
  • Stephen Bannon, un idéologue controversé à la Maison Blanche

    La nomination de Stephen Bannon comme conseiller stratégique du futur président américain suscite de vives critiques. L’ex-patron du site « Breitbart News » est accusé d’antisémitisme et de racisme.

    Le site ultraconservateur Breitbart News a donné l’impression, mardi 15 novembre, d’avoir pour unique mission de défendre Stephen Bannon. La nomination de son ancien dirigeant comme conseiller stratégique du président élu Donald Trump, une fonction aux contours encore incertains, a suscité en effet une vague de critiques compte tenu de l’idéologie identitaire qui lui est prêtée. L’Anti-Defamation League et le Southern Poverty Law Center notamment, spécialisés dans la surveillance des groupuscules d’extrême droite, s’en sont indignés, assurant que, sous sa responsabilité, le site a banalisé les thèses de suprémacistes blancs et une forme d’antisémitisme.

    Breitbart News a dénoncé une cabale ourdie par « des élites battues et humiliées » à la suite de l’élection de M. Trump le 8 novembre. Mais la défiance s’étend au Parti républicain. « Ce site, c’est la poubellisation des esprits », déplore sous couvert d’anonymat un consultant conservateur rencontré mardi.

    Entré définitivement au service du milliardaire en août, après l’avoir activement soutenu par l’intermédiaire du site créé en 2007 par Andrew Breitbart, mort subitement en 2012, M. Bannon a tout pour détoner à la Maison Blanche. Il n’a aucune expérience du pouvoir et est entré tardivement en politique après une carrière passée dans l’armée, au sein de la marine, chez la banque Goldman Sachs, puis à Hollywood où il a produit des films avant de réaliser des documentaires consacrés successivement à Ronald Reagan, à Sarah Palin, la candidate républicaine à la vice-présidence en 2008, et enfin au mouvement Occupy Wall Street – deux hagiographies, et un brûlot contre la gauche américaine.

    Ethno-nationalisme anti-immigration

    A cet égard, il est un outsider au même titre que le futur 45e président des Etats-Unis, pourfendeur des « élites » malgré un passage par la Harvard Business School (comme M. Trump à la Wharton School of Business de l’University of Pennsylvania), et contempteur de la mondialisation. Son ethno-nationalisme anti-immigration doublé d’une défiance absolue vis-à-vis de l’islam l’a rapproché de figures telles que la polémiste Ann Coulter ou la militante islamophobe Pamela Geller.
    M. Bannon s’est retrouvé spontanément dans la candidature de M. Trump, qui avait lancé en 2011 une croisade « nativiste » contre le président Barack Obama, accusé d’avoir menti sur son lieu de naissance et d’être en fait inéligible.

    Cette proximité a été entretenue par une série d’entretiens sur une radio rattachée à Breitbart News. Des extraits donnés par le Washington Post, mardi, mettent en évidence l’influence du polémiste sur le candidat, notamment au sujet de l’islam.
    Les deux hommes y partagent la dénonciation du politiquement correct, Breitbart étant devenu le refuge des républicains radicaux jugeant la chaîne conservatrice Fox News trop policée. Un puissant moteur de mobilisation, puisqu’une étude du Policy Religion Research Institute a montré, en octobre, que 69 % des électeurs blancs, la base électorale de M. Trump, jugent qu’il faut « parler franchement des sujets sensibles et des problèmes auxquels le pays est confronté même si cela peut offenser certaines personnes ».

    Le blanchiment opéré par M. Bannon, via son site, des thèses radicales de l’« alternative right » ou Alt-Right, tenue longtemps à la lisière du camp conservateur, explique que sa nomination ait été perçue comme une victoire stratégique et saluée par le nationaliste blanc Richard Spencer, du National Policy Institute comme du site Vdare, classés racistes par le Southern Poverty Law Center. David Duke, ancien responsable du Ku Klux Klan, battu aux élections pour le poste de gouverneur de la Louisiane en 1991, a été également un des premiers à louer la nomination de M. Bannon.

    Un ancien du site qui avait rompu avec lui en mars, Ben Shapiro, qui anime désormais sa propre plate-forme, The Daily Wire, a estimé après l’annonce de sa nomination que le procès pour racisme et antisémitisme instruit contre M. Bannon éclipse ce qui figure au cœur de la stratégie d’un guerrier idéologique fasciné par le pouvoir. A savoir la volonté de transformation du Parti républicain – qu’il abhorre autant que la gauche américaine – alignée sur les mots d’ordre des extrêmes droites européennes.

    C’est ce conflit que M. Trump a importé à la Maison Blanche. Il a nommé en effet le même jour le patron du Grand Old Party (GOP), Reince Priebus, au poste également stratégique de chief of staff, proche à la fois d’une fonction de chef de cabinet et de premier ministre. Cette association peut s’avérer explosive. Pour Breitbart, un proche de M. Priebus, le speaker (président) de la Chambre des représentants du Congrès, le républicain Paul Ryan, jugé trop modéré, est en effet une cible à abattre.

    M. Bannon a montré par le passé que la fin justifiait les moyens. Breitbart News a diffusé, mardi, un article sur la menace islamiste agrémenté d’une photo menaçante d’hommes masqués. Elle avait été publiée en mars 2015 par le site britannique The Independent avec une légende précisant qu’il s’agissait de soldats irakiens à l’exercice avant une offensive contre l’organisation Etat islamique.

    La veille, un titre laissait entendre que M. Trump avait remporté le vote populaire sans préciser que, pour parvenir à ce résultat, l’auteur avait exclu les villes où les démocrates sont nettement majoritaires.

  • CRISPR gene-editing tested in a person for the first time

    A Chinese group has become the first to inject a person with cells that contain genes edited using the revolutionary #CRISPR–Cas9 technique.

    On 28 October, a team led by oncologist Lu You at Sichuan University in Chengdu delivered the modified cells into a patient with aggressive lung cancer as part of a clinical trial at the West China Hospital, also in Chengdu.

    Earlier clinical trials using cells edited with a different technique have excited clinicians. The introduction of CRISPR, which is simpler and more efficient than other techniques, will probably accelerate the race to get gene-edited cells into the clinic across the world [...].


    The researchers removed immune cells from the recipient’s blood and then disabled a gene in them using CRISPR–Cas9, which combines a DNA-cutting enzyme with a molecular guide that can be programmed to tell the enzyme precisely where to cut. The disabled gene codes for the protein PD-1, which normally puts the brakes on a cell’s immune response: cancers take advantage of that function to proliferate.

    Lu’s team then cultured the edited cells, increasing their number, and injected them back into the patient, who has metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer. The hope is that, without PD-1, the edited cells will attack and defeat the cancer.

    #biologie #gènes #ADN

  • US against the world? Trump’s America and the new global order

    Donald Trump’s stunning electoral defeat of Hillary Clinton marks a watershed not just for American politics, but for the entire world order. We appear to be entering a new age of populist nationalism, in which the dominant liberal order that has been constructed since the 1950s has come under attack from angry and energised democratic majorities. The risk of sliding into a world of competitive and equally angry nationalisms is huge, and if this happens it would mark as momentous a juncture as the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
    Sample the FT’s top stories for a week

    The manner of Trump’s victory lays bare the social basis of the movement he has mobilised. A look at the voting map shows Clinton’s support concentrated geographically in cities along the coasts, with swaths of rural and small-town America voting solidly for Trump. The most surprising shifts were his flipping of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, three northern industrial states that were so solidly Democratic in recent elections that Clinton didn’t even bother to campaign in the latter one. He won by being able to win over unionised workers who had been hit by deindustrialisation, promising to “make America great again” by restoring their lost manufacturing jobs.

    #états-unis #trump

  • Facebook, I’m Begging You, Please Make Yourself Better

    The article that scared me most this election cycle appeared in the Washington Post, documenting how Melanie Austin, a single western Pennsylvania Trump supporter, gathered information about the world around her : almost exclusively vacuuming falsehoods via Google and social media. She is one among millions. You can blame Facebook outright for Trump’s victory, or not. But at the very least, we should demand from them some accountability for their role in spreading the present toxic sea of (...)

    #Facebook #algorithme #domination

  • There Are No True Rebels - Issue 41: Selection

    The notion that our choices are driven by our own personal thoughts and opinions seems so obvious that it’s not even worth mentioning,” Jonah Berger writes in the opening of his 2016 book, Invisible Influence: The Hidden Forces That Shape Behavior. “Except that it’s wrong.” Berger, an associate professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, has made a specialty of researching why we make the decisions we do. In his first book, the best-selling Contagious: Why Things Catch On, Berger, 36, explored the hows and whys of ideas and products that go viral. This time around, he looks more deeply at the ways our choices are impacted by the messenger.In Berger’s view, we are not as smart as we might think.Clockwise from top left: Wikipedia, Scott Olson/Getty Images, SAUL (...)

  • Pittsburgh residents demand their water be tested for lead - World Socialist Web Site

    A citer avec la traduction du papier “How ZIP codes nearly masked the lead problem in Flint”

    Water authorities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania are conducting political damage control over the city’s escalating water crisis. Thousands of residents are demanding that their water be tested for lead after a report from July indicated that 43 of the 100 homes tested have dangerously high levels of lead in their water.

    On September 12, Bernard Lindstrom, a former Colonel in the Army Corps of Engineers, became the latest in a string of interim directors of the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority (PWSA). His main focus, as he explained to reporters, was to rebuild public trust in the water system. Easier said than done. The department is woefully incapable of meeting demands of residents to test their water.

    #eau #plomb #cartographie #statistique #santé_publique #méthodologie

  • 22 Migrant Women Held in #Pennsylvania Start a Hunger Strike to Protest Detention

    Margarita Alberto cannot forget the tantrum her 6-year-old son threw several months ago. One afternoon he started shouting that he wanted to leave the Pennsylvania immigration detention center for families, where they have been held since Oct. 28, 2015, “He said, ‘It’s your fault that we’re here, your fault!’” Ms. Alberto said.
    #grève_de_la_faim #détention_administrative #rétention #asile #migrations #réfugiés #femmes #USA #Etats-Unis #Pennsylvanie #Leesport

  • Attempting Regime-Change in Palestine | رأي اليوم
    By Abdel Bari Atwan | September 11, 2016

    All of a sudden and with no preliminaries, the world was informed that there exists an ‘Arab Quartet’ on Palestine, and that it has a plan.
    This group – consisting of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and the UAE — proposes reviving and taking forward the Palestinian cause by brokering two reconciliations. The first would be within the Fateh movement, based on the readmission of former Gaza Strip security chief Muhammad Dahlan who was expelled along with some of his supporters in 2011, and has since been based in and sponsored by the UAE. The second would be between Fateh in the West Bank and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and that would in turn enable the moribund in stitutions of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to be reactivated.
    The proponents of this plan, according to leaked accounts of the talks they held, threatenedthat if no agreement were reached – in other words, if Palestinian Authority (PA) President and Fateh leader Mahmoud Abbas were to refuse to reinstate Dahlan and his acolytes — the Arab League would be prepared to intervene. It would take measures it deems to be in the Palestinian people’s interest, and some Arab states might individually consider adopting alternative approaches to the Palestinians and the conflict with Israel.

    • (...)In the current case, it there is clearly no political difference to speak of between Abbas and Dahlan. Both remain devoted to the 1993 Oslo Accords and the never-ending process of negotiations. Both oppose resistance, whether armed or otherwise, as a means of ending the occupation. Both believe that the Palestinian right of return is impractical and redundant. And both are committed to security coordination with Israel and maintain close contacts with the occupying power. They were once allies against Arafat. Dahlan used to boast that it was he who propelled Abbas to the leadership of Fateh and the PA after Arafat was assassinated. The disagreement between the two men has never been over national causes, but personal and financial issues.
      Equally worrying is the prospect that the Arab Quartet’s pressure could drive Abbas into offering even bigger concessions to the Israelis to ensure he remains in his post. In a very real sense, the contest between him and Dahlan is over who can be more accommodating to Israel. Two of the Quartet’s members, Egypt and Jordan, openly have diplomatic relations with Israel and routinely coordinate their moves with it. The other two, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, have covert and indirect contacts with it, and could well be seeking Palestinian cover for full normalization with Israel. Their sudden activity on the Palestinian front should be seen in this light. The identity of the individual who provides the cover – Abbas or Dahlan – is of secondary importance.
      The Palestinian cause does not need a change of figureheads. It needs a change of course, and a political renewal based on new foundations, foremost of which is resistance to the occupation.

  • Nuclear accident in New Mexico ranks among the costliest in U.S. history - LA Times

    When a drum containing radioactive waste blew up in an underground nuclear dump in New Mexico two years ago, the Energy Department rushed to quell concerns in the Carlsbad desert community and quickly reported progress on resuming operations.

    The early federal statements gave no hint that the blast had caused massive long-term damage to the dump, a facility crucial to the nuclear weapons cleanup program that spans the nation, or that it would jeopardize the Energy Department’s credibility in dealing with the tricky problem of radioactive waste.

    But the explosion ranks among the costliest nuclear accidents in U.S. history, according to a Times analysis. The long-term cost of the mishap could top $2 billion, an amount roughly in the range of the cleanup after the 1979 partial meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania.
    The dump, officially known as the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, was designed to place waste from nuclear weapons production since World War II into ancient salt beds, which engineers say will collapse around the waste and permanently seal it. The equivalent of 277,000 drums of radioactive waste is headed to the dump, according to federal documents.

    The dump was dug much like a conventional mine, with vertical shafts and a maze of horizontal drifts. It had operated problem-free for 15 years and was touted by the Energy Department as a major success until the explosion, which involved a drum of of plutonium and americium waste that had been packaged at the Los Alamos National Laboratory.

    The problem was traced to material — actual kitty litter — used to blot up liquids in sealed drums. Lab officials had decided to substitute an organic material for a mineral one. But the new material caused a complex chemical reaction that blew the lid off a drum, sending mounds of white, radioactive foam into the air and contaminating 35% of the underground area.

  • “Balance billing” and “drive-by doctors” are contributing to growing out-of-pocket medical costs.

    Surprise medical bills from out-of-network providers are an all-too-common phenomenon, and in many cases a legal one. As insurers shrink the number of providers they contract with to participate in their networks to save money and crack down on the nation’s growing medical expenditures, consumers are more and more likely to inadvertently encounter an out-of-network provider and get balance-billed in the process. Last year, a Consumers Union survey found that over a two-year period, 30 percent of those with private health insurance received a surprise medical bill. In 2008, BusinessWeek estimated consumers paid at least $1 billion in balance-billing charges annually, a number that has almost certainly grown substantially. Since that time, after all, out-of-pocket medical costs for households with employer-provided health insurance have increased by more than 50 percent.

    Consumers get hit with balance bills because in many places they’re powerless to stop them. In only a minority of states is there significant regulation of balance billing by doctors and other medical providers, but loopholes remain. New York offers some of the most significant protection, with prohibitions on balance billing in emergencies and in situations like Perry’s; even there, self-funded employer health plans—which many large corporations use to cover their employees—are exempt. Pennsylvania, where Perry lives, currently offers limited protection from balance billing in emergency situations, though there is a proposal on the table that would further limit the practice in some situations. The Obama administration recently proposed an initiative that would mandate hospitals attempt to ensure patients receive services from providers that accept their insurance, but almost no one expects any movement on that issue in perpetually gridlocked Washington .

    #prix des #soins_de_santé aux #Etats-Unis #vol_légalisé

  • New Study Shows Reading Harry Potter Lowers Americans’ Opinions of Donald Trump

    Harry may not be a full-on patronus against the Republican presidential nominee’s appeal, but reading Potter stories does appear to be a shield charm against Trump’s message.

    A new study to be published in a special 2016 election issue of PS: Political Science and Politics finds that reading Harry Potter books leads Americans to take a lower opinion of Donald Trump. In fact, the more books the participants read, the greater the effect.

    Even when controlling for party identification, gender, education level, age, evangelical self-identification, and social dominance orientation — all factors known to predict Americans’ attitudes toward Donald Trump — the Harry Potter effect remained.

    The study, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Donald?,” was written by Professor Diana Mutz, the Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Political Science and Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication and in the Department of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

  • The Rise of Women Farmers and Sustainable Agriculture | University of Iowa Press

    A profound shift is occurring among women working in agriculture—they are increasingly seeing themselves as farmers, not only as the wives or daughters of farmers. The authors draw on more than a decade of research to document and analyze the reasons for the transformation. As their sense of identity changes, many female farmers are challenging the sexism they face in their chosen profession. In this book, farm women in the northeastern United States describe how they got into farming and became successful entrepreneurs despite the barriers they encountered in agricultural institutions, farming communities, and even their own families. Their strategies for obtaining land and labor and developing successful businesses offer models for other aspiring farmers.
    #femmes #agriculture #livre

    Pulling down the barriers that women face requires organizations and institutions to become informed by what the authors call a feminist agrifood systems theory (FAST). This framework values women’s ways of knowing and working in agriculture: emphasizing personal, economic, and environmental sustainability, creating connections through the food system, and developing networks that emphasize collaboration and peer-to-peer education. The creation and growth of a specific organization, the Pennsylvania Women’s Agricultural Network, offers a blueprint for others seeking to incorporate a feminist agrifood systems approach into agricultural programming. The theory has the potential to shift how farmers, agricultural professionals, and anyone else interested in farming think about gender and sustainability, as well as to change how feminist scholars and theorists think about agriculture.

  • 1.4 Million Adults Identify As Transgender In America, Study Says : The Two-Way : NPR

    A map of the U.S. shows the number of adults who identify as transgender by state. Darker colors indicate a higher percentage.
    Williams Institute

    The numbers fluctuate by state, but they also double the findings from a decade ago: An estimated 1.4 million people – around 0.6 percent of U.S. adults — identify as transgender, according to a new study.
    The fully urban District of Columbia has the highest percentage of adults who identify as transgender, with 14,550 people — around 2.77 percent of the federal district’s population.

    Several states have 100,000 or more people who identify as transgender, according to the researchers: California, with 218,000; Florida, with 100,300; and Texas, with 125,350.

    The highest percentages of adults identifying as transgender per state were found in Hawaii, California, Georgia, and New Mexico — all with 0.8 percent — followed by Texas and Florida with 0.7 percent, according to the study.

    Five states were found to have the lowest percentages of transgender-identified adults, all with 0.3 percent: North Dakota, Iowa, Wyoming, Montana, and South Dakota.

    • L’étude How Many Adults Identify as Transgender in the United States ?

      et sa méthodologie dans le résumé

      This report utilizes data from the CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) to estimate the percentage and number of adults who identify as transgender nationally and in all 50 states.
      To estimate the population by state, we relied on multilevel regression and post-stratification.

      Dans le détail de la méthodologie, il s’agit d’un module optionnel (par état) de l’enquête nationale de la CDC.

      Since this question is included in an optional module, some states did not ask this question while others did. The 19 states that did ask this question include: Delaware, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

      In total, 0.52% of BRFSS respondents in these states identified as transgender, and 151,456 respondents answered this question.

      Et les détails sur le questionnaire

      The BRFSS contains optional module questionnaires in addition to its standard questionnaire for each state.9 The 2014 BRFSS had 19 optional modules that states were able to opt-into. One of the modules contained the following question:
      Do you consider yourself to be transgender?
      • Yes
      • No

      [If Yes] Do you consider yourself to be male-to-female, female-to-male, or gender non-conforming?
      If the interviewer is asked for a definition of transgender, they respond:
      Some people describe themselves as transgender when they experience a different gender identity from their sex at birth. For example, a person born into a male body, but who feels female or lives as a woman would be transgender. Some transgender people change their physical appearance so that it matches their internal gender identity. Some transgender people take hormones and some have surgery. A transgender person may be of any sexual orientation – straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

  • First #CRISPR clinical trial gets green light from US panel : Nature News & Comment

    CRISPR, the genome-editing technology that has taken biomedical science by storm, is finally nearing human trials.

    On 21 June, an advisory committee at the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) approved a proposal to use CRISPR–Cas9 to help augment #cancer therapies that rely on enlisting a patient’s T cells, a type of immune cell.

    Cell therapies [for cancer] are so promising but the majority of people who get these therapies have a disease that relapses,” says study leader Edward Stadtmauer, a physician at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Gene editing could improve such treatments and eliminate some of their vulnerabilities to cancer and the body’s immune system, he says.
    The researchers will remove T cells from 18 patients with several types of cancers and perform three CRISPR edits on them. One edit will insert a gene for a protein engineered to detect cancer cells and instruct the T cells to target them, and a second edit removes a natural T-cell protein that could interfere with this process. The third is defensive: it will remove the gene for a protein that identifies the T cells as immune cells and prevent the cancer cells from disabling them. The researchers will then infuse the edited cells back into the patient.

  • A Decade as a Woman in the Tech Industry — Medium

    I grew up on a small dairy farm in Pennsylvania. When friends were celebrating at 4th of July picnics, I was unloading wagon loads of hay. I knew early that farming was not going to be my career of choice, but it gave me a strong work ethic, for which I’m grateful.

  • The superbug that doctors have been dreading just reached the U.S. | The Washington Post

    For the first time, researchers have found a person in the United States carrying bacteria resistant to antibiotics of last resort, an alarming development that the top U.S. public health official says could mean “the end of the road” for antibiotics.

    The antibiotic-resistant strain was found last month in the urine of a 49-year-old Pennsylvania woman. Defense Department researchers determined that she carried a strain of E. coli resistant to the antibiotic colistin, according to a study published Thursday in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, a publication of the American Society for Microbiology. The authors wrote that the discovery “heralds the emergence of a truly pan-drug resistant bacteria.”


    « J’essaie d’être aussi impliqué que possible dans la révision et la supervision de l’impression de mon travail, mais très souvent, les impressions sont faites et expédiées quand je suis en voyage. C’est ce qui s’est passé dans ce cas précis », a-t-il déclaré à Petapixel. Face à cette « erreur » – une « modification » visant à « simplifier le fond » qu’il n’aurait « jamais autorisée » –, il précise : « J’ai pris des mesures pour changer les procédures à mon studio qui empêcheront que ce genre d’incident arrive à nouveau. » Par ailleurs, le technicien qui a fait cette manipulation de sa propre « initiative » ne travaille plus pour lui, assure-t-il.

    Qu’est-ce que ça peut être con un photo journaliste quand même. Au point de croire à ses propres mensonges finalement. Ainsi leur demi dieu de la photographie a commencé par leur écrire un évangile pas hyper crédible à propos de l’instant décisif et dont l’image qui en était l’illustration était en soi un faux miracle, un homme saute au dessus d’une flaque d’eau, l’instant est en suspens, c’est l’instant décisif qu’il a été nécessaire de tenter de fixer une bonne trentaine de fois, combien de bonshommes ont sauté au dessus de cette flaque d’eau avant que le petit maître de mes deux finisse par déclencher au bon moment.

    Et ce sont des générations et des générations de ce petit maître qui sont venus nous expliquer que si si cette évangile de l’instant évangile de l’instant décisif c’était la vérité photographique par excellence.

    Voilà vingt ans qu’existe la photographie numérique et une bonne trentaine d’années la retouche d’images numériques et les apprentis apôtres continuent de jurer leurs grands dieux que si si ce sont des morceaux de la vraie croix qu’ils nous rapportent de leurs reportages et que naturellement leurs petits arrangements avec ce que eux continuent de croire qu’elle existe, la réalité, sont au mieux invisibles, sans comprendre que la réalité c’est avant tout l’idée que l’on s’en fait.

    Ce qui m’amuse par dessus tout c’est comment un gramme de merdre rend inconsommable un kilogramme de caviar pour plagier Roland Topor et donc un gramme de mensonge, de fiction, dans toute une oeuvre censée « être » la réalité et c’est toute l’oeuvre qui rejoint la pile de mensonges. A vrai dire, en ce qui me concerne, et cela depuis longtemps, c’est toute la profession qui est éclaboussée.

    Et donc, on apprend qu’en fait Steve Mac Curry n’est pas vraiment l’auteur de ses images et qu’en plus quand un de ses nègres fait un pâté, et bien il est viré.

    Et quelqu’un m’expliquera-t-il quel peut bien être l’intérêt de cette photographie à laquelle je ne parviens pas du tout, mais alors pas du tout, à trouver la moindre qualité, le moindre intérêt

    • Eyes of the Afghan Girl: A Critical Take on the ’Steve McCurry Scandal’

      In a press conference held at an exhibition of his work in Canada on the 27th of May, he said the he was not in favor of “Photoshopping” or “adding and subtracting elements from a picture” and that the software should only be used as means of colour balance and correction. Three days later though, in the interview with TIME, he said that he will “rein in his use of Photoshop” when asked about the controversy, while not directly making a reference to the fact that he has done so in the past or what exactly lead to the glaring differences in between the different versions of the published images. The removal of his entire blog and subsequent silence for a number of days raises further questions.

      The most perturbing of McCurry’s statements is his claim that he is no longer a photojournalist and more of a “visual storyteller”. The statement in itself is very alarming when you take into account the context that it was said in. The majority of McCurry’s career has been spent photographing subjects for journalistic stories and features, though he now believes otherwise.

      “The years of covering conflict zones are in the distant past,” he told TIME. “Except for a brief time at a local newspaper in Pennsylvania, I have never been an employee of a newspaper, news magazine, or other news outlet. I have always freelanced.”

      One must surely argue that by merely categorizing himself now as a visual storyteller, does not absolve McCurry of the ethics of simple photographic practice, i.e. depicting things the way they are, something he claims to always strive to according to this TED talk from just a few years ago.

  • Hamas slams detention of 3 Palestinians by PA as ’collaboration’ with Israel
    April 10, 2016 2:04 P.M. (Updated : April 10, 2016 3:22 P.M.)

    RAMALLAH (Ma’an) — Palestinian security forces found and detained three Palestinians on Saturday who had been reported missing, in a move slammed by the Hamas movement as collaboration between PA and Israeli authorities to thwart a planned attack inside Israel.

    The Hamas movement responded to the incident, accusing the Palestinian security services of “cooperation with the Israeli occupation” in the detention of three “resistance fighters.”

    Sources from the Palestinian general intelligence said an intelligence officer noticed three Palestinians walking Saturday in a mountainous area known locally as Ein al-Leimoon in the village of Mazari al-Nubani near Ramallah in the central occupied West Bank.

    The officer reportedly thought the Palestinians were Israeli settlers, according to the sources, and notified his office who sent a joint force of Palestinian intelligence officers and police officers from the Arura police station.

    The Palestinians identified themselves to the forces as 33-year-old Basil Mahmoud al-Aaraj from al-Walaja village near Bethlehem, 23-year-old Muhammad Abdullah Harb from Jenin, and 19-year-old Haytham al-Sayyaj from Hebron.


    L’AP arrête les 3 jeunes disparus et déjoue “une attaque à grande échelle” contre les Israéliens

    Le trio a été retrouvé au nord de Ramallah avec des grenades et des armes semi-automatiques ; des sources sécuritaires palestiniennes affirment qu’ils sont membres du Hamas

    Avi Issacharoff 10 avril 2016, 12:41

    • Five Palestinians Detained and Tortured by the Palestinian Security Forces
      11 April 2016

      Ramallah - The Magistrate’s Court of the Palestinian Authority extended the detention of five young Palestinians for further interrogation. These extensions apply to the following detainees: Basil Al-Araj (33 years old), Mohammed Harb (23 years old), Haytham Siyaj (19 years old), Mohammed Al-Salamen (19 years old) and Ali Dar al Sheikh (22 years old). Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association’s attorney confirmed that the detainees were subjected to different forms of ill-treatment, including sitting in stress positions (Shabah), sleep deprivation, continued interrogation, beating all over the body, insults and denial of using bathroom – which they reported to an attorney during the court hearing. Since the arrest of the five young men, they have been denied access to attorney visits, despite having previous confirmation to the attorney that he would be able to enter. The Palestinian police forces have arrested three of them (Basil Al-Araj, Mohammed Harb and Haytham Siyaj) on Saturday night, near Ramallah, after which they were taken to Intelligence Unit in Ramallah. The other two young men were arrested a week before.

  • Parents in trouble with the law - Pictures - CBS News

    Chez nous c’est la fin des vacances scolaires de pâques. Les parents recommencent à faire pression sur les cancres. En Floride aux États-Unis une maman est allée trop loin en obligeant sa fille à porter un t-shirt avec le graffiti ci-dessus. Sur le dos elle a adressé les mots suivants aux camarades de sa fille :

    “My eating French Fries and being a social butterfly is over because I know why my parents send me to school”

    Suite à la publication de son oeuvre la maman a subi une garde a vue prolongée pour abus de mineurs.

    Ces reportages sur les parents abusifs sont toujours tristes à pleurer. On y découvre la pauvreté extrème et le désespoir sans issue. Sous l’URL cité plus haut CBS News présente des histoires encore pires, comme celle des parents qui attachent leur fils de 17 ans avec des chaînes dans la cave et le nourrrissent à peine parce qu’il ne savent pas comment gérer le trouble bipolaire dont l’adolescent est victime.

    C’est dur pour les enfants de pauvres quand il n’y a ni moyens de transport en commun ni sécurité sociale.

    La rubrique manhunt nous plonge encore plus profondément dans l’abîme de la catastrophe humanitaire aux #USA.

    Woman stole $800 worth of toothbrushes from Pennsylvania CVS, cops say - CBS News

    Cops : Man angry about cleaning shoots fast-food worker

    Newborn girl found abandoned in Mesa, Arizona yard

    VIDEO : Suspects use rock to break into California pharmacy

    Police scratching heads over suspected serial Rogaine thief

    Cops : Inmate captured after swallowing pens, escaping hospital

    Police : Baby killed by shots likely aimed at alleged gang member dad

    Chinese fugitive accused of killing teen nephews to be extradited

    « Affluenza » teen and mom to be sent back to U.S.

    Couple terrorized in Ga. home invasion speak out

    Tuskegee airman, 93, carjacked and robbed in the same night

    Complaint : Wal-Mart kidnapper told victim she broke his heart

    Manhunt for Ohio teens accused in Pennsylvania armed robbery

    #éducation #école #USA #wtf

    • Comme d’habitude, j’ai l’impression que les médias oublient l’essentiel pour se concentrer sur le sensationnel, car dans l’article ils précisent que sa mère l’avait battue avant de l’envoyer à l’école, mais après ils disent que c’est pour le t-shirt qu’elle est condamnée.

    • @nicolasm bof, souvent les pères ne sont qu’un vecteur de la misère générale ...
      Dans notre univers il est à la société de remplir le vide matériel laissé par leur absence, pour les admirateurs de la vielle folle Ayn Rand et les adeptes de la théologie de la prospérité c’est à la mère de prouver si elle est digne de la prospérité.
      On est aux USA, ...

      Prosperity theology

      Recent U.S. history
      The Neo-Pentecostal movement has been characterized in part by an emphasis on prosperity theology, which gained greater acceptance within charismatic Christianity during the late 1990s. By 2006, three of the four largest congregations in the United States were teaching prosperity theology, and Joel Osteen has been credited with spreading it outside of the Pentecostal and Charismatic movement through his books, which have sold over 4 million copies. Bruce Wilkinson’s The Prayer of Jabez also sold millions of copies and invited readers to seek prosperity.

      International growth
      In the 2000s, churches teaching prosperity theology saw significant growth in the Third World. According to Philip Jenkins of Pennsylvania State University, poor citizens of impoverished countries often find the doctrine appealing because of their economic powerlessness and the doctrine’s emphasis on miracles. One region seeing explosive growth is Western Africa, particularly Nigeria. In the Philippines, the El Shaddai movement, part of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, has spread prosperity theology outside Protestant Christianity. One South Korean prosperity church, Yoido Full Gospel Church, gained attention in the 1990s by claiming to be the world’s largest congregation.

      Ayn Rand

      In 1976, she retired from writing her newsletter and, despite her initial objections, allowed Evva Pryor, a social worker from her attorney’s office, to enroll her in Social Security and Medicare.
      Rand’s funeral was attended by some of her prominent followers, including Alan Greenspan.


      The essence of Objectivist ethics is summarized by the oath her Atlas Shrugged character John Galt adhered to: “I swear—by my life and my love of it—that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”

      #argh !

    • @nicolasm Je vois. Puisqu’il est puni de passer un entretien d’embauche sous ces conditions, la pauvre serait mieux partie en laissant les gamins dans la voiture pendant qu’elle braque une banque ;-)

    • A new malware scam is posing as a speeding ticket email with a fake link that is said to load malicious code onto users’ computers. The emails, sent to at least few local residents in Tredyffrin, Pennsylvania, purport to come from the local police department. Malware emails that masquerade as something official are not rare, but these messages are fairly unique: they are said to contain accurate speeding data, including street names, speed limits, and actual driving speeds, according to the Tredyffrin Police Department, located close to Philadelphia.

      Y a vraiment des artistes et des génies dans le tas

  • Israel stops Indonesia’s foreign minister from meeting with PA: Report | Middle East Eye | Sunday 13 March 2016

    Israeli authorities reportedly stopped Indonesia’s foreign minister from entering Ramallah to visit the Palestinian authority, local media has reported.

    The Israeli decision to prevent Retno Marsudi’s entry to Ramallah was sparked when she refused to meet with Israeli government officials in Jerusalem, Haaretz reported.

    Marsudi was reportedly travelling to Ramallah to dedicate an honorary Indonesian consulate to the PA and to meet Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki and President Mahmoud Abbas.

    There are no diplomatic ties between Indonesia and Israel, but Haartez reported that, in recent days, there has been contact between the two countries as Israeli officials insisted that if Marsudi visited Ramallah, she would also need to meet with Israeli politicians in Jerusalem.

  • PA leaders meet with Israel, threaten to end security coordination
    March 3, 2016 12:21 P.M. (Updated: March 3, 2016 12:27 P.M.)

    BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — A delegation from the Palestinian Authority (PA) officially warned Israeli authorities several days ago that the Palestinian government would end its security coordination with Israel if the state did not “commit to past agreements,” a member of the PLO executive committee told Ma’an.

    Wassel Abu Youssef said the head of PA Intelligence Majed Faraj, as well as the Palestinian Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein al-Sheikh and head of PA preventive security Ziyad Hab al-Reeh, met with an Israeli security delegation to deliver the warning.

    The PA delegation informed their Israeli counterparts that the PLO Central Council came to an official decision to work towards ending security coordination with Israel if the “current situation” were to continue, Abu Youssef said.

    Abu Youssef stressed that Palestinian leadership does not fear the consequences of ending security coordination, as Israel is already “carrying out an open war against Palestinians.”

    He added that the decision to end security coordination has the support of other Arab countries.

    Abu Youssef said PA leaderships expects to be contacted by Israeli authorities trying to challenge the Palestinian government and to pressure the PA to reconsider its stance.

    Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made the same announcement during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly on Oct. 30.

    While many understood the president’s speech to be groundbreaking, no clear changes have been made in regards to security cooperation between the PA and Israel in occupied Palestinian territory.


  • #Silicon_army : le président de #Google devient (officiellement) conseiller pour le Pentagone

    Le ministère américain de la Défense embauche chez Google. Eric Schmidt, président de la holding Alphabet, qui englobe le moteur de recherche, va en effet prendre la direction d’un nouveau comité de conseil du Pentagone en matière d’innovation technologique. Il sera à la tête d’une douzaine de personnes et conseillera l’armée sur des domaines « très connus de la Silicon Valley » (…)

    Le département de la Défense a aussi annoncé mercredi le concours « Piratez le Pentagone », qui offre une récompense pécuniaire à ceux qui parviendront à trouver des failles sur les pages Internet de l’entité.

    Le communiqué :

    L’an dernier, le « Wall Street Journal » révélait qu’Eric Schmidt et Larry Page, co-fondateur de Google, s’étaient rendus à la Maison Blanche plus de 200 fois depuis que Barack Obama avait été élu.

    Résumé en deux tweets :

    • A propos du concours de hackers : bug bounty et pentesting

      Le Pentagone organise ce que l’on appelle un “Bug Bounty” : cela consiste à inviter des hackers à identifier des failles de sécurité dans ses technologies, et à les récompenser quand ils en découvrent. Plus la faille trouvée est critique, plus la récompense est élevée. C’est une pratique assez courante chez les géants des technologies aux Etats-Unis, initiée par Netscape dès 1995.

      Aujourd’hui, la plupart des grands de la Silicon Valley pratiquent le Bug Bounty afin de sécuriser leurs technologies : Yahoo, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Paypal, IBM, eBay… Mais des entreprises hors du cadre strict des technologies s’y mettent également, tel United Airlines ou General Motors.

      Cette approche de la détection de faille de sécurité connait un boom aux Etats-Unis depuis quelques années, car elle se révèle être un complément indispensable à l’approche traditionnelle, le pentesting, qui consiste à mobiliser un ou deux experts durant quelques semaines en leur confiant la mission de découvrir ces même failles. Avec un Bug Bounty, on peut attirer bien plus de monde, et par là même des compétences et des approches bien plus variées, reflétant la diversité que l’on peut trouver du coté des attaquants. Qui plus est, un Bug Bounty peut être ouvert de façon indéfinie, offrant une attention permanente, là où elle n’était que ponctuelle auparavant avec la précédente approche, le pentesting. Enfin, c’est une approche bien plus rationnelle en termes de ROI : plutôt que d’acheter du temps de recherche d’un ou deux experts, on achète directement auprès des experts le résultat de cette recherche.

      Le fait que le Pentagone organise son propre Bug Bounty est en quelque sorte la validation ultime de cette approche de la sécurité informatique, qui fait appel à la foule sur le mode du crowdsourcing et de l’“économie collaborative”. 

      Aux Etats-Unis, c’est une pratique courante, et l’arrivée du Pentagone n’est que l’aboutissement d’un mouvement entammé depuis des années par tous les géants des technologies, alors qu’en Europe, cette approche de la sécurité informatique est apparue plus récemment. Deux plateformes de Bug Bounty on été lancées cette année en France : Yogosha et BountyFactory.


    • Increasingly eclectic Pentagon innovation board adds Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jeff Bezos

      The board now includes 15 members and is at full size. Other members named Tuesday include Jennifer Pahlka, the founder and executive director of Code for America; Milo Medin, Google’s vice president for access services, broadband and fiber network; Instagram chief executive Marne Levine; J. Michael McQuade, United Technologies’s senior vice president for science and technology. Adam Grant, an organizational psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School; Richard Murray, a bioengineering professor at the California Institute of Technology; Cass Sunstein, a legal scholar at Harvard; Danny Hillis, co-founder of Applied Inventions; and Eric Lander, the founding director of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, whose focus includes biomedical and genomic research.

      Carter announced in June that he had named retired Navy Adm. William McRaven, LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman and Aspen Institute chief executive Walter Isaacson to the board.

  • Palestinian Authority Treats Its Own People as the Enemy
    Israeli policy dictates the impoverishment and unemployment in the West Bank, but coping with it falls on the shoulders of the PA, the buffer between the principal culprit and the people.

    Amira Hass Feb 24, 2016 1

    “Where are you; don’t you know what’s going on?”
    “I’m busy with demolitions.”
    “Forget the demolitions; checkpoints are surrounding every town.”
    “You mean the army still thinks that’s a deterrent?”
    “Forget the Jews; all the Palestinian Authority security services set up checkpoints this morning at the exits from the cities and the entrance to Ramallah/El Bireh, to prevent the teachers from attending a demonstration against the failure to honor wage agreements signed with them back in 2013. What have we come to? What have we come to?”
    Yesterday, the PA security services set up rings of checkpoints in the Area A enclaves, where Israel allows the Palestinian police to carry weapons. They removed teachers from buses and threatened to confiscate their identity cards. The buses hired to transport the teachers were told to go back home. Taxi drivers were told they would lose their licenses if they drove demonstrators.