selon les médias palestiniens.

    Une voiture en feu près du village de Turmus Ayya en Cisjordanie, après qu’elle a été incendiée par des résidents d’implantation d’un avant-poste voisin, le 23 octobre 2021. (Crédit : capture d’écran : Twitter)

    Des Israéliens de l’avant-poste d’Adei Ad ont agressé des villageois de la ville voisine de Turmus Ayya alors qu’ils récoltaient des olives. Un homme a dû recevoir un traitement médical après avoir été aspergé de gaz poivré, a rapporté l’agence de presse officielle de l’Autorité palestinienne (AP), Wafa.

    Les résidents d’implantation auraient également mis le feu à une voiture et en auraient vandalisé trois autres.

    « Voilà à quoi ressemble le terrorisme », a tweeté le député Mossi Raz, du parti de gauche Meretz.

    Ces événements s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une récente recrudescence des attaques de résidents d’implantation extrémistes, dont beaucoup ciblent spécifiquement les oliveraies palestiniennes dans le cadre de la récolte automnale des olives en Cisjordanie qui a débuté au début du mois.

    Dimanche, la police a arrêté deux suspects qui auraient donné des coups de bâton à deux soldats et attaqué un Palestinien devant Adei Ad la semaine dernière. L’agression a eu lieu après qu’un groupe de résidents d’implantation a détruit une oliveraie appartenant à des Palestiniens près d’un autre village palestinien proche de Ramallah.

    Par ailleurs, des procureurs ont déposé jeudi de rares actes d’accusation contre deux mineurs israéliens pour leur implication présumée dans une récente attaque au jet de pierres contre un village palestinien dans les collines du sud de Hébron, qui aurait fait au moins 12 blessés palestiniens, dont un garçon de trois ans.
    . . . . .

    #violences #agressions #vol #Palestine #israël #colonisation #implantation #terrorisme #palestine_assassinée #gaza #bds #israel #occupation #colonisation #racisme #cisjordanie #apartheid #boycott #sionisme #prix_à_payer

  • Right-wing protesters attack Arabs during demo against teen’s death in police chase
    Aaron Rabinowitz | Dec. 27, 2020 | Haaretz.com

    About 1,000 protesters against the death of Ahuvia Sandak, 16, who died in a car chase with police after being suspected of throwing stones at Palestinians, gathered outside National Police Headquarters in Jerusalem

    About 1,000 protesters gathered outside National Police Headquarters in Jerusalem Saturday night, demonstrating against the killing of Ahuvia Sandak, who died when the car he was in flipped during a West Bank car chase with police.

    Protesters blocked off the road, and some of them attacked a car with Arab passengers; others threw stones at police officers. Eleven officers were lightly injured, and 21 protesters were arrested.

    Police at the scene were also filmed taking and moving the baby of a couple who were protesting, which was left near a crowd dispersal vehicle, to another location. According to the police, a protester stood next to the baby’s stroller, across from the crowd dispersal vehicle, and did not respond to calls from police to move. Police also said that after the protester refused to move a number of times, he was arrested and the baby was handed over to the mother, who was waiting at the location.

    Sandak, 16, a resident of Bat Ayin in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc, was killed Monday after police chased after him and his friends, who were suspected of throwing stones at Palestinians in the West Bank. Officers crashed into their car from behind, causing it to flip, fatally injuring Sandak and lightly to moderately injuring his friends. Protests have been held at police headquarters since his death, drawing hundreds to the site.

    Protesters chanted “A Jew does not kill a Jew” and “God will avenge his blood,” and demanded a committee be established to investigate Sandak’s death. At one point during the demonstration, protesters attacked a car in which four Arab passengers were sitting – two women, a man and a baby – and tried to open it. The demonstrators cried “Death to Arabs,” and knocked on the car. The car eventually accelerated, lightly hitting a police officer and a protester, and continued on its way.

    The protest had prior police approval, and after an hour or so, 200 to 300 people began blocking off light rail traffic in the area, and clashes broke out between protesters and police. A police statement read: “A demonstration is being held near national headquarters, in which hundreds of protesters are disturbing the public order while blocking traffic and throwing stones against police forces, causing injury to two officers. Following this protest, traffic near the national headquarters was blocked off. The Israel Police is acting to restore order there through various means.”

    Mass protests were also held at the site on Thursday, in which 37 protesters were arrested. Police said the protesters “disturbed the public order and clashed with police and passersby, and in a number of cases threw stones and eggs at police, damaged infrastructure and blocked light rail traffic.”

    Haaretz reported Wednesday that according to law enforcement officials, the chief of the Justice Ministry unit investigating police misconduct, Keren Bar-Menachem, has refused to investigate the officers involved in the chase. She argued that Sandak’s friends remained silent during their interrogations and therefore there was no one to file a complaint against the officers.

    #price_tag #prix_à_payer

  • Israël boycotte l’ouverture d’un festival de cinéma israélien à Paris | The Times of Israël

    L’ambassadrice d’Israël en France ne participera pas à la soirée d’ouverture du festival du cinéma israélien de Paris en raison de la diffusion du film controversé « #Foxtrot », a annoncé dimanche le ministère des Affaires étrangères de l’Etat hébreu.

    L’ambassade « a suggéré à la direction du festival de choisir un film qui ne suscite pas la controverse pour sa soirée d’ouverture mais à la suite de son refus (…), le ministère a décidé que l’ambassadrice ne sera pas présente à cette soirée », a-t-il affirmé dans un communiqué.

    Recevez gratuitement notre édition quotidienne par mail pour ne rien manquer du meilleur de l’info INSCRIPTION GRATUITE !
    Le film complexe et surréel « Foxtrot » du réalisateur israélien Samuel Maoz a obtenu l’an dernier le Lion d’argent Grand Prix du Jury à la Mostra de Venise et le prix du meilleur film à la cérémonie des Ophirs.

    La ministre israélienne de la Culture Miri Regev avait alors accusé le film de prêter le flanc à une accusation de « meurtre rituel » à l’encontre de soldats israéliens.

    Elle s’était réjouie de la non-sélection aux Oscars de « Foxtrot » en janvier, affirmant que « cette décision nous a épargné une déception amère et une représentation mensongère dans le monde de l’armée israélienne ».

    « L’ambassade d’Israël en France est fière de soutenir le festival du cinéma israélien à Paris depuis sa création il y a 18 ans et n’a pas l’habitude de se mêler du choix des films diffusés durant le festival », a néanmoins précisé le communiqué du ministère.

    Le réalisateur avait affirmé en septembre 2017 qu’il critiquait l’endroit où il vivait « parce que je me fais du souci, parce que je veux le protéger, je le fais par amour ».

    La 18e édition du festival du cinéma israélien se déroulera du 13 au 20 mars à Paris.

    • “Foxtrot”, le film de guerre qui dérange en Israël - Cinéma - Télérama.fr

      Mettant en scène une bavure de l’armée, “Foxtrot”, de Samuel Maoz, qui représente Israël aux Oscars, a créé la polémique dans son pays. Raya Morag, professeur d’études du cinéma à l’Université hébraïque de Jérusalem, nous explique pourquoi.

      Lion d’argent à la Mostra de Venise, Foxtrot, de Samuel Maoz, qui représente Israël aux Oscars, vient d’être sacré meilleur film étranger par le National Board of Review. Une pluie de récompenses à laquelle la très controversée ministre israélienne de la Culture n’est sans doute pas étrangère, même s’il y a fort à parier qu’elle n’en tire aucune fierté… Et pour cause, en septembre dernier, Miri Regev s’en est violemment pris au second film du réalisateur Samuel Maoz (après Lebanon), affirmant « avoir honte » que l’académie israélienne ait loué les mérites d’une œuvre qui « salit l’image de l’armée » de son pays.

      Miri Regev s’est tout particulièrement insurgée contre une scène du film montrant des soldats israéliens tuant accidentellement des civils innocents à un check-point, puis la dissimulation de cette bavure par un bulldozer. Samuel Maoz, qui a lui-même participé à la première guerre du Liban de 1982, a riposté en expliquant que cette scène « allégorique » était destinée à montrer comment la société israélienne préférait « enterrer la vérité dans la boue que nous avons créée au lieu de s’y confronter »

      Avec une lecture particulière du #prix_à_payer

      En quoi renouvelle-t-il le genre du film antiguerre ?
      Ce long métrage revisite la norme du film de guerre israélien. Au cours de la dernière décennie, la guerre du Liban de 1982 a inspiré une série de films de fiction comme Valse avec Bachir (Ari Folman), Beaufort (Joseph Cedar) ou Lebanon (le premier film de Samuel #Maoz) qui présentaient les soldats israéliens comme les principales victimes du conflit. Par contraste, Foxtrot montre le traumatisme du soldat israélien qui a commis une erreur tragique, qu’il aurait préféré ne jamais commettre, tout en désignant le civil palestinien comme la véritable victime du drame qui se joue dans un check-point. Le film présente le prix élevé de l’occupation militaire israélienne payé de part et d’autre du conflit.

    • Peut-être une des meilleures critiques du film…

      Foxtrot (2017 film) - Wikipedia

      In a follow-up statement, [Israel’s Minister of Culture Miri] Regev said it was “outrageous that Israeli artists contribute to the incitement of the young generation against the most moral army in the world by spreading lies in the form of art.

      #l'armée_la_plus_morale_du_monde, il fallait en effet que ce fut rappelé…

  • #Gaza War, Day 22: 10 IDF Soldiers Killed Today, 1,100 Palestinians Killed Overall Tikun-Olam Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם

    #Eran_Efrati, an activist with Anarchists Against the Wall, is in the Israel-Gaza theater. He published this astonishing post in Facebook. As you read it keep in mind that he’s talking about the killing of 7 IDF soldiers in an outdated APC who died after an anti-tank shell struck their vehicle. The deaths of so many just after the land invasion began, was a deep shock to the Israeli nation and especially their comrades. Instead of taking it out on the battlefield against Palestinian fighters, the IDF took it out on the most vulnerable, Palestinian civilians, who were most visible and available targets:

    Eran Efrati - In recent weeks I was on the border of #Gaza...

    In recent weeks I was on the border of Gaza and getting reports from soldiers in the Gaza Strip who leak information out to me.

    I am in the process of publication of two big stories in major U.S. newspapers, but there are some things I can share with you right now: Soldiers in two different units inside Gaza leaked information about the murdering of Palestinians by sniper fire in Shuja’iyya neighborhood as punishment for the death of soldiers in their units. (...)

    Today I can report that the official command that was handed down to the soldiers in Shujaiyya was to capture Palestinian homes as outposts. From these posts, the soldiers drew an imaginary red line, and amongst themselves decided to shoot to death anyone who crosses it. Anyone crossing the line was defined as a threat to their outposts, and was thus deemed a legitimate target. This was the official reasoning inside the units. I was told that the unofficial reason was to enable the soldiers to take out their frustrations and pain at losing their fellow soldiers (something that for years the IDF has not faced during its operations in Gaza and the West Bank), out on the Palestinian refugees in the neighborhood. Under the pretext of the so-called “security threat” soldiers were directed to carry out a pre-planned attack of revenge on Palestinian civilians.

    These stories join many other similar ones that Amira Hass and I investigated in Operation Cast Lead. The death toll that continues to rise is steadily reaching the numbers of the massacre of 2009.

    More than 1,100 have been killed in Gaza, at least 80 percent of them civilians. Today it is cleared for publication that at least 4 soldiers were killed by a rocket in a gathering area outside of Gaza, and another soldier was killed in Gaza. They join 43 soldiers that have already been killed. We know that more acts of revenge will come soon and it is important that we not stay silent. This is the time to take to the streets and to social media. Demand from your representative wherever you are to stop supporting this massacre and to immediately boycott the state of Israel until the occupation ends, the blockade is lifted and Palestinians will be free. We all want to be in the right place at the right time when history knocks on our door, and history is knocking in Gaza right now. You need to decide on which side you want to go down in history.

    #punition_collective ##price_tag #prix_à_payer #lâcheté #Israël #Israel #victimes_civiles #Palestine

  • De manière remarquable, les déclarations antérieures d’#Israel qui prouvent leur volonté délibérée de massacres de civils ne sont jamais rappelées par les médias,

    The Dahiya strategy
    Israel finally realizes that Arabs should be accountable for their leaders’ acts
    Yaron London
    Published : 10.06.08, 11:04 / Israel Opinion


    La première formulation publique de cette doctrine eut lieu en octobre 2008, dans une interview à l’agence Reuters au cours de laquelle le général Eizenkot déclare :

    « Ce qui est arrivé au quartier Dahiya de Beyrouth en 2006 arrivera à tous les villages qui servent de base à des tirs contre Israël. [...] Nous ferons un usage de la force disproportionné [sur ces zones] et y causeront de grands dommages et destructions. De notre point de vue, il ne s’agit pas de villages civils, mais de bases militaires. [...] Il ne s’agit pas d’une recommandation, mais d’un plan, et il a été approuvé. [...] S’en prendre à la population est le seul moyen de retenir Nasrallah[1],[2]. »

  • A History of ‘#Price-Tag’ Violence
    Nicola Perugini and Neve Gordon 15 May 2014

    On 10 May, #Amos_Oz criticised the so-called ‘price-tag attacks’ carried out by Israeli settlers. The label is used by the culprits themselves to describe retaliatory violence against Palestinians: beatings and arson as well as racist graffiti sprayed on the walls of churches and mosques. Oz described the perpetrators as ‘Hebrew neo-Nazi groups’. (...)

    Oz’s sentiments are shared by Israeli liberals and conservatives, who together condemn the attacks as repugnant. The Jerusalem Post said that ‘price-tag attacks fit the definition of terror no less than [suicide] bus bombings’.

    But the equation with suicide bombers, like Oz’s provocative comparison with European neo-Nazism, does more to conceal than to reveal the violence perpetrated against Palestinians, above all the #violence of the Israeli state.

    When Meir #Har-Zion died two months ago, there were obituaries in all the major news outlets celebrating the legendary hero.

    Har-Zion was best known for his price-tag practices. He was one of the founding members (along with #Ariel_Sharon) of #Unit_101, which in October 1953 carried out a retributive massacre in the Jordanian village of #Qibya. ‘Bullet-riddled bodies near the doorways,’ UN observers said, ‘and multiple bullet hits on the doors of the demolished houses indicated that the inhabitants had been forced to remain inside until their homes were blown up over them.’ According to Ben-Gurion’s biographer, ‘seventy corpses were found in the rubble, including dozens of women and children.’

    In February 1955 Har-Zion’s sister was murdered in the Judean desert, which was then part of Jordan. The following month Har-Zion went to the desert with three friends to seek revenge. They captured six Palestinians, killed five of them and sent the sixth home to tell his village what had happened.

    Israeli children are named after Har-Zion. For decades soldiers swore they would try to follow in his footsteps. He is not an outlier, but a paradigmatic example of Israel’s policies of punitive violence. House demolitions, curfews during the First Intifada, infantry offences during the Second Intifada and the more recent aerial bombing of Gaza have all been justified as retribution for a previous Palestinian act. ‘Price-tag’ is the justification that has informed both government policy and military practice since the country was established. Which raises the question: why do the recent price-tag attacks scandalise Amos Oz and several Israeli politicians?

    For something to be scandalous it has to (appear to) be exceptional. By making the recent price-tag violence into a scandal, Oz – and the Israeli media more generally – transform it into an exception and in this way help conceal the fact that this kind of violence has structured Israel’s relations with Palestinians for more than 65 years. The only difference is that one is carried out by vigilantes and the other by the state. In other words, to depict the price-tag violence perpetrated by vigilantes as an outrageous exception helps to legitimise the price-tag violence perpetrated by the state, which has shaped the daily experiences of many Palestinians for decades.

    This rhetorical trick allows liberals and conservatives alike to displace responsibility. The violence is measured in relation to the Other, the Israeli extremist who is more closely aligned to the European neo-Nazi or the Palestinian suicide bomber than to the state of Israel.

    #prix_à_payer #Israël #Palestine