
  • #clojure Immutable and Persistent #data Structures

    What Clojure is?Clojure is modern dialect of old school programming language named as LISP. Clojure strongly believes in Code as Data and Data as Code philosophy just like LISP. Clojure is a dynamic, general purpose programming language that runs in the Java Virtual Machine. Clojure emphasizesGet Clojure set upClojure needs JVM as its runs on top of JVM. Make sure you have min Java 1.7 installed on your systemmkdir -p ~/bin && cd ~/bin curl -O chmod a+x leinexport PATH="$PATH":~/binorcurl -O +x linux-install- ./linux-install- Structures4 fundamental Data Structure of Clojure.List ()Vector []Sets (...)

    #data-science #collection #data-structures

  • How we built a real-time in-game currency service with 7.5M transactions per minute

    For us techies at Loco, there is nothing more exciting than to work on the cutting edge solutions, use new products, and solve problems that don’t have a solution on StackOverflow. Recently, we came across one such problem and discovered one such technology to solve it.We designed our new, high performance, transactional currency service around #tarantool, a high-performance #database. It served as our SSOT (single source of truth) database to ship a new feature.Why did we even think of Tarantool?We had to build an in-game currency transaction system which requires a minimum of 150K concurrent users to get coins real-time. The users should be able to use the coins as soon as they get it. For us, ‘real-time’ means ~300ms. For all our users, all 150K concurrent users.One way of solving this is (...)

    #in-memory-database #redis #nosql

  • REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) in C++: hands-on session—Pascal Thomet

    New way to program?

    REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) in C++: hands-on session by Pascal Thomet

    From the article:

    A Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) enables to leverage very rapid and robust application development, prototyping and testing. This kind of development environment originates from the early days of functional programming (Lisp machines and the like), and is common in functional and scripting languages. As a compiled language, C++ was out of the loop for a long time...


  • ACCU 2019 Call for Papers—ACCU

    The ACCU 2019 is now putting together its program, and they want you to speak on C++. The ACCU has a strong C++ track, though it is not a C++-only conference. If you have something to share, check out their

    Call for Papers by the ACCU

    From the article:

    Historically, ACCU has a lot of C++ and C content, and is proud of that: ACCU is the foremost annual conference for people interested in C++ and C, at least in and around the UK. But it is not just a C++ and C conference, ACCU is about programming in whatever language people are using, with whatever tools and processes people are using: D, Chapel, Java, Kotlin, C#, F#, Groovy, Rust, Go, Python, Ruby, Lisp, to name just a few programming languages about which there have been sessions at ACCU conferences. Git, Mercurial, (...)


  • What’s in a Name : A Guide to the Many Flavours of TeX - Overleaf Blog

    Unless you are a seasoned TeX user, or familiar with its ecosystem, the many “varieties of TeX” can be confusing; however, by the end of this article you should feel much more informed and at ease when engaging with any colleagues, authors or journal editors who are conversant with TeX-based terminology.

    #TeX #LaTeX (ca finit par de la pub pour un service commercial, mais sinon c’est bien fait)

  • Je prends connaissance de cette #bibliothèque numérique #anarchiste :

    The Anarchist Library is (despite its name) an #archive focusing on #anarchism, #anarchist texts, and texts of interest for anarchists.

    Within the scope of our use of the term “anarchism” we have been quite broad, but broad does not mean infinite, and basically shrinks down to a set of ideas against the State and the capital. This immediately rules out the so-called “anarcho-capitalism”, “anarcho-nationalism” and similar crap.

    What is so special about this site?

    Often, you may find the texts hosted here on other sites that also aim to be digital libraries, and often the texts are taken from them (the source is always listed). But this #library provides (together with the on-line version of each text) one or more high quality PDFs in various sizes and and formats, as well as its plain text sources, and an #EPUB version for mobile platforms. We actively encourage the #DIY printing and the distribution of the texts, so you have the “imposed” version for Letter paper (USA) and A4 (rest of the world): just print double side, fold and clip, and the booklet is ready.

    The site provides a way for distributors and friends to change the layout of the PDFs and to create collections of an arbitrary number of texts (1 or more). See the bookbuilder page.

    The site also provides an advanced search engine.

    Et donc je prends aussi connaissance de ce #CMS


    Amusewiki , a library-oriented #wiki engine. #Amusewiki is more than just a wiki engine, it’s also a powerful authoring, archiving and publishing platform.

    Why would I want this engine and not MediaWiki / Drupal / WordPress / whatever?

    Amusewiki is not a clone of existing CMS. It was created to manage large amounts of texts (books and articles) with a special focus on quality, printing and first rate reading experience.

    The PDF and EPUB generation is not a nice addon, it’s the core feature.

    If you only need a CMS for a fancy site, amusewiki is not for you.

    Instead, you should consider amusewiki if:

    - You want high-quality output (EPUB and #PDF with #LaTeX quality).

    - You want a site with a #flat-file and #Git backend for long-term archiving.

    - You want to be able to reformat the PDFs, merging texts into collections. Add a text and take a look at the bookbuilder

    - You don’t want or need fine-grained user permissions.

    - You don’t want or need talks, comments, forums, social, etc embedded into the site.

    See the feature list for more details.

    #anarchisme #logiciel_libre

  • How to write in LazyTeX instead of strict LaTeX

    TL;DR Use Pandoc, write your document in a combination of YAML, Markdown and, when you need it, inline LaTeX. Read Pandoc’s README.

    TeX is awesome. LaTeX was made to make it easier to use TeX and produce high-quality documents.

    Still, there are two downsides with using LaTeX:

    the source of your document is a bit cryptic for people who aren’t used to source code TeX was designed for paper as the output and thus comes with its limitations.

    Today, most LaTeX documents end up as PDF and/or printed on paper (which is kind of the same). This is nice, but PDF and paper are not mediums that enable others to co-edit the text (unless they can work with the LaTeX source, but most people won’t learn that, see point 1 above).

    This is especially sad because LaTeX is not only able to produce awesome (...)

  • ScholarlyMarkdown

    ScholarlyMarkdown is a syntax/standard/best-practice of scholarly and academic communication that is web-first, semantic XML-second, and LaTeX/Word a close third. Its main goal is to produce a semantically model of a scholarly article based on Markdown input, and translate it to a variety of formats that is suitable for both online scholarly communication, archiving, and publication.

    This is meant to be a replacement for LaTeX, using Markdown, implemented as a fork of pandoc. I’m not sure how hard I should be banging my head against the wall.

  • 中国有句俗话 - Chinesische Sprichworte Ostasieninstitut - Hochschule Ludwigshafen am Rhein

    Cette collection raconte l’histoire derrière les plus célèbres cheng-yu / proverbes chinois et en explique la signification. Elle commece par les soi-disant proverbes chinois complètement inconnus en Chine.

    Zhōngguó yǒu jù súhuà.
    Geschichten und Geschichte von chinesischen Sprichwörtern
    Eine chinesische Germanistikstudentin berichtet vom unterschiedlichen Stellenwert, den Sprichwörter in Deutschland und China einnehmen:

    „Wir mussten während unseres Germanistikstudiums viele deutsche Sprichwörter lernen, da man bei uns glaubt, Sprichwörter im Deutschen sind genau so wichtig, wie diese Sprüche oder Cheng-yu in China. Doch dann kam eine deutsche Lektorin an unsere Hochschule. Wir mussten bei ihr Interpretationen deutscher Literatur schreiben. Und da waren wir völlig verwirrt, als sie nach Rückgabe der ersten Interpretationen uns mitteilte, es sei in Deutschland nicht üblich, wissenschaftliche Arbeiten mit Sprichwörtern zu schmücken.“
    (Margrith A. Lin-Huber: Chinesen verstehen lernen.)

    Wenn in Deutschland jemand durchgehend in Allgemeinplätzen daherpalavert, möchte man ihm den Mund verbieten, aber in China zeugt es von gutem Stil, Spruchweisheiten zu zitieren. Chinesische Sprichwörter spielen meist mit Doppeldeutigkeiten. Klartext wird jedenfalls nicht gesprochen.

    A noter également la collection suivante :

    L’opuscule des Trente-six Stratagèmes

    L’opuscule des Trente-six Stratagèmes (trente-six, carré de six,
    étant ici le symbole de toutes les possibilités de situations et
    d’actions) expose l’ensemble des principes de stratégie par le commentaire de 36 proverbes ou expressions idiomatiques courantes ayant une application dans l’art de la guerre, de la politique, de la diplomatie ou des tractations commerciales. Rédigé, semble-t-il, à l’époque de la dyn. 清 Qing (1644-1911), il a été redécouvert et publié en 1941, etest redevenu très populaire comme manuel pouvant conduire au succès.

    Cette page est plus pragmatique.

    20 Actually Useful Chengyu (成语)

    Unfortunately, there are few resources – both on the web or in print – that actually tell you which chengyu are worth remembering. This is actually an important question considering that there are tens of thousands of them. Most textbooks simply give you a list of 100 or so and expect you to memorise them all, without actually telling you how they fit into a modern context. The worst are those massive lists you find on the Internet, often sourced from Chinese schools. These are merely lists of idioms that Chinese students are expected to learn at school and, whilst many of them may be well-known, native speakers simply don’t use them as often as you would expect.

    Alors on y va ...

    1. 脱颖而出 tuōyǐng’érchū

    Baidu Hits: 51,100,000 Google Hits: 32,100,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “a sharp stick points out.”
    Translation (翻译): To fully expose one’s talent.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To come to the fore.
    Example (例子): 他在比赛中脱颖而出。Tā zài bǐsài zhōng tuōyǐngérchū. — He came to the fore in the competition.

    2. 一丝不苟 yīsībùgǒu

    Baidu Hits: 25,000,000 Google Hits: 12,800,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “一丝 [even] a little bit 不苟 not careless – to attend to every thread.”
    Translation (翻译): To be meticulous; to attend to every detail.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To cross one’s T’s
    Example (例子): 他做事从来都是一丝不苟。Tā zuòshì cónglái dōu shì yīsībùgǒu. — He’s always meticulous in everything he does.

    3. 司空见惯 sīkōngjiànguàn

    Baidu Hits: 14,400,000 Google Hits: 8,570,000
    Explanation (解释): Long story short – 司空 comes from the title of “the Minister of Construction” in ancient China who commented on “sing-song girls” during a feast as 见惯 (“a common sight”).
    Translation (翻译): To be an everyday occurrence; nothing unusual.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): None (unless you can think of one).
    Example (例子): 在中国,闯红灯是司空见惯的事。Zài Zhōngguó, chuǎnghóngdēng shì sīkōngjiànguàn de shì. — In China, people running red lights is a common sight.

    4. 半途而废 bàntú’érfèi

    Baidu Hits: 13,400,000 Google Hits: 8,360,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “半途 half-way 而 yet 废 is given up/is wasted.”
    Translation (翻译): To give up halfway; to leave something unfinished.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To throw the towel in (sort of).
    Example (例子): 小时候我学钢琴半途而废。Xiǎoshíhou wǒ xué gāngqín bàntúérfèi. — When I was little I tried to learn how to play the piano but gave up.

    5. 不可思议 bùkěsīyì

    Baidu Hits: 100,000,000 Google Hits: 7,930,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “不可 cannot be 思议 conceived.”
    Translation (翻译): To be inconceivable; unbelievable.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): None (off the top of my head).
    Example (例子): 对我来说,吃狗肉是不可思议的事情。Duì wǒ lái shuō, chī gǒuròu shì bùkěsīyì de shìqíng. — The way I see it, eating dog is inconceivable.

    6. 一鸣惊人 yīmíngjīngrén

    Baidu Hits: 11,600,000 Google Hits: 7,760,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “one chirp [which] surprises people”, a metaphor for someone suddenly displaying talent.
    Translation (翻译): To become famous overnight.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To set the world on fire.
    Example (例子): 李玉春一鸣惊人。Lǐ Yǔchūn yīmíngjīngrén. — Li Yuchun became famous overnight.

    7. 一窍不通 yīqiàobùtōng

    Baidu Hits: 11,900,000 Google Hits: 7,570,000
    Explanation (解释): 一 (“all”) 窍 (the [seven] orifices”) 不通 (“not linked up”).
    Translation (翻译): To be completely ignorant about something; to be out of one’s depth.
    Similar English Expressions (类似英文成语): To not know one’s arse from one’s elbow (hah!); to be “all Greek” to someone.
    Example (例子): 他对电脑一窍不通。Tā duì diànnǎo yīqiàobùtōng. — He doesn’t know the first thing about computers.

    8. 谈何容易 tánhéróngyì

    Baidu Hits: 11,600,000 Google Hits: 7,420,000
    Explanation (解释): 谈 (“to speak”) + 何 (classical Chinese, meaning “什么” [what]) + 容易 (“easy”); “in what way is it easy?”
    Translation (翻译): To be no means easy; difficult to do.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): Easier said than done.
    Example (例子): 我跟他分手谈何容易。Wǒ gēn tā fēnshǒu tánhéróngyì. — Breaking up with him is easier said than done.

    9. 自由自在 zìyóuzìzài

    Baidu Hits: 31,400,000 Google Hits: 6,160,000
    Explanation (解释): 自由 (“free”) + 自在 (“lacking restrictions”)
    Translation (翻译): To be carefree; to be peaceful and relaxed.
    Similar English Expressions (类似英文成语): To not have a care in the world; to be footloose and fancy-free; to be man or woman of leisure.
    Example (例子): 我想自由自在的生活。Wǒ xiǎng zìyóuzìzài de shēnghuó. — I want a carefree life.

    10. 乱七八糟 luànqībāzāo

    Baidu Hits: 59,300,000 Google Hits: 4,200,000
    Explanation (解释): 乱 (“chaotic”) + 七 (“seven”) + 八 (“eight”) + 糟 (“rotten; in a wretched state”)
    Translation (翻译): To be in a huge mess.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To be at sixes and sevens.
    Example (例子): 这个公司的管理乱七八糟。Zhè ge gōngsī de guǎnlǐ luànqībāzāo. — This company’s administration is a complete mess.

    11. 一见钟情 yījiànzhōngqíng

    Baidu Hits: 37,200,000 Google Hits: 3,850,000
    Explanation (解释): 一见 (“upon first seeing”) + 钟情 (“to fall deeply in love”)
    Translation (翻译): To fall in love at first sight.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): Same as above.
    Example (例子): 我跟我的男朋友一见钟情。Wǒ gēn wǒ de nán péngyǒu yījiànzhōngqíng. — I fell in love with my bofriend at first sight.
    12. 爱不释手 àibùshìshǒu

    Baidu Hits: 24,500,000 Google Hits: 2,460,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “to love and not let go of.”
    Translation (翻译): To love something too much to part with it.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): None (that I can think of).
    Example (例子): 我对我的新玩具爱不释手!Wǒ duì wǒ de xīn wánjù àibùshìshǒu! — I simply can’t put down my new toy!

    13. 一无所有 yīwúsuǒyǒu

    Baidu Hits: 29,500,000 Google Hits: 2,220,000
    Explanation (解释): 一 (in classical Chinese it means 全 or 都 [“everything”]) + 无 (“not”) + 所有 (“have”)
    Translation (翻译): To not own a thing in the world.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To not have a thing to one’s name.
    Example (例子): 如果你离开了我,我就一无所有。Rúguǒ nǐ líkāi le wǒ, wǒ jiù yīwúsuǒyǒu. — If you leave me, I’ll have nothing left.

    14. 自相矛盾 zìxiāngmáodùn

    Baidu Hits: 9,270,000 Google Hits: 747,000
    Explanation (解释): 自相 (“self-”) + 矛盾 (“contradictory”), from the famous story about the man who bragged he could sell a spear (矛) that could pierce anything in the world and a shield (盾) that was impenetrable to any spear, an obvious paradox.
    Translation (翻译): To contradict oneself.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): None (I’m guessing).
    Example (例子): 你说的话自相矛盾。Nǐ shuō de huà zìxiāngmáodùn. — You’re contradicting yourself.

    15. 倾盆大雨 qīngpéndàyǔ

    Baidu Hits: 6,680,000 Google Hits: 468,000
    Explanation (解释): 倾盆 (“pouring hard”) + 大雨 (“heavy rain”)
    Translation (翻译): Heavy rain; downpour.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To rain cats and dogs.
    Example (例子): 今 天上午突然下起了倾盆大雨,所以比赛临时取消了。Jīntiān shàngwǔ tūrán xiàqǐ le qīngpéndàyǔ, suǒyǐ bǐsài línshí qǔxiāo le. — The competition was postponed this morning because of the sudden downpour.

    16. 画蛇添足 huàshétiānzú

    Baidu Hits: 6,340,000 Google Hits: 447,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “[when] drawing [a] snake, add [a] foot”.
    Translation (翻译): To ruin the effect my adding something superfluous.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To gild the lily (old-fashioned).
    Example (例子): 发明这两个多余的电钮纯粹是画蛇添足。Fāmíng zhè liǎng gè duōyú de diànniǔ chúncuì shì huàshétiānzú — The two extra buttons on this invention is really overdoing it.

    17. 守口如瓶 shǒukǒurúpíng

    Baidu Hits: 5,220,000 Google Hits: 438,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally,”to keep [one’s] mouth shut, like [a] bottle.”
    Translation (翻译): To keep one’s mouth shut; to not breathe a word.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To keep one’s lips sealed.
    Example (例子): 总理对这个问题守口如瓶。Zǒnglǐ duì zhège wèntí shǒukǒurúpíng. — The president was tight-lipped about this issue.

    18. 塞翁失马 sàiwēngshīmǎ

    Baidu Hits: 4,800,000 Google Hits: 319,000
    Explanation (解释): 塞翁失马: ”When the old man from the frontier lost his horse…”, often followed by the second part 焉知非福: ”How could one have known that it would not be fortuitous?” You can read more about the story in both English and Chinese at Wiktionary.
    Translation (翻译): A setback may turn out to be a blessing in disguise.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): A blessing in disguise; every cloud has a silver lining.
    Example (例子): 我 不小心摔倒了,碰伤了自己,但却在地板上发现了一张50元的纸币,真是塞翁失马 啊!Wǒ bù xiǎoxīn shuāi dǎo le, pèng shāng le zìjǐ, dàn què zài dìbǎn shàng fāxiàn le yī zhāng wǔ shí yuán de zhǐbì, zhēnshi sàiwēngshīmǎ a— I fell over and hurt myself, but on the floor I found a fifty dollar note – what a blessing in disguise!

    19. 对牛弹琴 duìniútánqín

    Baidu Hits: 4,400,000 Google Hits: 276,000
    Explanation (解释): “To play a qin (a traditional Chinese musical instrument) to a cow.”
    Translation (翻译): To address the wrong listener.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): To cast pearls before swine. (old-fashioned)
    Example (例子): 跟一个不讲道理的人讲道理是对牛弹琴。Gēn yīgè bù jiǎng dàolǐ de rén jiǎng dàolǐ shì duìniútánqín. — Trying to talk sense to an irrational person is like casting pearls before swine.

    20. 九牛一毛 jiǔniúyīmáo

    Baidu Hits: 3,190,000 Google Hits: 225,000
    Explanation (解释): Literally, “nine cows, one hair.”
    Translation (翻译): An insignificant number in the midst of an enormous quantity.
    Similar English Expression (类似英文成语): A drop in the ocean; a drop in a bucket.
    Example (例子): 一块钱对一个大款来说是九牛一毛。Yīkuài qián duì yīgè dàkuǎn lái shuō shì jiǔniúyīmáo. — One dollar to a millionaire is a drop in the ocean.

    ... sans oublier que ...

    Disclaimer: Although example sentences are original and checked for smoothness, don’t forget that chengyu are, by their nature, formal/literary constructions and so are not commonly used in conversation (unless you want to sound highly educated). Thus this stuff is most useful for diary entries, stories, websites and other written documents. Be sure to check your own constructed sentences with a native speaker before memorising them!

    #Chine #chinois #langue

  • paper size - Slight discrepancy in left/right margins - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

    The printer driver of Adobe Reader has a rather “nice” feature. If I look at the page properties of a PDF document produced with pdflatex, the program says

    20.998 x 29.697 cm
    while with pdfinfo I get

    595.276 x 841.89 pts (A4)
    However, according to bc,

    595.276*2.54/72 = 21.00001444444444444444
    841.89*2.54/72 = 29.70000833333333333333
    so it’s not clear why the dimensions are different from 21 x 29.7 cm. If I change the units to points (Postscript big points), Adobe Reader says 595.3 x 841.9, so I’m really confused about the computations it does, which imply a shorter inch than the official one (2.5397cm, instead of 2.54cm).

    Since the output format is set to A4, which at Adobe Reader’s eyes is different from the stated document size, the program offers by default to “Fit to printable area” with a zoom to 93%, which is quite a bizarre figure, since the document is smaller than the paper, at Reader’s eyes, not larger.

    So, always watch out for the printing options and remember to choose “None” from the “Page Scaling” pop up menu.

    #papier #impression #PDF #unités_de_mesure #bug

  • Bible Trouble | Brill

    The essays in Bible Trouble all engage queer theories for purposes of biblical interpretation, a rare effort to date within biblical scholarship. The title phrase “Bible Trouble” plays on Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble, gesturing toward a primary text for contemporary queer theory. The essays consider, among others, the Lazarus story, the Ethiopian eunuch, “gender trouble” in Judges 4 and 5, the Song of Songs, and an unorthodox coupling of the books of Samuel and the film Paris Is Burning. This volume “troubles” not only the boundaries between biblical scholarship and queer theory but also the boundaries between different frameworks currently used in the analysis of biblical literature, including sexuality, gender, race, class, history, and literature

    #queer #genre #bible

  • The #Julia Language

    Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, with syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a sophisticated compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and an extensive mathematical function library.

    Why We Created Julia

    We want a language that’s open source, with a liberal license. We want the speed of C with the dynamism of Ruby. We want a language that’s homoiconic, with true macros like Lisp, but with obvious, familiar mathematical notation like #Matlab. We want something as usable for general programming as Python, as easy for statistics as #R, as natural for string processing as Perl, as powerful for linear algebra as Matlab, as good at gluing programs together as the shell. Something that is dirt simple to learn, yet keeps the most serious hackers happy. We want it interactive and we want it compiled.

    (Did we mention it should be as fast as C?)

    Un langage orienté vers le calcul scientifique, avec des performances apparemment plutôt impressionantes.

    Une entrée de blog qui présente le langage :

  • Les dix textes fondamentaux des penseurs de l’Internet | mirandole

    Vannevar Bush, As We May Think (quelques extraits en VF), 1945, The Atlantic Monthly, L’optimisme technologique de Vannevar Bush

    J.C.R Licklider and Robert W. Taylor, The Computer as a Communication Device, 1968, Science And Technology, Licklider : « Et si on faisait un réseau intergalactique ? »

    Vinton G. Cerf and Robert E. Kahn, A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication, 1974, IEEE, Vinton Cerf, se parler en gardant ses différences

    Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau and Jean-Francois Groff and Bernd Pollermann, World-Wide Web : The Information Universe, 1992, CERN, Tim Berners-Lee, le sens du lien

    Peter Lamborn Wilson dit Hakim Bey, Temporary Autonomous Zone (VF), 1985, 1991, Autonomedia Anti-copyright, Hakim Bey, dépasser la machine

    Eric S. Raymond, The Cathedral and the Bazar (Bonne VF), 1997, First Monday, Eric S. Raymond : partagez les données et le code suivra

    Lawrence Lessig, Code V2, 1999, 2006, Basic Books, Lawrence Lessig : les creatives commons sont les choses les mieux partagées

    John Perry Barlow, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace (Bonne VF), 1996, John Perry Barlow, une maison pour l’esprit

    Chris Anderson, The End of Theory : The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete, 2008, Wired, Chris Anderson : « demandons-nous ce que la science peut apprendre de Google »

    William Gibson, Neuromancer, 1984, Ace Books, William Gibson, vivre dans le cyberespace

    #pdlt #internet #histoire

  • Une alternative à BibTeX pour LaTeX ? at master from kjhealy/workflow-paper - GitHub

    If you plan to use BibTeX to manage your references, take a look at BibLaTeX, a package by Philipp Lehman, in conjunction with Biber, a replacement for BibTeX. BibLaTeX and Biber are not yet officially stable, but they are very well-documented, in wide use, and will soon jointly replace BibTeX as the standard way to process bibliographies in LaTeX.

    #latex #bibtex