
  • Egypt-Saudi Arabia Handshake between king and president points to waning tensions | MadaMasr

    Some signals suggest a possible de-escalation between Egypt and Saudi Arabia, whose usually tight relations have recently witnessed turbulence.

    The Jordan Arab Summit, held on March 29, saw the leaders of both countries, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and King Salman bin Abdulaziz, meet and shake hands, while their respective ministers of foreign affairs agreed to set up a “committee for political follow-up.”

    Meanwhile, earlier in February, King Salman visited the Egyptian wing at the Jenaderiyah cultural festival, in what was interpreted as a gesture of restoring relations.

    One of the latest points of contention between the two countries concerns the Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir, which Egypt ceded sovereignty over in April 2016, following an agreement between the two governments. However, the Egyptian Supreme Administrative Court ruled on January 16 against the agreement, declaring the islands Egyptian. The court argued that the Egyptian government failed to submit documents in support of Saudi sovereignty.

    But the legal contest didn’t stop here. On April 2, a court of urgent matters annulled the supreme court’s ruling. Parliament took a decisive step forward on April 10, one day after Coptic Christian churches in Alexandria and Tanta were bombed in attacks claimed by the Province of Sinai. In its first session after the bombings, Parliament referred the case to its legislative and constitutional affairs committee, where it will undergo a preliminary vote before a final vote takes place in the general assembly. It is a development aligned with what officials have said in closed quarters for some time. 

    “Saudi Arabia has reassurances from Cairo that it will receive the two islands in any case. But it also blames Cairo for managing this issue poorly,” says an Egyptian official working at the General Secretariat of the Arab League, who spoke to Mada Masr on condition of anonymity.

  • Grand reportage audio - Survivre entre deux feux dans le Nord-Sinaï
    RFI Par François Hume-Ferkatadji | Diffusion : lundi 3 avril 2017

    Depuis 3 ans et demi, le Nord-Sinaï égyptien, à la frontière avec Gaza et Israël, est le théâtre de violents affrontements entre insurgés islamistes et forces de sécurité égyptiennes. Depuis que l’armée a destitué le président islamiste Mohamed Morsi, en juillet 2013, les rebelles ultraradicaux visent la police et l’armée, faisant des centaines de morts. En novembre 2014, l’organisation jihadiste Ansar Beit el-Maqdis, a prêté allégeance au groupe Etat islamique devenant ainsi « Province du Sinaï ».
    L’armée égyptienne annonce pratiquement quotidiennement avoir tué des « takfiristes », plusieurs plus de 700 auraient été tués depuis le début du conflit.
    Au milieu de ces violences : les civils. Depuis peu, ils ont décidé de faire entendre leur voix. Ils souffrent d’une situation devenue insupportable : aux menaces et à la terreur imposées par les membres du groupe Etat islamique, s’ajoutent de très dures restrictions imposées par l’armée : couvre-feu, déplacements forcés de population, pénuries en tous genres… quand ce n’est pas des exécutions extrajudiciaires, et des arrestations arbitraires. Pour décrire la situation au Nord Sinaï, les habitants parlent désormais d’un terrorisme islamiste contre un terrorisme d’Etat.

    #Nord-Sinaï_égyptien #Al_Arish

  • The “ISIS spring” in #North_Africa

    The Islamic State in Iraq and #syria (ISIS) (aka the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant [ISIL]) is expanding beyond the Levant. Establishing Wilyat Sinai (the Province of Sinai) was just the start, and now the group is determined to expand into all of North Africa. What happened in Sirte yesterday is just one episode in a series geared toward launching an “ISIS Spring” on the African continent.

    #Anwar_Sadat #Articles #Bashar_al-Assad #Boko_Haram #Cameroon #Chad #Egypt #ISIL #ISIS #Morocco #Niger #Nigeria #Mideast_&_North_Africa